
英 语
1. 本试题满分120分,考试时间100分钟。
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第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Passionate about animals and wondering what a zookeeper's day is like Denver Zoo's Teen Volunteer Program, Zoo Crew, might be the place for you! We do not offer one-time volunteer service opportunities for school or court appointed teens.
The application will open on January 1 and close on March 1. Applicants must be at least 13 years old by the first day of training and no older than 17.
Teen volunteers: 75 hours of service per summer (June through August) with several shifts each month.
First-year teen volunteers: three weeks (M-F, mornings or afternoons) of volunteering during the summer to support Summer Safari, Denver Zoo's summer camp.
All current teen volunteers can choose volunteer year-round, after participating for at least one summer season. These teens must commit to at least one shift per month, perform position duties as assigned including working outside, communicate with guests and staff independently and alongside other teen and adult volunteers.
Junior Crew (Year 1 in Zoo Crew):
Summer Safari: assist camp instructors with games, zoo tours, and educational activities.
Animal Department: assist veteran teen volunteers with daily animal husbandry responsibilities such as cleaning, diet preparation and animal enrichment. Teens 16 or older may also help at the Nutrition Center, the Zoo's animal kitchen.
$150 nonrefundable (不退还的) tuition fee (due no later than May I of each year). Download Denver Zoo's Tuition Scholarship form. (Scholarship requests are due no later than April 15 each year.)
Tuition helps cover costs of Zoo Crew T-shirt uniforms, name tag, daily supervision, program supplies, training and continuing education programs, annual award ceremony, social events and campouts.
For more information, please call the Program Specialist at 720-337-1491 or e-mail teen-volunteer (@ Denverzoo org).
1. Why is the program held for teens
A. To support Summer Safari only for two weeks.
B. To volunteer there with some shifts for a year.
C. To know about a zookeeper's life in summer.
D. To join in the program for a day in the kitchen.
2. What should all teen volunteers in Zoo Crew do
A. Change their work every summer month.
B. Offer services there for at most 75 hours.
C. Volunteer mainly indoor work.
D. Work there all by themselves.
3. What can Junior Crew get at the program
A. Scholarship twice a year. B. Competition prizes.
C. School uniforms. D. Routine guidance.
At the end of my third year at university, I still had over 50 meals left in my dining account. So I swiped my meal card until I had nothing left, packed all of the meals and drove to Center City to give them all out to anyone I could find who needed a meal.
When I returned to campus, I wanted to create a formal meal donation program and after months of meetings, I convinced my university to launch this program. But what started with meals quickly evolved into something much greater when I learned about how much food was also going to waste from grocery stores and restaurants in the area.
Approximately 1/3 of all food produced in the United States (126 billion pounds) is thrown in landfills each year. Meanwhile, 40 million Americans are suffering from food insecurity in the US, and 1 in 5 people are suffering in Philadelphia.
My solution was called Sharing Surplus. Then, our team created a transportation network to pick up surplus food on a regular basis and deliver it to local hunger—relief organizations. In the last twelve months, we have delivered more than 75,000 pounds of food to shelters and soup kitchens fighting food insecurity.
Graduating from college soon, I am ready to pursue Sharing Surplus as my full-time job. Now let's talk about Gen Z (those born between 1996 and 2010). Our generation will soon be responsible for the fate of our planet, which is equally exciting and challenging. More than ever, we must look closely at the problems that our society faces today and try to imagine big ideas that can solve them.
4. What did the author do to make his program much greater
A. Hold meetings to persuade others to join him. B. Buy food from grocery stores for the needy.
C. Cooperate with local stores and restaurants. D. Donate much more of his leftover meals.
5. What do the figures in Paragraph 3 mean
A. Some easy measures to reduce food waste.
B. Great potential for turning waste into charity.
C. Big food problems facing the United States.
D. An urgent need for more crops in the United States.
6. What can be inferred about Sharing Surplus from Paragraph 4
A. It has partly changed the industry of food delivery.
B. It has made a great contribution to fighting hunger.
C. It has helped set up many hunger-relief organizations.
D. It has created a more advanced transportation network.
7. What message does the author seem to convey in the last paragraph
A. The students in the USA should try to help the poor.
B. Gen Z should pursue Sharing Surplus to earn money.
C. After graduation, it is important to find a full time job.
D. Gen Z should try to solve the existing social problems.
Following a diet rich in produce and low in processed meats even if you don’t do it perfectly may be helpful in preventing depression, according to a new study.
“To lower the risk of depression, people can eat everything, but everything in the right amount, as long as you try to eat lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts and fish, and lessen fast food and processed meats,” said Almudena Sanchez from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
At the start of the study, researchers asked 15,000 Spanish university graduates who had never had depression what they normally ate. Then they asked them again, 10 years later. The researchers looked at how closely the participants’ everyday diets stuck to three healthy diet patterns, in which they consumed high amounts of fruits, vegetables, legumes (豆类) , nuts and fish, and avoided processed meats. These principles are part of the Mediterranean diet and other healthy diets.
The researchers found that the people in the study who stuck to healthy patterns to a moderate or a high degree had a lower risk of depression than those who did not follow these diets at all, or who stuck to them to a low degree. For example, the risk of depression over the study period for the people who moderately stuck to the Mediterranean diet was about 25 to 30 percent lower than those who did not stick to the diet at all, or who stuck to it only to a very low degree.
The researchers don’t know for sure what may explain the link between these dietary patterns and people’s risk of depression. However, one potential mechanism(机制) is that people who follow these patterns may have a lower risk of depression because they get adequate levels of some micronutrients (微量营养元素) which are essential to brain health.
8. What is the purpose of the study according to the first paragraph
A. To give advice on how to eat healthily.
B. To compare the benefits of different diets.
C. To find out how to keep mentally healthy.
D. To make clear the bad influence of depression.
9. What was necessary for the graduates to participate in the study
A. They were healthy enough.
B. They stuck to healthy lifestyle.
C. They had never experienced depression.
D. They tended to go on a healthy diet.
10. What is the benefit of the Mediterranean diet
A. It is made up of foods with lower calories.
B. It prevents people from getting depression.
C. It contains something good for brain health.
D. It keeps people away from getting overweight.
11. Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A. Tips on How to Lower Depression Risk
B. The Importance of Keeping a Balanced Diet
C. Scientists Found the Secrets of Depression
D. Eating Healthy Food May Lower Depression Risk
It is something one half of the population has long suspected and the other half always vocally denied– women really do talk more than men. In fact, women talk almost three times as much as men, with the average woman chalking up 20,000 words in a day – 13,000 more than the average man.
Women also speak more quickly, devote more brainpower to chit-chat, and actually enjoy hearing their own voices, a new book suggests. The book – written by a female psychiatrist, Dr. Luan Brizendine – says that inherent (生来就有的) differences between the male and female brain explain why women are naturally more talkative than men.
In The Female Mind Brizendine says the differences can be traced back to the womb (子宫), where the sex hormone (激素) called testosterone moulds the developing male brain. The areas responsible for communication, emotion and memory are all reduced before a baby boy is born.
The result is that boys – and men – chat less than their female peers and struggle to express their emotions to the same extent. “Women have an eight-lane superhighway for processing emotion, while men have a small country road,” said Brizendine.
There are, however, advantages of being the strong, silent type. Brizendine explains in her book that testosterone also reduces the size of the section of the brain involved in hearing – allowing men to become “deaf” to the most logical arguments put forward by their wives and girlfriends.
Other scientists however, say many of the differences between the male and female personality can be explained by social conditioning, with a child’s upbringing greatly influencing their character.
Deborah Cameron, an Oxford University linguistics professor with a special interest in language and gender, said the amount we talk is influenced by who we are with and what we are doing. “If you look through a large number of studies you will find there is little difference between the amount men and women talk,” she added.
12. Which claim does the book The Female Mind probably support
A. Women enjoy arguing.
B. Women are born talkative.
C. Women are great public speakers.
D Women take pride in their talents.
13. Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word “moulds” in Paragraph 3
A. Influences. B. Stimulates. C. Enlarges. D. Harms.
14. How are men affected by testosterone according to Dr. Brizendine
A. They have a small size of brain.
B. They are not so logical in talking.
C. They are usually less communicative.
D. They are unwilling to listen to females.
15. What message does Cameron carry in the last paragraph
A. Further studies need to be carried out.
B. Gender seldom affects one’s talking style.
C. The amount we talk shapes our character.
D. Men talk as much as women on the whole.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
With the pandemic, we have entered another year. For a long time without the opportunity to release the mood, people unavoidably feel irritable and depressed. How to solve these negative emotions and psychological pressure ___16___.
Get outside during daylight hours. It may be cold out, but getting outside is still important for your mental health. Having fewer hours of daylight can have a negative impact on your mood. You can simply sit and watch the sunrise or walk around your neighborhood. ___17___, just make an effort to make it a daily habit.
Connect with others if you’re feeling lonely. The pandemic has completely upended the way we socialize, and millions of people are living with feelings of isolation. ___18___, but try to challenge yourself to send three emails a week to someone you haven’t heard from in a while, or call a different loved one each week to check in and see how they are doing. Not only will you brighten your own day, but you'll brighten someone else’s.
___19___. Too often we are stressed by the little things, daily trouble, making storms in teacups. We need to take a deep breath and ask ourselves if whatever is troubling us really matters in the big picture. If not, let it go.
Try a stress release. ___20___. As such a helpful tool is to let them out and release them. The key here is to put pen to paper and start writing. You may want to write down things that are stressing you out and why they are stressing you out. Doing so allows us to begin to separate our stress from being a part of us, and thereby putting some distance between us and our stress.
A. Whatever you do
B. However bad you feel.
C. Practice the “STOP” skill
D. Remember the big picture
E. Experts offer some suggestions
F. Stress is a result of reflective thoughts
G. It can be a little awkward to reconnect with people
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Months before her wedding, Kjersten Gruys was becoming increasingly anxious about her body image after shopping for wedding dresses. She felt that the mirrors surrounding her, were contributing to the____21____. Gruys____22____to take a whole year off from looking in and engaging with mirrors.
It wasn’t____23____. “I wasn’t just avoiding mirrors, but all____24____surfaces, from the glass windows of stores to freshly washed cars. I ended up____25____up the mirrors in my home and workplace. I____26____myself to avoid seeing reflections when I was walking outside,” says Gruys.
But, she said, the____27____were worth it. She spent less time thinking and worrying about her____28____, and had to simplify her makeup to____29____her no—mirrors lifestyle, both of which_____30_____time and money. She realized that some things had no impact on the way others_____31_____her. For example, she had thought that eyeliner made her eyes stand out and that people “_____32_____her better” for that, but she_____33_____that she was treated just the same without it.
She also learned to_____34_____her friends and family more, when she checked in with them to find out whether she had food on her_____35_____.
_____36_____spending some “mirror time” before her wedding ceremony, Gruys took some time to journal. She says that she’s_____37_____to have it to cherish.
Would she_____38_____the experiment to others “If someone is interested in examining the role of vanity (虚荣) in their lives, I think this is a_____39_____thing to do.” says Gruys. “Yet, even if you do this for a day or two, you may realize it’s really a_____40_____.”
21. A. problem B. arrangement C. approach D. choice
22 A. failed B. decided C. expected D. agreed
23. A. true B. astonishing C. necessary D. easy
24. A. reflective B. firm C. frozen D. soft
25. A. putting B. setting C. covering D. picking
26. A. expressed B. trained C. hid D. refused
27. A. arguments B. results C. studies D. discussions
28. A. dress B. hair C. health D. appearance
29. A. change B. admire C. praise D. accommodate
30. A. freed up B. cut up C. got up D. came up
31. A. forgave B. criticized C. demanded D. treated
32. A. annoyed B. liked C. ignored D. supported
33. A. imagined B. supposed C. noticed D. dreamt
34. A. win B. miss C. trust D. trick
35. A. sweater B. trousers C. arms D. face
36. A. Regardless of B. In search of C. Instead of D. In memory of
37. A. prettier B. happier C. healthier D. stronger
38. A. announce B. admit C. recommend D. conduct
39. A. great B. strange C. hard D. basic
40. A. challenge B. symbol C. talent D. promise
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
After orbiting Earth for six months, the three members of China’s Shenzhou XIII mission returned to Earth safely on April 16h, 2022, ____41____ (conclude) the nation’s longest manned spaceflight.
During their stay in the space station, the crew preformed two spacewalks and conducted a series of scientific experiments using a large robotic arm and other ____42____ (equip) to install and adjust devices. Meanwhile, it was the first time that a female Chinese astronaut ____43____ (perform) a space walk. Besides, the astronauts, with the ____44____ (assist) of the staff on the ground, delivered a science lecture 400 kilometers above Earth to millions of students. They showed viewers ____45____ they lived and worked inside the space station. The uniform called a “penguin jumpsuit”, ____46____ (special) designed to help the astronauts maintain their muscle strength, was introduced. The astronauts also demonstrated (演示) some experiments related to physical phenomena in the weightless environment, during ____47____ they compared the growth of cells in artificial gravity and zero-gravity.
The Shenzhou XIII’s space-based lessons, intended to popularize space science and spark enthusiasm in science among youngsters, ____48____ (mark) the start of the Tiangong Class series. ____49____ its space station construction advancing, China will share its breakthroughs and strengthen cooperation with other countries to push space exploration _____50_____ (far) forward.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
Many parents have bought their children their own computers, hope that they will use them sensible for their schoolwork and have the latest skills. Schools teach information technology as an essential part of the school curriculum (大纲). But some people feel they have a lot of disadvantage. Teenagers don’t have a balanced life and computers are turning them into “geeks” which no longer take exercise or even know how to have a conversation. An expert also warns about the dangers of “chatting” to people one didn’t know over the Internet. “I strongly recommend that the government ban all Internet cafes as such many teenagers are wasting their time on games and Internet chatting which have nothing to do their schoolwork. But, some teenagers can be seen as good examples as they put the enthusiasm for computers to good puters help him organize the schoolwork and learn a future career as well as.”
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
52. 假定你是李华,你们学校要举办传统中医讲座,你的留学生朋友Chris对中国传统文化有浓厚的兴趣,因此,你想邀请他参加该讲座。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:
参考词汇:传统中医讲座 a lecture on traditional Chinese medicine
Dear Chris,
Li Hua
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. C 10. C 11. D
12. B 13. A 14. C 15. D 16. E 17. A 18. G 19. D 20. F 21. A 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. B 27. B 28. D 29. D 30. A 31. D 32. B 33. C 34. C 35. D 36. C 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. A
41. concluding
42. equipment
43. had performed
44. assistance
45. how 46. specially
47. which 48. marked
49. With 50. further
51.改错:1. hope→hoping
2. sensible→sensibly
3. disadvantage→disadvantages
4. which→who
5. didn’t→doesn’t
6. such→so
7. do后加with
8. But→However
9 him→them
10. 删除第二个as
52. One Possible Version:
Dear Chris,
Knowing you have a keen interest in traditional Chinese Culture, I can’t wait to invite you to a lecture on traditional Chinese medicine which will be host in my school.
The lecture will begin at 3 p.m. this Sunday in the school hall. An expert is going to narrate the development history of traditional Chinese medicine and share some significant worldwide achievements with us. As far as I can see, it can enrich your understanding of traditional Chinese medicine and make you realize how much difference traditional Chinese culture has made in the present world.
Looking forward to your arrival!
Li Hua



