
庐江县 2022/2023学年度第一学期期末教学质量抽测
听力 1—5 BCAAC 6—10ACBCB 11—15ABACA 16—20 BBACA
阅读理解 21—23 CAB 24—27DCDA 28—31. BDCA 32—35. BCAC
36—40 CABEF
完形填空 41—45 CBDBA 46—50 CABAD 51—55 CBACD
语法填空 56. first 57. began 58. aiming 59.effective 60.which
61. attentively 62.for 63. discovery 64. an 65.greatest
The annual English song contest is going to be held at 9 o'clock in the school gym this
Saturday by our school’s English club. Any student who would like to participate needs to fill in
the application form on the school website. Before the contest, our headmaster will give us a
speech to announce the start of the race. Then the competitors begin to perform. After that, the top
three winners will be awarded prizes.
All of you are welcome to join in the activity. Not only can you practice your English, but it
is a good opportunity to show yourself in front of your classmates.
Para 1: I rushed to the nearest house, Mr. Lee’s, and told him about the problem. He readily
said that he would get a torch and some rope. He also called his good friends to come along with
him. When we went back to the hole, the children were crying louder and louder, shaking all over
with cold and scare. Struggling with the heavy rain, we managed to get the children out of the
watery hole safely and wrapped them with a blanket to keep them warm. When we were
comforting the children, their worried parents hurriedly came.
Para 2:Hearing of what had happened, the children’s parents were in relief. They were very
grateful to the neighbors who had helped to rescue the children and thanked them repeatedly. A
flood of happiness welled up in me because I had been part of this act of neighborliness. It was a
wonderful moment, one I would never forget. The neighbors had been great. They had helped
people in need without hesitation. Bathed in much warmth, I headed for home.
Text 1
M: It’s time for the news. Can we change the channel to CCTV 1
W: Wait a minute. The match just got exciting. Score! Yeah!
Text 2
M: Would you like to have dinner in the hotel tonight
W: Well, there’s a Chinese restaurant and a Japanese restaurant here, but the food isn’t very good.
How about the Italian restaurant across the street It’s very famous.
M: OK, I’d love to try it. Let’s go.
Text 3
M: Come on, Susan. It’s time for bed.
W: But it’s only 9:30.
M: I know, but we need to get up early tomorrow to catch the 6:00 train. We’ll have to leave home
at 5:00. So we really should go to sleep half an hour earlier tonight.
Text 4
W: On the first day, you will leave Shanghai for Hong Kong on the night flight. And you’ll stay
there for two days. You will then go to Shenzhen by subway on the third day and stay two
nights there.
M: That sounds great. I’m looking forward to it. And can I get back by train
W: Of course.
Text 5
M: Congratulations! You got the highest grade in the whole class. You must have been working
hard for a long time.
W: You must be thinking of someone else. I’m still waiting for my grades.
Text 6
M: Hi Judy. Do you want to play tennis after the math class — say about 4:15
W: That would be fun but I’ve got a dance class. It’s usually at a quarter past five but it’s half an
hour earlier this afternoon. It takes me ages to get into my dance clothes so I really don’t think
I’ll have time today. Let’s try tomorrow.
Text 7
M: Diane Grant I haven’t seen you for ages!
W: Brian! How have you been I thought you were still working in China.
M: Pretty good. I have just returned for a holiday. Say, you’ve really changed!
W: Oh, well, I’ve lost a lot of weight. And my hair is much longer than before and I am wearing
glasses now.
M: Well, you look great! How are you
W: I’m doing really well. I got married to a doctor in Beijing about three years ago. I have two
kids now.
M: That’s terrific!
Text 8
W: Hi, Mr. Smith. How does the city impress you
M: Pretty well. People here are crazy about pop music, and I feel so happy to have a chance to
hold three concerts here. The City Hall, where the concerts will be held, looks good, though
it’s a bit smaller than the Government Stadium.
W: Why aren’t you performing at the Government Stadium
M: I was told not to risk an open-air show in March as it rains so often.
W: Some fans say that $50 is too much for the cheapest seats.
M: That’s a lot, I know. If we had a bigger hall we could get more people in and they wouldn’t
have to pay so much.
W: There are five members of your group, aren’t there Have they all been with you since the
M: All except the drummer, who’s only been with us for a month.
W: Well, Mr. Smith, I hope you enjoy your four days here in Shanghai.
M: Thank you.
Text 9
M: Hi. You must be the new person.
W: Yeah, that’s right. I just started on Monday.
M: So, how do you like it here
W: It’s great. Everybody’s been so nice to me. It’s a nice change from my last job.
M: Oh Where did you work before
W: I worked at Delta Communications. It’s in a small town, close to Chicago.
M: Are you from Chicago originally
W: Yes, I am. My family still lives there, in the country. Have you ever been to Chicago
M: No, I haven’t. But I’ve heard there are some great museums there.
W: Yes, there are. The art museums are wonderful. I used to go all the time.
M: Well, there are some great art galleries here. You should visit them when you have a chance.
W: Great! I definitely will. Are you interested in art, too
M: Yes, I like going to museums. But I’m even more interested in music, especially jazz. I love
going to concerts.
W: Really So do I! I love classical music, too. How about you
M: Well, just so-so.
Text 10
M: If you want to make films then you’ll be interested in our new competition.
If you’re between 11 and 18 you can enter this year’s film-making competition. The film
should last no more than 12 minutes and you should have at least three main characters. Last
year’s winner had 8 people in it, but we don’t usually expect so many!
This is the third year of the competition. In previous years, we accepted any type of films,
from horror to comedy, but this year we are looking for a drama.
We have seen some great films over the years. Last year’s films were about the family, and we
saw some wonderful works. This year, however, we want films about the weather — it can
either be about how it makes you feel or how it can change a day. A challenging topic!
There are some fantastic prizes. Our first-prize winner will visit London International
Academy, one of the top film schools. We have other prizes to give away — there are 100
books and also some of the latest cameras.
You can send your films to us by post or bring them to our offices in the Market Square. You’ll
have the chance to see the best films when they are shown at the Town Hall.
命题人:庐江中学 开玉梅 韦娟 审题人:教研室 徐和平庐江县2022/2023学年度第一学期期末教学质量抽测
1.What is the woman doing
A.Listening to the news.
B.Watching a game.
C.Enjoying a TV series.
2.What are the speakers going to have
A.Chinese food.
B.Japanese food.
C.Italian food.
3.When do the speakers usually go to bed
4.How will the man go to Shenzhen from Hong Kong
A.By subway.
B.By air.
C.By train.
5.What does the woman mean
A.She feels proud of herself.
B.Someone has told her the news.
C.The man is mistaking her for someone else.
6.What does the boy want the girl to do
A.Play tennis with him.
B.Help him with math.
C.Go dancing with him.
7.At what time is the dance class today
8.What did the woman probably look like in the past
A.She had blonde hair.
B.She was overweight.
C.She wore glasses.
9.What do we know about the woman
A.She is a doctor.
B.She got married last year.C.She has two children.
10.Who is the man
A.A tourist.
B.A musician.
C.A reporter.



