
How can we improve our life Many people think that they have to accept
their life. They will say, "This is my fate(命运). I cannot change it." Of course not! Your
future 1. you, not on any other things.
I know someone who says she accepts what life gives her 2. she has done everything. Guess what she does
every day. She 3. in
the morning, goes to work, returns to her home, relaxes, chats with people,
watches TV, and then goes to sleep. Next day, do 4. . Is this what she calls "doing her
best" You just don't sit around and wait for 5. to fall from the sky. You have to get off the
chair, get your eyes off the TV screen, get your hands off the phone, and make
your mind and body 6. !
If your life is not the way you want it to be, don't just say, "Our time
will come." Or "Things will get better someday." Don't expect
your luck to change, unless you do something about it. If something goes wrong,
you 7. learn from your lesson, make the most use of
the situation, and 8. something to solve the problem. It's not
enough to think positively. You also have to act positively.
If someone's life is in danger, you have to do 9. to save the person. So it is with your own
life. It is not enough to hope for the best, but you have to do your best. We 10. just stand or sit there. We should do
something to improve our lives!
1.A.depends on B.focuses on C.holds on
2.A.due to B.because C.so
3.A.puts up B.wakes up C.looks up
4.A.different things B.other things C.the
same things
5.A.a million dollar B.millions of dollar C.millions of dollars
6.A.to work B.working C.work
7.A.would like B.had better C.feel like
8.A.doing B.to
do C.do
9.A.nothing B.something C.anything
10.A.needn't B.shouldn't C.aren't supposed
二、阅读理解 (10分)
There once
was a farmer who lost his watch in his barn(谷仓). The watch was cheap but it was very important to him, because it
was a gift from his father. It means a value treasure of the farmer.
searching the barn for a long time, he gave up and asked for help from a group
of children playing nearby.
promised them that the person who found the watch would be rewarded. He
promised to give them some candies if they found it. Hearing this, the children
hurried together inside the barn immediately. They searched everywhere but
still could not find the watch. That made the farmer very sad. Just then when
the farmer was going to give up, a little young boy went up to him and asked to
be given another chance.
The farmer
looked at him confusedly and thought by himself. "Why not After all, this
kid looks honest."
So the
farmer sent the little boy back into the barn. After a while, the little boy
came out with the watch in his hand! The surprised farmer didn't understand how
the boy succeeded, but the rest of children had failed. He asked, "How did
you find the watch "
The boy
replied, "I did nothing, but sit quietly. And then listen for the sound of
the watch." In this way, the boy found the watch easily.
This shows
us that sometimes a peaceful mind can think better than an exciting one.
11.A farmer lost a
valuable watch because it was a gift from the farmer's mother.
12.The farmer asked a
group of children to play nearby the barn.
13.After quite a long
time, the little boy came out with the watch in his hand.
14.The young boy asked
for one more chance because he had a good idea.
15.When we meet something
difficult, we'd better think and treat them peacefully.
Many children don't like doing chores, because they think it's boring. Some children think that they just need to learn their subjects well and it isn't necessary for them to do chores. 16.  
First, doing chores can teach children certain skills.  17.  Washing clothes and doing the dishes may seem boring, but knowing how to do them well will help children a lot. If children can successfully handle(处理) the chores at home, they will live a better life.
 18.   Some chores like sweeping the floor and cleaning the room are a kind of physical exercise. Children should not study all the time. A healthy life needs balance.
 19.  Nowadays it's common for both parents to work. When they get home from work, they are often tired. So they don't have much time and energy to do chores.  20.   And children can also find great pleasure in helping their parents.
A. If children can help their parents with some simple housework, their parents will be happy B. Children can learn classification((分类) skills when they pick up their toys and put them away C. But in fact, doing chores is good for children D. Last but not least, everyone in the family will be happy to share chores at home E. Second, doing chores can help children keep healthy
fall three listen to teenager real feel Britain bad
You may know about "junk food" like French fries. But do you know about" junk sleep" Recently, a 21.   survey found that electronic(电子) products in 22.  bedrooms are affecting their sleep. Almost a quarter of the kids said they  23.   asleep more than once a week while watching TV,  24.   music or using other electronic products. "We're  25.   worried about this situation." said an expert. "Junk sleep means the quality(质量) of the sleep is bad. If you don't get good rest, you don't work well in school the next day." The survey found that 40 percent of the kids  26.   tired each day. Among them, girls between 13 and 16 feel the  27.  .Nearly all the teenagers have a phone, MP4 or TV in their bedrooms. And around two  28.   of them have all three. Parents must help keep their children away from "junk sleep".
Many teenagers don't care about their health these days. They often skip breakfast and only eat fast food for lunch. It has become their habit to stop by a fast food restaurant after school. Sometimes they eat too much fast food and skip dinner(不吃晚餐), Then, they get hungry and eat something late at night.
They don't exercise. They don't like to go outside to play, either. They always stay home and watch TV. While they are watching TV, they also like to eat potato chips. Even if their schools are very close to their school. They never walk to school. Their parents always give them a ride in the morning.
They are typical teenagers. Today, too many teenagers eat unbalanced meals and exercise too little. Their bodies are going through a lot of changes as they grow. If they want to become healthy adults, they need to eat healthy food and do regular exercise. They need to care about their health.
Unhealthy Habits For  29.   In China
Bad 30.   habits Skipping meals
Eating fast food
Exercising problems Watching TV  31.   of going outside to play.
Going to school by car
Advice for staying healthy Not eating  32.   meals but healthy food
Doing exercise  33.  
34.(2021八下·哈尔滨月考)—Did you see my mum
—I saw her ____________ on the square when I passed by just now.
A.was dancing B.dancing C.dance
35.(2021八下·哈尔滨月考)—Where do you come from
—I come from Heilongjiang. The Songhua River, which is _______, just runs through my hometown Harbin.
A.2,214,300 meters long
B.2,214,300 meters' long, through
36.(2021八下·哈尔滨月考)—Do you think it's important for us to learn how to learn by __________
—Yes, I think so.
A.myself B.yourself C.ourselves
37.(2021八下·哈尔滨月考)I am afraid Mary can't join us in the work. So we have to do the work by ___________.
A.yourselves B.ourselves C.himself
38.(2021八下·哈尔滨月考)Tim is a person who thinks more about others than . So he is admired(被尊敬) by people around him.
A.themselves B.itself C.himself
39.(2021八下·哈尔滨月考)Don't touch the glass, or you may hurt , boys and girls.
A.your B.yourself C.yourselves
40.(2021八下·哈尔滨月考)Children should learn what teamwork is. As Henry Ford once said, "If everyone is moving forward together, success takes care of !"
A.himself B.itself C.themselves
1.句意:你的未来取决于你,而不是其他任何事情。A.依靠。取决于;B.集中;C.抓住。根据后句This is my fate(命运).这是我的命运,可知讲的是未来取决于自己,故选A。
2.句意:我认识一个人,她说她接受生活给予她的一切,因为她做了一切。A.因为,介词短语;B.因为,连词,表示原因;C.所以,表示结果。I know someone who says she accepts what life gives her我认识一个人,她说她接受生活给予她的一切,she has done everything她做了一切,可知前后句表示因果关系,后句表示原因,排除C,前后句需要连词连接,所以用because,故选B。
3.句意:她早上醒来,去上班,回到家里,放松,与人聊天,看电视,然后睡觉。A.举起;B.弄醒;C.查阅。in the morning早上,goes to work去上班,结合选项可知讲的是早上醒来,故选B。
4.句意:第二天做相同的事情。A.不同的事情;B.其他事情;C.相同的事情。next day第二天,结合前句可知讲的是早上醒来,上班,回到家里,放松,与人聊天,看电视,然后睡觉,指的是相同的事情,故选C。
5.句意:你只是不要坐等数百万美元从天而降。A.一百万美元;B.表述错误;C.数百万美元。wait for等待,结合选项可知讲的是数百万美元符合题意,故选C。
6.句意:你必须从椅子上下来,把你的眼睛从电视屏幕上移开,把手从电话上移开,让你的思想和身体工作起来。A.工作,不定式;B.工作,动词ing;C.工作,动词原形。make...do sth.让......做某事,固定搭配,所以用work,故选C。
7.句意:如果出了问题,你最好从教训中吸取教训,充分利用情况,并采取措施解决问题。A.想要;B.最好;C.感觉像。根据learn from your lesson, make the most use of the situation从教训中吸取教训,充分利用情况,可知表示建议,had better do sth.最好做某事,固定搭配,故选B。
9.句意:如果有人的生命处于危险之中,你必须采取措施来挽救这个人。A.没有事情;B.某些事情;C.任何事情。根据If someone's life is in danger如果有人的生命处于危险之中,结合选项可知讲的是做些事情来挽救这个人。故选B。
10.句意:我们不应该只是站在那里或坐在那里。A.没必要;B.不应该;C.表述错误。根据后句We should do something to improve our lives!我们应该做点什么来改善我们的生活,可知前句讲的是不应该做的事情,故选B。
11.细节题。根据The watch was cheap but it was very important to him, because it was a gift from his father.可知这块手表很便宜,但对他来说很重要,因为这是他父亲送给他的礼物,不是妈妈送的礼物,故选错误。
12.细节题。根据After searching the barn for a long time, he gave up and asked for help from a group of children playing nearby.可知在谷仓里找了很长时间后,他放弃了,向一群在附近玩耍的孩子寻求帮助,而不是让一群孩子在谷仓附近玩耍,故选错误。
13.细节题。根据After a while, the little boy came out with the watch in his hand!可知过了一会儿,小男孩拿着手表出来了,而不是很长时间,故选错误。
14.细节题。根据The boy replied, "I did nothing, but sit quietly. And then listen for the sound of the watch."男孩回答说:“我什么也没做,只是静静地坐着。然后听听手表的声音。”,可知这个小男孩要求再给他一次机会,因为他有一个好主意,故选正确。
15.细节题。根据This shows us that sometimes a peaceful mind can think better than an exciting one.可知这告诉我们,有时一个平静的头脑比一个激动人心的头脑更能思考问题,即当我们遇到困难时,我们最好冷静地思考和对待。故选正确。
A.If children can help their parents with some simple housework, their parents will be happy如果孩子能帮助父母做一些简单的家务,他们的父母会很高兴。
B.Children can learn classification((分类) skills when they pick up their toys and put them away当孩子们拿起玩具并放好时,他们可以学习分类技能。
C.But in fact, doing chores is good for children但事实上,做家务对孩子有好处。
D.Last but not least, everyone in the family will be happy to share chores at home最后但并非最不重要的是,家里的每个人都会很乐意分担家务。
E.Second, doing chores can help children keep healthy做家务可以帮助孩子保持健康。
16.根据后文First, doing chores can teach children certain skills.首先,做家务可以教会孩子一些技能,可知前句讲的是做家务的好处,故选C。
17.根据前句First, doing chores can teach children certain skills.首先,做家务可以教会孩子一些技能,可知后句讲的是与技能有关,故选B。
18.根据前文First, doing chores can teach children certain skills.首先,做家务可以教会孩子一些技能,可知后句讲的是第二,故选E。
19.根据第二段First, doing chores can teach children certain skills.、第三段句首Second,可知这里应该是第三点,也是最后一点,故选D。
20.根据后句And children can also find great pleasure in helping their parents.孩子们也可以从帮助父母中找到乐趣,可知前句讲的是帮助父母做家务父母感到高兴,故选A。
【答案】21.British;22.teenagers';23.fell;24.listening to;25.really;26.felt;27.worst;28.thirds
fall落下;three3;listen to听;teenager青少年;real真的;feel感到;Britain英国;bad坏的、差的
23.句意:近四分之一的孩子表示,他们每周在看电视、听音乐或使用其他电子产品时睡着一次以上。fall asleep睡着,固定搭配,said表明时态是一般过去时,所以fall用过去式fell,故填fell。
24.句意:近四分之一的孩子表示,他们每周在看电视、听音乐或使用其他电子产品时睡着一次以上。listen to music听音乐,固定搭配,or是连词,连接并列成分,watching和using都是动词ing,所以listen也用动词ing,即listening,故填listening to。
29.根据Many teenagers don't care about their health these days.现在许多青少年不关心自己的健康,可知讲的是青少年不健康的习惯,teenager青少年,可数名词,前面没有表示单数的a或者one,所以用复数teenagers,注意首字母大写,故填Teenagers。
30.根据They often skip breakfast and only eat fast food for lunch.他们经常不吃早餐,午餐只吃快餐,可知讲的是不健康的饮食习惯,eating habits习惯,固定搭配,故填eating。
31.根据They don't like to go outside to play, either. They always stay home and watch TV.可知他们也不喜欢出去玩。他们总是呆在家里看电视,instead of doing sth.而不是做某事,固定搭配,故填instead。
32.根据Today, too many teenagers eat unbalanced meals and exercise too little.可知太多的青少年吃饭不均衡,运动量太少,unbalanced不均衡的,形容词,修饰名词meals,故填unbalanced。
33.根据If they want to become healthy adults, they need to eat healthy food and do regular exercise.可知如果他们想成为健康的成年人,他们需要吃健康的食物并定期锻炼,regular定期的,形容词,修饰名词。doing exercise做锻炼,实义动词短语,副词修饰实义动词,regular的副词是regularly,定期地,故填regularly。
【解析】【分析】句意:——你看见我妈妈了吗?——我刚才路过时看见她在广场上跳舞。dance跳舞,实义动词,动词ing是dancing;过去进行时是was dancing。saw是see的过去式,see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事;see sb. do sth.看见某人做某事,指的是全过程。根据when I passed by just now我刚才路过时,可知讲的是正在做某事,即看见她在广场上跳舞,所以用dancing,故选B。
【点评】考查短语辨析,首先识记固定搭配see sb. doing/to do sth.区别,然后根据关键词句when I passed by just now确定短语。
【解析】【分析】句意:不要碰玻璃,否则你们可能会伤害自己,男孩和女孩。A.你的,形容词性物主代词,修饰名词;B.你自己,反身代词;C.你们自己,反身代词。根据Don't touch the glass不要碰玻璃,结合选项可知讲的是你们可能会伤害自己,boys and girls指的是复数,所以用yourselves,故选C。
【点评】考查代词辨析,首先理解选项区别,然后根据关键词句boys and girls和句意确定。
How can we improve our life Many people think that they have to accept
their life. They will say, "This is my fate(命运). I cannot change it." Of course not! Your
future 1. you, not on any other things.
I know someone who says she accepts what life gives her 2. she has done everything. Guess what she does
every day. She 3. in
the morning, goes to work, returns to her home, relaxes, chats with people,
watches TV, and then goes to sleep. Next day, do 4. . Is this what she calls "doing her
best" You just don't sit around and wait for 5. to fall from the sky. You have to get off the
chair, get your eyes off the TV screen, get your hands off the phone, and make
your mind and body 6. !
If your life is not the way you want it to be, don't just say, "Our time
will come." Or "Things will get better someday." Don't expect
your luck to change, unless you do something about it. If something goes wrong,
you 7. learn from your lesson, make the most use of
the situation, and 8. something to solve the problem. It's not
enough to think positively. You also have to act positively.
If someone's life is in danger, you have to do 9. to save the person. So it is with your own
life. It is not enough to hope for the best, but you have to do your best. We 10. just stand or sit there. We should do
something to improve our lives!
1.A.depends on B.focuses on C.holds on
2.A.due to B.because C.so
3.A.puts up B.wakes up C.looks up
4.A.different things B.other things C.the
same things
5.A.a million dollar B.millions of dollar C.millions of dollars
6.A.to work B.working C.work
7.A.would like B.had better C.feel like
8.A.doing B.to
do C.do
9.A.nothing B.something C.anything
10.A.needn't B.shouldn't C.aren't supposed
1.句意:你的未来取决于你,而不是其他任何事情。A.依靠。取决于;B.集中;C.抓住。根据后句This is my fate(命运).这是我的命运,可知讲的是未来取决于自己,故选A。
2.句意:我认识一个人,她说她接受生活给予她的一切,因为她做了一切。A.因为,介词短语;B.因为,连词,表示原因;C.所以,表示结果。I know someone who says she accepts what life gives her我认识一个人,她说她接受生活给予她的一切,she has done everything她做了一切,可知前后句表示因果关系,后句表示原因,排除C,前后句需要连词连接,所以用because,故选B。
3.句意:她早上醒来,去上班,回到家里,放松,与人聊天,看电视,然后睡觉。A.举起;B.弄醒;C.查阅。in the morning早上,goes to work去上班,结合选项可知讲的是早上醒来,故选B。
4.句意:第二天做相同的事情。A.不同的事情;B.其他事情;C.相同的事情。next day第二天,结合前句可知讲的是早上醒来,上班,回到家里,放松,与人聊天,看电视,然后睡觉,指的是相同的事情,故选C。
5.句意:你只是不要坐等数百万美元从天而降。A.一百万美元;B.表述错误;C.数百万美元。wait for等待,结合选项可知讲的是数百万美元符合题意,故选C。
6.句意:你必须从椅子上下来,把你的眼睛从电视屏幕上移开,把手从电话上移开,让你的思想和身体工作起来。A.工作,不定式;B.工作,动词ing;C.工作,动词原形。make...do sth.让......做某事,固定搭配,所以用work,故选C。
7.句意:如果出了问题,你最好从教训中吸取教训,充分利用情况,并采取措施解决问题。A.想要;B.最好;C.感觉像。根据learn from your lesson, make the most use of the situation从教训中吸取教训,充分利用情况,可知表示建议,had better do sth.最好做某事,固定搭配,故选B。
9.句意:如果有人的生命处于危险之中,你必须采取措施来挽救这个人。A.没有事情;B.某些事情;C.任何事情。根据If someone's life is in danger如果有人的生命处于危险之中,结合选项可知讲的是做些事情来挽救这个人。故选B。
10.句意:我们不应该只是站在那里或坐在那里。A.没必要;B.不应该;C.表述错误。根据后句We should do something to improve our lives!我们应该做点什么来改善我们的生活,可知前句讲的是不应该做的事情,故选B。
二、阅读理解 (10分)
There once
was a farmer who lost his watch in his barn(谷仓). The watch was cheap but it was very important to him, because it
was a gift from his father. It means a value treasure of the farmer.
searching the barn for a long time, he gave up and asked for help from a group
of children playing nearby.
promised them that the person who found the watch would be rewarded. He
promised to give them some candies if they found it. Hearing this, the children
hurried together inside the barn immediately. They searched everywhere but
still could not find the watch. That made the farmer very sad. Just then when
the farmer was going to give up, a little young boy went up to him and asked to
be given another chance.
The farmer
looked at him confusedly and thought by himself. "Why not After all, this
kid looks honest."
So the
farmer sent the little boy back into the barn. After a while, the little boy
came out with the watch in his hand! The surprised farmer didn't understand how
the boy succeeded, but the rest of children had failed. He asked, "How did
you find the watch "
The boy
replied, "I did nothing, but sit quietly. And then listen for the sound of
the watch." In this way, the boy found the watch easily.
This shows
us that sometimes a peaceful mind can think better than an exciting one.
11.A farmer lost a
valuable watch because it was a gift from the farmer's mother.
12.The farmer asked a
group of children to play nearby the barn.
13.After quite a long
time, the little boy came out with the watch in his hand.
14.The young boy asked
for one more chance because he had a good idea.
15.When we meet something
difficult, we'd better think and treat them peacefully.
11.细节题。根据The watch was cheap but it was very important to him, because it was a gift from his father.可知这块手表很便宜,但对他来说很重要,因为这是他父亲送给他的礼物,不是妈妈送的礼物,故选错误。
12.细节题。根据After searching the barn for a long time, he gave up and asked for help from a group of children playing nearby.可知在谷仓里找了很长时间后,他放弃了,向一群在附近玩耍的孩子寻求帮助,而不是让一群孩子在谷仓附近玩耍,故选错误。
13.细节题。根据After a while, the little boy came out with the watch in his hand!可知过了一会儿,小男孩拿着手表出来了,而不是很长时间,故选错误。
14.细节题。根据The boy replied, "I did nothing, but sit quietly. And then listen for the sound of the watch."男孩回答说:“我什么也没做,只是静静地坐着。然后听听手表的声音。”,可知这个小男孩要求再给他一次机会,因为他有一个好主意,故选正确。
15.细节题。根据This shows us that sometimes a peaceful mind can think better than an exciting one.可知这告诉我们,有时一个平静的头脑比一个激动人心的头脑更能思考问题,即当我们遇到困难时,我们最好冷静地思考和对待。故选正确。
Many children don't like doing chores, because they think it's boring. Some children think that they just need to learn their subjects well and it isn't necessary for them to do chores. 16.  
First, doing chores can teach children certain skills.  17.  Washing clothes and doing the dishes may seem boring, but knowing how to do them well will help children a lot. If children can successfully handle(处理) the chores at home, they will live a better life.
 18.   Some chores like sweeping the floor and cleaning the room are a kind of physical exercise. Children should not study all the time. A healthy life needs balance.
 19.  Nowadays it's common for both parents to work. When they get home from work, they are often tired. So they don't have much time and energy to do chores.  20.   And children can also find great pleasure in helping their parents.
A. If children can help their parents with some simple housework, their parents will be happy B. Children can learn classification((分类) skills when they pick up their toys and put them away C. But in fact, doing chores is good for children D. Last but not least, everyone in the family will be happy to share chores at home E. Second, doing chores can help children keep healthy
A.If children can help their parents with some simple housework, their parents will be happy如果孩子能帮助父母做一些简单的家务,他们的父母会很高兴。
B.Children can learn classification((分类) skills when they pick up their toys and put them away当孩子们拿起玩具并放好时,他们可以学习分类技能。
C.But in fact, doing chores is good for children但事实上,做家务对孩子有好处。
D.Last but not least, everyone in the family will be happy to share chores at home最后但并非最不重要的是,家里的每个人都会很乐意分担家务。
E.Second, doing chores can help children keep healthy做家务可以帮助孩子保持健康。
16.根据后文First, doing chores can teach children certain skills.首先,做家务可以教会孩子一些技能,可知前句讲的是做家务的好处,故选C。
17.根据前句First, doing chores can teach children certain skills.首先,做家务可以教会孩子一些技能,可知后句讲的是与技能有关,故选B。
18.根据前文First, doing chores can teach children certain skills.首先,做家务可以教会孩子一些技能,可知后句讲的是第二,故选E。
19.根据第二段First, doing chores can teach children certain skills.、第三段句首Second,可知这里应该是第三点,也是最后一点,故选D。
20.根据后句And children can also find great pleasure in helping their parents.孩子们也可以从帮助父母中找到乐趣,可知前句讲的是帮助父母做家务父母感到高兴,故选A。
fall three listen to teenager real feel Britain bad
You may know about "junk food" like French fries. But do you know about" junk sleep" Recently, a 21.   survey found that electronic(电子) products in 22.  bedrooms are affecting their sleep. Almost a quarter of the kids said they  23.   asleep more than once a week while watching TV,  24.   music or using other electronic products. "We're  25.   worried about this situation." said an expert. "Junk sleep means the quality(质量) of the sleep is bad. If you don't get good rest, you don't work well in school the next day." The survey found that 40 percent of the kids  26.   tired each day. Among them, girls between 13 and 16 feel the  27.  .Nearly all the teenagers have a phone, MP4 or TV in their bedrooms. And around two  28.   of them have all three. Parents must help keep their children away from "junk sleep".
【答案】21.British;22.teenagers';23.fell;24.listening to;25.really;26.felt;27.worst;28.thirds
fall落下;three3;listen to听;teenager青少年;real真的;feel感到;Britain英国;bad坏的、差的
23.句意:近四分之一的孩子表示,他们每周在看电视、听音乐或使用其他电子产品时睡着一次以上。fall asleep睡着,固定搭配,said表明时态是一般过去时,所以fall用过去式fell,故填fell。
24.句意:近四分之一的孩子表示,他们每周在看电视、听音乐或使用其他电子产品时睡着一次以上。listen to music听音乐,固定搭配,or是连词,连接并列成分,watching和using都是动词ing,所以listen也用动词ing,即listening,故填listening to。
Many teenagers don't care about their health these days. They often skip breakfast and only eat fast food for lunch. It has become their habit to stop by a fast food restaurant after school. Sometimes they eat too much fast food and skip dinner(不吃晚餐), Then, they get hungry and eat something late at night.
They don't exercise. They don't like to go outside to play, either. They always stay home and watch TV. While they are watching TV, they also like to eat potato chips. Even if their schools are very close to their school. They never walk to school. Their parents always give them a ride in the morning.
They are typical teenagers. Today, too many teenagers eat unbalanced meals and exercise too little. Their bodies are going through a lot of changes as they grow. If they want to become healthy adults, they need to eat healthy food and do regular exercise. They need to care about their health.
Unhealthy Habits For  29.   In China
Bad 30.   habits Skipping meals
Eating fast food
Exercising problems Watching TV  31.   of going outside to play.
Going to school by car
Advice for staying healthy Not eating  32.   meals but healthy food
Doing exercise  33.  
29.根据Many teenagers don't care about their health these days.现在许多青少年不关心自己的健康,可知讲的是青少年不健康的习惯,teenager青少年,可数名词,前面没有表示单数的a或者one,所以用复数teenagers,注意首字母大写,故填Teenagers。
30.根据They often skip breakfast and only eat fast food for lunch.他们经常不吃早餐,午餐只吃快餐,可知讲的是不健康的饮食习惯,eating habits习惯,固定搭配,故填eating。
31.根据They don't like to go outside to play, either. They always stay home and watch TV.可知他们也不喜欢出去玩。他们总是呆在家里看电视,instead of doing sth.而不是做某事,固定搭配,故填instead。
32.根据Today, too many teenagers eat unbalanced meals and exercise too little.可知太多的青少年吃饭不均衡,运动量太少,unbalanced不均衡的,形容词,修饰名词meals,故填unbalanced。
33.根据If they want to become healthy adults, they need to eat healthy food and do regular exercise.可知如果他们想成为健康的成年人,他们需要吃健康的食物并定期锻炼,regular定期的,形容词,修饰名词。doing exercise做锻炼,实义动词短语,副词修饰实义动词,regular的副词是regularly,定期地,故填regularly。
34.(2021八下·哈尔滨月考)—Did you see my mum
—I saw her ____________ on the square when I passed by just now.
A.was dancing B.dancing C.dance
【解析】【分析】句意:——你看见我妈妈了吗?——我刚才路过时看见她在广场上跳舞。dance跳舞,实义动词,动词ing是dancing;过去进行时是was dancing。saw是see的过去式,see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事;see sb. do sth.看见某人做某事,指的是全过程。根据when I passed by just now我刚才路过时,可知讲的是正在做某事,即看见她在广场上跳舞,所以用dancing,故选B。
【点评】考查短语辨析,首先识记固定搭配see sb. doing/to do sth.区别,然后根据关键词句when I passed by just now确定短语。
35.(2021八下·哈尔滨月考)—Where do you come from
—I come from Heilongjiang. The Songhua River, which is _______, just runs through my hometown Harbin.
A.2,214,300 meters long
B.2,214,300 meters' long, through
36.(2021八下·哈尔滨月考)—Do you think it's important for us to learn how to learn by __________
—Yes, I think so.
A.myself B.yourself C.ourselves
37.(2021八下·哈尔滨月考)I am afraid Mary can't join us in the work. So we have to do the work by ___________.
A.yourselves B.ourselves C.himself
38.(2021八下·哈尔滨月考)Tim is a person who thinks more about others than . So he is admired(被尊敬) by people around him.
A.themselves B.itself C.himself
39.(2021八下·哈尔滨月考)Don't touch the glass, or you may hurt , boys and girls.
A.your B.yourself C.yourselves
【解析】【分析】句意:不要碰玻璃,否则你们可能会伤害自己,男孩和女孩。A.你的,形容词性物主代词,修饰名词;B.你自己,反身代词;C.你们自己,反身代词。根据Don't touch the glass不要碰玻璃,结合选项可知讲的是你们可能会伤害自己,boys and girls指的是复数,所以用yourselves,故选C。
【点评】考查代词辨析,首先理解选项区别,然后根据关键词句boys and girls和句意确定。
40.(2021八下·哈尔滨月考)Children should learn what teamwork is. As Henry Ford once said, "If everyone is moving forward together, success takes care of !"
A.himself B.itself C.themselves




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