
第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)
例: How much is the shirt
A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
1. What will the man do
A. Do some exercise. B. Look after, the baby. C. Listen to the radio.
2. What is the weather like now
A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.
3. Which house is the woman looking for
A. The one with a garage.
B. The one next to a bookstore.
C. The one with a pool in the garden.
4. Why does the woman refuse to go with the man
A. She lives nearby. B. He has had some wine.
C. She can take the last bus home.
5. Where are the speakers
A. In a library. B. In a supermarket. C. In a cinema.
第二节(共15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分22. 5分)
6. What is probably the woman
A. A teacher. B. A manager. C. A director.
7. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Classmates. B. Colleagues. C. Boss and employee.
8. Where does Mike come from
A. Britain. B. Canada. C. New Zealand.
9. What does the woman think of Mike
A. He is helpful. B. He is humorous. C. He is strong.
10. What color is the man’s shirt now
A. Bright pink. B. Bright red. C. Light pink.
11. How did the man wash his shirt
A. He had it dry-cleaned.
B. He washed it by hand.
C. He washed it in the washing machine.
12. What will the man probably do in the end
A. Return his shirt. B. Keep his shirt. C. Change his shirt.
13. What is the man going to do this summer holiday
A. Travel abroad. B. Go camping. C. Visit his aunt.
14. Where will the woman spend her summer holiday
A. In China. B. In Spain. C. In Australia.
15. What trouble did the man have abroad last time
A. He couldn’t speak Chinese.
B. He failed to reach his mates.
C. He couldn’t understand the local language.
16. What will the man have to work on
A. Math. B. Painting. C. Chinese.
17. Who are the listeners
A. Visitors. B. Students. C. New employees.
18. What can NatWest account provide
A. A free driving lesson.
B. Free mobile phone insurance.
C. Discounts on train fares in Britain.
19. What do the three banks have in common
A. They provide free life insurance.
B. They have many branches in Britain.
C. They don’t charge interests if customers are overdrawn.
20. What is the interest rate of HSBC credit card
A.18.8%. B.18. 9%. C.19.9%.
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
This course is a survey of basic concepts in literature. In addition to identifying and discussing the elements of literature, this course will also provide you with a wide range of critical perspectives for reading literature.
Reading: A significant amount of reading is required, so manage your time accordingly. Not completing the assigned readings will make it very difficult for you to successfully complete this course.
Quizzes (30%): Reading quizzes will be given once a week throughout the semester, to test completion and comprehension of assigned readings.
Reflection Essays (60%): You will complete four short reflection essays You must turn in paper copies of your papers.
Attendance Policy (10%): Every absence will affect your participation grade. If you miss more than four classes and any of these absences are unexcused, you receive an F for the participation section of your grade.
Because I grade on a point system, it is better to turn in an assignment late than not at all, However, I will not accept a paper that is more than a week late without a documented and reasonable excuse. Not to turn in an assignment will result in a zero.
If a faculty (系;院) member discovers that a student has committed an academic integrity violation (违背), in addition to reporting the incident, I reserve the right to give the plagiarized (抄袭) paper an automatic F or a student who has plagiarized an automatic F in the course if the plagiarism is clearly intentional.
1. What will the course equip students with
A. Time management. B. Reading speed.
C. Academic gift. D. Critical insight.
2. Which one is the course’s rule
A. The students will be tested per week on required readings.
B. The students will get a zero if failing to show up in class.
C. The students will fail if submitting their assignments late.
D. The students will be asked to leave if found plagiarizing.
3. What is the text most likely to be
A. A study schedule. B. A course introduction.
C. An academic article. D. An exam paper.
One of the reasons I became a teacher was how much I loved the reading and writing process, and how excited I was to help young children develop as readers and writers. I had visions of a class full of busy writers, all with the same sense of excitement I’ve always had about writing and sharing stories.
One day, I discovered the work of Vivian Paley, who developed a storytelling curriculum for young children that involves writing down the contents of students’ drawings and having their classmates act out these stories. I was immediately drawn to Paley’s focus on dramatization(编剧).
One morning, as my students gathered in our classroom for our writing lesson, I told them that they could draw anything they’d like, imaginary or real that day. They discussed with one another what they liked to draw and shared some of these ideas out loud, which helped inspire those who weren’t ready with their own ideas. For the next half-hour or so, I was busy writing down their stories. I observed some of my most hesitant and unwilling students drawing with a sense of focus and purpose.
At the end of the session, we sat in a circle and I explained that we would act out some of their stories. The“playwright(剧作家)”would choose classmates to be the characters in the story, and I would tell the story. Then the first playwright stood up to announce which char- acters she’d need. I watched as one student became a rabbit, another became a fairy, and another became a rain bow cloud. When the play was over, the actors and playwright bowed, and the class clapped for them. The next playwright jumped to her feet, shouting, “My story is next!”
4. What do we know about the author from paragraph 1
A. She hoped her students would inspire her writing.
B. She didn’t really expect to be a teacher when young.
C. She wanted to help her students fall in love with writing.
D. She became a teacher mainly because she loved children.
5. How did the author react when she read Vivian Paley’s work
A. She decided to try drawing pictures herself.
B. She wanted to encourage her students to act.
C. She became interested in trying dramatization.
D. She wanted to let her students act out her stories.
6. What did the author encourage her students to do that morning
A Reveal their creative ideas through drawing.
B. Write down their stories in simple words.
C. Draw pictures of stories they’d read.
D. Observe others’ drawings.
7. What did the author probably realize in that session
A. She was really good at making up stories.
B. Her students really had a gift for acting.
C. She should read stories aloud every day.
D. Her students really loved that method.
Dogs have a seemingly endless list of lovely behavior, and their curious head tilt(歪头) at human voices is no exception. While conducting a study on dogs’ ability to learn words, scientists stumbled upon a potential link between dogs’ memory and their head tilt.
In the study, researchers looked at the head tilt patterns of both“gifted”and “typical” dogs. Owners ordered their dogs to fetch a specific toy from another room. While most dogs struggled to memorize the name of just two toys, the seven “gifted” dogs-all of which were border collies(牧羊犬)could remember at least ten different toy names they'd been taught by researchers.
The team found that dogs that were particularly good at toy recall tilted their heads more often when hearing a command than dogs which weren’t as skilled. When they compared the dogs’ responses to a command from their owners, gifted dogs tilted their heads 43 percent of the time, while typical dogs did so just 2 percent of the time. It’s possible, scientists concluded, that the dogs’ head tilt may be a sign of paying attention or even matching a name to a visual image in their heads.
Researchers also discovered that dogs usually tilted their heads in the same direction regardless of where the owner was standing. The so-called “right-tilters“ and “left-tilters” may be a matter of individual preference. “The next step is to ask more questions to know what the head tilt really means, “says the researcher Monique Udell. “Can we use head tilting to predict word-learning ability, or attention, or memory ””
The researchers agree that the study is still in the early stages. For now, dog owners can take comfort in knowing that their dogs’ head tilt maybe a lovely attempt to better understand them.
8. Which of the following best explains “stumbled upon“ underlined in paragraph 1
A. Broke by accident. B. Discovered unexpectedly.
C. Imagined without reason. D. Investigated secretly.
9. What were the dogs asked to do in the study
A. Find out the hidden toys.
B. Find the name of the toys.
C. Separate the different toys.
D. Go to get the toys mentioned.
10. What did the researchers find out about the gifted dogs hearing commands
A. Their responses were faster.
B. They tilted their heads more often.
C. They tilted their heads to the left more often.
D. They were more easily influenced by the owners’ locations.
11. What’s the main idea of the text
A. Dogs mainly communicate by tilting their heads.
B. Dogs have developed specific communication skills.
C. A new study offers a clue as to why dogs tilt their heads.
D. Border collies are the smartest species in the animal kingdom.
A team led by researchers from the UK examined waterbird data from 1506 protected areas and analyzed more than 27, 000 bird populations across the world. They compared waterbird populations before and after the establishment of protected areas and also compared trends of similar populations within and outside of protected areas.
“Our study shows that, while many protected areas are working well, many others are failing to have a positive effect, ” lead author Hannah Wauchope says in a statement. “In the majority of places we looked, bird populations were stable or were increasing, but some of them weren’t doing any better than in unprotected areas, “ she adds. “That’s disappointing, but not surprising. There seems to be the disconnection between people talking about how much land is protected and whether those areas are actually doing anything positive. ”
This study comes ahead of a United Nations meeting in China to discuss biodiversity goals for the next decade. Several countries have already committed to protecting 30 percent of the planet by 2030, yet the researchers say this alone does not necessarily guarantee positive out- comes for species.
“An obsession(迷恋)with reaching a certain area-based target-such as 30 percent by 2030-without focus on managing existing protected areas appropriately will achieve little, ” co-author Julia Jones says. “When world leaders gather in China later this year to set targets for the next decade, I really hope to see a change of their focus, rather than simply saying how much surface area they are going to protect. ”
According to Thomas Brooks, chief scientist at the International Union for Conservation of Nature, who was not involved in the study, waterbirds are a good example of a group facing the consequences of human behaviors that cause biodiversity loss. These animals respond quickly to changes in site quality and are broadly distributed, clearly reflecting the impact of protected areas.
12. What can be learned about protected areas from the study
A They have a negative effect on wildlife.
B. Their bird populations are increasing.
C. Their problems went unnoticed at all.
D. They don’t always help waterbirds.
13. What does the underlined word “this“ in paragraph 3 refer to
A. Expanding protected areas.
B. Organizing the meeting.
C. Talking about biodiversity.
D. Making a big promise.
14. What does Julia Jones call on world leaders to do
A. Try to set targets for the next ten years.
B. Focus on the effectiveness of protected areas.
C. Face the consequences of human behaviors.
D. Have a deep understanding of biodiversity.
15. What might Thomas Brooks think of the study
A. Pioneering. B. Disappointing.
C. Convincing. D. Unsatisfying.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12. 5分)
There is no doubt that everyone wants to become more intelligent. Actually, becoming more intelligent involves daily work.____16____As a matter of fact, learning new things can be exciting and fun. Here are some ways that you can take to help you become more intelligent than you are now.
Take free online courses to become more knowledgeable.____17____Websites like HarvardX and Coursera offer many free courses you can take online with curriculum, materials, even videos from actual professors in a classroom. Go online to search for free courses and find a subject that you are interested in or explore an entirely new one.
Do crossword puzzles to challenge your recall and improve your memory.____18____Besides, they’re really fun and completing one can possibly help to reduce your stress and improve your mood.
____19____Reading the news keeps you informed and a steady diet of national, local, and international news will make you smarter, sharper, and more intelligent. Whether it’s a traditional newspaper or a news app on your smartphone or tablet, aim to read at least the latest headlines for the day.
Try yoga to improve your problem solving skills. A regular yoga practice can increase your ability to use logic, identify patterns, and solve new problems. The meditation (冥想) involved in yoga can slow down brain activity, which allows your brain reorganize itself and rest. But remember that you don’t need to meditate for hours.____20____
A. However, it doesn’t have to be uninteresting or boring.
B. Read more fiction to become more emotionally intelligent.
C. You can download a crossword puzzle application to your phone.
D. Read the news every day to stay current on what is going on in the world.
E. Crossword puzzles enhance your verbal skills and boost your vocabulary recall
F. Studies show that 20 minutes a day is enough to receive the benefits of meditation.
G. There are a variety of free online courses that you can take to learn about a specific subject.
At least three people were possibly dead after a powerful earthquake. Others were injured from falling structures and homes, rural roads and____21____highways. Experts said it could take some time to____22____the full extent of the injuries and damage in the region.
Regina Rave,who is a geologist, was meeting with two____23____at his home when the earthquake____24____. Rave tried to stand up from his chair but couldn’t keep his balance and ____25____ in a kind of group hug with his colleagues, while plates and cups____26____from his shelves to the ground. His children, ages 9 and 2, had their drinks____27____over the edge of cups. Rave tried to calm everybody as the____28____continued for more than a minute.
About 10,000 people live in and around his town, which is____29____66 kilometers from the earthquake’s center. It’s a(n)_____30_____thing that earthquakes are felt here, but it usually doesn’t last as long and is not as violent as this one. It was quite strong.
People were feeling_____31_____. Rave was_____32_____through the damage to his home,which included a broken sewer pipe(污水管)judging from the smell. Friends elsewhere had messaged him with_____33_____of cracked roads, broken pipes and fallen debris(碎片), but hadn’t described major building collapses munication seemed to have been_____35_____with some cell towers likely to have fallen. People were starting to clean up their houses and the streets.
21. A. damaged B. surrounded C. hidden D. buried
22. A. foresee B. assess C. recognize D. assume
23. A. roommates B. schoolmates C. colleagues D. parents
24. A. covered B. rose C. ceased D. struck
25 A. ended up B. came out C. carried on D. resulted from
26. A. squeezed B. crashed C. flashed D. pulled
27. A. turn B. knock C. flow D. blow
28. A. jumping B. hanging C. floating D. shaking
29. A. located B. listed C. considered D. posed
30. A. simple B. common C. popular D. awkward
31. A. puzzled B. tired C. frightened D. inspired
32. A. getting B. breaking C. cutting D. sorting
33. A. descriptions B. instructions C. explanations D. introductions
34. A. changes B. injuries C. beats D. attacks
35. A. handled B. improved C. affected D. removed
Being a good sports parent is like being a good school parent. To make sure your kids get the most out of their participation, you need to participate too. Positive involvement in sports____36____(mean) you provide support____37____ practical help.
If possible, volunteer and back up the coach’s decisions and lessons, and help create an environment where your kids can succeed. And then, you step back and let them do the hard work.
Be a role model, Exercise____38____(regular) and talk about how it makes you feel more energetic. You might even work out together, help them practice skills, or have them teach you some of what they____39____(learn) about their chosen sports, Research indicates that physically active parents tend to have physically active children.
Your young athletes also need to keep their bodies in good shape to perform well and reduce the risk of____40____(injure). Through words and deeds, you can help them achieve these goals. Serve healthy foods to your family and remind your kids____41____the importance of good nutrition.
Being a good sports parent is not____42____easy task. But your child is more likely____43____(have) a positive and enriching experience playing sports if you focus on being a good sports parent. Just be sure to refrain (克制) from applying too much____44____(press) or setting unrealistic expectations, and both you and your child will find the experience_____45_____(reward) and a great opportunity to build memories.
46. 你校英文报正在举行主题为“How Can We Relieve Pressure ”的征文比赛,请你写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
How Can We Relieve Pressure
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Chloe was 83 years old and lived by the ocean shore in a big beautiful house. She wished her son Steve would visit her, even if for only a day. Of course, the young man had a family of his own now, a darling little daughter Eva, and a business to take care of. Steve got on video calls with Chloe every other day. However, Chloe thought of her son and granddaughter, wishing she was with them. One day, Chloe heard sounds from the neighboring house. Chloe looked through the window and was delighted to see that she had new neighbors.
One morning, when Chloe woke up and walked along the shore, she heard the sounds of water being splashed and the sound of children laughing wildly. She followed the sound and was concerned on finding the twins from the neighboring house standing knee deep in ocean water. Something didn’t feel right. “Why would anyone leave their kids unattended on the shore ” Chloe thought. She grabbed the kids’ hands and walked them to their home. As Chloe opened the door, she found the young mother lying unconscious on the kitchen floor. Chloe didn’t waste a second in calling 911.
The first responders managed to revive (恢复) her consciousness on the spot. “My boys! Ralph! Ray!” the woman cried out to her kids as the ambulance took her away. Chloe said, “Don’t worry. Everything will be alright. I’ll take care of your sweet boys.” She kept her promise and looked after the kids like a grandmother. She took Ralph and Ray in and let them sleep in the bedroom that was specially made for her granddaughter Eva.
It was during these days that she knew that the boys’ father died of illness. Chloe knew that the neighbor, Phoebe, had been trying to make ends meet by selling sweaters and socks that she knit. Looking at Phoebe’s children eat and drink with such joy, she realized how much she longed to see her little Eva. By the time Phoebe came home from the hospital, the kids had already started calling Chloe “Grandma”.
Phoebe was very moved and struggled to find the words to thank her elderly neighbor.
One Thanksgiving, when Chloe and the Phoebes were talking, Chloe’s door was knocked.
听力答案:1~5 ACBBA 6~10 ABCAC 11~15 CBBAC 16~20 ABCCA
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
【答案】1. D 2. A 3. B
【答案】4. C 5. C 6. A 7. D
【答案】8. B 9. D 10. B 11. C
【答案】12. D 13. A 14. B 15. C
第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12. 5分)
【答案】16. A 17. G 18. E 19. D 20. F
【答案】21. A 22. B 23. C 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. D 33. A 34. B 35. C
【答案】36. means
37. and 38. regularly
39. have learned##have learnt##learned## learnt
40. injury##injuries
41. of##about
42. an 43. to have
44. pressure
45. rewarding
How Can We Relieve Pressure
Nowadays, we high school seniors are under stress, which is mainly from heavy school work and our teachers, parents and even ourselves. Undoubtedly, it is likely to seriously affect our physical and mental health.
Despite the fact that we are always living with pressure, there are still many ways to relieve it. To begin with, we can adjust ourselves to facing the pressure positively. In addition, we are advised to communicate with people around more often. Last but not least, exercise matters as well.
It is impossible for us to be totally free from pressure. Only in appropriate ways can we properly deal with pressure.
Phoebe was very moved and struggled to find the words to thank her elderly neighbor. Chloe hugged her and said there was no need to feel indebted to her. “Your kids have ended up making room in my old heart. This house is yours as much as it is mine, darling,” Chloe said. That was the beginning of a lifelong friendship between Chloe and Phoebe. Chloe looked after the kids while Phoebe went to a new job she had found, and Phoebe took care of Chloe like her own mother.
One Thanksgiving, when Chloe and the Phoebes were talking, Chloe’s door was knocked. It was her son Steve and her granddaughter, Eva! Steve thought it would come as a surprise for his mother. However, Steve was speechless, looking at the amount of joy and love around the house. Seeing his mother happier than she had been in years, Steve felt a little guilty for not giving her this happiness sooner. Steve made himself a promise: To become another source of love, belonging, and happiness in his beloved mother’s sunset years.



