
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
Beyond Body is a science-based fitness and nutrition program in the shape of the first personalized wellness book in the world. It makes developing sustainable healthy habits easier, while helping to improve mental health. It addresses the main problems that most weight loss programs have, motivating you to bring positive changes in all areas of your life.
The Beyond Body app helps you follow the program and track your progress. It goes beyond simple food ideas to provide meal plans, workouts, and lifestyle tips.
Who Is Beyond Body for
The Beyond Body program is for anybody who wants to lose weight by establishing lifelong health and fitness routines, but not ideal for vegetarians. It can help you drop pounds while enjoying long-lasting changes.
How to Begin with Beyond Body
The program starts with a quiz, including questions on body type, fitness level, health conditions, food preferences, and more. You must also enter your current and target weight. After completing a short quiz, you can choose between the hardcover or e-Book. You can also add the app for further assistance. Next, it creates a personalized meal plan and generates the Beyond Body book in both digital and physical formats. The book outlines your plan and offers advice on nutrition and fitness.
Beyond Body Pricing
The Beyond Body book costs $33. For this price, you get a hard copy and digital version, plus free shipping. For the assistant app, you must pay a monthly subscription fee. Within the app, you'll find other checkout options, like consultations with a nutritionist.
1. What is Beyond Body used to do
A. Sell a book. B. Introduce an app.
C. Stress the importance of weight loss. D. Provide a program to lose weight.
2. How does the program begin
A. By adding an app. B. By filling a format.
C. By choosing a book. D. By completing a quiz.
3. What do we know about the Beyond Body app
A. It can be used for free. B. It focuses on mental health.
C. It tracks weight losing progress. D. It offers free online consultations.
Monica Bertagnolli is an oncologist(肿瘤学家)at Brigham and Women's Hospital and a professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School. Growing up in Wyoming, she was well aware of the lack of health care resources in rural areas. Access to in-depth care for cancer patients is hard to get. She's worked throughout her career to change that.
In Wyoming, there's a great distance to travel between where people live and where they can to find a cancer specialist. "If you need treatments and they have to be administered every day, and if it's 120 miles from where you live, that ends up being a huge barrier to receiving the kind of care you need. ”
And now Monica serves as the vice president of the Coalition(联盟)of Cancer Cooperative Groups(CCCG)—an international network of individuals who work to improve the quality of life and survival of cancer patients by increasing participation in cancer clinical trials.
She said, “One of the really important things is, we're trying to make sure that cancer clinical trials can get to every single patient who needs them in my own state. ”The coalition set up sites in northern and southern Wyoming that are able to run clinical trials. Before those trials became available, patients would usually go to Denver or Salt Lake City—a three-to-seven-hour drive.
Monica's efforts to increase access to the health care needs of her rural Wyoming patients also include helping to develop new policies that will allow patients to participate in more clinical trials, and linking them with a regional doctor who can get them the access to the care they need.
In addition to the clinical trials, Monica said that technology's progress like better cell phone and internet service in the mountains of Wyoming, as well as social media, has helped rural residents stay in touch with loved ones and medical professionals despite their distance. She is trying to advocate strongly for those changes to continue.
“I still consider myself part of Wyoming and I am very devoted to making sure that patients can get access to care. ”
4. What do rural cancer patients in Wyoming need most
A. Health care. B. Better housing.
C. Further education. D. Public transportation.
5. How has Monica helped the cancer patients
A. By offering clinical trials. B. By advocating financial aid.
C. By improving internet service. D. By training medical professionals.
6. Which of the following can best describe Monica
A. Determined and loyal. B. Honest and generous.
C. Grateful and courageous. D. Devoted and responsible.
7. What is a suitable title for the text
A. Technology:A push for progress B. Monica: A helper for cancer patients
C. CCCG:A pioneer for cancer treatment D. Clinical trials:A hope for cancer patients
You've ordered a new pair of shoes online. They arrive; you rush to the front door and carry the box as you open it. You untie the laces, guide them toward your feet and they don't fit.
So, back in the box they go and an hour later you drop them at the local collections store. It's disappointing. The shoes have never been worn and they'll be making their way to a new home soon. Right?Wrong.
What does happen to our goods when we order online and then return them The reality is that much of it simply ends up in landfill(垃圾场). Each year, 5 billion pounds of waste is generated through returns in the world. In the US alone, customers return approximately 3. 5 billion products, of which only 20% are actually faulty according to Optoro, a company which specializes in tackling the returns.
It turns out that returns create a real headache for companies. Many companies simply don't have the technology to handle these faults in returned goods, so it is often most profitable for them to sell them cheaply to discounters via a web of shipping, driving and flying them around the globe, or to simply truck them to the dump.
Optoro's software helps retailers(零售商)and manufacturers resell unsold goods more easily. They offer a number of options for retailers, including a website to resell their goods, called Blinq, as well as helping with re-routing goods to donation, store shelves, Amazon or eBay. They estimate their work helps reduce landfill waste by 70%.
Ann Starodaj, Senior Director of Sustainability at Optoro, says that while consumer habits might still be harmful, creating a profitable and environmentally friendly fashion model from start to finish is the way forward:"I don't think people are going to stop buying stuff, but creating a business model where you're making it easier for them to make sustainable choices is very important. "
8. What are the statistics in Paragraph 3 about
A. Waste disposal. B. Goods delivery.
C. Clothing Fashion. D. Waste returns.
9. Why do returns become a real headache for companies
A. Very little profit can be made. B. Related technology is not available.
C. Goods are damaged on purpose. D. No places can be found to bury them.
10. What is paragraph 5 mainly about
A. A difficult task. B. A marketing plan.
C. A practical solution. D. A producing process.
11. What does Ann Starodaj want to convey
A. Returns are easy to deal with.
B. People should stop buying goods online.
C. Consumer habits bring about harmful results.
D. It is vital to create a sustainable business model.
One person's happiness causes a chain reaction that benefits not only their friends, but their friends' friends, and their friends' friends' friends. The effect lasts for up to one year. The opposite, interestingly, is not the case: Sadness does not spread through social networks as strongly as happiness. Happiness appears to love company more so than misery.
Focusing on 4, 739 individuals, Christakis and Fowler, who co-authored this study, observed more than 50, 000 social and family ties and analyzed the spread of happiness throughout this group. The researchers found that when an individual becomes happy, a friend living within a mile experiences a 25 percent increased chance of becoming happy. A co-resident spouse(配偶)experiences an 8 percent increased chance, siblings(兄弟姐妹)living within one mile have a 14 percent increased chance, and for next-door neighbors, 34 percent. But the real surprise came with indirect relationships. Again, while an individual becoming happy increases his friend's chances, a friend of that friend experiences a nearly 10 percent chance of increased happiness, and a friend of that friend has a 5. 6 percent increased chance.
The researchers also found that, contrary to what your parents taught you, popularity does lead to happiness. People in the center of their network groups are the most likely people to become happy, and then there are chances that increase to the extent that the people surrounding them also have lots of friends. However, becoming happy does not help migrate a person from the network fringe(外围)to the center. Happiness spreads through the network without changing its structure.
"Imagine a bird's eye view of a backyard party, "Fowler explains. "You'll see people in groups at the center, and others on the fringe. The happiest people tend to be the ones in the center. But someone on the fringe who suddenly becomes happy, say through a particular exchange, doesn't suddenly move into the center of the group. He simply stays where he is—only now he has a far more satisfying sense of well-being. "
Next time, if you're happy and you know it, thank your friends—and their friends. And while you're at it, their friends' friends. But if you're sad, hold the blame.
12. Who will be more likely to become happy as a man is happy according to the research
A. His wife. B. His next-door neighbors.
C. His brothers and sisters. D. A friend of his friend.
13. Why does Fowler mention a backyard party in Paragraph 4
A. To explain a rule. B. To clarify a concept.
C. To describe a fact. D. To make a prediction.
14. What does the research aim to tell us
A. Happiness changes social structures.
B. A social network is a double-edged sword.
C. Happiness goes hand in hand with sadness.
D. Happiness spreads through social networks.
15. What do we know from the last two paragraphs
A. Friends' friends may bring you happiness.
B. Your friends are to blame for your sadness.
C. Your friends decide whether you are happy.
D. The happiest friends at party are on the fringe.
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
As a language learning enthusiast, I've come up with the best apps for learning English from the thousands of mobile apps out there.
Best for Pronunciation:ELSA Speak
ELSA Speak is probably the best mobile app around for helping you improve your English pronunciation. The app's greatest strength is its intensive AI feedback, but ELSA also provides mini-training sessions to really perfect your pronunciation. The AI analyzes your recordings based on pronunciation, intonation and fluency then points out exactly which parts sound inaccurate.
Best for Immersing in English Videos:FluentU
FluentU is a language learning app that teaches you English through authentic videos like news reports, movie scenes and interviews, with learner tools for all levels. Each clip has interactive subtitles so if you're not sure what a word means, you can hover over it and get an explanation. The app also gives video examples for each word so you can learn vocabulary in context.
Best for Practical Topics:Babbel
Babbel has you learn and practice English with realistic conversations that surround things that you're personally interested in. Lessons are short and consist of written and audio versions of the grammar featured in the lessons. Then you are able to complete practice exercises to solidify your understanding.
Best for Fun Beginner Lessons:Lingodeer
Lingodeer uses games and short exercises to teach beginner and intermediate English learners. Lingodeer takes a gamified approach to language learning with a goal-oriented curriculum consisting of structured lessons and regular reviews. Lingodeer's lessons are arranged according to themes, such as sports, weather, parts of the body and shopping.
1. What is the feature of ELSA Speak
A. It analyzes learners' recordings. B. It provides guidance for learners.
C. It gives learners helpful feedback. D. It improves learners' communication skill.
2. Which app provides videos as learning resources
A. FluentU. B. ELSA Speak. C. Babbel. D. Lingodeer.
3. What can learners do with the app Lingodeer
A. Design games. B. Study around a theme.
C. Structure lessons. D. Take advanced courses.
From Santa Barbara to Scotland, strangers are becoming friends by going on bike rides together. They get paired up by Cycling Without Age, an organization that helps seniors go for bike rides, even if they can't pedal themselves.
Hugh Lyon and David Lawrence, who are roughly 20 years apart in age, have been riding together for years. The 56-year-old Lawrence serves as a“pilot”, driving the trishaw —a bike with a passenger seat in the front that Cycling Without Age uses for their rides. They go for rides about once a week, often discussing the history of their town.
"Despite my deceased parents, it gives me a connection with people from an older generation, ”said Lawrence, “and I enjoy spending time with them and hearing their stories. ”The pair have formed a friendship outside of cycling. Lawrence said he calls Lyon often and goes to the gym with him to help him with exercises he can't do on his own.
Ole Kassow, who founded Cycling Without Age, said that's the power of the program. “The truly powerful thing about these bike rides is that they tie people and stories together to create new relationships, " he told CBS News. "In my experience, friendships -- and the ability to form new relationships at any age—are what define a good life, and often also a long and happy life. ”
John Boettner started the Santa Barbara chapter. He has one rule for passengers. “They say, ‘What does it cost if I’m going to go for a ride ’I say, 'Here's what it costs:You have to wave. If you don't wave, I'm going to kick you out, '" he joked. He said he likes when they hit red lights, because it gives them a chance to connect with people on the road. "Driving the trishaw is the best advertisement for Cycling Without Age”, Boettner said, "When you take a 101-year-old woman for a bike ride and she holds your hand tight and says thank you and gives you a kiss on the cheek, it doesn't get any better than that. "
4. What did Lawrence benefit from Cycling Without Age
A. Picking up forgotten stories. B. Improving his health condition.
C. Understanding his parents' love. D. Creating a relationship with seniors.
5. Why did Ole Kassow mention“friendships”?
A. To share the pleasure of cycling. B. To state the nature of happiness.
C. To show the value of the program. D. To introduce the definition of a good life.
6. What can we learn from Boettner's words in the last paragraph
A. The program needs to be advertised. B. Passengers have to pay for their rides.
C. Red lights connect people on the road. D. Bike riders feel fulfilled by offering rides.
7. What message does the passage convey?
A. A sweet friendship refreshes the soul. B. Be a rainbow in somebody else's cloud.
C. Don't go through life, grow through life. D. Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
For anyone trying to lose weight, there's a truth we can all universally acknowledge that better health is often positioned as a numbers game. Hit the right number, and all your health problems will magically resolve, so the logic goes. Yet increasingly, science is revealing that losing weight may not be a silver bullet after all. In a mouse study published in the journal Science, looking specifically at an inflammatory(炎症的)eye condition linked to obesity called macular degeneration(黄斑退化),researchers found the struggle for better health doesn't necessarily begin and end with weight loss.
Researchers conducted experiments on mice that were fed a high-fat diet for 11 weeks, making them gain weight. The mice were then put on a diet of low-fat food for 9 weeks, making them lose weight. Another group of mice only ate the low-fat diet as a control. Researchers shot lasers into the eyes of both the yo-yo dieter mice and the control mice to encourage atypical blood vessel(非典型性血管)growth,a mark of macular degeneration.
Among the mice that had gained and then lost weight, there was about 40 percent more atypical blood vessel growth than their stable diet peers. Driving the growth appeared to be macrophages(巨噬细胞).In the yo-yo dieter mice, these cells had been reprogrammed to cause inflammation. Taken together, these cells appeared to have an outsize role in atypical blood vessel growth in the eyes. Meanwhile, in the mice fed only a low-fat diet, inflammatory changes were absent. The results suggest that eating a high-fatdiet that causes weight gain, even if followed by weight loss, leaves an inflammatory mark on mouse macrophages.
The research comes during a period of renewed interest in anti-obesity drugs. But medicines that help people shed pounds do not treat inflammation linked to a history of weight gain. “How to engage these findings with medicine interventions is a challenge, " says Bapat, head of the research. 8. Which of the following best explains“a silver bullet ”underlined in paragraphl
A. A workable solution. B. A tough choice.
C. An ultimate objective. D. A major challenge.
9. How do researchers carry out the experiment
A. By making comparison. B. By listing examples.
C. By controling test methods. D. By analyzing diet components.
10. What can we learn about the research results
A. Stable dieting drives the growth of macrophages.
B. Reprogrammed cells are to blame for weight gain.
C. Inflammatory changes are caused by the low-fat diet.
D. Losing weight doesn't resolve the inflammation tied to weight gain.
11. What will the research focus on next
A. Exploring ways of losing weight. B. Tracking the history of weight loss.
C. Treating obesity-linked inflammation. D. Boosting interest in anti-obesity drugs.
A new kind of solar panel, developed at the University of Michigan, has achieved high efficiency in transforming water into hydrogen and oxygen — imitating a crucial step in natural photosynthesis(光合作用). The outdoor version of the experiment,with less reliable sunlight and temperature, achieved 6. 1% efficiency at turning the energy from the sun into hydrogen fuel. However, indoors, the system achieved 9% efficiency.
But the biggest benefit is driving down the cost of sustainable hydrogen. This is enabled by reducing the size of the semiconductor(半导体),typically the most expensive part of the device. The team's self-healing semiconductor withstands concentrated light equivalent to 160 suns.
“We believe that artificial photosynthesis devices will be much more efficient than natural photosynthesis, which will provide a path toward carbon neutrality, " said Zetian Mi, U-M professor of electrical and computer engineering who led the study reported in Nature.
The new technology has two advances. The first is the ability to concentrate the sunlight without destroying the semiconductor that traps the light. “We reduced the size of the semiconductor by more than 100 times compared to some semiconductors only working at low light intensity, ” said Peng Zhou, U-M research fellow in electrical and computer engineering and first author of the study. "Hydrogen produced by our technology could be very cheap.
And the second is using both the higher energy part of the solar spectrum(光谱)to break down water and the lower part of the spectrum to provide heat that encourages the reaction. The magic is enabled by a semiconductor catalyst(催化剂)that improves itself with use, resisting the degradation(降解)that such catalysts usually experience when they trap sunlight to drive chemical reactions.
The next challenges the team intends to tackle are to further improve the efficiency and to achieve superhigh purity hydrogen that can be directly fed into fuel cells.
12. What leads to the lower cost of sustainable hydrogen
A. Solar energy. B. Smaller semiconductors.
C. Natural photosynthesis. D. More concentrated light.
13. What is an advantage of the new technology
A. A catalyst easily available. B. Creative. use of the solar spectrum.
C. Outstanding ability to reflect light.D. A semiconductor working at low light intensity.
14. Why are the two advances of the new solar panel mentioned
A. To introduce a greener lifestyle. B. To promote its commercial value.
C. To state its technical breakthrough. D. To advertise the potential application.
15. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. A New Trend in Water Usage B. The Future of Sustainable Hydrogen
C. Solar Energy:More Efficient, Greener D. Cheaper Hydrogen Through Solar Power
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
Stay safe with Sonder
As a foreign student arriving in Australia, you may feel both excited and anxious. The prospect of arriving in a new country where you may have no friends or family nearby can be discouraging, particularly the thought of what you would do if you were involved in an accident or fell seriously ill.
Sonder Australia aims to lessen that worry by providing an Australia-wide, multilingual rapid response network, available on-demand24/7 via a mobile app. The Sonder app has following unique features. When required, Sonder can also work with Murdoch to provide further well being support.
1. Who may be the text targeted at in Australia
A. Taxi drivers. B. New settlers.
C. International students. D. Travelers from abroad.
2. Which part of the app functions at a set time
A. 24/7 help. B. Check on me.
C. Safety alerts. D. Track my journey.
3. What technology is used in all the four features
A. Facial recognition. B. Voice interaction.
C. Geographical positioning. D. Cross-platform communication.
Jim Glaub and Dylan Parker had just been handed the keys to their new Manhattan apartment on 22nd Street when the outgoing tenant(房客)said something curious,"Just so you know, there's this thing where letters addressed to Santa come to the apartment. The previous tenants received the mail too. It has been coming for years and no one knows why. "
Glaub and Parker settled in to their new home, and for the first two years only a few letters from kids or parents asked"Santa"for gifts they could not otherwise afford. Then in the months leading to Christmas 2010, their mailbox was filled with letters to Santa every day. They responded to as many as they could, writing notes, even buying gifts. Glaub, of course, is not Santa. They could do only so much.
But one night, when he and Parker threwa 1960s-themed Christmas party, a solution appeared. Guests noticed the hundreds of letters they'd yet to act upon and asked about them. Glaub told them the story and his guests were intrigued. “A lot of people were like, ‘I'll take a letter. I'll satisfy it. '"And so was born Miracle on 22nd Street.
To spread the word, they started a website, , and a Facebook page. Working with other nonprofits that help thosein need, they invited families from around the country to go online and request gifts for their children. Likewise, donors, also known as “elves, ”can sign up to buy gifts for a child or family, accompanied by a signed note with Elf before their name, such as Elf Jim or Elf Jody.
Last year, Glaub and Miracle on 22nd Street helped more than 800 families. Glaub no longer wonders why the letters come to the apartment. Putting in the long hours to help the families is what it's all about for him. "It's part of Christmas for me, "he says, "It wouldn't be Christmas without it. ”
4. What did the tenant think of receiving the letters in the apartment
A. Odd. B. Comic. C. Exciting. D. Disturbing.
5. What can be implied about the couple in paragraph 2
A. They got really bothered. B. They had tried their best.
C. They overcame the challenge. D. They were content with their new life.
6. What does' the underlined word"intrigued"mean in paragraph 3
A. Interested. B. Relieved. C. Puzzled. D. Surprised.
7. What is the text mainly about
A. How a volunteer organization is formed.
B. How Miracle on 22nd Street is operated.
C. How a couple deal with the letters to Sanla.
D. How donors purchase gifts for families in need.
The term“quiet quitting”went viral last year, describing people who stay in their jobs but mentally take a step back—for example, working the bare minimum and not making their job the center of their lives. Now in 2023, there is a new workplace trend on the horizon, called“quiet hiring”.
Quiet hiring is a strategy used to fill the critical gaps in a company without hiring new employees. One company has a limited amount of talent and needs to make a call about where it's going to have the best impact. This year it may need to add five more data scientists to its team to meet the strategic goals. As a solution, it may move five employees from another department only for a short time, like data analysts in the human resources and marketing department, into the five open data scientist roles.
In this case, the boss is saying, "We're going to intentionally deprioritize support for HR and marketing for the next six months so that we can increase the productivity of our data science team, and we are saying this sound and clearly. Everyone knows this. ”The important distinction with quiet hiring is that a company is openly communicating with employees about its priorities and moving employees to areas that serve those priorities, instead of just loading employees with more work or simply hiring more people.
While being assigned to a new role may seem scary, quiet hiring should be beneficial to employees. If you were asked to take on additional responsibilities, it would indicate your value. Meantime you might say, "If it's not possible to increase my payment, can we make it so that I can work from home five days a week,reducing my commute(通勤)costs? Or,could I work flexible hours, making it easier for me to live the rest of my life ”An individual conversation may be ineffective. If you're part of a department or team being asked to switch roles, employ that power and approach human resources as a group.
8. What does the strategy of quiet hiring refer to
A. Adding more positions. B. Training new employees.
C. Employing new talent secretly. D. Shifting existing staff to new posts.
9. What is the feature of a company's handling quiet hiring
A. Innovations are highly valued.
B. Employees are burdened with overwork.
C. Roles of departments are changed regularly.
D. Personnel changes are announced beforehand.
10. What suggestion does the author offer to employees
A. Negotiate on extra jobs. B. Take on new roles as a team.
C. Shoulder more duties on work. D. Balance between work and life.
11. Which is a suitable title for the text
A. Hiring more or less B. Quiet quitting or quiet hiring?
C. Quiet hiring:A workplace debate D. Quiet hiring: An upcoming tendency
In the endless sky, the unaided human eye should be able to perceive several thousand stars on a clear, dark night. Unfortunately, growing light pollution has disabled people from the nightly view.
New citizen-science-based research throws alarming light on the problem of“sky glow”—the diffuse illumination(漫射照明)of the night sky that is a form of light pollution. The data came from crowd-sourced observations collected from around the world as part of Globe at Night, a program developed by astronomer Connie Walker.
Light pollution has harmful effects on the practice of astronomy but also on human health and wildlife, since it disturbs the cycle from sunlight to starlight that biological systems have evolved alongside. Furthermore, the loss of visible stars is a great loss of human cultural heritage. Until relatively recently, humans throughout history had an impressive view of the starry night sky,and the effect of this nightly spectacle(壮观)is evident in ancient cultures.
Globe at Night has been gathering data on star visibility since 2006. Anyone can submit observations through the Globe at Night web application. Participants record which one best matches what they can see in the sky without any telescopes or other instruments.
Researchers find that the loss of visible stars indicates an increase in sky brightness of 9. 6% per year while roughly 2% is measured by satellites. Existing satellites are not well suited
to measuring sky glow as it appears to humans, because they can not detect wavelengths shorter than 500 nanometers(纳米). White LEDs,with shorter wavelengths under 500 nanometers,now are increasingly commonly used in outdoor lighting. But human eyes are more sensitive to these shorter wavelengths at nighttime. Space-based instruments do not measure light from windows, either. But these sources are significant contributors to sky glow as seen from the ground.
"The increase in sky glow over the past decade underlines the importance of redoubling our efforts and developing new strategies to protect dark skies, " said Walker. "The Globe at Night data set is necessary in our ongoing evaluation of changes in sky glow, and we encourage whoever can to get involved to help protect the starry night sky. "
12. What is a purpose of Globe at Night
A. To develop new light sources.
B. To collect data on star visibility.
C. To help astronomers explore space.
D. To popularize science among citizens.
13. What does the loss of visible stars lead to
A. Poorer human health.
B. Fewer wildlife species.
C. More delicate biological systems.
D. Less nightly culture elements of the sky.
14. What does the author stress in paragraph 5
A. Satellites play a vital role.
B. White LEDs are widely used.
C. Crowd-sourced data are invaluable.
D. Shorter wavelengths are hard to detect.
15. What can be inferred from Walker's words
A. Their consistent efforts pay off.
B. The data set needs to be updated.
C. More participants are expected to join in.
D. The sky glow has been over-emphasized.
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
If you always sit indoors for too long, putting on weight may become a trouble. Tired of all that fat If so, these sports can help you burn the most calories.
“Running is one of the best caloric burners out there, ” qualified personal trainer Daniel Saltos says. An average person can burn anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories in one hour of running. “Speed, pace, and tolerance are all factors that can impact this range. But running uses every muscle group in the body, allowing you to burn more calories. ”
“Swimming is a workout that produces the lowest impact on body while it still can burn 500 to 600 calories in just 30 minutes, ” Saltos says. Swimming also improves heart health and increases strength—all great reasons for playing in the water.
Not only is boxing a great way to release energy, but it also helps improve balance, builds up tolerance and strengthens the upper body and core. “Boxing helps you get a good calorie burn, too, with the average person burning up 400 to 800 calories in an hour session, ” Saltos says.
The pushing and pulling motion of rowing machines targets multiple muscle groups including the arms, core, and back, helping you to burn more calories. “An hour of rowing will burn 400 to 600 calories on average, ” Saltos says.
1. Which sport can burn the most calories per hour
A. Boxing. B. Running.
C. Swimming. D. Rowing.
2. What is the advantage of swimming according to the text
A. It enhances balance. B. It improves tolerance.
C. It produces low impact. D. It builds muscle groups.
3. Who is the text intended for
A. Great athletes. B. Fitness experts.
C. Sports reporters. D. Overweight persons.
Lam Hon-ming, director of the State Key Laboratory at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, is a top expert in soybean (大豆) research. Since 1998, Lam’s team has been cooperating with scientists in Chinese mainland. In 2010, he came across Zhang Guohong, an agricultural expert from Gansu, China, at a national soybean conference. With the same major, they hit it off and decided to improve farmers’ lives and promote local agriculture.
Farmers in Gansu depend largely on the weather for their livelihood, mainly on rainfall, which is also a cause of severe poorness in the area. In 2016, they developed three new soybean varieties suited to salty soil and rare rainfall of Northwest China. All received official government approval.
As the land in Northwest China is not suitable for the growth of common varieties of soybeans, local farmers never planted soybeans, and it became a major problem for spreading new soybeans. Lam and Zhang increased communication with farmers through various ways. To ensure farmers’ income, Lam struck a partnership with a Hong Kong food company that will purchase all soybeans at market price when they are harvested.
By 2020, the planting area of the three approved soybeans in Gansu had gone beyond 2. 4 million square kilometers, covering 46 of the province’s 80-plus counties, and the output had reached 7. 71 million kilograms, adding about 30 million yuan to local farmers’ income.
Zhang said that Professor Lam’s contribution has greatly pushed the poorness relief and agricultural research in Northwest China. “It is hard to keep doing agricultural research with less funding. And it is more difficult to travel from Hong Kong to the poor areas of the Northwest to do agricultural research, ” he added. In the future, Lan will continue to work with mainland scientists and lead more “Hong Kong power” into the development of the country’s Northwest.
4. What can we know about the two scientists from Paragraph 1
A. They are friends since 1998. B. They both major in agriculture.
C. They once served in the same lab. D. They met by chance in Hong Kong.
5. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to
A. Rainfall is not enough. B. The locals lived a poor life.
C. Little land is rich in nutrition. D. The farmers never planted soybeans.
6. What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us
A. More work needs to be done. B. All farmers become better-off.
C. The two scientists are successful. D. Soybeans grow throughout Gansu.
7. Which of the following can best describe Lam Hon-ming
A. Dependent. B. Honest. C. Open-minded. D. Devoted.
The AIDA model is the foundation of modern marketing and advertising practice. It outlines the four basic steps used to persuade potentials to make a purchase. The first three steps lie in creating attention (A), decorating interest (I), and building desire (D) for the product, before the fourth step — the “call to action” (A) — tells them exactly how and where to buy. AIDA can channel the customer’s feelings through each stage toward reaching a sale.
Attracting the customer’s attention is the first challenge and this may be achieved by using an attracting phrase or picture. Once someone’s attention has been clutched, it must be turned into real interest. This is best done by providing a brief description of the product’s benefits to the consumer rather than simply listing the product’s main features or problem-solving claims.
Now, it is time to transform that interest into a desire for a product or service. This is where consumers need to believe their lives could be better by possessing the product. It could be a vital step towards turning a potential into a real customer.
“Call-to-action” is where all of the initial hard work pays off and leads to the action from a potential customer. For example, they might pick up the phone to discuss the idea of a trial of the services or, alternatively, they may just buy that product or service that has been promoted to them all along.
And AIDA is used to great effect in the movie industry. Movie studios begin their marketing campaigns months in advance. The campaigns develop by offering attractive flashes of the movie without giving too much away. Desire is inspired by the release of the full preview which is fully designed to show the exciting moments of the movie, from special effects to humorous lines of dialogue on the opening weekend. Advertisements in newspapers and on television focus on the movie’s release, inviting the consumer to go and buy a ticket.
8. What is the purpose of practising AIDA
A. To create jobs. B. To increase sales.
C. To research markets. D. To introduce products.
9. What does the underlined word “clutched” mean in Paragraph 2
A. Seized. B. Freed. C. Cheated. D. Affected.
10. In which stage of the AIDA model may a customer call to try the service
A. Action. B. Interest. C. Desire. D. Attention.
11. Why does the author mention the movie industry in the last paragraph
A. To design an AIDA model. B. To display how AIDA works.
C. To show how to make a movie. D. To advertise the movie industry.
According to a study done by University of Michigan, shopping to reduce stress was 40 times more effective at giving people a sense of control and shoppers were three times less sad than those only looking at items.
More than half of the 1, 000 consumers surveyed by Credit Karma, head researcher of the study, said they have shopped to deal with feelings of stress or depression. About 48 percent of men and 31 percent of women who have stress shopping said they had purchased alcohol when stressed. About 82 percent of women spend on clothing compared to 52 percent of men. Women also lead shopping for jewellery, 42 percent, compared to 22 percent for men.
In some sense, stress shopping can actually help you live a healthier life by making sure that your blood pressure is lowered. The survey found 82 percent had only positive feelings about their purchases and that the positive mood was long-lasting. However, stress shopping, for many, could grow into a drive that uses up money, causes conflict, and therefore adds great stress to life.
Despite the in-time joy from purchases, stress shopping never proves a long-lasting cure to stress or depression. Actually it needs to be avoided anyhow. Whether you’re purchasing Christmas presents or buying groceries having the items you need written down will provide you with brightness while shopping. Reward yourself for sticking to your list and you’ll be more likely to commit to it.
In addition always think about what you struggle with most financially. Do you spend too much money at the mall Eating out Vacations Make a list of where your money is going and take necessary steps to resist your desire. For example, if you spend too much money on dining out on weekends, stuff your cupboard with food on Friday. So you’ll be more likely to stay in and cook. And you need to give up the need to keep up with others. Everyone’s financial situation is different and comparison may lead to debt and dissatisfaction with what you already have.
12. Why does the author mention those numbers in Paragraph 2
A. To support an idea. B. To attract readers.
C. To call for actions. D. To introduce a topic.
13. Which of the following may help deal with stress shopping
A. Stimulating desires. B. Recording spendings.
C. Turning to medicines. D. Comparing with others.
14. What is the author’s attitude to stress shopping
A. Unclear. B. Doubtful. C. Objective. D. Negative.
15. What is a suitable title for the text
A. Does shopping benefit us B. More stressed, women or men
C. Should we compare with others D. Can stress shopping reduce stress
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
It’s hard to imagine any gifts more convenient than online flower delivery. There is no driving to the local florist shop, no waiting on hold, and no searching for a phone number for a flower delivery service in the area you need to send. You simply select the bouquet or arrangement, and enter the delivery and payment information. Besides, many offer additional gifts including gift baskets, chocolates, teddy bears and so on.
Fast Flower Delivery Online
When you buy flowers online, you can get flower delivery just as fast as if you place the order in person or over the phone. If you place your order early in the day with an Internet florist, many of the best can deliver on the same day.
Send Flowers for Less
Customers often find better prices when buying on the Internet, because online flower shops typically have lower prices and more discount deals. These shops have less overhead (运营费用) and costs, so they can pass the savings on to the customer. In addition, you usually get a much better deal, especially at busy holidays such as Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Christmas, etc.
Spectacular Flower Selection
A typical local flower shop does not have a big selection to choose, and also, when you order flowers over the phone you can’t see what you’ll get. Online flower shops have pictures, and still many have a spectacular selection to choose from. Plus, if one Internet florist doesn’t have what you want, it’ll take just a few seconds to buy flowers online from another florist site.
1. What might you get on a special holiday
A. Faster delivery. B. Wider choices. C. More discount. D. Extra gifts.
2. In which aspect is online flower delivery better than over the phone
A. You see pictures of the flowers.
B. You needn’t drive to the shop.
C. You can pay afterwards.
D. You have a faster service.
3. What is the purpose of the text
A. To show the advantages of online shopping.
B. To help run an online floral business.
C. To advertise an online flower shop.
D. To promote online flower delivery.
I still remember my father’s embarrassment the day when he was invited to have dinner at a colleague’s house. Freshly arriving in Brazil, and not being able to look up on the Internet, he offended his hosts by making a hand gesture — a circle with the thumb and index finger. He had always understood it to mean “OK”, but in Brazil, it meant something different.
The episode was swiftly forgotten. My father’s colleague understood that he probably wasn’t yet aware of the local meaning of the gesture. He gently explained it meant something rude, and then it was filed away under “things not to be done in Rio”.
I was reminded myself in China. After I replied to a friend’s WeChat message with a Van Gogh sticker that I thought meant “keep fighting”, another friend told me I used it wrong.
“The Chinese version is a bit different, ” she said, taking out her phone and showing to me. “See these characters They mean ‘I will hit you!’”
Life is full of crossed meanings. In India, you sign to someone to come over with your palm down, not up. And in the Middle East, you never use your left hand for anything public.
As adults, we understand that even if it hurts, a mistake is only an insult (侮辱) when it is deliberate. Yet, many conflicts come from misunderstanding, and history is full of the unfortunate outcomes of cross-cultural communication.
My father’s pre-Internet Brazilian mistake was forgiven because of context — he had just arrived and he didn’t know its local meaning. But when context is absent or simply differently understood — especially in the social media — perhaps it is time we all think twice before typing or talking, especially when the consequences can be more severe than the misuse of a WeChat sticker.
4. What is the topic of the text
A. Cultural difference. B. Language and culture.
C. Sign language. D. Good manners.
5. What does the author want to show by telling his father’s story
A. The OK sign means differently in Brazil.
B. Cross-cultural mistakes are common.
C. The Internet helps to avoid mistakes.
D. Misunderstandings lead to bad results.
6. What did the author mean to do by using the Van Gogh sticker
A. To greet his friend. B. To encourage his friend.
C. To threaten his friend. D. To make fun of his friend.
7. What might result in if there is no context
A. Cultural conflicts. B. Forgiveness. C. Cultural gaps. D. Mutual respect.
Turkmenistan is a country in Central Asia, near Afghanistan and Iran. In Darvaza, one of its villages, there is a very interesting feature. It is a massive hole in the ground-about 20 metres (65 feet) deep and 60 metres (196 feet) across. The enormous pit has been on fire for more than 50 years.
Why is the crater on fire The most popular theory is that in 1971, a team of geologists from the then-Soviet Union were drilling in the country’s Karakum Desert to try to find gas. The ground under the drill collapsed and methane (甲烷) gas began to escape into the air. The geologists decided the safest thing to do was to burn off the gas by lighting it on fire. They thought the fire would burn for only a few weeks. However, it has been burning steadily for more than 50 years.
According to a BBC article, Canadian explorer George Kourounis discovered in 2013 that “no one actually knows how this… inferno came to be. ” But, now the crater may finally be extinguished.
Turkmenistan’s president, Mr. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, has asked scientists in the country to figure out how to put out the burning crater. He went on the country’s state-run television station on January 8 to encourage experts to find a way to stop the fire.
One of the reasons he wants the crater to be put out is that the country can collect the gas that fuels it. Gas is a very important and valuable resource and can be used for many purposes. If it’s just burning off, the gas cannot be used or sold. According to the website , the crater sits on the fourth largest reserve of natural gas in the world. Another reason the president may want the crater put out is to stop the harmful effects, to humans and the environment, of the burning gas.
8. Why did the geologists light the crater
A. To test the quality of the gas.
B. To exhaust the underground gas.
C. To prevent explosion of the gas.
D. To stop the escape of the gas.
9. What does the underlined word “inferno” in Paragraph 3 refer to
A. The article. B. The theory. C. The fire. D. The president.
10. What does Turkmenistan’s president want to do
A. To protect the crater.
B. To find the reason of the fire.
C. To seek help from the public.
D. To exploit and use the gas.
11. Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A. The Fire Crater May Soon Be Put Out
B. A Peculiar Scenic Spot in Turkmenistan
C. The Crater Burning for Fifty Years
D. The Harmful Effects of the Burning Gas
Researchers from the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) discovered that ant species Formica fusca has a well-developed sense of smell. It was able to distinguish cancerous cells from healthy cells in humans. But more clinical tests must be carried out before the findings could be used in clinical settings like hospitals, the team said.
In the research, the scientists performed tests with 36 ants, smelling cells under a laboratory setting. First, the ants were exposed to the smell of a sample of cancerous human cells. This odor (气味) was then associated with a reward of sugar solution. Then, the researchers exposed the ants to two different odors. One was a new smell and the other was the smell of the cancerous cells. Once this test was successful, the researchers exposed the ants to different cancerous cells. As such, the scientists found that “ants discriminate between cancerous and healthy cells and between two cancerous lines. ” After training, Formica fusca ants are able to detect volatile organic compounds of cancerous cells.
This study shows that ants are capable of learning very quickly, at lower cost, and are efficient, points out CNRS in a news release. This isn’t the first time that scientists have used animals to locate cancerous cells. Dogs’ noses are well suited for medical diagnosis and used for the detection of cancer-specific. However, training them to do so requires several months to a year.
On the other hand, insects can be easily raised in controlled conditions. They are inexpensive, and have a very well-developed smell system. Hundreds of individuals can be conditioned with very few trials. Ants therefore represent a fast, efficient, inexpensive and highly discriminant detection tool for detection of cancer cell, the team explained.
12. What do we know about the findings
A. They are the first findings in animals.
B. They can be used to treat cancer.
C. They are useful in varieties of fields.
D. They need further experiments.
13. What is the second paragraph mainly about
A. The research tools and methods.
B. The process of the research.
C. The application of the findings.
D. Formica fusca’s magic power.
14. In which aspect are ants better than dogs according to the research
A. They have a sharper sense of smell.
B. They are more intelligent than dogs.
C. They take less time to be trained.
D. They perform better in laboratory settings.
15. Where is this text most likely from
A. A guidebook. B. A novel. C. A diary. D. A magazine.
1-5. DDCAA 6-10. DBDBC 11-15. DBBDA
1~3 CAB 4~7 DCDB 8~11 AADC 12~15 BBCD
1-5 CBCAB 6-10 ACDDA 11-15 DBDCC
【答案】1. C 2. C 3. D
【答案】4. B 5. D 6. C 7. D
【答案】8. B 9. A 10. A 11. B
【答案】12. A 13. B 14. D 15. D
【答案】1. C 2. A 3. D
【答案】4. A 5. B 6. B 7. A
【答案】8. B 9. C 10. D 11. A
【答案】12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D



