牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Natural disasters Grammar and usage练习(含答案)

B3U2 Grammar练习
1.Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only    (find) it didn't fit.
2.She won’t be such a careless person as    (forget) to lock the door.
3.Amy was the only person    (remember) my birthday.
4.Wendy was the first one    (arrive) at school.
5.I was watching the clock all through the meeting, as I had a train    (catch).
6. The case was too heavy    (carry) by a child.
7.There is nothing    (worry) about.
8.He was so careless as    (leave) his car there.
9.This man was strong enough _______(lift) the heavy stone.
10.Dinosaurs have died out on the earth, never __________(see) again.
11.To support her children, she got a job as a babysitter for children with mothers too busy     (look) after their own children.
12.For 25 days, she never left her baby, not even to find something     (eat)!
13.This company refused      (cooperate) with us.
14.Please remember      (write) to me.
15.She expressed a wish   (make) a change.
16.When it was time for them     (leave), the elderly people thanked them for their kindness.
17.The Browns have a comfortable house      (live) in.
18.We made a fire      (keep) us warm.
The boss left his office in a hurry because he had some urgent business    (attend) to.
He is not such a fool as      (do) that.
B2U3 Grammar练习答案
1.to find 2.to forget 3.to remember 4.to arrive 5.to catch 6.to be carried7.to worry 8.to leave 9. to lift 10.to be seen 11. to look 12. to eat 13. to cooperate  14. to write 15. to make 16. to leave 17.to live 18. to keep 19. to attend 20. to do



