牛津译林版英语八年级上册 Unit 2 School life 综合复习练习(无答案)

课题 8A Unit 2 School Life 综合复习
8A Unit 2 Welcome -Reading 去上学 go to school 我们比人聪明 We’re smarter than people. 不得不更努力工作 have to work harder 学校是什么样? What’s school like 像看电视 be like watching TV 更少的广告 fewer advertisements 相同事物不同的词 different words for the same thing 英式英语 British English 美式英语 American English 买辆玩具火车给我的表妹 buy a toy lorry/truck for my cousin 在我们学校附近的商店 in the shop/store near our school 你周末有什么计划吗 Do you have any plans for the weekend 看电影 see/watch a film/movie 校足球队 the school football team 有场重要比赛 have an important match 今年秋天 this autumn 英国学校的生活 life in a British school 在八年级 in year 8/in the 8th grade 一所混合的学校 a mixed school 学外语 learn foreign languages 一个读书周 a Reading Week 在这一周期间 during the week 校图书馆 the school library 从家里带来书和杂志 bring in books and magazines from home 这一周快要结束时 near the end of the weak 课上和我的同班同学讨论书籍 discuss the books with our classmates in class 当我们读有趣的书时,时间似乎过的更快Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books 老生 older students 认真地听我的问题 listen carefully to my problems 主动给我提供帮助 offer me help 我们放学比平常早 Our school ends earlier than usual. 一起做运动 do sports together 每次都很努力训练 practice hard every time 说和写用到的单词 words used in speaking and writing 不一样 not the same 读了一篇一个美国男孩写的文章 read an article by a boy from the USA Grammar---Task
有更多的西红柿 have more tomatoes 有较少的米饭 have less rice 有较少的香蕉 have fewer bananas 有最多的鸡蛋 have the most eggs 有最少的西红柿 have the fewest tomatoes 有最少的果汁 have the least juice 在我们三个人中 among the three of us 空闲时间 free time 在跑步比赛中 in the race 得第三 come third 跑得快 run fast 跑得比米莉快 run faster than Millie 跑得最快 run(the)fastest 其他任何一个学生 any other student 我们所有人中 of us all 跳得高 jump high 我同班同学中的任何其他人 any other of my classmates 游泳游得快 swim fast 我的其他同学 my other classmates 写得快 write quickly 我班上的其他同学 the other students in my class 学生数量 the number of the students 暑假 the summer holiday 学生每天花多少时间做家庭作 How much time do students spend on homework every day 英国学生 British students 花时间做家庭作业 spend time on homework 我的学校比丹尼尔的暑假少放几个星期My school has fewer weeks off for the summer holiday than Daniel’s. 半小时玩电脑游戏,另外半小时下国际象棋 Half an hour for playing computer games,and another half an hour for playing chess. 至多 at most 阅读 do some reading 进行一次英语测试 have an English test 每门学科进行一次月考 have a monthly test on each subject 快速浏览问题 look through newspapers quickly 看英语报纸与杂志 read English newspapers and magazines 坚持用英语写关于...... Keep writing in English about...... 用这种方式学习更好地运用英语 learn to use English better this way 看英语视频 watch English videos 我的理想学校 my ideal school 上午九点开始 start at 9 a.m. 下午三点结束 finish at 3 p.m. 不需要早起 don’t need to get up early 有许多时间进行课外活动 have lots of time for after-school activities 只有一个小时的作业 have an hour of homework
在午餐的时候听音乐 listen to music at lunchtime 穿校服 wear school uniforms 戴领带 wear ties 选择科目去学习 choose subjects to study 上电脑课 have computer lessons 进行学校旅行 go on a school trip
考点训练 单项选择 ( )1.Please_________the article and find out its topic sentence(主旨句). A.look over B.look through C.look up D.look after ( )2.---__________________ ---He is a teacher. A.What is he B.What does he like C.What is he like D.How is he ( )3.I heard the story many times____________the winter holiday. A.among B.between C.during D.over ( )4.We have different___________every day and we should listen carefully___________. A.classes;in the class B.classes;in class C.class;between classes D.class;after class ( )5.Why not__________an English club to practice____________English A.join;speaking B.to join;speaking C.join;to speak D.to join;to speak ( )6.Daniel got___________points in the Maths exam in his class. A.less B.the least C.fewer D.the fewest ( )7.I borrowed____________eraser from______________. A.a;a American boy B.a;a America boy C.an;an American boy D.an;an America boy ( )8.The little girl likes the food with___________vegetables and____________sugar. A.fewer;fewer B.more;fewer C.fewer;less D.less;less ( )9.My mum cooks__________in our family.We all cook_________than her. A.worst;good B.worse;better C.worse;good D.worst;better ( )10.Jim ran____________among all the students in five minutes yesterday. A.farthest B.far C.farther D.furthest ( )11.He knows little about maths but his elder brother knows even____________. A.much B.more C.less D.fewer ( )12.To find_________better job,Jack decided to learn______difficult subjects at school. A.the;a most B.the;most C.a;the most D.a;most ( )13.___________number of the models in the park_____________over 100. A.The;is B.A;is C.The;are D.A;are ( )14.I am happy that you_________at the top of the mountain safely. A.reached B.got C.arrived D.went ( )15.The students couldn’t wait____________the bus to the theme park. A.to get on B.getting on C.get off D.getting off ( )16.---Does your mother like cooking ---No,she says it____________too much time. A.pays B.spends C.uses D.takes ( )17.Riding a bike is much better than___________a bus to stay healthy. A.take B.took C.to take D.taking ( )18.It made me quite__________when I thought of my sick pet.
A.to worry B.worry about C.worried D.worrying ( )19.Don’t ______________to others like that.You should___________politely. A.say;speak B.say;talk C.talk;speak D.speak;tell ( )20.I think__________not difficult____________English every morning. A.it’s;keep reading B.that;keep reading C.it’s;to keep reading D.that;to keep reading 根据汉语提示或所给词的适当形式填空 British people call it a lorry,but American people call it a______________(卡车). This is a ___________(day)newspaper.You can read it every day. My English teacher will go abroad(国外)for______________(far)study next month. We know we should do our homework_______________(care)than before. To me,learning music is_____________(real)fun.I’m so interested in it. Tom usually speaks____________(France)with his mum at home.He thinks it is interesting. ---Which subject do you like best ---I like____________(物理)best.And I’m good at it. Their summer vacation______________(end)two months ago. English is one of the most important______________(语言)in the world. Tom is very generous.He always_______________(主动给予)some bread to me. In______________(英国)English,“truck”is called“lorry”. The basketball players are looking forward to____________(win)the match. He looked________________(从头到尾)the map and found the way to the exit. Many boys in America like_____________(棒球)very much and they practice it hard. You can learn more about those_________________(英雄)stories in the new film. In British English it is a shop while in American English it is a_____________(商店). Lily got an_______________(橡皮)from her best friend at her birthday party. The students______________(讨论)the problem actively in class at present. He always gets to school_______________(early)in his class. Sandy studies_____________.Bob studies___________(bad)than Sandy.Jack studies______________of the three.(bad). Among all the schools in our city,my school has_____________(多)students but____________(少)teachers. He lives______________(far)from school than I do. It usually takes her two hours___________(完成)_________(做)her homework in the evening. In the company,Mr Smith works the hardest but gets_______________(little)money. The doctor saved many people’s lives_____________(在.....期间)the war. The students from China can stay in Australia for ten days at____________(many). In British English,it is a garden while in American English it is a___________(院子). It’s much________________(quick)to go to Beijing by air than by train. Lots of people show great interest in_______________(美国)drama. I seemed________________(hear)someone______________(knock)at the door. 句型转换 I have an hour for homework every day.(改为同义句) I have an hour for___________ ________Every day. I have an hour to___________ ____________every day. When the exam ended,we saw a film.(改为同义句)
When the exam___________,we saw a film. When the exam___________ _____________,we saw a film. Life in a British school is not as interesting as that in China.(改为同义句) __________ __________ __________ __________is__________interesting than that in Britain. Suzy is in Year 8 at Huaiyin Middle school.(改为同义句) Suzy is in___________ ___________ ___________at Huaiyin Middle school. Suzy is in______________ _________at Huaiyin Middle school. Miss Green has less free time than any other teacher in the office.(改为同义句) Miss Green has___________ ________free time___________all the teachers in the office. Tom offered an old man his seat on the bus.(改为同义句) Tom______________his seat______________an old man on the bus. Selina doesn’t have to stay at home every weekend.(改为同义句) Selina_________ __________ ___________ _________at home every weekend. Selina___________ _____________at home every weekend. There are 42 students in our class.(改为同义句) ___________ ___________ ____________the students in our class_____________42. He seemed to like this film.(改为同义句) __________ ___________ ___________he____________this film. It’s fun to learn foreign languages and do sports.(改为同义句) ___________foreign languages and___________sports__________fun. Lily and Lucy won the game at last.(改为同义句) Lily and Lucy___________ ___________ __________ ___________the game at last. The horse ran to the park every slowly.(对划线部分提问) _____________ _________the horse____________to the park My school starts at 9:00 a.m..(对划线部分提问) __________ ___________ ____________ ____________school_____________ We have a test every month at school.(对划线部分提问) ___________ ____________do you have a test at school I thought this rubber in the shop near our school.(对划线部分提问) ___________ _________ _________you buy this rubber_____________ 翻译句子 暑假期间,我学习了世界上最难的外语之一,王老师给我提供了很多帮助。 _________________________,I learnt_____________________________in the world and Mr Wang___________ _________________________. 这个法国学生汉语写得比以前快多了。 The________________________wrote Chinese_________________________________before. Amy在英语测试中总是得第一。 Amy always____________________________in the__________________________________. 在这三所学校,美国学生花在作业上的时间最少,并且放假周数最多。 Of the 3 schools,American students____________________________homework and______________________for the holiday. 为了学好英语,你应该练习阅读英文杂志,并一直用这个方式更好地使用英语。 To learn English well,you should practice_______________________________and keep______________________ ________________.
起初,我们每天只需要做半个小时的家庭作业。 ________________,we only need to do_____________________________________________. 这些学生穿校服,但不系领带。 The students__________________________,but they________________________________. 当我们每门科目进行月考的时候,我们应该首先快速浏览所有的问题。 When we________________________________________each subject,we should____________________________ all the questions quickly at first. 学好一门外语似乎变得越来越重要。 ______________________________seems to be______________________________________. Integrated skills&study skills 根据汉语用所给的汉语或单词的适当形式填空 The students in our school wear__________________(制服)when they are at school. Mr Smith likes playing_______________(国际象棋)after work. Millie usually____________________(花)two hours on her homework every day. Among all the schools in our city,my school has______________(多)students but___________(少)teachers. The children are too young to sit________________(自始自终)a concert. There are at______________(many)four cups of milk on the table.They are not enough for all the five people. Taking a plane is much_____________(fast)than taking a bus,but it’s____________(expensive). Chinese students have_____________(many)weeks off for the summer holiday than British students. He lives______________(far)from school than I do.Next year he’ll go to America to have _____________(far)study. I have half an hour for______________(play)computer games and another half an hour for ______________(do)exercise. This kind of newspaper is______________(week).If you want to read the next page,you will keep_______________(wait)till next Friday. My brother is interested in_____________(day)news. I think it’s a______________(really)gold ring. Be_____________(quickly),or you will miss the train. At______________(one),George was shy and couldn’t speak any word. 单项选择 ( )1.Lucy has_____________magazines than John,but David has________________. A.more;the most B.the most;more C.more;most D.most;more ( )2.Shanghai is bigger than______________in Jiangsu. A.any other city B.any other cities C.any city D.other cities ( )3.---Are the questions____________ ---Yes,I can answer them_____________. A.easy;easy B.easy;easily C.easily;easy D.easily;easily ( )4.I usually play____________tennis or play___________chess with my friends after school every day. A.the;the B.the;/ C./;the D./;/ ( )5.After a short rest,the workers kept_____________till midnight. A.work B.working C.to work D.worked 写出近义词,每空一词。 I spend less time on hobbies than Jack and Tom. I spend____________ _____________ _____________on hobbies of the three. It took me two hours to do my homework yesterday evening.
I__________two hours____________my homework yesterday evening. 翻译句子 本周末,我们应该快速查看一下我们的问题,因为下周进行英语月考。 We should_______________________our questions this weekend because we’ll________ _______________________English next week. 开始,我不知道如何学外语。 ______________________,I didn’t _____________________________________________. 在这所学校,美国学生花在作业上的时间最少,并且暑假放假周末最多。 Among the three schools,American students_____________________________________ Homework and_____________________________________________________. 为了学会英语,你应该练习每天阅读英文报刊杂志,并继续用这个方式学会更好地使用英语。 To learn English well,you should practice_________________________________________ Every day and keep____________________________________________________.
思维拓展 阅读理解;根据短文内容,完成句子 There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world.But only a few of them are very important.English is one of these.Many people use it,not only in England and the USA,but also in other parts of the world.About 200,000,000 people speak it as their own language.It is difficult to say how many people are learning it as a foreign language.Millions of people are trying to do so.Is it easy or difficult to learn English Different people may have different answers.Do you notice such ads in the newspapers or magazines ‘Learn English in six weeks,or give your money back...’ ‘Easy and funny...’‘Our records and tapes help you master English in a month.’ Of course,it never happens quite like this. The only language that seems easy to learn is the mother tongue(母语).We should remember that we all learned our won language well when we were children.If we could learn English in the same way,it would not seem so difficult.Think of what a small child does.He listens to what people say.He tries what he hears. So it is hard to say that learning English is easy.Learning English very well needs great effort and takes much time.Good teachers,records,tapes,books,and dictionaries will also be helpful,but they cannot do the student’s work for him. __________________________the languages in the world is about 1500.But only a few of them are____________ ________________________. About 200___________________________speak English as their own language,but it isn’t___________________ to say how many people are learning it as a foreign language. We can’t_______________________what the ads say about learning English because it__________________quite like this. It seems that_________________________________________________is the only language which is easy to learn.If we learn English__________________________________________as We learn our own language,it will be easier to learn. 5.The passage tells us that it needs______________________________________and takes much time_________________________________________.Nobody else can do the things for the student.



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