
一、阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分
(2023高三下·重庆开学考)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。
Experts say that engaging in playful activities through adulthood can help lower stress, improve cognitive functions, and build social bonds with others, which is so much more than what your phone can do for you. So what are you waiting for Round up the family, grab one of these lawn games for adults, and let the good time sroll.
Spikeball Game Set $59.99
The flexible, hula-hoop-sized net stands on its foldable legs and can be taken to the beach or the park to give four players plenty of space to run around. Start the two-on-two game by bouncing a ball off the net, sending it flying toward your opponents—they have three passes between them to send the ball back over to your team. When they miss, you score, and the first one to get to 21 wins.
The Pocket Shot $25.00
Who doesn't love lining up cans and shooting them down with a slingshot It's demanding yet thrilling. The Pocket Shot is a super powerful slingshot that shoots at two or three times the rate of a regular slingshot. It's super tiny, so it fits in your pocket.
Giant 4-Connect-In-A-Row $79.99
Two players at a time try to insert their red or blue coins into the wooden frame to form a vertical or horizontal line of all the same color. It's way more challenging than you'd think.
1.According to the first paragraph, in what way can lawn games benefit adults
A.Helping them gain strong build. B.Boosting their intelligence.
C.Stopping their phone use. D.Ridding them of pressure.
2.How many players are needed when Spikeball Game Set is played
A.Two. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.
3.What do the second and third game have in common
A.They are of pocket size. B.They are cheap to buy.
C.They take skills to play. D.They need two players.
1.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"Experts say that engaging in playful activities through adulthood can help lower stress, improve cognitive functions, and build social bonds with others, which is so much more than what your phone can do for you.”专家表示,在成年期参与有趣的活动可以帮助减轻压力,改善认知功能,并与他人建立社会联系,这比你的手机能为你做的多得多。可知,草坪游戏可以给成年人减压。故选D。
2.考查细节理解。根据 Spikeball Game Set $59.99 部分中的"Start the two-on-two game by bouncing a ball off the net, sending it flying toward your opponents—they have three passes between them to send the ball back over to your team.”在二对二比赛开始时,将球反弹到网外,让球飞向你的对手——对方有三次传球机会将球传回你的球队。可知,当玩Spikeball Game Set时需要四个玩家。故选B。
3.考查细节理解。根据 The Pocket Shot $25.00 部分中的"It's demanding yet thrilling.”它要求很高,但也很刺激;以及 Giant 4-Connect-In-A-Row $79.99 部分中的"Two players at a time try to insert their red or blue coins into the wooden frame to form a vertical or horizontal line of all the same color. It's way more challenging than you'd think. ”两名玩家一次将他们的红色或蓝色硬币插入木框中,形成一条颜色相同的垂直线或水平线。这比你想象的更有挑战性。可知,第二和第三个游戏的共同之处是它们需要技巧。故选C。
(2023高三下·重庆开学考)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。
"Can you imagine " Diébédo Francis
Kéré said to NPR, "I was born in Burkina Faso, a little village where
there was no school. And my father wanted me to learn how to read and write
very simply because then I could translate or read him his letters."
The first Black winner of the Pritzker
Architecture Prize was as surprised as anyone else to be selected for the field's
most famous prize. Many architects had openly supposed that 2022 would be Sir
David Adjaye's year, who is best known for designing notable buildings as the
Nobel Peace Center in Norway. Kéré, who is based in Berlin but centers much of
his practice in Africa, has been—until now—far lesser known, with buildings
that include primary schools and a healthcare clinic.
When he was twenty, in 1985, Kéré earned a
scholarship to study carpentry in Berlin. But he also attended night school and
was admitted to Technische Universit t Berlin, from which he graduated in 2004
with an advanced degree in architecture. He was still a student when he
designed and built the innovative Gando Primary School.
Kéré's architectural practice was inspired by
his own experience attending school with around 100 other children in a region with temperatures
over 100 F. "It's very hot inside. And there was no light, while outside, the
sunlight was abundant. I think, one day I should make it better. I was thinking
about space, about room, about how I could feel better." In his designs
for Gando Primary School and Naaba Belem Goumma Secondary School, Kéré drew on
traditional building materials such as local clay mixed with concrete, and
emphasized shade and shadows, making spaces bright enough and letting air in, and
thus reducing the need for air conditioning. He wanted the buildings to evoke
the sense of an
oasis (绿洲), a place for many children, to be happy and learn how to read and write.
4.Why did the Pritzker Architecture Prize of 2022 come out as a surprise
A.Because it is the most famous prize.
B.Because the winner only designs schools.
C.Because another competitor was more famous.
D.Because Kéré wasn't first selected as a candidate.
5.What inspired Kéré's architecture work
A.His academic training in Berlin. B.Hardship in his early childhood.
C.An architectural contest. D.His experience traveling abroad.
6.Which of the following best describes Kéré as an architect
A.Creative and universal. B.Caring and practical.
C.Determined and ambitious. D.Devoted and productive.
7.What can be inferred about the schools designed by Kéré
A.They only use traditional materials.
B.They need no air-conditioning.
C.They are well-lit and cool.
D.They are built on oases.
【解析】【分析】本文为一篇新闻报道,报道了Diébédo Francis Kéré在2022年成为第一位获得普利兹克建筑奖的黑人,童年时艰苦的学校条件激励他未来要为孩子们创造良好的学习环境。
4.考查细节理解。根据第二段"The first Black winner of the Pritzker Architecture Prize was as surprised as anyone else to be selected for the field's most famous prize. Many architects had openly supposed that 2022 would be Sir David Adjaye's year, who is best known for designing notable buildings as the Nobel Peace Center in Norway. Kéré, who is based in Berlin but centers much of his practice in Africa, has been—until now—far lesser known, with buildings that include primary schools and a healthcare clinic. ”第一位获得普利兹克建筑奖的黑人和其他人一样,对被选为该领域最著名的奖项感到惊讶。许多建筑师曾公开认为,2022年将是大卫·阿贾耶爵士的年度,他最出名的是设计了挪威的诺贝尔和平中心等著名建筑。Kéré,住在柏林,但他的大部分业务都在非洲,一直是——直到现在——很少为人所知,他的建筑包括一些小学和一个医疗诊所。可知,业内人士对于Sir David Adjaye这位建筑家获奖呼声颇高,相比之下本文主人公的主要作品都在非洲且名气不大,故选C。
5.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"Kéré's architectural practice was inspired by his own experience attending school with around 100 other children in a region with temperatures over 100 F. "It's very hot inside. And there was no light, while outside, the sunlight was abundant. I think, one day I should make it better. I was thinking about space, about room, about how I could feel better." Kéré的建筑实践灵感来自于他自己在温度超过100华氏度的地区与大约100名其他孩子一起上学的经历。“里面很热。没有光,而外面阳光充足。我想,总有一天我会做得更好。我在想空间,空间,想着怎样才能感觉好点"可知,Kéré童年时经历的艰苦的学校条件激励他未来要为孩子们创造良好的学习环境。故选B。
6.考查推理判断。根据第四段中的"I think, one day I should make it better. I was thinking about space, about room, about how I could feel better. ”我想,总有一天我会做得更好。我在想余地,空间,想着怎样才能感觉好点;以及"In his designs for Gando Primary School and Naaba Belem Goumma Secondary School, Kéré drew on traditional building materials such as local clay mixed with concrete, and emphasized shade and shadows, making spaces bright enough and letting air in, and thus reducing the need for air conditioning. He wanted the buildings to evoke the sense of an oasis (绿洲), a place for many children, to be happy and learn how to read and write. ”在他的Gando小学和Naaba Belem Goumma中学的设计中,Kéré借鉴了传统建筑材料,如当地粘土与混凝土混合,并强调阴影,使空间足够明亮,让空气进入,从而减少对空调的需求。他希望这些建筑能唤起一种绿洲的感觉,为许多孩子提供一个快乐、学习读写的地方。可知,Kéré 设计的初衷是关心关爱孩子们的学习环境,在设计中,他非常注重因地制宜,使建筑更有实用性,可以看出Kéré关心他人且很务实。故选B。
7.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"In his designs for Gando Primary School and Naaba Belem Goumma Secondary School, Kéré drew on traditional building materials such as local clay mixed with concrete, and emphasized shade and shadows, making spaces bright enough and letting air in, and thus reducing the need for air conditioning.”在他的Gando小学和Naaba Belem Goumma中学的设计中,Kéré借鉴了传统建筑材料,如当地粘土与混凝土混合,并强调阴影,使空间足够明亮,让空气进入,从而减少对空调的需求。可知,Kéré 设计的学校,采光和通风都良好,故选C。
(2023高三下·重庆开学考)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。
Facebook lets friends connect. They can give
each other updates, share photos and post comments. But that's not all.
Facebook might also stress users out.
In a new study, 88 volunteers revealed how
much time they spent on Facebook and the types of Facebook posts and comments
that they made. In addition, they answered questions about their feelings and
state of mind. They also offered saliva. Researchers tested it for cortisol(皮质醇).
This chemical is a stress hormone. Levels of it vary throughout the day.
In this study, people with the most Facebook
friends, more than 300, had somewhat higher cortisol levels. Additionally, the
more Facebook friends that users had, the more likely they were to feel
anxious. On the other hand, youths who gave lots of "likes" and
supportive comments on Facebook had lower cortisol levels. "The more
social support you give to others, the lower your stress hormone levels will be,
" says Lupien.
"This research decidedly combines the
social science approach and the medical science approach on an important
question in our social-media age, " says Wenhong Chen, a sociologist at
the University of Texas at Austin. "It's really pleasantly new to see
Lupien's team study cortisol levels—along with questionnaire data."
One finding from Lupien's work surprised Chen.
Teens who felt they got a lot of support from others also had higher cortisol
levels. Usually, she says, those feelings should protect people from stress. "There
are many potential dangers of social media use among young people, " Chen
notes. So, she says, enjoy Facebook, but be aware of the risks.
Lupien suggests that teen Facebook users share
information with and support their friends on the site. They shouldn't just
stay silent. "if anyone is more stressed, it's the watchers, not the
sharers, " she says. Also, she recommends that people who use social media
heavily should find time to take active walks, to run or to do other activities.
Cortisol increases a person's
energy. "The best way to reduce stress hormones is to use the energy, ''
she says.
8.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about
A.research applications B.research backgrounds
C.research contents D.research results
9.What should we do if we want to feel less stressed
A.Share as many photos as possible.
B.Listen to music frequently on social media.
C.Give more positive comments to others.
D.Communicate less with others on Facebook.
10.What is Wenhong Chen's attitude towards Lupien's study
A.Cautious B.Critical. C.Doubtful. D.Approving.
11.What can be learned from Lupien's suggestion
A.There are many dangers on social media.
B.Doing physical exercise helps reduce the levels of cortisol.
C.Sharers on Facebook live a happier life than watchers.
D.Getting support from e-friends makes us healthier.
8.考查主旨大意。根据第二段中的“In a new study, 88 volunteers revealed how much time they spent on Facebook and the types of Facebook posts and comments that they made. In addition, they answered questions about their feelings and state of mind. They also offered saliva. Researchers tested it for cortisol. (皮质醇) ”在一项新的研究中,88名志愿者花了多少时间在Facebook上,以及他们在Facebook上发表的帖子和评论的类型。此外,他们还回答关于他们感受和精神状态的问题。他们还提供唾液。研究人员测试他们的皮质醇。可知,本段主要介绍了研究的内容。故选C。
9.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的"On the other hand, youths who gave lots of ‘likes’and supportive comments on Facebook had lower cortisol levels. ‘The more social support you give to others, the lower your stress hormone levels will be, 'says Lupien.”另一方面,在Facebook上给很多"赞"和支持性评论的年轻人的皮质醇水平较低。卢平说:"你给与他人的支持越多,你的压力荷尔蒙水平就会越低"。可推测,如果我们想压力更少,可以多给别人积极的评论。故选C。
10.考查推理判断。根据第四段中的''‘This research decidedly combines the social science approach and the medical science approach on an important question in our social-media age,'says Wenhong Chen”陈文红说:"这项研究明确地将社会科学方法和医学方法结合起来,来研究我们这个社交媒体时代的一个重要问题";以及''It's ready pleasantly new to see Lupien's team study cortisol levels-along with questionnaire data. '' 看到卢平团队研究皮质醇水平和问卷调查数据,我们已经准备好迎接新的惊喜。可推测,陈文红对卢平团队的研究持支持态度。故选D。
11.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“Also, she recommends that people who use social media heavily should find time to take active walks, to run or to do other activities. Cortisol increases a person's energy. ‘The best way to reduce stress hormones is to use the energy, ’ she says.”卢平建议频繁使用社交媒体的人应该找时间进行积极的散步、跑步或者其他活动。皮质醇增加一个人的能量。减少压力荷尔蒙的最好方法是利用这些能量。可知,体育锻炼可以消耗能量,从而降低皮质醇。故选B。
(2023高三下·重庆开学考)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。
Curtin University research has found a simple
and affordable method to determine which chemicals and types of metals are best
used to store and supply energy, in a breakthrough for any battery-run devices
and technologies relying on the fast and reliable supply of electricity, including
smart phones and tablets.
Lead author Associate Professor Simone Ciampi
from Curtin's School of Molecular and Life Sciences said this easy, low-cost
method of determining how to produce and keep the highest energy charge in a
capacitor (电容器) could be of great benefit to all scientists, engineers and
start-ups looking to solving the energy storage challenges of the future.
"All electronic devices require an energy
source. While a battery needs to be recharged over time, a capacitor can be
charged instantly because it stores energy by separating charged ions (离子), found
in ionic liquids, " Ciampi said.
There are thousands of types of ionic liquids,
a type of "liquid salt", and until now, it was difficult to know
which would be best suited for use in a capacitor. What our team has done is
designing a quick and easy test, able to be performed in a basic lab, which can
measure both the ability to store charge when a solid electrode touches a given
ionic liquid—a simple capacitor—as well as the stability of the device when
"The simplicity this test means anyone
can apply it without the need for expensive equipment. Using this method, researchers
found that charging the device for 60 seconds produced a full charge, which did
not ‘leak' (渗漏) and begin to diminish for at least four days, " Mr Belotti
The next step is to use this new screening
method to find ionic liquid with an even longer duration in the charged state
and larger energy density.
12.What can the new method be used to do in the future
A.Help to choose smart phones.
B.Find materials used as energy.
C.Research energy sources of the future.
D.Settle the problem of storing energy.
13.What was the challenge in making a capacitor
A.Choosing the best ionic liquid. B.Figuring out the storing ability.
C.Devising a quick and easy test. D.Recharging a battery instantly.
14.What does the underlined word "diminish" in paragraph 5 probably mean
A.Charge. B.Develop. C.Decrease. D.Expand.
15.What would be a suitable title for the text
A.The Importance of Selecting Ionic Liquid
B.A Good Method to Seek Perfect Ionic Liquid
C.Types of Ionic Liquids for Use in a Capacitor
D.A Simple and Affordable Battery
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,科廷大学(Curtin University)的一项研究发现了一种简单而经济的方法,可以确定哪种化学物质和金属类型最适合用于储存和供应能源。
12.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"Curtin University research has found a simple and affordable method to determine which chemicals and types of metals are best used to store and supply energy.”科廷大学的一项研究发现了一种简单而经济的方法,可以确定哪种化学物质和金属类型最适合储存和供应能源 。可知,这种新方法可以解决能源储存问题。故选D。
13.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"There are thousands of types of ionic liquids, a type of ‘liquid salt’, and until now, it was difficult to know which would be best suited for use in a capacitor.”离子液体有数千种,也就是"液体盐"的一种,直到现在,人们还很难知道哪种离子液体最适合用于电容器、可知,制造电容器的挑战是选择最好的离子液体。故选A。
14.考查词义猜测。根据第五段中的"researchers found that charging the device for 60 seconds produced a full charge, which did not ‘leak' ”研究人员发现,给手机充电60秒就能充满电,而且不会漏电;以及"for at least four days"可知,充满电以后电量至少持续四天才开始减少。可推知 diminish 是“减少”之意,故选C。
15.考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的"Curtin University research has found a simple and affordable method to determine which chemicals and types of metals are best used to store and supply energy”科廷大学的一项研究发现了一种简单而经济的方法,可以确定哪种化学物质和金属类型最适合储存和供应能源;第二段中的"Lead author Associate Professor Simone Ciampi from Curtin's School of Molecular and Life Sciences said this easy, low-cost method of determining how to produce and keep the highest energy charge in a capacitor (电容器). ”该报告的主要作者、柯廷分子和生命科学学院的副教授Simone Ciampi说,这种简单、低成本的方法可以确定如何在电容器中产生并保持最高能量电荷;以及最后一段"The next step is to use this new screening method to find ionic liquid with an even longer duration in the charged state and larger energy density.”下一步是利用这种新的筛选方法来寻找带电状态持续时间更长、能量密度更大的离子液体。可知,全文是围绕寻找一种简单经济的方法来展开文章内容的,所以用"一种好的方法,寻求完美的离子液体电容器"来作为文章标题是比较合适的。故选B。
二、任务型阅读(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分
Keep it secure
All apps collect data as you use them. Following these four steps will help ensure you're not oversharing.
For starters, download apps only from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, not from random websites.  16.  Before you accept an app's terms and conditions, look at what information it's planning to collect and think twice if it's asking for too many permissions.  17.  Also, most apps don't need to know your location, but for those that do, you can choose to enable location services only when using the particular app, another smart privacy safeguard.
Sign up using an e-mail address you've set up just for things like app permissions and e-mail newsletters. 18.   This way, if there is a security breach (缺口), your exposure is contained to things connected to that address.
 19.  This means a long one (at least ten characters) with a mixture of letters, numbers, and special characters
– and, sorry, a unique password for each app. According to security experts, a good trick is to create a memorable "passphrase" by creating a series of random words, and then substitute numbers or special characters (i.e., @ for at) for some of the letters. 20.  Go ahead and write them down — just store your cheat sheet in a secure location (not your wallet or phone case!). Or enlist a password manager such as 1Password or LastPass.
A. For example, why would a gaming app need access to your text messages
B. How will you ever remember them all
C. Just be sure to choose your teams' official apps.
D. Don't use your main e-mail address or social media account.
E. Do you have an old smartphone you're not using anymore
F. These apps meet the major companies' quality standards.
G. And, of course, use a secure password.
16.根据空前"For starters, download apps only from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, not from random websites.”对于初学者来说,只能从苹果App Store或谷歌Play Store下载应用程序,而不能从任意网站下载。可知,要从正规渠道下载应用程序, F. These apps meet the major companies' quality standards. "这些应用程序符合大公司的质量标准"说明原因,故选F。
17.根据空前"Before you accept an app's terms and conditions, look at what information it's planning to collect and think twice if it's asking for too many permissions.”在你接受一个应用程序的条款和条件之前,先看看它打算收集哪些信息,并再三考虑它是否要求了太多的许可。可知,本段是关于应用程序的条款和条约,A. For example, why would a gaming app need access to your text messages "例如,为什么游戏应用程序需要访问你的短信 "对上文"考虑它是否要求了太多的许可"举例说明。故选A。
18.根据空前"Sign up using an e-mail address you've set up just for things like app permissions and e-mail newsletters.”使用你为应用程序权限和电子邮件时事通讯等设置的电子邮件地址注册;以及空后"This way, if there is a security breach (缺口), your exposure is contained to things connected to that address.”这样的话,如果存在安全漏洞,您的暴露将包含与该地址相关的内容。可知,要使用专门为应用程序设置的邮箱抵制,不要使用常用的邮箱地址等,这样如果应用程序存在安全漏洞,不会曝光常用邮箱的相关内容, D. Don't use your main e-mail address or social media account. "不要使用你的主要电子邮件地址或社交媒体账户"符合语境。故选D。
19.根据空后"This means a long one (at least ten characters) with a mixture of letters, numbers, and special characters — and, sorry, a unique password for each app.”这意味着一个包含字母、数字和特殊字符的长密码(至少10个字符)——对不起,每个应用程序都要有一个唯一的密码)"可知,本段是讲密码的设置,G. And, of course, use a secure password."当然,要使用一个安全的密码"符合语境,故选G。
20.根据空后"Go ahead and write them down — just store your cheat sheet in a secure location (not your wallet or phone case!). Or enlist a password manager such as 1Password or LastPass.”把它们写下来——只要把你的备忘单放在一个安全的地方(不要放在钱包或手机壳里!)或者申请一个密码管理器,例如1Password或LastPass。是描述如何记住密码, B. How will you ever remember them all "你怎么能把它们都记住呢"符合语境。故选B。
三、完形填空(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分满分 15 分)
(2023高三下·重庆开学考)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
My family unit of four was on the stricter
side when it came to COVID- 19 precautions. We had decided not to attend most
group 21. . We had 22. about
the health risks posed by this new virus, especially as we waited for our kids
to be vaccinated.
My parents came up from Texas in December 2020
to quarantine (隔离期) before seeing us and 23. to
visit us
occasionally after that. We tried to visit them too but got 24. twice—first when the virus Delta made
the trip
too 25. ,
then when my grandma and my older son separately were 26. with Omicron.
Finally, in February 2022, we got there. It
had been more than two years once my kids had seen my grandparents, and my
younger son did not 27. being on a plane. We met my parents, grandparents,
aunt, uncle, and cousins in Colorado.
There, my kids 28. her baby cousin. I 29. my
kids as they swam, watched fireworks, generally 30. with their older cousins. They were so 31. with everyone, despite how infrequently we had gotten together over the
past few years.
Several times, I looked over at my kids
playing with my relatives, their relatives, forming their own 32. , and felt something that I rarely feel about
being with other people: longing, the 33. for
more of this.
As COVID- 19 is not over, we are still trying
to keep our 34. limited. But with our younger son finally 35. we are cracking open
the door, just a little, to be with the people we love.
21.A.work B.discussions C.gatherings D.talk
22.A.concern B.prediction C.knowledge D.argument
23.A.left B.called C.returned D.chatted
24.A.lost B.stopped C.fined D.hurt
25.A.shocking B.embarrassing C.tiring D.frightening
26.A.infected B.connected C.bored D.unsatisfied
27.A.regret B.remember C.imagine D.consider
28.A.played tricks on B.made jokes about
C.fell in love with D.got
in touch with
29.A.chased B.observed C.ignored D.admired
30.A.working B.fighting C.jumping D.messing
31.A.generous B.curious C.comfortable D.modest
32.A.bonds B.friendships C.values D.opinions
33.A.desire B.sympathy C.love D.pity
34.A.hobbies B.expenses C.choices D.exposures
35.A.educated B.vaccinated C.changed D.cured
21.句意:我们决定不参加大多数集体聚会。A:work“工作”;B:discussions“讨论”;C:gatherings“聚会”;D:talk“交谈,报告”。 根据上文"COVID- 19 precautions"可知,因为新冠疫情,作者全家决定不参加大多数集体聚会。故选C。
22.句意:我们担心这种新病毒带来的健康风险,特别是在我们等待孩子接种疫苗的时候。A:concern“关注”;B:prediction“预测”;C:knowledge“知识”;D:argument “争论”。根据空后"about the health risks"可知,作者家人担心这种新病毒带来的健康风险。故选A。
23.句意:2020年12月,我的父母从德克萨斯州过来隔离,之后偶尔回来看看我们。A:left“离开,留下”;B:called“打电话,大喊”;C:returned“归还,返回”;D:chatted “聊天”。根据空后"to visit us occasionally after that"可知,作者的父母偶尔回来看看作者全家。故选C。
24.句意:我们也试着去看他们,但两次都被阻止了——第一次是德尔塔病毒让旅行变得太可怕,第二次是我的奶奶和大儿子分别感染了Omicron病毒。A:lost“丢失”;B:stopped“停止”;C:fined“罚金”;D:hurt“伤害”。 根据空后"first when the virus Delta made the trip too 5 , then when my grandma and my older son separately were 6 with Omicron"可知,作者的探访被阻止了。故选B。
25.句意:我们也试着去看他们,但两次都被阻止了——第一次是德尔塔病毒让旅行变得太可怕,第二次是我的奶奶和大儿子分别感染了Omicron病毒。A:shocking“令人惊叹的”;B:embarrassing“令人尴尬的”;C:tiring“令人疲倦的”;D:frightening “令人害怕的”。根据上文"the virus Delta"可知,德尔塔病毒让旅行变得太可怕。故选D。
26.句意:我们也试着去看他们,但两次都被阻止了——第一次是德尔塔病毒让旅行变得太可怕,第二次是我的奶奶和大儿子分别感染了Omicron病毒。A:infected“感染”;B:connected“连接”;C:bored“烦人的”;D:unsatisfied “不满意的”。根据空后"with Omicron"可知,作者的奶奶和大儿子分别感染了Omicron病毒。故选A。
27.句意:两年多前,我的孩子们才见过我的祖父母,小儿子不记得坐过飞机。A:regret“遗憾”;B:remember“记住”;C:imagine“想象”;D:consider “考虑,认为”。根据空前"It had been more than two years once my kids had seen my grandparents"可知,两年多前,作者的孩子们才见过作者的祖父母,小儿子不记得坐过飞机。故选B。
28.句意:在那里,我的孩子们爱上了她的小表弟。A:played tricks on“搞恶作剧”;B:made jokes about“开玩笑”;C:fell in love with“爱上”;D:got in touch with “取得联系”。根据空后"her baby cousin"可知,作者的孩子们爱上了她的小表弟。故选C。
29.句意:我观察我的孩子们游泳、看烟花,通常是和他们的兄弟姐妹们在一起。A:chased“追逐”;B:observed“观察”;C:ignored“忽视”;D:admired“羡慕”。 根据空后"as they swam"可知,作者观察孩子们游泳。故选B。
30.句意:我观察我的孩子们游泳、看烟花,通常是和他们的兄弟姐妹们在一起。A:working“工作”;B:fighting“战斗”;C:jumping“跳”;D:messing “把....弄乱,把.....弄脏”。根据下文"despite how infrequently we had gotten together over the past few years"可知,作者孩子和兄弟姐妹们一起玩儿,mess with固定短语,"与……厮混在一起",故选D。
31.句意:尽管过去几年我们很少聚在一起,但他们和每个人都相处得很好。A:generous“慷慨的,大方的”;B:curious“好奇的”;C:comfortable“舒服的”;D:modest“谦虚的”。 根据空后"despite how infrequently we had gotten together over the past few years"可知,尽管过去几年我们很少聚在一起,但他们和每个人都相处得很好,故选C。
32.句意:有几次,我看着我的孩子们和我的亲戚、他们的亲戚一起玩耍,建立起他们自己的联系,我有了和别人在一起时很少有的感觉:渴望,渴望更多这样的东西。A:bonds“联系”;B:friendships“友谊”;C:values“价值”;D:opinions “意见”。根据空前"playing with my relatives, their relatives"可知,孩子们建立起他们自己的联系。故选A。
33.句意:有几次,我看着我的孩子们和我的亲戚、他们的亲戚一起玩耍,建立起他们自己的纽带,我有了和别人在一起时很少有的感觉:渴望,渴望更多这样的东西。A:desire“渴望”;B:sympathy“同情”;C:love“爱”;D:pity “同情”。根据上文"longing"可知,作者渴望更多这样的东西。故选A。
34.句意:由于COVID- 19尚未结束,我们仍在努力限制暴露。A:hobbies“业余爱好”;B:expenses“消费”;C:choices“选择”;D:exposures “暴露”。根据上文"As COVID- 19 is not over"可知,由于COVID- 19尚未结束,我们仍在努力限制暴露。故选D。
35.句意:但随着我们的小儿子终于接种了疫苗,我们打开了与我们爱的人在一起的大门,只是一点点。vaccinated接种疫苗。A:educated“教育”;B:vaccinated“接种疫苗”;C:changed“变化”;D:cured“治愈”。 根据空后"we are cracking open the door, just a little, to be with the people we love"可知,作者小儿子终于接种了疫苗,他们打开了与爱的人在一起的大门。故选B。
四、语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
(2023高三下·重庆开学考)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
A book club can be a good way to develop an 36.   (appreciate) of reading and new friendships, or it can be a big fat fail. The direction it takes really depends on how it  37.   (manage).
Right out of the gate, talk with potential members about what they want from a book club. If their interest is 38.  (simple) the socials, think about forming a group to do social activities together.
Book club expert Davina Morgan-Witts conducted a survey of thousands of book club members. In that survey, 81 percent marked themselves as "very 39.  (delight)" and they generally discussed the book for 75 minutes or longer.
 40.  (compare) with them, just 55 percent of people in the group talking for 20 minutes or less  41.  (choose) the description of being happy.
"That's not to say social time is unimportant but it's secondary. It's because of the open discussion and the sharing of opinions  42.   the friendship forms, " Morgan-Witts explains. If you're eager  43.   (discuss) books without all of the small talk, she suggests applying  44.   membership of a public library group. "I was in one and it seemed  45.  whole purpose of it was to get together to talk about books, " recalls Morgan-Witts.
【答案】36.appreciation;37.is managed;38.simply;39.delighted;40.Compared;41.chose;42.that;43.to discuss;44.for;45.the
37.句意:事实上,它的发展方向取决于它是如何被管理的。从句主语it与manage之间为被动关系,应用被动语态;根据上文的takes和depends可知,此处要用一般现在时。故填is managed。
38.句意:如果他们的兴趣纯粹是社交聚会,那就考虑组一个团体一起进行社交活动。分析句子结构可知,空处作状语修饰is,应用所给词的副词形式。 故填simply。
40.句意:与他们相比,在只讨论20分钟或更短时间的群体中,只有55%的人选择了高兴这一描述。分析句子结构可知,空处作状语,55 percent of people和compare之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,应用过去分词形式。故填Compared。
42.句意:Morgan-Witts解释说:"不是说社交时间不重要,而是说它是次要的。正是因为开诚布公的讨论和意见的分享,友谊才得以形成。"此处使用了强调句型,被强调部分是"because of the open discussion and the sharing of opinions",故用that。
43.句意:如果你想要讨论图书而不是闲聊,她建议你申请成为公共图书馆小组的会员。此处为be eager to do sth.,固定短语,"渴望/希望做某事",故填to discuss。
44.句意:如果你想要讨论图书而不是闲聊,她建议你申请成为公共图书馆小组的会员。apply for sth.,固定短语,"申请……"。故填for。
五、写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
46.(2023高三下·重庆开学考)卡塔尔(Qatar)世界杯赛刚刚落幕,无处不在的中国元素成了人们津津乐道的话题。假定你是李华,你的外国朋友 Mike 对此非常感兴趣,写信给你想要了解近 10 年中国的发展变化,请你根据以下要点给他写一封回信:
2)简介中国近 10 年的发展变化;
1)词数 80 词左右
Dear Mike,
The Qatar World Cup is over.
I hope that you can come to China for a visit
to experience more.
Li Hua
【答案】【范文】Dear Mike,
The Qatar World Cup is over. I, as well as you, am amazed by the Chinese elements almost everywhere in the World Cup. Knowing that you are interested in the great changes in our country over the past decade, I'm glad to share some with you.
Actually, remarkable achievements have been made in our economy, life, science, and so forth. For example, the goal of poverty elimination has been achieved, thus paving the way for the accomplishment of common prosperity.
As a high school student, I'm proud of these achievements, which enhance my national confidence and motivate me to study harder.
I hope that you can come to China for a visit to experience more.
Li Hua
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文信件,要求考生以李华的身份 写一封回信 。写作背景: 卡塔尔(Qatar)世界杯赛刚刚落幕,无处不在的中国元素成了人们津津乐道的话题。假定你是李华,你的外国朋友 Mike 对此非常感兴趣,写信给你想要了解近 10 年中国的发展变化 。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1)写信目的;2)简介中国近 10 年的发展变化;3)你对这些变化的感受。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:I, as well as you, am amazed by the Chinese elements almost everywhere in the World Cup. 运用了主谓一致;Knowing that you are interested in the great changes in our country over the past decade, I'm glad to share some with you.运用了现在分词作原因状语,宾语从句;Actually, remarkable achievements have been made in our economy, life, science, and so forth. 运用了被动语态;
As a high school student, I'm proud of these achievements, which enhance my national confidence and motivate me to study harder.运用了非限制性定语从句;I hope that you can come to China for a visit to experience more.运用了宾语从句。
1)续写词数应为 150 左右;
I was backpacking in Panama over Christmas in 2018, and planned to climb Volcán Barú. It is one of the only places on earth from where you can see the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans at the same time.
I set off before sunrise. It was a bit cold, so I had pulled on leggings under my trousers. I've always felt safe travelling as a solo (单独) woman. I love the freedom. When I got to the base at 7 am, the ranger (护林员) was unwilling to let me go alone, but relented (缓和) because an American couple were behind me.
The first part of the climb was beautiful. I walked for an hour and had reached a fair height. The views were impressive, so I stopped to take a photograph. Suddenly I heard violent barking behind me.
I turned and saw two dogs running aggressively towards me. I could see their teeth looked sharp, and they looked angry. There was nowhere for me to run. I tried to keep calm, but my heart was racing. They stopped a dozen feet from where I stood and kept barking. I knew they could move fast, so I didn't want to try to outrun them.
I kept walking, saying, "Good dog, calm down, " as evenly as possible. But I was terrified. Then one dashed up and sunk his teeth into my leg below the knee. I was shocked. He held on for a few seconds. The pain took my breath away as I felt his fangs (犬牙) in my flesh. I considered bending down to get a rock to fight him off, but was nervous in case he went for my neck or the other one launched at me.
I tried to keep walking, and he finally let go. Then he was behind me, growling (嗥叫). I kept going, my body shaking, until after about 15 minutes I was out of their sight.
When I thought it was safe, I stopped.
A pickup truck appeared, driven by the ranger.
【答案】When I thought it was safe, I stopped. I rolled up my trousers and saw blood. The leggings had acted as a bit of a barrier but there were fang marks on the left side of my knee, seeping blood. I managed to stop the bleeding and cleaned up as best as I could with tissues from my bag. I couldn't walk up the volcano, but I couldn't go back down either because I'd have to pass them again. I imagined being stuck by myself all night. I was really scared. Suddenly I heard rustling and froze.
A pickup truck appeared, driven by the ranger. I must have been as white as a sheet. He told me to get in. The relief was unbelievable. A few minutes later, we saw the dogs in the road where I'd left them. As we drove past, they jumped up at the truck, growling. When we finally reached the gate, I saw the American couple. I learned it was they who told the ranger what had happened. I could never thank them enough for what they did for me. They saved my life!
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:The leggings had acted as a bit of a barrier but there were fang marks on the left side of my knee, seeping blood. 运用了转折并列句;I couldn't walk up the volcano, but I couldn't go back down either because I'd have to pass them again.运用了转折并列句,原因状语从句; A few minutes later, we saw the dogs in the road where I'd left them. 运用了限制性定语从句;As we drove past, they jumped up at the truck, growling. 运用了时间状语从句;When we finally reached the gate, I saw the American couple. 运用了时间状语从句;I learned it was they who told the ranger what had happened. 运用了宾语从句,强调句;I could never thank them enough for what they did for me. 运用了宾语从句。
一、阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分
(2023高三下·重庆开学考)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。
Experts say that engaging in playful activities through adulthood can help lower stress, improve cognitive functions, and build social bonds with others, which is so much more than what your phone can do for you. So what are you waiting for Round up the family, grab one of these lawn games for adults, and let the good time sroll.
Spikeball Game Set $59.99
The flexible, hula-hoop-sized net stands on its foldable legs and can be taken to the beach or the park to give four players plenty of space to run around. Start the two-on-two game by bouncing a ball off the net, sending it flying toward your opponents—they have three passes between them to send the ball back over to your team. When they miss, you score, and the first one to get to 21 wins.
The Pocket Shot $25.00
Who doesn't love lining up cans and shooting them down with a slingshot It's demanding yet thrilling. The Pocket Shot is a super powerful slingshot that shoots at two or three times the rate of a regular slingshot. It's super tiny, so it fits in your pocket.
Giant 4-Connect-In-A-Row $79.99
Two players at a time try to insert their red or blue coins into the wooden frame to form a vertical or horizontal line of all the same color. It's way more challenging than you'd think.
1.According to the first paragraph, in what way can lawn games benefit adults
A.Helping them gain strong build. B.Boosting their intelligence.
C.Stopping their phone use. D.Ridding them of pressure.
2.How many players are needed when Spikeball Game Set is played
A.Two. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.
3.What do the second and third game have in common
A.They are of pocket size. B.They are cheap to buy.
C.They take skills to play. D.They need two players.
(2023高三下·重庆开学考)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。
"Can you imagine " Diébédo Francis
Kéré said to NPR, "I was born in Burkina Faso, a little village where
there was no school. And my father wanted me to learn how to read and write
very simply because then I could translate or read him his letters."
The first Black winner of the Pritzker
Architecture Prize was as surprised as anyone else to be selected for the field's
most famous prize. Many architects had openly supposed that 2022 would be Sir
David Adjaye's year, who is best known for designing notable buildings as the
Nobel Peace Center in Norway. Kéré, who is based in Berlin but centers much of
his practice in Africa, has been—until now—far lesser known, with buildings
that include primary schools and a healthcare clinic.
When he was twenty, in 1985, Kéré earned a
scholarship to study carpentry in Berlin. But he also attended night school and
was admitted to Technische Universit t Berlin, from which he graduated in 2004
with an advanced degree in architecture. He was still a student when he
designed and built the innovative Gando Primary School.
Kéré's architectural practice was inspired by
his own experience attending school with around 100 other children in a region with temperatures
over 100 F. "It's very hot inside. And there was no light, while outside, the
sunlight was abundant. I think, one day I should make it better. I was thinking
about space, about room, about how I could feel better." In his designs
for Gando Primary School and Naaba Belem Goumma Secondary School, Kéré drew on
traditional building materials such as local clay mixed with concrete, and
emphasized shade and shadows, making spaces bright enough and letting air in, and
thus reducing the need for air conditioning. He wanted the buildings to evoke
the sense of an
oasis (绿洲), a place for many children, to be happy and learn how to read and write.
4.Why did the Pritzker Architecture Prize of 2022 come out as a surprise
A.Because it is the most famous prize.
B.Because the winner only designs schools.
C.Because another competitor was more famous.
D.Because Kéré wasn't first selected as a candidate.
5.What inspired Kéré's architecture work
A.His academic training in Berlin. B.Hardship in his early childhood.
C.An architectural contest. D.His experience traveling abroad.
6.Which of the following best describes Kéré as an architect
A.Creative and universal. B.Caring and practical.
C.Determined and ambitious. D.Devoted and productive.
7.What can be inferred about the schools designed by Kéré
A.They only use traditional materials.
B.They need no air-conditioning.
C.They are well-lit and cool.
D.They are built on oases.
(2023高三下·重庆开学考)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。
Facebook lets friends connect. They can give
each other updates, share photos and post comments. But that's not all.
Facebook might also stress users out.
In a new study, 88 volunteers revealed how
much time they spent on Facebook and the types of Facebook posts and comments
that they made. In addition, they answered questions about their feelings and
state of mind. They also offered saliva. Researchers tested it for cortisol(皮质醇).
This chemical is a stress hormone. Levels of it vary throughout the day.
In this study, people with the most Facebook
friends, more than 300, had somewhat higher cortisol levels. Additionally, the
more Facebook friends that users had, the more likely they were to feel
anxious. On the other hand, youths who gave lots of "likes" and
supportive comments on Facebook had lower cortisol levels. "The more
social support you give to others, the lower your stress hormone levels will be,
" says Lupien.
"This research decidedly combines the
social science approach and the medical science approach on an important
question in our social-media age, " says Wenhong Chen, a sociologist at
the University of Texas at Austin. "It's really pleasantly new to see
Lupien's team study cortisol levels—along with questionnaire data."
One finding from Lupien's work surprised Chen.
Teens who felt they got a lot of support from others also had higher cortisol
levels. Usually, she says, those feelings should protect people from stress. "There
are many potential dangers of social media use among young people, " Chen
notes. So, she says, enjoy Facebook, but be aware of the risks.
Lupien suggests that teen Facebook users share
information with and support their friends on the site. They shouldn't just
stay silent. "if anyone is more stressed, it's the watchers, not the
sharers, " she says. Also, she recommends that people who use social media
heavily should find time to take active walks, to run or to do other activities.
Cortisol increases a person's
energy. "The best way to reduce stress hormones is to use the energy, ''
she says.
8.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about
A.research applications B.research backgrounds
C.research contents D.research results
9.What should we do if we want to feel less stressed
A.Share as many photos as possible.
B.Listen to music frequently on social media.
C.Give more positive comments to others.
D.Communicate less with others on Facebook.
10.What is Wenhong Chen's attitude towards Lupien's study
A.Cautious B.Critical. C.Doubtful. D.Approving.
11.What can be learned from Lupien's suggestion
A.There are many dangers on social media.
B.Doing physical exercise helps reduce the levels of cortisol.
C.Sharers on Facebook live a happier life than watchers.
D.Getting support from e-friends makes us healthier.
(2023高三下·重庆开学考)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。
Curtin University research has found a simple
and affordable method to determine which chemicals and types of metals are best
used to store and supply energy, in a breakthrough for any battery-run devices
and technologies relying on the fast and reliable supply of electricity, including
smart phones and tablets.
Lead author Associate Professor Simone Ciampi
from Curtin's School of Molecular and Life Sciences said this easy, low-cost
method of determining how to produce and keep the highest energy charge in a
capacitor (电容器) could be of great benefit to all scientists, engineers and
start-ups looking to solving the energy storage challenges of the future.
"All electronic devices require an energy
source. While a battery needs to be recharged over time, a capacitor can be
charged instantly because it stores energy by separating charged ions (离子), found
in ionic liquids, " Ciampi said.
There are thousands of types of ionic liquids,
a type of "liquid salt", and until now, it was difficult to know
which would be best suited for use in a capacitor. What our team has done is
designing a quick and easy test, able to be performed in a basic lab, which can
measure both the ability to store charge when a solid electrode touches a given
ionic liquid—a simple capacitor—as well as the stability of the device when
"The simplicity this test means anyone
can apply it without the need for expensive equipment. Using this method, researchers
found that charging the device for 60 seconds produced a full charge, which did
not ‘leak' (渗漏) and begin to diminish for at least four days, " Mr Belotti
The next step is to use this new screening
method to find ionic liquid with an even longer duration in the charged state
and larger energy density.
12.What can the new method be used to do in the future
A.Help to choose smart phones.
B.Find materials used as energy.
C.Research energy sources of the future.
D.Settle the problem of storing energy.
13.What was the challenge in making a capacitor
A.Choosing the best ionic liquid. B.Figuring out the storing ability.
C.Devising a quick and easy test. D.Recharging a battery instantly.
14.What does the underlined word "diminish" in paragraph 5 probably mean
A.Charge. B.Develop. C.Decrease. D.Expand.
15.What would be a suitable title for the text
A.The Importance of Selecting Ionic Liquid
B.A Good Method to Seek Perfect Ionic Liquid
C.Types of Ionic Liquids for Use in a Capacitor
D.A Simple and Affordable Battery
二、任务型阅读(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分
Keep it secure
All apps collect data as you use them. Following these four steps will help ensure you're not oversharing.
For starters, download apps only from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, not from random websites.  16.  Before you accept an app's terms and conditions, look at what information it's planning to collect and think twice if it's asking for too many permissions.  17.  Also, most apps don't need to know your location, but for those that do, you can choose to enable location services only when using the particular app, another smart privacy safeguard.
Sign up using an e-mail address you've set up just for things like app permissions and e-mail newsletters. 18.   This way, if there is a security breach (缺口), your exposure is contained to things connected to that address.
 19.  This means a long one (at least ten characters) with a mixture of letters, numbers, and special characters
– and, sorry, a unique password for each app. According to security experts, a good trick is to create a memorable "passphrase" by creating a series of random words, and then substitute numbers or special characters (i.e., @ for at) for some of the letters. 20.  Go ahead and write them down — just store your cheat sheet in a secure location (not your wallet or phone case!). Or enlist a password manager such as 1Password or LastPass.
A. For example, why would a gaming app need access to your text messages
B. How will you ever remember them all
C. Just be sure to choose your teams' official apps.
D. Don't use your main e-mail address or social media account.
E. Do you have an old smartphone you're not using anymore
F. These apps meet the major companies' quality standards.
G. And, of course, use a secure password.
三、完形填空(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分满分 15 分)
(2023高三下·重庆开学考)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
My family unit of four was on the stricter
side when it came to COVID- 19 precautions. We had decided not to attend most
group 21. . We had 22. about
the health risks posed by this new virus, especially as we waited for our kids
to be vaccinated.
My parents came up from Texas in December 2020
to quarantine (隔离期) before seeing us and 23. to
visit us
occasionally after that. We tried to visit them too but got 24. twice—first when the virus Delta made
the trip
too 25. ,
then when my grandma and my older son separately were 26. with Omicron.
Finally, in February 2022, we got there. It
had been more than two years once my kids had seen my grandparents, and my
younger son did not 27. being on a plane. We met my parents, grandparents,
aunt, uncle, and cousins in Colorado.
There, my kids 28. her baby cousin. I 29. my
kids as they swam, watched fireworks, generally 30. with their older cousins. They were so 31. with everyone, despite how infrequently we had gotten together over the
past few years.
Several times, I looked over at my kids
playing with my relatives, their relatives, forming their own 32. , and felt something that I rarely feel about
being with other people: longing, the 33. for
more of this.
As COVID- 19 is not over, we are still trying
to keep our 34. limited. But with our younger son finally 35. we are cracking open
the door, just a little, to be with the people we love.
21.A.work B.discussions C.gatherings D.talk
22.A.concern B.prediction C.knowledge D.argument
23.A.left B.called C.returned D.chatted
24.A.lost B.stopped C.fined D.hurt
25.A.shocking B.embarrassing C.tiring D.frightening
26.A.infected B.connected C.bored D.unsatisfied
27.A.regret B.remember C.imagine D.consider
28.A.played tricks on B.made jokes about
C.fell in love with D.got
in touch with
29.A.chased B.observed C.ignored D.admired
30.A.working B.fighting C.jumping D.messing
31.A.generous B.curious C.comfortable D.modest
32.A.bonds B.friendships C.values D.opinions
33.A.desire B.sympathy C.love D.pity
34.A.hobbies B.expenses C.choices D.exposures
35.A.educated B.vaccinated C.changed D.cured
四、语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
(2023高三下·重庆开学考)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
A book club can be a good way to develop an 36.   (appreciate) of reading and new friendships, or it can be a big fat fail. The direction it takes really depends on how it  37.   (manage).
Right out of the gate, talk with potential members about what they want from a book club. If their interest is 38.  (simple) the socials, think about forming a group to do social activities together.
Book club expert Davina Morgan-Witts conducted a survey of thousands of book club members. In that survey, 81 percent marked themselves as "very 39.  (delight)" and they generally discussed the book for 75 minutes or longer.
 40.  (compare) with them, just 55 percent of people in the group talking for 20 minutes or less  41.  (choose) the description of being happy.
"That's not to say social time is unimportant but it's secondary. It's because of the open discussion and the sharing of opinions  42.   the friendship forms, " Morgan-Witts explains. If you're eager  43.   (discuss) books without all of the small talk, she suggests applying  44.   membership of a public library group. "I was in one and it seemed  45.  whole purpose of it was to get together to talk about books, " recalls Morgan-Witts.
五、写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
46.(2023高三下·重庆开学考)卡塔尔(Qatar)世界杯赛刚刚落幕,无处不在的中国元素成了人们津津乐道的话题。假定你是李华,你的外国朋友 Mike 对此非常感兴趣,写信给你想要了解近 10 年中国的发展变化,请你根据以下要点给他写一封回信:
2)简介中国近 10 年的发展变化;
1)词数 80 词左右
Dear Mike,
The Qatar World Cup is over.
I hope that you can come to China for a visit
to experience more.
Li Hua
1)续写词数应为 150 左右;
I was backpacking in Panama over Christmas in 2018, and planned to climb Volcán Barú. It is one of the only places on earth from where you can see the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans at the same time.
I set off before sunrise. It was a bit cold, so I had pulled on leggings under my trousers. I've always felt safe travelling as a solo (单独) woman. I love the freedom. When I got to the base at 7 am, the ranger (护林员) was unwilling to let me go alone, but relented (缓和) because an American couple were behind me.
The first part of the climb was beautiful. I walked for an hour and had reached a fair height. The views were impressive, so I stopped to take a photograph. Suddenly I heard violent barking behind me.
I turned and saw two dogs running aggressively towards me. I could see their teeth looked sharp, and they looked angry. There was nowhere for me to run. I tried to keep calm, but my heart was racing. They stopped a dozen feet from where I stood and kept barking. I knew they could move fast, so I didn't want to try to outrun them.
I kept walking, saying, "Good dog, calm down, " as evenly as possible. But I was terrified. Then one dashed up and sunk his teeth into my leg below the knee. I was shocked. He held on for a few seconds. The pain took my breath away as I felt his fangs (犬牙) in my flesh. I considered bending down to get a rock to fight him off, but was nervous in case he went for my neck or the other one launched at me.
I tried to keep walking, and he finally let go. Then he was behind me, growling (嗥叫). I kept going, my body shaking, until after about 15 minutes I was out of their sight.
When I thought it was safe, I stopped.
A pickup truck appeared, driven by the ranger.
1.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"Experts say that engaging in playful activities through adulthood can help lower stress, improve cognitive functions, and build social bonds with others, which is so much more than what your phone can do for you.”专家表示,在成年期参与有趣的活动可以帮助减轻压力,改善认知功能,并与他人建立社会联系,这比你的手机能为你做的多得多。可知,草坪游戏可以给成年人减压。故选D。
2.考查细节理解。根据 Spikeball Game Set $59.99 部分中的"Start the two-on-two game by bouncing a ball off the net, sending it flying toward your opponents—they have three passes between them to send the ball back over to your team.”在二对二比赛开始时,将球反弹到网外,让球飞向你的对手——对方有三次传球机会将球传回你的球队。可知,当玩Spikeball Game Set时需要四个玩家。故选B。
3.考查细节理解。根据 The Pocket Shot $25.00 部分中的"It's demanding yet thrilling.”它要求很高,但也很刺激;以及 Giant 4-Connect-In-A-Row $79.99 部分中的"Two players at a time try to insert their red or blue coins into the wooden frame to form a vertical or horizontal line of all the same color. It's way more challenging than you'd think. ”两名玩家一次将他们的红色或蓝色硬币插入木框中,形成一条颜色相同的垂直线或水平线。这比你想象的更有挑战性。可知,第二和第三个游戏的共同之处是它们需要技巧。故选C。
【解析】【分析】本文为一篇新闻报道,报道了Diébédo Francis Kéré在2022年成为第一位获得普利兹克建筑奖的黑人,童年时艰苦的学校条件激励他未来要为孩子们创造良好的学习环境。
4.考查细节理解。根据第二段"The first Black winner of the Pritzker Architecture Prize was as surprised as anyone else to be selected for the field's most famous prize. Many architects had openly supposed that 2022 would be Sir David Adjaye's year, who is best known for designing notable buildings as the Nobel Peace Center in Norway. Kéré, who is based in Berlin but centers much of his practice in Africa, has been—until now—far lesser known, with buildings that include primary schools and a healthcare clinic. ”第一位获得普利兹克建筑奖的黑人和其他人一样,对被选为该领域最著名的奖项感到惊讶。许多建筑师曾公开认为,2022年将是大卫·阿贾耶爵士的年度,他最出名的是设计了挪威的诺贝尔和平中心等著名建筑。Kéré,住在柏林,但他的大部分业务都在非洲,一直是——直到现在——很少为人所知,他的建筑包括一些小学和一个医疗诊所。可知,业内人士对于Sir David Adjaye这位建筑家获奖呼声颇高,相比之下本文主人公的主要作品都在非洲且名气不大,故选C。
5.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"Kéré's architectural practice was inspired by his own experience attending school with around 100 other children in a region with temperatures over 100 F. "It's very hot inside. And there was no light, while outside, the sunlight was abundant. I think, one day I should make it better. I was thinking about space, about room, about how I could feel better." Kéré的建筑实践灵感来自于他自己在温度超过100华氏度的地区与大约100名其他孩子一起上学的经历。“里面很热。没有光,而外面阳光充足。我想,总有一天我会做得更好。我在想空间,空间,想着怎样才能感觉好点"可知,Kéré童年时经历的艰苦的学校条件激励他未来要为孩子们创造良好的学习环境。故选B。
6.考查推理判断。根据第四段中的"I think, one day I should make it better. I was thinking about space, about room, about how I could feel better. ”我想,总有一天我会做得更好。我在想余地,空间,想着怎样才能感觉好点;以及"In his designs for Gando Primary School and Naaba Belem Goumma Secondary School, Kéré drew on traditional building materials such as local clay mixed with concrete, and emphasized shade and shadows, making spaces bright enough and letting air in, and thus reducing the need for air conditioning. He wanted the buildings to evoke the sense of an oasis (绿洲), a place for many children, to be happy and learn how to read and write. ”在他的Gando小学和Naaba Belem Goumma中学的设计中,Kéré借鉴了传统建筑材料,如当地粘土与混凝土混合,并强调阴影,使空间足够明亮,让空气进入,从而减少对空调的需求。他希望这些建筑能唤起一种绿洲的感觉,为许多孩子提供一个快乐、学习读写的地方。可知,Kéré 设计的初衷是关心关爱孩子们的学习环境,在设计中,他非常注重因地制宜,使建筑更有实用性,可以看出Kéré关心他人且很务实。故选B。
7.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"In his designs for Gando Primary School and Naaba Belem Goumma Secondary School, Kéré drew on traditional building materials such as local clay mixed with concrete, and emphasized shade and shadows, making spaces bright enough and letting air in, and thus reducing the need for air conditioning.”在他的Gando小学和Naaba Belem Goumma中学的设计中,Kéré借鉴了传统建筑材料,如当地粘土与混凝土混合,并强调阴影,使空间足够明亮,让空气进入,从而减少对空调的需求。可知,Kéré 设计的学校,采光和通风都良好,故选C。
8.考查主旨大意。根据第二段中的“In a new study, 88 volunteers revealed how much time they spent on Facebook and the types of Facebook posts and comments that they made. In addition, they answered questions about their feelings and state of mind. They also offered saliva. Researchers tested it for cortisol. (皮质醇) ”在一项新的研究中,88名志愿者花了多少时间在Facebook上,以及他们在Facebook上发表的帖子和评论的类型。此外,他们还回答关于他们感受和精神状态的问题。他们还提供唾液。研究人员测试他们的皮质醇。可知,本段主要介绍了研究的内容。故选C。
9.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的"On the other hand, youths who gave lots of ‘likes’and supportive comments on Facebook had lower cortisol levels. ‘The more social support you give to others, the lower your stress hormone levels will be, 'says Lupien.”另一方面,在Facebook上给很多"赞"和支持性评论的年轻人的皮质醇水平较低。卢平说:"你给与他人的支持越多,你的压力荷尔蒙水平就会越低"。可推测,如果我们想压力更少,可以多给别人积极的评论。故选C。
10.考查推理判断。根据第四段中的''‘This research decidedly combines the social science approach and the medical science approach on an important question in our social-media age,'says Wenhong Chen”陈文红说:"这项研究明确地将社会科学方法和医学方法结合起来,来研究我们这个社交媒体时代的一个重要问题";以及''It's ready pleasantly new to see Lupien's team study cortisol levels-along with questionnaire data. '' 看到卢平团队研究皮质醇水平和问卷调查数据,我们已经准备好迎接新的惊喜。可推测,陈文红对卢平团队的研究持支持态度。故选D。
11.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“Also, she recommends that people who use social media heavily should find time to take active walks, to run or to do other activities. Cortisol increases a person's energy. ‘The best way to reduce stress hormones is to use the energy, ’ she says.”卢平建议频繁使用社交媒体的人应该找时间进行积极的散步、跑步或者其他活动。皮质醇增加一个人的能量。减少压力荷尔蒙的最好方法是利用这些能量。可知,体育锻炼可以消耗能量,从而降低皮质醇。故选B。
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,科廷大学(Curtin University)的一项研究发现了一种简单而经济的方法,可以确定哪种化学物质和金属类型最适合用于储存和供应能源。
12.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"Curtin University research has found a simple and affordable method to determine which chemicals and types of metals are best used to store and supply energy.”科廷大学的一项研究发现了一种简单而经济的方法,可以确定哪种化学物质和金属类型最适合储存和供应能源 。可知,这种新方法可以解决能源储存问题。故选D。
13.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"There are thousands of types of ionic liquids, a type of ‘liquid salt’, and until now, it was difficult to know which would be best suited for use in a capacitor.”离子液体有数千种,也就是"液体盐"的一种,直到现在,人们还很难知道哪种离子液体最适合用于电容器、可知,制造电容器的挑战是选择最好的离子液体。故选A。
14.考查词义猜测。根据第五段中的"researchers found that charging the device for 60 seconds produced a full charge, which did not ‘leak' ”研究人员发现,给手机充电60秒就能充满电,而且不会漏电;以及"for at least four days"可知,充满电以后电量至少持续四天才开始减少。可推知 diminish 是“减少”之意,故选C。
15.考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的"Curtin University research has found a simple and affordable method to determine which chemicals and types of metals are best used to store and supply energy”科廷大学的一项研究发现了一种简单而经济的方法,可以确定哪种化学物质和金属类型最适合储存和供应能源;第二段中的"Lead author Associate Professor Simone Ciampi from Curtin's School of Molecular and Life Sciences said this easy, low-cost method of determining how to produce and keep the highest energy charge in a capacitor (电容器). ”该报告的主要作者、柯廷分子和生命科学学院的副教授Simone Ciampi说,这种简单、低成本的方法可以确定如何在电容器中产生并保持最高能量电荷;以及最后一段"The next step is to use this new screening method to find ionic liquid with an even longer duration in the charged state and larger energy density.”下一步是利用这种新的筛选方法来寻找带电状态持续时间更长、能量密度更大的离子液体。可知,全文是围绕寻找一种简单经济的方法来展开文章内容的,所以用"一种好的方法,寻求完美的离子液体电容器"来作为文章标题是比较合适的。故选B。
16.根据空前"For starters, download apps only from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, not from random websites.”对于初学者来说,只能从苹果App Store或谷歌Play Store下载应用程序,而不能从任意网站下载。可知,要从正规渠道下载应用程序, F. These apps meet the major companies' quality standards. "这些应用程序符合大公司的质量标准"说明原因,故选F。
17.根据空前"Before you accept an app's terms and conditions, look at what information it's planning to collect and think twice if it's asking for too many permissions.”在你接受一个应用程序的条款和条件之前,先看看它打算收集哪些信息,并再三考虑它是否要求了太多的许可。可知,本段是关于应用程序的条款和条约,A. For example, why would a gaming app need access to your text messages "例如,为什么游戏应用程序需要访问你的短信 "对上文"考虑它是否要求了太多的许可"举例说明。故选A。
18.根据空前"Sign up using an e-mail address you've set up just for things like app permissions and e-mail newsletters.”使用你为应用程序权限和电子邮件时事通讯等设置的电子邮件地址注册;以及空后"This way, if there is a security breach (缺口), your exposure is contained to things connected to that address.”这样的话,如果存在安全漏洞,您的暴露将包含与该地址相关的内容。可知,要使用专门为应用程序设置的邮箱抵制,不要使用常用的邮箱地址等,这样如果应用程序存在安全漏洞,不会曝光常用邮箱的相关内容, D. Don't use your main e-mail address or social media account. "不要使用你的主要电子邮件地址或社交媒体账户"符合语境。故选D。
19.根据空后"This means a long one (at least ten characters) with a mixture of letters, numbers, and special characters — and, sorry, a unique password for each app.”这意味着一个包含字母、数字和特殊字符的长密码(至少10个字符)——对不起,每个应用程序都要有一个唯一的密码)"可知,本段是讲密码的设置,G. And, of course, use a secure password."当然,要使用一个安全的密码"符合语境,故选G。
20.根据空后"Go ahead and write them down — just store your cheat sheet in a secure location (not your wallet or phone case!). Or enlist a password manager such as 1Password or LastPass.”把它们写下来——只要把你的备忘单放在一个安全的地方(不要放在钱包或手机壳里!)或者申请一个密码管理器,例如1Password或LastPass。是描述如何记住密码, B. How will you ever remember them all "你怎么能把它们都记住呢"符合语境。故选B。
21.句意:我们决定不参加大多数集体聚会。A:work“工作”;B:discussions“讨论”;C:gatherings“聚会”;D:talk“交谈,报告”。 根据上文"COVID- 19 precautions"可知,因为新冠疫情,作者全家决定不参加大多数集体聚会。故选C。
22.句意:我们担心这种新病毒带来的健康风险,特别是在我们等待孩子接种疫苗的时候。A:concern“关注”;B:prediction“预测”;C:knowledge“知识”;D:argument “争论”。根据空后"about the health risks"可知,作者家人担心这种新病毒带来的健康风险。故选A。
23.句意:2020年12月,我的父母从德克萨斯州过来隔离,之后偶尔回来看看我们。A:left“离开,留下”;B:called“打电话,大喊”;C:returned“归还,返回”;D:chatted “聊天”。根据空后"to visit us occasionally after that"可知,作者的父母偶尔回来看看作者全家。故选C。
24.句意:我们也试着去看他们,但两次都被阻止了——第一次是德尔塔病毒让旅行变得太可怕,第二次是我的奶奶和大儿子分别感染了Omicron病毒。A:lost“丢失”;B:stopped“停止”;C:fined“罚金”;D:hurt“伤害”。 根据空后"first when the virus Delta made the trip too 5 , then when my grandma and my older son separately were 6 with Omicron"可知,作者的探访被阻止了。故选B。
25.句意:我们也试着去看他们,但两次都被阻止了——第一次是德尔塔病毒让旅行变得太可怕,第二次是我的奶奶和大儿子分别感染了Omicron病毒。A:shocking“令人惊叹的”;B:embarrassing“令人尴尬的”;C:tiring“令人疲倦的”;D:frightening “令人害怕的”。根据上文"the virus Delta"可知,德尔塔病毒让旅行变得太可怕。故选D。
26.句意:我们也试着去看他们,但两次都被阻止了——第一次是德尔塔病毒让旅行变得太可怕,第二次是我的奶奶和大儿子分别感染了Omicron病毒。A:infected“感染”;B:connected“连接”;C:bored“烦人的”;D:unsatisfied “不满意的”。根据空后"with Omicron"可知,作者的奶奶和大儿子分别感染了Omicron病毒。故选A。
27.句意:两年多前,我的孩子们才见过我的祖父母,小儿子不记得坐过飞机。A:regret“遗憾”;B:remember“记住”;C:imagine“想象”;D:consider “考虑,认为”。根据空前"It had been more than two years once my kids had seen my grandparents"可知,两年多前,作者的孩子们才见过作者的祖父母,小儿子不记得坐过飞机。故选B。
28.句意:在那里,我的孩子们爱上了她的小表弟。A:played tricks on“搞恶作剧”;B:made jokes about“开玩笑”;C:fell in love with“爱上”;D:got in touch with “取得联系”。根据空后"her baby cousin"可知,作者的孩子们爱上了她的小表弟。故选C。
29.句意:我观察我的孩子们游泳、看烟花,通常是和他们的兄弟姐妹们在一起。A:chased“追逐”;B:observed“观察”;C:ignored“忽视”;D:admired“羡慕”。 根据空后"as they swam"可知,作者观察孩子们游泳。故选B。
30.句意:我观察我的孩子们游泳、看烟花,通常是和他们的兄弟姐妹们在一起。A:working“工作”;B:fighting“战斗”;C:jumping“跳”;D:messing “把....弄乱,把.....弄脏”。根据下文"despite how infrequently we had gotten together over the past few years"可知,作者孩子和兄弟姐妹们一起玩儿,mess with固定短语,"与……厮混在一起",故选D。
31.句意:尽管过去几年我们很少聚在一起,但他们和每个人都相处得很好。A:generous“慷慨的,大方的”;B:curious“好奇的”;C:comfortable“舒服的”;D:modest“谦虚的”。 根据空后"despite how infrequently we had gotten together over the past few years"可知,尽管过去几年我们很少聚在一起,但他们和每个人都相处得很好,故选C。
32.句意:有几次,我看着我的孩子们和我的亲戚、他们的亲戚一起玩耍,建立起他们自己的联系,我有了和别人在一起时很少有的感觉:渴望,渴望更多这样的东西。A:bonds“联系”;B:friendships“友谊”;C:values“价值”;D:opinions “意见”。根据空前"playing with my relatives, their relatives"可知,孩子们建立起他们自己的联系。故选A。
33.句意:有几次,我看着我的孩子们和我的亲戚、他们的亲戚一起玩耍,建立起他们自己的纽带,我有了和别人在一起时很少有的感觉:渴望,渴望更多这样的东西。A:desire“渴望”;B:sympathy“同情”;C:love“爱”;D:pity “同情”。根据上文"longing"可知,作者渴望更多这样的东西。故选A。
34.句意:由于COVID- 19尚未结束,我们仍在努力限制暴露。A:hobbies“业余爱好”;B:expenses“消费”;C:choices“选择”;D:exposures “暴露”。根据上文"As COVID- 19 is not over"可知,由于COVID- 19尚未结束,我们仍在努力限制暴露。故选D。
35.句意:但随着我们的小儿子终于接种了疫苗,我们打开了与我们爱的人在一起的大门,只是一点点。vaccinated接种疫苗。A:educated“教育”;B:vaccinated“接种疫苗”;C:changed“变化”;D:cured“治愈”。 根据空后"we are cracking open the door, just a little, to be with the people we love"可知,作者小儿子终于接种了疫苗,他们打开了与爱的人在一起的大门。故选B。
【答案】36.appreciation;37.is managed;38.simply;39.delighted;40.Compared;41.chose;42.that;43.to discuss;44.for;45.the
37.句意:事实上,它的发展方向取决于它是如何被管理的。从句主语it与manage之间为被动关系,应用被动语态;根据上文的takes和depends可知,此处要用一般现在时。故填is managed。
38.句意:如果他们的兴趣纯粹是社交聚会,那就考虑组一个团体一起进行社交活动。分析句子结构可知,空处作状语修饰is,应用所给词的副词形式。 故填simply。
40.句意:与他们相比,在只讨论20分钟或更短时间的群体中,只有55%的人选择了高兴这一描述。分析句子结构可知,空处作状语,55 percent of people和compare之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,应用过去分词形式。故填Compared。
42.句意:Morgan-Witts解释说:"不是说社交时间不重要,而是说它是次要的。正是因为开诚布公的讨论和意见的分享,友谊才得以形成。"此处使用了强调句型,被强调部分是"because of the open discussion and the sharing of opinions",故用that。
43.句意:如果你想要讨论图书而不是闲聊,她建议你申请成为公共图书馆小组的会员。此处为be eager to do sth.,固定短语,"渴望/希望做某事",故填to discuss。
44.句意:如果你想要讨论图书而不是闲聊,她建议你申请成为公共图书馆小组的会员。apply for sth.,固定短语,"申请……"。故填for。
46.【答案】【范文】Dear Mike,
The Qatar World Cup is over. I, as well as you, am amazed by the Chinese elements almost everywhere in the World Cup. Knowing that you are interested in the great changes in our country over the past decade, I'm glad to share some with you.
Actually, remarkable achievements have been made in our economy, life, science, and so forth. For example, the goal of poverty elimination has been achieved, thus paving the way for the accomplishment of common prosperity.
As a high school student, I'm proud of these achievements, which enhance my national confidence and motivate me to study harder.
I hope that you can come to China for a visit to experience more.
Li Hua
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文信件,要求考生以李华的身份 写一封回信 。写作背景: 卡塔尔(Qatar)世界杯赛刚刚落幕,无处不在的中国元素成了人们津津乐道的话题。假定你是李华,你的外国朋友 Mike 对此非常感兴趣,写信给你想要了解近 10 年中国的发展变化 。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1)写信目的;2)简介中国近 10 年的发展变化;3)你对这些变化的感受。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:I, as well as you, am amazed by the Chinese elements almost everywhere in the World Cup. 运用了主谓一致;Knowing that you are interested in the great changes in our country over the past decade, I'm glad to share some with you.运用了现在分词作原因状语,宾语从句;Actually, remarkable achievements have been made in our economy, life, science, and so forth. 运用了被动语态;
As a high school student, I'm proud of these achievements, which enhance my national confidence and motivate me to study harder.运用了非限制性定语从句;I hope that you can come to China for a visit to experience more.运用了宾语从句。
47.【答案】When I thought it was safe, I stopped. I rolled up my trousers and saw blood. The leggings had acted as a bit of a barrier but there were fang marks on the left side of my knee, seeping blood. I managed to stop the bleeding and cleaned up as best as I could with tissues from my bag. I couldn't walk up the volcano, but I couldn't go back down either because I'd have to pass them again. I imagined being stuck by myself all night. I was really scared. Suddenly I heard rustling and froze.
A pickup truck appeared, driven by the ranger. I must have been as white as a sheet. He told me to get in. The relief was unbelievable. A few minutes later, we saw the dogs in the road where I'd left them. As we drove past, they jumped up at the truck, growling. When we finally reached the gate, I saw the American couple. I learned it was they who told the ranger what had happened. I could never thank them enough for what they did for me. They saved my life!
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:The leggings had acted as a bit of a barrier but there were fang marks on the left side of my knee, seeping blood. 运用了转折并列句;I couldn't walk up the volcano, but I couldn't go back down either because I'd have to pass them again.运用了转折并列句,原因状语从句; A few minutes later, we saw the dogs in the road where I'd left them. 运用了限制性定语从句;As we drove past, they jumped up at the truck, growling. 运用了时间状语从句;When we finally reached the gate, I saw the American couple. 运用了时间状语从句;I learned it was they who told the ranger what had happened. 运用了宾语从句,强调句;I could never thank them enough for what they did for me. 运用了宾语从句。



