贵州省绥阳县2022-2023八年级上学期期中质量监测英语试卷( 含听力音频+答案)


) (
1 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] [ E ] [ F ] 6 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] 11 [ A ] [ B ] [C ]
2 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] [ E ] [ F ] 7 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] 12 [ A ] [ B ] [C ]
3 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] [ E ] [ F ] 8 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] 13 [ A ] [ B ] [C ]
4 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] [ E ] [ F ] 9 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] 14 [ A ] [ B ] [C ]
5 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] [ E ] [F ] 10 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] 15 [ A ] [ B ] [C ]
21 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 26 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 31 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] [ E ] [F ] [ G ]
22 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 27 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 32 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] [ E ] [F ] [ G ]
23 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 28 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 33 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] [ E ] [F ] [ G ]
24 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 29 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 34 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] [ E ] [F ] [ G ]
25 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 30 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 35 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] [ E ] [F ] [ G ]
36 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 41 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 46 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 51 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ]
37 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 42 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 47 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 52 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ]
38 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 43 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 48 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 53 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ]
39 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 44 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 49 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 54 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ]
40 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 45 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 50 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] 55 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ]
56 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] [ E ] [F ]
57 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] [ E ] [F ]
58 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] [ E ] [F ]
59 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] [ E ] [F ]
60 [ A ] [ B ] [C ] [ D ] [ E ] [F ]
第一部分:听力 填空 (1.5分/题 共7.5分)
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
第二部分:阅读短文填词,一空一词。(2分/题 共10分)
61. 62. 63. 64. 65.
第三部分 短文综合填空(1.5分/题 共15分)
. ______________ 6
. ______________
. ______________
. ______________
. ______________
. ______________
76.第四部分: 书面表达(20分)
I’m a student of Class 1, Grade 8. Last week, I made a survey among the students in my class on ways to relax after class. 请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出矩形边框限定区域的答案无效!绥阳县2022—2023学年第一学期期中质量监测
第一部分 听力 (共两小节,满分30分)
图片理解 请听下面5个句子,根据句子的顺序选择对应的图片,其中一幅为多余图片,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(听两遍)
A. B. C.
D. E. F.
2. 3. 4. 5. .
小对话理解 请听小对话及问题,从A、B、C中选择正确的答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(听两遍)
6.A.By bike. B.By bus. C.By car.
7. A.The cinema. B.The park. C.The hospital.
8. A.She has short straight hair.
B.She has long curly hair.
C.She has short curly hair.
9. A.To the bank. B.To the supermarket. C.To the hotel.
10.A.Wonderful. B.So-so. C.Terrible.
长对话理解 请听长对话,根据其内容,从A、B、C中选择能回答所给问题的最佳答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(听三遍)
11.Why is Dennis so happy
A.He came back from America. B.He made a new friend.
C.He knew how to play basketball.
12.What does Frank look like
A.He is thin but strong. B.He has long curly hair.
C.He doesn’t wear glasses.
13.Is Frank taller than Dennis
A.Yes, he is. B.No, he isn’t. C.Yes, he does.
14.Who is better at sports, Frank or Dennis
A.Frank. B.Dennis. C.We don’t know
15.How long does Frank practice basketball every day
A.For one hour. B.For two hours. C.For three hours.
第二节 听力填空 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,共计7.5分)
D. 短文理解 请听短文,根据其内容完成表格,并将正确答案用黑色墨水笔或黑色签字笔填写在答题卡规定的位置 ,每空不超过两个词。(听三遍)
Activity How often
Exercising and practicing 16 . Every morning.
Going to the movies. . 17 .
. 18 . Twice a week.
Going home. . 19 a week
Writing to his pen pal from _______20_______. Once a month.
第二部分 语篇完形(共两小节,合计25分)
第一节 完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,共计15分)
There is nobody in the world the same 21 you;you are unique(独特的,唯一的)! Everybody is 22 from everyone else.That is good! 23 it makes the world an interesting place.
There are people taller 24 you , and shorter than you.Maybe your hair is the same color as your friend’s hair , but maybe it is longer than 25 . Another difference is your hair may be straight , hers may be curly.
I am sure you have some friends who are 26 than you . And you also have some friends , they are as 27 at sports as you . But there are also people around you who are not good at some things . 28 does your best friend look like Do you both 29 to finish your homework at school Do you both want to wear the same clothes every day I think 30 some ways you are the same , but in many other ways you are different. So say loudly to the world , “ I am who I am – I’m unique ! ”
( ) 21.A.with B.as C.of D.from
( ) 22.A.better B.different C.smart D.good
( ) 23.A.Because B.So C.Although D.But
( ) 24.A.after B.than C.then D.in front of
( ) 25.A.her B.she C.hers D.she’s
( ) 26.A.smart B.smarter C.smartest D.a smart
( ) 27.A.bad B.better C.well D.good
( ) 28.A.Where B.What C.How D.How often
( ) 29.A.like B.enjoy C.would like D.going
( ) 30.A.at B.by C.in D.on
第二节 口语交际(共5小题,每小题2分,共计10分)
A: Hello, Peter! Long time no see.
B: Yes. 31
A: It was wonderful!
B: Where did you go
A: I went to Beijing with my parents.
B: __32__
A: Tian'anmen Square, the Palace Museum and some Beijing hutongs.
B: Sounds great! Did you eat anything special there
A: Yes. __33__ It was delicious.
B: How did you like the Palace Museum
A: Great! __34__
B: Please bring your photos to school tomorrow. Let me see them.
A: No problem! __35__
B: Not really. I only helped my grandfather on the farm.
第三部分 阅读、词汇与语法(共3小节,满分75分)
第一节 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,共计40分)
Who is your deskmate Do you still remember him or her What does he or she look like The following three students are talking about their first deskmate.
My first deskmate is Albert. He is a naughty(淘气的)boy with black hair and brown eyes. He was shorter than me at that time. Our favorite subject is science. And we have the same dream—to be a scientist.
My first deskmate is a girl. Her name is Nastya. She is kind, beautiful and funny. She was born in a village in Russia. The name of it is Green Mountains. Next summer, we will go to her village together. It will be a great journey(旅行)for us.
Emma is my first deskmate. She is a very tall girl with long brown hair and black eyes. She is also my good friend because she is nice to me. She would like to be a math teacher when she grows up.
36.Albert’s favorite subject is _________.
A.math B.art C.P.E. D.science
37._________ was born in a village in Russia.
A.Mary B.Nastya C.Emma D.Lily
38.Mary will go to _________ next summer.
A.her hometown B.her primary school C.Green Mountains D.Nastya’s new home
39.Emma is Lily’s good friend because ________.
A.she is kind to Lily B.she is Lily’s second deskmate
C.she is beautiful D.she is a girl with a big dream
40.According to the passage, we can learn that _________.
A.Albert is shorter than Jack now B.Jack wants to be a scientist
C.Mary and Emma have black hair D.Lily and Nastya know each other well
Do you like summer holiday In Australia, summer holiday is from late December to early February. Students have to finish their homework. They should read some English books and write reports. They also need to do science projects with their classmates. They often go to special classes to learn swimming, singing and cooking. And they really like to go to the beach to camp with their parents.
Summer holiday in the US is very long, from early June to around late August. Teachers will give summer homework. But if students don’t do it, it’s OK. There are many classes and camps. They can be about sports, cooking, or outdoor survival skills (户外生存技巧). Some students also go camping with friends or family. Some students will try to make money by doing the housework. Some will do voluntary work like helping the elderly or the poor for free.
In France, summer holiday usually goes from mid-June to the end of August. But the first day is different for everyone because of the day of the last exam. French students don’t have any homework or classes. They spend the holiday having fun. Some students like traveling around the world. They see nature in Africa. They visit America to learn English. They go to China. Other students enjoy themselves in France. They camp on the beach, see friends, watch movies, go swimming and have barbeque (烧烤) parties.
41.What does the word “voluntary” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese
A.有偿的 B.公平的 C.志愿的 D.有效的
42.The students in _________ have no homework during summer holiday.
A.Australia B.the US C.France D.China
43._________ is popular with students in the three countries.
A.Learning skills B.Having classes C.Go camping D.Seeing friends
44.Which of the following is true according to the passage
A.French students only meet their friends at school.
B.Students in the US have summer holiday for about four months.
C.Most students take math or English classes during summer holiday.
D.It’s winter in China when Australian students enjoy their summer holiday.
45.The passage is mainly about _________.
A.students’ summer homework B.students’ activities after school
C.different places for students to travel D.summer holiday in different countries
How do people from all over the world spend their free time Let’s have a look.
·Internet People from Canada spend about 43.5 hours online every week, 8 hours longer than Americans. Canada has long cold winters, so people spend lots of time at home. ·Outdoors People from New Zealand spend most of their free time outdoors. The countryside there is great for mountain climbing and water sports. ·Bars Spain has a lot of bars. In Spain, a bar is for families, not just drinkers. It’s a meeting place and often an eating place. When none of your family or friends are free, you can still go to a bar by yourself. People around you in the bar may ask you to join them. ·Museums The UK has six of the top 20 most visited museums in the world, such as the National Gallery, the British Museum and Tate Modern. ·Parties As for parties, most people will think of Brazil. Its carnival (狂欢节) is famous all around the world. Bangkok and Berlin are two of the best cities for partying. In Bangkok, you can meet friendly people and visit great nightclubs. In Berlin, you can enjoy beautiful music on the streets. ·Exercising In Greece and Estonia, over 80 percent of people exercise every day. The Olympic sports are very popular in these two countries, but Estonia has a very special game: ice cricket (冰上板球)!
46. Americans spend about ________ online every week.
A.35.5 hours B.43.5 hours C.51.5 hours D.59.5 hours
47. People from New Zealand spend most of their free time ________.
A.having parties B.visiting museums C.having fun in the bars D.doing outdoor activities
48. More than 80% of people from ________ do exercise every day.
A.Spain B.Britain C.Greece D.Canada
49.We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.Tate Modern is a museum in the UK
B.people from Brazil often play ice cricket
C.people can enjoy music on the streets in Bangkok
D.the weather in Canada is always sunny and warm
50.What is the main purpose of the passage
A.To tell the reasons why people in Spain love bars.
B.To introduce how people from different countries spend their free time.
C.To help people know which country they can go for holiday.
D.To teach people how to play ice cricket in their free time.
Developing a nap(小睡)habit does good to you whether you feel you need it or not.To get a better nap,follow these suggestions .
Make It 20 or 50 Minutes Long
A 20-minute nap will make you think clearly;a 50-minute one can make you more creative. But a much longer nap will make you more tired and sleepier .
Make Your Nap after lunch
Humans will have a natural drop in body temperature(the same kind that makes you feel sleepy at night)between 1 p.m.and 3 p.m. A nap at this time is easy and for most people,and it won't stop them falling asleep at night .
Lie Down for Sleep
It takes about 50 percent longer to fall asleep sitting up than lying down.
That's why we sleep so poorly on planes and trains!Choose a dark place that's neither too warm nor too cold. advises napping on the sofa instead of in bed so that you won't be likely to nap for too long .
Naps Can't Replace Night-time Sleep
If you still feel tired even after a nap,you're probably not getting enough night-time sleep. Naps are good for your health,but they won't make up for the hours you lose at night.Too little night sleep has too many dangers:heart disease ,heavy weight ,easy anger ,accidents and even more .
51. If you feel more tired after a 90-minute nap , next time you should .
A. nap for a longer time
B. nap for a shorter time
C. nap several times
D. stop napping in the day
52. According to the passage, between 1p.m. and 3 p.m. .
A. our heart will beat faster
B. our brain will work better
C. our stomach will need more food
D. our body temperature will be lower
53. What can we know from the last paragraph
A. Naps can take the place of night-time sleep.
B. If you still feel tired after a nap, maybe you don't get enough night-time sleep.
C. If you didn't sleep well last night, you can nap for a longer time than before.
D. Getting a better nap has too many dangers.
54. From the passage we can know .
A. a nap in bed is more likely to be longer than the one on the sofa
B. a nap in the day can make it hard for one to fall asleep at night
C. we can shorten night sleep if we have a nap in the day
D. we will have a better nap if the sleeping place is warm
55. What does this passage mainly tell us .
A. The importance of having a nap.
B. Reasons for having a nap.
C. Advice on having a nap.
D. The best time to have a nap.
Do you like telling stories about your life to others Jessii Vee does. ___56___ Lots of people like watching her videos.
Jessii is from Ontario, Canada. ___57___ "Every Sunday I think about what to film for my videos, " said Jessii."Then, on Monday, I wake up early to start making the videos. Usually, a video takes just over an hour to make. ___58___ Then, from Tuesday to Friday, I edit(编辑) them."
Sometimes when Jessii went out, people recognized(辨认出) her. "The other day I went to a coffee shop," she said, "and one girl working there saw me. She was so excited. ___59___ It made me happy."
___60___ Some people said that she has a big face and a really thin mouth.In the past, Jessii felt bad when people said those negative(负面的) things about her. But now she thinks differently." People are talking about things that I can't change. So I decide to love those things and I don't feel bad about myself now," said Jessii.
A.Online life isn't all good.
B.She turns her life into her work.
C.She tells her stories on the Internet.
D.I try to make five, so it takes most of my day.
E.She left the shop to meet me outside to take pictures.
F.We met each other in the coffee shop to share our feelings.
第二节 阅读填空(共5小题,每小题2分,共计10分)
Louis Braille was born in Coupvray, France. He was a very small child. Unluckily, at the age of four, he became blind by accident. Louis began attending school in his town when he was seven years old.
Three years later, Louis and his father traveled to Paris. There, he went to a school for blind children. One day a French soldier, Charles Barbier, visited the school. Barbier invented a system of night-reading. This system used small dots for the letters. Soldiers used this system in time of war. Barbier thought this system could help the blind to read.
Soon Braille discovered that there were some shortcoming (缺点) in Barbier’s system, but it gave Louis a brilliant idea. He improved Barbier’s system. By the age of fifteen, his new system was completed! Now he wanted blind schools to try his system. Luck went against him again. The school refused to use his system. Louis died in 1852 in Paris at the age of forty-three.
Two years after he died, the blind schools began to use his system. Today we call this system Braille in honour of Louis Braille. His system is used for all languages, and for maths, science, writing, music, and computers for the blind.
Louis Braille
Time Place Events
in ___61___ in Coupvray was born
at the age of four / became ___62___
at the age of seven in ___63___ started school
at the age of ___64___ in Paris studied in a school for blind children
by the age of 15 / completed his new system
in 1852 in Paris ___65___
第三节 短文填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共计15分)
Dear Lisa,
You asked about places to go and things to do in ____66____ (we) town. The Downtown Mall is always fun. It is ____67____ great shopping place. There ____68____ (be) some good stores and restaurants there.
Hope Clothing Store is a fun place to shop, I mostly go shopping there 69 (one) a month .and it has the best clothes in town. The shop assistants(售货员)are 70 (friend) to people. I like Nicks Restaurant best . It’s the closest to my house. It’s cheap and the 71 ( hamburger ) are great. You can also enjoy wonderful noodles there and the beef noodles there are the 72 (delicious) ! Showtime Cinema is my favorite cinema. It has the biggest screens and you can sit the seats ____73____ (comfortable) there. It doesn’t have the newest movies, 74 the tickets are the cheapest .
There are all kinds 75 things to do and to see e for a visit soon.
书面表达 (计20分)
繁重的学业负担不利于学生的身心健康,为贯彻 “健康第一” 的教育理念,国家教育部今年出台了 “双减” 政策。学生们将有更多的课外时间进行体育锻炼和文娱活动。假设你是八(1)班的一名学生,上周你对班上同学的课后放松方式进行了调查。请根据以下图表提供的信息和要求,用英文写一篇调查报告,并介绍你自己的课后活动。
要求:1. 根据信息提示,把握要点,可适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现真实人名或校名;
3. 词数不少于70。文章的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。
I’m a student of Class 1, Grade 8. Last week, I made a survey among the students in my class on ways to relax after class. ________________________________________________ _绥阳县2022—2023学年第一学期期中质量监测
第一部分 听力 (共两小节,满分30分)
1-5:CDABE 6-10: BCABA 11-15: BABAB
第二节 听力填空 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,共计7.5分)
reading English (只写了English扣0.5,read没有加ing 扣 0.5分,其它情况不给分)
17. Never 18. Watching TV 19. Once 20. Canada
(大小写错误扣0.5分 )
第二部分 语篇完形(共两小节,合计25分)
第一节 完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,共计15分)
21-25:BBABC 25--30: BDBAC
第二节 口语交际(共5小题,每小题2分,共计10分)
31—35 ADFCE
第三部分 阅读、词汇与语法(共3小节,满分75分)
第一节 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,共计40分)
36--40: DBCAB 41--45:CCCDD 46--50: ADCAB 51--55: BDBAC 56-60: CBDEA
第二节 阅读填空(共5小题,每小题2分,共计10分)
61. 1809 62. blind 63. his town 64. ten / 10 65. died
第三节 短文填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共计15分)
66.our 67. a 68. are 69. once 70. friendly
71. hamburgers 72. most delicious fortably / (the) most comfortably
74. but 75. of
第四部分 书面表达 (计20分)
One possible version
I’m a student of Class 1, Grade 8. Last week, I made a survey among the students in my class on ways to relax after class. Different students have different ways to relax after class. Among them, 15% of the students like to watch TV. 10% often play computer games or chat online with their friends. 30% like reading all kinds of books, and 20% of them keep doing physical exercise. But some students still have no time to relax themselves.
As for me, I like reading and doing sports to relax, because I can improve myself by reading and doing sports can keep me healthy.八年级英语试卷
(本卷满分 150分,考试时间 120分钟)
第一部分 听力 (共两小节,满分 30分)
第一节听力选择(共 15 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共计 22.5 分)
A、 图片理解 请听下面 5个句子,根据句子的顺序选择对应的图片,其中一幅为多余图片,并
用 2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(听两遍)
A. B. C.
D. E. F.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .
B. 小对话理解 请听小对话及问题,从 A、B、C中选择正确的答案,并用 2B铅笔把答题卡上对
6.A.By bike. B.By bus. C.By car.
7. A.The cinema. B.The park. C.The hospital.
8. A.She has short straight hair.
B.She has long curly hair.
C.She has short curly hair.
9. A.To the bank. B.To the supermarket. C.To the hotel.
10.A.Wonderful. B.So-so. C.Terrible.
C. 长对话理解 请听长对话,根据其内容,从 A、B、C中选择能回答所给问题的最佳答案,并用
11.Why is Dennis so happy
A.He came back fromAmerica. B.He made a new friend.
C.He knew how to play basketball.
八年级英语试卷第 1 页 共 8 页
12.What does Frank look like
A.He is thin but strong. B.He has long curly hair.
C.He doesn’t wear glasses.
13.Is Frank taller than Dennis
A.Yes, he is. B.No, he isn’t. C.Yes, he does.
14.Who is better at sports, Frank or Dennis
A.Frank. B.Dennis. C.We don’t know
15.How long does Frank practice basketball every day
A.For one hour. B.For two hours. C.For three hours.
第二节 听力填空 (共 5小题,每小题 1.5分,共计 7.5分)
D. 短文理解 请听短文,根据其内容完成表格,并将正确答案用黑色墨水笔或黑色签字笔填写在
答题卡规定的位置 ,每空不超过两个词。(听三遍)
Activity How often
Exercising and practicing 16 . Every morning.
Going to the movies. . 17 .
. 18 . Twice a week.
Going home. . 19 a week
Writing to his pen pal from _______20_______. Once a month.
第二部分 语篇完形(共两小节,合计 25 分)
第一节 完形填空 (共 10小题,每小题 1.5分,共计 15分)
阅读短文,根据其内容,从 A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案,并用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的
There is nobody in the world the same 21 you;you are unique(独特的,唯一的)! Everybody is 22 from
everyone else.That is good! 23 it makes the world an interesting place.
There are people taller 24 you , and shorter than you.Maybe your hair is the same color as your friend’s hair ,
but maybe it is longer than 25 . Another difference is your hair may be straight , hers may be curly.
I am sure you have some friends who are 26 than you . And you also have some friends , they are as 27 at
sports as you . But there are also people around you who are not good at some things . 28 does your best friend look
like Do you both 29 to finish your homework at school Do you both want to wear the same clothes every day I
think 30 some ways you are the same , but in many other ways you are different. So say loudly to the world , “ I am
who I am – I’m unique ! ”
( ) 21.A.with B.as C.of D.from
( ) 22.A.better B.different C.smart D.good
( ) 23.A.Because B.So C.Although D.But
( ) 24.A.after B.than C.then D.in front of
( ) 25.A.her B.she C.hers D.she’s
( ) 26.A.smart B.smarter C.smartest D.a smart
( ) 27.A.bad B.better C.well D.good
( ) 28.A.Where B.What C.How D.How often
八年级英语试卷第 2 页 共 8 页
( ) 29.A.like B.enjoy C.would like D.going
( ) 30.A.at B.by C.in D.on
第二节 口语交际(共 5小题,每小题 2分,共计 10分)
个选项。并用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
A: Hello, Peter! Long time no see.
B: Yes. 31
A: It was wonderful!
B: Where did you go
A: I went to Beijing with my parents.
B: __32__
A: Tian'anmen Square, the Palace Museum and some Beijing hutongs.
B: Sounds great! Did you eat anything special there
A: Yes. __33__ It was delicious.
B: How did you like the Palace Museum
A: Great! __34__
B: Please bring your photos to school tomorrow. Let me see them.
A: No problem! __35__
B: Not really. I only helped my grandfather on the farm.
A.How was your vacation
B.Did you take any photos there
C.The weather was sunny, so we took lots of photos there.
D.What places did you visit
E.Did you go anywhere interesting
F.I ate Beijing Duck.
G.What did you do on the farm
第三部分 阅读、词汇与语法(共 3小节,满分 75 分)
第一节 阅读理解(共 20小题,每小题 2分,共计 40分)
请阅读 A、B、C、D、E五篇短文,根据其内容选择填空,并用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的
Who is your deskmate Do you still remember him or her What does he or she look like The following three
students are talking about their first deskmate.
My first deskmate is Albert. He is a naughty(淘气的)boy with black hair and brown eyes.
He was shorter than me at that time. Our favorite subject is science. And we have the same
dream—to be a scientist.
My first deskmate is a girl. Her name is Nastya. She is kind, beautiful and funny. She was
八年级英语试卷第 3 页 共 8 页
born in a village in Russia. The name of it is Green Mountains. Next summer, we will go to her village together. It will
be a great journey(旅行)for us.
Emma is my first deskmate. She is a very tall girl with long brown hair and black eyes. She
is also my good friend because she is nice to me. She would like to be a math teacher when she
grows up.
36.Albert’s favorite subject is _________.
A.math B.art C.P.E. D.science
37._________ was born in a village in Russia.
A.Mary B.Nastya C.Emma D.Lily
38.Mary will go to _________ next summer.
A.her hometown B.her primary school C.Green Mountains D.Nastya’s new home
39.Emma is Lily’s good friend because ________.
A.she is kind to Lily B.she is Lily’s second deskmate
C.she is beautiful D.she is a girl with a big dream
40.According to the passage, we can learn that _________.
A.Albert is shorter than Jack now B.Jack wants to be a scientist
C.Mary and Emma have black hair D.Lily and Nastya know each other well
Do you like summer holiday In Australia, summer holiday is from late December to early February. Students have
to finish their homework. They should read some English books and write reports. They also need to do science projects
with their classmates. They often go to special classes to learn swimming, singing and cooking. And they really like to
go to the beach to camp with their parents.
Summer holiday in the US is very long, from early June to around late August. Teachers will give summer
homework. But if students don’t do it, it’s OK. There are many classes and camps. They can be about sports, cooking, or
outdoor survival skills (户外生存技巧). Some students also go camping with friends or family. Some students will try to
make money by doing the housework. Some will do voluntary work like helping the elderly or the poor for free.
In France, summer holiday usually goes from mid-June to the end of August. But the first day is different for
everyone because of the day of the last exam. French students don’t have any homework or classes. They spend the
holiday having fun. Some students like traveling around the world. They see nature in Africa. They visit America to learn
English. They go to China. Other students enjoy themselves in France. They camp on the beach, see friends, watch
movies, go swimming and have barbeque (烧烤) parties.
41.What does the word “voluntary” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese
A.有偿的 B.公平的 C.志愿的 D.有效的
42.The students in _________ have no homework during summer holiday.
A.Australia B.the US C.France D.China
43._________ is popular with students in the three countries.
A.Learning skills B.Having classes C.Go camping D.Seeing friends
44.Which of the following is true according to the passage
A.French students only meet their friends at school.
八年级英语试卷第 4 页 共 8 页
B.Students in the US have summer holiday for about four months.
C.Most students take math or English classes during summer holiday.
D.It’s winter in China when Australian students enjoy their summer holiday.
45.The passage is mainly about _________.
A.students’ summer homework B.students’ activities after school
C.different places for students to travel D.summer holiday in different countries
How do people from all over the world spend their free time Let’s have a look.
People from Canada spend about 43.5 hours online every week, 8 hours longer than Americans.
Canada has long cold winters, so people spend lots of time at home.
People from New Zealand spend most of their free time outdoors. The countryside there is great for
mountain climbing and water sports.
Spain has a lot of bars. In Spain, a bar is for families, not just drinkers. It’s a meeting place and often
an eating place. When none of your family or friends are free, you can still go to a bar by yourself. People
around you in the bar may ask you to join them.
The UK has six of the top 20 most visited museums in the world, such as the National Gallery, the
British Museum and Tate Modern.
As for parties, most people will think of Brazil. Its carnival (狂欢节) is famous all around the world.
Bangkok and Berlin are two of the best cities for partying. In Bangkok, you can meet friendly people and
visit great nightclubs. In Berlin, you can enjoy beautiful music on the streets.
In Greece and Estonia, over 80 percent of people exercise every day. The Olympic sports are very popular
in these two countries, but Estonia has a very special game: ice cricket (冰上板球)!
46. Americans spend about ________ online every week.
A.35.5 hours B.43.5 hours C.51.5 hours D.59.5 hours
47. People from New Zealand spend most of their free time ________.
A.having parties B.visiting museums C.having fun in the bars D.doing outdoor activities
48. More than 80% of people from ________ do exercise every day.
A.Spain B.Britain C.Greece D.Canada
49.We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.Tate Modern is a museum in the UK
B.people from Brazil often play ice cricket
C.people can enjoy music on the streets in Bangkok
D.the weather in Canada is always sunny and warm
50.What is the main purpose of the passage
八年级英语试卷第 5 页 共 8 页
A.To tell the reasons why people in Spain love bars.
B.To introduce how people from different countries spend their free time.
C.To help people know which country they can go for holiday.
D.To teach people how to play ice cricket in their free time.
Developing a nap(小睡)habit does good to you whether you feel you need it or not.To get a better nap,follow these
suggestions .
Make It 20 or 50 Minutes Long
A 20-minute nap will make you think clearly;a 50-minute one can make you more creative. But a much longer nap
will make you more tired and sleepier .
Make Your Nap after lunch
Humans will have a natural drop in body temperature(the same kind that makes you feel sleepy at night)between 1
p.m.and 3 p.m. A nap at this time is easy and for most people,and it won't stop them falling asleep at night .
Lie Down for Sleep
It takes about 50 percent longer to fall asleep sitting up than lying down.
That's why we sleep so poorly on planes and trains!Choose a dark place that's neither too warm nor too cold.
advises napping on the sofa instead of in bed so that you won't be likely to nap for too long .
Naps Can't Replace Night-time Sleep
If you still feel tired even after a nap,you're probably not getting enough night-time sleep. Naps are good for your
health,but they won't make up for the hours you lose at night.Too little night sleep has too many dangers:heart disease ,
heavy weight ,easy anger ,accidents and even more .
51. If you feel more tired after a 90-minute nap , next time you should .
A. nap for a longer time
B. nap for a shorter time
C. nap several times
D. stop napping in the day
52. According to the passage, between 1p.m. and 3 p.m. .
A. our heart will beat faster
B. our brain will work better
C. our stomach will need more food
D. our body temperature will be lower
53. What can we know from the last paragraph
A. Naps can take the place of night-time sleep.
B. If you still feel tired after a nap, maybe you don't get enough night-time sleep.
C. If you didn't sleep well last night, you can nap for a longer time than before.
D. Getting a better nap has too many dangers.
54. From the passage we can know .
A. a nap in bed is more likely to be longer than the one on the sofa
B. a nap in the day can make it hard for one to fall asleep at night
C. we can shorten night sleep if we have a nap in the day
D. we will have a better nap if the sleeping place is warm
55. What does this passage mainly tell us .
A. The importance of having a nap.
B. Reasons for having a nap.
八年级英语试卷第 6 页 共 8 页
C. Advice on having a nap.
D. The best time to have a nap.
Do you like telling stories about your life to others Jessii Vee does. ___56___ Lots of people like watching her
Jessii is from Ontario, Canada. ___57___ "Every Sunday I think about what to film for my videos, " said
Jessii."Then, on Monday, I wake up early to start making the videos. Usually, a video takes just over an hour to make.
___58___ Then, from Tuesday to Friday, I edit(编辑) them."
Sometimes when Jessii went out, people recognized(辨认出) her. "The other day I went to a coffee shop," she said,
"and one girl working there saw me. She was so excited. ___59___ It made me happy."
___60___ Some people said that she has a big face and a really thin mouth.In the past, Jessii felt bad when people
said those negative(负面的) things about her. But now she thinks differently." People are talking about things that I can't
change. So I decide to love those things and I don't feel bad about myself now," said Jessii.
A.Online life isn't all good.
B.She turns her life into her work.
C.She tells her stories on the Internet.
D.I try to make five, so it takes most of my day.
E.She left the shop to meet me outside to take pictures.
F.We met each other in the coffee shop to share our feelings.
第二节 阅读填空(共 5小题,每小题 2分,共计 10分)
Louis Braille was born in Coupvray, France. He was a very small child. Unluckily, at the age of four, he became
blind by accident. Louis began attending school in his town when he was seven years old.
Three years later, Louis and his father traveled to Paris. There, he went to a school for blind children. One day a
French soldier, Charles Barbier, visited the school. Barbier invented a system of night-reading. This system used small
dots for the letters. Soldiers used this system in time of war. Barbier thought this system could help the blind to read.
Soon Braille discovered that there were some shortcoming (缺点) in Barbier’s system, but it gave Louis a brilliant
idea. He improved Barbier’s system. By the age of fifteen, his new system was completed! Now he wanted blind schools
to try his system. Luck went against him again. The school refused to use his system. Louis died in 1852 in Paris at the
age of forty-three.
Two years after he died, the blind schools began to use his system. Today we call this system Braille in honour of
Louis Braille. His system is used for all languages, and for maths, science, writing, music, and computers for the blind.
Louis Braille
Time Place Events
in ___61___ in Coupvray was born
at the age of four / became ___62___
八年级英语试卷第 7 页 共 8 页
at the age of seven in ___63___ started school
at the age of ___64___ in Paris studied in a school for blind children
by the age of 15 / completed his new system
in 1852 in Paris ___65___
第三节 短文填空(共 10小题,每小题 1.5分,共计 15分)
Dear Lisa,
You asked about places to go and things to do in ____66____ (we) town. The Downtown Mall is always fun. It is
____67____ great shopping place. There ____68____ (be) some good stores and restaurants there.
Hope Clothing Store is a fun place to shop, I mostly go shopping there 69 (one) a month .and it has the
best clothes in town. The shop assistants(售货员)are 70 (friend) to people. I like Nicks Restaurant best . It’s
the closest to my house. It’s cheap and the 71 ( hamburger ) are great. You can also enjoy wonderful noodles
there and the beef noodles there are the 72 (delicious) ! Showtime Cinema is my favorite cinema. It has the
biggest screens and you can sit the seats ____73____ (comfortable) there. It doesn’t have the newest movies, 74
the tickets are the cheapest .
There are all kinds 75 things to do and to see e for a visit soon.
第四部分 书面表达 (计 20分)
繁重的学业负担不利于学生的身心健康,为贯彻 “健康第一” 的教育理念,国家教育部今年出台了 “双减”
要求:1. 根据信息提示,把握要点,可适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现真实人名或校名;
3. 词数不少于 70。文章的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。
I’m a student of Class 1, Grade 8. Last week, I made a survey among the students in my class on ways to relax after
class. ________________________________________________ _
八年级英语试卷第 8 页 共 8 页



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