鲁教版(五四学制)九年级英语全册 Unit 9 It's important to have good habits.单词和选词专练(无答案)

1. Mr. Wang told his students not to c________with strangers on the Internet.
2. Lucy is so young that she can’t make her own d________.
3. The scientists spent a long time studying the b________of the monkeys.
4. My father will go to Beijing on b________in two days.
5. My mother always tells us not to say hello to s________.
6. He came here with the p________of visiting Dongying.
7. I used to d________on my parents, but now I’m used to taking care of myself.
8. Man has the a________to speak.
9. Jack always pays a________to listening to the teachers in class.
10. She’s a book lover. For her, books are as n_______ to life as bread.
11. My father likes to have a n__________ at noon every day.
12. The teacher asked me to p_________ attention in class.
13. My mother usually h__________ out with her good friends on weekends.
14. The medicine has a good e___________ on me. I feel quite well now.
15. The a_________ of sleep is different from person to person. My grandma only needs six hours sleep every day.
16. If you want to make friends with someone, you must t_______ him first.
17.Peter p_______ home cooking to fast food, that is, he likes homemade food better.
18.As we are growing up, we should learn to m_______ our own life.
19.If you want to change bad habits, you must first change your a_______
20. I can’t c___________ on my homework with so much noise going on.
21. To keep healthy, you should take r___________ exercise
22. On a___________, everyone in our class walks 5,941 steps every day.
23. There are great ways to help p___________ our environment.
1.We know it is never too late_________ (change) yourself.
2. Let me________ (tell) you the news about the Jim.
3.________ (eat) healthily is important for everyone.
4.The question is too difficult ________ (work) out by himself.
5. My grandfather doesn’t know how________ (take) on the Internet.
6.My friend has lots of hobbies, like________ (play) basketball and swimming.
7.We should pay more attention________ (develop) agriculture.
8.The children would rather________ (walk) there than________ (take) a bus.
9.Don’t you think ________ (exercise) a lot is good for your health
10. I’m sorry I’ve kept you ________ (wait) for a long time.
11. I realized ____________ (be ) home alone was not always perfect.
12. It isn’t necessary __________ (do)my homework now. Ill do it later.
13. I need ________ (have )more free time to relax.
14. He used to behave _________ (bad) in class.
15. When he saw a book on the ground, he stopped ___________ (pick )it up.
16. He's always the first ____________ (get)to school every day.
17. His work is ______________ (teach) his son to play the piano.
18. Remember _________ (turn) off the lights after school.
19. She would rather _____________ (learn) French than Japanese.
20.The old man is too old__________ (walk).
21.If you have trouble __________ (solve)the problem, please let me know.
change, prefer, stress, hear, well, have, than, through, health, type
Life can sometimes be difficult for teenagers. Most, however, get1._________their teenage
years with the help of their families and friends. Du Fei and Wang Le are two 1._________teenagers.
Du Fei is 15 years old. Like many teenagers,he has a few habits that are not so good for him. For example, he listens to very loud music that is bad for his1._________. On the other hand, he doesn't eat many snacks—he1._________his mother's home cooking. But in school he doesn't pay attention in class, and his parents always tell him to try harder. His parents and teachers want him to change his attitude,and are happy to help him. They know it is never too late 1._________bad habits.
Wang Le wants to do things that most teenagers do.For her, it's important 1._________friends, and to spend time with them. But perhaps she hangs out with them a little too much. Wang Le likes to eat junk food.and she would rather drink coffee and cola1._________ water. Her parents have asked her to try to eat more1._________ but she doesn't like to. However,Wang Le's parents trust her because she tells them her problems. They know she always does her1._________ at school, so they let her organize her own life.She is hardly ever 1._________and she laughs a lot.
the, look, especial, two, with, concentrate, sleep, much, effect, work
We are often told that it's important to get enough sleep. Researchers have found that it may be healthier to sleep 1 a day. Even a ten-minute nap at noon can allow us 2 better in the afternoon. Not getting enough sleep has serious 3 on our brain's ability to work.If you work without sleep, you might have problems 4 your memory or your concentration. In order 5 at school or perform well in tests, we really need to get a good night's sleep. Some people have trouble sleeping, 6 if they are nervous or stressed about something. Sleep experts say that we had better not try too hard to get to sleep, and certainly not to keep 7 at the time.To have good 8 habits, it's better to sleep at regular times, and to sleep in a dark and quiet environment. 9 amount of sleep we need is different from person to person, though the average seems to be just under eight hours.If we feel tired in the daytime,it means we need to get 10 sleep.



