Unit1-2 综合测试卷--2022-2023初中英语人教版七年级下册(含答案)

Unit1-2 综合测试卷
1.—Are you ________ at dancing
—Yes, I can dance really ________.
A.good; well B.good; good C.well; good D.well; well
2.— Do you want to join the music club
— Sorry, I can’t play the piano ________ the violin.
A.but B.and C.so D.or
3.Becky often plays ________ violin for an hour every day.
A.a B.an C.the D./
4.Linda _____________ she can dance well.
A.tells B.says C.talks D.speaks
5.My father ________ the violin and he plays it _______.
A.can plays; good B.can’t play; good C.can play; well D.doesn’t play; well
6.—Let’s go swimming this afternoon.
—That sounds ________. I like swimming very much.
A.good B.well C.bad D.badly
7.She sings________. She wants to________ the music club.
A.well; join B.good; join C.good; join in D.well; join in
8.We need to do _________ to be healthy.
A.a lot of exercises B.lots of exercises C.a lots of exercise D.lots of exercise
9.Can your sister ________
A.play the chess B.play a violin C.play the baseball D.play the piano
10.—Are you good ______ swimming
—Yes, and I think I can help kids ______ it.
A.with; in B.with; with C.at; with D.with; at
11.—The little girl can ________ her shoes and take them off.
—Yes, she can ________ herself.
put on; wear B.put on; dress
C.wear; put on D.dress; get dressed
12.—What does he _________ Can you _________ me
—Sorry, I don’t know.
A.say; tell B.speak; talk C.speak; tell D.say; talk
13.—Hi, can I help you
Yes, please B.No, I can’t
C.Yes, I can D.You are welcome
14.David doesn't like fruit salad.His son doesn't like it,________.
A.also B.too
C.either D.not
15.He _________ at 6:00 in the afternoon.
A.get home B.gets to home C.gets home D.get to home
Dear Bill,
How are you Thank you for your letter. Let me tell you something about my ____16____ in China. I think you want to know it. I live in Li Lei’s home. He is my ____17____. His father and mother are both teachers. They are very ____18____ to me. They teach me Chinese ____19____ I teach them English. Now I can speak ____20____ Chinese. Mrs. Li often teaches ____21____ how to cook Chinese food. Hmm! I like Chinese food very much.
My school is not far. I go there by ____22____. Our classes begin ____23____ eight in the morning. I have six classes every day. ____24____, I play games with my classmates. I am in the school football team. I practice football twice a week. I have a good ____25____ there. Do you want to come I hope you can come here, too.
16.A.friend B.life C.school D.family
17.A.student B.teacher C.classmate D.boy
18.A.happy B.cute C.sorry D.friendly
19.A.but B.so C.or D.and
20.A.some B.many C.a lot D.lot of
21.A.them B.me C.him D.us
22.A.bike B.bus C.train D.plane
23.A.in B.from C.at D.on
24.A.In class B.After school C.In the room D.At the gate
25.A.day B.book C.time D.week
Zhang Peng is a good student. On weekdays, he gets up at six in the morning. He has breakfast at home. Then he reads English from 6:30 to 7:00. He goes to school at seven. He has four classes in the morning. He has lunch at school, but on weekends. He has lunch at home with his family. He has 3 classes in the afternoon. He leaves school at 5:00. He often has supper at home. In the evening, he never watches TV. He usually does his homework. He goes to bed at ten o’clock every day.
26.Where does he have breakfast
A.At school. B.At home. C.On the way. D.In a restaurant.
27.When does he go to school
A.At seven. B.At half past six.
C.At six. D.At half past seven.
28.How many classes are there in the morning
A.Four. B.Three. C.Five. D.Two.
29.What does he usually do in the evening
A.He usually listens to music. B.He usually watches TV.
C.He usually plays computer games. D.He usually does his homework.
30.What time does he go to bed
A.At 9:30 p.m. B.At 10:00 a.m.
C.At 9:00 p.m. D.At 10:00 p.m.
Do you like singing or playing musical instruments If your answer is “yes”, you can join us! We have piano lessons every Friday evening in our club. We also have guitar lessons on Monday evening. You don’t have to pay-the lessons are all free. Just come and have a try! We also have classes to teach students singing skills on Tuesday evening. If you like singing, you will find them useful. In our club, you can meet many students from different classes and you can make friends with e on! Join us!
31.You can’t have ________ lessons in the club.
A.guitar B.piano C.singing D.violin
32.You can have piano lessons ________.
A.every evening B.on Monday evening
C.every Friday evening D.every Friday morning
33.On Tuesday evening, you can ________.
A.have piano lessons B.have guitar lessons
C.have classes for singing skills D.have dancing lessons
34.From the poster, we can know that ________.
A.students must pay to join this club
B.students must play musical instruments very well to join this club
C.students must sing very well to join this club
D.students can make some new friends in the club
35.What does the underlined word “skills” mean
A.纲领 B.技巧 C.活动 D.指法
Hello, I’m Rick. I’m a student in No. 2 Middle School. Today is Saturday. I can stay in bed late. Usually I get up at six on weekdays, but at eight on weekends. Then I take a shower, brush my teeth and wash my face. At 8:30, I have breakfast. I eat bread and eggs and drink a glass of milk. They are healthy food.
Then, I go to the park and do sports. I play basketball with my brother. He can play it well. After that, I go back home with my brother, and we watch TV together.
I have lunch with my brother in a diner (小餐馆) at half past eleven, because my parents don’t come back home from work on weekends. And then I do my homework on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. Sometimes I go out with my brother. I like drawing pictures on Sunday afternoon in the open air with my brother. It’s good to enjoy the nature (享受大自然).
On Sunday evening, I always ride a bike after supper with my brother. That’s very cool. I can see the tall trees, the clear sky and bright lights. I enjoy the beautiful night streets. Finally, I go to bed at around a quarter to ten. What a happy weekend!
36.What does Rick do
A.He is a student. B.He is a farmer. C.He is a player. D.He is a worker.
37.What time does Rick usually get up on weekends
A.At six. B.At eight. C.At nine. D.At seven.
38.Where does Rick have lunch on weekends
A.At home. B.In his mother’s factory.
C.In a diner. D.At his aunt’s home.
39.What does the underlined phrase “in the open air” mean
A.在空中 B.在户外 C.在开放日 D.在休闲日
40.What does Rick do on Sunday evening
A.He watches TV at home. B.He does his homework at home.
C.He goes to movies with his parents. D.He always rides a bike with his brother.
41.Please go home ________ (quick), Roman is waiting for you.
42.It’s 6:00 a.m. You have to hurry up and get ________ (dress).
43.I want to ________ (join) the sports club.
44.Can you ________ Our ________ club is great. (swim)
45.He can do kung fu, so I want to make ________ (friend) with him.
46.They can play the drums. (对画线部分提问)
________ _________ they _________
47.Now it’s five thirty. (同义句)
Now it’s _____________ _____________ _______________.
48.Lucy and Lily can dance and sing. (改为否定句)
Lucy and Lily _________ dance ________ sing.
49.Can you help me to learn English (同义句)
Can you ________________ me ________________ English
50.He gets home at five in the afternoon. (就划线部分提问)
________ ________ ________ he ________ home in the afternoon
考查形容词和副词的用法。good好的,形容词;well好地,副词。第一空应填形容词作表语,be good at“擅长于”,所以第一空应填good;根据“I can dance really...”可知,此处应填一个副词,修饰动词dance,well“好地”副词,所以第二空应填well。
考查并列连词辨析。but但是;and和;so所以;or或者。“the piano”和“the violin”是选择关系,且在否定句中,用or连接。故选D。
考查冠词。西洋乐器类前要加冠词the,play the violin“拉小提琴”,故选C。
考查动词辨析。tells告诉;says说,强调说话的内容;talks谈论,不及物动词;speaks讲。根据“she can dance well”可知,是说话的内容,故选B。
考查情态动词以及副词。空二处修饰动词“play”应用副词well“好”,排除AB;根据“he plays it...”可知他会拉小提琴,用情态动词can“可以”。故选C。
考查形容词辨析和感官动词的用法。good好,形容词;well好地,副词;bad坏的,形容词;badly坏地,副词。根据“sounds”可知,需要形容词作表语;结合“ I like swimming very much.”,是听起来不错;
考查副词用法和动词辨析。well好,副词;good好,形容词;join参加,其后通常是团体;join in参加,其后是一项活动。根据“sings”可知,副词修饰动词,well符合句意;根据“ the music club”可知,是一个俱乐部,join符合句意,故选A。
考查名词的数。a lot of = lots of很多,用来修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词。exercise作“锻炼”讲时,为不可数名词。do exercise做锻炼。
考查介词辨析。with和……一起;in在……里面;at在某地。be good at doing sth.表示“擅长做某事”,第一空表达擅长游泳,故填at;help sb. with sth.表示"帮助某人做某事”,根据“I can help kids”可推断,此处指帮助孩子游泳,填with。故选C。
考查动词与动词短语的辨析。put on穿上,后接衣物,表动作;wear穿着,后接衣物,表状态;dress(给某人)穿衣,表动作,后接某人;get dressed,穿好衣服,表状态。根据“...her shoes and take them off.”可知,第一空表示穿鞋这个动作,用put on,排除C和D;第二空后是“herself”,指人,用dress。故选B。
考查动词辨析。say说,后接说的内容;tell告诉;speak说,后接语种;talk谈话。根据“What does he...”可知,问说了什么内容,因此空一用say;根据“Can you...me ”可知,问他说的话能不能告诉我,空二用tell。故选C。
考查情景交际。Yes, please是的;No, I can’t不,我不能;Yes, I can是的,我可以;You are welcome不客气。根据“can I help you”可知,肯定回答用“Yes, please.”,表示需要得到对方的帮助;否定回答常用“No, thanks.”,表示不需要对方的帮助。故选A。
16.B 17.C 18.D 19.D 20.A 21.B 22.A 23.C 24.B 25.C
happy开心的;cute可爱的;sorry抱歉的;friendly友好的。根据“They teach me Chinese”及“Mrs. Li often teaches…how to cook Chinese food”可知,李雷的父母对作者非常友好,故选D。
but但是;so所以;or或者;and和。“They teach me Chinese”与“I teach them English”是并列关系,故选D。
some一些;many许多;a lot许多,副词;lot of错误表达。Chinese是不可数名词,many修饰可数名词的复数形式,some修饰可数名词或不可数名词,故选A。
them他们;me我;him他;us我们。根据“I like Chinese food very much”可知,是教“我”做中国食物,故选B。
bike自行车;bus公交车;train火车;plane飞机。根据“My school is not far”可知,学校不远,所以是去自行车到那,故选A。
in class在课堂上;after school放学后;in the room在教室里;at the gate在门口。根据“ I play games with my classmates”可知,放学后才会跟同学玩游戏,故选B。
day天;book书;time时间;week星期。固定搭配:have a good time“过得开心”,故选C。
26.B 27.A 28.A 29.D 30.D
26.细节理解题。根据“He has breakfast at home.”可知张鹏在家吃早饭。故选B。
27.细节理解题。根据“He goes to school at seven.”可知张鹏7点上学。故选A。
28.细节理解题。根据“ He has four classes in the morning.”可知张鹏上午有四节课。故选A。
29.细节理解题。根据“In the evening, he never watches TV. He usually does his homework.”可知张鹏晚上不看电视,通常做作业。故选D。
30.细节理解题。根据“He goes to bed at ten o’clock every day.”可知张鹏晚上10点睡觉。故选D。
31.D 32.C 33.C 34.D 35.B
31.细节理解题。根据“We have piano lessons every Friday evening in our club. We also have guitar lessons on Monday evening.”和“We also have classes to teach students singing skills on Tuesday evening.”可知,在俱乐部不能上小提琴课,故选D。
32.细节理解题。根据“We have piano lessons every Friday evening in our club.”可知,每周五晚上都有钢琴课。故选C。
33.细节理解题。根据“We also have classes to teach students singing skills on Tuesday evening.”可知,在周二晚可以上唱歌技巧的课。故选C。
34.细节理解题。根据“In our club, you can meet many students from different classes and you can make friends with them.”可知,在俱乐部可以交到朋友。故选D。
35.词义猜测题。分析“We also have classes to teach students singing skills on Tuesday evening. If you like singing, you will find them useful.”可知,如果你喜欢唱歌,你会发现周二晚上的课很有用。所以推测skills是“技巧”的含义,故选B。
36.A 37.B 38.C 39.B 40.D
36.细节理解题。根据“Hello. I’m Rick. I’m a student in No.2 Middle School.”可知,Rick是一名学生。故选A。
37.细节理解题。根据“Usually I get up at six on weekdays, but at eight on weekends.”可知,周末Rick八点钟起床。故选B。
38.细节理解题。根据“I have lunch with my brother in a diner (小餐馆) at half past eleven …”可知,周末Rick在一家小餐馆吃午饭。故选C。
39.词义猜测题。根据“It’s good to enjoy the nature (享受大自然).”可知,享受大自然应该是在户外,划线部分表示“在户外”。故选B。
40.细节理解题。根据“On Sunday evening, I always ride a bike after supper with my brother.”可知,星期天晚上,Rick和哥哥在晚饭后骑自行车。故选D。
44. swim swimming
46. What can do
根据“play the drums”可知,询问做什么,用特殊疑问词what,位于句首,首字母大写;句中有情态动词can,提到主语前面构成疑问句;do“做”;故填What;can;do。
47. half past five
“五点半”有两种表达方式:five thirty或half past five,二者可以互换。故填 half;past;five。
48. can’t or
49. help with
根据句子对照可知,本句考查help sb to do sth=help sb with sth,意为“帮助某人做某事”,情态动词后用动词原形。故填help;with。
50. What time does get
根据划线部分是时间点,所以前两空用“what time”作为特殊疑问词,表示“几点”,句首首字母大写;特殊疑问句结构为:特殊疑问词+助动词+主语+动词原形+其他,原句为一般现在时,主语he为第三人称单数,故助动词应用“does”,动词用原形“get”。故填What;time;does;get。



