Unit 1 What's the matter? 复习题2022-2023学人教版八年级英语下册(含答案)

1.-What's____matter with you
-I have____headache.
A.a;a B.the;the C.a;the D.the;a
2.You've made the same mistake once again.You___
be more careful next time.
A.may B.can C.had D.should
3.The little boy is___old that he can go to school.
A.very B.quite C.too D.so
4.You don't look___.You should drink lots of water.
A.good B.well C.smart D.cool
5.You have a toothache.You'd better___a dentist.
A.see B.to see C.seeing D.not see
6.-You should go to bed early,Tom.
-That___like a good idea.
A.looks B.seems C.sounds D.feels
7.After running I'm too thirsty,___I should drink some water.
A.because B.so C.or D.but
8.-If you have a toothache,you should see a dentist.
A.Yes,I do B.No,I don't C.Yes,I have D.Yes,I think so
9.I sit in the front of the classroom___I can hear clearly.
A.so that B.when C.in order D.while
10.Tofu is___of traditional Chinese food.
A.kind B.a kind C.kinds D.all kinds
11.I like this silk dress and it___so soft and comfortable.
A.feels B.sounds C.tastes D.smells
12.It's important___the piano well.
A.for her to play B.for her playing
C.of her to play D.of her playing
13.When you get___you may listen to music.
A.look out B.stressed out C.took out D.picked out
14.We should eat a balanced diet to___healthily.
A.had B.keep C.make D.take
15.The math exam was very difficult.I don't think___
could pass it.
A.everyone B.someone C.none D.no one
Harry Potter is set of popular books created by .K.Rowling in Britain.The books 16 us some stories about talented wizard(天才魔法师),Hary Potter,When he was eleven years old,he 17 an unhappy life.However,a strange letter changed 18.It said he was accepted by Hoguart's a magic school which was closed to the common people.All kinds of adventures(冒险)19 to Harry from then on.He met Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger 20 his way to
shool.They became good friends later.Harry 21 well in his lessons and worked hard to play magic.Harry always had a positive attitude(积极态度)when he 22 the difficulties..With the help of his friends,he 23 his best to beat the enemies(敌人).Finally,the world peace 24 back.Smile appeared on everyone's face.If someone wants to know 25 takes place in the
magical world,he will have to read the set of books by himself!
16.A.tell B.write C.talk D.say
17.A.made B.had C.liked D.disliked
18.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything
19.A.met B.decided C.happened D.planed
20.A.in B.on C.to D.for
21.A.got B.did C.worked D.put
22.A.deal B.knew C.understood D.faced
23.A.put B.tried C.brought D.enjoyed
24.A.took B.came C.returned D.happened
25.A.what B.where C.why D.how
A:What's wrong with you,young man
B:26 I can hardly do any work,doctor.
B:A week ago.
A:Do you have a headache
A:Do you sleep well
A:Do you often have breakfast
B:No,I don't.And I have little food for breakfast because I want to keep thin.
A:30 There's nothing serious.You need to take more food and do some exercise every day、You'll be better soon.
A.Yes,I sleep very well..
B.Oh,I see.
C.I feel very weak
D.When did it start
E.No,I didn't.
F.No,I don't.
G.After five days.
John Smith had wanted to be a pilot since he was a child,so when he won the lottery(中奖)and had a lot of money,he decided to buy his own plane.Then he took flying lessons.Unfortunately,he wasn't a very good student.But at last he passed his pilot's examination,and had his certificate(证书).He was allowed to fly the plane without an instructor(导师)
For a while he was happy takeing the plane on his own But he soon felt lonely in the plane ,so he decided to ask friends to
come with him.
But his friends refused .they had all seen how he drove his car.He was not the safest driver on the road.
At last he invited his dentist to join him on a short flight The dentist,who didn’t know well and had never been in a plane before accepted his invitation.
John wanted to show his dentist what a good pilot after the plane took off,John put the plane into a steep (陡峭)dive.He turned it on its back.He rolled it over and over.He did all
kinds of things with the plane.
Throughout the flight,the dentit just kept saying to himself.What am I doing here " I must be crazy."
Finally,John landed the plane safely,though very roughly(粗暴地).
The dentist got out and looked up at him.
"Thanks for both flights."he said to John.
"Both flights "John said surprised."But you've only had one flight."
“Oh,no,”his dentist said,“I’ve had two,my first and my last.”
31.How long had John wanted to be a pilot
A.Since he was a child. B.Since last year.
C.Since he finished his study. D.Since he grew up.
32.What did John decide to buy when he had a lot of money
A.To buy a car. B.To buy buildings.
C.To buy his own plane D.To buy a company.
33.How did the dentist feel during the flight
A.He was afraid.B.He was bored.C.He was happy.D.He was mad.
34.What did John do after the plane took off
A.He decided to fly a short way.
B.He put the plane into a steep dive
C.He decide to ask friends to fly with him.
D.He talked with the dentist.
35.What will probably happen next according to the passage
A.John will stop flying.
B.John's other friends will ask for a ride.
C.The dentist will learn to fly.
D.The dentist will not fly with John again.
The class in America is almost the same as that in China.But something is different.
In America If The teacher asks you a questions but you don'undersand you should put up your hand and ask the teacher to repeat it . When you don't know the answer ,it is all right to tell the teacher you don't know.Then he or she knows what you need to learn.
You mustn’t be absent on a test day ,If you are seriously ill,call and let the teacher know you will not be there for the test .If your teacher allows a make-up test ,you should take the test in one or two days after you go back to school.
Be on time ,It is impolite to be late .be sure to do it quickly.Take your books out of your bag after you enter the classroom, Then go to your seat and sit down quietly.In the US,you don’t need to knock at the door before you come into the classroom.
If you have to leave during the class,do it quietly,too.There is no need to ask for the teacher’s agreement.
36The class in America is different from that in China.( )
37.It is impolite to be late for school in America
If the teacher asks you a question but you don’t understand.You should ___ ___ ___ ___ and ask the teacher___ ___ ___ .
You should take the test in ___ ___ ___ ___ after you go ___ ___ if your teacher allows a make-up test.
Take your books out of your bag after you enter the classroom.
41Jenny was just getting into the shower when the t___ ( 电话 )rang.
42.You must think it over before you make this d___ (决定 )
43.Thanks to your p___ (节目 ) We got to know each other.
44.Father got off and asked me what h___ (发生 )
45.What did Rick do after the a___( 事故)
假如你是心理医生Dr. Green。你收到Jane的来信,她在信中说,自己很喜欢看电视,但父母担心影响她的学习,不让她看,她有时和父母吵架,很烦恼,却不知道该怎么办,请你给她回信并提出一些建议,例如:多与父母沟通,不要同父母争吵等。
I.1.D 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A.10 B 11.A 12.A 13B 14.B 15.A
II.16.A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.B 21.B 22 D 23.B 24.B 25.A
III,26.C 27.D 28.F 29. A 30.B
IV.31.A 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.D 36.F 37.T 38.put up your hand,to repeat it 39.one or two days,back toschool40.你进入教室后,从书包里拿出书。
V.41.telephone 42.decision43.program 44.happened 45.accident
VI.One possible version:
Dear Jane,
Thanks for telling me about your problem.First,you should stop arguing with your parents.Arguing with themcan't solve any problem,and makes you all angry.Remember:Your parents love you deeply.Second,you shouldunderstand your parents.Watching TV too much is really bad for your study.Third,you can tell your parents what youthink,you could tell them watching TV can help you with your study,and you won't watch too long.
Best wishes!



上一篇:3.1.1 椭圆及其标准方程 同步练习(含解析)
