
The Superstar Author
Jason Reynolds has written 12 books. He has 31, 000 Instagram followers. And he’s traveled around the world to share his stories and poems. But there’s something surprising about this superstar author: He was 17 before he read a book cover to cover. “The books we read in school were boring to me, ”he says. “That’s the truth. ”
What’s Jason’s goal today To write books that aren’t boring. That means telling stories about what kids are really going through. We talked to Jason about how he became a best— selling author.
What would you say to a kid who doesn’t like reading
First of all, I’d tell them that it’s OK. There’s nothing wrong with you. Then I’d ask: What are you interested in Because if you like video games, you can read books about video games. If you like sports, every newspaper has a sports section. There’s more to read than just books. Reading comics counts. Reading rap lyrics(说唱乐歌词)counts.
How did you go from being a kid who didn’t like to read to a famous author
When I was 10, my grandma died. I wrote a poem for my mom because I wanted her to stop crying. She read it at the funeral(葬礼), and I realized how powerful words could be. I wrote my poem like rap lyrics, because that’s what I liked. Then it hit me: What rappers do is writing too!
What traits make you a good writer
I learned how to crochet(用钩针编织)as a kid. That taught me what it takes to write. I learned to pay attention to the details and be patient. I also learned to work hard until something is finished. And it’s such a good feeling to finish something!
Anything else you want to tell Action readers
Let them know that I love them. I’m serious, no joke. Tell them “Jason Reynolds really loves you. ”
1、What’s Jason’s goal today
A.To become a superstar author. B.To write interesting story books for kids.
C.To win more Instagram followers. D.To travel around the world.
2、When did Jason realize words had great power
A.When he was interviewed by the writer.
B.When he could read a book cover to cover.
C.When his poem was read at his grandma’s funeral.
D.When he became a best-selling author in his country.
3、What did Jason learn from his crochet
A.How to play video games.
B.How to read rap lyrics.
C.How to own a good feeling.
D.How to be patient and careful about the details.
Billionaire Sir Christopher Hohn expects the greatest “demand disruption (中断)” for oil since the 1970s shock to cause an increase in renewable energy investment.
He said high oil prices are “a positive thing” for the climate as the energy crisis results in a “dramatic speed-up” in decarbonisation (碳减排). “The whole world should now be focused on seeking alternatives, whether they’re renewables or hydrogen fuels. All of these things are far more economic.”
He pointed to the recent boost of EU (欧盟) for renewable energy funding, as part of a plan to reduce imports of gas. Even as oil and gas companies obtain record profits from the high prices at present, Hohn said climate-focused investors will ultimately benefit from the energy price shock.
“The oil price increase leads to plans for accelerated decarbonisation,” said Hohn. “I personally believe that we’ll have demand disruption as we had in the 70s, and that there will be a dramatic acceleration in decarbonisation. I actually view it as a positive thing.”
Hohn has pressured companies to give shareholders a vote on their climate plans. Spanish airport operator Aena and aircraft manufacturer Airbus improved their emissions (排放) tar-gets as a result. Hohn has also pushed for stricter regulation on corporate climate promises. “Corporate decarbonisation isn’t going to happen through voluntary methods,” Hohn said.
Hohn is also backing a new rating agency that will grade company emissions strategies, through his charity, the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation. The Climate Action-plan Rating Centre (Climate-Arc) will analyse public company data and publish climate plan ratings.
Investors often struggle to analyse corporate climate plans. “Because though some organizations declare their commitment to environmental protection, they actually do the opposite,” Hohn said, “I expect a large proportion of companies will get graded F if they’re not doing enough. Even companies with net zero emissions targets have failed to set out plans about how to reach those goals. The impact is going to be a bit like, ‘the emperor has no clothes’.”
4、Why are high oil prices a positive thing according to Hohn
A.They will reduce energy demand.
B.They will bring economic benefits.
C.There will be a shift to clean energy.
D.There will be a reduction in energy imports.
5、What does Hohn argue for in paragraph 5
A.Climate regulation should be stricter.
B.Decarbonisation should be voluntary.
C.Emissions targets should be debated.
D.Climate plans should be informed to the public.
6、What can we learn from the last paragraph
A.The method of avoiding being graded F.
B.The suggestion about helping investors.
C.The method of reaching zero emissions targets.
D.The suggestion about reducing carbon emissions.
7、Which would be the best title for the text
A.Energy crisis—a hard nut
B.Energy crisis—a wake up call
C.Energy crisis—a cruel circle
D.Energy crisis—a cause of economic depression
The older I get, the more I understand how my teachers have transformed my life.
On a recent Sunday afternoon, I went to see Mr. C at Roxbury Park in Beverly Hills. His love of life has not dimmed despite the fact that his legs no longer work like they used to. He visited some of his former students while he was in town. At Beverly Hills High School, Mr. C taught ancient history, coached football and golf, and risked his life teaching driver’s training on Saturday mornings from 1964 to 1988. The gray and hobbled students lined up one after another to thank their favorite teacher. One called him a rock star. Another was grateful for helping him when he couldn’t say so. It was a beautiful tribute, especially in these times of catastrophic teacher shortages.
Spending that Sunday in the park with Mr. C was nothing short of magic. It was a reminder of all that is promising and possible in public education, including a teacher whose rare emotional honesty could be appreciated and honored decades later. It also brought to mind Maya Angelou’s saying “People will forget what you said and did, but never forget how you make them feel.” He made me and others in the park feel heard and seen.
Mr. C changed my perception of myself. Rather than seeing myself as a loser cheerleader who couldn’t compete with the smart kids, I realized how much I loved learning. His history class was so interesting. In his classes about the Persians, Greeks, and Romans, extra credits can be earned for creativity. During earthquake drills, we counted on Mr. C to scream his head off in mock terror.
It should come as little surprise that I’d value the role of teachers in my life. Both of my parents taught; so did my siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins. I, too, have become a teacher and I try to follow in Mr. C’s footsteps. Some days, I fantasize what it would be like to go on a teacher tour, reaching out to my mentors to express my deep gratitude for all they’ve given me. Seeing Mr. C sparked that fantasy again. When I finally worked up my courage to thank him, knowing a floodgate of tears would open, he said to me with his typical modesty: “You were doing me more good than I was doing you.”
8、What does the underlined word “tribute” mean in Paragraph 2
A.enthusiasm B.admiration C.devotion D.commitment
9、Why does the author mention Maya Angelou’s saying
A.To make a suggestion. B.To introduce a celebrity.
C.To show respect to an educator. D.To interpret the influence of education.
10、What does the author think of her job as a teacher
A.Enjoyable. B.Intolerant. C.Incompetent. D.Patient.
11、Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
A.A reunion. B.A rock star. C.A surprise. D.A great teacher.
If you’ve ever emerged from the shower or returned from walking your dog with a clever idea or a solution to a problem you’d been struggling with, it may not be an unusual thing.
Rather than constantly wearing yourself out at a problem or desperately seeking a flash of inspiration, research from the last 15 years suggests that people may be more likely to have creative breakthroughs or insights when they’re doing a habitual task that doesn’t require much thought — an activity in which you’re basically on autopilot. This lets your mind wander or engage in spontaneous cognition or “stream of consciousness” thinking, which experts believe helps recollect unusual memories and generate new ideas.
“People always get surprised when they realize they get interesting, novel ideas at unexpected times because our cultural narrative tells us we should do it through hard work,” says Kalina Christoff, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. “It’s a pretty universal human experience.”
Now we’re beginning to understand why these clever thoughts occur during more passive activities and what’s happening in the brain, says Christoff. The key, according to the latest research, is a pattern of brain activity — within what’s called the default mode network — that occurs while an individual is resting or performing habitual tasks that don’t require much attention.
Researchers have shown that the default mode network (DMN) — which connects more than a dozen regions of the brain — becomes more active during mind-wandering or passive tasks than when you’re doing something that demands focus. Simply put, the DMN is “the state the brain returns to when you’re not actively engaged,” explains Roger Beaty, a cognitive neuroscientist and director of the Cognitive Neuroscience of Creativity Lab at Penn State University. By contrast, when you’re trapped in a demanding task, the brain’s executive control systems keep your thinking focused, analytical, and logical.
A cautionary note: While the default mode network plays a key role in the creative process, “it’s not the only important network,” Beaty says. “Other networks come into play as far as modifying, rejecting, or implementing ideas.” So it’s unwise to place blind faith in ideas that are generated in the shower or during any other period of mind wandering.
12、When do people expect to get an innovative idea according to the research
A.When doing routine work. B.When working attentively.
C.When tackling tough problems. D.When desperately seeking inspirations.
13、What is the cultural perception for getting exciting, unusual ideas
A.Getting by good luck. B.Getting by great efforts.
C.Getting by unexpected accident. D.Getting by universal experience.
14、Who is most likely to get a novel idea
A.A student who is playing football.
B.A student who is focusing on papers.
C.A student who is closely monitoring his research.
D.A student who is fully engaged in math questions.
15、What does the last paragraph imply
A.We can get novel ideas by the default mode network.
B.we should take the idea popped in the shower seriously.
C.Believe in ideas that are generated by the default mode network.
D.Think twice before putting ideas playfully crossing your mind into practice.
16、In 1985, 16-year old Douglas Casa collapsed when running the championship 10,000 meter Face at the Empire State Games. With just 200 meters to go, he got up and then fell down again his body temperature at dangerous levels. ①_______
How does an exertional heat stroke(劳力性热射病) come about When you exercise, in normal circumstances, nearly 80% of the energy you use is transformed into heat. ②_______ And your body can radiate the heat quickly through cooling methods like the evaporation of sweat. But with uncompensable heat stress,your body is unable to lose enough heat, raising your core temperature beyond normal levels. This creates cells that no longer function properly. If these cells increase sharply, there can be destructive results, including liver damage, blood clot formation, and even the failure of vital organs.
③_______ The main criterion is a core body temperature greater than 40℃ along with physical symptoms like confused behavior or loss of consciousness. The most accurate way to assess core body temperature is with a rectal thermometer(直肠温度计).
The good news is that though this condition is one of the top three leading causes of death in sports, we can do something effective to save lives. ④_______
As far as treatment goes, the most important thing is to cool first, transport second. Because the human body can bear a core temperature above 40°C for about 30 minutes before cell damage sets in, it’s essential to initiate rapid cooling on site. ⑤_______ As you wait, it’s important to keep the victim calm while cooling as much surface area as possible until emergency personnel arrive.
A.It is definitely survivable with proper care
B.This is what is known as compensable heat stress.
C.So how do you recognize an exertional heat stroke
D.So how do exertional heat strokes affect our health
E.Exertional heat stroke has long been a serious concern.
F.He had suffered an exertional heat stroke, or sunstroke
G.But before you start anything, emergency services should be called.
Auri Katarina used to be a service manager at a cleaning company in Finland. In 2021, 1 to her family and friends, she quit her job. She decided to follow her unique passion.
Auri has always 2 cleaning things, and she began posting cleaning videos online two years ago. Then one day, a single mother asked her for help because she was 3 so much with three children always making a mess at home. Auri, who is “in heaven” whenever she is doing cleaning, was 4 to help. So she went on a weekend and 5 her home for two days. Auri didn’t ask for any 6 for her service; it was the 7 in the house and the family, which her work resulted in, that made her really happy.
Since then, Auri has gone as far as the USA and UK to help people in desperate need of cleaning. She gets 8 online but chooses only the 9 homes belonging to people most in need. For the first six months she 10 all travel and product expenses herself, about 300 euros per visit. 11 her popular videos of cleaning tips, a corporate sponsor has reached out to her. She still never 12 a penny.
Now, Auri goes to clean homes of 13 once a week, for two days, and creates 14 for her social media channels, including lists of some of her top tips. Her dream is to clean for free all over the world, helping people while doing something she absolutely 15 .
17、A.importantly B.obviously C.surprisingly D.unfortunately
18、A.refused B.considered C.respected D.enjoyed
19、A.struggling B.earning C.wondering D.paying
20、A.ashamed B.excited C.hesitant D.grateful
21、A.painted B.decorated C.searched D.cleaned
22、A.reward B.evidence C.permission D.assistance
23、A.humor B.furniture C.change D.space
24、A.results B.requests C.comments D.instructions
25、A.oldest B.biggest C.closest D.dirtiest
26、A.covered B.approved C.invested D.avoided
27、A.In spite of B.Thanks to C.Ahead of D.In addition to
28、A.loses B.keeps C.spends D.charges
29、A.customers B.employers C.strangers D.servants
30、A.content B.wealth C.image D.opportunity
31、A.plans B.loves C.delivers D.manages
32、For parents who send their kids off to college saying, “These will be the best years of your life,” it would be very appropriate to add, “①_______ you can handle the stress of college life.”
Freshmen are showing up already stressed out, according to the latest research study ②_______ reported students’ emotional health levels at their lowest since the survey started in 1985. While in school, more students are working part-time and near-full-time jobs. At graduation, only 29 percent of seniors ③_______ (offer) jobs.
Pressure to excel often creates stress, and many students are not learning how to effectively handle this stress. Let me show five facts that I believe every college student ④_______ know about stress.
First, stress can make smart people do stupid things. Stress causes ⑤_______ brain researchers call “cortical inhibition (皮层抑制).” In simple terms, stress prevents a part of the brain responsible for decision-making and reaction time and can negatively affect other mental abilities as well.
Second, the human body doesn’t discriminate between a big stressful event and a little one. Any stressful experience will create about 1,400 biochemical events in your body. If any amount of stress is left ⑥_______ (uncheck), many things can occur within the body, including premature aging and energy drain.
Third, stress can become your new pattern. When you regularly experience negative feelings and high amounts of stress, your brain recognizes this ⑦_______ your normal state. This then becomes the new norm (常态) for your emotional state.
Fourth, stress can be controlled. Countless studies demonstrate that people can restructure their emotional state using emotion refocusing techniques. One technique ⑧_______ (involve) slowing your thoughts, breathing slowly, and focusing on the positive feeling that you receive.
Finally, ⑨_______ (draw) to what you study can lessen stress. Barbara Frederickson, a leading international authority on the importance of positive emotions, says humans are genetically programmed ⑩_______ (seek) positive emotions such as love and joy. It’s suggested that you should choose a major or career path you love and enjoy. Otherwise, you could end up fighting against your own biology.
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服装销售助理 Fashion sales assistant ●时薪80元 ●工作时间:周六、周日(12:00—22:00) ●主要职责:主要处理客人查询及投诉
语言教师 Language teacher ●时薪150元 ●工作时间:周二、周四(19:00—21:00)周六(14:00—16:00) ●主要职责:主要辅导本地小学生学习英语
字幕翻译 Subtitle translator ●时薪200元 ●工作时间:无固定时间 ●主要职责:电影或电视节目的字幕翻译
Mr. Gray was my history teacher in tenth grade. I couldn’t tell what kind of history he taught for two reasons: one, I never liked history, and two, my body was in class, but my mind wasn’t. Mr. Gray wasn’t the teacher who offered retakes (补考) on tests; he did so much more for me than that. He offered me a pair of ears and a shoulder to cry on.
Before Mr. Gray came along, one major event was taking place in my life. My mom told me she wanted to divorce my dad. Why then I didn’t understand. I barricaded (筑起壁垒) myself in my basement bedroom, listening to angry music and sleeping. I fell into a depression and my grades were falling. Then there was Mr. Gray.
I sat against a brick wall outside the library, knees pulled into my chest, head down, surrounded by my noisy friends that I was slowly distancing myself from, when I heard his voice: “Ever feel like you’re a fire hydrant (消防栓) and every dog in the neighborhood is stopping by to visit you ” I picked my head up and then I saw Mr. Gray.
I had heard him use this line in the classroom a few times before, when it looked like a kid was having a bad day. It usually aroused a laugh and ended there. This time was different though — he was waiting for an answer. Next thing I knew I was following him into the library.
We sat amongst the shelves of the mostly empty library for the rest of lunchtime. I don’t remember much about that first conversation other than the unconditional promise he made me of lending a pair of ears and a shoulder to cry on. What made him such a special teacher was that he saw that I was struggling and reached out to me outside of the classroom.
Paragraph 1:
However, that didn’t change our classroom relationship.
Paragraph 2:
Many lunchtime library conversations followed throughout the school year.
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中"He said high oil prices are "a positive thing" for the climate as the energy crisis results in a "dramatic speed-up" in decarbonisation (碳减排).“The whole world should now be focused on seeking alternatives, whether they're renewables or hydrogen fuels. All of these things are far more economic."(他说,高油价对气候是"一件积极的事情", 因为能源危机导致碳减排“急剧加速”。“现在全世界都应该集中精力寻找替代能源,无论是可再生能源还是氢燃料。所有这些都要经济得多。”可知,Hohn认为高油价导致碳减排急剧加速,由此会使得全世界寻找可替代的经济型能源,即人们将转向清洁能源。故选C。
解析:推理判断题。根据第五段中“Hohn has also pushed for stricter regulation on corporate climate promises. "Corporate decarbonistion isn't going to happen through voluntary methods," Hohn said.( Hohn还推动对企业气候承诺进行更严格的监管。“企业的碳减排不会通过自愿的方式实现,”Hohni说)”可知,Hohn认为通过自愿的方式是无法实现碳减排,需要对企业实施更严格的监管才能推动碳减排的实现。由此推知,Hohn认为应该实施更加严格的气候规定。故选A。
解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中"Because though some organizations declare their commitment to environmental protection, they actually do the opposite,(因为尽管一些组织宣称他们致力于环境保护,但实际上他们做的恰恰相反)"以及“I expect a large proportion of companies will get graded F if they' re not doing enough. Even companies with net zero emissions targets have failed to set out plans about how to reach those goals. (我预计,如果做得不够,大部分公司都会被评为F.即使是有净零排放目标的公司,也未能制定实现这些目标的计划”可知,因为尽管一些组织和企业宣称他们致力于环境保护, 但实际上他们做的恰恰相反,他们并未真正的致力于环境保护,从而导致大部分公司在排放评定上都会被评为F。由此推知,Hohn建议减少碳排放,才能实现制定的目标计划,切实做到保护环境。故选D。
解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段"Billionaire Sir Christopher Hohn expects the greatest "demand disruption" for oil since the 1970s shock to cause an increase in renewable energy investment.(亿万富翁Christopher Hohn预计,自上世纪70年代石油危机以来最严重的石油"需求中断"将导致可再生能源投资增加)"以及通读全文可知,文章指出自上世纪70年代石油危机以来,当前出现了最严重的石油“需求中断”危机,该能源危机导致油价上涨,加速了碳减排计划的实施,为一些上市公司的碳排放敲响警钟,呼吁各公司切实减少碳排放,保护环境。由此可知,B选项"Energy crisis- a wake up call(能源危机——一记警钟)"符合文章标题。故选B。
解析:词句猜测题。根据前文“The gray and hobbled students lined up one after another to thank their favorite teacher.One called him a rock star.Another was grateful for helping him when he couldn’t say so.(头发灰白、步履蹒跚的学生们一个接一个地排队感谢他们最喜欢的老师。有人称他为摇滚明星。另一个人很感激在他不能说的时候帮助了他)”可知,此处是在说C先生的学生们对他的感激,可推知tribute是“敬意”之意,和B项admiration意思相近。故选B项。
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中“It also brought to mind Maya Angelou’s saying “People will forget what you said and did, but never forget how you make them feel.”He made me and others in the park feel heard and seen.(这也让人想起了玛雅·安杰洛的一句话:“人们会忘记你说过的话和做过的事,但永远不会忘记你给他们的感觉。”他让我和公园里的其他人感觉自己被听见了,被看见了)”以及第四段中“Mr. C changed my perception of myself.Rather than seeing myself as a loser cheerleader who couldn’t compete with the smart kids, I realized how much I loved learning.(C先生改变了我对自己的看法。我没有把自己看作一个无法与聪明的孩子竞争的失败者拉拉队员,而是意识到我是多么热爱学习)”可知,作者提到Maya Angelou的话是为了解释教育的影响。故选D项。
解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中“It should come as little surprise that I’d value the role of teachers in my life.Both of my parents taught;so did my siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins.I, too, have become a teacher and I try to follow in Mr. C’s footsteps.(我很重视老师在我生命中的作用,这不足为奇。我的父母都是教师;我的兄弟姐妹、阿姨、叔叔和表兄妹也是。我也成为了一名教师,我试图追随C先生的脚步)”可知,作者很喜欢自己的老师工作,推知是愉快的。故选A项。
解析:主旨大意。根据第一段“The older I get, the more I understand how my teachers have transformed my life.(随着年龄的增长,我越来越明白我的老师们是如何改变了我的生活)”和下文可知,本文主要讲述了作者的老师C先生对他学生的影响,所以D项“A great teacher.(一个伟大的老师)”是本文最好的标题。故选D项。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Rather than constantly wearing yourself out at a problem or desperately seeking a flash of inspiration, research from the last 15 years suggests that people may be more likely to have creative breakthroughs or insights when they’re doing a habitual task that doesn’t require much thought — an activity in which you’re basically on autopilot.(过去15年的研究表明,当人们在做一项不需要太多思考的习惯性任务时(基本上处于自动驾驶状态),而不是不断地在一个问题上让自己筋疲力尽或拼命寻找灵感闪现时,他们可能更有可能获得创造性突破或洞察力)”可知,根据研究,人们预期会在日常工作的时候能得到一个创新的想法。故选A。
解析:细节理解题。根据第三段““People always get surprised when they realize they get interesting, novel ideas at unexpected times because our cultural narrative tells us we should do it through hard work,” says Kalina Christoff, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. (“当人们意识到他们在意想不到的时候得到了有趣、新颖的想法时,他们总是感到惊讶,因为我们的文化叙事告诉我们,我们应该通过努力工作来实现它,”温哥华不列颠哥伦比亚大学的认知神经科学家Kalina Christoff说) ”可知,获得令人兴奋的、不寻常的想法的文化观念是努力获得。故选B。
解析:推理判断题。根据第四段“Now we’re beginning to understand why these clever thoughts occur during more passive activities and what’s happening in the brain, says Christoff. The key, according to the latest research, is a pattern of brain activity — within what’s called the default mode network — that occurs while an individual is resting or performing habitual tasks that don’t require much attention.(克里斯托夫说,现在我们开始理解为什么这些聪明的想法会在更被动的活动中出现,以及大脑中发生了什么。根据最新的研究,关键在于大脑活动的一种模式,即所谓的默认模式网络,它发生在一个人休息或执行不需要太多注意力的习惯性任务时)”和倒数第二段“Researchers have shown that the default mode network (DMN) — which connects more than a dozen regions of the brain — becomes more active during mind-wandering or passive tasks than when you’re doing something that demands focus.(研究人员已经证明,连接大脑十多个区域的默认模式网络(DMN)在走神或做被动任务时比你在做需要集中注意力的事情时更活跃)”可推知,一个正在踢足球的学生最有可能得到一个新奇的想法。故选A。
解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“A cautionary note: While the default mode network plays a key role in the creative process, “it’s not the only important network,” Beaty says. “Other networks come into play as far as modifying, rejecting, or implementing ideas.” So it’s unwise to place blind faith in ideas that are generated in the shower or during any other period of mind wandering.(注意事项:虽然默认模式网络在创作过程中发挥着关键作用,但“它并不是唯一重要的网络,”Beat说。“其他网络也会在修改、拒绝或实施想法方面发挥作用。”因此,盲目相信洗澡时或其他走神时产生的想法是不明智的)”可推知,虽然默认模式网络在创作过程中发挥着关键作用,但“它并不是唯一重要的网络”,所以我们在把脑海中好玩的想法付诸实践前要三思。故选D。
解析:本文是说明文。本文通过1985年,16岁的道格拉斯·卡萨(Douglas Casa)在帝国运动会(Empire State Games)的10000米比赛中因为患上劳力性热射病体温处于危险水平提出这个现象并介绍了治疗方法。
①根据空前“In 1985, 16-year old Douglas Casa collapsed when running the championship 10,000 meter Face at the Empire State Games. With just 200 meters to go, he got up and then fell down again. his body temperature at dangerous levels.(1985年,16岁的道格拉斯·卡萨(Douglas Casa)在帝国运动会(Empire State Games)的10000米比赛中摔倒。在距离终点只有200米的时候,他爬了起来,然后又摔倒了。他的体温处于危险水平。)”可知,这里描述了选手道格拉斯在跑步中摔倒体温处于危险水平,空处引出主题。F项“He had suffered an exertional heat stroke, or sunstroke(他曾因劳累患上劳力性热射病,或者叫中暑)”符合语境,故选F。
②根据空前“How does an exertional heat stroke(劳力性热射病) come about When you exercise, in normal circumstances, nearly 80% of the energy you use is transformed into heat.(劳力性中暑是如何发生的 在正常情况下,当你运动时,你消耗的能量有近80%转化为热量。)”可知,接下来对这个症状进行总结,B项“This is what is known as compensable heat stress.(这就是所谓的可补偿性热应激。)”其中this指代前面能量转化热量的现象。故选B。
③根据空后“The main criterion is a core body temperature greater than 40℃ along with physical symptoms like confused behavior or loss of consciousness. The most accurate way to assess core body temperature is with a rectal thermometer(直肠温度计).(主要标准是核心体温高于40℃,并伴有行为混乱或意识丧失等身体症状。测量核心体温最准确的方法是用直肠体温计)”可知,这里是对前面问题如何判断是否运动中暑的解释。C项“So how do you recognize an exertional heat stroke (那么如何识别运动性中暑呢 )”,符合语境。故选C。
④根据空前“The good news is that though this condition is one of the top three leading causes of death in sports, we can do something effective to save lives(好消息是,尽管这种情况是体育运动中导致死亡的三大原因之一,但我们可以做一些有效的事情来挽救生命。)”可知,接下来讲述在这种情况下才能如何挽救生命。A项“It is definitely survivable with proper care(如果护理得当,它绝对是可以存活的)”,符合语境。故选A。
⑤根据空后“As you wait, it’s important to keep the victim calm while cooling as much surface area as possible until emergency personnel arrive.(在等待的过程中,重要的是要让受害者保持冷静,同时让尽可能多的表面冷却,直到急救人员到达。)”可知,这里是等待救护车,需要先拨打救护车,G项“But before you start anything, emergency services should be called.(但在你开始行动之前,应该打电话给急救中心。)”,符合语境。故选G。
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:2021年,令家人和朋友惊讶的是,她辞去了工作。A. importantly重要地;B. obviously明显地;C. surprisingly令人惊讶地;D. unfortunately不幸地。根据上文“Auri Katarina used to be a service manager at a cleaning company in Finland.”可知,Auri曾是芬兰一家清洁公司的服务经理,工作很不错,由此可知,她辞去工作这件事是令家人和朋友惊讶的。故选C项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:Auri一直喜欢清洁物品,两年前她开始在网上发布清洁视频。A. refused拒绝;B. considered考虑;C. respected尊敬;D. enjoyed喜爱,享受。根据句中“she began posting cleaning videos online two years ago”和下文内容可知,Auri喜欢帮助其他人清洁物品,两年前她开始在网上发布清洁视频,由此可知,Auri一直喜欢清洁物品。故选D项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后有一天,一位单身母亲向她求助,因为她和三个孩子在一起很艰难,家里总是一团糟。A. struggling艰难地进行;B. earning挣钱;C. wondering想知道;D. paying支付。根据句中“three children always making a mess at home”可知,这位单身母亲有三个孩子,家里总是一团糟,由此可知,她和三个孩子在一起生活得很艰难,“struggling”意为“艰难地进行”,符合语境。故选A项。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:无论何时打扫卫生,Auri都感觉像“在天堂”一样,她对去帮忙感到很兴奋。A. ashamed羞愧的;B. excited兴奋的;C. hesitant犹豫的;D. grateful感激的。根据句中“Auri, who is “in heaven” whenever she is doing cleaning”可知,无论何时打扫卫生,Auri都感觉像“在天堂”一样,由此可知,她喜欢清洁工作,对去帮忙感到很兴奋。故选B项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以她去了一个周末,在她家里打扫了两天。A. painted在……上刷油漆;B. decorated装饰;C. searched搜索;D. cleaned打扫。根据上文“three children always making a mess at home”可知,这位单身母亲的三个孩子把家里弄得一团糟,由此可知,Auri在女人家里打扫了两天。故选D项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:Auri没有要求对她的服务给予任何报酬;正是她的工作导致了房子和家庭的改变,这让她非常开心。A. reward报酬;B. evidence证据;C. permission准许;D. assistance帮助。根据下文“she _____ all travel and product expenses herself”可知,Auri自己承担清洁的费用,由此可知,她没有要任何报酬。故选A项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:Auri没有要求对她的服务给予任何报酬;正是她的工作导致了房子和家庭的改变,这让她非常开心。A. humor幽默;B. furniture家具;C. change改变;D. space空间。根据上文“So she went on a weekend and _____ her home for two days.”可知,Auri在女人家里打扫了两天,这位单亲母亲的家里变干净了,由此可知,房子和家庭发生了改变,这让Auri非常开心。故选C项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她在网上收到请求,但只选择最需要帮助的人最脏的房子。A. results结果;B. requests请求;C. comments评论;D. instructions指示。根据上文“Since then, Auri has gone as far as the USA and UK to help people in desperate need of cleaning.”可知,Auri远赴美国和英国,帮助急需清洁的人们,由此可知,她在网上收到了其他国家人们的请求。故选B项。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她在网上收到请求,但只选择最需要帮助的人最脏的房子。A. oldest最老的;B. biggest最大的;C. closest最接近的;D. dirtiest最脏的。根据上文“Auri, who is “in heaven” whenever she is doing cleaning”可知,Auri喜欢挑战清洁工作,由此可知,她会选择最需要帮助的人最脏的房子进行清洁。故选D项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:在最初的六个月里,她自己承担了所有的旅行和产品费用,每次约300欧元。A. covered支付,承担;B. approved赞成;C. invested投资;D. avoided避免。根据上文“Auri didn’t ask for any _____ for her service”可知,Auri没有要求对她的服务给予任何报酬,由此可知,她自己承担了所有的旅行和产品费用,“covered”意为“支付,承担”,符合语境。故选A项。
解析:考查固定短语词义辨析。句意:多亏了她流行的清洁技巧视频,一家公司的赞助商向她伸出了援手。她仍然一分钱也不收。A. In spite of尽管;B. Thanks to多亏了,幸亏;C. Ahead of领先,早于;D. In addition to除……之外(还)。根据句中“a corporate sponsor has reached out to her”可知,一家公司的赞助商向她伸出了援手,给她提供了清洁费用,由此可知,多亏了她流行的清洁技巧视频,让赞助商注意到了她,并为她提供资金。故选B项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:多亏了她流行的清洁技巧视频,一家公司的赞助商向她伸出了援手。她仍然一分钱也不收。A. loses丢失;B. keeps保持;C. spends花费;D. charges收(费)。根据句中“a corporate sponsor has reached out to her”可知,一家公司的赞助商向她伸出了援手,给她提供了清洁费用,由此可知,她仍不收取求助者的费用。故选D项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,Auri每周去一次陌生人家里打扫卫生,为期两天,并为她的社交媒体频道创建内容,包括一些她最重要的建议列表。A. customers顾客;B. employers雇主;C. strangers陌生人;D. servants佣人。根据上文“She gets _____ online but chooses”可知,她在网上收到请求,她不认识提出请求的人,由此可知,Auri去陌生人家里打扫卫生。故选C项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,Auri每周去一次陌生人家里打扫卫生,为期两天,并为她的社交媒体频道创建内容,包括一些她最重要的建议列表。A. content内容;B. wealth财富;C. image形象;D. opportunity机会。根据句中“including lists of some of her top tips”可知,她会在她的社交媒体频道中提供一些有关清洁的建议,由此可知,她会为社交媒体频道创建内容。故选A项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:她的梦想是在全世界免费打扫卫生,帮助人们,同时做她绝对热爱的事情。A. plans计划;B. loves热爱;C. delivers递送;D. manages管理。根据句中“Her dream is to clean for free all over the world”可知,她的梦想是在全世界免费打扫卫生,由此可知,帮助人们打扫是她热爱的事情。故选B项。
32、答案:①If /When②that/which③are offered/have been offered④should/must⑤what⑥unchecked⑦as⑧involves⑨being drawn⑩to seek
①考查状语从句。句意:对那些把孩子送进大学的父母说,"这将是你生命中最美好的时光",再加.上一句“如果你能应对大学生活的压力的话”会更加合适。由句意可知,"These will be the best years of your life"和"you can handle the stress of college life"之间构成条件关系或时间关系,所以该空填连词if或when,空格位于对话的句首,首字母要大写,即If/When。故答案为If/When。
②考查定语从句。句意:最新的一项研究表明,新生们的情绪健康水平处于1985年开始调查以来的最低水平。分析句子结构,此处考查限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the latest research study,指物,在从句中作主语,所以填which或hat引导该定语从句。故答案为that/which,
③考查时态和语态。句意:在校期间,更多的学生从事兼职和接近全职的工作。 毕业时,只有29%的高年级学生得到了工作。由句意可知,此处“得到工作可以表示客观事实,用般现在时,也可以表示过去发生的动作对现在产生的影响,用现在完成时,表示已经得到,seniors和offer之间是被动关系,所以要用一般现在时的被动或现在完成时的被动,即are offered/have been offered,故答案为are offered 1 have been offered.
④考查情态动词。句意:让我展示五个事实,我相信每个大学生都应该必须了解压力。空后是动词原形know,所以该空填情态动词,由句意可知,此处可以表示“应该了解或必须"了解,所以填情态动词should / must.故答案为should / must.
⑥考查形容词。句意:如果不加控制地承受任何压力,体内会发生许多事情,包括过早衰老和能量消耗。分析句子结构,该空在句中作主语补足语成分,补充说明主语any amount of stress,此处用形容词unchecked来作主补,表示“未经检查的,不受限制的"。故答案为unchecked.
⑦考查介词。句意:当你经常经历负面情绪和高压力时,你的大脑会将其视为正常状态。根据空前提示词recognizes 可知,该空填介词as,构成短语recognize.. as...表示 “将......视为......”,故答案为as
⑧考查时态。句意:一种技巧是放慢你的思维,慢慢呼吸,专注于你所感受到的积极感觉。由句意可知,此处是客观事实,所以用一般现在时,主语One technique是单数,谓语动词也要用其单数形式,即involves, 故答案为involves。
⑨考查非谓语。句意:最后,被你的学习吸引可以减轻压力。分析句子结构,该句子的谓语动词是can lessen,所以该空填非谓语动词,draw和后面的what you study构成被动关系,所以此处要用动名词的被动,即being drawn来作主语。故答案为being drawn。
⑩考查非谓语。句意:芭芭拉弗雷德里克森是一位研究积极情绪重要性的国际权威专家,她表示,人类天生就有寻求爱和快乐等积极情绪的基因。由句意可知,空后"__ 10___ (seek) positive emotions such as love and joy"进一步修饰了humans are genetically programmed,所以此处要用不定式,即to seek来作后置定语。故答案为to seek.
Dear Terry,
How delighted I am to have heard from you and I can identify with how hard you feel when facing the choices of part-time jobs to raise travel expenses for your summer vacation.
Comparing the three part-time jobs, I think the best choice is the second job as a language teacher to tutor local primary school students in learning English. First of all, the length of working time is not too long and you can make full use of your evening time. Though it can take up your two hours on Saturday, you can still have a full Sunday. What’s more, the hourly salary is relatively good and you can earn 900 yuan per week. Most importantly, through the teaching process and the interaction with the local pupils, this is a good chance for you to get the knowledge of local culture and customs, which is of great benefit to your study and your overall quality throughout the whole college life.
In summary, to be a language teacher is the best of all. I hope my opinion is useful to you.
Best wishes.
Li Hua
占据:take up → occupy
充分利用:make full use of → make the most of
机会:chance → opportunity
总之:In summary → All in all
原句:How delighted I am to have heard from you and I can identify with how hard you feel when facing the choices of part-time jobs to raise travel expenses for your summer vacation.
拓展句:How delighted I am to have heard from you and I can identify with how hard you feel when you are facing the choices of part-time jobs to raise travel expenses for your summer vacation.
【高分句型1】Comparing the three part-time jobs, I think the best choice is the second job as a language teacher to tutor local primary school students in learning English. (运用了现在分词作状语和省略引导词that的宾语从句)
【高分句型2】Most importantly, through the teaching process and the interaction with the locals pupils, this is a good chance for you to get the knowledge of local culture and customs, which is of great benefit to your study and your overall quality throughout the whole college life. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
However, that didn’t change our classroom relationship. Every time he noticed my mind was wandering, he would call on me, trying to draw my attention back. Unsurprisingly, I still distanced myself from classmates. I still didn’t know most of the answers. But I think he knew that I was at a crossroads. Apparently, my problem needed to be addressed first outside the classroom and then in class.
More lunchtime library conversations followed throughout the school year. They always made me feel freer and I didn’t feel trapped like before. Mr. Gray who was always there unconditionally, presented me with an outlet for my pain and frustration. His presence and life wisdom enabled me to become less defensive and open up more. Gradually, the hours spent amongst the library shelves became my favorite time to take his “class”. Little as I remembered about what he taught in the history class, the lessons learned outside the classroom would never fade away.
①.需要被解决或处理:need to be addressed/need to be handled
②.消失:fade away/disappear
①.不出所料:unsurprisingly/as expected
[高分句型1]. Every time he noticed my mind was wandering, he would call on me, trying to draw my attention back.(由连接词every time引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型2]. Mr. Gray who was always there unconditionally, presented me with an outlet for my pain and frustration.(由关系代词who引导的非限制性定语从句)



上一篇:2022-2023北师大版九年级下册数学第二章 二次函数 单元测试卷 (含解析)
