人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 5 The Value of Money 单元话题写作(学生版+教师版)

必修三 Unit5 The Value of Money 单元写作作业设计(学生版)
General introduction(简介)
________________________ a story by + 作者是基于…的故事 _________________________根据…改编 片名+ __________________ 是一部有关…的电影 the movie explores the theme of … _____________________ (外研版必二U4)
Main plot(主要剧情)
________________激烈争吵(P53) _________________打个赌 __________________让某人惊讶的是(P55) judge people _________________ (P56) judge a book_________________ (P58)以貌取人 __________________以一种…的方式 (P56) a wide range of options (P56) ______________ be eager to carry out one’s duty properly 渴(P86) ______________________________ ______in amazement 吃惊得说不出话 (P86) __________________道歉(P86) __________________ adv.最后,终于 __________________愿意或乐意做某事 ___________various hardships 克服重重困难 ____________________对...产生很大的影响 ________________________起很大作用 ________________________改变某人的生活
Main character (主要角色)
The main______ is/are… 主角是… ________________________由…担任主角 won a Best Actor for 因…而获最佳男演员奖(P85) __________________偶然地,意外地 a foreign country without money and friends, and with ______to stay 被困在异国他乡,没有钱,没有朋友,也无处可住(54) __________________寻求帮助 __________________赚诚实收入(P52) __________________勤奋的 his coat is______in several places 他的衣服有好几处破洞(P56) a millionaire in rags 一个___________百万富翁(P86) ______ the finest clothes穿最华丽的衣服(P88) to______ a good relationship 维持良好的关系(P58) ________________________过着幸福生活
The most memorable scene(印象深刻的场景)
________________________事实上,其实,说真的 ________________________说实话;坦白的说 The most__________________scene is… 印象最深刻的场景是… twists and turns (P89) ________________________ be on the edge of my seat_______________________ (外研版必二U4) a show that______music, singing, drama, poetrycostume design with explosive effect一场融合了音乐、演唱、戏剧、诗歌以及惊艳服饰的表演(外研版必二U4) ______________________________最让人难忘的台词(外研版必二U4) 我们不能以一个人的外貌和财富来看一个人。不能忽略其善良和诚实的品质。(P85) ______________________________________________________________________________ 这张钞票值一百万英镑,却不急Henry对Portia感情的十分之一。(P88) ______________________________________________________________________________
____________vt.&vi. 表明,象征,暗示 ____________到…程度,在…程度上 moving and____________ 感人并令人振奋 creative and ____________有创意的情节和场景(外研版必二U4) enjoy great popularity __________________ be second to none ________________________ 赢得某人的尊重________________________ 演员阵容______________________________ excellent__________________ 精湛的演技 special effects ________________________ the sound effect________________________ words alone are not enough to describe it (P88) ______________________________ tick all the right boxes ___________ (外研版必二U4) ________________________是…的象征 ________________________值得一看
P1:引入话题,点名写作对象 在所有精彩影片中,我最喜欢的是《阿甘正传》。 ________wonderful movies, ________________________ Forrest Gump. 《当幸福来敲门》是一部以追求梦想为主题的电影。 The Pursuit of Happiness ________________________the pursuit of dreams. 本片主题是金钱的价值。 The movie explores the theme of ________________________. (外研版必二U4)
P2:介绍影片剧情和主要角色 因为一次意外,他被带到了英国,被困在异国他乡,没有钱,没有朋友,也无处可住。 两位富人兄弟打赌:一个有百万英镑的人能否在伦敦生存一个月。 Two rich brothers . ________________. 店员看到Henry的着装,很瞧不起他,对他非常粗鲁。 The shop assistant ________________________________________________________________(P86) 裁缝店老板压根想不到他如此富有。 The owner of . ________________________________________________________________ (P87) 通过从表演中感受到的爱、怒、惧、哀等强烈情感,我很容易就能看出《哈姆雷特》的主题。 I could __________________________________________________________________________(外研版必二U4) 主人公由于经济危机而失业,还经历了许多困难。 The hero . 更糟糕的是,他的妻子离开了他,留下了他们六岁的儿子。然而,面对各种各样的困难,他是如此乐观和坚定,他设法渡过难关,最后过着幸福的生活。 ______________________________________________________________________________
P3:对影片评价及个人感受 这真的是一部感人和鼓舞人心的电影,它告诉我们只要保持积极,每个人都可以得到幸福。 This is really . 这部电影,有精湛的演技、优美的配乐和有趣的情节,深受大众欢迎。 The film . 观众可以借助伴奏、夸张的动作和形体模仿来理解内容。(外研版必二U4) . 对很多人来说,成为百万富翁是成功的象征,他们把这作为他们的最终目标。(北师大版选必一U2) For a lot of people, . 成功并不是以你有多少钱来衡量的,而是你对生命真谛的理解。(北师大版选必一U2) Success . 我喜欢这部影片,因为它很有趣,并且有精彩的曲折。 .
General introduction
be based upon a story by + 作者 2. be adapted from
3. 片名+ is a movie about… … 4.本片主题是…
Main plot
have a heated argument
make a bet
to one’s surprise
judge people by their clothes
judge a book by its cover
in a …manner
be speechless in amazement
make apologies
eventually adv.
be willing to do sth.
overcome various hardships
have a great effect on
make a great difference
change one’s life
Main character
The main character(s) is/are…
won a Best Actor award for
by accident
be stuck in a foreign country without money and friends, and with nowhere to stay
seek help
earn an honest income
his coat is worn in several places
dressed oneself in the finest clothes
to maintain a good relationship
lead a happy life
The most memorable scene
as a matter of fact
to be honest
The most memorable/impressive scene is…
combines and
the most unforgettable lines
We should not judge people on the basis of how they look or how much money they have. Qualities like kindness and honesty should not be ignored.
The bank note was worth a million pounds, but it was not worth even one tenth of what Henry felt for Portia.
win one’s respect
the cast
be a symbol of
be worth seeing
Of all the wonderful movies, my favorite one is Forrest Gump.
The Pursuit of Happiness is a movie about the pursuit of dreams.
The movie explores the theme of the value of money.
He landed in Britain by accident, stuck in a foreign country without money and friends, and with nowhere to stay.
Two rich brothers made a bet on whether a man with a million pound bank note could live a month in London.
The shop assistant looked down on Henry because of the way he was dressed and treated him in a rude manner.
The owner of the tailor’s shop never thought he would hold such a large note. (P87)
Feeling the strong emotion of love, anger, fear and grief in the performance, I could easily recognize the theme of Hamlet. (外研版必二U4)
The hero lost his job because of financial crisis and went through plenty of difficulties.
Worse still, his wife left him, leaving their little son behind. However, with a variety of difficulties, he faced them bravely and determined to overcome them and they finally led a happy life.
This is really a moving and inspiring film which shows us that everyone can get happiness as long as he is positive.
The film, with excellent acting, beautiful music and interesting plots, enjoys great popularity.
The music, exaggerated movements and mime helped get the meanings across to the audience.
For a lot of people, becoming a millionaire is a symbol of success and they set this as their ultimate goal.
Success is not measured by how much money you have but how you understand the true meaning of life.
I like the film because it was funny and has some exciting twists and turns.
The play The Million Pound Bank Note is based upon a story by Mark Twain.
In the play, Henry Adams, the main character, landed in England by accident with no money or friends. By chance, he is made the subject of a bet by two wealthy brothers on whether someone could live in London for a month with a million pound bank note. With the large bank note, Henry finds that people’s attitudes towards him change greatly. The film, with excellent acting, beautiful music and interesting plots, is a real success.
I liked the play because of some exciting twists and turns. I also learned that success is not measured by how much money you have. It is totally worth seeing.必修三 Unit5 The Value of Money 单元写作作业设计(学生版)
General introduction(简介)
be based upon a story by + 作者 是基于…的故事 be adapted from 根据…改编 片名+ is a movie about… …是一部有关…的电影 the movie explores the theme of … 本片主题是…(外研版 必二U4)
Main plot(主要剧情)
have a heated argument 激烈争吵(P53) make a bet 打个赌 to one’s surprise 让某人惊讶的是(P55) judge people by their clothes (P56) judge a book by its cover (P58) 以貌取人 in a …manner 以一种…的方式 (P56) a wide range of options 多样的选择(P56) be eager to carry out one’s duty properly 渴望恰当地履行自己的职责(P86) be speechless in amazement 吃惊得说不出话来(P86) make apologies道歉(P86) eventually adv.最后,终于 be willing to do sth. 愿意或乐意做某事 overcome various hardships 克服重重困难 have a great effect on 对...产生很大的影响 make a great difference 起很大作用 change one’s life 改变某人的生活
Main character (主要角色)
The main character(s) is/are… 主角是… star 由…担任主角 won a Best Actor award for 因…而获最佳男演员奖(P85) by accident 偶然地,意外地 be stuck in a foreign country without money and friends, and with nowhere to stay 被困在异国他乡,没有钱,没有朋友,也无处可住(54) seek help 寻求帮助 earn an honest income 赚诚实收入(P52) hard-working 勤奋的 his coat is worn in several places 他的衣服有好几处破洞(P56) a millionaire in rags 一个衣衫褴褛的百万富翁(P86) dressed oneself in the finest clothes 穿最华丽的衣服(P88) to maintain a good relationship 维持良好地关系(P58) lead a happy life过着幸福生活
The most memorable scene(印象深刻的场景)
as a matter of fact 事实上,其实,说真的 to be honest 说实话;坦白的说 The most memorable/impressive scene is… 印象最深刻的场景是… twists and turns 曲折(P89) be on the edge of my seat 非常激动(外研版 必二U4) a show that combines music, singing, drama, poetry and costume design with explosive effect 一场融合了音乐、演唱、戏剧、诗歌以及惊艳服饰的表演(外研版 必二U4) the most unforgettable lines 最让人难忘的台词(外研版 必二U4) 我们不能以一个人的外貌和财富来看一个人。不能忽略其善良和诚实的品质。(P85) We should not judge people on the basis of how they look or how much money they have. Qualities like kindness and honesty should not be ignored. 这张钞票值一百万英镑,却不急Henry对Portia感情的十分之一。(P88) The bank note was worth a million pounds, but it was not worth even one tenth of what Henry felt for Portia.
indicate vt.&vi. 表明,象征,暗示 to…extent 到…程度,在…程度上 moving and inspiring 感人并令人振奋 creative plot and settings 有创意的情节和场景(外研版 必二U4) enjoy great popularity 很受欢迎 be second to none 首屈一指 win one’s respect 赢得某人的尊重 the cast 演员阵容 excellent acting/performance 精湛的演技 special effects 特效 the sound effect 音效 words alone are not enough to describe it 单靠语言是无法描述它的(P88) tick all the right boxes 符合所有条件(外研版 必二U4) be a symbol of 是…的象征 be worth seeing 值得一看
P1:引入话题,点名写作对象 在所有精彩影片中,我最喜欢的是《阿甘正传》。 Of all the wonderful movies, my favorite one is Forrest Gump. 《当幸福来敲门》是一部以追求梦想为主题的电影。 The Pursuit of Happiness is a movie about the pursuit of dreams. 本片主题是金钱的价值。 The movie explores the theme of the value of money. (外研版 必二U4)
P2:介绍影片剧情和主要角色 因为一次意外,他被带到了英国,被困在异国他乡,没有钱,没有朋友,也无处可住。 He landed in Britain by accident, stuck in a foreign country without money and friends, and with nowhere to stay. 两位富人兄弟打赌:一个有百万英镑的人能否在伦敦生存一个月。 Two rich brothers made a bet on whether a man with a million pound bank note could live a month in London. 店员看到Henry的着装,很瞧不起他,对他非常粗鲁。 The shop assistant looked down on Henry because of the way he was dressed and treated him in a rude manner. (P86) 裁缝店老板压根想不到他如此富有。 The owner of the tailor’s shop never thought he would hold such a large note. (P87) 通过从表演中感受到的爱、怒、惧、哀等强烈情感,我很容易就能看出《哈姆雷特》的主题。 Feeling the strong emotion of love, anger, fear and grief in the performance, I could easily recognize the theme of Hamlet. (外研版 必二U4) 主人公由于经济危机而失业,还经历了许多困难。 The hero lost his job because of financial crisis and went through plenty of difficulties. 更糟糕的是,他的妻子离开了他,留下了他们六岁的儿子。然而,面对各种各样的困难,他是如此乐观和坚定,他设法渡过难关,最后过着幸福的生活。 Worse still, his wife left him, leaving their little son behind. However, with a variety of difficulties, he faced them bravely and determined to overcome them and they finally led a happy life.
P3:对影片评价及个人感受 这真的是一部感人和鼓舞人心的电影,它告诉我们只要保持积极,每个人都可以得到幸福。 This is really a moving and inspiring film which shows us that everyone can get happiness as long as he is positive. 这部电影,有精湛的演技、优美的配乐和有趣的情节,深受大众欢迎。 The film, with excellent acting, beautiful music and interesting plots, enjoys great popularity. 观众可以借助伴奏、夸张的动作和形体模仿来理解内容。(外研版 必二U4) The music, exaggerated movements and mime helped get the meanings across to the audience. 对很多人来说,成为百万富翁是成功的象征,他们把这作为他们的最终目标。(北师大版 选必一U2) For a lot of people, becoming a millionaire is a symbol of success and they set this as their ultimate goal. 成功并不是以你有多少钱来衡量的,而是你对生命真谛的理解。(北师大版 选必一U2) Success is not measured by how much money you have but how you understand the true meaning of life. 我喜欢这部影片,因为它很有趣,并且有精彩的曲折。 I like the film because it was funny and has some exciting twists and turns.
The play The Million Pound Bank Note is based upon a story by Mark Twain.
In the play, Henry Adams, the main character, landed in England by accident with no money or friends. By chance, he is made the subject of a bet by two wealthy brothers on whether someone could live in London for a month with a million pound bank note. With the large bank note, Henry finds that people’s attitudes towards him change greatly. The film, with excellent acting, beautiful music and interesting plots, is a real success.
I liked the play because of some exciting twists and turns. I also learned that success is not measured by how much money you have. It is totally worth seeing.



