
Unit 3 常考易错检测卷-小学英语五年级下册译林版(三起)
1.—I can’t do this. ( )
—You can _________ a teacher _________ help.
A.asks; to B.asked; with C.ask; for D.asks; for
2.—How _______ your little sister _______ to school (  )
—By car.
A.do; come B.does; come C.do; comes
3.—Where’s Mrs White ( )
—She’s ______ the bus.
A.gets on B.get on C.getting on
4.—________ does he go to the zoo (  )
—Because he ________ to see the giraffes.
A.When; wants B.Why; wants C.What; want
5.—How does Yang Ling get to _______ ( )
—By train.
A.the Sunshine Town B.Sunshine Town C.a Sunshine Town
6.—How do we get ________ the cinema ( )
—We can walk ________ there.
A.to; to B.to; / C./; /
7.—Turn left ________ the second traffic lights, the bookshop is on your right. ( )
—Thank you.
A.on B.at C.in D.along
8.In the ______, we asks “Where’s the ______ ” ( )
A.US; restroom B.UK; restroom C.US; toilet
9.next to the hospital ____________________
10.看电影 ____________________
11.walk to the zoo ____________________
12.劳驾;对不起 ____________________
13.too many cars ____________________
14.The _______ _______ (公共汽车站) is not far from here.
15.Go _______ (沿着) this street and turn _______ (向右转) at the first crossing.
16.Turn left at the second traffic light, and _________ (你能看到) the cinema.
17.My school _______________ (离得远) my home.
18.Do you know the w_______ to the library
A.Turn left. B.Go along this street. C.Get on the bus. D.Get off the bus.
19.( )
20.( )
21.( )
22.( )
A.No, I don't. B.He visits his uncle. C.Sorry, I don't know. I’m new here. D.Because it's my birthday. E. Yang Ling and Su Hai.
23.Why are you so happy ( )
24.Do you see my football ( )
25.What does he often do on Sundays ( )
26.Who cleans the classrooms ( )
27.How can I get to the bookshop ( )
a. Oh, that’s too bad!
b. Because My schoolbag is wet.(湿的)
c. Why are you sad
d. What’s the matter
e. My brother put the book in the water.
29.along , go , this , street
30.can’t , find , I , bookshop , the
31.metro, home, take, can, my, you, the, to (.)
Mrs Brown’s old grandfather lives with her. Every morning, he goes out for a walk in the garden and comes home at 12:30 for lunch.
But one morning a police car stops outside Mrs Brown’s house at twelve, and two policemen help the old man to get out. One of them says to Mrs Brown, “The old man loses his way (迷路) home in the garden and calls us for help, so we drive the car to bring him home.” Mrs Brown is very surprised but she thanks the policemen and then they leave.
“But Grandfather,” she asks, “You go to that garden every day for twenty years. How can you lose your way home ” The old man smiles and says, “I can’t lose my way but I’m just tired and don’t want to go home on foot.”
32.Who takes a walk in the garden every day (  )
A.Mr Brown. B.Mrs Brown. C.Mrs Brown’s grandfather.
33.When does Mrs Brown’s grandfather come home for lunch every day (  )
A.At twelve o'clock. B.At twelve thirty. C.At eleven thirty.
34.Who helps Mrs Brown’s grandfather come back home (  )
A.Mrs Brown. B.Two policemen. C.Mrs Brown’s grandfather.
35.Does Mrs Brown say thanks to the policemen (  )
A.Yes, she does. B.No, she doesn’t. C.Yes, she doesn’t.
36.Why doesn’t Mrs Brown’s grandfather walk home (  )
A.He lose his way home.
B.He is caught by policemen.
C.He is tired and doesn’t want to go home on foot.
Nancy and Helen usually go to school by car. They drive past (经过) a cinema, a supermarket and a toy shop. The toy shop is next to the supermarket. Ben and Sam go to school by bus. They go past a bank (银行) and the City Library. The bank is behind the City Library. Ann usually goes to work by bike. She rides past a train station and a bookshop.
37.Ben and Helen usually go to school by bus. ( )
38.The supermarket is next to the toy shop. ( )
39.Sam goes to school by bike. ( )
40.The City Library is in front of the bank. ( )
41.Ann rides past a bookshop and a bus station. ( )

【详解】句意:——我不会做这个。——你可以向老师请求帮助。由句意可知,表示“向……请求帮助”用ask sb. for...,结合选项,C符合题意,故选C。
【详解】句意:—你小妹怎么来上学?—乘小汽车。该句为how引导的特殊疑问句,主语是your little sister,助动词要用does,后加动词原形come,故选B。
【详解】句意:—怀特夫人在哪里?—她________公交车。A上车,第三人称单数形式;B动词原形;C现在分词。She's是she is的缩写,句中有be动词is,所以该句是由be动词+现在分词构成的现在进行时,要填动词现在分词,故选C。
【详解】句意:—我们怎样能到电影院?—我们可以步行去那里。本题考查动词短语和副词的用法。get to+地点意为到达某地,walk to+地点意为步行去某地,第一空使用介词to,第二空后有地点副词there那里,介词to要省略,故选B。
【详解】句意:—在第二个红绿灯处左转,书店就在你的右边。—谢谢。turn left at+地点,表示在某地左转,故选B。
9.在医院旁边 10.see a film 11.步行去动物园 12.excuse me 13.太多汽车
【解析】9.next to 在旁边,the hospital 医院,故答案为在医院旁边。
10.看电影see a film,故答案为see a film。
11.walk to步行去, the zoo动物园,故答案为步行去动物园。
12.劳驾;对不起excuse me,故答案为excuse me。
13.too many太多, cars 汽车,故答案为太多汽车。
14. bus stop
【详解】句意:这个公共汽车站离这里不远。根据所给的汉语,可知考查短语bus stop公共汽车站,名词词组,故答案为bus;stop。
15. along right
【详解】句意:沿着这条街走在第一个十字路口向右转。根据所给的汉语,可知考查单词along沿着,介词,考查单词right右边,turn right向右转,动词短语,故答案为along;right。
16.you can see
【详解】句意:在第二个交通灯左转,你能看到电影院。你you,能can,看到see,故填you can see。
17.is far from
【详解】句意:我的学校离我家很远。根据所给的汉语,可知考查短语be far from离得远,主语My school是第三人称单数,be动词用is,故答案为is far from。
19.C 20.D 21.B 22.A
23.D 24.A 25.B 26.E 27.C
【解析】23.句意:你为什么那么高兴?该句是以Why引导的特殊疑问句,回答要用Because, Because it's my birthday.(因为今天是我的生日。)故选D。
24.句意:你看见我的足球了吗?该句是以Do引导的一般疑问句,要用Yes / No回答,No, I don't.(不,我没看见。),故选A。
25.句意:在周日他经常做什么?该句是一般现在时态的特殊疑问句,主语是he,回答时动词要用单数第三人称形式,He visits his uncle.(他看望他的叔叔。)符合语境,故选B。
26.句意:谁打扫教室?该句对人物提问,Yang Ling and Su Hai.(杨玲和苏海。)符合语境,故选E。
27.句意:我怎么能到书店?该句是在问路,Sorry, I don't know. I’m new here.(不好意思,我不知道。我是新来的。)符合语境,故选C。
28.c b e f a
29.Go along this street.
【详解】along沿着, go走,this 这个,street街道,由所给句子的符合和句意可知是祈使句,根据词意可以连成句子:沿着这条街走。故答案为Go along this street.
30.I can’t find the bookshop.
【详解】can’t 不能,find 发现, I我, bookshop书店, the定冠词,由所给句号和can't可知是陈述句否定形式,根据词意可以连成句子:我没能找到书店。故答案为I can’t find the bookshop.
31.You can take the metro to my home.
32.C 33.B 34.B 35.A 36.C
32.句意:谁每天在花园里散步?A布朗先生,B布朗夫人,C布朗夫人的爷爷,根据Mrs Brown’s old grandfather lives with her. Every morning, he goes out for a walk in the garden and comes home at 12:30 for lunch.可知布朗夫人的爷爷每天在花园散步,故选C。
33.句意:布朗夫人的爷爷每天什么时候回家吃午饭?A在十二点,B在十二点半,C在十一点半,根据Every morning, he goes out for a walk in the garden and comes home at 12:30 for lunch.可知布朗夫人的爷爷每天十二点半回家吃午饭,故选B。
34.句意:谁帮助布朗夫人的爷爷回家?A布朗夫人,B两个警察,C布朗夫人的爷爷,根据But one morning a police car stops outside Mrs Brown’s house at twelve, and two policemen help the old man to get out.可知两个警察帮助布朗夫人的爷爷回家,故选B。
35.句意:布朗夫人感谢警察了吗?A是的,她感谢了。B不,她没有。C是的,她没有。表达错误,排除C。根据Mrs Brown is very surprised but she thanks the policemen and then they leave.可知布朗夫人感谢警察了,该句答语为肯定回答,故选A。
36.句意:布朗夫人的爷爷为什么不走回家?A他迷了回家的路。B他被警察抓住了。C他累了不想走回家。根据I can’t lose my way but I’m just tired and don’t want to go home on foot.可知他累了不想走回家,故选C。
37.F 38.T 39.F 40.T 41.F
37.句意:本和海伦通常乘公共汽车上学。根据文中句子Nancy and Helen usually go to school by car. 得知南希和海伦通常开车上学。不是公共汽车,题干与原文不符合,故答案为F。
38.句意:超市在玩具店旁边。根据文中句子The toy shop is next to the supermarket. 得知玩具店在超市旁边。题干与原文相符合,故答案为T。
39.句意:萨姆骑自行车上学。根据文中句子Ben and Sam go to school by bus.得知本和萨姆坐公共汽车上学。题干与原文不符合,故答案为F。
40.句意:城市图书馆在银行前面。根据文中句子The bank is behind the City Library. 得知银行在城市图书馆后面。所以推出城市图书馆在银行前面。题干与原文相符合,故答案为T。
41.句意:安骑车经过一家书店和一个汽车站。根据文中句子She rides past a train station and a bookshop.得知安骑车经过一个火车站和一家书店。不是汽车站,题干与原文不符合,故答案为F。



上一篇:第三单元 分数乘法(单元测试)北师大版五年级下册数学(无答案)
