Unit 5 Topic 1 周清试题(含答案)河南省新野县2022-2023仁爱版八年级英语下册

命题人: 审核人: 复核人:
( )1. -____did you feel after you heard the good news
-Very excited.
A. What B. Why C. How D. Where
( )2. Jenny invited some of her friends____ the Palace Museum last Sunday.
A. visit B. visited C. visiting D.to visit
( )3. Mr. White helps me a lot. I’d like to____ him.
A. say thanks to B. say sorry to C. help with D. pay attention to
( )4. -Help yourself to some oranges. They____ sweet.
A. look B. feel C. sound D. taste
( ) 5. -I want to see the movie , but I have no tickets.
A. Of course. B. What a pity! C. Enjoy yourself D. It's a great fun.
( )6. Modern Olympic Games____ in Greece about a century ago.
A. came from B. come into being C. came in D. come back
( )7. Sorry , but I don't____ him. His method(办法)won 't work.
agree on B. agree with C. agree about D. agree over
( )8.The box____ books. It's too heavy for me to carry.
is full with B. full with C.is full of D. full of
( )9. Li Hong spent a lot of time on English and she passed the English exam____ .
A.at the beginning B.in the end C.in the middle D.at first
( )10.She was____ when she heard the ____ news.
A. exciting; excited B. excited; exciting C. excited; excited D. exciting; exciting
Mary was a little girl. She loved dolls very much _11_she never had one. Every time she asked her mom to buy her a doll, her mom refused(拒绝)because the family was very_12_. The day before her birthday, Mary tried to persuade(说服) her mom_13_. She said, “All my friends have 14 dolls.” She really wanted to_15_one, but her mom didn’t say a word. This made Mary very_16_. On that night, Mary_17_went into her mom's bedroom. She quickly put her hand into her mom's bag, _18_some money, put it in her pocket(口袋)and went back to sleep again. The next morning, Mary was very_19_because she was going to buy herself a doll. But at breakfast, she_20_on the table a nice doll dressed in beautiful clothes. “Happy birthday, Mary. This is a doll I made_21_you,” her mom said to her happily._22_knowing her mom had been working on it for two weeks, Mary felt_23_ashamed (羞愧). She told her mom the truth(实情), and said_24_to her. She said she_25_do such a bad thing again.
( )11. A. but B. or C. until D. because
( )12. A. large B. close C. poor D. old
( )13. A. once B. again C. more D. less
( )14. A. my B. her C. our D. their
( )15. A. get B. sell C. meet D. finish
( )16. A. funny B. sad C. afraid D. lucky
( )17. A. really B. usually C. quietly D. happily
( )18. A. gave out B. took out C. looked up D. took off
( )19. A. bored B. upset C. disappointed D. excited
( )20. A. saw B. lost C. sent D. chose
( )21. A. of B. for C. from D. with
( )22. A. If B. Though C. After D. Before
( )23. A. quite B. never C. just D. even
( )24. A. thanks B. hello C. sorry D. goodbye
( )25. A. could B. couldn’t C. would D. wouldn’t
When you feel sad, tears will come down from your eyes. When you are happy, especially when you laugh hard, tears will also come down from your eyes. But tears have a more important job than showing your feelings.
Tears keep your eyes clean and healthy. They wash away dirt and germs(细菌)just like bath. Your eyes also need tears to keep them wet. And eyes must be wet so that they can move smoothly. Your eyes are busy looking here and there all day long. They move quickly from one thing to another. If you didn't have tears, your eyes couldn't move, and soon you would be blind.
Maybe you don't like tears, but your eyes can't do without them.
( )26. The story tells us .
A. what makes people blind B. why people have tears
C. why people cry when they are sad D. what tears are
( )27. Tears help you by .
A. showing how you feel B. making your face clean
C. washing things from your eyes D. making your eyes bright
( )28. If your eyes were not wet, you could not .
A. look at things clearly B. laugh and cry
C. keep clean D. show your feelings
( )29. When you are happy or sad, you may .
A. look at things quickly B. wash away dirt and germs
C. have tears in your eyes D. move your eyes quickly
( )30. The sentence“ your eyes can’t do with-out them ” means .
A. your eyes like having baths very much B. your eyes like tears very much
C. your eyes can't work without tears D. your eyes can't open without them
This year students in my school can enjoy Beijing Opera in our music classes. The music teacher will teach us how to play Beijing Opera.
_31_Because we can learn a lot from it, especially the history and traditional culture. They also think it can improve our Chinese. There are so many poems and stories in Beijing Opera.
Some students don't think so. 32 They prefer pop music. They don’t understand why their school will take Beijing Opera into classes.
_33_They think learning Beijing Opera is helpful. But they're afraid it will affect our study. _34_If we have opera lessons, we ' ll have less time to study.
I think different people have different hobbies. _35_They can give different kinds of classes. We students can choose what we like.
A. Parents care more about our study.
B. Teachers shouldn't force us to learn Beijing Opera.
C. Teachers think it's necessary for us.
D. They're bored with it.
E. Parents think we are busy with our lessons.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
Journalist park smart ticket song poor friend high serious beautiful
Henry likes music best of all the subjects and he dreams of being a singer. But because of his 36.___ family, he dropped out of school(辍学)two years ago and now he works on a farm. His pay(工资) isn't 37.___, but he spends much money on CDs and music show 38. ___ .
One day there was a music show in the park. When Henry got there, all the tickets were sold out. He saw a pole(柱子) outside the 39.___and then climbed up the pole to watch the show. Three minutes later, a man came and said 40. ___,“ It ’s dangerous up there! Come down!”
“Wait a minute, please!” Henry said. Then that man heard someone playing the piano 41. ___. He asked, “Who is the performer ”
“ Wonderful! He ’s my 42.___.”
“What does he do Is he a zookeeper ” asked Henry.
“ No, he is a 43. ___ . What made you say so ”
“Oh, he is playing the piano with a dog, ”Henry said.
“That dog is pretty smart. In fact, it's the 44. ___dog that I 've seen,” said the man.
“What other things can it do ” asked Henry.
“It can dance when Bob sings English 45.___ ,” said the man.
“Really ” Henry couldn’t believe his ears. He watched carefully and became interested in the dog.
36.______ 37.______38.______ 39._______ 40.______
41._____ 42. _____ 43. ______44. ______ 45.______
46.______ ______ ______ !(真遗憾!)There are no seats left.
47.You should______ ______ ______(向...道谢)Tom.
48.The farmers are ______ ______(为.……作准备)planting flowers.
49.They all______ ______ (感到很累)after the long run yesterday.
50. I Tim______ ______ ______(邀请Tim去游泳)with me last Sunday。
51. Many people became ill______ ______ (因为) the bad weather.
52. Li Ming looks sad and all of us try to_______ ______ ______ (使他振作起来).
53. ______ ______(起初),I was nervous, but I soon started to relax.
54. Who will______ ______(照顾) your pets if you are not at home
55. Do you have______ ______ ______(一张...的票)The Sound of Music.
A: Hello,Joe.56.________________________
B: Very well. Thank you.57.________________________.Why
A: Because I'm going to see a great movie.
B: Really 58.________________________
A:Heroes in Harm's Way(最美逆行者).59.________________________
B: I'd love to , but I don't get a ticket.
A: 60.__________________.I have two tickets. I can give you one.
B; I t's very kind of you. Thanks a lot.
Beijing Opera is an important part of Chinese culture. In China it used to be popular with old people while young people didn’t like it very much. However, more young people are becoming interested in it nowadays.
1-5 CDADB 6-10 BBCBB
11-15 ACBDA 16-20 BCBDA 21-25 BCACD
26-30 BCACC 31-35 CDAEB
36.poor 37.high 38.tickets 39.park 40.seriously
41.beautifully 42.friend 43.journalist 44.smartest 45.songs
46.What a pity 47. say thanks to 48. preparing for
49. felt tired 50.invited ;to go swimming 51.because of
52. cheer him up 53.At first 54. care for/ look after
55. a ticket to
56. How are you doing
57. You look excited.
58. What movie are you going to see
59. Would you like to go with me
60. Don't worry. / It doesn't matter.




下一篇:Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks.Section A 3a-4c分层训练 (含答案)