
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
When you go on holiday, where do you like to stay Do you like the luxury and the convenience of a five-star hotel 36_______ If you haven't tried the second one, maybe you should join the increasing number of people who are enjoying the simple pleasure of camping.
By grabbing your tent, it's easy to head off to the countryside and enjoy a night or two under the stars. Many campers are running away from their modern busy life to do this. They say it's a good way to unwind and improve their sleep patterns and well-being. 37_____________
For the adventurous, wild camping is the ultimate escape from reality. Armed with just some food and a sleeping bag, campers are free from rules and away from other people. 38________ One wild camper, Phoebe Smith said, "The act of sleeping when everybody else has gone home-when you notice the wildlife and the stars-is one of the best things in life. "
But for those who still want some home comforts, a campsite is a more suitable place to set up the tent. 39 ___________ And for the most luxurious camping experience, people could try glamping(豪华野营). In the UK, camping has always been popular. Around 4. 38 million people go camping in Britain every year.
More recently, sales of camping equipment have jumped as more people have chosen a staycation due to the corona virus pandemic. 40 ________ Items like stoves, cool boxes and camping chairs are welcomed. With the addition of inflatable mattresses(充气床垫)and pillows, powerful torches and lamps to light up the tent and a better selection of easy-to-cook food, campers can almost ensure a comfortable and enjoyable camping. So maybe it's time to give camping a try.
A. Camping is double-edged.
B. It is also a good low-budget holiday choice.
C. Where can you find necessary camping facilities
D. Do you prefer the freedom of sleeping in the tent
E. Hence, they are able to experience a simple pleasure.
F. There are facilities such as washrooms and kitchens.
G. There has been a great increase in demand for related products.
Everyone has at least one bad habit. Whether it’s being frequently late, tapping your feet, or eating junk food, a bad habit can have a negative influence on your happiness, health and social relationships. ____16____ However, understanding the basic principles of behavior change can give you a head start on the process.
You can only change what you decide you want to change. Take some time to reflect on the trouble your bad habit may lead to. ____17____ The more honest you are with yourself about the nature of your bad habit, the more likely you will be to start on the path toward changing it.
____18____ You need to strengthen your sense of belief that you can accomplish what you want. Seeing other people change successfully is inspiring, but you need to see yourself as being able to make those changes in yourself.
____19____ Once you figure out what is driving your bad habits, you will have gone a long way toward changing them. By figuring out what’s causing the bad habit, you can also work on deciding how to control the outcomes of your behavior.
Set reasonable goals at first, since your bad habits have taken years to establish themselves. ____20____ Decide on a realistic schedule that will work for you based on goals that you believe you can meet. Work out a schedule of times to go to the gym or on a run that will readily fit into your existing schedule. Start off slow, and gradually increase until you’re at the level recommended for your age, gender and family history.
A. Look into what’s causing the habit.
B. You’re not going to get rid of them in an instant.
C. Here are some tips to help you remove your bad habits.
D. To change some bad habits may require professional help.
E. To help motivate yourself, you may consider others’ advice.
F. If you don’t see a problem, you won’t work on changing your behavior.
G. Once you’ve decided to change convince yourself you can achieve your goals.
Everyone, at some point in their lives, loses their enthusiasm when they’re at their lowest and things just don’t seem right. During these down moments, it is important that you care for yourself mentally. ____16____
● Open up. When you are not at your best, you can always reach out to someone who is trustworthy. ____17____ You can meet with a psychologist. As we know, a problem shared is half solved.
● ____18____ Find the causes of stress and stay away from them. It’s easy to get stressful and disappointed when you are burnt out. When it happens, try to take a break by sleeping or going on a vacation. Take a break from every stress and activity that may wear you out.
● Do what you love. Your productivity will improve when involved in what you love. Make a list of those activities you love when you’ve got the chance, or do them with friends. Doing what you love keeps yourself happy and less stressed. ____19____
● Be kind. I don’t know if you’ve felt this before. But there’s this joy that comes with putting a smile on others’ faces. ____20____ Wondering how to start You can volunteer, teach a person, say kind words, encourage others and show love in whatever way you think is best. This has an effect on you as well because kindness releases the happiness hormone (荷尔蒙).
A. Take a break.
B. Find stress factors.
C How can you do it
D. Stress comes from unpleasant experiences.
E. It’s better to share it than to keep it all bottled up.
F. This is one big secret to improving your mental health.
G. Be the reason someone believes in the goodness in people.
Why Experiencing a New Culture Is Good for You
Often the best way to really explore a new place and culture is by spending abundant time there. A quick vacation may give you a glimpse(警) into your destination. 12 . These opportunities provide a support network as you adjust to new surroundings.
Dealing with culture shock
Culture shock is a response to your new surroundings when abroad that can leave you confused, anxious and feeling lonely. It generally includes frustration at how even the simplest things can be different in the new culture. The thing is though, culture shock can be seen as a problem but also as an opportunity. 13 .
Perhaps the most obvious lesson learned with travel is the importance of language. Even just learning the basics of the local language can make getting about and making new friends easier. Trying to overcome the language barrier also teaches you about non-verbal communication. Since you can’t rely on what is being said, you learn to adapt, to people’s tone and body language. This makes you a better communicator.
Finding inspiration
15 . In each of these creative fields you may come across new approaches or elements that you bring home with you; maybe it’s a certain combination of ingredients that you add to your cooking or a new style you adopt for your own home’s design.
Meeting new people
Meeting people and making friends while overseas is both a necessity and one of the most enjoyable aspects of the experience. 16 , which enables you to meet people that you never would have known otherwise. You may be exposed to people from different walks of life, find a similar spirit, or both at the same time.
A. Learning language skills
B. Developing body language
C. So you’re less likely to further experience a new culture
D. Travelling to new cultures is a great way to expand your social circle
E. Experiencing the local culture can expose you to local art, cuisine, architecture, etc.
F. Only by adjusting to and accepting new surroundings can you understand and appreciate it
G. But experiences like student or work exchange programs allow you to immerse(沉浸) in a new culture
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
Sometimes, the stress, fear and grief feelings can overwhelm(压倒) us. It’s fortunate that self-care is more widespread for people of any age to use. It is used to describe guidance on what people can do to get healthy. ____36____ .
Settle your mind. Self-care can help ease the mental burden. What happens to be simple, efficient and free is meditation(冥想). ____37____ . The positive effect of meditation on anxiety, depression, focus and even physical pain has been so well-established that it is now used in schools, on sports teams and in corporate offices.
Roll away stress. When you're under stress, overwhelmed, regular exercise can be one of the first healthy habits to go. Moving your body is a core principle of self-care and one of the best defenses against stress. Melanie Caines, a yoga teacher, suggests movement needn’t mean doing a serious workout every day. “A little goes a long way. ____38____.” she says.
____39____ An important self-care way is to be mindful about what you’re eating and consider adding some nutritional support. This means a balanced diet that is right for your needs. But one commonly overlooked piece, according to Toronto naturopathic(自然疗法的) doctor Nikita Sander, is Vitamin D. She notes that the nutrient is protective in many ways and h key for mental health. It helps protect against mood disorders like depression.
Generally speaking, self-care, as the name suggests, is whatever you make it. ____40____ You can develop your own self-care routine, a set of practices and habits to follow.
A. Get your vitamins.
B. Keep balanced diets.
C. Here are some starting points.
D. Self-care can extend in many directions.
E. Gentle exercises can do a lot to relax your entire body.
F. That is, letting your mind wander freely allows it to settle.
G. It can be difficult to maintain a regular meditation practice.
36-40 DBEFG
【小题36】D选项“你喜欢在帐篷里睡觉的自由吗?”和上文“Do you like the luxury and the convenience of a five-star hotel?(你喜欢五星级酒店的奢华和便利吗?)"是对本段首句"When you go on holiday,where do you like to stay?(当你去度假时,你喜欢住在哪里?)"的具体举例,说明了人们可能会有的度假居住点。故选D项。
【小题37】B选项“这也是一个不错的低预算度假选择。”承接上文"By grabbing your tent, it's easy to head off to the countryside and enjoy a night or two under the stars. (抓起你的帐篷,就很容易去郊外,在星空下度过一两个夜晚)”和“They say it's a good way to unwind and improve their sleep patterns and well-being. (他们说这是一个放松身心、改善睡眠模式和健康的好方法)"讲野外露营的另一个好处。故选B项。
【小题38】E选项"因此,他们能够体验一种简单的快乐。"与上文"For the adventurous, wild camping is the ultimate escape from reality. Armed with just some food and a sleeping bag, campers are free from rules and away from other people. (对于喜欢冒险的人来说,野外露营是逃避现实的终极选择。露营者只带了一些食物和睡袋,就不受规则约束,远离其他人"形成因果关系,即远离城市喧嚣,只身一人去露营,就会获得简单的快乐,引出下文`The act of sleeping when everybody else has gone home—when you notice the wildlife and the stars—is one of the best things in life. (当其他人都回家睡觉了,这时你注意到的野生动物和星星会是生活中最美好的事情之一)""所讲的简单的快乐。故选E项。
【小题39】F选项“有洗手间和厨房等设施。”承接上文“But for those who still want some home comforts, a campsite is a more suitable place to set up the tent. (但是对于那些仍然想要一些舒适的家的人来说,露营地是一个更适合搭建帐篷的地方)"讲露营地可以给露营者带来舒适和便利,引出下文"And for the most luxurious camping experience, people could try glamping (豪华野营). (为了获得最豪华的露营体验,人们可以尝试豪华野营)"讲舒适的豪华野营。故选F项。
【小题40】由上文“More recently,sales of camping equipment have jumped as more people have chosen a staycation due to the corona virus pandemic. (最近,由于冠状病毒大流行,越来越多的人选择了在家度假,露营设备的销量激增)"和下文"Items like stoves. cool boxes and camping chairs are welcomed. With the addition of inflatable mattresses(充气床垫)and pillows, powerful torches and lamps to light up the tent and a better selection of easy-to-cook food(炉灶、冰箱和露营椅等物品很受欢迎。随着充气床垫和枕头,强大的手电筒和灯照亮帐篷,以及更好的易于烹饪的食物选择的增加!"可知,在疫情的影响下,露营装备销量器增,G选项"对相关产品的需求大幅增加。"切题。故选G项。
【答案】16. D 17. F 18. G 19. A 20. B
根据上文“Whether it’s being frequently late, tapping your feet, or eating junk food, a bad habit can have a negative influence on your happiness, health and social relationships.(不管是经常迟到、跺脚还是吃垃圾食品,这些坏习惯都会对你的幸福、健康和社交关系产生负面影响)”及下文“However, understanding the basic principles of behavior change can give you a head start on the process.(然而,理解行为改变的基本原则可以让你在这个过程中领先一步)”可知,空处内容与下文为转折关系,D. To change some bad habits may require professional help.(要改变一些坏习惯可能需要专业的帮助)能够承接上文,some bad habits指代上文中的一些坏习惯,符合语境。故选D。
根据上文“Take some time to reflect on the trouble your bad habit may lead to.(花点时间反思一下你的坏习惯可能带来的麻烦)”可知,要找出坏习惯可能带来的麻烦或问题。由此可知,空处指出需要发现自己的问题所在。F. If you don’t see a problem, you won’t work on changing your behavior.(如果你没有发现问题,你就不会努力改变你的行为)能够承接上文,符合语境。故选F。
根据下文“You need to strengthen your sense of belief that you can accomplish what you want. Seeing other people change successfully is inspiring, but you need to see yourself as being able to make those changes in yourself.(你需要加强你的信念,即你可以完成你想要的。看到别人成功地改变是鼓舞人心的,但你需要看到自己能够在自己身上做出这些改变)”可知,此处讲的是要激励和相信自己,同时学习他人。由此可知,G. Once you’ve decided to change, convince yourself you can achieve your goals.(一旦你决定改变,说服自己你可以实现你的目标)能够衔接下文,其中convince yourself you can achieve your goals对应下文中的strengthen your sense of belief that you can accomplish what you want,符合语境。故选G。
根据下文“Once you figure out what is driving your bad habits, you will have gone a long way toward changing them. By figuring out what’s causing the bad habit, you can also work on deciding how to control the outcomes of your behavior. (一旦你弄清楚是什么导致了你的坏习惯,你就已经在改变它们的道路上走了很长一段路。通过找出坏习惯的原因,你还可以决定如何控制你行为的结果)”可知,本段讲述的是要找出导致坏习惯的原因。由此可知,A. Look into what’s causing the habit.(调查导致这个习惯的原因)能作本段主题句,符合语境。故选A。
根据上文“Set reasonable goals at first, since your bad habits have taken years to establish themselves.(首先要设定合理的目标,因为你的坏习惯是多年来养成的)”及下文“Start off slow, and gradually increase until you’re at the level recommended for your age, gender and family history.(慢慢开始,逐渐增加,直到达到与你的年龄、性别和家族病史相适应的水平)”可知,习惯是多年养成的,你需要慢慢来,不可能一下子就摆脱它们。由此可知,B. You’re not going to get rid of them in an instant.(你不可能一下子就摆脱它们)承上启下,符合语境。故选B。
【答案】16. C 17. E 18. A 19. F 20. G
根据上文“it is important that you care for yourself mentally.( 重要的是你要在精神上照顾好自己)”,表达了要在精神上照顾好自己,然后后面的段落直接给了建议,中间缺乏一个表达“怎样去做”含义的过渡句,与C 项“How can you do it (怎样去做呢)”表达的含义一致,故选C 项。
根据下文“When you are not at your best, you can always reach out to someone who is trustworthy.(当你不在状态的时候,你总可以求助于值得信任的人)”可知,本句表达的含义是要表达出来,不要藏在心底,与E 项“It’s better to share it than to keep it all bottled up.(分享出来要比藏在心底好)”表达的含义一致,故选E 项。
根据下文“When it happens, try to take a break by sleeping or going on a vacation(当它发生的时候,试着通过睡觉或者去度假休息一下)”可知本段讲的是要注意休息,与A 项“Take a break(休息一下)”表达的含义一致,故选A 项。
根据上文“Doing what you love keeps yourself happy and less stressed.(做你喜爱的事会让你保持幸福且不是那么压力大)”可知做你喜欢的事情会改善你的精神健康状态,与F 项“This is one big secret to improving your mental health(这是提高你的精神健康状态的一个大秘密)”表达的含义一致,故选F 项。
根据本段第一句话“Be kind(要善良)”可知本段表达的含义是要保持善良,让你自己的善良被别人感受到,与G 项“Be the reason someone believes in the goodness in people.(成为人们认为别人善良的理由)”表达的含义一致,故选G 项。
12-16 DFAED
【小题12】上文"Often the best way to really explore a new place and culture is by spending abundant time there. A quick vacation may give you a glimpse(警)into your destination. (通常,真正探索一个新的地方和文化的最好方法是在那里度过大量的时间。短暂度假可以让你对目的地有个初步了解。)"提出探索一个新的地方和文化的最好方法是在那里度过大量的时间,短暂度假只能让你对目的地有个初步了解,G项"But experiences like student or work exchange programs allow you to immerse(沉浸) in a new culture(但是像学生或工作交换项目这样的经历可以让你沉浸在一种新的文化中。)“给出两种能让人沉浸在一种新的文化中的方式:学生或工作交换项目,与上文中"A quick vacation"构成转折关系,上下文语意连贯。故选G。
【小题13】上文"Culture shock is a response to your new surroundings when abroad that can leave you confused,anxious and feeling lonely. It generally includes frustration at how even the simplest things can be different in the new culture. The thing is though, culture shock can be seen as a problem but also as an opportunity. (文化冲击是你在国外对新环境的一种反应,它会让你困惑、焦虑和感到孤独。它通常包括对新文化中即使是最简单的事情也会有所不同的挫败感。问题是,文化冲击既可以被视为一个问题,也可以被视为一个机会。)"介绍了什么是文化冲击,结合段首标题"Dealing with culture shock(应对文化冲击)"可知本段最终要说明如果应对文化冲击,F项"Only by adjusting to and accepting new surroundings can you understand and appreciate it(只有适应和接受新的环境,你才能理解和欣赏它。)"给出应对文化冲击的办法"by adjusting to and accepting new surroundings",照应主题。故选F。
【小题14】这里为本段小标题。根据下文"Perhaps the most obvious lesson learned with travel is the importance of language. Even just learning the basics of the local language can make getting about and making new friends easier. Trying to overcome the language barrier also teaches you about non-verbal communication. Since you can't rely on what is being said, you learn to adapt, to people's tone and body language. This makes you a better communicator. (也许从旅行中学到的最明显的教训就是语言的重要性。即使只是学习当地语言的基本知识也能让你更容易走动和结交新朋友。努力克服语言障碍还能教会你非语言交流。因为你不能依赖别人说的话,你要学会适应别人的语气和肢体语言。这会让你成为一个更好的沟通者。)"可知,本段主要介绍语言对体验新文化的重要性。所以A项"Learning language skills(学习语言技能)"是最佳主题句。故选A。
【小题15】根据后文"In each of these creative fields you may come across new approaches or elements that you bring home with you;maybe it's a certain combination of ingredients that you add to your cooking or a new style you adopt for your own home's design. (在这些创造性的领域中,你可能会遇到新的方法或元素,你带回家;也许是你在烹饪中添加的某种食材组合,或者是你为自己的家庭设计采用的一种新风格。)"可知,本段介绍通过当地的艺术、美食、建筑等方面来体验新的文化。所以E项"Experiencing the local culture can expose you to local art,cuisine,architecture,etc. (体验当地文化可以让你接触到当地的艺术、美食、建筑等。)"符合上下文语境。故选E。
【小题16】根据前句"Meeting people and making friends while overseas is both a necessity and one of the most enjoyable aspects of the experience. (在海外结识朋友是必要的,也是最令人愉快的经历之一。)"和后半句"which enables you to meet people that you never would have known otherwise. (它能让你认识一些你以前永远不会认识的人。)"可知,通过社交,结交朋友是体验新文化的好方法。所以D项"Travelling to new cultures is a great way to expand your social circle(到新的文化中旅行是扩大你的社交圈的好方法,)"符合上下文语境。故选D。
【答案】36. C 37. F 38. E 39. A 40. D
根据空格前一句“It is used to describe guidance on what people can do to get healthy.(它被用来描述人们可以做什么来获得健康的指导)”可知,自我护理可以帮助人们获得健康的指导。然后再结合下面各段的小标题,所以本空应该总述可以从多个方面来进行自我护理。那么C项Here are some starting points(以下是一些出发点)统领下文。故选C。
根据空格前一句“What happens to be simple, efficient and free is meditation(冥想恰好是简单、有效和自由的)”可知,此处描述了冥想的一些特征。然后再结合空格后一句“The positive effect of meditation on anxiety, depression, focus and even physical pain has been so well-established that it is now used in schools, on sports teams and in corporate offices.(冥想对焦虑、抑郁、注意力集中甚至身体疼痛都有积极的影响,这种影响已经被广泛应用于学校、运动队和公司办公室)”可知,冥想会对身体带来许多好处。由此可知,空格处应该讲述通过冥想的特点所带来好处。那么F项That is, letting your mind wander freely allows it to settle(也就是说,让你的思想自由地漫游可以让它安定下来)中让思想自由的漫游就是冥想的特点。故选F。
根据空格前Melanie Caines, a yoga teacher, suggests movement needn’t mean doing a serious workout every day.(瑜伽老师梅勒妮·凯恩建议,运动并不意味着每天都要做大量的锻炼)”以及“A little goes a long way(一点点就能走得很远)”可知,运动不需要很大的量也不需要高强度,适度的、温和的运动才会对身体带来好处。所以本空应该讲适度运动所带来的好处。那么E项Gentle exercises can do a lot to relax your entire body(温和的运动可以很好地放松你的整个身体)承接上文。故选E。
根据空格后的第一句“An important self-care way is to be mindful about what you’re eating and consider adding some nutritional support.(一个重要的自我护理方式是注意你的饮食,并考虑添加一些营养物)”以及“But one commonly overlooked piece, according to Toronto naturopathic(自然疗法的) doctor Nikita Sander, is Vitamin D. She notes that the nutrient is protective in many ways and h key for mental health. (但据多伦多的自然疗法医生尼基塔·桑德(Nikita Sander)说,维生素D是一个经常被忽视的东西。她指出,这种营养物质在很多方面都有保护作用,是心理健康的关键)”可知,自我护理的一个重要方式就是注意膳食,尤其是补充维生素D。所以本段主要表达的意思就是要注意补充维生素。那么A项Get your vitamins(补充维生素)满足本段段意。故选A。
根据空格后一句“You can develop your own self-care routine, a set of practices and habits to follow (你可以建立自己的自我护理程序,一套可以遵循的习惯和习惯)”可知,可以根据自身的特点制定自己的自我护理。由此可知,空格处讲述的应该是自我护理不单单只是之前所提到的那些方面,它还可以涵盖许多方面。那么D项Self-care can extend in many directions(自我护理可以延伸到很多方面)引出下文。故选D。




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