牛津译林版八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Travelling短语默写 现在完成时练习(含答案)

译林版 8B U2 短语默写+现在完成时练习
区别have been to ,have gone to ,have been in
1.(2021湖北鄂州)—Would you like something to drink
—No, thanks. I______ some tea already.
A. have drunk B. was drinking C. will drink D. drink
2.(2021辽宁丹东)—_______ your homework
—Not yet. I'll finish it in ten minutes.
A. Did you finish B. Have you finished
C. Will you finish D. Do you finish
3.(2022·辽宁丹东)—It's a pity that there is no ticket for sale.
—Don't worry. 1_____the tickets.
A.am buying B. buy C. was buying D. have bought
4.2022·山东滨州)—What is the Trip Code(行程码)used for
—It's used to show where you______ in the last 14 days.
were B. will be C. have been D. had been
5.(2022·辽宁沈阳)The Art of War is great and I______ it many times so far.
A. read B. have read C.am reading D. will read
6.(2022·辽宁营口)David is very productive and_____ five books in the past ten years.
A. writes B. wrote C. has written D. is writing
7.(2022·内蒙古包头)Christine______ the family's Sunday lunch since she was 12 years old.
A. cooks B. cooked C. will cook D. has cooked
8.(2022·贵州铜仁)—Mike, why are you standing outdoors
—1_____ my keys. I have to wait here until my mother comes back.
A. have lost B. will lose C. had lost D. lose
9. (2022·湖北鄂州)—Would you like to see the movie Changjin Lake this evening
—Oh, it's a good movie. But I______ it already
A. saw B. have seen C. see D. will see
10.(2022·黑龙江齐齐哈尔)So far, red tourism(旅游业)_____quickly and it's becoming more and more popular.
A. developed B. will develop C. has developed
11.(2022湖北武汉)—Congratulations! You______ big progress in the last three years.
—Thank you, Mr Li. 1'll never forget the good times in Junior High.
A. make B. made C. have made D. will make
12. (2022·四川达州)— Bruce______ so much in the past two years.
— Yeah, he_____ be shy, but now he is confident and active.
A. has changed; used to B. changed; is used to
C. changed; used to D. has changed; is used to
beautiful,adj,漂亮的,__beauty,n,漂亮,_natural beauty自然美
dead,adj,死的,_die___,死,v,_death______,n,死,__die out_,灭绝
busy,adj,忙的,_business_,n,公事,生意,_on business___出差
direct,adj,直接的,直达的,_directly__直接地,直达地,adv,__direction__n,方向,in all directions__四面八方
区别have been to ,have gone to ,have been in
have been to 去过已回
have gone to 去了未回
have been in 在某地待了多久
He has been to Nanjing twice.
Our English teacher wasn’t at school, he has gone to America.
Jane has been in Japan for two years. / since two years ago.
I ran after them and couldn’t stop taking photos.
I bought a couple of key rings for my classmates.
At the end of the day, we watched the fireworks in front of Sleeping Beauty castle.
begin/start be on / have been on
finish/stop be over / have been over
come/go/arrive be in (at) / have been in (at)
leave be away from / have been away from
borrow keep / have kept
join be in (be a member of)/ have been in (have been a member of)
marry be married / have been married
die be dead / have been dead
1.(2021湖北鄂州)—Would you like something to drink
—No, thanks. I___A___ some tea already.
A. have drunk B. was drinking C. will drink D. drink
2.(2021辽宁丹东)—___B____ your homework
—Not yet. I'll finish it in ten minutes.
A. Did you finish B. Have you finished
C. Will you finish D. Do you finish
3.(2022·辽宁丹东)—It's a pity that there is no ticket for sale.
—Don't worry. 1__D___the tickets.
A.am buying B. buy C. was buying D. have bought
4.2022·山东滨州)—What is the Trip Code(行程码)used for
—It's used to show where you___C___ in the last 14 days.
were B. will be C. have been D. had been
5.(2022·辽宁沈阳)The Art of War is great and I___B___ it many times so far.
A. read B. have read C.am reading D. will read
6.(2022·辽宁营口)David is very productive and__C___ five books in the past ten years.
A. writes B. wrote C. has written D. is writing
7.(2022·内蒙古包头)Christine___D___ the family's Sunday lunch since she was 12 years old.
A. cooks B. cooked C. will cook D. has cooked
8.(2022·贵州铜仁)—Mike, why are you standing outdoors
—1___A__ my keys. I have to wait here until my mother comes back.
A. have lost B. will lose C. had lost D. lose
9. (2022·湖北鄂州)—Would you like to see the movie Changjin Lake this evening
—Oh, it's a good movie. But I__B____ it already
A. saw B. have seen C. see D. will see
10.(2022·黑龙江齐齐哈尔)So far, red tourism(旅游业)___C__quickly and it's becoming more and more popular.
A. developed B. will develop C. has developed
11.(2022湖北武汉)—Congratulations! You___C___ big progress in the last three years.
—Thank you, Mr Li. 1'll never forget the good times in Junior High.
A. make B. made C. have made D. will make
12. (2022·四川达州)— Bruce___A___ so much in the past two years.
— Yeah, he_____ be shy, but now he is confident and active.
A. has changed; used to B. changed; is used to
C. changed; used to D. has changed; is used to



