
Unit 3 常考易错检测卷-小学英语六年级下册译林版(三起)
1.I eat a lot of sweets, so I have __________. (   )
A.a fever B.a toothache C.a headache D.a stomachache
2.We have many _______ in the classroom. ( )
A.desk B.a desk C.desks
3.The boy eats ________ meat every day, so he is fat. ( )
A.many B.much C.a few
4.—What’s in the fridge ( )
—There is _________ juice and _________ eggs.
A.a little; a few B.much; a little
C.some; a little D.a few; a little
5.—Would you like ________ coffee ( )
—Yes, please.
A.some B.any C.many
6.________ lunch, he has a lot of rice, some fish and some vegetables. ( )
A.Have B.At C.For
7.Look at the traffic _________. Remember the traffic _________. ( )
A.rule; lights B.light; rule C.lights; rules
8.Sam likes fish and he ________ some fish. ( )
A.want to B.wants C.wants to
(2)every week________
(4)a lot of fruit________
(6)some vegetables________
(8)too much meat________
(10)sweet food________
10.Does Mike have a h_______ diet
11.Mike _____ (不得不) look after his mother at home because she was ill.
12.—_____ _____ _____ are there (多少西红柿) on the table
—Only _____ (一些).
13.Lily likes s_______ food, such as cakes and ice cream.
14.The girl has _____ (几个) bad habits.
15.Would you like _______(any / some)water
16.He likes eating _______(potatoes / potatos).
17.He has ________(a few / a little )bananas in his desk.
18.In a healthy diet , we should drink ______(a little / a lot of )water every day.
19.We shouldn’ t eat too _______(much/many)sweet food because it is bad for our health.
A. B. C. D. E.
( )(1).Western people often have cereal, bread, eggs and sausages for breakfast.
( )(2). Pam has some string and a hammer in his hands.
( )(3). The lovely elves were singing as they started to work: Let's make wonderful shoes and give them to the old man.
( )(4). In London, people like to take a red double-decker to go everywhere.
( )(5). The next day, as the princess sat down for dinner, there was a gentle knock at the door. The princess ran to the door and opened it. It was the frog.
A.Yes, I do. B.Rice, meat and vegetables. C.Yes, we need a lot of rice. D.No, we can’t. E. Yes, please.
21.What did you have for dinner yesterday evening ( )
22.Do you have a healthy diet ( )
23.Can we eat too much sweet food ( )
24.Do we need rice ( )
25.Would you like some cola ( )
26.A.What does she have for lunch
B.Does she like sweet food
C.She has some meat and some vegetables.
D.Yes, she does.
E. Yes, but she only eats a little at a time.
F. Does Helen have a healthy diet
正确顺序:F ___________________ E
A: Good morning, Grandma. _____27_____
B: Good morning, Linda. I want to have some milk and eggs.
A: OK. No problem.
B: What's your favourite food
A: _____28_____They are delicious. Do you like them
B: _____29_____
A: Why
B: _____30_____
A: I see. _____31_____
A.I like hamburgers best.
B.Because my teeth are not so good.
C.What do you want to have for breakfast
D.Let's have breakfast now.
E.No, I don't.
32.an, book, Chinese, English, a, book, and, three, storybooks (.)
33.he, at, time, a, eats, a, little, sweet, food (.)
34.have, I, fish, some, lunch, for (.)
35.me, want, you, do, come, to, with ( )
36.Mike, have, does, healthy, diet, a ( )
Most English people have four meals(餐,饭)a day. They are breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. People usually have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They’d like to have eggs, bread and milk. English people drink tea or coffee for breakfast. Lunch comes at 1:00 pm. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and the dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup(汤), then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things such as bananas, apples and oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, afternoon tea and supper and all these meals are very necessary(必要的).
1. People may have ______ for their breakfast according to the passage. ( )
A.tea and eggs B.hamburgers and tea C.coffee and salad D.eggs and fish
2. People don’t have ______ for their dinner. ( )
A.bananas and apples B.soup and meat C.meat and fish D.porridge
3. In some English families, dinner comes______. ( )
A.in the morning B.at noon C.on Sunday D.in the afternoon
(1). Many English people have ______meals a day.
(2). People have lunch at ______ o'clock.
We all know we should keep healthy and have a good living habit. In the past, people ate three meals at home, and they ate a lot of vegetables and a little meat. They were very strong and they didn’t need to see the doctor.
But now people eat more meat, fish, eggs and other junk food. They often go out for dinner with their families and friends. And they often feel ill. Why
I think eating too much meat and fish is bad for health. Good rest, a little meat and fish, a lot of vegetables and more exercise are good for health. So I do exercise every day. My eating habits are good. I eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I drink a cup of water 15 minutes before each meal and eat lots of vegetables and fruit. Of course, I love junk food too, but I only eat a little. I sleep nine hours every day.
39.Eating a lot of meat and fish every day is good for health. ( )
40.In the past, people ate a lot of vegetables and a little meat. ( )
41.Junk food is bad for us. ( )
42.We shouldn’t do exercise every day. ( )
43.The writer sleeps 9 hours every day. ( )

【详解】句意:—冰箱里有什么?—有一些果汁和一些鸡蛋。a little修饰不可数名词,a few修饰可数名词复数,much修饰不可数名词,some修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,故选A。
【详解】句意:看看交通状况灯。记住交通规则。本题考查名词辨析和可数名词的复数。light灯,交通灯分红绿黄灯traffic lights用复数形式。rule规则,可数名词,交通规则traffic rules。故选C。
【详解】句意:萨姆喜欢鱼,他想要一些鱼。根据likes可知该句为一般现在时,主语是he,动词要用单数第三人称形式,排除A选项;want后加名词或代词表示想要某物,want to后加动词原形表示想要做, some fish为名词词组,前面要用want,B选项符合,故选B。
【点睛】9. (1)healthy diet (2)每周 (3)a little rice (4)许多水果 (5)some eggs (6)一些蔬菜 (7)some cola (8)太多肉 (9)need some drinks (10)甜食
【详解】(1)健康的,healthy;饮食,diet。健康的饮食,healthy diet。故答案为healthy diet。
(2)every每一,week周。every week每周。故答案为每周。
(3)一点,a little;米饭,rice。一点米饭,a little rice。故答案为a little rice。
(4)a lot of许多,fruit水果。a lot of fruit许多水果。故答案为许多水果。
(5)一些,some;鸡蛋,eggs。一些鸡蛋,some eggs。故答案为some eggs。
(6)some一些,vegetables蔬菜,some vegetables一些蔬菜。故答案为一些蔬菜。
(7)一些,some;可乐,coke。一些可乐,some coke。故答案为some coke。
(8)too much太多,meat肉。too much meat太多肉。故答案为太多肉。
(9)需要,need;一些,some;饮料drinks。需要一些饮料,need some drinks。故答案为need some drinks。
(10)sweet甜的,food食物。sweet food甜食。故答案为甜食。
11.had to
【详解】句意:迈克不得不在家照顾他的妈妈因为她生病了。不得不have to,根据was可知该句为一般过去时,动词have要用过去式had,故答案为had to。
12. How many tomatoes some
【详解】句意:—桌子上有多少西红柿?—只有一些。根据句意表示某地有多少……?是there be句型的特殊疑问句。句式:How many+名词复数+are there+其它?potato的复数要加es。答句只有一些是个省略句。肯定的答句一些用some。故答案为How;many;tomatoes;some。
15.some 16.potatoes 17.a few 18.a little 19.much
17.句意:他在桌子上吃了几根香蕉。bananas是可数名词复数,所以用a few修身,故答案为a few。
18.句意:在健康的饮食中,我们应该每天喝点水。所以是a little,故答案为a little。
19.句意:我们不应该吃太多的甜食,因为它对我们健康有害。food是不可数名词,所以用too much 修饰,故答案为much。
20. 1. C 2. E 3. B 4. A 5. D
2.句意为“帕姆的手里有一些细绳和一个铁锤。” 根据句意和图片可知答案为E。
3.句意为“那些可爱的精灵们开始工作时在唱歌。让我们制作美丽的鞋子并把他们送给老人们。” 根据句意和图片可知答案为B。
4.句意为“在伦敦,人们喜欢乘坐红色的双层公共汽车去每个地方。” 根据句意和图片可知答案为A。
5.句意为“第二天,当公主坐下来吃晚饭的时候,有人轻轻的敲门。公主跑过去把门打开。是青蛙王子。” 根据句意和图片可知答案为D。
21.B 22.A 23.D 24.C 25.E
首句已给出海伦的饮食健康吗F. Does Helen have a healthy diet
由上文问句可知答语应回答是的D. Yes, she does.
接着应问她午饭吃什么A. What does she have for lunch
由问句可知答语应回答吃肉和蔬菜C. She has some meat and some vegetables.
接着应问她喜欢甜食吗B. Does she like sweet food
由上文问句可知答语应回答是的,她只吃一点E. Yes, but she only eats a little at a time.
故答案为F D A C B E。
27.C 28.A 29.E 30.B 31.D
32. A Chinese book, an English book and three storybooks.
【详解】本题考查句子结构。please请,an一,book书,Chinese中文,English英语,a一,book书,and和,three三,storybooks故事书,give给。根据所给的句号可知是个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:请给我一本中文书,一本英语书和三本故事书,故答案为 AChinese book, an English book and three storybooks.或者 An English book, a Chinese book and three storybooks.
33.He eats a little sweet food at a time.
【详解】本题考查句子结构。he他,at a time 一次, eats吃, a little一点, sweet甜的, food食物,由句子符号可知是陈述句,根据词意可连词句子:他一次吃一点甜食。故答案为He eats a little sweet food at a time.
34.I have some fish for lunch.
【详解】have吃,喝,I我,fish鱼,some一些, lunch午饭,for作为,由句子符号可知是陈述句,根据词意可连成句子:我吃一些鱼作为午饭。故答案为I have some fish for lunch.
35.Do you want to come with me
【详解】me我,want想要,you你,do助动词,come来,to去,with和,根据所给的问号,可知句子是一个疑问句,根据所给词义连成句子:你想和我一起去吗?故答案为Do you want to come with me
36.Does Mike have a healthy diet
【详解】Mike迈克,have有,does助动词, healthy健康的,diet饮食,a一个,由句子符号可知是问句,根据词意可连词句子:迈克有一个健康的饮食吗?故答案为Does Mike have a healthy diet
37. A D B 38. four one
39.F 40.T 41.T 42.F 43.T
39.句意:每天吃太多的肉和鱼对我们的健康有好处。由短文I think eating too much meat and fish is bad for health.可知吃太多的肉和鱼对我们的健康没好处,故答案为F。
40.句意:在过去。人们吃很多蔬菜和一点肉。由短文In the past, people ate three meals at home, and they ate a lot of vegetables and a little meat.可知过去人们吃很多的蔬菜和一点肉,故答案为T。
41.句意:垃圾食品对我们有害。由短文But now people eat more meat, fish, eggs and other junk food.,可知垃圾食品对我们有害,故答案为T。
42.句意:我们不应该每天锻炼。由短文I think eating too much meat and fish is bad for health. Good rest, a little meat and fish, a lot of vegetables and more exercise are good for health.可知我们应该每天锻炼,故答案为F。
43.句意:作者每天睡9个小时。由短文I sleep nine hours every day.可知作者每天睡觉九个小时,故答案为T。



