湖南省邵阳市2022-2023高一上学期期末考试英语试题( 含解析)

英 语
第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共5小题, 每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)
听下面S段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有ID秒的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What can be known about the man’s English learning
A. He has made much progress.
B. He finds it more difficult than before.
C. He has difficulty remembering words.
2. What is Sally going to do
A. Prepare for her graduation. B. Teach in a school. C. Get ready to find a job.
3. What will the woman probably buy for her daughter
A. A camera. B. A watch. C. A toy.
4. On what days does the woman hate to go to the zoo
A. On Fridays. B. On Sundays. C. On Saturdays.
5. When will the plane probably arrive according to the man
A. At 2:20 p. m. B. At 2:40p. m. C. At 2:50 p. m.
第二节(共15小题, 每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话, 回答第6、7题。
6. When does the conversation take place
A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.
7. Why can’t the man drink a coffee
A. Sarah forbids him to do so. B. He is playing computer games. C. He is too busy.
听下面一段对话, 回答第8、9题。
8. Where did the man get a job
A. At a new company. B. At a shop. C. At a factory.
9. When does the man start work
A. Today. B. Next week. C. Next month.
听下面一段对话, 回答第10至12题。
10. What was the man doing when the accident happened
A. Driving home. B. Driving to work. C. Driving to a shop.
11. Who was probably to blame for the accident
A. The driver of the blue car.
B. The man speaker.
C. The driver of the white Ford.
12. What is probably the woman speaker
A. A policeman. B. A lawyer. C. A driver.
听下面一段对话, 回答第13至16题。
13. why doesn’t the woman want to take a flight
A. She thinks it’s dangerous. B. She thinks it’s expensive. C. She wants to see the scenery.
14. How will they go to Boston tomorrow
A. By bus. B. By train. C. By car.
15. What does the woman want to do next
A. Eat something. B. Rent a car. C. Pack.
16. Which is TRUE according to the dialogue
A. The woman cannot drive. B. The man cannot drive. C. They both can drive.
听下面一段独白, 回答第17至20题。
17. Who is the speaker
A. A swimmer. B. A lifeguard. C. A sports trainer.
18. What can be known about the gym
A. It is free for everyone.
B. People can’t wear outdoor shoes there.
C. People often wait for using the equipment.
19. Which place is the speaker proud of
A. The swimming pool. B. The changing rooms. C. The bathrooms.
20. What can be known from the passage
A. There is no lifeguards by the swimming pool.
B. There is a shop in the gym.
C. There are only two bathrooms in the gym.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。
Oregon is a beautiful Northwest State, filled with amazing places to visit. Many of these wonderful places are within National Parks. Here are some of this state’s fantastic national parks.
Crater Lake National Park
Crater Lake is one of the most unique areas in Oregon and the country. The park makes a great summer and winter time place to visit. Most of the year the park is covered in snow, and the summer window is very short, lasting only from July to October. During the short summer visitors can enjoy the Rim Drive, hiking, camping, fishing, swimming in the lake and even take a boat tour of the lake.
Fort Vancouver National Historic Site
Visitors to Fort Vancouver have the chance to learn about the history of the fur trade in the Pacific North-west. This place offers travelers the chance to learn about the cultures that lived in the area, and it also has information about the military history of this place.
John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
This amazing National Monument protect the changes of ecosystems over 40 million years. Visitors can learn about the amazing history of how plant and animal changed. This park has three parts, where visitors can enjoy the views and learn about the history of this place.
Oregon Caves National Monument
Visitors to the Siskiyou Mountains can explore Oregon Caves National Monument. This National Monument has marble caves. These caves were formed as rainwater from forests above slowly dissolved the surrounding marble, creating these amazing caves. Visitors can take tours of the caves, led by a guide.
1. What can you do in Crater Lake National Park
A. Swim in December. B. Camp in summer.
C. Dig amazing caves. D. View animals and plants.
2. What can you learn about in John Day Fossil Beds National Monument?
A. The history of the fur trade. B. The military history of the area.
C. The history of plant and animal. D. The cultures of the place.
3. Where can you go if you are interested in caves
A. Crater Lake National Park B. Oregon Caves National Monument
C Fort Vancouver National Historic Site D. John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. B
细节理解题。根据Crater Lake National Park中“During the short summer visitors can enjoy the Rim Drive, hiking, camping, fishing, swimming in the lake and even take a boat tour of the lake.( 在短暂的夏季里,游客可以在湖边驾车、徒步旅行、露营、钓鱼、游泳,甚至乘船游览湖面)”可知,夏天你可以在Crater Lake国家公园露营。故选B。
细节理解题。根据John Day Fossil Beds National Monument中“Visitors can learn about the amazing history of how plant and animal changed. (游客可以了解植物和动物如何变化的惊人历史。)”可知,在Day Fossil Beds National Monument,你可以了解植物和动物的历史。故选C。
细节理解题。根据Oregon Caves National Monument中“This National Monument has marble caves. These caves were formed as rainwater from forests above slowly dissolved the surrounding marble, creating these amazing caves. Visitors can take tours of the caves, led by a guide.( 这个国家纪念碑有大理石洞穴。这些洞穴是由森林中的雨水慢慢溶解周围的大理石形成的,创造了这些神奇的洞穴。游客可以在导游的带领下参观洞穴)”可知,Oregon Caves National Monument有很多洞穴,所以如果你对洞穴感兴趣,你可以去Oregon Caves National Monument。故选B。
Physical education, or gym class, isn’t required for all high school students. In some schools, it isn’t offered for some different reasons. But should high school students have physical education The answer is certainly “yes”.
Today many people don’t do sports. But as is known to all, doing sports is very important for an adult. Teaching teens the importance of a healthy lifestyle and making fitness plans now can help teens put exercise in the first place as an adult.
High school isn’t that easy. Many students are under a lot of stress. Stress can be harmful to a student’s studies and life. Doing sports can help them deal with stress better, helping them live a happier life at school.
The American Heart Association says that 10 million kids and teens suffer from obesity(肥胖症). Teens should get 60 minutes of physical activity per day to control their weight and to help their bones get stronger. The increase in activities that don’t get teens to move around, such as video games and computer activities, means many teens don’t get their required exercise. Physical education classes act as a public health measure to encourage activity and help teens have healthy weights.
Inactivity(不活跃) increases teens’ risk of developing many diseases. An active lifestyle offers a good way of protection from these health problems. As much as 75 percent of health-care spending goes towardtreating medical conditions that can be hindered by lifestyle changes, according to the American College of Sports Medicine.
According to the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN), students who performed five hours of physical activity each week improved their academic(学业的) performance. Students from programs with no physical activity, who used the extra time for classroom study,did not perform better on tests than those who gave up some study time in support of physical education.
4. According to Paragraph 2, what role does physical education play in high school
A. Helping teens learn to make good plans.
B. Relieving the stress faced by teens at school.
C. Making teens pay more attention to exercise later.
D. Getting teens to encourage adults to exercise.
5. What can we infer from the passage
A. Most high school students are harmed by stress.
B. American teens get 60 minutes’ exercise per day to control weight.
C. Video games help many teens to get required exercise.
D. Doing sports can help the students live a happier life at school.
6. What does the underlined word “hindered” in Paragraph 5 mean
A. Prevented.
B. Measured.
C. Worsened.
D. Caused.
7. What is the text mainly about
A. How high school students can live a happier life.
B. How schools can help students love doing sports.
C. Why some schools consider physical education important.
D. Why high school students should receive physical education.
【答案】4. C 5. D 6. A 7. D
细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Teaching teens the importance of a healthy lifestyle and making fitness plans now can help teens put exercise in the first place as an adult.(教导青少年健康生活方式的重要性,现在就制定健身计划,可以帮助青少年在成年后把锻炼放在首位)”可知,体育教育在高中的作用是让青少年日后重视锻炼。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“Doing sports can help them deal with stress better, helping them live a happier life at school.(做运动可以帮助他们更好地应对压力,帮他们读过更开心的校园生活)”可知,做运动可以帮助学生在学校过得更开心。故选D。
词义猜测题。根据第五段中“An active lifestyle offers a good way of protection from these health problems.(积极的生活方式是预防这些健康问题的好方法) ”可知,此处是指改变生活方式可以预防疾病,所以hindered意为“预防”。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据全文内容,结合第一段最后两句“But should high school students have physical education The answer is certainly ‘yes’.(但是高中生应该上体育课吗?答案当然是肯定的)”可知,文章主要是讲为什么高中生应该接受体育教育。故选D。
It is presently harvest(收获)season for Christian Nacht Wey, who operates an apple farm, or orchard, in the western German town of Gelsdorf. Besides apples, Nacht Wey’s farm also produces a second harvest:electricity. Many of the farm’s trees grow under solar panels(太阳能电池板)that have been producing power during this year’s unusually sunny summer. Putting solar equipment on the same land as crops is becoming increasingly popular in Europe and North Ameri-ca. Farmers are finding that this method can make the most of their land, while creating a second way to earn money.
But getting the right mix of crop and solar is difficult. Most fruit requires specific growing conditions. Even small changes in the environment can harm crops and cause money losses. Even if the fruit survives(幸存), it might turn the wrong color or be less sweet and may be difficult to sell.
For these reasons, Nacht Wey is working with researchers to test which kinds of apples do well under a solar cover. For testing purposes, Nacht Wey covered some of his trees with a traditional netting material. It is normally used to Protect sensitive(敏感的)crops from serious weather events.
Juergen Zimmer is an expert with the area’s agricultural services department. He told the AP that apples grown under the solar covers were a little less sweet this year than those under the nets. But almost no solar-shaded apples got damaged(损害)in the strong sunlight that hit the ar-ea on July 24. In the non-shaded group, about 18 percent of apples suffered sun damage that day, Zimmer said. Researchers hope the tests will show that fruit crops perform well under solar panels. This could help prevent renewable energy production from competing for valuable agricultural land. That competition has become an increasing question as the need for renewable energy increases to fight climate change and rising food prices.
8. What does the author try to tell us in paragraph 2
A. The method of the test.
B. The disadvantage of solar panels.
C. The difficulty of growing crops.
D. Some reasons for the test in the farm.
9. What are netting materials usually used to do
A. Test what apples are suitable for a solar cover.
B. Examine why some crops are sensitive to heat.
C. Keep some crops from being damaged by terrible weather.
D. Speed up the growth of apples.
10 What is Juergen Zimmer’s attitude to using the solar covers
A. Doubtful. B. Supportive. C. Unclear. D. Uncaring.
11. What is the main idea of the text
A. German Farmer Grows Fruit under Solar Power Equipment.
B. Researchers Find Out New Way to Produce Renewable Energy.
C. Solar Energy Could Play Big Part in Valuable Agricultural Land.
D. Increasingly Popular Way of Operating Orchard Among German Farmers.
【答案】8. D 9. C 10. B 11. A
推理判断题。根据第二段“But getting the right mix of crop and solar is difficult. Most fruit requires specific growing conditions. Even small changes in the environment can harm crops and cause money losses. Even if the fruit survives, it might turn the wrong color or be less sweet and may be difficult to sell.”(但是要把农作物和太阳能正确地结合起来是很困难的。大多数水果都需要特定的生长环境。即使环境的微小变化也会损害作物并造成经济损失。即使水果存活下来,它也可能会变成错误的颜色或不那么甜,可能很难出售。)以及第三段中第一句“For these reasons, Nacht Wey is working with researchers to test which kinds of apples do well under a solar cover.”(出于这些原因,Nacht Wey正在与研究人员合作,测试哪种苹果在太阳能罩下生长得更好。)可推知,作者在第二段想告诉我们在农场进行测试的一些原因。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“For testing purposes, Nacht Wey covered some of his trees with a traditional netting material. It is normally used to Protect sensitive(敏感的)crops from serious weather events.”(为了测试目的,Nacht Wey用传统的网状材料覆盖了他的一些树木。它通常用于保护敏感作物免受恶劣天气事件的影响。)可知,网状材料通常用来防止一些农作物被恶劣天气破坏。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“He told the AP that apples grown under the solar covers were a little less sweet this year than those under the nets. But almost no solar-shaded apples got damaged(损害)in the strong sunlight that hit the ar-ea on July 24. In the non-shaded group, about 18 percent of apples suffered sun damage that day, Zimmer said. Researchers hope the tests will show that fruit crops perform well under solar panels.”(他告诉美联社,今年在太阳能罩下生长的苹果比在网下生长的苹果不那么甜。但在7月24日的强烈阳光照射下,几乎没有苹果受到损害。齐默说,在没有遮阳的那一组中,大约18%的苹果当天受到了阳光的伤害。研究人员希望这些测试将表明水果作物在太阳能电池板下表现良好。)可推知,于尔根·齐默对使用太阳能罩的态度是支持的。故选B项。
主旨大意题。根据文章大意以及第一段中“It is presently harvest season for Christian Nacht Wey, who operates an apple farm, or orchard, in the western German town of Gelsdorf. Besides apples, Nacht Wey’s farm also produces a second harvest:electricity. Many of the farm’s trees grow under solar panels that have been producing power during this year’s unusually sunny summer.”(对于克里斯蒂安·纳赫特·韦(Christian Nacht Wey)来说,现在是收获的季节,他在德国西部的盖尔斯多夫镇经营着一家苹果农场。除了苹果,Nacht Wey的农场还收获了第二种东西:电力。农场的许多树木都生长在太阳能电池板下,在今年异常晴朗的夏天,太阳能电池板一直在发电。)可知,文章主要讲的是德国农民在太阳能设备下种植水果。故选A项。
One of the most firmly established idea of manliness(男子汉) is that a real man doesn’t cry. Although he might cry a bit at a funeral, he is expected to quickly regain control. Crying openly is for girls. One study found that women cry significantly more than men do—five times as often, on average, and almost twice as long per period.
Historically, however, men usually cried, and no one saw it as shameful. For example, in the Middle Ages, knights(骑士) cried only because they missed their girlfriends. In The Knight of the Cart, no less a hero than Lancelot cries at a brief separation from Guinevere. There’s no mention of the men in these stories trying to hold back or hide their tears. They cry in a crowded hall with their heads held high. Nor do other people make fun of this public crying; it’s universally regarded as an expression of feeling to show love.
So where did all the male tears go The most obvious possibility is that this is the result of changes as we moved from an agricultural(农业的) society to one that was urban(城市的)and industrial(工业的). In the Middle Ages, most people spent their lives among those they had known since birth. If men cried, they did so with people who would sympathize(同情). But from the 18th to 20th centuries, the population became increasingly urbanize, and people were living in the midst of thousands of strangers. Furthermore, changes in the economy required men to work together in factories and offices where expressions of feelings and even personal conversations were discouraged as time wasting.
Yet human beings weren’t designed to hide their feelings, and there’s reason to believe that restraining tears can be harmful to your well-being. Research from the 1980s has suggested a relationship between stress-related illnesses and not enough crying. Crying is also, somewhat related with happiness and wealth. Countries where people cry the most tend to be richer and more confident.
12. In history, people considered it ________ for men to cry in public.
A. manly B. shameful C. acceptable D. funny
13. How does the author answer the question raised in paragraph 3
A. By offering descriptions. B. By asking questions.
C. By comparing facts. D. By listing numbers.
14. Who is likely to be healthier according to the passage
A. Tony who lives alone and never expresses himself.
B Peter who is outgoing but sometimes cries in public.
C. Arthur who is under great stress but never shed a tear.
D. Adam who sometimes cries but quickly regain control.
15. What is the best title for the text
A. Men Don’t Cry. Why B. Crying Is for Women
C. Who Cry More Men or Women D. Crying Makes a Weak Man
【答案】12. C 13. C 14. B 15. A
推理判断题。根据第二段Historically, however, men usually cried, and no one saw it as shameful.和Nor do other people make fun of this public crying; it’s universally regarded as an expression of feeling to show love.可知在历史上男人哭并不是羞耻的事,在公共场合哭被看作是感情的表达,是可以被接受的。故选C.
推理判断题。第三段开头提出问题,男人的眼泪去哪了?下文说明了原因,根据In the Middle Ages, most people spent their lives among those they had known since birth. If men cried, they did so with people who would sympathize(同情). But from the 18th to 20th centuries, the population became increasingly urbanize, and people were living in the midst of thousands of strangers.可知把中世纪的现实情况和18世纪到20世纪的现实情况进行了比较,说明了原因。使用的是比较事实的方法,故选C.
推理判断题。根据最后一段restraining tears can be harmful to your well-being.和a relationship between stress-related illnesses and not enough crying.可知抑制泪水对健康有害,和压力有关的疾病与不释放眼泪有关系。B项:Peter性格外向,但有时在公共场合哭。Peter是健康的。故选B.
主旨大意题。第一段One of the most firmly established idea of manliness(男子汉) is that a real man doesn’t cry.点明本文要谈论的主题,男子汉不哭;第二段介绍了古代男子用眼泪表达感情,男人哭是被接受的;第三段分析了现在的男人不哭的原因;最后一段说明抑制泪水对身体有害。四个选项中Men Don’t Cry. Why 概括了全文内容,适合作为标题。故选A.
【点睛】概括主旨的方法是:先看首尾或各段开头再看全文找主题句,若无明显主题句,就通过关键词句来概括(如议论文中寻找表达作者观点态度的词句,记叙文寻找概括情节和中心的动词或反映人物特点的形容词)。文中出现两种或两种以上的不同观点时,务必牢记作者的观点才是体现全文中心的。第一段One of the most firmly established idea of manliness(男子汉) is that a real man doesn’t cry.点明本文要谈论的主题,男子汉不哭;第二段介绍了古代男子用眼泪表达感情,男人哭是被接受的;第三段分析了现在的男人不哭的原因;最后一段说明抑制泪水对身体有害。四个选项中Men Don’t Cry. Why 概括了全文内容,适合作为标题。
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多选项。
To advance your career, think of yourself as a business
You may be a scientist. But you’re also a business. Whether you like it or not, you are a business in many ways. ___16___ . Similarly, your employer will give you money in exchange for the work you perform—the product or service. Here are a few ideas to help you as a business.
Think big. ___17___ However, be hold when you’re dreaming about what products and services you can offer. In 10 years, you might be doing something very different than what you’re doing right now. So it’s important to keep a positive mindset about the future of your career.
___18___ Identify something that you’re particularly good at. Then, focus on sharpening and expanding that tool in your toolkit. Career doors will open for you if you can prove you’re better at something than the average job applicant.
Take time to understand what potential “customers” consider valuable. ___19___ You can review job advertisements to see what skills are required for the jobs you want. You can also conduct informational interviews with professionals in jobs that sound exciting to you.
Be patient during periods of change. New products take time to develop and bring to market. Similarly, it’ll take time to learn a new skill or try to break into a different profession. Don’t expect you’ll be immediately productive and successful. ___20___
A. Get you open for business.
B. Focus on one skill that you can “sell”.
C. You’ll need to think of yourself as such.
D. Be realistic about what you can manage now.
E. Businesses offer products and services in exchange for money.
F. Give yourself room to adjust and grow in the direction you long to.
G. There are several ways to understand the needs of your “customers”.
【答案】16. E 17. C 18. B 19. G 20. F
根据下文“Similarly, your employer will give you money in exchange for the work you perform—the product or service. (同样,你的雇主会给你钱,以换取你完成产品或服务的工作)”可知,空处应该和该句子表达同一个意思,也就是说企业会提供产品和服务来换取金钱。E项“企业提供产品和服务以换取金钱”符合语境。E项中的“in exchange for money”和下文中的“give you money in exchange for the work”相呼应。故选E。
根据主旨句“Think big.(雄心勃勃)”以及下文“However, be hold when you’re dreaming about what products and services you can offer.(然而,当你梦想着你能提供什么样的产品和服务时,请保持冷静)”可知, 空处承上启下,表明既要雄心勃勃的去想自己的未来,也要保持冷静,从自己的实际出发。C项“你得这么想自己”符合语境。和前文是顺接关系,和下文形成转折关系。故选C。
根据下文“Identify something that you’re particularly good at.(找出你特别擅长东西) ”以及“Career doors will open for you if you can prove you’re better at something than the average job applicant.(如果你能证明自己比一般求职者更擅长某件事,职业之门就会为你打开)”可知,本段主要讲述我们需要找出自己擅长的一点,这样就能凸显出自己的长处,也就是空处需要表明自己需要有擅长的技能。B项“专注于一项你可以‘推销’的技能”符合语境,可以概括本段。故选B。
根据下文“You can review job advertisements to see what skills are required for the jobs you want. You can also conduct informational interviews with professionals in jobs that sound exciting to you.(你可以查看招聘广告,看看你想要的工作需要哪些技能。你还可以对那些听起来让你兴奋的工作中的专业人士进行信息面试)”可知,空后列举了两种了解“顾客”的方式,所以空处应该表明有几种了解“顾客”的方式。G项“有几种方法可以了解‘客户’的需求”符合语境。G项中的“understand the needs of your “customers””和前文“understand what potential “customers” consider valuable”相呼应。故选G。
根据主旨句“Be patient during periods of change.(在变化时期保持耐心)”以及“Similarly, it’ll take time to learn a new skill or try to break into a different profession. Don’t expect you’ll be immediately productive and successful. (同样,学习一项新技能或尝试进入一个不同的职业也需要时间。不要指望你会马上变得富有成效和成功)”可知,本段主要讲述在转变时期要保持耐心,因为成功是需要时间的。由此推知,空处进一步表明我们需要给自己时间和空前去调整自己。F项“给自己空间,让自己朝着自己渴望的方向调整和成长”符合语境。故选F。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最传选项。
When I was 25 years old, I had a big dream in my mind and lots of things in my backpack. I wanted to travel around Africa with my ___21___. So I left my hometown with great confidence and ___22___ in Cape Town on a one-way ticket, not really sure what to do next.___23___, before my trip actually started, I met a kind, old Nigerian man. He gave me the best travel___24___ I ever received: “Be like a student on your way around the world.”
It sounds ___25___, but it really changed my mind about travelling. He helped me ___26___ that travel is about learning and observing different ___27___. “It’s far too easy to go into a new country for you and believe your ways are better. But if you study, ask questions, and ___28___ to learn from the locals, you’ll have far richer ___29___, ” he promised me.
On other trips since I was on my tour way to Cancun, I didn’t know the man so I was just a____30____. I only stayed there for a week to see the sights and places of interest and then left. The culture didn’t ____31____ me. I left the cities and towns without really ____32____ anyone or anything. Those people and things ____33____ in those very places to which I had paid a visit.
This time, I promised myself that I would be a ____34____ student traveller. After seven months of ____35____ travelling from Cape Town to Cairo, I returned home. Having a student-like attitude helped me learn a lot. This trip satisfied me more than any other trip ever did to me.
21. A. friend B. pet C. backpack D. family
22. A. continued B. stopped C. danced D. arrived
23. A. Certainly B. Luckily C. Truly D. Sadly
24. A. knowledge B. feeling C. advice D. reason
25. A. simple B. funny C. boring D. foolish
26. A. remember B. choose C. improve D. realize
27. A. cultures B. events C. places D. backgrounds
28. A. accept B. try C. decide D. forget
29. A. task B. dream C. achievement D. experience
30. A. tourist B. student C. reporter D. businessman
31. A. inspire B. change C. help D. influence
32. A. knowing B. refusing C. encouraging D. teaching
33. A. disappeared B. existed C. kept D. started
34. A. beautiful B. proud C. real D. wise
35. A. difficult B. successful C. common D. challenging
【答案】21. C 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. A 28. B 29. D 30. A 31. D 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. B
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想背着背包环游非洲。A. friend朋友;B. pet宠物;C. backpack背包;D. family家人。根据文章第一句“I had a big dream in my mind and lots of things in my backpack”可知,作者有一个梦想——背着行囊环游非洲。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我满怀信心地离开了家乡,坐着单程票来到开普敦。A. continued继续;B. stopped停止;C. danced跳舞;D. arrived达到。短语:arrive in 到达。根据上文“I left my hometown”可知此处指到达目的地开普敦。故选D。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,在我的旅行开始之前,我遇到了一位善良的尼日利亚老人。A. Certainly当然,肯定地;B. Luckily 幸运地;C. Truly真正地;D. Sadly悲哀地。根据前文“not really sure what to do next我不确定下一步该做什么”及下文“I met a kind, old Nigerian man. 我遇到了一个和蔼的尼日利亚老人。”可知作者刚到达时不知所措,但是遇见了一个和蔼的老人,可见作者是幸运地。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他给了我最好的旅行建议:像一个学生一样去环游世界。 A. knowledge知识;B. feeling感觉;C. advice建议;D. reason理由。根据文章最后一段中“Having a student-like attitude helped me learn a lot.”可知,老人给了作者旅行的建议。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这听起来很简单,但这确实改变了我对旅行的看法。A. simple简单的;B. funny滑稽的;C. boring无聊的;D. foolish愚蠢的。分析可知“Be like a student on your way around the world. 像一个学生一样环游世界。”这一是一条简单易懂的建议,故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他帮助我意识到旅行就是学习和观察不同的文化。A. remember记住;B. choose选择;C. improve提高;D. realize意识到。下文“travel is about learning and observing different旅行就是学习和观察不同的……”是作者对旅行的感悟,结合语境可知D选项realize“意识到”与此处的“感悟”搭配最为恰当。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他帮助我意识到旅行就是学习和观察不同的文化。A. cultures文化;B. events事件;C. places地方;D. backgrounds背景。由下文“The culture didn’t…me.”的词汇复现可知,是观察不同的文化。故选A。
考查动名词词义辨析。句意:如果你学习、问问题并试图向当地人学习,你会拥有更加丰富多彩的体验。A. accept接受;B. try试图;C. decide决定;D. forget忘记。根据后文“to learn from the locals”可知此处指试着向当地人学习,短语:try to do…“努力做……,尝试做……”。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你学习、问问题并试图向当地人学习,你会拥有更加丰富多彩的体验。A. task任务;B. dream梦想;C. achievement成就;D. experience经历, 经验,体验。根据前文“But if you study, ask questions, and try to learn from the locals, 但如果你学习,问问题,试着向当地人学习,”可以推断出不断的学习和问问题会增加旅行的经验。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以我只是个游客。A. tourist旅行者,观光客;B. student学生;C. reporter记者;D. businessman商人。由上文老人给作者的建议——要像学生一样去环游世界可知作者在不认识老人之前,只是一个普通的旅行者。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:文化并没有对我产生影响。A. inspire激发,鼓舞;B. change改变;C. help帮助;D. influence影响。根据下文“I left the cities and towns without really knowing anyone or anything. 我离开了城市和小镇,没有认识任何的人也没了解任何的事。”故当地的文化也没有影响到作者。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我匆匆离开,并没有真正的认识任何人,了解任何事可知。A. knowing认识,了解;B. refusing拒绝;C. encouraging鼓励;D. teaching教学。结合后文“anyone or anything”可知此处指作者匆匆离开这些城市,并没有真正认识当地的任何人,了解到任何事。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:那些人和东西就存在于我曾经去过的那些地方。A. disappeared消失; B. existed存在;C. kept保留 ;D. started开始。结合语境,在根据主语“Those people and things”与谓语语义上的合理搭配可知此处指那些人和东西就存在在我曾经去过的地方。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我向自己保证,我会成为一个真正的学生旅行者。A. beautiful美丽的;B. proud自豪的;C. real真正的;D. wise明智的。根据前文作者接受老人的建议——要像学生一样去环游世界再结合语境可知,此处指作者要成为一个真正的学生旅行者。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在成功地从开普敦到开罗旅行了七个月之后,我回到了家。A. difficult困难的;B. successful成功的;C. common常见的,普遍的;D. challenging富于挑战性的。根据下文“This trip satisfied me more than any other trip ever did to me. 这次旅行比以往任何一次旅行都更让我满意。”可知这次旅行是一次成功的旅行。故选B。
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Here are two world-famous living legends. One is Lang Ping, and the other is Michael Jordan. Lang Ping used to be a player, who brought honour and glory to her country. Years later she ____36____(become) a coach, who led the women’s volleyball team to medals at world champion-ships and the Olympics. When preparing for the 2015 World Cup, the team ____37____ Lang Ping had built was falling apart. One of the best players ____38____ (injure), and then the team captain had to leave because of heart problems. ____39____ (lose) two important players was a big challenge for Lang Ping, ____40____ she did not lose heart. She knew that her young players could win if they worked together as a team. Two weeks later, they were world ____41____ (champion)!
Michael Jordan, ____42____ (know)as “Air Jordan”, changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps. Jordan’s skills were ____43____ (impress), but the mental strength that he showed made him special. Jordan says that the secret ____44____ his success is learning from his failures. Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up. In life, Jordan has learnt to share his success with others. The Boys and Girls Club he started in Chicago _____45_____ (help)young people since 1996.
【答案】36. became
37. that##which
38. had been injured ##were injured
39. Losing 40. but
41. champions
42. known 43. impressive
44. to 45. has helped##has been helping
考查时态。句意:多年后,她成为了一名教练,带领中国女子排球队在世界锦标赛和奥运会上获得奖牌。分析句子可知,整个句子主时态是一般过去时态,同时又有时间状语 years later,所以此处用一般过去时态。故填 became。
考查定语从句。句意:在准备2015年世界杯的时候,郎平一手打造的球队正在分崩离析。分析句子可知,空格处应填入限制性定语从句的引导词。先行词是the team,指物,且关系词在定语从句中作宾语,故用关系代词that/which。故填that/which。
考查时态和语态。句意:一个最好的球员受伤了,然后队长因为心脏问题不得不离开。分析句子可知,空格处应用被动语态,and then表示并列,后面句子用一般过去时态,所以此空可用一般过去时态的被动语态,同时此并列句中injure 动作发生在leave 动作之前,也可用过去完成时态,故填 were injured/had been injured。
考查过去分词。句意:被称为“空中飞人”的迈克尔·乔丹以其优美的动作和跳跃改变了篮球运动。分析句子可知,空格处应填入非谓语动词作后置定语。Michael Jordan 与know 是被动关系,所以用过去分词。故填known。
考查形容词。句意:乔丹的技术令人印象深刻,但他所表现出的精神力量使他与众不同。分析句子可知,此空在句中作表语,应用形容词。故填 impressive。
考查介词。句意:乔丹说,他成功的秘诀是从失败中学习。the secret to doing是固定结构,to是介词,后面接名词或者动名词,意思是“做……的秘诀”。故填 to。
考查时态。句意:他在芝加哥创办的男孩女孩俱乐部自1996年以来一直帮助年轻人。分析句子可知,空格处应填入谓语动词。根据时间状语since 1996可知,此处应用现在完成时强调过去的动作对现在造成的影响或结果;也可用现在完成进行时强调动作的持续性。故填has helped/has been helping。
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,你的新西兰网友Tom来信向你咨询如何学中文。请你用英语写封E-mail给他提些建议。要点如下:
Dear Tom,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Tom,
I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.
Here are a few suggestions. First of all, you may as well take a Chinese course, as you’ll be able to learn from the teacher and practice with your fellow students. Besides, it is also helpful to learn Chinese songs and read books, newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever possible. What’s more, you can make some Chinese friends. They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese. Try and write to me in Chinese next time.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
建议:suggestion →advice
此外:in addition→ what’s more
课程:class→ course
有帮助的:useful→ helpful
原句:I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.
拓展句:I’m glad to receive your letter in which you ask for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.
【点睛】【高分句型1】First of all, you may as well take a Chinese course, as you’ll be able to learn from the teacher and practice with your fellow students(运用了as引导的原因状语从句)
【高分句型2】I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.(运用了how to do作宾语)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
I think that you are never going to be as happy as you were when you were little. There are no worries when you are little. The things that worried you most are not important things. My most memorable moments happened when I was a child. I can not remember a lot of them because I was very little but I remember the most exciting thing for me at that time.
Some of my friends that I have now have been my best friends since childhood. It is really nice to still have them in my life. Most of them I know are from school but some of them are because of our mothers. And it is really strange to think that you have spent all your life with them. We often went out for sightseeing during holidays, which really made us kids happy and helped establish sincere friendship.
One trip that I remember a lot was when I went with one of my best friend Kate to a cruise (乘船游览) to the Caribbean islands in a summer holiday when I was 10 years old. Going there was a perfect thing that I’d always dreamed of. On the way to the cruise, we were very excited. We both were going with our families. We were together all of the time. Sometimes she came to sleep in my room and sometimes I went to hers. When we got down in the islands we also spent all of the time together because our mothers are also very good friends. On the morning of the last day of the trip the cruise stopped near a mall to let tourists go into the mall to do some shopping. Both Kate’s and my parents were busy in choosing clothes and we showed no interest in clothes, so we felt a little bored, having nothing to do.
Kate and I decided to go to a toy counter to buy some Barbie dolls.
Tour disappointment, our mothers didn’t appear.
Kate and I decided to go to a toy counter to buy some Barbie dolls. As we all know, Barbie dolls are almost all girls’ favorite. There were varieties of Barbie dolls in the toy counter. We were so attracted that we really hated to leave there. After buying our favorite Barbie dolls, however, we got lost. We were very worried because we had thought the cruise was going to go without us. We went to the entrance, waiting for our mothers to come.
To our disappointment, our mothers didn’t appear. Feeling too frightened, we cried loudly. Then a lady that we had already seen in the cruise came to us. She asked us what had happened. Realizing the situation, she helped us without any hesitation. With her help, we found our mothers finally. Although I met some trouble during the trip, I think that was the most unforgettable trip of my life. And I learn that as a child, whenever we go out with parents, we shouldn’t leave out of parents’ eyesight.
②吸引:attract/appeal to
①担心的:worried /concerned
【点睛】[高分句型1] As we all know, Barbie dolls are almost all girls’ favorite. (由关系代词as引导的非限定性定语从句)
[高分句型2] We were very worried because we had thought the cruise was going to go without us. (由连接词because引导的原因状语从句)
[高分句型3] She asked us what had happened. (由连接词what引导的宾语从句)
听力答案:1-5 ABCBC6-10 ACABA 11-15 CBCBA 16-20 CCBAB2023年邵阳市高一联考试题卷
英 语
第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共5小题, 每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)
听下面S段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有ID秒的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What can be known about the man’s English learning
A. He has made much progress.
B. He finds it more difficult than before.
C. He has difficulty remembering words.
2. What is Sally going to do
A. Prepare for her graduation. B. Teach in a school. C. Get ready to find a job.
3. What will the woman probably buy for her daughter
A. A camera. B. A watch. C. A toy.
4. On what days does the woman hate to go to the zoo
A. On Fridays. B. On Sundays. C. On Saturdays.
5. When will the plane probably arrive according to the man
A. At 2:20 p. m. B. At 2:40p. m. C. At 2:50 p. m.
第二节(共15小题, 每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话, 回答第6、7题。
6. When does the conversation take place
A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.
7. Why can’t the man drink a coffee
A Sarah forbids him to do so. B. He is playing computer games. C. He is too busy.
听下面一段对话, 回答第8、9题。
8. Where did the man get a job
A. At a new company. B. At a shop. C. At a factory.
9. When does the man start work
A. Today. B. Next week. C. Next month.
听下面一段对话, 回答第10至12题。
10. What was the man doing when the accident happened
A. Driving home. B. Driving to work. C. Driving to a shop.
11. Who was probably to blame for the accident
A. The driver of the blue car.
B. The man speaker.
C. The driver of the white Ford.
12. What is probably the woman speaker
A. A policeman. B. A lawyer. C. A driver.
听下面一段对话, 回答第13至16题。
13. why doesn’t the woman want to take a flight
A. She thinks it’s dangerous. B. She thinks it’s expensive. C. She wants to see the scenery.
14. How will they go to Boston tomorrow
A. By bus. B. By train. C. By car.
15. What does the woman want to do next
A. Eat something. B. Rent a car. C. Pack.
16. Which is TRUE according to the dialogue
A. The woman cannot drive. B. The man cannot drive. C. They both can drive.
听下面一段独白, 回答第17至20题。
17. Who is the speaker
A. A swimmer. B. A lifeguard. C. A sports trainer.
18. What can be known about the gym
A. It is free for everyone.
B. People can’t wear outdoor shoes there.
C. People often wait for using the equipment.
19. Which place is the speaker proud of
A. The swimming pool. B. The changing rooms. C. The bathrooms.
20. What can be known from the passage
A. There is no lifeguards by the swimming pool.
B. There is a shop in the gym.
C. There are only two bathrooms in the gym.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。
Oregon is a beautiful Northwest State, filled with amazing places to visit. Many of these wonderful places are within National Parks. Here are some of this state’s fantastic national parks.
Crater Lake National Park
Crater Lake is one of the most unique areas in Oregon and the country. The park makes a great summer and winter time place to visit. Most of the year the park is covered in snow, and the summer window is very short, lasting only from July to October. During the short summer visitors can enjoy the Rim Drive, hiking, camping, fishing, swimming in the lake and even take a boat tour of the lake.
Fort Vancouver National Historic Site
Visitors to Fort Vancouver have the chance to learn about the history of the fur trade in the Pacific North-west. This place offers travelers the chance to learn about the cultures that lived in the area, and it also has information about the military history of this place.
John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
This amazing National Monument protect the changes of ecosystems over 40 million years. Visitors can learn about the amazing history of how plant and animal changed. This park has three parts, where visitors can enjoy the views and learn about the history of this place.
Oregon Caves National Monument
Visitors to the Siskiyou Mountains can explore Oregon Caves National Monument. This National Monument has marble caves. These caves were formed as rainwater from forests above slowly dissolved the surrounding marble, creating these amazing caves. Visitors can take tours of the caves, led by a guide.
1. What can you do in Crater Lake National Park
A. Swim in December. B. Camp in summer.
C. Dig amazing caves. D. View animals and plants.
2. What can you learn about in John Day Fossil Beds National Monument?
A. The history of the fur trade. B. The military history of the area.
C. The history of plant and animal. D. The cultures of the place.
3. Where can you go if you are interested in caves
A. Crater Lake National Park B. Oregon Caves National Monument
C. Fort Vancouver National Historic Site D. John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
Physical education, or gym class, isn’t required for all high school students. In some schools, it isn’t offered for some different reasons. But should high school students have physical education The answer is certainly “yes”.
Today many people don’t do sports. But as is known to all, doing sports is very important for an adult. Teaching teens the importance of a healthy lifestyle and making fitness plans now can help teens put exercise in the first place as an adult.
High school isn’t that easy. Many students are under a lot of stress. Stress can be harmful to a student’s studies and life. Doing sports can help them deal with stress better, helping them live a happier life at school.
The American Heart Association says that 10 million kids and teens suffer from obesity(肥胖症). Teens should get 60 minutes of physical activity per day to control their weight and to help their bones get stronger. The increase in activities that don’t get teens to move around, such as video games and computer activities, means many teens don’t get their required exercise. Physical education classes act as a public health measure to encourage activity and help teens have healthy weights.
Inactivity(不活跃) increases teens’ risk of developing many diseases. An active lifestyle offers a good way of protection from these health problems. As much as 75 percent of health-care spending goes towardtreating medical conditions that can be hindered by lifestyle changes, according to the American College of Sports Medicine.
According to the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN), students who performed five hours of physical activity each week improved their academic(学业的) performance. Students from programs with no physical activity, who used the extra time for classroom study,did not perform better on tests than those who gave up some study time in support of physical education.
4. According to Paragraph 2, what role does physical education play in high school
A. Helping teens learn to make good plans.
B. Relieving the stress faced by teens at school.
C. Making teens pay more attention to exercise later.
D. Getting teens to encourage adults to exercise.
5. What can we infer from the passage
A. Most high school students are harmed by stress.
B. American teens get 60 minutes’ exercise per day to control weight.
C. Video games help many teens to get required exercise.
D. Doing sports can help the students live a happier life at school.
6. What does the underlined word “hindered” in Paragraph 5 mean
A. Prevented.
B. Measured.
C. Worsened.
D. Caused.
7. What is the text mainly about
A. How high school students can live a happier life.
B. How schools can help students love doing sports.
C. Why some schools consider physical education important.
D. Why high school students should receive physical education.
It is presently harvest(收获)season for Christian Nacht Wey, who operates an apple farm, or orchard, in the western German town of Gelsdorf. Besides apples, Nacht Wey’s farm also produces a second harvest:electricity. Many of the farm’s trees grow under solar panels(太阳能电池板)that have been producing power during this year’s unusually sunny summer. Putting solar equipment on the same land as crops is becoming increasingly popular in Europe and North Ameri-ca. Farmers are finding that this method can make the most of their land, while creating a second way to earn money.
But getting the right mix of crop and solar is difficult. Most fruit requires specific growing conditions. Even small changes in the environment can harm crops and cause money losses. Even if the fruit survives(幸存), it might turn the wrong color or be less sweet and may be difficult to sell.
For these reasons, Nacht Wey is working with researchers to test which kinds of apples do well under a solar cover. For testing purposes, Nacht Wey covered some of his trees with a traditional netting material. It is normally used to Protect sensitive(敏感的)crops from serious weather events.
Juergen Zimmer is an expert with the area’s agricultural services department. He told the AP that apples grown under the solar covers were a little less sweet this year than those under the nets. But almost no solar-shaded apples got damaged(损害)in the strong sunlight that hit the ar-ea on July 24. In the non-shaded group, about 18 percent of apples suffered sun damage that day, Zimmer said. Researchers hope the tests will show that fruit crops perform well under solar panels. This could help prevent renewable energy production from competing for valuable agricultural land. That competition has become an increasing question as the need for renewable energy increases to fight climate change and rising food prices.
8. What does the author try to tell us in paragraph 2
A. The method of the test.
B. The disadvantage of solar panels.
C. The difficulty of growing crops.
D. Some reasons for the test in the farm.
9. What are netting materials usually used to do
A. Test what apples are suitable for a solar cover.
B. Examine why some crops are sensitive to heat.
C. Keep some crops from being damaged by terrible weather.
D. Speed up the growth of apples.
10. What is Juergen Zimmer’s attitude to using the solar covers
A. Doubtful. B. Supportive. C. Unclear. D. Uncaring.
11. What is the main idea of the text
A. German Farmer Grows Fruit under Solar Power Equipment.
B. Researchers Find Out New Way to Produce Renewable Energy.
C. Solar Energy Could Play Big Part in Valuable Agricultural Land.
D. Increasingly Popular Way of Operating Orchard Among German Farmers.
One of the most firmly established idea of manliness(男子汉) is that a real man doesn’t cry. Although he might cry a bit at a funeral, he is expected to quickly regain control. Crying openly is for girls. One study found that women cry significantly more than men do—five times as often, on average, and almost twice as long per period.
Historically, however, men usually cried, and no one saw it as shameful. For example, in the Middle Ages, knights(骑士) cried only because they missed their girlfriends. In The Knight of the Cart, no less a hero than Lancelot cries at a brief separation from Guinevere. There’s no mention of the men in these stories trying to hold back or hide their tears. They cry in a crowded hall with their heads held high. Nor do other people make fun of this public crying; it’s universally regarded as an expression of feeling to show love.
So where did all the male tears go The most obvious possibility is that this is the result of changes as we moved from an agricultural(农业的) society to one that was urban(城市的)and industrial(工业的). In the Middle Ages, most people spent their lives among those they had known since birth. If men cried, they did so with people who would sympathize(同情). But from the 18th to 20th centuries, the population became increasingly urbanize, and people were living in the midst of thousands of strangers. Furthermore, changes in the economy required men to work together in factories and offices where expressions of feelings and even personal conversations were discouraged as time wasting.
Yet human beings weren’t designed to hide their feelings, and there’s reason to believe that restraining tears can be harmful to your well-being. Research from the 1980s has suggested a relationship between stress-related illnesses and not enough crying. Crying is also, somewhat related with happiness and wealth. Countries where people cry the most tend to be richer and more confident.
12. In history, people considered it ________ for men to cry in public.
A. manly B. shameful C. acceptable D. funny
13. How does the author answer the question raised in paragraph 3
A. By offering descriptions. B. By asking questions.
C. By comparing facts. D. By listing numbers.
14. Who is likely to be healthier according to the passage
A. Tony who lives alone and never expresses himself.
B. Peter who is outgoing but sometimes cries in public.
C Arthur who is under great stress but never shed a tear.
D. Adam who sometimes cries but quickly regain control.
15. What is the best title for the text
A Men Don’t Cry. Why B. Crying Is for Women
C. Who Cry More Men or Women D. Crying Makes a Weak Man
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多选项。
To advance your career, think of yourself as a business
You may be a scientist. But you’re also a business. Whether you like it or not, you are a business in many ways. ___16___ . Similarly, your employer will give you money in exchange for the work you perform—the product or service. Here are a few ideas to help you as a business.
Think big. ___17___ However, be hold when you’re dreaming about what products and services you can offer. In 10 years, you might be doing something very different than what you’re doing right now. So it’s important to keep a positive mindset about the future of your career.
___18___ Identify something that you’re particularly good at. Then, focus on sharpening and expanding that tool in your toolkit. Career doors will open for you if you can prove you’re better at something than the average job applicant.
Take time to understand what potential “customers” consider valuable ___19___ You can review job advertisements to see what skills are required for the jobs you want. You can also conduct informational interviews with professionals in jobs that sound exciting to you.
Be patient during periods of change. New products take time to develop and bring to market. Similarly, it’ll take time to learn a new skill or try to break into a different profession. Don’t expect you’ll be immediately productive and successful. ___20___
A. Get you open for business.
B. Focus on one skill that you can “sell”.
C. You’ll need to think of yourself as such.
D. Be realistic about what you can manage now.
E. Businesses offer products and services in exchange for money.
F. Give yourself room to adjust and grow in the direction you long to.
G. There are several ways to understand the needs of your “customers”.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最传选项。
When I was 25 years old, I had a big dream in my mind and lots of things in my backpack. I wanted to travel around Africa with my ___21___. So I left my hometown with great confidence and ___22___ in Cape Town on a one-way ticket, not really sure what to do next.___23___, before my trip actually started, I met a kind, old Nigerian man. He gave me the best travel___24___ I ever received: “Be like a student on your way around the world.”
It sounds ___25___, but it really changed my mind about travelling. He helped me ___26___ that travel is about learning and observing different ___27___. “It’s far too easy to go into a new country for you and believe your ways are better. But if you study, ask questions, and ___28___ to learn from the locals, you’ll have far richer ___29___, ” he promised me.
On other trips since I was on my tour way to Cancun, I didn’t know the man so I was just a____30____. I only stayed there for a week to see the sights and places of interest and then left. The culture didn’t ____31____ me. I left the cities and towns without really ____32____ anyone or anything. Those people and things ____33____ in those very places to which I had paid a visit.
This time, I promised myself that I would be a ____34____ student traveller. After seven months of ____35____ travelling from Cape Town to Cairo, I returned home. Having a student-like attitude helped me learn a lot. This trip satisfied me more than any other trip ever did to me.
21. A. friend B. pet C. backpack D. family
22. A. continued B. stopped C. danced D. arrived
23. A. Certainly B. Luckily C. Truly D. Sadly
24. A. knowledge B. feeling C. advice D. reason
25. A. simple B. funny C. boring D. foolish
26. A. remember B. choose C. improve D. realize
27. A. cultures B. events C. places D. backgrounds
28. A. accept B. try C. decide D. forget
29. A. task B. dream C. achievement D. experience
30. A. tourist B. student C. reporter D. businessman
31. A. inspire B. change C. help D. influence
32. A. knowing B. refusing C. encouraging D. teaching
33. A. disappeared B. existed C. kept D. started
34. A. beautiful B. proud C. real D. wise
35. A. difficult B. successful C. common D. challenging
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Here are two world-famous living legends. One is Lang Ping, and the other is Michael Jordan. Lang Ping used to be a player, who brought honour and glory to her country. Years later she ____36____(become) a coach, who led the women’s volleyball team to medals at world champion-ships and the Olympics. When preparing for the 2015 World Cup, the team ____37____ Lang Ping had built was falling apart. One of the best players ____38____ (injure), and then the team captain had to leave because of heart problems. ____39____ (lose) two important players was a big challenge for Lang Ping, ____40____ she did not lose heart. She knew that her young players could win if they worked together as a team. Two weeks later, they were world ____41____ (champion)!
Michael Jordan, ____42____ (know)as “Air Jordan”, changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps. Jordan’s skills were ____43____ (impress), but the mental strength that he showed made him special. Jordan says that the secret ____44____ his success is learning from his failures. Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up. In life, Jordan has learnt to share his success with others. The Boys and Girls Club he started in Chicago _____45_____ (help)young people since 1996.
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,你的新西兰网友Tom来信向你咨询如何学中文。请你用英语写封E-mail给他提些建议。要点如下:
Dear Tom
Li Hua
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
I think that you are never going to be as happy as you were when you were little. There are no worries when you are little. The things that worried you most are not important things. My most memorable moments happened when I was a child. I can not remember a lot of them because I was very little but I remember the most exciting thing for me at that time.
Some of my friends that I have now have been my best friends since childhood. It is really nice to still have them in my life. Most of them I know are from school but some of them are because of our mothers. And it is really strange to think that you have spent all your life with them. We often went out for sightseeing during holidays, which really made us kids happy and helped establish sincere friendship.
One trip that I remember a lot was when I went with one of my best friend Kate to a cruise (乘船游览) to the Caribbean islands in a summer holiday when I was 10 years old. Going there was a perfect thing that I’d always dreamed of. On the way to the cruise, we were very excited. We both were going with our families. We were together all of the time. Sometimes she came to sleep in my room and sometimes I went to hers. When we got down in the islands we also spent all of the time together because our mothers are also very good friends. On the morning of the last day of the trip the cruise stopped near a mall to let tourists go into the mall to do some shopping. Both Kate’s and my parents were busy in choosing clothes and we showed no interest in clothes, so we felt a little bored, having nothing to do.
Kate and I decided to go to a toy counter to buy some Barbie dolls.
Tour disappointment, our mothers didn’t appear.
听力答案:1-5 ABCBC6-10 ACABA 11-15 CBCBA 16-20 CCBAB



