Unit1 句式巩固练习2022-2023北师大版英语七年级下册(含答案)

Unit 1 Daily Life
I. 单项选择。
1.—Who’s that lovely girl
—You _______ the girl with long hair That’s Kate.
A.want B.mean C.know D.tell
2.In the evening I usually take a _______ before I go to bed.
A.photo B.bus C.rest D.shower
3.Our hospital _______ two doctors,Mrs. Liu.You can ask your son to have a try.
A.needs B.has C.gets D.receives
4.— _______ do you go to the cinema
— Once a month.
A.How long B.How far C.How often D.How much
5.His grandmother lives _______ in a small house,but she doesn’t feel _______.
A.lonely;alone B.alone;lonely C.lonely;lonely D.alone;alone
6.—May I watch TV now,Mum
—No.It’s too late,so you ______ go to bed.
A.have to B.may C.can D.need
7.You will be late for school ______ you don’t get up early.
A.but B.if C.and D.or
8.Swimming in the river alone is not _______,so I always go swimming with my parents or my friends.
A.difficult B.bad C.safe D.dangerous
1.—_______ have you lived in Lanzhou
— Since my parents found jobs here.
A.How long B.How far C.How soon D.How old
2. There will be less pollution _________ more people use public transportation.
A.but B.though C.unless D.if
3. Her little brother likes _________ the books in the evening.
A.to read B.to see C.to look D.to watch
II. 阅读理解。
Mr. King works very long hours every day.He usually gets up at 5:30.He brushes his teeth quickly and goes to his workplace(工作地点).Then he runs with some kids.After that he takes a shower.He eats his breakfast at 7:00.His work starts at 8:10.He is good at Maths and many boys and girls learn Maths from him.All the kids like him very much.He often talks or plays games with the kids.He usually goes to bed after 22:00.He is often very tired but he likes his job and loves the kids.He doesn’t work on weekends.Mr. King likes reading at home on weekends.Sometimes some kids’ parents come to his home to talk about their kids.When Monday comes,Mr. King gets busy again.
1.Mr. King usually starts his work at ______.
A.5:30 B.7:00 C.8:10 D.10:00
2.Mr. King is very _______.
A.young B.tall C.handsome D.busy
3.Mr. King is a ______.
A.runner B.worker C.teacher D.writer
4.Which of the following is FALSE
A.Mr. King goes to bed early and gets up early.
B.Mr. King takes a shower after he runs.
C.Mr. King likes the kids and they love him,too.
D.Mr. King doesn’t work on Saturdays and Sundays.
How do you spend your spare time There will be different answers to it.Most people in Poland(波兰) have their own ways of spending free time.Sometimes they just want to take a rest,but they try to do something more pleasant most of the time.They have many different hobbies,which help them to get away from their everyday problems and spend their free time happily.
Many Polish(波兰的) people like traveling.They always look for new places that they have never been to and add new and exciting experiences to their journey.Some of them like to climb mountains, others like to go to a sea or a lake to swim,because these can make them get exercise and are good for their health.
Many Polish people also like to do sports in their free time.They are usually crazy about football, and football is regarded as the Polish national sport.Many football fans may support a certain team,so they go to watch every match of the team they support,and they buy many things that have any relation with the team.Watching sport and doing it both are good ways to relax.
In addition,doctors say that doing sports is very good for health.Many people in town,especially young men,often go to the gym to attend the exercise classes to keep it.
Besides these ways,Polish people have many other ways to spend their free time.And they really enjoy their free time.
5.Polish people have many hobbies in order to _______.
A.solve their daily problems
B.finish all their work
C.make more friends
D.relax themselves in their spare time
6.Why do some Polish people like climbing mountains
A.Because they hate traveling.
B.Because they can get exercise from it.
C.Because they can find a new place.
D.Because it is comfortable and funny.
7.Which of the following sports is NOT mentioned in the passage
A.Playing football. B.Climbing mountains. C.Skating. D.Swimming.
8.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3
A.Football is many Polish people’s favorite sport.
B.Young Polish people often go to the gym.
C.All the Polish people do sports in their spare time.
D.Most Polish people like watching sport.
9.What can we learn from the passage
A.Polish culture is colorful.
B.We can have many ways of spending our free time.
C.A doctor can give you good advice.
D.It is no need doing sport activities.
III. 书面表达。
请以“My Day”为题写一篇短文,包括以下内容:
I. 单项选择。
1.B。want“想要”;mean“说的是”;know“知道”;tell“告诉”。句意:“那个可爱的女孩是谁 ”“你说得是那个长头发的女孩吗 那是凯特。”由问句“是谁”和答句“是凯特”可推知,选B。
2.D。选项部分都可以与句中的take a构成短语:take a photo“拍照”;take a bus“乘公共汽车”;take a rest“休息一下”;take a shower“洗淋浴”。由句意可知此处应是晚上睡觉前通常做的事,选项D最符合题意。
4.C。how long“多长时间;多长”,对一段时间或物体的长度提问;how far“多远”,对一段距离提问;how often“多久一次”,对频度副词或表示频率关系的短语提问;how much“多少”,对物品的价格或不可数名词的数量提问。根据答语“每月一次”可知,选C。
6.A。have to“必须;不得不”;may“可以”;can“能够;会”;need“需要”。由句意“妈妈,我现在可以看电视吗 ”“不可以。时间太晚了,因此你必须上床睡觉。”可知,选A。
1.A。句意:——你在兰州住了多长时间了 ——自从我的父母在这里找到工作。本题考查how long,how far,how soon,how old的区别。结合答语可知,所缺的特殊疑问词是how long,故答案为A。
3.A。句意:她的小弟弟晚上喜欢看书。和the books搭配的词是read,故答案为A。
II. 阅读理解。
1.C。根据题干中的“starts his work”扫读短文,由关键信息“His work starts at 8:10.(他的工作在8:10开始。)”可知选C。
2.D。选项A、B、C都是描写外貌特征的形容词。通读全文可知,文中没有涉及金先生的外貌描写。由关键信息“He usually gets up at 5:30.”“He usually goes to bed after 22:00.”及“When Monday comes,Mr. King gets busy again.”可以判断出,金先生每天都很忙。故选D。
3.C。由文中的“He is good at Maths and many boys and girls learn Maths from him”和“Sometimes some kids’ parents come to his home to talk about their kids.”可推断出,金先生是一位数学老师。故选C。
4.A。由文中的“He usually gets up at 5:30.(他通常在5:30起床。)”和“He usually goes to bed after 22:00.(他通常在晚上十点以后睡觉。)”可知,金先生起床早,睡得较晚,所以选项A表述有误。故选A。
5.D。由第一段中的“They have many different hobbies,which help them to get away from their everyday problems and spend their free time happily.”可知答案为D。
6.B。由第二段中的“Some of them like to climb mountains... because these can make them get exercise and are good for their health.”可知答案为B。
My Day
I always get up at 6:00.Then I brush my teeth,wash my face and do morning exercises.At 6:30 I have breakfast.
After breakfast,I ride my bike to school at 6:50.I’m never late for school.
Classes begin at 8:00.We have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.My favourite subject is English,because it’s very interesting.At noon,I have lunch at school.
Classes are over at 4:30.After school,I often play table tennis with my friends.
We have dinner at 6:30.Then I take a shower.Sometimes I watch news on TV.I begin to do my homework at 7:30.I usually go to bed before 9:30.
I’m busy but I’m happy.



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