
1. What will the weather be like this afternoon
2. What animal does the boy like best
3. What natural disaster are they talking about
4. What was the boy doing at that time
5. What time did the boy get up this morning
A.At 7:15. B.At 7:30. C.At 7:45.
6. What telephone number should they dial for help
A.119. B.120. C.122.
7. Where was the man just now
A. In the office B. In the library C. In the bookshop
8. Who joins the most clubs
A. Jane B. Nora C. Helen
9. What's the man going to do first
A. To see the film. B. To look after the pets. C. To write the report
10. Why did the man miss the plane
A. Because he didn't start early. B. Because the traffic was too busy.
C. Because he didn't know the way to the airport
11. What caught fire late last night
A. A tall building B. A cinema. C. A police station
12. What can we learn from the dialogue
A. No one died in the fire B Someone started the fire C. Lightning caused the fire
The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands
Location They are in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. They are home to many animals like milu. In 13 you can even see some red-crowned cranes there
Weather It is warm all year round and there is plenty of 14 .
Function They are good places for wildlife. They can offer food and home to these animals. They can also prevent 15 .
13. A. summer B. autumn C winter
14. A. rain and sunshine B. snow and fog C. wind and sunshine
15.A. earthquakes B. floods C. fires
16. What day is it tomorrow
A. Monday. B. Tuesday C. Wednesday
17. What can you enjoy in Beijing tomorrow
A. Walking in the sun. B. Making a snowman C. Staying inside
18. What should you wear when having fun in the snow
A. Thick clothes B. Warm boots C. Sunglasses
19. What will the weather be like in Sydney
A. Warm and rainy B. Snowy and cold C. Hot and sunny.
20. What can we learn from this weather report
A. It will be cloudy in Beijing
B. It's the hottest at lunchtime in Sydney
C. The temperature will stay above zero in New York
21. Sadly, the giant panda Tuan Tuan died the early morning of November 19
A. in B. on C. at D. of
A22. The astronauts(宇航员) of Shenzhou XIV gave the third lesson from Tiangong Space Station. It
more knowledge(知识) about the outer space for us.
A. provided B. prevented C. protected D. practised
23. ---Jenny, what topic will you choose for your speech
---I choose Believe in yourself. I’ll ask Mr. Li for advice and make a decision
A. must B. should C. may D. need
24. This summer, the temperature was extremely high and it seldom rained. , many big rivers and lakes dried up.
A. Instead B. However C. Otherwise D. As a result
25. Jogging is than many other sports―to start, just get some comfortable sports clothes and good running shoes.
A.cheap B. cheaper C.expensive D. more expensive
26. ---Suzy, you look so tired. What's wrong
---My father the World Cup all night. It was too noisy
A. watches B. watched C. was watching D. will watch
27. We can add the suffix "er" to the following words to form a new word EXCEPT .
A.report B. visit C. paint D. speak
28. people, especially the elderly to go up and down easily, our government is putting in lifts in the old buildings of some communities.
A.Help B. Helping C. To help D. Helps
29. ---Dad, why do those people sleep in the tents at night
---Because their houses in the terrible rainstorm.
A. came down B. broke down C. calmed down D. turned down
30. technology(科技) moves forward, we can enjoy the night sky with a pair of small binoculars of a smartphone
A. When B. Until C. Before D. AS
31. There's nothing wrong with my eyes. But I must follow the doctor's to take a rest after using them for a long time.
A. invitations B. introductions C. instructions D. applications
32.---How many shows did you watch during the Fifth Rock and Roast《脱口秀大会》?
---I saw because of the final exam. But I know Hu Lan was the winner
This spring morning in bed I'm lying, Not wake up until hear birds crying. After one night of wind and showers, How many are the fallen !
A. nothing B. none C. no one D. all
33. Read the poem A Spring Morning on the right, which of the following words is the most suitable for the blank
A. leaves B. fruits
C. sticks D. flowers
34. Which of the following sentences has the same structure(结构) as “Qatar held the 2022 Men's World Cup.”
A. Qatar is really a rich country B. Messi scored such a wonderful goal
C. China built the stadium(体育场) for Qatar. D. The World Cup makes football fans excited
35. ---The 83-year-old Wu Yanshu is such a talented and hard-working actress.
--- ! She won the Best Actress Award for her role in the film Song of Spring.
A. I can't agree more B. What a shame C. Not exactly D. No way
Being a good listener may mean a lot in our daily life. I believe that listening is a powerful medicine.
It was Sunday. I had the last patient to see and I got into his room. He was an old man, sitting on the bed, trying to put on his socks. 36 I said something like this, “How are you feeling The nurse says your son is visiting you today. I believe you are 37 seeing him...”
He 38 me with a serious voice, “Sit down, doctor. This is my story, not yours.”
I was surprised and 39 . I sat down and helped him with the socks. He began to tell me that his only son lived not far from him, but he had not seen him for five years. He believed his health problems were worse because of 40 his son. After hearing his story and helping him put on his socks, I asked 41 there was anything I could do for him. He 42 his head and smiled. All he wanted me to do was to listen.
Each story is 43 . Some are clear; others are not; Some are true; others are not, yet all those things do not really matter(重要). What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard. Listening to someone's story costs 44 , but it is the key to healing(康复) . I often think of what the old man taught me, and I tell myself the 45 of stopping, sitting down and truly listening. I do believe the power of listening.
36. A.Suddenly B. Usually C. Seriously D. Correctly
37. A. looking forward to B. worrying about C. hearing of D. asking for
38. A. supported B.asked C.greeted D. stopped
39. A.uncomfortable B. unhelpful C. unlucky D. unkind
40. A.meeting B. understanding C. missing D.loving
41. A. how B. if C. why D. what
42. A. dropped B. nodded C. moved D. shook
43. A. meaningful B. exciting C. different D. terrible
44. A everything B. nothing C. anything D. something
45. A.secret B. pity C. importance D. pleasure
At least 151 people were killed and 82 were hurt in a stampede (踩踏) accident during a Halloween gathering in South Korea, in 2022. A survey from People's Daily shows that the worst accidents were results of stampedes, fires and traffic.
As a student, what should you do if there is a fire at school Do you know how to protect yourself in a large crowd When facing an accident. the first and most important rule is to stay calm. But different accidents mean different ways of dealing with(处理)them.
A stampede happens in a place where a large crowd gathers. When students around you begin to push, stand still, try to hold onto something, or stay in a comer until the crowd leaves and cover your head with both hands. Lean to one side, curl your body and bend your legs.
When there's a fire, stay calm and follow teachers' orders. Leave the classroom and use a piece of cloth to cover your mouth and nose so that you don't breathe in smoke.
If you take a school bus on your way home or to school, remember to fasten your seatbelt and not to walk around when the bus is moving.
If you walk to school or go by bike, follow traffic rules. Wait for the green traffic lights, and look left and right for cars before you cross the road.
46. What needn't we do when there is a stampede
A. Hold onto something strong. B. Lean to one side.
C. Stay against the wall in a corner. D. Cover your mouth and nose.
7. Among the following actions, which may cause a terrible result
A. Staying calm when there is an accident.
B. Falling over among a large group of students.
C. Walking around after the school bus stops.
D. Waiting for the green traffic lights on the way to school.
48. What's the best title of the passage
A. The results of accidents. B. The reasons for accidents.
C. The ways of dealing with accidents. D. The problems with dealing with accidents.
My heart beat a bit faster when I went down again the next day and saw him back in the same place again. By now he was slightly more vulnerable(脆弱的) and dishevelled(凌乱的) than before. He looked cold and hungry and he was shaking a little.
“ ” I said, stroking(轻抚) him. “Not looking so good today.”
I decided that this had gone on for long enough.
So I knocked on the door of the flat. I felt I had to say something. If this was their pet, it was no way to treat him. He needed something to eat and drink―and maybe even some medical attention.
A guy appeared at the door. He looked like he'd been sleeping even though it was the middle of the afternoon.
“Sorry to bother you, mate. Is this your cat ” I asked him.
For a second he looked at me as if I was slightly mad(发疯的).
“What cat ” he said, before looking down and seeing something like a ball on the doormat
“Oh. No,” he said, with a disinterested shrug. “Nothing to do with me, mate.”
“He's been there for days,” I said, again drawing a blank look.
“Has he Must have smelled cooking or something. Well, as I say, nothing to do with me”
He then closed the door heavily.
I made up my mind at once.
“OK, mate, you are coming with me,” I said, digging into my bag for the box of biscuits I carried specifically to give treats to the cats and dogs that regularly approached me when I was busking.
(adapted from A Street cat Named Bob)
49. Which of the following is the most suitable for the blank(空格) in Paragraph 2
A. Still here then B. Glad to see you! C. What a beautiful pet! D. How lovely you are!
50. What does the underlined word “He” in Paragraph 4 refer to(指代)
A.The writer B. The guy in a flat C. A cat D. A dog
51.What can we infer(推断) from the story
A. The cat was weaker later. B The writer would have the cat.
C. The writer was a bit mad. D. The man had something to do with the cat.
Generation Zers (people born between 1995 and 2010) around the world are becoming more and more influential(有影响的). These Internet users are full of energy and ideas. To understand this group, the Generation Zers Research Center was set up by China Dally. People said that the center comes at the right time and can make a big difference to the world.
To better understand Generation Zers, the center has carried out questionnaires and interviews with 3,000 young people in 50 countries and regions, including China, France, Egypt, South Korea, the UK and the US.
The 2022 Global(全球的) Generation Zers Insights Report is the center's first report. It paints a picture of a global Generation Zers, including how they see themselves, their thoughts on life and thoughts on global issues. For example, a Chinese schoolgirl made a video to talk about the Ukraine conflict(俄乌冲突) through the novel the Three Kingdoms, which she had been reading.
The report found that Generation Zers share a strong willing to build a common future for humans. They are more able to voice their ideas. They believe that they have to work hard to succeed(成功).
It also found that Generation Zers from foreign countries know more about China now and they like the country better. Amy Nicole, 24, a Tsinghua student from the United States, used to think that China was “so behind”. But after coming to the country, she was amazed by the old and the new. She said, “China is progressing fast, but has lots of history.”
52. According to Paragraph 1, why was the Generation Zers Research Center set up
A. To make a big difference to, the world B. To understand Generation Zers
D. To become more and more influential C. To help Generation Zers
53. What does the underlined word "issues" mean in Paragraph 3
A. Serious problems B. Beautiful stories C. Important competitions D. Good qualities
54. The writer proves(证明) Generation Zers from foreign countries know more about china by .
A. listing numbers B. offering reasons C. making charts D. giving examples
55. What's the main idea of the passage
A. The Generation Zers Research Center was set up.
B. Questionnaires were carried out in many countries.
C. Generation Zers are influencing (影响) the world.
D. Generation Zers from foreign, countries like China better.
The brush pen has a history of thousands of years. It is one of the “Four Treasures of the Study”.
56 It was difficult for people to write well on thin silk.
It’s said that Meng Tian, a general of the Kingdom Qin, improved(改善) the pen. When Meng was leading an army to fight against the Kingdom Chu, he had to report the war to his king in time. But his pen was too hard and caused him a lot of trouble. 57
He tried many ways, but failed. One day after hunting, Meng went home with some wild rabbits on the horse back. Fat and heavy, one rabbit's tail left a long trail (痕迹) on the ground when he moved on.
58 He wanted to tie the rabbit's hair to a stick to make the pen.
On arriving home, Meng tied the rabbit's hair to a stick and tried writing with it. But the rabbit's hair was too smooth to write well. 59 He was very sad and threw his “invention”(发明) into a stone hole in his yard.
However, he didn't give up and kept trying all the time. A few rainy days later, he happened to find his “invention” fatter in the stone hole. He picked it with hope. 60 It was because water cleaned the oil from the hair. Meng succeeded at last.
Thanks to Meng, the brush pen is playing a key role in Chinese culture
A. The brush worked beautifully on silk. B. So he was thinking of ways to improve it. C. The pen was made of animals' hair D. Meng was very angry and threw the pen away. E. It made him waste a lot of silk. F. The oldest pen was just a stick or a piece of bamboo. G. Suddenly a good idea came into his mind.
active lead to rise fisherman all year round main at birth alive take action keep it secret
61. Good qualities are just like roses. They plant in us and grow among the thorns(荆棘).
62. Mom bought less meat than usual because the price of it kept .
63. Liu Yang drank juice easily with a 2-metre straw(吸管) because of no air pressure (压力) in space.
64. More and more teenagers have poor eyesight, so we'd better to prevent the situation getting worse.
65. Tom was in hospital, because eating too much sugar and fat his health problems
66. The city Kunming, well-known as the Spring City, is warm and wet .
67. Most animals only hunt for food in the daytime and they are at night.
68. can’t go fishing during the 4-month fishing ban period.
69. It's safe to change your password (密码) often and .
70. These fossils(化石) are not but they tell us the history of the Earth.
In the Tang dynasty, there lived a man called Meng Jiao. He was born in a poor family. Meng loved poems. He spent time studying them. He gave all of his life to the art. His hard work showed. It helped him become an e 71 poet.
Meng made a living by w 72 poems, but it was not really a paying job at that time. Meng was poor most of his life. When he got older, he wanted to change this. He needed to make more m 73 , so he decided to take Keju exams.
The Keju was China's official test system(系统) at that time. A 74 could take the exams. The Keju gave everyone a chance and it was highly p 75 for them to become officers after passing the exams.
Meng p 76 very hard for the tests. He took them a few times. Each time, he failed. But he
n 77 gave up. He studied harder and harder. At the age of 46, Meng f 78 made it.
Meng put on his new clothes and rode on a horse through Chang'an city. D 79 his ride, Meng wrote a poem. “On the crest(顶峰)of success ,with my horse trotting(疾走) in the breeze(和风) , I viewed all the flowers in Chang'an in one day.” Meng d 80 his feelings of excitement. On that day, he was able to let go of the disappointments of the past.
Recently, researchers have found that dolphins know their own names much like people. Dolphins talk to one another with whistles(口哨) and calls. Scientists have known that the animals also use unusual whistles to name each other. They had thought that dolphins only heard each other's voices. However, the scientists didn't know that dolphins listen for their names too.
To test this idea, the researchers caught 14 dolphins and recorded their name calls. The scientists then copied each dolphin's voice. When the changed recordings were played, the dolphins replied strongly to the names of their families and group members. They didn't care about the names of dolphins they did not know.
Dolphins live in large groups that grow and change. Each dolphin's unusual whistle helps it find a friend or a family member easily, or call for help. Understanding their calls need learning. Most animals don't have this skill except(除了) humans, elephants and bats.
Elephants, for example, communicate(交流) with sound. Their sounds can be heard by other elephants miles away. Dolphins, too, communicate with each other like this. Elephants also communicate by moving their head, feet and trunk. In much the same way, dolphins communicate by their movements. Touching each other is a way for dolphins to express friendship. Elephants also communicate by their great sense of smell. They can know other elephants by the smells they have in a short time.
Why do dolphins and elephants share the gift of communication Scientists think it may be because they are social and smart animals. Both have strong family relationship(关系). Now, scientists want to know if they also have nicknames.
Social and Smart Animals
Fun 81 about the animals Dolphins ● They know their own names. ● They use whistles and calls to talk to 82 . ● They reply to their families and group members 83 they don't care about the strangers ● It's difficult to understand their calls 84 learning. It is a skill that very 85 animals have, only including humans, elephants and bats. ● Dolphins often 86 each other to express friendship.
Elephants ● 87 dolphins, elephants also communicate with sound and movements of their body. ● Elephants can know each other 88 by their great sense of smell.
Further study ● Scientists are not 89 why dolphins and elephants share the gift of communication. ● Scientists 90 if they have nicknames.
Date Activities
January 13th ● visit Yangtze River Wetland Park ● learn something about the finless porpoises(江豚) ● ...
January 14th ● learn some skills on first aid training (紧急救护) ● listen to a talk called “Away from danger” ● ...
January 15th ● do some DIY jobs like making paper-cuts ● writing spring festival couplets (春联) ● ...
Dear Sir/Madam
Thanks for offering us such wonderful activities. I would like
Li Hua

21-25 BACDB 26-30 CBCAD 31-35 CBDBA
36-40 BADAC 41-45 BDCBC
46-48 DBC 49-51 ACB 52-55 BADC 56-60 FBGEA
61. at birth 62. rising 63. mainly 64. take action 65. led to
66. all year round 67. inactive 68. Fishermen 69. keep it secret 70. alive
A) 71. excellent 72. writing 73. money 74. Anyone 75. possible
76. practised 77. never 78. finally 79. During 80. described
B) 81. facts 82. others 83. while/but 84. without 85. few
86. touch 87. Like 88. quickly/soon 89. sure 90.wonder



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