牛津译林版九年级英语下册Unit 1 Asia Grammar课时提优练习(含答案)

Service hire comfortable level service attraction serious attractions
will be taken will happen to collect will disappear living
DCDD9BU1 Grammar
1 I’m not satisfied with the _______________ (服务)here and I want to speak to your manager
2. They didn’t want to _______________ (雇佣) inexperienced workers.
3. It’s________(惬意的) to sit in a cafe and watch people pass.
4. If he got back to the________(水平) that you and I communicate at, it would be enough.
5. -What do you think of our hotel -Great! I am satisfied with your________(服务).
6 Another________(向往的地方) is the Palace Museum.
7 I don’t think the pollution is as _______________ (serious) as I imagined.
8. One of the main _______________ (attract) of the place is the nightlife.
1. They have bought a new house, but________needs a lot of work before they can move in.
A. they B. it C. one D. which
2. Do you think _______ acceptable for old women to dance to loud music on the square near your house
it B. that C. this D. its
3. Since you have finished most of your work, ________is no need for you to stay up late.
A. there B. it C. this D. that
4. I found him a little________and shouted at him to make him fully awake.
A. sleep B. sleepy C. sleepier D. of sleep
5. ---There is still a copy of the book in the library. Will you go and borrow______
---- No. I’d rather buy ______ in the book store.
A. it; it B. it; one C. one; it D. one; one
6 It is reported that the smog in Wuxi isn’t as serious as it________.
A. used to B. used to be C. used to do D. is used to be
7. ________matters most in your work is carrying on and being careful.
A. That B. It C. What D. Which
8. -Am I right to ride like this -________. You do a good job.
A. That’s it B. This is it C. You’re right D. Maybe
1. A good deal of my free time________(take) up with driving the children to all kinds of training classes.
2. Everything happens for the best. If you carry on, one day something good________(happen).
3. I consider it necessary________(collect) some useful information online for our research.
4. We students should act from now on because some important Chinese cultures________(disappear).
5 Just imagine________(live) in such a big palace, then how will you feel
“Simply avoid her.” Abby listened closely, as I continued, “If she says any more _____1_____ things to you, I’ll go to your teacher. I’ll make sure you are never in a(n) _____2____ where you have to sit next to her again.”
At that time, Allyson, my then eight-year-old, came to ____3_____ us and listened to every word. Neither of my daughters interrupted (打断) as I finished my heartfelt speech, filled with _____4____ wisdom. Then, as I was telling them what I thought right, Allyson’s real words of _____5_____ came about. “Mom,” she said, “I was just thinking. Maybe Abby should be that girl’s _____6_____ so that she can bear (容忍) her. In that way, she can let that girl see forgiveness (谅解) and kindness through her.”
Hmm, I became the _____7_____. At that moment, I realized that although I was wearing the “mother’s hat”, the “hat” certainly didn’t make me ____8_____ all the time. In fact, I wanted to pull that hat over my face and hide myself so that they couldn’t see my embarrassed (难为情的) look.
“Yes, that’s a good point,” I commented (评论), ____9_____ a half smile at my girls. “Abby, you deal with this situation the way you think is right.” “OK,” she said, giving me a quick hug (拥抱) before walking out of the door and off to school. “Bye, Mom!” Allyson called, following her big sister to go out of the door.
I was left alone-in my slippers (拖鞋). In those following _____10_____ moments, I was lost in thought. I did feel _____11_____ my two amazing daughters-small in size but big in heart. Sometimes our children have great lessons to teach us- ____12____ we are willing to listen.
That lesson came more than ten years ago, and I’ll never forget how much I have learned from my children.
1.A.unusual B.unsure C.unknown D.unpleasant
2.A.action B.situation C.tradition D.instruction
3.A.admire B.surprise C.join D.believe
4.A.motherly B.friendly C.lively D.lonely
5.A.courage B.anger C.wisdom D.humor
6.A.pupil B.victim C.friend D.enemy
7.A.student B.person C.guide D.guest
8.A.happy B.right C.lucky D.kind
9.A.forcing B.promising C.exploring D.imagining
10.A.strange B.difficult C.tiring D.quiet
11.A.worried about B.proud of C.interested in D.ready for
12.A.unless B.although C.if D.until
What goes into mind when you think of kung fu, also known as wushu Maybe the image of Shaolin monks fighting with a serious look in their eyes, or popular children’s movies like Kung Fu Panda.
Recently, Laurence J. Brahm, a documentary filmmaker from the United States, Brahm began a journey of a kung fu pilgrimage(朝圣), traveling to cities in China and the US to search for the origin(起源).
Brahm himself is a kung fu lover who has been practicing for more than 40 years. For him, practicing this craft was more than fun.
Around 10 years ago, Brahm was unable to use one of his legs for about two years. But by practicing martial arts(武术), he was able to recover step by step. Now, kung fu has become a daily activity for him.
“Martial arts can help us connect our body, connect our blood flow, and also help connect us into our environment to increase our awareness.” Brahm said.
Still others find other meanings in the practice.
“Chinese kung fu is full of Chinese philosophies(哲学)and core values”, Hong Kong actor Bruce Leung told Xinhua.
Non-fight is one of these values, which is shown both in the name and the practice. Wu, is made up of two characters—age, and zhi, meaning “to stop”. So Brahm’s sees Kung fu as “a mirror of Chinese culture”.
The traditional values of kung fu, actually, are in the minds of all Chinese people. Why does China want to be in harmony with other nations “It’s part of the psychology(心理). Brahm also believes that today’s world needs to restart equal exchanges between countries, and that culture and sports, such as kung fu.”
1.What does Laurence J. Brahm explore in Searching for kung Fu ________
A.Styles of kung fu. B.People’s impressions of kung fu.
C.Functions of kung fu. D.The history and meaning of kung fu.
2.Which of the following would Brahm agree with about kung fu ________
A.It’s a way to kill time. B.It’s a way to make money.
C.It’s a way to stay healthy. D.It’s a way to keep awake.
3.The purpose of Paragraph 8 is to explain ________.
A.the core value of Chinese kung fu B.the history of Chinese kung fu
C.the structure of the Chinese word “wu” D.the beginning movement in kung fu
4.Which of the following proves kung fu is “a mirror of Chinese culture” ________
A.It influences China’s policy about sports.
B.It can spread Chinese culture worldwide.
C.It shows the world the importance of Chinese culture.
D.Its values are seen in China’s attitude to other countries.



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