Unit 2 Neighbours Reading综合练习2022-2023牛津译林版七年级英语下册(含答案)

七年级(下)英语Unit2 Reading综合练习
1. How does the window get _________________ (破碎的)
2. How many _________________ (学院) are there in Beijing University
3. We Chinese always say that a good__________________ (邻居) is better than a distant relative
4. The volunteers will have a meeting at the_________________ (社区) centre at 3 p. m.
5. What do you think of these _________________ (工程师) designs
6. Uncle Wang is ___________________ (检查)our TV set now.
7. Who tells you that coffee ___________________ (修复) tiredness
8. It's good of you to share your writing_________________ (技能) with others.
9. Mark is one of the__________________ (幸运的) ones he at least (至少) has something to eat
10. It's OK, you're__________________ (在…中) friends now.
1. Bananas are one of the world's most _______________ fruit. In the USA, the sale(销售量)of
bananas comes first.
A. nice B. expensive C. important D. popular
2. There is _____________ in today's maths homework, so many students spend more time on it.
A. difficult something B. something difficult
C. difficult anything D. anything difficult
3. He often thinks himself(他自己) _____________ because he has no one to share his worries with.
A. helpful B. helpless C. broken D. lucky
4. When the old people in this neighbourhood need _______________ their problems, the college
volunteers go there to help them.
A. help from B. to help from C. help with D. to help in
5. ___________ does he do He seems good at fixing anything broken. Is he a(n) __________
A. How; volunteer B. What; engineer
C. What; designer D. How; waiter
6. --- Amazing! Liu Shishi's mother looks so young and beautiful!
--- Yes. Liu Shishi______________ her mother and she ______________ her mother.
A. looks like; like B. is like; is like
C. look like; likes D, is like; likes
7. --- How long does it take to get to Changzhou from Shanghai by high speed train
--- Maybe an hour, But why not _____________ it on Baidu
A. check B. find C. look D. stay
8. --- There _____________ a fashion show in our neighbourhood this evening.
--- I'm afraid many old people won't like it.
A. is going to have B. will have C. is going to be D. shall be
9. The old teacher is _____________ enough to help us with ______________ of problems.
A. kinds; kinds B. kind: kinds C. kinds; kind D. kind; kind
10. --- Can you go fishing with me this Saturday morning
--- _____________. I'll go to the Helping Hands Club.
A. No problem B. I'm afraid not C. I'm not sure D. I don't think so
1. --- Daniel, where's your father
--- He is busy_________________ (fix) Grandpa's bicycle in the garden.
2. Mike _________________ (visit) his grandparents once a week. Now he _________________ (visit) them again.
3. Sometimes it's difficult for some students _________________ (check) their homework after
they finish it.
4. Our hospital _________________ (need) two men doctors, Mrs Li. You can ask your son
_________________ (have) a try.
5. My mother spends about an hour_________________ (shop) every Friday evening.
1、恐怕这部 5G 手机出毛病了。
I'm afraid _________________________________________________this 5G mobile phone.
The sad boy needs __________________________________________________________.
Among them, who's always the first ____________________________________________
He often _________________________________________his grandparents at the weekend.
________________________________________________ a beautiful city like Changzhou!
____________________________________________the old people in the neighbourhood
When Toad(蟾蜍) learns that he is in prison(监狱), he is sad and cries for a long time. He won't see the sunlight for twenty years.
One man works at this prison. He brings the prisoners their food and drink. The jailer (狱警》 isn't kind to Toad. Luckily, however, his daughter feels sorry for him. Her name is Phoebe. She helps her father in the prison and brings Toad some food every day. She thinks his crime isn't so bad. He doesn't kill(杀死) or hurt anyone. She thinks it is so bad. Because Toad has to stay in prison for twenty years.
“Maybe I can help you get out of the prison,” Phoebe says. “My aunt is a wash woman and she does the washing for all the prisoners here. I think for a little money she will let me bring in some of her clothes. You can put them on and look like her.”
“Me!” Toad shouts. “Me, the Great and Famous Toad, dressed in a wash woman's clothes! Oh, no. I can't do that.”
“Do you want to get out of the prison or not " Phoebe asks.
Toad thinks for a moment, “ ▲ ”
The next day, she comes with her aunt, and her aunt brings a basket of clothes. They dress Toad in the clothes. They give Toad a large hat.
Toad walks through the prison slowly just like an old woman. He is soon surprised to find how easy it is. Soon he is standing outside the prison.
--- Taken from The Wind in the Willows
1. Why does Toad cry for a long time
A. He kills some animals. B. He will become a wash woman.
C. The jailer is unkind to him. D. He has to stay in prison for 20 years.
2. What does the underlined word "crime" mean in Chinese
A. 遭遇 B. 罪行 C. 成就 D. 运气
3. Which of the following can be put into_▲
A. No, I don't! B. Yes, of course I do!
C. No, I'm afraid not. D. Yes, I think so, too.
4. How does Toad get out of the prison
A. He puts on a woman's clothes. B. He puts on a jailer's clothes.
C. He puts on Phoebe's clothes.
D. He puts on a policeman's uniform.
一、1. broken 2. colleges 3. neighbo(u)r. 4.community
5. engineers' 6. checking 7. fixes 8. skills
9. among 10. lucky
二、1-5 DBBCB 6-10 DACHB
三、1. fixing 2. visits; is visiting 3. to check 4. needs; to have
5. shopping
四、l. there is something wrong with
2. someone like you to chat with
3. to help you with all kinds of problems
4. does some shopping for
5. How lucky you are to live in
6. Are these/the college students ready to help
7.Why not/Why don't you ask someone to fix these/the broken radios
五、1-4 DBBA




下一篇:6.3.1二项式定理 分层梯度式训练(含解析)