
一 单选
(  )1.What ___________useful book! It tells us how to be ___________honest person.
A.a;the B.an;an C.a;an D.an;the
(  )2.My best friend has the same hobby as me. ______of us like playing basketball.
A.All B.None C.Both D.Neither
(  )3.—Although Jerry was born _____ blindness,he didn't give up his dream and finally became a successful man.
A.on B.in C.for D.with
(  )4.— The TV drama Renshijian (A Lifelong Journey) was so_____that most of the viewers were_____. —Exactly. It's one of the best TV dramas I've ever seen.
A.moving;moved B.moving;moving C.moved;moving D.moved;moved
(  )5.—The boy doesn't work ________ the others in his class.
—That's why he _______ fails the exams.(  )
A so harder;seldom B.as hard as;never
C.so hard as;always D.the hardest;sometimes
(  )6.It was my ________ birthday yesterday. I am so happy that ________ of my classmates have come to my house to give me a surprise.
A.sixteen;two thirds B.sixteenth;two third
C.sixteenth;two thirds D.sixteen;two third
(  )7.Spend time talking with your parents,______they may not well understand you. Don't wait______ it's too late.
A.and,until B.or,until C.but,after D.and,before
(  )8.This kind of fruit looks ___________ and sells ____________.
A.good,well B.good,good C.well,good D.well,well
(  )9.﹣ ﹣Missing sleep during the week____ be made up by more sleep on weekends.
﹣I can't agree more. The weekend catch﹣up sleep is a total lie.(  )
A.needn't B.shouldn't C.mustn't D.can't
(  )10.The volunteers offer ________ the suitcases for the passengers who need help.(  )
A.carry B.to carry C.carried D.carrying
(  )11.There is little salt left for us to cook food,________?(  )
A.aren't there B.isn't there C.are there D.is there
(  )12.—Tom,you seem to be in a good mood.
—________ My parents promise to take me to Sanya this summer vacation.(  )
A.So what? B.No problem. C.Guess what? D.Not at all.
(  )13.—I am very proud of the _________ China has made to fighting against COVID-19.
—A great country usually takes on its duty.
A.advantage B.agreement C.contribution D.communication
(  )14.― Have you made a plan to raise food for people there
―Yes. Now we are thinking about how to _________.
A.pick it out B.carry it out C.give it out D.put it out
(  )15.—I heard that you’ve bought a new German car.
—Yes. ________, German cars are of high quality.
A.In public B.In all C.In fact D.In general
(  )16.If the customer rings up for me again, please ________ the call to the sales department.
A.run through B.look through C.go through D.put through
(  )17.Tom is such an honest boy that he never ________ excuses for being late for school.
A.makes up B.takes up C.puts up D.sets up
(  )18.We ________ worry about the coming flood too much, for the government has taken immediate action to fight against it.
A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.can’t D.don’t need
(  )19.Though I have tried several keys to open the door, ______ of them is the right one to the door.
A.none B.neither C.either D.both
(  )20.—Dad, come and look! It’s all white outside. —There ________ be a heavy snow last night.
A.would B.need C.can D.must
二 完形填空
Young.lively and full of hopes and dreams, she wan a strong competitor on her volleyball team. If you have seen the popular___1_______named Hi, Mom you must be familiar with her.
when we think of our mums, we usually think of someone ___2___helps us pick out clothes, always makes food for us and perhaps gives us a red_________every Chinese New Year. She is also the person who would always bandage(用绷带包扎) our scrapes(擦伤)whenever we ____4_____.She would always find us the perfect birthday present each year. She would also always___5____us to study harder. She is the middle-aged woman who_____6___us, no matter what happens. We often forget that Mum was once young. She had her own interests and____7_____ And she gave up her own pursuit to take care of ______ ----her children.
My mum is the best, and I try to tell her that____9_____we chat. She is a role model for young women everywhere. ____10____raising my brother and me, my mum is an award-winning associate professor(副授)of anesthesiology(麻醉学).She is also one of the___11___in the US city of Philadelphia. She has trained a great number of anesthesiologists. ____12____ her students are public people such as the New York State Health Commissioner,Dr Howard A. Zucker. As New York State's(including New York City's)chief physician, Dr Zucker helped New Yorkers____13______against the COVID-19, among his other responsibilities.
Whenever I visit my mum at work, people I've _____14____even met before say hi and tell me how great my mum is!(My mum puts family photos on her office door.) She is a big hero, and your mun is too.Be sure to let her know how____15_____ . she is to you on the coming Mother's Day! And you'll love her forever!
( )1. A.article B . film C. story D . magazine
( )2. A. who B. what C.which D. when
( )3. A. pocket B. package C. packet D. purse
( )4. A. arrived B. rose C. fell D. disappeared
( ))5.A.advise B. tell C.allow D. promise
( ))6. A. goes for B. looks for C. sends for D. cares for
( )7. A. dreams B. habits C.business D. events
( )8.A.them B.you C. .us D. him
( )9. A. every time B. in time C. on time D. at times
( )10. A. Except B. Without C. With D. Besides
( )11. A.scientists B. doctors C. nurses D. engineers
( .)12. A. For B. During C. Among D. Both
( )13. A. protect B. fight C. act D. prevent
( )14. A. never B. ever C. just D. already
( )15.A. interesting B. necessary C. possible D. important
三 阅读理解
The Best Areas to Stay in Shanghai
The Bund (Waitan) The most historical area of Shanghai is the Bund, known as Waitan. This area on the Western bank of the Huangpu holds most of the remaining colonial (殖民的)architecture(建筑)in Shanghai and attracts thousands of people on a nightly basis for views of the sunset and the Pudong skyline across the river. The Bund is also a convenient place to get on a boat to travel on the Huangpu River.
Across the river from the Bund is Pudong, Shanghai’s most modern area that contains some of the world’s tallest buildings and many luxury(奢华的)hotels and restaurants. Pudong is also the home of many of Shanghai’s most popular museums as well as Shanghai Disneyland. Pudong
Old Shanghai South of the Bund, Old Shanghai is the ancient centre of the city. Bordered by Renmin Road to the north and Zhonghua Road to the south, Old Shanghai owns the Yu Gardens and most of the few remaining old-style neighborhoods and markets in Shanghai.
Inland from the Bund is the busy area around Nanjing Pedestrian Street and People’s Square. This area is ideal for those who love to shop and be around mixed crowds of locals and tourists. Nanjing Street is one of the few remaining places in Shanghai where it is still possible to find authentic(正宗的)street foods. Nanjing Pedestrian Street/ People’s Square
What is Waitan famous for according to the passage
A.Huangpu River. B.Beautiful sunset.
C.Colonial architectures. D.Convenient transportation.
7.If you are interested in museums, which of the following places may you go
A.Waitan. B.Pudong. C.Old Shanghai. D.People’s square.
8.What can you see in Old Shanghai
A.Most of the remaining gardens. B.Views of countryside by Zhonghua Road.
C.Modern neiborhoods by Renming Road. D.Most of the old-style remaining markets.
9.Why do you think people go to Nanjing Street
A.They go there on business. B.They love shopping and street foods.
C.They want to sell authentic street foods. D.They like making friends with locals and tourists.
10.What is the passage mainly about
A.History of the best places in Shanghai. B.Introduction of the best places in Shanghai.
C.Reasons for going to the best places in Shanghai.
D.Suggestions on visiting the best places in Shanghai.
Teenager Jake Deham was skiing with his family in the USA when he fell over and lost one of his skis. His family didn’t know that he had a problem. They kept on skiing. When they got to the foot of the mountain, there was no sign of Jake.
Jake couldn’t find his ski anywhere. In the end, he decided to take off his other ski and walk down the mountain. But he couldn’t work out the right way to go.
It was now getting dark and he was a long way from any place of safety. He knew that he might die that night in the cold temperatures. But Jake kept calm. At home, Jake watched a lot of programs about living in difficult situations. He remembered the advice from these programs and knew that he should build a hole in the snow. He made a hole and pointed it up the hill so the wind couldn’t blow into it. Outside his hole, the temperature fell to a dangerous-15℃ that night, but inside it Jake was safe from the cold.
But he had to get down the mountain. The TV programs always said, “If you are lost, you should find someone else’s tracks (足迹) through the snow and follow them.” “I wanted to live my life.” remembers Jake. “So I got up and I found some ski tracks and I followed those.” He walked and walked and finally he saw lights. Nine hours after he lost his ski, he found a team of worker who-came to save him. He was safe!
His mum was very happy when she heard the news. Amazingly, Jake didn’t even have to go to hospital. He got through the terrible experience without any injuries.
So, the next time someone says that watching TV is a waste of time, think of Jake. Sometimes TV can save your life!
6.When did Jake’s parents know that he was missing
A.When Jake lost one of his skis. B.When they began to ski down the mountain.
C.After they reached the foot of the mountain.
D.Before a team of workers found Jake.
7.What was the correct order in which these events happened
a. Jake made a hole in the snow. b. Jake lost one of his skis.
c. Jake finally saw lights. d. Jake skied with his family.
A.d-b-a-c B.a-b-c-d C.b-a-d-c D.c-b-a-d
8.How did Jake get down the mountain the next morning
A.He followed his parents. B.He followed the workers.
C.He followed some ski tracks. D.He followed some light.
9.Which words can best describe Jake Denham when he was facing the difficulties
A.Polite and hardworking B.Calm and clever
C.Outgoing and helpful D.Warm and friendly
10.What is the best title of the passage
A.Ski safely. B.Missing boy. C.Back home. D.Careless parents.
The quadrennial(每四年一次的)football carnival is kicking off!
Chinese elements(元素)can be seen all over the place at the World Cup 2022.
The 8000-seat Lusail Stadium is used to host the eye-catching final game. It was designed and built by China Railway International Group with energy-saving technologies and sustainable materials.
Doha's first ever Panda House officially opened to the public. Located at Al Khor Park near Al Bayt Stadium.the Panda House is home to Chinese giant pandas, three-year-old female Si Hai and
four-year-old male Jing Jing.
Chinese referee(裁判员)Ma Ning and two assistant referees, Cao Yi and Shi Xiang, have
been appointed to judge at the International Federation of Association Football(FIFA) World Cup 2022.
From national flags to ornaments(装饰品)and pillows emblazoned with images of the World Cup trophy,products made inYiwu,China's small commodity hub(小商品中心),have enjoyed nearly70 per cent of the market share of the World Cup merchandise(商品), according to the Yiwu Sports Goods Association.
More than1,500 buses from China's leading bus maker Yutong are plying the streets of Qatar Some 888 of the buses are electric,offering shuttle services for the thousands of officials, journalists and fans of different countries.
Eager to promote their brands overseas,Chinese enterprises(企业), led by four official FIFA sponsors-Wanda Group,Hisense Group,smartphone manufacturer Vivo and dairy brand Mengniu have provided more sponsorship revenue for the host than companies from any other nation, with nearly$1.4 billion in total investment,according to Global Data, a London-based consulting and analytics company.
( )1. Who designed and built Lusail Stadium
A. The Qatar's Group. B. The China's Group.
C. The Londoners. D. The Wanda Group.
( )2. Where is the Panda House
A. At Al Khor Park. B. At Al Bayt Stadium. C. In Yiwu. D. At Lusail Stadium.
( )3. What does the underlined word“plying”in Paragraph 6 probably mean in Chinese
A.高空飞翔 B.随处游荡 C.往来行驶 D. 尽情玩耍
( )4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Four-year-old Si Hai and three-year-old Jing Jing live in the Panda House.
B.Cao Yi and his assistant referees have been appointed to judge at the FIFA World Cup 2022.
C.Less than 50per cent of buses from China's leading bus maker Yutong are electric.
D.Chinese enterprises have provided the most sponsorship revenue for the host in the world
As we walked down the shore, Ben Gunn told his story.“I was alone here for years"he said. "one day, I found the skeleton(骷髅). I saw it was pointing to a tree I dug around that tree and found the treasure, I was living in a cave, so took the treasure to the cave. This morning, when Long John Silver and his men came to look for the treasure,I showed myself to one of them. He thought I was a ghost"Ben laughed.“He ran off, and this gave me time to get back to the squire(乡绅)and the doctor. They were waiting at the cave."
“Now I know,”I said to the doctor. “why you gave the map to Silver.
"“It was useless by then,"the doctor said.“There was no buried treasure. Ben Gun had it. My plan was to get Long John Silver and his men away from the stockade(木寨), We could then get some stores from it.”
When we got back to the cave, the squire was waiting for us.
“Three of the mutineers(反叛者) got away,"the doctor told him. "But if we hurry, we can get to the boat before them. They ran back to the stockade on the other side of the island. We are nearer to the boat than they are.”
I went into the cave. The captain was lying inside it next to the treasure-a pile of gold coins.
“Hello,Jim,"he said,“I am pleased to see you. But I don't think you or I will be going to see each other again.”
That night, the captain died. We carried the treasure down to the boat. We lit a fire on the shore and had a fine meal together. We were not afraid of the three mutineers. We had pistols(手枪).They had none. There were more of us than of them.
The next morning, we went in the boat towards the Hispaniola. We didn't care about the three men. We left them on the island.
I will not tell you about the journey home. Nothing important happened. But as soon as we got to Bristol, Long John Silver ran away. He took some of the gold with him. None of us cared. We were pleased to see the back of him. We each shared the treasure and used it in a different way.
( )1. Who found the treasure
A. Jim. kind B Ben Gun C. Long John Silver. D, Three mutineers.
( )2Why dd the doctor give the map to Long John Silver
A He wanted to help Long John Silver find the treasure.
Ben Gun had taken the treasure away and the map was useless by then.
C His plan was to get Long John Silver and his men to come to the stockade.
D He wanted Long John Silver to get some stores for him.
( )3. Where was the squire waiting
A. At the cave. B. In the stockade. C. In the boat. D. Behind the tree.
( )4According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true
A. Ben Gun explained the treasure and the cave.
B.The three mutineers were afraid to fight with the doctor and his men because the doctor had pistols and more men.
C.Jim,the doctor,the squire, Long John Silver and Ben Gunn left the three mutineers on the island and went back to Bristol with the treasure.
D.Long John Silver took all the treasure away as soon as they got to Bristol.
Thinking clearly is difficult but important. With unclear thinking, you will spend most of your time correcting mistakes. ___16___ Here are five ways to learn to think clearly.
Take a deep breath
___17___ Your body will get its balance and find calmness by taking a deep breath. And your brain will think more clearly.
Organize your thoughts by listing
Anytime you discover many thoughts running through your mind, get organized. ___18___ That way, you will organize a list that will help you think clearly and become smarter.
Don’t desire(渴望)a goal that is not real. Just think about these questions. What do you want Why do you want it How may you put it into practice This may take much time firstly, but clear goals will help you think clearly.
Be clear about your goals
Before you set a goal, think about its advantages and disadvantages clearly. It takes time to achieve any goal in life. ___20___ Or you will lose your direction and add too much pressure(压力).
Change your negative(消极的)thinking into positive(积极的)action
Positive thinking can open up your imagination to achieve your goals. You should think “Why not ”and “How to ”, which will change negative thinking. Also, throw away negative thoughts that will stop your mind power from flowing(流动)rightly in your goals.
Making good use of these five steps will help you learn how to think clearly and become smarter.
A.It is possible to write down those things one by one. B.So don’t change it from time to time. C.If you want to make smart decisions, you need to learn to think clearly. D.Be true to yourself E.You need to relax and stay calm before you think.
1.Watching your cell phone for too long can cause back    (疼痛) .
2.This is my book and that is       (你的).
3My cousin has bought an       (最新的)computer.
4.Reading       (出声地)is good for memorizing and understanding knowledge.
5.The Battle at Lake Changjin is an    (education) film. It has been on for several months in the cinema.
6.After three years of hard work,her appearance changed     .(complete)
7.You need to walk towards happiness because it won't come to you    . (it)
8.Zhang Yimou is the    (direct) who directed the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games.
9.Even though the price of houses in Wuxi is increasing rapidly now,houses still    ( sell ) well.
10.More sharing fridges   (introduce) to reduce food waste in China soon.
11﹣Is Lisa there?
﹣No,she isn't. She    (do) some reading at the library.
12.﹣Where is Peter?
﹣He     (go) to Shanghai on business,he will come back in two days.
13.The Internet    (invent) by the US government in the 1960s for the army to use.
14 Would you mind      (put) on the mask before entering the school?
for good make take if they with energy different become
As a child, what do you want to be when you grow up Maybe you’re dreaming of flying into space or ___36___ a famous actor. Then perhaps over the years, your dreams will become more realistic. Or you might have given ___37___ up. If that’s the case, then January 13th is the day ___38___ you. It’s Make Your Dreams Come True Day. If you’ve been putting off achieving your dreams, this is the day to ___39___ a fresh start.
It’s important to dream because dreams can give us the ___40___ to succeed in life. Dreams inspire(激励)us and we should always work toward making them come true. And the ___41___ way to do that is by setting goals. What’s the ___42___ between a dream and a goal It’s been said that dreams are the final destination(终点); goals are the stops along the way.
Many successful people have spoken about dreams. Colin Powell stressed the importance of working to make your dreams come true. “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it ___43___ determination(决心)and hard work.” Les Brown reminded us that dreams have nothing to do ___44___ ages. “You’re never too old to dream a new dream.” ___45___ you’ve been dreaming about doing something for years, start now. Then you’ll be on your way to making your dreams come true.
I live in a flat with two bedrooms. I have electricity to cook meals and charge(给……充电) my mobile phone. I can walk to the supermarket nearby to buy meat, fruit, vegetables and so on. How comfortable my life is!
However, I always expect something different. What will life be like without all the modern conveniences Last Friday, I got a chance to get the answer to this question.
My cousin Jack has a treehouse at the top of a hill in Colorado. Staying in that treehouse is like going back in time. There is no electricity or running water. There are only two chairs and a bed in the house.
Jack told me how to cut wood, make a fire and cook over a fire. Time was everything. We had to start to make dinner early so that we could have enough daylight to do that.
But the life without computers, TVs, and smart phones was not bad. There was plenty of time for talking, walking and going sightseeing. I also slept better there.
Jack’s sister Jenny cooked breakfast for us. In the morning, when I woke up, I could smell the delicious food with the morning light warming my face. I stayed there for two days. On Sunday afternoon, I had to leave the treehouse and go back home.
It’s hard to say which kind life is better. However, I do think we should try to enjoy a break now and then from the convenient and busy modern life.
1.What does the writer think of the life in the flat
2.When did the writer go to visit Jack
3.Where’s Jack’s treehouse
4.Who made breakfast in the treehouse
5.What is the main idea of Paragraph 4 and 5
Volleyball is a sport which you hit a ball with a group of six people. lt r__1______ needs patience and strength.
My first start in volleyball was not going well. Having trained with my mother, I became more confident to join the school t___2____. Unluckily, my dream broke the next day. Our coach said that I couldn't join the school team b___3_____ I was not able to work well with the other teammates. With my constant efforts, the coach finally agreed to let me join the school team.
Last month, we had a m___4____ with another school. Most of my teammates had no experience in competing: Looking at the o___5___team that had skilled players, I wondered if we would lose.
My h____6___ was filled with doubt.
Then, the ball went up. And I j___7___up with a shot. The ball flew over the net. I was completely caught up in the competition. The sound of feet running across the playground and l__8_______ cheers made us feel very warm.
Volleyball helped me find my true self and taught me how to w_9___ together with my teammates. It helped me make f________ and learn new things. And I really experienced moments of joy.
【答案】16.C 17.E 18.A 19.D 20.B
1.The writer thinks of the life in the flat is comfortable./Comfortable. 2.The writer went to visit Jack last Friday./Last Friday. 3.It is at the top of a hill in Colorado. /At the top of a hill in Colorado. 4.Jack’s sister Jenny made breakfast in the treehouse./Jack’s sister Jenny. 5.The main idea of Paragraphs 4—5 is life in the treehouse./Life in the treehouse.
36.becoming 37.them 38.for 39.make 40.energy 41.best 42.difference 43.takes 44.with 45.If
1.really 2. team 3 because 4 match 5 other 6 heart 7 jumped 8 loud 9 work 10 friends




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