牛津译林版九年级下册英语 Unit1单元练习(无答案)

一. 根据句意及汉语提示、首字母提示或英文释义写出单词
1.-- Could you tell us some famous (向往的地方) in your hometown -- Yes, of course.
2. I ________ (悬挂) up the phone and turned off the ringer. I didn’t want any more unexpected phone calls.
3. The famous bookshop ________ (位于) on Charing Cross Road in London in the 1940s.
4. What do you mean by (提高) your voice
5 I’m sure there are many strange things in the ________ (under the surface of the ground) world.
6. The Oscars 2019 winner Green Book was (praise) by movie fans in this area.
7. ________ (nature) resources are very important for us, and we should use them wisely.
8. Go straight on, and you will find the theatre at the ________ (north) part of town.
二. 单项选择
1. She ___________ down because she had a headache.
A. lay B. lied C. lies D. lie
2. We decide to make ___ a rule for us room-mates to turn off the lights at 10:30 p.m.
A. that B. this C. it D. one
3 Just as the saying goes, “ ______ .” My cousin has made his dream come true after years of hard work. Life is like a farm.
A. Practice makes perfect B. No pain, no gain
C. Every dog has its day D. Actions speak louder than words
4.My office is quite small. Will they ___________ much room of it
A. take up B. set up C. pick up D. take in
5. —Nanjing is a nice place to live, study and work. Don’t you think so — ______ . There are so many attractions, shopping centres, restaurants, famous universities and so on.
A. Sounds great B. All right C. My pleasure D. Quite true
Late one night, Gulliver received a warning that some nobles wanted him killed. Even the emperor of Lilliput wanted to give him less food to save ___1___. It was true Gulliver was very expensive.
Quickly, he wrote a letter to the emperor, “I’m ___2___ to visit Blefuscu, as I promised.”
Then he hurried down to the sea ___3___ Lilliput and Blefuscu.
The king of Blefuscu himself came out to meet him.
“Welcome!” cried the king. “Stay as ___4___ as you like.”
Walking on the beach a week later, Gulliver saw out at sea a small boat—but a full-sized one. It was ___5___ upside down in the water.
Gulliver rushed to the king. He begged, “Can you help me rescue the boat This could be my chance to go home.”
“Of course,” said the king. “Take some ships to help you.”
Gulliver swam out to the boat, holding ropes from each of the ___6___.
With the ships pulling and Gulliver ___7___, the boat was brought safely to shore.
Gulliver and the king’s men set about fixing the boat for his long journey home. Soon, the boat was finished.
“I’d like to leave now,” Gulliver told the king. “But no one at home will ___8___ my story. Could I take some of your people with me ”
“I can’t possibly ___9___ that,” said the king. “But you may take some ____10____ and a sheep.”
He also gave Gulliver fifty bags of gold coins. “I don’t want you to go,” he said. “But I understand ____11____ you have to.”
“Thank you,” said Gulliver. “I’ll never ____12____ you all.”
After only a few days at sea in his boat, Gulliver saw a ship. He shouted and waved wildly.
He was ____13____! One sailor found him. The ship sailed over and ____14____ Gulliver. “Where have you come from ” asked the captain. “A place called Lilliput.” said Gulliver and he showed the captain the ____15____ from the emperor.
The captain was so surprised. For a few gold coins and a couple of cows, he agreed to take Gulliver all the way home.
1.A.life B.time C.money D.energy
2.A.against B.beyond C.off D.through
3.A.between B.among C.upon D.during
4.A.long B.far C.often D.soon
5.A.taking B.falling C.swimming D.floating
6.A.boats B.ships C.men D.sails
7.A.filling B.shaking C.pushing D.carrying
8.A.make B.expect C.suppose D.believe
9.A.require B.refuse C.avoid D.allow
10.A.food B.people C.coins D.cows
11.A.when B.how C.why D.whether
12.A.forget B.regret C.force D.obey
13.A.in danger B.in luck C.in fear D.in peace
14.A.picked up B.gave up C.set up D.dressed up
15.A.awards B.presents C.victims D.rewards
四. 阅读理解
Have you ever watched a show about the wild A shark (鲨鱼) eats a seal! Lions run down a gazelle! Is all nature like that All about eating and blood Or is that just what keeps our eyes glued to the TV screen Let’s look at sonic living things who work with each other instead of ripping each other apart.
When a lion kills a gazelle, it wants to eat as much as it can and maybe share the rest with its family. There are some living things that will take small pieces of another living thing’s body. Parasitism is when one living thing gets its energy from another living thing, does not give anything back, and hurts the thing it’s taking things from.
Now let’s get a little nicer. Sometimes a living thing will live off the body of another living thing without hurting it. They do not steal anything. They do not mensalism is when two living things live together and one gets good things out of it while the other is not hurt by it. Have you seen a picture of a whale (鲸) with rocky white things stuck to its skin Those are barnacles(藤壶). They attach themselves to the whale, so nothing will try to eat them and they can eat things that float by.
Now let’s get really nice. While sharks are biting and lions are fighting, are there any animals that just get along Yes! Actually, there are many. Mutualism is when two living things work together and both get good things out of it. Bees and flowers are the most common example. Without flowers, bees could not make honey. Without bees, flowers could not make new seeds. It’s win-win for these two. There are lots of animals that get along. Birds will live on the backs of zebras and eat the ticks that are drinking the zebra’s blood. The bird gets food. The zebra gets its ticks taken away. In some of these cases, one animal could not live without the other.
We use the word “Symbiotic (共生的)” for all of these kinds of relationships. Sometimes it’s good for one and bad for the other. Sometimes it’s just good for one. Sometimes it’s even good for both. So, it is nice to know that there are some living things out there that are finding ways to live together. We could pay attention to the animals that do not always make it on TV.
1.The writer mentioned a TV show about the wild in Paragraph 1 to ________.
A.tell a story B.solve a mystery
C.Introduce a subject D.discuss a programme
2.Which of the following best describes the relationship between bees and flowers
A.Neighbours. B.Friends. C.Strangers. D.Partners.
3.How does the writer develop the passage
A.By showing pictures. B.By giving examples.
C.By presenting reasons. D.By drawing conclusions.
4.What can we infer from the passage
A.The world of living things remains to be explored.
B.More actions should be taken to protect living things.
C.TV programmes about living things require to be improved.
D.More money will be spent on documentaries about living things.
Have you ever watched Shadow Play?It is an a 1 which is mixed music and shadow performance.The player holds the human characters behind the paper screen and plays a series of stories.The characters are u2 made of cow skin.When the day becomes dark,the players set u 3 the light and paper screen and start their show.Shadow Plays 4 in Shanxi during the Western Han Dynasty two thousand years ago.It was very f 5 in Hebei during the Qing Dynasty.
The stage of the Shadow Play is always a table covered w6 a large piece of paper.The light was behind the paper screen.As the shadow player moves his fingers,the characters come to life and their looks,dresses and movements can be clearly seen from the other s 7of the screen.The player is also the lead singer.All the characters are played and voiced by h 8.Playing the characters well is not an easy job.It always takes a player ten to twenty years.
In order top 9 the traditional Chinese folk art,the Museum of Daoqing Shadow Play has been built in Gansu.Many a 10 are trying to spread it to the stage of China,even of the world.It's also our duty to prevent it from disappearing.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



