
从A — G选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的)
A: What are you going to do tomorrow, Joan
B: ____1____ You know, I always go shopping on Saturdays. Would you like to come with us
A: No, thanks. I never enjoy shopping.
B: Oh, come on. The new shopping center in the neighborhood is open to the public. ____2____
A: No, not yet.
B: Then come and have a look yourself. ____3____
A: I’ll go another time.
B: The shop there is selling video games at half prices. ____4____
A: Did you say video games All right. ____5____
B: Good! Let’s go there together.
A.It’s worth seeing.
B.Why not come and see if there’s anything you want
C.I don’t like video games.
D.I’m going shopping with Lily.
E.I saw a film yesterday.
F.Have you been there
G.I’ll come with you.
Do you have difficulty communicating with your parents If you do, here is some advice for you to talk with your parents effectively.
Be clear and direct. ___6___. That can help your parents understand you. They can listen better or be more helpful if they understand what you mean and what’s really going on.
Be honest. If you’re honest, your parents will be likely to believe you ___7___.
Try to understand your parents. If you have a disagreement with your parents, put yourself in their shoes. ___8___. Telling your parents you understand their views and feelings helps them understand you.
Try not to argue. ___9___. That makes it more likely that your parents will listen to you and take what you say seriously. It also makes it more likely that they will talk to you in the same way. ___10___. If you are too excited, do something, such as going for a run, eating something you like and hitting your pillow, to make you calm before talking.
A.If you sometimes lie, they’ll find it hard to trust you.
B.Use a tone that’s friendly and respectful when you talk with your parents.
C.Make yourself as clear as you can about what you think, feel and want.
D.Of course, this is hard for any of us when we are angry.
E.And then you may understand them.
F.It’s OK if you lie once in a while.
G.Don’t tell your parents if you fail the exam.
A: Hello! May I speak to David, please
B: Hello! ____11____ Who’s that
A: Peter speaking. What are you going to do this Saturday
B: I have no idea. ____12____
A: Yes. Shall we go to the zoo
B: Good idea. ____13____ Among them, I like pandas best.
A: So do I. I can’t wait to see the pandas.
B: Is the zoo far from here
A: Not very far. ____14____
B: How can we get there
A: The No. 8 bus can take us there.
B: ____15____
A: Let’s make it half past eight in the morning.
B.All right. See you then at the school gate.
A: See you.
A.Do you have any plans
B.We can see various kinds of animals there.
C.Where shall we meet
D.It is about five kilometers away.
E.When shall we meet
F.This is David speaking.
G.What about going to the zoo
从 A-G 选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的)
A: Hello, Jim. I haven’t seen you for a long time. How is everything going
B: Hard to say.
A: For what
B: You know the entrance examination is coming. I have to study all day. ___16___
A: So do I. But my father told me to relax after studying for a long time. And I’ve two tickets for the Harbin Summer Concert. ___17___
B: I’d love to. But I have a lot of test papers to write. ___18___
A: In the Music Hall at 69 Main Street, on July 10.
B: OK. I have never been there. What should I take
A: Nothing. ___19___ Besides, we must have our mobile phone cut off.
B: How about the pieces of music
A: Most of them are classical music. ___20___ And you’ll study more effectively (有效的).
B: Sounds great. Thanks a lot!
A.Would you like to go with me together
B.Sometimes I feel like a robot that only can do exercises.
C.Very well.
D.When and where will it be held
E.Nobody is allowed to eat while listening to music.
F.What shall we do
G.After listening, I believe you will like it.
A: What do you think your life will be like in 20 years
B: I think I will be an astronaut.
A: An astronaut _____21_____
B: No, I’m serious. I’ll fly rockets to the moon. Maybe I’ll also fly to other planets.
A: Oh, where will you live
B: _____22_____
A: Amazing!
B: What’s your dream job
A: I think I will be a newspaper reporter.
B: _____23_____
A: Yes, I think so. But I will have less free time.
B: I don’t think so. _____24_____Maybe we will have more vacations.
A: I hope so. Maybe more robots will help with housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.
B: Yes, fewer and fewer people will do such simple but boring jobs over and over again.
A: What do you think of the cities in the future _____25_____
B: I’m not sure, but I think everyone should play a part in saving the earth from now on.
A.That must be an exciting but dangerous job.
B.As a reporter, you will meet more friends.
C.I will live on a space station.
D.Will they become more crowded or polluted
E.Are you kidding
F.I think the cities will be more beautiful and less polluted.
G.With the help of computers and robots, there will be less work and people will have more time to relax.
A: Jimmy, can you tell me a story from Europe
B: Well, I know one. ____26____
A: OK. What’s the story about
B: This story is about an emperor who loved clothes. ____27____
A: So what happened
B: Two brothers came to the city to make special clothes for the emperor. ____28____
A: Were the clothes nice
B: Well, the brothers kept everything for themselves and told the emperor that people couldn’t see the clothes unless they were clever.
A: Oh, so they were really trying to cheat the emperor!
B: Yes, you are right. When the emperor looked at himself, he only saw his underwear. But he didn’t want people to think he was stupid, so he said his new clothes were very beautiful.
A: Did he wear the new clothes
B: Of course. ____29____ Nobody wanted to sound stupid, so everyone said his new clothes were wonderful. But suddenly, a young boy shouted. “Look! The emperor isn’t wearing any clothes!”
A: ____30____
A.He walked through the city wearing his new clothes.
B.He loved buying and looking at his beautiful clothes.
C.What a funny story!
D.Yes, that’s all right.
E.When did the story happen
F.It’s called The Emperor’s New Clothes.
G.But the emperor had to give them silk and gold.
从 A-G选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话(选项中有两项是多余的)
M: What are you going to do after you return from New York
W: I’m going to stay in the city.
M: What will you do all day
W: I’m going to work with my father at the store. In the evening, I’ll read books. ____31____
M: Have you ever worked
W: No, but I can learn. What are you going to do this summer
M: I’m going to camp. ____32____
W: I’ve never done that. What do you do there
M: We do many things. In the morning, we go swimming. In the afternoon, we play football or tennis. ____33____ We sing or tell stories and jokes.
W: That sounds wonderful.
M: It is wonderful. ____34____
W: I think he’s going to the mountains with his parents.
M: Well, Lisa. Have fun.
W: You too, Tom. ____35____ I’ll see you in September.
A.I’ve gone to camp for four summers.
B.We sit around a fire at night.
C.I will go to New York.
D.What’s John going to do this summer
E.What will Lisa do
F.Give my regards to John.
G.On the weekends, I’ll go to beach with my family.
从 A—G 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的)
A: Hi. Jack! Where are you going
B: ___36___
A: But we don’t have any lessons on Saturdays. ___37___
B: Because I’m going to practice playing football.
A: ___38___
B: At 10 a.m.. We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to warm up.
A: How about your training
B: We’re training harder than usual, and we want to do better.
A: Great! By the way, I hear you’re going to have a big match next week. ___39___
B: New Stars.
A: It’s also my favorite team. They always try hard to win.
B: Yes. I agree with you. But we’re playing better as a team now.
A: Good luck! ___40___
B: Thank you very much.
A.What’s the score
B.I’m going to school.
C.I do hope you will win!
D.Why are you going there
E.Who are you going to play against
F.When do you start the practice
G.Will Mr. White come to watch your match
A: Good afternoon. ____41____
B: I want to borrow a book about Helen Keller, but I can’t find one.
A: I’m afraid somebody else has borrowed it. ____42____ There are a lot of books about famous people on the shelves over there.
B: No, my English teacher wants me to give a speech about Helen Keller. ____43____
A: I see. Let me check the computer to see if there are any other books about Helen Keller. Hmm...Here is a book written by Helen Keller, The Story of My Life. ____44____
B: Sure, thank you so much. ____45____
A: Well, it is a new book. You can keep it seven days.
B: It is long enough for me. Thanks a lot.
A: No problem.
A.So I’d like to borrow some books about her.
B.How long can I keep it
C.What can I do for you
D.Would you like to borrow it
E.Can I help you
F.How soon can I keep it
G.Would you like some books about other people
从A—G 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的)
A: Are your parents strict
B: Yes, I think they are. ___46___
A: Really Do you have to clean your bedroom
B: ___47___ But I must make my bed and wash the dishes after dinner.
A: Well, I don’t have to do that, but I need to walk the dog and wash my father’s car on the weekends.
B: That’s not so bad! ___48___
A: You’re kidding! ___49___ I can’t even drive with him by the side!
B: That’s awful! Do you have to walk to school
A: ___50___
A.Sounds great.
B.Yes, but I can get a ride with a neighbor sometimes.
C.Of course not!
D.I have to do all the housework.
E.Can you drive your father’s car
F.No, I needn’t.
G.They have lots of rules.
1.D 2.F 3.A 4.B 5.G
1.根据“What are you going to do tomorrow, Joan ”可知此处应是回答打算做某事,选项D“我打算和Lily购物”符合语境,故选D。
2.根据“No, not yet.”可知此处应是现在完成时的一般疑问句,选项F“你去过那了吗”符合语境,故选F。
3.根据“Then come and have a look yourself.”可知此处应是继续阐明邀请对方的理由,选项A“它值得一看”符合语境,故选A。
4.根据“The shop there is selling video games at half prices.”可知此处应是建议对方买视频游戏,选项B“为什么不来看看是否有你想要的一些东西呢”符合语境,故选B。
5.根据“Good! Let’s go there together.”可知此处应是接受邀请,选项G“我将和你去”符合语境,故选G。
6.C 7.A 8.E 9.B 10.D
6.根据前文的“Be clear and direct.”可知和父母沟通要清楚和直接,选项C“关于自己所思所想所要的要尽可能地让自己清楚”符合题意。故选C。
7.根据前一句的“If you’re honest, your parents will be likely to believe you ”可知,如果是诚实的,父母很有可能会相信你。结合所给选项,选项A“如果你有时候撒谎,他们就会很难信任你”符合。故选A。
8.根据前一句“If you have a disagreement with your parents, put yourself in their shoes.”可知,如果和父母有了分歧,要换位思考,结合选项,选项E“然后你可能会理解他们”符合题意。故选E。
9.根据后一句的“That makes it more likely that your parents will listen to you and take what you say seriously. ”可知,这样就会更有可能让父母倾听你和认真对待你所说的,结合选项,选项B“当和父母交谈的时候,用友好和尊重的语调”符合。故选B。
10.根据前文的“Try not to argue.”可知,建议尽量不要争吵,结合选项,选项D“当然,生气的时候任何人都很难做到”符合。故选D。
11.F 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.E
11.根据“May I speak to David, please ”可知,此处应该是在向打电话过来的彼得确认自己的身份。选项F“我是大卫。”符合语境。故选F。
12.根据“I have no idea.”及下文的“Yes. Shall we go to the zoo ”可知,此处是大卫不知道星期六要做什么,因此问彼得有什么计划。选项A“你有什么计划吗?”符合语境。故选A。
13.根据“Yes. Shall we go to the zoo ”可知,彼得提议去动物园玩,因此大卫可能会说一些对去动物园玩的想法。选项B“我们可以在那里看到各种各样的动物。”符合语境。故选B。
14.根据“Is the zoo far from here ”可知,此处彼得应回答动物园离这有多远。选项D“它大约五公里远。”符合语境。故选D。
15.根据“Let’s make it half past eight in the morning.”可知,此处应该是询问见面集合的时间。选项E“我们什么时候见面?”符合语境。故选E。
16.B 17.A 18.D 19.E 20.G
16.根据“You know the entrance examination is coming, I have to study all day”可知此处应是继续阐述自己的情况,选项B“有时我感觉像一个只会做练习的机器人”符合语境,故选B。
17.根据“I’d love to”可知此处应是向对方提出邀请,选项A“你想要和我一起去吗”符合语境,故选A。
18.根据“In the Music Hall at 69 Main Street, on July 10.”可知此处应是问地点和时间,选项D“它将什么时候在哪举行”符合语境,故选D。
19.根据“Besides, we must have our mobile phone cut off.”可知此处应是说去音乐会不能做的事,选项E“听音乐时没有人被允许吃东西”符合语境,故选E。
20.根据“And you’ll study more effectively”可知此处应是对音乐的评价,选项G“听完之后,我相信你会喜欢”符合语境,故选G。
21.E 22.C 23.B 24.G 25.D
21.根据“No, I’m serious.”可知,此处表示听话人不知道说话人是否在开玩笑而质疑。E选项“你在开玩笑吗”符合语境。故选E。
22.根据“I think I will be an astronaut.”和“Oh, where will you live ”可知,此处陈述居住地。C选项“我将会住在空间站”符合语境。故选C。
23.根据“I think I will be a newspaper reporter.”可知,此处表示对记者职业的一种猜想。B选项“作为记者,你将遇到更多的朋友”符合语境。故选B。
24.根据“I don’t think so.”和“Maybe we will have more vacations.”可知,此处阐述不认同对方观点的原因。G选项“在计算机和机器人的帮助下,工作将减少,人们将有更多的时间放松”符合语境。故选G。
25.根据“What do you think of the cities in the future ”和“I’m not sure...”可知,此处对城市环境提出问题。D选项“它们会变得更拥挤、被污染得更严重吗”符合语境。故选D。
26.F 27.B 28.G 29.A 30.C
26.根据“can you tell me a story from Europe”及“I know one”可知,此处提到了一个来自欧洲的故事,F选项“它叫《皇帝的新装》”符合,故选F。
27.根据“This story is about an emperor who loved clothes”可知,此处提到了国王喜欢新衣,B选项“他喜欢买衣服,喜欢看他漂亮的衣服”符合,故选B。
28.根据“Two brothers came to the city to make special clothes for the emperor. ”可知,此处提到了两个兄弟和皇帝之间的交易,G选项“但是皇帝不得不给他们丝绸和金子”符合,故选G。
29.根据“Did he wear the new clothes”“Of course…Nobody wanted to sound stupid, so everyone said his new clothes were wonderful.”可知,皇帝穿着他的新衣到处闲逛,A选项“他穿着新衣服穿过城市”符合,故选A。
30.根据“Look! The emperor isn’t wearing any clothes!”可知,这是一个搞笑的故事,C选项“多有趣的故事啊”符合,故选C。
31.G 32.A 33.B 34.D 35.F
31.根据“I’m going to work with my father at the store. In the evening, I’ll read books.”(我要和我父亲在商店工作。晚上,我将会看书。)可知讲述的是打算做的活动,G选项“周末,我会和家人一起去海滩”符合情景,故应G。
32.根据“I’m going to camp.”(我想去露营。)和后面的答语“I’ve never done that.”(我从来没有这样做过。)可知讲述的是露营,选项A“我已经去露营去了四个夏天了”符合情景,故选A。
33.根据“We do many things. In the morning, we go swimming. In the afternoon, we morning, we go swimming. In the afternoon, we play basketball or tennis.”(我们做很多事,早晨去游泳,下午踢足球或打网球。)和后文“We sing or tell stories and jokes.”(我们唱歌或讲笑话。)可知选项B“晚上我们环坐在篝火旁”符合情景,故选B。
34.根据“I think he’s going to the mountains with his parents.”(我想他准备去和他父母去爬山。)可知应问约翰这个夏天准备干什么,选项D“约翰这个夏天准备干什么?”符合情景,故选D。
35.根据“What’s John going to do this summer ”及“ I think he’s going to the mountains with his parents. Well, Lisa. Have fun.”可知选项F“带我向John问好”符合情景,故选F。
36.B 37.D 38.F 39.E 40.C
36.根据“Where are you going ”以及“But we don’t have any lessons on Saturdays.”可知,回答内容和“去上学”相关。选项B“我要去上学。”符合语境。故选B。
37.根据“Because I’m going to practice playing football.”可知,此处是询问原因。选项D“你为什么要去那里?”符合语境。故选D。
38.根据“At 10 a.m.”可知,此处是询问时间。选项F“你什么时候开始练习?”符合语境。故选F。
39.根据“New Stars.”以及“It’s also my favorite team. They always try hard to win.”可知,此处询问足球赛和谁对抗。选项E“你们要和谁比赛?”符合语境。故选E。
40.根据“Thank you very much.”可知,此处是表达对对方比赛的祝愿。选项C“我真希望你们会赢!”符合语境。故选C。
41.C 42.G 43.A 44.D 45.B
41.根据“I want to borrow a book about Helen Keller, but I can’t find one”可知,空格处应在询问是否需要帮助。选项C“我能帮你做什么吗”符合语境。故选C。
42.根据“I’m afraid somebody else has borrowed it”和“There are a lot of books about famous people on the shelves over there”可知,空格处应在推荐关于其他著名人物的书。选项G“你想要一些关于其他人的书吗”符合语境。故选G。
43.根据“No, my English teacher wants me to give a speech about Helen Keller”可知,空格处应为学生B坚持要借关于海伦·凯勒的书。选项A“所以我想借一些关于她的书”符合语境。故选A。
44.根据“Here is a book written by Helen Keller, The Story of My Life”和“Sure, thank you so much”可知,此处应为A询问B是否要借这本海伦·凯勒写的书。选项D“你想借它吗”符合语境。故选D。
45.根据“Well, it is a new book. You can keep it seven days”可知,空格处在询问可以借几天。选项B“我可以借多久”符合语境。故选B。
46.G 47.F 48.E 49.C 50.B
46.根据“Are your parents strict ”这里出现yes,所以此处是在说父母如何严格,选项G“他们有很多规则。”符合语境。故选G。
47.根据“But I must make my bed and wash the dishes after dinner.”此处出现but,句意发生转折,上文提到“Do you have to clean your bedroom ”由此可知是不用打扫,但是需要做其他的,选项F“不,我不需要。”符合语境。故选F。
48.根据“I need to walk the dog and wash my father’s car on the weekends.”可知,此处讲的内容应该和车有关,选项E“你会开你父亲的车吗?”符合语境。故选E。
49.根据“I can’t even drive with him by the side!”由此可以推测自己不能开车,选项C“当然不会!”符合语境。故选C。
50.根据“Do you have to walk to school ”此处应该是回答问题,说明去上学的情况,选项B“是的,但有时我可以和邻居搭车。”符合语境。故选B。



上一篇:2023年上海市杨浦区中考一模 化学 试题(图片版含解析)
