Unit 1 What's the matter? 随堂基础巩固练习 2022-2023人教版英语八年级下册(含答案)

Unit1 基础随堂练习
( )1.My uncle was____ control of a small company.A.for B.in C.to D.on
( )2.To my_____, he solve the math problem. What a clever boy! A. surprising B. surprised C. surprise D. surprises
( )3.—Liu Ming expects his parents _____him. A.to see B. seeing C. see D. sees
( )4.she is not strong enough _____ walking up mountains. A to go B going C go D went
( )5._How do you like He Jiong's new movie —I think it's _____,but someone thinks it's a little_____.A, wonderful enough; bored B. enough wonderful; boring C. wonderful enough; boring D. enough wonderful; bored
( )6.—Listen! It _____ like someone is singing a song. — I think it may be Lily. She usually sings songs.A. looks B. sees C. sounds D. hears
( )7.Tony Chen,a_____boy,can speak English very well.A. twelve year old B. twelve—year—old C. twelve—years— old D. twelve years old
( )8.Mo Yan's books have been sold out in many book stores____his winning of the Nobel Literature Prize.A.because B. since C. as D. because of
( )9.—Oh,dear! I have a sore throat.——Well,you should_____.A. see a dentist B. drink hot tea with honey C. put some medicine on it D. stay in bed for some days
( )10.My mom always asks me not to stay up late ______I can keep in good health. A. though B. unless C. so that D. as long as
( )11.—What's _____ matter with you — I have _____ bad cold. A. a; the B. the; a C. the; / D. the; the
( )12.She has a bad cold and _____ a lot in today's class. A. smiles B. coughs C. hits D. breathes
( )13.—What did you do at the party —We played games and enjoyed_____very much.A. herself B. yourself C. ourselves D. yourselves
( )14.If you got hit____ the head,you should go to the hospital and get an X—ray.A. in B. by C.on D. with
( )15._Judy, did you take your_____? —Yes, I have a fever. What should I do? A. trouble B. order C. matter D. temperature
1.My mother helped me move the heavy box _______(向)the desk.
2.If you cut yourself, you should put a b________ on the cut.
3.Take some _______(药) and you'll feel better soon.
4.The air here is so dirty that I can hardly _______________(呼吸).
5.As students, we must know the i________of study.
6.My mother went to the supermarket and bought three _______(千克)of rice.
7.Be careful about these ________(刀), Lisa.
8.The d______ of his pet cat made the boy very sad.
9.--- Do you know what this word m_______________ --- Let me have a look. Eh, sorry, I don't know. Maybe you can look it up in a dictionary.
10.Most animals have four _______(脚).
11.I have had some dumplings. The _______________(剩下的) are for you.
12.I don't feel well. I have a _______(头痛).
13.Lily has a t_____ . She has to see a dentist right now.
14.Please ask me for help when you are in _______________(困难;麻烦).
15.Alex got hurt in the car accident and lost much ______(血).
1.At present there are many online courses and we can choose some to study by _______(we).
2.She made a great ______(decide)after graduation.
3.Lily shows great _______(interest ) in the stories.
4.Be careful, or you will get _______(hit) by the ball.
5.I want to be a cook in the future, but my parents expect me _______(be) a policeman.
6.He _______(hurt) his right leg when he played soccer in the playground yesterday.
7.We realized the _______(important) of food safety.
8.I think everyone has two _______( foot ).
9.I don't mind _______(drive) if you are tired.
10.We all expect the left-behind girl _______(have) a good future.
11.-What should she do -She should take_______( she ) temperature.
12.Everyone was_______( surprise ) at the bad news.
13.He_______( get ) off and helped the blind man cross the road.
14.You should______(drink) enough water every day.
15.I don't know the ______(mean) of the new word.
16.The air here isn’t clean so people have problems_______(breath) .
17._______( thank ) to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time.
18.The blind girl lost _______(she ) in the beautiful music.
19.Your schoolbag is too old and you should think about _______(buy) a new one.
20.There are some _______(knife) in the kitchen.
21.Keep on _______(practice) and your spoken English will get better.
22.There were many _______(passenger) on the subway this morning.
23.The old man dad problems breathing. What should we do_______( help ) him
24.Some teenagers are afraid of_______( take ) risks which is not good for their future.
25.He used_______( take ) a walk after dinner.
1.Take some medicine when you feel sick.(改为否定句)_______ _______ _______ medicine when you feel sick.
2.I have a bad cold.(对画线部分提问)_______ _______with you
3.She has a sore back.(对画线部分提问) What's _______ _______ with her
4.Mike got up early so that he could catch the early bus.(同义句)Mike got up early _______ _______ _______catch the early bus.
5.I should do my homework first after school.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)-_______you _______your homework first after school -_______,I _______.
1.他胃痛,他需要躺下来休息。He has a________ . He needs________ ________ ________and rest .
2.他跌倒了,伤到了膝盖。He _______ _______and hurt his knee.
3.他不得不做一些事情来挽救自己的生命。He had to do something to _______ _______ _______ _______.
4.医生用刀切除了他受伤的左腿。The doctor used the knife_______ _______ _______ his hurt left leg.
5.有个小女孩坐在安妮旁边.There was a little girl sitting _______ _______Anne.
6.他对各种动物都非常感兴趣。He_______ very _______ _______all kinds of animals.
7.我今天早上头痛。I ________ ________ ________ this morning.
8.我的父亲从不为自己考虑。My father never________ ________himself.
9.她醒来时发现自己在医院里。When she woke up,she _______ _______in the hospital.
10.Jane 戴着墨镜,所以我没有立刻就认出她。Jane was wearing a pair of sunglasses , so I didn't recognize her _______ _______.
11.我不想惹上麻烦.I don’t want to ________ ________ ________ .
12.昨天晚上我哥哥发烧了.My older brother _______ _______ _______yesterday evening.
13.你能及时完成这项工作吗?Will you be able to finish the work _______ _______
14.我们准备好参加明天的考试了。We are _______ _______take tomorrow's exam.
15.我认为你应该戒烟,因为它对你的健康有害。I think you should _______ _______ smoking,because it's bad for your health.
16.如果你感觉很累,就躺在床上休息一下吧.If you feel very tired, _______ _______on the bed and rest.
17.老师进人教室,问我们发生了什么事情。The teacher came into the classroom and asked us _______ _______.
18.他正在用一把刀子把香蕉切碎。He is _______a knife _______ _______up the bananas.
19.在如此恶劣的天气里,即使是有经验的农民也会陷入困境.Even an experienced farmer will _______ _______ _______in such bad weather.
20.如果你想保护眼睛你需要远离电脑休息一下。If you want to protect your eyes, you need to ________ ________ ________the computer.
1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C
6.C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.C
11.B 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.D
1.onto 2.bandage 3.medicine 4.breathe 5.importance
6.kilograms 7.knives 8.death 9.mean 10.feet
11.rest 12.headache 13.toothache 14.trouble 15.blood
1.ourselves 2.decision 3.interests 4.hit 5.to be
6.hurt 7.importance 8.feet 9.driving 10.to have
11.her 12.surprised 13.got 14.drink 15.meaning
16.breathing 17.Thanks 18.herself 19.buying 20.knives
21.practicing 22.passengers 23.to help 24.taking 25.to take
1.Don't take any 2.What's wrong 3.the matter 4.in order to 5.Should do No shouldn't
1.stomachache to lie down 2.fell down 3.save his own life 4.to cut off 5.next to
6.is interested in 7.had a headache 8.thinks about 9.found himself 10.right away
11.get into trouble 12.had a fever 13.in time 14.ready to 15.give up
16.lie down 17.what happened 18.using to cut 19.get into trouble 20.keep away from



上一篇:第10章 三角恒等变换 单元综合能力测试卷-高一数学(苏教版必修第二册)(含解析)

下一篇:9.2 化学合成材料 同步练习(答案) 2022-2023粤教版九年级下册化学