
I.单项选择。(每小题1分,共 10分)
21.________ is known to us all that the cost of renting a house in central Chongqing is higher than ________ in any other area of the city.
A.As; it B.It; that C.As; one D.It; one
22.Although we began to learn English 3 years ago, we still have trouble ________ the new words.
A.remember B.remembering C.to remember D.of remembering
23.—This parking lot is full. Could you please tell me __________
—There is another parking lot across from the street. And it’s much larger than this one.
A.how I can park my car B.how can I park my car
C.where can I park my car D.where I can park my car
24.——Ms. Wang, thanks so much for your help during the past three years.
——That’s all right. It’s my duty to teach _________ English well.
A.you B.your C.yours D.yourself
25.Mr. Green has a serious heart problem. We’d better ________ a doctor at once.
A.ask for B.wait for C.send for D.fight for
26.Lu Xun ________ for over eighty years, but his works still have a great influence today.
A.died B.was dying C.has died D.has been dead
27.Sam finds the smart cooking machine useful, and he plans to buy ________ for his family.
A.it B.one C.this D.that
28.Anna did all kinds of things to make the baby ________, but she failed.
A.to stop crying B.stop crying C.to stop to cry D.stop to cry
29. the high temperature is a challenge to everyone in my family, we still decide to travel around the country.
A.Though B.Because C.While D.If
30.––What a pleasant surprise to see you here! I you Chongqing.
––Me too. But I there next Friday.
A.think; have gone to; am going B.thought; had gone to; will go
C.thought; had been to; will go D.think; have been to; am going
根据短文内容,从A、B、C D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
Did you __31__ “The Battle at Lake Changjin II” during the Spring Festival Since its release __32__ Feb. 1st, the “The Battle at Lake Changjin” films have __33__ China’s top-grossing (票房最高的) film series ever, replacing the “Detective Chinatown” series.
“The Battle at Lake Changjin II,” a sequel (续集) to the 2021 war movie “The Battle at Lake Changjin,” topped 3 billion yuan in total earnings as of Thursday, the 14th, to hit the milestone (里程碑) in China’s box office history.
This achievement, in addition to 5. 77 billion yuan from the first film, brings the two “Changjin” films total to 8.77 billion yuan. It is __34__ than the three “Detective Chinatown” comedy movies.
“The Battle at Lake Changjin” tells the story of Chinese People’s Volunteers (CPV) fighting __35__ in freezing weather in a vital campaign (必不可少的战役) at Lake Changjin during the war to resist U. S. aggression and aid Korea( 1950 -1953).
In this story, young soldiers are willing to risk __36__ to protect their motherland although lacking of food __37__ warm clothing in the bitter cold. They has moved many people to tears.
In this film, __38__ Wu Jing and Jackson Yee play the leading roles. It tells CPV soldiers take on a new task. And this time, __39__ battlefield is an __40__ bridge on the retreat (撤退) route of American armies.
31.A.look B.watch C.get D.realize
32.A.on B.in C.for D.at
33.A.discovered B.reminded C.returned D.become
34.A.bigger B.taller C.higher D.longer
35.A.bravely B.brave C.sad D.sadly
36.A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything
37.A.or B.but C.and D.so
38.A.actors B.heroes C.volunteers D.soldiers
39.A.our B.their C.his D.its
40.A.easy B.important C.difficult D.embarrassed
v.阅读理解。(41-43小题,每小题1分,44-59小题,每小题2分,共 35分)
Dear Sir or Madam.
One of the teachers at my school in New York tells me that your school has summer courses.I am planning to go to Beijing nextsummer and would like to take a short one-month course.
I am 18 year sold and have been studying Chinese for six years.I was born in the USA and have never been to China before.I am going to study Chinese at the university.I think the course will help me improve my Chinese.
Could you send mea catalogue( 目录 ) and application form( 申请表 ) I would also like information about Beijing and other places nearby.I hope to do some travelling when the course is over.
Thank you!I am looking forward to your reply.
Jim Green
41.Jim Green is a student from___________.
A.America B.China C.Canada D.Australia
42.He will cometoChina nextsummer to________.
A.improve his Chinese B.visit friends
C.look for jobs D.teach summer course
43.He will probably____ afterthesummer course.
A.graduate from university B.work in this school
C.take a trip in Beijing D.post his application form
You are visiting the Eiffel Tower in France, but the next second you are in Thailand. Then, suddenly you may have dinner with Barack Obama in America. But you are not dreaming. This is what might happen in the near future. With the help of virtual reality (VR,虚拟现实) technology, a lot of changes are taking place in our life.
VR is a computer technology that makes an environment and allows users to see and even interact(互动) with it. Just wear a pair of VR glasses joined to your computer and you can experience a lot of things without stepping out of your room.
"The most interesting part of VR is that it offers an immersive (身临其境的) experience," said Wang Bing, leader of the Chinese entertainment company Funshow."That’s why VR movies are popular among users. You become a part of the story."According to the Report on Chinese VR Users’ Behavior last month, over 960,000 people in China have bought VR products and 83.2 percent of them have watched VR movies.
VR can also be used in some other ways. It can help to train workers before they have to work in highly dangerous environments. VR also helps patients with acrophobia (恐高症) by making them think they are standing on the top of a tall building.
However, VR technology still has a long way to go. Users report feeling sick while wearing VR glasses. Maybe it could take a period of time for VR to be widely used around the world.
44.With a pair of VR __________, users can experience many things at home.
A.eyes B.shoes C.glasses D.ears
45.VR movies are very popular because they make the users ___________.
A.become much healthier
B.stand on the top of a tall building
C.become a part of the story
D.work in dangerous environments
46.To be widely used, VR glasses must solve the problem of ___________.
A.making people feel sick
B.providing an unreal environment
C.costing too much money
D.taking a long time to join to the computer
47.The best title of the passage may be "__________ ".
A.Traveling with VR B.VR Changes Our Life
C.VR Movies Get Popular D.VR Needs to Be Developed
I wasn’t raised to be a fan of snails (蜗牛). With my grandmother being a gardener and always busy planting beautiful flowers, my brother and I were often told from a young age to take away snails in the garden when we saw them. This brought us the kind of satisfaction that only children experience. Finding snails It was like a happy journey to discover garden treasure. Catching them It was easy because they hardly moved!
As I grow older, my opinion on snails has changed. They bring me a different kind of happiness.
I’m not a person easy to get nervous on the outside, but inside I’m often filled with thoughts of worries and fear. Yoga and meditation (冥想) haven’t helped. Snails, have been my medicine.
Snails are probably one of the best examples of taking life slowly. No matter whether it’s their choice or not, snails take life at a slow but no-stop pace (节奏). Once I was drawing in the garden and noticed a little snail mark a large apple tree. It was going to be a challenging climb for the snail. The whole morning, the little snail climbed on. I watched and got lost in thought. It helped me find my own peace.
As the senior high school entrance examination is around the corner, I always feel worried. Although I’ve made good use of every second to review notes and do tons of exercises, the improvement I’ve made is still slow. I’m not certain whether I can do well in the big exam and successfully enter Chongqing No.1 Secondary School. But, I quickly remind myself to be patient. So accepting the practice of slow improvement, like a snail.
Though snails may not be for everyone, I think it’s important that we all find our own understanding of them. Whether it’s a person or an animal, anything that drives us to take care of ourselves is a good thing.
48.The writer used to _______ in the garden when she was young.
A.plant beautiful flowers
B.do tons of exercises
C.take away snails
D.study with her brother
49.Snails take life at a _______ pace.
A.fast and comfortable
B.slow but uncomfortable
C.fast and non-stop
D.slow but non-stop
50.The writer shares her study experience in Paragraph 5 to _______.
A.show how nervous she feels as the exam is coming soon
B.explain a valuable lesson she has learned from snails
C.introduce the difficulties that she meets in Grade Nine
D.tell worries about her slow improvement like snails
51.This passage mainly talks about _______.
A.how people can find their own pace and peace
B.where people can find their own happiness
C.why animals can treat people’s worries and fear
D.what can help people see the world’s beauty
①You get up in the morning and suddenly you feel that you have a big stomachache. And you also feel sick and want to vomit (呕吐) very much. If so, maybe you’ve got stomach flu.
②Stomach flu is one of the most uncomfortable common diseases. It spreads easily, which can make it hard to avoid. That’s especially true if someone in your family has it. Stomach flu is caused by a virus, but not the same one that causes common flu. There’s no medicine to make it go away at once. But there are some things you can do to avoid catching it.
③You can prevent stomach flu by washing your hands often. Use hot water and soap to wash your hands. Using soap is better than using nothing, but it doesn’t work very well against stomach flu. That’s because soap can’t kill viruses completely.
④The virus that causes stomach flu is hard to kill. So stronger cleaners (清洁剂) are needed. Mix bleach (漂白剂) with water, and use that to clean your house. If someone in your family is sick, remember to clean the things the person has touched.
⑤Machines like dishwashers and washing machines are better at killing viruses than washing by hand. That’s because they keep the things you wash hotter for longer. But many viruses can live in your machines, so often wash them with hot water and bleach.
⑥However, if you do get stomach flu unluckily, don’t worry. Have a good rest and drink as much water as possible, and you’ll feel much better soon. But don’t think everything is OK. Even though you feel better, ▲ . You can still spread it for a few days, so you need to stay at home for some more time. If you have a fever, wait at least 24 hours after it ends before going out. This will help protect other people from getting sick.
⑦Stomach flu is awful, but by following these tips above, you can keep away from it.
52.From Paragraph 2, we know that ________.
A.stomach flu is easy to avoid
B.medicine can make stomach flu go away at once
C.the virus that causes stomach flu is hard to kill
D.if you get stomach flu, do not drink much water
53.In Paragraph 6, which of the following can be put in ________
A.eat some fruit and vegetables B.don’t return to work at once
C.wash hands as often as possible D.don’t exercise too much
54.The best title for the passage is ________.
A.Ways to Kill the Viruses at Home B.Ways to Deal with Stomach Flu
C.The Spread of Stomach Flu D.The Influence of Stomach Flu
55.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage
A. B. C. D.
There are always lots of strange stories about protecting your eyes. For example, you might have been told that you’d go blind from reading in the dark, but you could make up for it by eating carrots.
This is just one of the wrong ideas you may have heard of. Below teens has picked out scientific explanations for three mistakes the people often make about eyes. Let’s take a look.
Can eating carrots improve your eyesight
Carrots are rich in Vitamin A, which is important and necessary for your eyes’ general health. Vitamin A helps eyes to make light into signals, allowing people to see in low light conditions. However, eating more carrots doesn’t help you see better. Some carrots will help, but a large number of carrots will not give you superhuman vision or allow you to get rid of your glasses.
If your parents have bad eyesight, will you have bad eyesight, too
Myopia (近视)can be passed from parents to children. A study by the Americans Optometric Association found that if both parents are myopia, there is a 33 to 60 percent chance that the child is. For children who have one parent with myopia, the chance is 23 to 40 percent, and it’s down to 6 to 15 percent for kids with non-myopia parents. So no matter how bad your parents’ eyesight is ________
Is it true that people who are color blind can’t see colors
Color blindness doesn’t mean that someone can’t see colors at all, like a black and white movie. It means that someone has difficulty telling some colors apart, usually green and red or blue and yellow. Color blindness is usually a condition caused by not having color cells(细胞). If the cells don’t respond(反应)in the right way to differences in wavelengths of fight, color blindness happens. There are different levels of color blindness. Some people cannot tell the difference between colors in dim(昏暗的)light, while others have difficulty in any light. In the most serious form of color blindness, everything is seen in shades of grey.
56.Which is the RIGHT idea about eating carrots according to the passage
A.Eating carrots doesn’t help people see better at all.
B.People need to eat as many carrots as possible.
C.Eating carrots is good for eyes, but people don’t need to eat a lot of them.
D.Eating a lot carrots is only good for those who work in low light condition.
57.Which of the following can be put in the ________
A.you must be myopia.
B.you still have a chance having good eyesight.
C.you must have a good eyesight.
D.you should protect your eyes.
58.According to the passage, how does the writer describe color blindness
A.Most people who are color blind can only see grey.
B.Not having color cells can cause color blindness.
C.Those who can’t tell green from red are not really color blindness.
D.Most people who are color blind can only see black and white.
59.What’s the best title of this passage
A.Misunderstanding about Eyes B.Advice on Protecting Your Eyes
C.Ways to Improve Your Vision D.Reasons for Color Blindness
A: Do you know May 10th is China Brand Day
B: ____60____ What’s the Day for
A: ____61____ “Made in China” used to remind people of cheap and low-quality products.
B: How about now
A: It has changed now. ____62____
B: I see. Have you ever heard of sports brands like Li-Ning
A: Certainly. ____63____
B: What do you think of them
A: They are not that expensive. ____64____
B: Wow, I can’t wait to have a try. What do you think Chinese brands will be like in 10 years
A: I think they will do better in showing Chinese culture.
B: I can’t agree more.
A.Also, young people don’t like them.
B.For showing Chinese brands to the world.
C.And they are really nice and of high quality.
D.I often buy some shoes of that brand.
E.Sorry, I’ve never heard of it.
F.People still don’t like Chinese brands.
G.More Chinese brands are accepted around the world.ee more.
Smartphones have become an important part of our daily lives. However, to protect younger students’ eyesight and make sure they focus on their studies, primary and middle schools will have more specific rules to limit students’ mobile phone use on campus.
The Ministry of Education released a notice in January that basically speaking, primary and middle school students can’t carry mobile phones to school and those who still require their phone for some reason must get their parents’ and teachers’ agreement and must hand their phones over during class time. The purpose of the notice is to improve students’ focus on study and fight addiction (沉迷) to the Internet and games.
According to a 2020 report by the China Internet Network Information Center, China had 150 million Internet users under the age of 18 in 2019, with 80 percent having their own mobile phones. This is worrying, as long-time use of smartphones harms children’s eyesight, cervical vertebrae (颈椎) and even the brain.
Many schools have taken actions to limit students’ phone use on campus. Some teachers ask their students to put their phones into a box to store them during class. And some students also agree with the new policy. They think there are more advantages than disadvantages. But some parents think it is unwise to take a “one size fits all” approach. We can’t simply cut students off from the Internet in the digital era. So it’s more important to cultivate (培养) kids’ ability to self-manage and develop good habits of phone usage.
65.Is long-term use of smartphones harmful to children’s brain
66.How many Internet users under the age of 18 in 2019 have their own mobile phones according to a 2020 report by the China Internet Network Information Center
67.What’s the disadvantage of using the mobile phones for the primary and middle school students according to the passage
68.Do you agree with the notice that primary and middle school students can’t carry mobile phones to school Why or why not (List another 2 reasons besides those from the passage)
Ⅶ. 完成句子。(每空1分,共10分)
I don’t think students should ________ ________ to use mobile phones at school.
Although we live ________ ________, some children in other parts of world still live ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.
71.The boy on the black bike is my brother.(对划线部分提问)
________ ________is your brother
72.Jim had six classes every day last year. (改为否定句)
Jim ________ ________ six classes every day last year.
73.Bob has already finished his homework. (改为否定句)
Bob ________ finished his homework ________.
Ⅷ. 短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)
For students, exams are an important part in their learning life. It is natural to feel a little nervous about exams, especially when you’re under pressure (压力) from school or family. However, too much exam pressure can ____74____you to feel upset, and this might infuence your sleeping and eating habits.
If you have any of these feelings and are worried that your exam pessure is strong, you are not ____75____. After all, according to a recent study, 54% of the students aged 13-18 in Asia are experiencing pressure when facing exams. Luckily, ____76____is something you can do.
Firstly, let your friends and family know if you’re having a hard time and feeling bad, so they can be there to offer a listening ear and encourage you. You don’t have to go through this all by yourself. Keeping it to yourself will only make things even ____77____, so don’t be afraid to open up.
Secondly, think about all the support you need, and be honest with yourself about it. You are allowed to ask for help. Tell your ____78____about your worries. They can give you some helpful advice ____79____they may have talked to lots of students with similar worries before.
One more thing you can do is to be kind to ____80____. It can be helpful to write a list of things you have achieved so far, and you can also write down what other people like ____81____you. Treating yourself kindly is helpful.
If you follow the advice above, I’m sure you will feel much better when exams come.
写作要求:1. 80~120词,开头已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。
参考要点:1. 你的观点(书写依然重要……);
2. 给出理由(中国传统文化的一个重要组成部分、手写书信更能表达情感……);
3. ……
Nowadays many Chinese students no longer pay much attention to handwriting. They believe their keyboards can do the work. However, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I.单项选择。(每小题1分,共 10分)
21.B 22.B 23.D 24.A 5.C 26.D 27.B 28.B 29.A 30.B
31.B 32.A 33.D 34.C 35.A 36.B 37.C 38.A 39.B 40.B
v.阅读理解。(41-43小题,每小题1分,44-59小题,每小题2分,共 35分)
41.A 42.A 43.C
44.C 45.C 46.A 47.B
48.C 49.D 50.B 51.A
52.C 53.B 54.B 55.B
56.C 57.D 58.B 59.A
60.E 61.B 62.G 63.D 64.C
66.120 million/120, 000, 000.
67.It harms children’s eyesight, cervical vertebrae and the brain and students can’t focus on study but show addiction to the Internet and games.
68.Yes, I do. Because I think carrying mobile phones to school is bad for students. It may stop students from pay attention to study.(答案合理即可)
Ⅶ. 完成句子。(每空1分,共10分)
69. be allowed
70. in peace in fear of their lives
71. Which boy
72. didn’t have
73. hasn’t yet
74.cause 55.alone 56.here 57.worse 58.teachers 59.because 60.yourself 61.about
Nowadays many Chinese students no longer pay much attention to handwriting. They believe their keyboards can do the work. However, I think that handwriting is still important.
First, handwriting is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. So practicing writing will help us to inherit culture. Second, everyone’s handwriting is personal and meaningful. For example, a handwritten letter can express feelings better. Third, handwriting can make you calm, and it shows us the beauty of Chinese.
We all know the importance of handwriting now. Why not write a letter to your good friend instead of sending her a message



