牛津译林版英语七年级下册 Unit2 Neighbours 提优练习卷(无答案)

Unit 2 Neighbours
1. Thank the kind_______________ (技师) very much because we get a lot of help from them.
2. Is there _______________ (任何事) interesting in today’s newspaper
3. There is a man _____________(修理) his car by the road.
4. Can you help me to work out the math _______________ (难题)
5. Next Sunday is his father’s _______________ (四十) birthday.
6. Boys and girls, _______________(检查)your test papers carefully before the exam is over.
7. _____________(参观者) must show their health QR codes and check their temperature before they go into the
8. How _____________(幸运的)they are to have such a good teacher!
9. Sam is the most handsome boy in this________________(街区).
10. He is not a middle school student now. He is a ______________(学院)student.
1. On Sundays I often go to the ______________ (help) Hands Club.
2. Today is the______________ (nine)of May. It is my grandfather’s______________ (ninety)birthday.
3. May I use your bike Mine is ______________ (break).
4. My father often______________ (fix) my broken bike by himself to save money.
5. ---Who______________ (speak) at the meeting tomorrow ---Maybe Mr Li is.
6. Please tell him______________ (not be) late for the school trip tomorrow.
7. There______________ (be) a meeting in our school next week, isn't there
8. Would you please _______________ (ask) him ______________(not pick)flowers
9. If you have problems, the neighbours are ready______________(help).
10. _____________ (luck) for them, they are to fail the exam!
( )1. --_______ we go fishing this afternoon, Dad --Sure. It_______ be sunny.
A. Shall; shall B. Will; won't C. Will; shall D. Shall; will
( )2.--Would you like to_______ with me --Yes, great!
A. do some shopping B. go any shopping C. go some shopping D. do any shopping
( )3. Mike, with his brother, _______ the library tomorrow.
A. goes to visit B. go to visit C. is going to visit D. are going to visit
( )4. ---What _______ your daughter like ---She’s very pretty _______ a film star.
A. is; likes B. does; likes C. is; like D. does; like
( )5. --Will you watch TV this evening --Yes. There_______ a good football match on CCTV-5.
A. will have B. is going to have C. is going to D. will be
( )6. --Can you hear it --_______ is singing Beijing opera(京剧) in the park.
A. Some old people B. Some one C. Anyone D. Someone
( )7. ---Can you find anyone _______ you _______ your English
---My cousin will come to help me.
A. help; with B. to help; at C. helping; in D. to help; with
( )8. We all know that ________ girls like beautiful clothes.
A. most B. most of C. the most D. mostly
( )9. —Who ________ buy a new sweater for her father —Mary will.
A. is B. is going to C. will D. shall
( )10. Which floor do you _________ this tall building
A. live B. live on C. live in D. live on in
( )11. Each of us should write _________report before Saturday.
A. an eight-thousand-word B. eight thousand words
C. an eight- thousands-words D. a eight-thousand-words
( )12. In our class there are 20 girls, and_______ are boys.
A. other students B. the other students C. others students D. the others students
( )13. Look at the clouds! It_______.
A. rains B. will be rain C. will raining D. is going to rain
( )14.________ I finish my Maths exercises today 一No, you _______.
A. Must; mustn’t B. Need; need C. Must; don’t have to D. Need; don’t
( )15. --Daniel, doing homework all the time makes us feel bored. What about going out for a picnic
A. Not at all B. Good idea C. You're welcome D. No, please don't do that
( )16. After having a three-day rest, my father is now feeling _____ to go to work.
A. enough good B. enough well C. well enough D. good enough
( )17. ---Where is Class _______ ---It's on the ______ floor.
A. Six; third B. Sixth; third C. Six; three D. Sixth; three
( )18. The teachers from ______ USA live in ________ Fifth Street.
A. the ; / B. /; the C. /; / D. the; a
( )19. ---Tom, do you know _______ it is from our school to Xuanwu Lake
---I am not sure. I guess it's about 30 minutes by underground.
A. how long B. how soon C. how far D. how often
( )20. The boy's mother is _____. He has to look after his _____ mother at home.
A. bad; sick B. ill; bad C. ill; sick D. sick; ill
Once an old fisherman was sitting by the seaside under a big and tall tree.
A rich businessman was passing by. He walked up to the old fisherman and asked ___1___ he was sitting under a tree singing and not working. The fisherman ___2___ that he had caught enough fish for the day.
___3___ this, the rich man got angry and said, "Well, why don’t you catch more fish instead of sitting here doing ___4___ "
The fisherman asked, "Why would I want to catch more ___5___ "
"You could sell ___6___ and make more money, and buy a ___7___ boat."
"OK. ___8___ what would I do with a bigger boat "
"You could go ___9___ in deeper waters and catch even more fish and make even more money."
"What would I do then "
"You could buy many boats and ___10___ many people to work for you. You would not need to work yourself."
" ___11___ ! What would I do after that "
"You could become a ___12___ businessman like me. You could then enjoy your life peacefully(宁静地), not worrying about tomorrow’s storm and hunger, and the next day’s cold and shelter (遮蔽所) ."
___13___, the fisherman asked, "What do you think I’m doing right now "
You don’t have to be rich and successful to enjoy your life. Sometimes, an easy and ___14___ life is much happier than a rich and busy one. It is important to enjoy peaceful moments in life and not ___15___ so much
about the future. I think most of us want to live this kind of life.
( )1. A. who B. why C. how D. when
( )2. A. shouted B. laughed C. remembered D. answered
( )3. A. Hearing B. Saying C. Getting D. Watching
( )4. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything
( )5. A. animals B. biscuits C. fish D. food
( )6. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs
( )7. A. bigger B. cheaper C. taller D. longer
( )8. A. Or B. Because C. So D. But
( )9. A. shopping B. swimming C. driving D. fishing
( )10. A. make B. keep C. ask D. spend
( )11. A. Excuse me B. All right C. No problem D. Better not
( )12. A. sweet B. daily C. rich D. polite
( )13. A. Finally B. At first C. Then D. Next
( )14. A. fast B. quiet C. short D. boring
( )15. A. care B. learn C. share D. worry
Most people say a neighbourhood is just some houses for people to live in. It has shopping centers, schools, and parks. In fact, it is more than that. Neighbourhoods are unique( 独一无二的) in their own way to attract(吸引) people to live there.
In my neighbourhood, there are friendly neighbours, dogs barking, and kids playing in the streets. It is a good environment, but there is just something different and. special about my neighbourhood, and it brings a warm feeling to me.
Ten years ago we moved to my neighbourhood. My parents built our house in a beautiful place. As a young boy at the age of ten,I played outside all the time with my friends in the neighbourhood. We used to run across all of our neighbours' lawns( 草坪),roll around and have a great time. Probably the most important thing I love my neighbourhood is its safety. My favourite thing about my neighbourhood is the New Year's party we have. It is a huge event in our neighbourhood. It's a wonderful time for neighbours to get together and learn of each other. Different families come together and have a great time.
Neighbourhoods are all different, but people living in a neighbourhood can be a big family.
( )1. According to the writer, neighbourhoods are_______________.
A. houses for people to live in
B. places for people to work and live
C. unique in their own way to attract people to live there
D. places with shopping centers,schools and parks
( )2. The writer feels something different and special about his neighbourhood perhaps because___.
A. of the visitors
B. of the dogs, kids and the streets
C. the neighbourhood brings a warm feeling to him
D. there are beautiful sights like lakes and mountains around
( )3. How old is the writer probably now
A.10. B.20. C.30. D.40.
( )4. Which of the following is TRUE about the New Year's party
A. Neighbours have a great dinner with their relatives.
B. Neighbours get together to sing and dance.
C. Neighbours run across the lawns and roll around.
D. Different families come together and have a great time.
The lord had two daughters. One, Harriet, was always sick. She never left the house. The other, Anne, loved riding. She liked to ride me, and I liked carrying her. She was kind and gentle. One day, she wanted to ride one of the new horses. Her name was Lizzie.
"Don't ride Lizzie, " Anne's friend said. "You are not strong enough for her. "
Anne didn't listen.
"Don't worry about me, "she said. "I can ride any horse. You ride Black Beauty. "
She rode away on Lizzie. Her friend followed her on me.
Anne's friend went into a shop. Anne waited outside. She was sitting on Lizzie.
Suddenly, a boy walked toward us. He was leading some horses. They were young and wild. One of them ran into Lizzie. She was afraid. She began to run. Anne could not stop her.
"Help! Help!" she shouted.
Anne's friend ran out of the shop. He jumped on my back.
"Come on, Beauty, "he said. "We must stop her. "
I ran after Lizzie as fast as I could.
Soon we were getting nearer to Lizzie and Anne. Then Lizzie tried to jump over a gate. She fell. Anne fell, too.
A man was working nearby.
"Get the doctor!" Anne's friend shouted to him. "Take my horse!"
The man jumped onto my back. I ran back to town as fast as I could.
The man told the doctor about the accident (事故). The doctor rode off to help Anne.
He brought her back to the house in a coach. She was alive, but her eyes were closed. She did not speak.
She was sick for many weeks, and then she got better.
You must always ride Beauty, "her father told her. "You must never ride another horse. You can always trust(信任)Beauty. "
I was very proud.
( )5. Who is "I" in Paragraph 1
A. The lord. B. A boy named Harriet. C. Anne's friend. D. A horse called Black Beauty.
( )6. Anne's friend asked her not to ride the new horse because _______________.
A. the horse was sick B. he himself wanted to ride it
C. Anne was not strong enough D. the new horse was too young
( )7. Why did Lizzie get afraid
A. Because Anne's friend ran after her.
B. Because one wild horse ran towards Lizzie.
C. Because Anne jumped on her back suddenly.
D. Because the working man asked her to jump over a high gate.
( )8. Which of the following is the correct order of what happened in the story
①Anne rode a new horse Lizzie. ②Black Beauty ran to get a doctor to save Anne.
③Lizzie fell and Anne was hurt. ④ Anne got better after weeks.
A. ①②④③ B. ①③②④ C. ②①③④ D. ③④①②
( )9. What is the story mainly about
A. Why Black Beauty liked Anne. B. Why Anne's friend liked shopping.
C. How Anne practised riding a horse. D. How Black Beauty helped save Anne.
Is there anyone who doesn’t know Jing Ye Si (Thoughts in the Silent Night) It is one of the most famous Chinese poems(诗歌). Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai (701 AD ~762 AD) wrote it.
Jing Ye Si is very short. It has only 23 words. But the poem is easy for readers to understand the writer’s longing for his home.
Chen Dong, 14, from Inner Mongolia is now studying in Guangzhou, a city far from his hometown. “Sometimes when I think of my hometown, I remember this poem.” he said.
Do you know the English version of this poem
Beside my bed a pool of light,
Is it hoarfrost on the ground
I lift my eyes and see the moon,
I bend my head and think of home.
Do you like it
1. What’s the English name for Jing Ye Si
2. Who wrote the poem
3. How many words are there in the poem
4. Where is Chen Dong studying now
5. When does Chen Dong sometimes remember the poem
Many people live in the city. In Hong Kong, most people live in tall buildings. There are too many people in Hong Kong but the city is not very big, so the government builds a lot of tall buildings for people. The buildings usually have 15 to 25 floors. Most of the people in Hong Kong like to live in tall buildings because they can be close to their friends. They can get some help from their friends if they are in trouble.
There are lots of good shops. You can enjoy shopping until midnight. You can buy expensive things in the big shopping malls, or you can choose some cheap daily things in the supermarkets or the chain shops. If you want to eat delicious food, you can go to the local restaurants. There are different kinds of food from all over the world. If you’d like to watch plays or shows, you can go to the theatre. The youth centre is also a nice place to go. You can spend your free time there because there are many activities to do.
I think Hong Kong is a wonderful place to live in.
Hong Kong
Living ·People live in tall __1__ with 15 to 25 floors. ·There are __2__ tall buildings for local people. ·People living in tall buildings can be close to their friends and get some __3__ quickly.
Shopping ·Hong Kong has a lot of shopping malls, __4__ and chain shops. ·People can __5__ until midnight.
Eating ·You can taste __6__ food there. ·There are many __7__ kinds of food from all around the world.
Entertainment(娱乐) ·You can enjoy plays or shows in the __8__. ·You can take part in many __9__ in the youth centre in your free time.
Conclusion It is __10__ to live in Hong Kong.
1.___________ 2.____________ 3._____________ 4.______________ 5.______________
6.___________ 7.____________ 8._____________ 9.______________ 10._____________
Everyone has his own dream as well as his own future. But do you know what future really is I have to say that future is now. That is to say we must treasure(珍惜) every minute now. If we want to have a bright future, we should know how important time is and use it well.
There is an old English saying: “Gain time, gain life.” Then what’s time Time is something that we can’t see or touch(触摸), but we can feel it passing by. Time is always with us. When we are at table, time passes; when we play, time goes by unnoticeable(不显明的). We always say “Time is money”, but time is even more precious(珍贵的)than money, because when money is spent , we can earn(挣) it back. But if time is gone away, it will never return(返回). So some of us even say time is priceless(无价的).
We should always remember: future is now. For us students, we should try our best to work hard in order to create(创造) a great future of our own. We should make the best use of every hour and be the master of today. We should do everything before us as well as possible. And never put off(推迟) what can be done today till tomorrow.
As we all know, “Time and tide wait for no man.” If you waste(浪费) today, you will regret(后悔) tomorrow. So from now on, work hard. Tomorrow will be better, and your future will be brighter. Remember: “No pains, no gains.” Today’s hard work is the cause(原因) of tomorrow’s harvest(收获).
Title: ____1_____ and Today
Future is now. We should treasure every minute We should _____2______ every minute useful.
__3___ is priceless. Time is even more valuable(有价值的) than ___4____ We can earn money. But past time will____5___ no more.
Be __6___ of today We should 7 put off what can be done today till tomorrow. We should try our 8 to do everything __9____. Today’s hard work leads to tomorrow’s ____10___.
1.___________ 2.____________ 3._____________ 4.______________ 5.______________
6.___________ 7.____________ 8._____________ 9.______________ 10._____________
When people ask me that I want to be when I grow up, my a________(1) is always the same-an engineer. It is my dream j_________(2). And I am sure I can be a good one.
I am always interested in different kinds of m________(3). And I like to find out how they w________(4). Of course, I am good at f________(5) small things. You can come to me if your radios or watches don’t work. And my classmates often ask me for help if their bikes are b________(6).
I won’t be a common engineer. I hope I can design the coolest appliances(家电) in the world. For example, I will design a flexible(可折叠) TV set and a fridge in the wall. It s________(7) like a dream, right But I’ll work hard to make it come t_________(8).Afetr I leave school, I hope I can go to a c______(9) to study mechanism(机械). My parents think it is a good idea and they both hope I can enjoy what I choose(选择) for my own f________(10).
1.___________ 2.____________ 3._____________ 4.______________ 5.______________
6.___________ 7.____________ 8._____________ 9.______________ 10._____________



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