Unit 2 School life Integrated skill综合练习2022-2023牛津译林版英语八年级上册(含答案)

八年级(下)英语Unit2 Integrated skills 综合练习
1. Is the trip to Macao ________________ (公事) or pleasure(游玩)
2. When I saw the wonderful ________________ (景色) in Jiuzhaigou, I couldn't stop taking photos.
3. We drove very slowly and carefully on _________________ (高山)roads.
4. My mother works every day________________ (除了…以外)Sunday.
5. Would you please introduce some places of natural ________________ (beautiful) to me
6. This Sunday is very meaningful to them. They have been _____________ (marry) for 15 years.
7. Are there any ________________ (direction) high-speed trains to Tianjin
8. It's a pity that the cat has been ________________ (die) for some time,
1. It's dangerous _________ South Hill _________ cold and snowy days.
A. to climb; on B. to climb; in C. climbing; on D. climbing; in
2. --- Mum, I want to watch the news about our school. Change the channel, please!
--- What a pity! It is eight o'clock now. It_____________ for a while.
A. finished B. has finished C. was over D. has been over
3. --- Are you going to see a film with Jack tonight
--- That's my ___________. Mind your own!
A. thing B. problem C. business D. offer
4. All of us have been to the park__________ because both of you are ill at home.
A. except you and he B. except him and you
C. except he and you D. except you and him
5. --- Does Jimmy still work as a driver
--- No. He has ______________ for two years.
A. left the company B. gone to Shanghai
C. studied in college D. lost his job
6. Flying to the moon in a spaceship must be
A. great funny B. a great fun C. a great funny D. great fun
7. Mr Jiang__________ the company to develop the 5G network for years. Now he works as the chief engineer in it.
A. joined B. was a member of
C. has joined D. has been a member of
8. --- _________ has Amy been_________ Hong Kong Disneyland --- Never.
A. How long; to B. How many times; to
C. How long; in D. How many times; in
9. Do you have_________ ideas a _________ the National Day holiday
A. any; for B. some; for C. any; to D. some; to
10. --- Have you ever been anywhere for a trip
--- A trip I _________ away from my hometown even once.
A. went B. have gone C. have never been D. have been
1. --- Hey! How do you like the city of Wuxi
--- It's beautiful! I like the food here and I ___________________ (stay) here for another week.
2. --- Where's Jim ___________________ he___________________ (go) to the library
--- No,he ___________________ (go) to the teachers’ office just now.
3. My parents and I___________________ (fly) to Xi'an on the first day of the winter holiday
4. --- Why did it take Jim an hour to get home
--- Because it ___________________ (snow) hard.
5. It seems that El Nino____________________ (cause) some disasters in the world in the
past few months.
6. --- Can I use the computer to search for information now
--- Of course. The engineer ___________________ (repair) it. Help yourself.
7. You'd better___________________ (check) that you've locked the door.
8. TheClass1,Grade8 students___________________ (plan) their trips to different places of China now.
The best time ________________________________________________________________.
___________________, ___________ does it ____________________ Korea from Shanghai
My dad ____________________________________________and he'll come back next week.
We _________________________________________________the morning of 10 September.
All the people________________________________________________________________,
____________________________________________________ Hainan, Dalian and Qingdao.
You can ____________________________________________________________________.
Ned wanted to escape(逃跑)from the Nautilus while we were in the Mediterranean. However, he had no chance. The submarine(潜水艇) mostly stayed deep under the water.
Between Sicily and Gibraltar, I saw many shipwrecks. Some of them were very old. Others were more recent. I thought about all the bad memories that these shipwrecks had brought to people. So many men had died! As it surfaced(浮出水面), I wondered where it would go next on this strange journey.
Ned came to my room. “Tonight!" he said. “Tonight " I was not ready for this “Tonight,” he repeated, “we are a few miles off the Spanish coast. It will be dark and the wind is blowing in the right direction. You agreed, Dr. Aronnax, to escape with me. Remember your promise(承诺)!”I said nothing. “At nine o'clock” continued Ned. “I will go to the staircase with Conseil. You will wait in the library for our signal” “The sea is far from calm," I said. “Yes, but if we don't go tonight we will soon be too far from land!" I knew he was right.
At seven o'clock, I was so nervous that I felt sick, Only two hours to go! As I looked around. I saw that Captain Nemo's bedroom door was open. The room was empty. I saw pictures of famous liberators like Abraham Lincoln and John Brown on the walls. Was Captain Nemo a liberator, too
It was eight o'clock. I dressed in my waterproof clothes and boots and went to the dark library. I waited for Ned's signal. Just then, the engines stopped and came to rest on the ocean floor.
The library door opened, and Captain Nemo entered. He told me that we were in Vigo Bay. A Spanish commander had burned his own ships there in 1702 to prevent the British Navy from taking a great deal of gold they were carrying. He took me to the window. The people working on the Nautilus were bringing the gold to the submarine. Now, I knew how Captain Nemo had become so rich.
“But of what use is all this gold to you ” I asked.
“It is of no use to me!” he replied, “but it can help people who are oppressed (受压迫的).” He stopped. Perhaps he thought he had said too much. However, I now understood what those liberators meant to him.
Ned came to my room the next morning. “We were unlucky,” he said, “the Nautilus stopped just as we were about to escape. Perhaps we can try again tonight" Early in the afternoon, the Nautilus surfaced. We went onto the board, but the land was already out of sight. Escape was impossible now.
1. According to the passage, a “liberator" is a person who ______________.
A. works in the library B. works as a national leader
C. works to free others D. works to find hidden treasure
2. Which of the following shows the right order of the story
① The submarine passed many shipwrecks.
② The Nautilus moved away from Spanish coast.
③ Captain Nemo knew the secret of the gold in Vigo Bay
④ Ned told Dr. Aronnax about the plan to escape.
A. ③①④② B. ①④③② C. ③①②④ D. ①④②③
3. What can we learn from the passage
A. Captain Nemo helped people by getting gold from a Spanish commander.
B. Dr. Aronnax wasn't willing to get away from the submarine Nautilus at all
C. They failed to escape from the Nautilus at last because of the wind direction
D. Ned had got everything ready before he wanted to escape that night.
一、1. business 2. views 3. mountain 4. except
5. beauty 6. married 7. direct 8. dead
二、1-5 ADCDC 6-10 DDBAC
三、1. will stay/am going to stay 2.Has, gone; went
3. flew 4. was snowing 5. has caused
6. has repaired 7. check 8. are planning
四、1.to go to Mount Huang is at this time of year
2. By the way; how long; take to fly to
3. has gone to Chengdu on business
4. took a direct flight to London on
5. except him have been to many seaside cities; such as
6. visit Chinese gardens in any season/all year round
五、1-3 CAD



上一篇:6.3.1二项式定理 分层梯度式训练(含解析)

下一篇:3.1.1 椭圆及其标准方程 同步练习(含解析)