
On September 17th,2019, “Bing Dwen Dwen” and “Shuey Rhon Rhon” were chosen as the mascots (吉祥物) for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the Paralympic(残奥会).
Bing Dwen Dwen It’s a cartoon image(形象) of a panda wearing a spacesuit. It looks like a winter sports athlete from the future. “Bing” means “ice” in Chinese, which is a symbol of winter sports. “Dwen” suggests health. “Dwen Dwen” gives me image a more friendly feel. Altogether, “Bing Dwen Dwen” shows the spirit of the Olympics, including a strong mind and a healthy body.
Shuey Rhon Rhon It looks like a red lantern hanging on homes and streets to celebrate Chinese New Year. On its head are paper cuts of pigeons in the shape of the Temple of Heaven. “Shuey” means “snow” in Chinese. “Rhon Rhon” are two different Chinese characters with the same pronunciation. The mascot, “Shuey Rhon Rhon”, symbolizes communication among different cultures.
The idea behind these two mascots is to connect traditional Chinese culture with the games. The panda is designed with its modern appearance to show our great expectations for the Games and our welcome to the whole world. The vivid red image of “Rhon Rhon” reminds people of the celebration of China’s Spring Festival.
1.“Bing Dwen Dwen” is a cartoon image of ________.
A.a panda B.a lantern C.a spacesuit
2.What does the mascot “Shuey Rhon Rhon” symbolize
A.The strong mind of all athletes.
B.The friendliness of the Olympics.
C.Communication among different cultures.
3.The idea behind the two mascots is to ________.
A.stress the importance of health
B.show traditional Chinese culture
C.celebrate China’s Spring Festival
4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passages
A.“Rhon Rhon” are two different Chinese characters with the same meaning.
B.“Bing Dwen Dwen”and “Shuey Rhon Rhon” are the mascots(吉祥物) for the 2022 Beijing Winter Paralympics.
C.On the head of Rhon Rhon are paper cuts of pigeons in the shape of the Temple of Heaven.
5.You can find the passages from a ________.
A.comic book B.website C.textbook
What makes you happy Beautiful music, good friends or interesting games If you are a food lover, nice food will make you feel happy. However, delicious food can’t always be easy to get. When you feel bad and there’s no food available, what will you do Some American researchers say that you can try to draw some nice food. According to their new research, drawing pictures of the food you like will help improve your mood (情绪).
The researchers invited 61 students from St Bonaventure University in New York to take part in the research. The 22 men and 39 women were all in their early twenties. The researchers first divided the students into four groups and gave them red, green, brown and black pencils to draw pictures of different food including cupcakes, pizza, strawberries and pepper.
The researchers used a research tool to assess mood changes. They made the students record their mood, hunger and level of excitement before and after the five-minute drawing exercise, which was done when they were hungry.
The result showed drawing pizza improved the students’ mood by 28%, while drawing cupcakes and strawberries improved their spirits by 27% and 22%. However, mood in the pepper group improved by only 1%. The result also showed there was such a big difference in hunger and excitement levels between the groups. Will drawing pictures of food help stop people from overeating (吃得过多) one day The researchers said the effects on mood were not known now and more researches are needed.
6.The underlined word “assess” in the passage means ________ in Chinese.
A.评估 B.计算 C.改变
7.According to the research, drawing ________ can improve mood least.
A.strawberries B.pepper C.cupcakes
8.The pencils that the researchers gave the students had ________ kinds of colors in total.
A.two B.three C.four
9.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage
A.The students for the research were all 20 years old.
B.The four groups of students did the research when they were hungry.
C.Drawing pictures of different food improved the students’ mood differently.
10.What’s the passage mainly about
A.It’s mainly about a research on happiness.
B.It’s mainly about the secrets of happiness.
C.It’s mainly about the ways of happiness.
Toowong Library
The Toowong Library provides all kinds of services, as well as plenty of activities and events.
Opening Hours
Workdays: 9:00 a.m.—5:30 p.m. (Thursday: 9:00 a m.—8:00 p.m.) Saturday: 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.
Closed on Sunday and public holidays
Upcoming Events
Children’s Storytime Experience the magic of storytime with your child at the library. It includes stories, songs and mark making activities. For children aged 2-5 years. Date & Time: Tue. Jan. 22 10:00 a.m.—10:30 a.m. Cost: Free Maker Space Come and join us for fun and free craft (手工艺) activities in the Library. For children 2-10 years. Date &Time: Tue. Jan. 22 11:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. Cost: Free
BuJo Inspo Start the new year off! Learn how to organize your to-do list, track (跟踪) your habits, or just be creative. For those aged 12 years and older. Date & Time: Tue. Jan. 22 2:00 p.m.—3: 30 p.m. Cost: Free English Conversation Group Our friendly group meets at the library every Thursday afternoon. Come along to make new friends and improve your English. Learners of all levels are welcome. Date & Time: Thur. Jan. 24 1:00 p.m.—2:00 p.m. Cost: Free
11.On which day does the library have the longest opening hours A.Monday. B.Wednesday. C.Thursday.
12.How long does Children’s Storytime last
A.Half an hour. B.One hour. C.Two hours.
13.What will kids do in Bujo Inspo
A.Make new friends. B.Enjoy reading stories. C.Prepare for the new year.
14.English Conversation Group is for ________.
A.beginners B.learners of all levels C.those above 12 years
15.What do the events have in common
A.They are free. B.They encourage reading. C.They fall on the same day.
Tom 11, was trying to fall asleep when his 8-year-old brother. Mike, came into his room. He looked around, but seemed really out of it. Then Mike went back into the hallway and stood there looking straight up at the light. This was really strange. Tom didn’t know what to do. Just then. Tom’s father appeared and explained Mike was sleepwalking.
Not all sleep is the same every night. We experience some deep, quiet sleep and some active sleep, which is when dreams happen. You might think sleepwalking would happen during active sleep, but a person isn’t physically active during active sleep. It usually happens in the first few hours of sleep in the period called deep sleep.
The truth is that not all sleepwalkers walk. Some simply sit up or stand in bed or act like they’re awake when, in fact, they’re asleep! Most, however, do get up and walk around for a few seconds or for as long as half an hour.
Sleepwalkers’ eyes are open, but they don’t see the same way they do when they’re awake. They tend to go back to bed on their own and won’t remember it in the morning.
You also might have heard that sleepwalkers can get frightened if you wake them up. That’s true, so what do you do if you see someone sleepwalking You should call for a grown-up who can lead the person back to bed. And once the sleepwalker is tucked(掖好被子) back in bed, it’s time for you to get some sleep, too!
16.The underlined world “sleepwalking” in the passage means “________” in Chinese.
A.夜行 B.梦游 C.赶路
17.When does sleepwalking usually happen
A.During active sleep
B.In the first few hours of deep sleep
C.When dreams begin
18.What should we do if we see people sleepwalking
A.Wake them up
B.Walk around with them
C.Ask grown-ups to lead them to bed
19.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A.Not all sleepwalkers walk
B.Sleepwalkers can see the same way they do when they’re awake.
C.Sleepwalkers won’t remember what happened during sleep in the morning.
20.Who is the text written for
A.Teachers B.Doctors C.Children
Do you pay with paper money, credit cards, or your phone when you go shopping People in China may pay with WeChat(微信) on the phones. We seldom use paper money.
While WeChat Pay is now a part of life in our country, this way of payment also appears in other countries and traders have to accept it. According to Xinhua News, about 13 foreign countries have WeChat Pay services for Chinese travelers.
Is it good or bad to use WeChat Pay Will people no longer use paper money in the future Some discussions appear on the Internet.
“I don’t think so. Nearly half of Chinese people live in the countryside. People there can’t enjoy it without good internet service. And most old people like to use paper money.” said Winnie.
“WeChat Pay is convenient and safe. We needn’t tell if the money is real or fake. But paper money is just the opposite. We should encourage people to use WeChat Pay more.” said a wise man.
“For a long time, people will use different payment ways, said Sunshine. “Traders should allow people to choose the ways they like to pay.”
Will paper money disappear in the future What’s your ideas about it
21.The underline word “fake” in Paragraph 5 may mean “________” in Chinese.
A.麻烦的 B.假的 C.残缺的
22.When we pay with We Chat, we need to use our ________.
A.smart phones B.paper money C.credit cards
23.A wise man thinks ________.
A.it is not safe if people don’t use paper money
B.WeChat Pay is convenient and safe
C.people will go on using paper money in the future
24.From the passage, we can know ________.
A.only Chinese people use WeChat Pay
B.Chinese travelers can use WeChat Pay in about 13 foreign countries
C.people use WeChat Pay more than paper money in the world
25.What’s the best title for this passage
A.Why People Use WeChat Pay
B.WeChat Payment in China
C.Payment Ways in the Future
Teacher Work for new child-care program on weekdays. He/ She should have at least two years’ teaching experience. Call 921-5565. Driver We need a man aged from 30 to 45. He needs to work in the evening and on the weekend. Call Peter at 697-3135.
Cook A part-timer with experience. Prepare lunch for 5 students. Monday ~ Friday 11:00am ~ 1:00pm. Call 758-6328. Babysitter A caring woman with experience to take care of a 2-year-old boy and a 4-year-old girl in our home. 25 to 30 hours from Mon. to Fri. Call 275-4213.
Choose the best choice from A、B or C according to what you read.
26.How many children does the babysitter need to take care of A.2 B.4 C.6
27.The cook needs to work ________ hours every week.
A.10 B.2 C.30
28.The ________ needs to work on the weekend.
A.cook B.babysitter C.driver
29.If John wants to work for new child-care program, he could call ________.
A.275-4213 B.921-5565 C.697-3135
30.If one wants to work as a cook, he/she needs to prepare ________ for the students.
A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner
June 28, 2019 Miss Tracy,I’m Li Ping. I am a librarian in Nanjing Library. I’m sorry to remind you that you have four overdue (过期的) books. Please return the four books tomorrow. Other people may be waiting to borrow them. You may not borrow any new books until these books have been returned. Yours truly, Li Ping TitleWriterDueJane EyreCharlotte Bronte22/6Gone With The WindMargaret Mitchell23/6David CopperfieldCharles Dickens24/6A Farewell To ArmsErnest Hemingway25/6
Puccini PizzaThe Best Pizza We sell delicious pizza to people all over the world. We now need a kitchen assistant for our new branch (分店) in Taichung. He/She should have an interest in making pizza. More important, he/she should have work experience in a restaurant. He/She will have opportunities to learn making pizza in Italy. Our Taichung will open next week. Contact Mr Buratti right away. Tel: 0922508458
Choose the best answer according to what you read.
31.________ wrote the book Gone With The Wind.A.Charlotte Bronte B.Margaret Mitchell C.Charles Dickens
32.The book David Copperfield should be returned to the library before ________.
A.June 22 B.June 23 C.June 24
33.From this letter we know that ________.
A.Tracy may not borrow any new books at the moment
B.the library has many books to lend
C.someone else has borrowed these books
34.What does the word “assistant” mean in the ad
A.An opportunity to learn making pizza.
B.A kind of vegetable for making pizza.
C.A person who helps make pizza.
35.What can we learn about Puccini Pizza from the ad
A.It gives lessons to anyone who is interested in making pizza.
B.It will buy an Italian restaurant as its branch store.
C.It is going to have a new store in Taichung.
When your pen is broken, the battery(电池)in your toy runs out, or you have some leftover(吃剩的)food, what do you do with these things You will probably throw them all into one bin. But actually, all kinds of rubbish need to be sorted separately.
Rubbish sorting is a big issue(议题)worldwide. In recent years, some Chinese cities have been working hard on it, Shanghai has worked with Alipay to create a “green account(账户)” service for its residents(居民). Account holders get points by sorting their rubbish correctly. Through the Alipay app, they can exchange the points for milk, phone cards and other products. The city is asking all of its residents to sort their rubbish into four groups: wet, recyclable, harmful and dry. Wet waste is also known as household(家庭)waste. Paper, metal and glass are recyclable waste. Medicine and batteries are harmful waste. Finally, any waste that’s not wet, recyclable or harmful will go in the “dry waste” bin. Many other Chinese cities are also doing this. Shenzhen has been sorting its rubbish into the same four groups since 2012. Students there must study waste-sorting guidebooks.
If you don’t sort your rubbish, it will go to a landfill(垃圾填埋场)and be buried together. These landfills can take up large areas of ground. Some rubbish can pollute the soil and groundwater and it can also do harm to the environment around us. China is improving its waste-sorting efforts. There is still a long way to go.
36.The underlined word “sort” in the passage means “________” in Chinese.
A.丢弃 B.分类 C.处理
37.How is Shanghai encouraging people to sort their rubbish
A.By creating a “green account” service with the help of Alipay.
B.By paying people to sort their rubbish correctly.
C.By allowing people to exchange rubbish with each other.
38.Which of the following things belong to harmful waste
A.Leftover food and batteries. B.Metal and medicine. C.Batteries and medicine.
39.What is the main idea of the last paragraph
A.Where we can bury our waste.
B.Why we should sort our rubbish properly.
C.What kinds of waste can pollute the environment.
40.What do we know about rubbish sorting in China
A.Shenzhen has been sorting its rubbish for 5 years.
B.All the students have to take waste-sorting classes at school.
C.As for rubbish sorting, we Chinese still have much work to do.
The outbreak(爆发) of COVID-19 is changing people’s traditional habits such as greetings and customs. People in different countries have had some new creative choices. Knowing about this could help us understand their cultures better and communicate with each other more easily.
France Newspapers have been filled with advice on how to take the place of handshaking(握手) and kissing on the cheek(脸颊). Now looking into a person’s eyes can satisfy that as a greeting.
Romania Martisor Festival marks the beginning of spring when the flowers and talismans(护身符) are handed out. But the government has told people to hand over the flowers and talismans without kissing.
China People are called on to greet each other through the Internet and not to get together if possible. They can join their hands together as a sign of greeting instead of shaking hands when they meet.
Iran A video has become popular. It shows that three friends are meeting. Two of them are wearing masks. Hands in their pockets, they tap(轻敲) their feet against each other as a greeting.
Australia People are not advised to shake hands. And instead, they can give each other a pat(拍) on the back. “I won’t say don’t kiss, but you could be exercising a degree of care with whom you choose to kiss,” said an officer.
41.Chinese people are called on to greet each other by ________.A.greeting online B.handing out talismans C.tapping feet
42.People in ________ are advised to pat others on the back.
A.Romania B.Iran C.Australia
43.Which of the following is TRUE
A.Nobody wears masks in the video from Iran.
B.Shaking hands is not advised in China or France.
C.People in Romania welcome spring with only flowers now.
44.________ may be the common traditional way of greeting in some European countries.
A.Kissing on the cheek B.Joining hands together C.Looking into eyes
45.According to the passage, what influence can COVID-19 have on people’s life
A.People might change their social behavior.
B.People might value their traditional festivals more.
C.People might spread cultures in different countries.
A little stream (小溪) ran down from a high mountain far, far away through many villages and forests, until she reached a desert. The stream then thought, “I’ve been through countless difficulties, I should have no problem crossing this desert! But as she started her journey, she found herself slowly disappearing into the sand. After many tries, she still failed and was very unhappy, “Maybe I can’t reach the ocean in the end,” she said sadly to herself.
At this time, a deep voice came, “If a breeze (微风) can cross the desert, so can a stream.” It was the voice of the desert. But the little stream replied, “That’s because a breeze can fly, but I cannot.” “That’s because you can’t give up what you are. If you like to do it, and let yourself evaporate (蒸发) into the breeze, it can take you across, and you can reach the ocean.” said the desert.
“Give up what I am now and disappear into the breeze No! No!” The little stream could not accept this idea. After all, she had never experienced anything like it before.
“The breeze can carry the vapor (蒸气) across the desert and let it leave as rain. The rain will form a stream again to continue its course (进程).”explained the desert very patiently.
“And whether you’re a stream or vapor, your nature never changes,” continued the desert.
Hearing this, the little stream rushed into the open arms of the breeze, which carried her to the next stage (阶段) of her life.
The course of our lives is like the same with of the little stream. If you want to overcome the difficulties in your life to get success, you should also change the way you used to be.
Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to what you read.
46.The little stream planned to reach ________.
A.the forest B.the ocean C.the desert
47.The little stream ________ before she crossed the dessert.
A.didn’t meet any difficulties
B.wasn’t confident (自信的) about herself
C.wasn’t worried about difficulties
48.At first, the little stream didn’t accept the desert’s advice because ________.
A.she wouldn’t give up what she was B.she was afraid of nature C.she failed many times
49.The little stream finally crossed the desert by ________.
A.evaporating into the breeze B.forming a river C.disappearing into the sand
50.The last sentence mainly tells us ________.
A.our lives are as easy as the little stream’s
B.it is difficult for us to succeed
C.we should change the way we used to be to succeed sometimes
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.B
1.细节理解题。根据“It’s a cartoon image(形象) of a panda wearing a spacesuit.”可知冰墩墩是熊猫的卡通形象。故选A。
2.细节理解题。根据“‘Shuey Rhon Rhon’, symbolizes communication among different cultures.”可知雪容融象征着不同文化之间的交流,故选C。
3.推理判断题。根据“‘’Bing means ‘ice’ in Chinese, which is a symbol of winter sports. ‘Dwen’ suggests health”以及“‘Shuey’ means ‘snow’ in Chinese. ‘Rhon Rhon’ are two different Chinese characters with the same pronunciation”可推知这两个吉祥物背后的理念是展示中国传统文化。故选B。
4.细节理解题。根据“On its head are paper cuts of pigeons in the shape of the Temple of Heaven.”可知在雪容融的头上是纸刻的天坛形状的鸽子。故选C。
6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.A
6.词义猜测题。根据“They made the students record their mood, hunger and level of excitement before and after the five-minute drawing exercise, which was done when they were hungry.”(他们让学生在五分钟的画画练习前后记录下自己的情绪、饥饿感和兴奋程度,画画练习是在他们饿的时候进行的。)可推知,研究人员使用一种研究工具是用来评估情绪的变化,故选A。
7.细节理解题。根据“The result showed drawing pizza improved the students’ mood by 28%, while drawing cupcakes and strawberries improved their spirits by 27% and 22%. However, mood in the pepper group improved by only 1%”可知画柿子椒对改善情绪的作用最小。故选B。
8.细节理解题。根据“gave them red, green, brown and black pencils”可知铅笔有四种颜色,故选C。
9.细节理解题。根据“The 22 men and 39 women were all in their early twenties. ”(22名男性和39名女性都是20岁出头的年轻人)可知A选项“参与这项研究的学生都是20岁。”表述错误,故选A。
10.主旨大意题。根据“Some American researchers say that you can try to draw some nice food. According to their new research, drawing pictures of the food you like will help improve your mood (情绪).”以及通读全文可知,本文主要是关于幸福的研究,讲述了画美食可以改善人的心情,可以让美食爱好者幸福,故选A。
11.C 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.A
11.细节理解题。根据“Thursday: 9:00 a m.—8:00 p.m.”可知,周四从早上9点开到晚上8点,时间最长。故选C。
12.细节理解题。根据“Children’s Storytime”和“10:00 a.m.—10:30 a.m.”可知,儿童故事时间持续半个小时。故选A。
13.推理判断题。根据“Start the new year off! Learn how to organize your to-do list, track (跟踪) your habits, or just be creative”可知,开始新的一年吧!学习如何组织你的待办事项清单,跟踪你的习惯,或者只是变得有创意。故可推测出,是为新的一年做准备。故选C。
14.细节理解题。根据“Learners of all levels are welcome”可知,所有层次的学习者都可以参加英语会话组活动。故选B。
15.细节理解题。根据“Cost: Free”可知,所有活动都是免费的。故选A。
16.B 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.C
16.词意猜测题。根据第一段的“Mike, came into his room. He looked around, but seemed really out of it. Then Mike went back into the hallway and stood there looking straight up at the light. This was really strange. ”可知,迈克走进房间并四处看,可似乎是出神的,迈克走进走廊站在那里直直地看着灯,这很奇怪。根据以上描述可知道,这是在梦游。故选B。
17.细节理解题。根据第二段的末尾的“It usually happens in the first few hours of sleep in the period called deep sleep.”可知,这经常在深睡眠地前几个小时发生。故选B。
18.细节理解题。根据最后一段的“You should call for a grown-up who can lead the person back to bed. ”可知应该打电话叫一个可以带领梦游者回到床上睡觉的成年人。故选C。
19.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“Sleepwalkers’ eyes are open, but they don’t see the same way they do when they’re awake.”可知梦游者的眼睛虽然睁开,但是不像他们清醒时候看东西那样。选项B不符合。故选B。
21.B 22.A 23.B 24.B 25.C
21.词义猜测题。根据“WeChat Pay is convenient and safe. We needn’t tell if the money is real or fake.”(微信支付既方便又安全。我们不必分辨这些钱是真的还是假的)可知,fake与real互为反义词,real“真的”,fake是“假的”的意思。故选B。
22.细节理解题。根据“People in China may pay with WeChat(微信) on the phones.”可知微信支付需要用智能手机,故选A。
23.细节理解题。根据“‘WeChat Pay is convenient and safe. We needn’t tell if the money is real or fake. But paper money is just the opposite. We should encourage people to use WeChat Pay more.’ said a wise man.”可知智者认为微信支付既方便又安全,故选B。
24.细节理解题。根据“about 13 foreign countries have WeChat Pay services for Chinese travelers.”可知中国游客可以在大约13个国家使用微信支付。故选B。
25.最佳标题题。根据“Will paper money disappear in the future What’s your ideas about it ”以及全文可知,本文主要介绍了人们对于微信支付的不同看法以及纸币未来是否会完全消失,所以C选项符合,故选C。
26.A 27.A 28.C 29.B 30.B
26.细节理解题。根据“A caring woman with experience to take care of a 2-year-old boy and a 4-year-old girl in our home.”可知,保姆需要照顾一个2岁的男孩和一个四岁的女孩,共两个孩子。故选A。
27.细节理解题。根据“Monday ~ Friday 11:00am ~ 1:00pm.”可知,厨师周一到周五每天需要工作2小时,一周需要工作10小时。故选A。
28.细节理解题。根据“He needs to work in the evening and on the weekend.”可知,司机需要在周末工作。故选C。
29.细节理解题。根据“Work for new child-care program on weekdays…Call 921-5565.”可知,John可以打电话给921-5565。故选B。
30.细节理解题。根据“Prepare lunch for 5 students.”可知,厨师需要准备午饭。故选B。
31.B 32.C 33.A 34.C 35.C
31.细节理解题。根据“Gone With The Wind:Writer:Margaret Mitchell”可知,玛格丽特·米切尔写了《乱世佳人》一书。故选B。
32.细节理解题。根据“David Copperfield:Due:24/6”可知,《大卫·科波菲尔》一书应在6月24日前归还图书馆。故选C。
33.推理判断题。根据“You may not borrow any new books until these books have been returned.”从这封信中,我们可以推知特蕾西目前可能不会借任何新书。故选A。
34.词义猜测题。根据“We now need a kitchen assistant for our new branch (分店) in Taichung.”可知,新的分店现需要一名厨房助理,这里的assistant应该是“帮助做披萨的人。”故选C。
35.细节理解题。根据“We now need a kitchen assistant for our new branch (分店) in Taichung.”可知,它将在台中开一家新店。故选C。
36.B 37.A 38.C 39.B 40.C
36.词句猜测题。根据“You will probably throw them all into one bin. But actually, all kinds of rubbish need to be sorted separately.”可知,你可能会把它们全部扔进一个垃圾箱。但实际上,各种垃圾都需要单独分类。单词sorted意为“分类”。故选B。
37.细节理解题。根据“Shanghai has worked with Alipay to create a ‘green account(账户)’ service for its residents(居民). Account holders get points by sorting their rubbish correctly.”可知,上海已为它的居民与支付宝合作创建了“绿色账户”的服务。账户持有人通过正确分类垃圾获得积分。故选A。
38.细节理解题。根据“Medicine and batteries are harmful waste.”可知,药品和电池是有害垃圾。故选C。
39.主旨大意题。根据“Some rubbish can pollute the soil and groundwater and it can also do harm to the environment around us.”可知,一些垃圾会污染土壤和地下水,也会对我们周围的环境造成危害。此段在说明要实施垃圾分类的原因。故选B。
40.细节理解题。根据“China is improving its waste-sorting efforts. There is still a long way to go.”可知,中国正在改进垃圾分类工作,但还有很长的路要走。故选C。
41.A 42.C 43.B 44.A 45.A
41.细节理解题。根据China部分中的“People are called on to greet each other through the Internet”可知人们被要求通过互联网互相问候。故选A。
42.细节理解题。根据Australia部分中的“And instead, they can give each other a pat on the back.”可知相反,他们可以拍拍对方的背。 故选C。
43.推理判断题。根据China部分中的“…instead of shaking hands when they meet”和France部分中的“ take the place of handshaking(握手)”可推断,在中国和法国都不建议握手。故选B。
44.推理判断题。根据Romania部分中的“But the government has told people to hand over the flowers and talismans without kissing.”和France部分中的“Newspapers have been filled with advice on how to take the place of handshaking(握手)and kissing on the cheek(脸颊). ”可推断,在一些欧洲国家,亲吻脸颊是常见的传统的问候方式。故选A。
45.推理判断题。根据“The outbreak(爆发) of COVID-19 is changing people’s traditional habits such as greetings and customs.”及通读全文可推断,新冠肺炎疫情对人们生活的影响体现在“人们可能会改变他们的社交行为”。故选A。
46.B 47.C 48.A 49.A 50.C
46.细节理解题。根据“After many tries, she still failed and was very unhappy, ‘Maybe I can’t reach the ocean in the end,’ she said sadly to herself.”可知,这条小溪计划流入大海。故选B。
47.细节理解题。根据“I’ve been through countless difficulties, I should have no problem crossing this desert!”可知,小溪在穿过沙漠之前并不担心困难。故选C。
48.细节理解题。根据“That’s because you can’t give up what you are. If you like to do it, and let yourself evaporate (蒸发) into the breeze, it can take you across, and you can reach the ocean.”可知,一开始,小河流不接受沙漠的建议,因为它不愿放弃自己的身份。故选A。
49.细节理解题。根据“Hearing this, the little stream rushed into the open arms of the breeze, which carried her to the next stage (阶段) of her life.”可知,这条小溪最终蒸发在微风中,穿过了沙漠。故选A。
50.段落大意题。根据“The course of our lives is like the same with of the little stream. If you want to overcome the difficulties in your life to get success, you should also change the way you used to be.”可知,最后一句话主要告诉我们,为了成功,我们应该改变过去的方式。故选C。



