人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 3 The Internet 晚练卷(含答案)

Unit 3 The Internet晚练卷
班别_____________ 姓名___________ 座号____________
Ⅰ. 完成句子。
She gave the police ________ ________ ________ _______ the accident.
2. 由于腿上有伤痛,她经常穿着平底鞋。
She usually wears flat shoes, ________ ________ ________ the pain in her leg.
3. 决不要在我工作的时候打扰我。
________ ________ ________ must you disturb me when I’m working.
4. 你对这个表演的成功作何解释?
How do you ________ ________ the show’s success
5. Come and see me whenever _____________________ (对你来说方便的).
6. I keep my reference books near my desk ______________ (为了方便起见).
7. Come to my office __________________ (在你方便时).
8. ________________________ (所有工作都已完成), they hurried back home for lunch.
9. ____________________________ (有很多问题要解决), I can’t go skating with you.
10.The manager came in _____________________________ (他的助手跟着他).
11. The warning sign was put there ________ ________ _______ ________ (为了……的利益) the public.
12. We should spend the money on something that will ________ _________ (使每个人受益).
13. My grandpa's advice is _______ _______ ________ ______ ________ (对我非常有益).
14. More and more students will ________ _________ (受益于) this modern type of teaching method.
15. It is _______ ________ ________ ________ _______ (五英里的距离) from my home to the company.
16. I would ______ ______ _______ ______ _______ _______ (离那条狗远点), if I were you!
17. At some point ________ ________ ________ _________ (在遥远的未来) I would like to have my own house.
Tom ________ ________ ________ our forgetting his birthday.
19. 住在面包店附近的人都很熟悉这种气味。
The smell ________ very________ ________ everyone who lives near a bakery.
20. The designer loves ancient Chinese mirror ________ ________ (尤其, 特别).
II. 语法填空
Forest is a popular app that helps people beat their phone addiction and manage their time in a(n) 1. __________ (interest) and pleasant way.
This app is 2. __________ (especial) useful for students who have difficulty in focusing while studying. When they start Forest, students can plant a sapling (树苗) on the screen that will grow into a full-grown tree in 3. __________ next 30 minutes. They must not touch their phone within the time allowed for the tree 4. __________ (grow), forcing them to stay away from their phone while studying. Turning off the app 5. __________ (cause) the tree to die. Over time, they earn coins and can use these coins to unlock new kinds of trees.
The app uses more than just a cartoon tree to get students to stay 6. __________ (focus). There is a feature (特色) where students can connect with one another, so that if one person leaves the screen to do other 7. __________ (thing) on the phone, everyone’s tree dies. Another feature of the app is that for 2,500 coins, students can plant a tree in real life. Since partnering with a real-tree-planting 8. __________ (organize), Forest have already planted 530, 535 trees because 9. __________ the game. There is a part of the app that also shows students where their real trees are planted.
Students can create a forest with all of their study time, 10. __________ is very meaningful.
a detailed account of
on account of
On no account
account for
it is convenient for you
for convenience
at your convenience
With all the work finished
With a lot of problems to settle
with his assistant following him
for the benefit of
benefit everyone
of great benefit to me
benefit from/by
a distance of five miles
keep my distance from that dog
in the distant future
is upset about
is familiar to
20. in particular
1. interesting 2. especially 3. the
4. to grow 5. causes 6. focused
7. things 8. organization 9. of
10. which



