
天津市咸水沽第一中学 2023 届高三第一学期期末阶段性训练
第 I 卷
第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
1.—Mum, wait a moment. My cellphone is nowhere to be seen.
— ! Or we will be late to get to the railway station.
A. Just my luck B. Get a move on C. Mind yourself D. With pleasure 2.—I came over to speak to Peter at the party, but he .
—Why did he give you the cold shoulder You two are good friends.
A. turned away B. put down C. left out D. held out
3. Generally speaking, parents’ influence on their children is greater than of anyone else's.
A. one B. it C. those D. that
4. Unfortunately, Tom's computer as well as two bags, on the bus yesterday.
A. have been stolen B. has been stolen C. was stolen D. were stolen
5. The study shows that the number of people weight poses a serious threat to their health is greater than ever before.
A. where B. whose C. which D. when
6. protecting the endangered wildlife, the organisation also collects money for the children whose families are poor.
A. In need of B. In place of C. In addition to D. In return for 7.—It's too late. Let's leave the work till tomorrow. — . We can start it earlier next morning.
A. It's my pleasure B.I can't agree more C.I don't think so D. That’s all right
8. Mary is very towards her colleagues in the company, so they are willing to cooperate with her.
A. sensitive B. aggressive C. moody D. considerate
9. Inside the houses provided by the government, the homeless got from cold nights on the streets, so they were grateful.
A. privilege B. virtue C. appeal D. relief
10. If you really want the job, you’ll have to the interviewers of your enthusiasm for it.
A. inform B. convince C. warn D. request
11. Many left- behind children, when formal education, will probably show their talent in many aspects.
A. receive B. received C. to receive D. receiving
12. we are short of funds at present, we will continue with the project, whose aim is to help people in the disaster area rebuild their homes.
A.While B. Once C. If D. Unless
13. Now that I have tried my best in the English contest, it doesn't matter much to me the result will be.
A. whether B. how C. what D. that
14. My father’s newly- written novel into three foreign languages by the end of last month.
A. has translated B. had translated C. has been translated D. had been translated 15.I James some advice, but I didn ’t think he would accept it under those conditions.
A. could have given B. mustn't give C. couldn't give D . must have given
第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
For years, Arthur ran a car dealership (汽车经销店) in a small town in Australia. Everybody in the town knew and_16_Arthur. He was upright, as they said, _17_and thoughtful. He liked strolling along the
streets of the town with his children. The_18_who met him by the roadside would never return empty-handed. They later even began to feel embarrassed to _19_his handouts because they just received too many_20_from him. Under the influence of such a perfect boss, his employees_21_harmoniously. But there was one_22_-a mechanic, who broke rules every now and then and never_23_it. Arthur’s older son asked why his father kept the man. The answer the son got was, “Ah, he probably didn’t_24_to do that.” Arthur thought the mechanic must have been through something painful, which led to his_25_behavior. Arthur intended to help, but the mechanic seemed to be_26_to reveal his heart.
Something unexpected happened next. Arthur’s wife got a serious disease, which left her unable to function_27_. To well care for his wife at home, Arthur_28 his dealership. The employees all found_29_in other places, except the mechanic._30_, Arthur kept paying him a salary until he got a job. But it didn't_31_the mechanic enough; he never visited the couple once. That was OK with Arthur. He fairly had_32_on everybody around him_33_they didn't show any gratitude.
We often reserve compassion for those who we believe_34_it. But real compassion is that we offer it without judgment, even to those around us who may not yet have the capacity to_35_the favor.
三、阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
The popularity of studying abroad is growing increasingly, and what are growing along with it are the people who want to share their experiences and the amount of information available. Here are some blogs that can help you if you plan to study abroad.
“From I to U”Overseas Study Abroad Blog
Among thousands of colleges in the USA, Indiana University’s Office of Overseas Study is by far the best at promoting studying abroad. Students of Indiana University write blogs each term. They provide hands-on information about their locations, academic interest and cultural experiences on the “From I to U” Overseas Study Abroad Blog in an effort to help you earn IU credits in over 37 countries. Not an IU student Check it out anyway.
CIS Abroad
Like most other study abroad organizations, CIS Abroad is committed to giving you the best value in studying abroad, i.e. affordability, support, cultural immersion(沉浸) and academic relevance. What most
people find
unique about CIS is their La Vida Local culture series, which aims to help you see where the locals eat, shop and hang out. You can also learn to understand the culture in your host country.
Abroad101 Blog
It is the first and largest study abroad review website. Founded in 2007, Abroad101 provides in-depth study abroad reviews and listings of thousands of study abroad programs. It has a wealth of information covering study abroad news, stories, and advice.
CEA Study Abroad
CEA prides itself on making the administrative aspect of studying abroad as easy as possible for you. Along with helping you find the right program and financial aid, it also helps you know the student visa process, select housing, prepare for your health and safety in your host country, and make sure your credits
transfer(转到) to your home university.
36. Who would most probably be attracted to the “From I to U” Overseas Study Abroad Blog
A. Non-IU students who want to share their life.
B. Teachers of Indiana University who love sharing stories.
C. Students interested in Indiana University’s students’ life.
D. Parents wanting to get professional views on studying abroad.
37. What's the purpose of the La Vida Local culture series
A. To help students learn about local life. B. To advertise the traditional local culture.
C. To encourage students to adopt a healthy lifestyle. D. To tell about differences among different cultures.
38. Where can students find many study abroad programs
A. On CIS Abroad. B. On Abroad101 Blog.
C. On CEA Study Abroad. D. On “From I to U” Overseas Study Abroad Blog.
39. What is a feature of CEA Study Abroad
A. Making students feel proud of themselves. B. Putting foreign students 'health and safety first.
C. Helping students with the administrative process. D. Helping students gain enough credits in key subjects.
40. What is the text meant to do
A. To encourage students to study abroad.
B. To recommend some study abroad blogs.
C. To help international students adapt to their new life.
D. To call on people to share experiences of studying aboard.
We were designing a wheelchair for a college engineering course. My classmates were certain that we needed to use steel and they felt only steel would be strong enough. I thought steel would be too heavy and aluminum would be a better option. But the student who strongly advocated steel worked at a bike shop. A few days later, when the big and heavy steel arm kept dropping down, I wished I had shown more determination to defend my position.
I enjoyed doing handiwork and my parents would come home and see artworks I had finished that day—painting, clay sculpting, sewing stuffed animals, etc. But when I studied engineering in college, these pursuits were deep-sixed. Not only was I stretched for time, but I didn't think they were relevant to my
academic work. I hesitated to highlight my female crafting (手工艺) interests in the male-dominated
engineering environment where I already felt like an outsider.
When I went on to pursue a Ph.D.--early in the pandemic, I felt anxious and turned to crafting. One day I was making a set of dice as a gift for a friend. While putting the liquid resin(树脂) into the silicone mold( 硅胶模具 ), I made a joke to my partner that I was “injection molding”—a standard
engineering manufacturing process. I suddenly realized that although resin art is not injection molding in the technical sense, it shares the spirit and probably some skills.
Soon I saw connections between engineering and crafting that I had previously overlooked. When working on the wheelchair project, I used my sewing skills to create cushioned grips for the handles. I saw how crafting taught me to persevere when my product didn't match my initial vision and to consider the failed creation a learning experience, just as an engineer must.
Since then, I've built crafting back into my free time. I've also stopped hiding it from my colleagues. I mentioned my dice-making experience at a robotics conference and explained in a team meeting how we could gain inspiration from art experiences. I was glad that the responses were positive ——not rude or dismissive, as I used to fear.
41. What can we know about the author and her classmates
A. They had a sort of love-hate relationship. B. They worked part-time at a local bike shop.
C. They had disagreements when creating a wheelchair. D. They knew nothing about the structure of wheelchairs.
42. What does the underlined word “deep-sixed” in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Put aside. B. Backed up. C. Followed through. D. Dug out.
43. How did the author feel about the engineering environment in the past
A. It helped show off her talent. B. It was unfriendly to females.
C. It helped promote cooperation. D. It was beyond all her expectations.
44. What did the author realize after making a gift for a friend
A. She should take up more hobbies.
B. Crafting needs great practical skills.
C. She should become more determined.
D. Crafting can help make her a better engineer.
45. Which of the following words can best describe the author
A. Creative but sensitive. B. Confident but stubborn.
C. Ambitious and strong-willed. D. Emotional and straightforward.
When we hurt someone, we may be unwilling to acknowledge our fault and make an apology because it makes us feel guilty, conflicts with our beliefs about being a good person, or means accepting that we're imperfect human beings. We may want to excuse our behavior and blame the other person, minimizing our role in hurting him or her.
Researchers carried out a study to find out how we can be better at apologizing. In the study, researchers asked 120 college students to recall a time when they’d hurt someone else and the conflict remained unresolved. Then, participants were randomly assigned to either a 15-minute guided mindfulness exercise focusing on their breath and having people think in the present moment or a guided mind-wandering exercise, where they were encouraged to let their minds wander.
Afterward, they were asked to report how much they felt like apologizing to the person versus not apologizing or offering excuses for their behavior. Then, they were asked to write a note to the person, without instructions to apologize or not. In analyzing the notes, the researchers found that participants who had practiced mindfulness were more likely to write statements like “I’m sorry” or “I apologize” in their notes than those who had mind-wandered.
“One way in which we can foster apologies is by having people think in the present moment,” lead author Sana Rizvi says.“We can teach individuals to be mindful of their present states, and it can be done in about 15 minutes.”
Why might this be the case Rizvi isn't sure, as there has been very little research on how being more mindful might affect us when we hurt others. Prior research has found that being more mindful helps victims of wrong doing to be more forgiving, and it seems to improve relationships generally.
Mindfulness makes us feel less defensive and, therefore, helps us consider the importance of the other person in the conflict more. It's encouraging that teaching simple mindfulness techniques (like focused breathing) could increase apologies, especially in places that are often filled with interpersonal conflicts, like workplaces or other occasions. It could help improve interpersonal interactions and repair relationships, helping people move more easily from a place of conflict to understanding and forgiveness.
46. What does the author want to convey in Paragraph 1
A. It is difficult for us to apologize. B. It is hard to put ideas into action.
C. It is normal for us to make mistakes. D. It is useless to regret what we have done.
47. What can we know about the participants in the study
A. They were bad at handling conflicts.
B. They were encouraged to discuss their trouble.
C. They did something hurtful to others in the past.
D. They received mindfulness training before the study.
48. What conclusion did the researchers draw from the study
A. Mind-wandering tended to increase conflicts.
B. Mindfulness could help people apologize more.
C. College students are more likely to behave responsibly.
D. College students seem to have better emotional control.
49. What does the author think of practicing mindfulness in workplaces
A. It is challenging to carry out. B. It takes time to prove its effect.
C. It solves conflicts once and for all. D. It helps achieve better relationships.
50. What does the text mainly talk about
A. Necessity of apology. B. Benefits of mindfulness.
C. Apology and mindfulness. D. Understanding and mindfulness.
As COVID-19 continues to influence consumer behavior, the use of non-plastic payment methods is rising. But does this spell the end of the plastic credit card era
Since the first Diners Club credit card was unveiled in 1950, much has changed. Recent technological developments and in-store consumer preferences could suggest times are changing. For some years now, various founders of financial institutions, as well as industry experts, have foreseen plastic credit cards or any other means of physical payment methods including cash will not be around much longer. They based their predictions on the light-speed growth of digital payment.
At the beginning of the global pandemic(大流行病), governments took measures to protect their
citizens, leading to lockdowns of varying degrees. The fear of contracting the virus through high-traffic ATMs and the refusal of merchants to accept cash can only be seen as a great addition to an already declared war on cash. Meanwhile, the urgency to spend a minimum time period in stores in order to avoid interactions led consumers towards digital solutions.
Furthermore, options like QR codes(二维码), NFC, and PINs have been around for a while but a true
market breakthrough seems to only have happened since the beginning of the pandemic. According to Worldpay, without these telecommunication innovations, the shift in people's payment behavior is out of the question.86% of contactless adapters built into smart devices have seen themselves proceed with contactless payment. This trend will help to wipe out cash and plastic credit cards.
From a different perspective, countries like France, Italy, and Germany had almost 150 million smartphone users in 2019 alone. And it’s been reported that 80% of the transactions(交易) will be done via
Internet-backed devices by 2025. And this figure will keep rising as more and more cheap smartphones are pouring into the global market. It is expected that e-wallets are going to be the most preferred payment method by then.
So, will there be a comeback for our beloved plastic spending power I would put away my cash and plastic cards, switch on my phone instead of inserting cards, and present QR codes at a self-checkout instead of queuing behind a mass of people. I believe that many people think the same way.
51. What are the predictions in the financial circle about
A. The Diners Club credit card will make a comeback.
B. Consumers’ preferences will be varied around the world.
C. The era of traditional payment will come to an end soon.
D. New technologies will cause the decline of physical stores.
52. What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about
A. The worldwide efforts to fight against the pandemic.
B. The economic slowdown caused by the pandemic.
C. The impact of the health crisis on ways of payment.
D. The public's tendency to shop online during lockdowns.
53. What set the stage for the trend in payment methods according to Worldpay
A. The fast update rate of smart devices. B. The existing digital payment technologies.
C. Many physical stores' excellent online service. D. The acceptance of digital payment among customers.
54. What can be inferred from Paragraph 5
A.E-wallets will achieve increasing global popularity.
B. Smartphones will become cheaper and cheaper in the future.
C. Developed countries have high rates of Internet popularization.
D. The number of global smartphone users will rise by 80% by 2025.
55. What's the author's attitude towards the comeback of plastic credit cards
A. Negative. B. Favorable. C. Unclear. D. Hopeful.
第一节:阅读表达(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
第一节阅读表达(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
I was engaged in my daily job search, and an ad seemed to appear suddenly. It was about a job that was within walking distance of my home, and I found I met all its requirements. I thought it was just perfect for me.
“I want that job,” I whispered to myself, and then tried to gather some confidence. “That job has my name on it.”
Anyone who has been out of work for a period knows how badly job loss can affect one's self-esteem. One moment, I was an important person in the company; the next moment, thanks to internal
restructuring(内部改革), I was deemed surplus. It was quite a shock. I began to question my ability and
But now, for this perfect job, I pulled up my resume and composed what I hoped was a perfect application. As I pushed “Send”, I closed my eyes and told myself with every ounce of certainty I had, “I’ve got this job.” Luckily, I received an e-mail inviting me to an interview. I was delighted!
“I know this is my job,” I spoke the words to my reflection in the mirror on the day of my interview. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a bit nervous, but I knew that I was going to put my best foot forward and make a great impression.
It was a beautiful summer day, and the sunshine seemed to energize me. I was led into a conference room where the department managers greeted me. They had my resume in front of them and took notes as I answered their questions. What I had seen in the office appealed to me, and I could already picture myself sitting at my desk. A sense of belonging filled me.
By the end of the week, the desired call arrived, and my dream became a reality. I accepted the job, and my heart jumped for joy.
56. How did the author respond to the employment ad (no more than 5 words)
57. How can we understand the underlined part in Paragraph 3 (no more than 8 words)
58. What did the author do on the beautiful summer day (no more than 5 words)
59. What happened to the author by the end of the week (no more than 10words)
60. What do you think of the author's job hunting Please explain why. (no more than20words)
第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分)
61. 假定你是晨光中学的李津,你的英国朋友 Chris 在来信中对于"How to keep psychologically healthy "存在很多困惑。请你于当晚给 Chris 回一封电子邮件,谈一谈你对这一问题的看法。内容包 括:
(2)分析青少年产生心理健康问题的原因(可从压力过重、缺乏支持、缺乏人际交往能力等方面分析); (3)请你就青少年应如何保持心理健康提出一些建议。
注意:(1)词数不少于 100;(2)可适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯;(3)开头和结尾已给出,不计入 总词数。
Dear Chris,
第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 20 分)
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)
听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,
并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1. Where is Mike from
A. Canada. B. Japan. C. Australia.
2. What will the man do with the TV
A. Turn it up. B. Turn it off. C. Turn it down.
3. What does the woman want to buy
A. A coat. B.A hat. C. A box.
4. What does the man think of the show
A. It’s funny. B. It’s out of style. C. It’s a modern show.
5. Why does the man want the apartment outside the city
A. It’s cheaper. B. It’s larger. C. It’s more convenient.
第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
听下面一段对话,回答第 6 至第 8 小题。
6. What does the man want to do at the camp
A. Go skateboarding. B. Go biking. C. Go skiing.
7. How much does the camp for two weeks cost
A. $ 1100. B. $ 1200. C. $ 1000.
8. Who is coming to the winter camp
A. A skier. B. A biker. C. A skateboarder.
听下面一段对话,回答第 9 至第 11 小题。
9. Where are Sue’s parents now
A. At a stadium. B. At a hotel. C. At a bookstore.
10. How does Edward describe the beach
A. It’s crowded. B. It’s beautiful. C. It’s ugly.
11. What does Sue want to do at the beach
A. Go for a run. B. Read a book. C. Play volleyball.
听下面一段对话,回答第 12 至第 15 小题。
12. What kind of room does Mr. Johnson need
A. A double room. B. A single room. C. A business room.
13. How much will Mr. Johnson pay for the room a night
A. 100 dollars. B. 120 dollars. C. 200 dollars.
14. What does Mr. Johnson tell the woman
A. His name and flight number.
B. His name and phone number.
C. His phone number and email address.
15. When will Mr. Johnson land
A. At 7:00 p.m. B. At 9:00 p.m. C. At 10:00 p.m.
一、单选 1-5BADCB6-10CBDDB 11-15DACDA
二、完型 16-20DABCD, 21-25ACDBA, 26-30CBDAC, 31-35BDCBA
三、阅读 36-40CABCB, 41-45CABDA, 46-50ACBDC, 51-55CCBAA
56. She felt satisfied with it.
57.I was considered unnecessary and useless.
58. She went for an interview.
59. She got the job offer she desired.
60.I think it's inspiring because she has set a good example for those who are running after their dreams.
61. 书面表达(One possible version)
Dear Chris,
As to the issue of keeping psychologically healthy, more and more people around me have begun to attach importance to it. Nowadays, many students suffer from mental illness, which seriously influences their study and daily life.
The causes of mental health problems often vary a lot from one case to another. A good number of people are suffering from heavy pressure. Others lack support and communication skills. In addition, a lot of people are ignorant of psychological knowledge about how to keep mentally fit.
In my opinion, there are a lot of ways for teenagers to deal with mental health problems and keep psychologically healthy. Firstly, find the real cause of your mental health problem and see whether you can do something about it. Secondly, learn to relax yourself and take exercises to release the pressure. Lastly, you may find it helpful to talk to your parents or friends about your problem, or seek support and advice from a psychological consultant.
I will be very glad if what I talked above is of some help, and I am looking forward to your reply.
Li Jin
1-5 CBBAB 6-10 BCCBA 11-15 CAABA
16.A. suspected B. assisted C. pleased D. respected
17.A. generous B. strict C. competitive D. confident
18.A. traders B. beggars C. neighbors D. tourists
19.A. abandon B. donate C. accept D. question
20.A. challenges B. treasures C. setbacks D. favors
21.A. got on B. fell behind C. stood out D. showed off
22.A. pioneer B. reminder C. exception D. alternative
23.A. replaced B. balanced C. evaluated D. corrected
24.A. afford B. mean C. pretend D. volunteer
25.A. unusual26.A. disappointed27.A. rapidly.28.A. left aside29.A. employment30.A. Helplessly31.A. attract32.A. comments33.A. as though34.A. repeat35.A. return B. informalB. proudB. independentlyB. partnered withB. evidenceB. FlexiblyB. softenB. judgmentsB. now thatB. deserveB. refuse C. amusingC. unwillingC. gracefullyC. attended toC. lessonsC. IncrediblyC. convinceC. relianceC. even ifC. forgiveC. prove D. typicalD. unableD. leisurelyD. shut downD. privilegesD. ObviouslyD. protectD. mercyD. in caseD. regretD. spread



上一篇:4.2 金属的化学性质 同步练习(答案) 2022-2023鲁教版(五四制)九年级全册化学
