
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
How to Educate Yourself
Despite fears of automation(自动化)destroying jobs, history shows that new technology often ends up creating new jobs and opportunities. If you want to take advantage of these new jobs, you'll need to be able to teach yourself new things. ___16___But the following process should get you off to a very good start.
Identify What You Want to Learn
The obvious first step is to pick a skill or subject. You probably have a vague idea in mind already, but you are encouraged to make it more specific. Let's take learning piano as an example. ___17___To play a few of your favorite songs T)play in a band with your friends To become the next Carnegie Hall soloist You can better track your learning progress by doing so.
Determine How You Learn Best
___18___Before you dive into specific books or courses, you should do some self-reflection and determine your learning style. However, it's not as simple as you thought. In reality, you probably learn well in multiple ways, and the best approach will also depend on the topic.
Start With the Right Learning Resources
If you're totally new to a subject, you are recommended to read some existing learning resources to get started. Focus on resources that make few assumptions and are designed for absolute beginners. This way, you don't miss fundamentals or develop bad habits. ___19___
Practice Attentively
When you practice attentively, you set a specific intention for your practice period arld focus on only that. You're also honest about your current performance, constantly asking how you can improve. ___20___You could play the guitar absently for 10, 000 hours but still be no closer to playing like Pat Metheney, a great guitarist. It requires attentive, focused practice.
A. Do you like playing the piano
B. What exactly do you want to learn
C. It takes frequent practice to make perfect.
D. Putting in the hours is necessary but not enough.
E. It's difficult to give exact steps for self-education.
F. You can start finding resources once a learning goal is set.
G. And choose whatever learning resources work best for your style.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
Many humans have a mental number line that often puts smaller numbers on the left and bigger numbers on the right —— if asked to organize several bunches of grapes by size, you'd likely line them up by increasing number of grapes from left to right. Like many humans, honeybees seem to prefer their numbers ordered from left to right, anew study claims. ___16___ Researchers reported their findings October 17 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Martin Giurfa, a biologist, tested 134 honeybees on their number-ordering abilities. First, Giurfa had to teach his bee pupils to recognize numbers. Using sugar water, he guided honeybees into a testing bee house built from a repurposed wine box. For each bee, he hung a panel on the back of the box with a certain number of symbols on it — one, three or five. ___17___So they'd learn to associate the number with food. By varying what the symbols looked like between visits, he ensured the bees were learning the number itself and not certain shapes or arrangements. ___18___ Giurfa removed the training panel and set up two, mirror-image panels, one on the left wall of the box and one on the right. These new panels either had the same number of symbols as the training panel, fewer symbols or more. Which panel did the bees fly to —— left or right “___19___”Giurda says. Of the bees trained on“one, ”72percent flew to the“three”panel to the right, but of the bees trained on"five, "73 percent went to the "three" panel to the left. "That's exactly the concept of the mental number line, " Ciurfa says.
Though some cognitive(认知的)powers seem to be uniquely human, Giurfa thinks there is danger in dismissing the abilities of animals. “We are different from animals in some aspects, "he says, “but we are very similar in others. ___20___.
A. Then he fed them the sugar water.
B. It depends on the reference number.
C. However, not everyone is convinced.
D. After 30 trips to the box, it was time for a test.
E. It suggests that honeybees have a“mental number line”.
F. Giurfa thinks bees and chicks have inborn mental number lines.
G. Denying this similarity will not help us understand what we are.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
There are few natural sounds more uplifting to my spirit than the bright and cheering calls and songs of black-capped chickadees(山雀). One of my morning routines is to step outside the house and listen for the voices of black-caps.
There is something comforting to me in black-caps' presence. ___16___Sometimes they are the only birds I'll hear on my local wood land walks and for me the forest would be a lonelier place without them.
After I'd moved into a house on Anchorage's Hillside, I placed a makeshift feeder on my home's back. ___17___For each,the routine was similar:dashed in,looked around,pecked(啄)at the tray, looked around again, and dashed out. Nervous little creatures, full of bright energy, they soon had me laughing at their funny way. By the time they moved on, I sensed an all-too-rare up welling of fascination and joy.
Within days, a whole new world opened up as woodland neighbors I'd never known, or even imagined, joined the black-caps at my feeders: red-breasted nuthatches, common red-polls . . . What was remarkable was that all of those species were common residents of the Anchorage area. ___18___
My newfound interest in birds grew quickly, surprising even me. ___19___I visited bookstores in search of birding guidebooks. Excitedly exchanged bird descriptions with a stranger. Purchased 50-pound bags of sunflower seeds. All of this seemed very strange to a middle-aged guy who'd never been attracted by birds. Even more, I had previously judged bird watchers to be rather dull sorts.
___20___They've reminded me how my world can expand and become enriched when I make the effort to pay attention. What else awaits me in our world, I wonder, that I haven't yet discovered or noticed
A. Nature always amazed me in its own way.
B. Yet in prior days and years, I had no idea.
C. Black-caps are a sign of good environment.
D. Within a day, black-caps accepted my invitation to dine.
E. Black-caps have had a special place at the top of my affections.
F. What started as mere curiosity flowered into a consuming passion.
G. And much more often than not, they are heard before they're seen.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
Choice, we are given to believe, is a right. But for a good many people, choice gives birth to anxiety. Interested in the idea “too many choices are dizzy”. I have been conducting an experiment. ____16____
When presented with a menu in a restaurant, I’ll only consider the first few options on each page. I know, it sounds crazy. ____17____ I used to read the menu a long time instead of sitting back and talking to my dining companion. These days I quickly select the best-sounding dishes and then chat and eat. In doing so, I find myself trying new things. The other night, for example, I ordered a smoked chicken salad. If I had permitted myself to glance further down the list, this would never have happened. But guess what ____18____ So limiting my choices can sometimes lead me to a wider range of experiences.
____19____ I can now access many films and TV series, yet after ten minutes of looking through apps and menus, I will more often than not find myself watching whatever Channel 4 has scheduled at 9 pm. So before I even turn on the TV, I ask myself: what do I want to watch I think of a program. Then I just watch it.
This devotion to a simpler set of possibilities came in handy when our summer holiday to America was COVID-canceled. I didn’t go through a million TripAdvisor reviews for the best replacements. I simply went on Airbnb, saw what in England was still available and immediately booked the one I could afford. ____20____ And now I can actually focus on enjoying our holiday.
A. It was delicious.
B. It never proved worth a try.
C. But it’s actually quite liberating.
D. It interprets a lifestyle: less is more.
E. The same applies to home entertainment.
F. In doing so, I saved myself days of travel anxiety.
G. I’ve been expanding the choices I allow myself to have.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
It’s the start of a new academic year. There’s every reason to go back to school—or at least acquire a new skill.
Start with art. If you’ve always fancied yourself as a bit of a Picasso, consider joining an art class. As learning anything new in a group, you’ll meet like-minded people and boost your self-esteem. ___16___ Research suggests that it has a positive effect on body image, especially for women.
Speak a foreign language. Just back from holiday and feeling ashamed of your halting attempts to speak Spanish to waiters ___17___ Learning a foreign language can keep your brain in trim. There was still a benefit even if you took up a foreign tongue later in life.
Take photos to feel good. Enrolling on a course to take better pictures could improve your mental health. Taking a photo a day and posting it online is beneficial. ___18___
Know how to knit. It’s sociable, calming and might help you to avoid mild cognitive impairment. ___19___ It also help distract people from chronic pain, according to Knit for Peace, an initiative from the Charities Advisory Trust.
___20___ Research from the University of California Riverside found that when older people learned several skills at a time, their cognitive abilities increased to the level of people 30 years younger.
A. It’s never too late to learn a new skill.
B. It’s even been shown to lower blood pressure.
C. And think about learning several new things at once.
D. In that case, you cater to others and build up your strength.
E. Trying your hand at life drawing will help your motor skills.
F. Brushing up your language skills could be just what you need.
G. Actually, it helps people to connect with others, and see the world differently.
16-20. EBFGD
16~20 EADBG
16-20 GDBFE
【答案】16. D 17. C 18. A 19. E 20. F
【答案】16. E 17. F 18. G 19. B 20.C



上一篇:2022-2023 北师大版八年级数学下册1.4角平分线课后强化练习(无答案)
