【备战2023高考英语】全国甲卷真题变式:06 完形填空·故事类

【备战2023高考英语】全国甲卷真题变式:06 完形填空·故事类
You can tell a lot about a
man by how he treats his dogs.
For many years, I enjoyed
living with my dogs, Tilly and Chance. Their 1. was nearly enough to keep my loneliness at
bay, Nearly. Last year. I started dating, but with 2. .
When I first dated Steve, I 3. he
had a dog. Molly, and a cat, Flora. While I was 4. that he was an animal lover, I 5. that three dogs were perhaps too many, and my
dogs might attack 6. ,
the cat.
The next week we 7. our dogs together. It was a hot day. When we
paused to catch our 8. ,
Steve got down on one knee. Was he proposing (求婚)
I liked him too. But so 9.
He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. 10. , I began to fall for him.
We 11. to date, though neither of us brought up the
future. And then in late November, Tilly had an operation on her 12. . I took the dogs out four times a day, and I
worried that Tilly 13. climbing the stairs could reopen the wound.
Then Steve 14. his house. All worked 15. .
The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching, 16. Flora's space; Steve and I formed a good team 17. for Tilly. We made good housemates.
A year later, much to my 18. this man produced a little box with a ring and
proposed to me. He did not kneel (跪) down, nor
did I 19. him to. That's only for giving 20. to the dogs that brought us together.
1.A.ownership B.membership C.companionship D.leadership
2.A.reservations B.expectations C.confidence D.prejudice
3.A.feared B.doubted C.hoped D.learned
4.A.unsatisfied B.amused C.terrified D.thrilled
5.A.predicted B.worried C.regretted D.insisted
6.A.Flora B.Chance C.Molly D.Tilly
7.A.tied B.walked C.bathed D.fed
8.A.breath B.balance C.attention D.imagination
9.A.calm B.sure C.soon D.realf
10.A.By the way B.In that case
C.By all means D.In that moment
11.A.continued B.decided C.intended D.pretended
12.A.eye B.tail C.ear D.leg
13.A.secretly B.constantly C.eventually D.unwillingly
14.A.left B.sold C.suggested D.searched
15.A.late B.hard C.fine D.free
16.A.emptied B.respected C.occupied D.discovered
17.A.looking B.caring C.waiting D.calling
18.A.delight B.credit C.interest D.disadvantage
19.A.beg B.trust C.need D.aid
20.A.toys B.awards C.food D.water
1.句意:它们的陪伴几乎足以让我远离孤独。A. ownership“所有权”;B. membership“会员”;C. companionship“陪伴”;D. leadership“领导”。根据上文“For many years, I enjoyed living with my dogs, Tilly and Chance. ”多年来,我喜欢和我的狗Tilly和Chance生活在一起。可知,作者多年和狗狗生活在一起,可得出狗狗陪伴着作者,让作者远离孤独。故选C。
2.句意:去年,我开始约会,但有所保留。A. reservations“保留”;B. expectations“期望”;C. confidence“信心”;D. prejudice“偏见”。根据下文“He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. ”他把瓶子里的水倒在手里,递给我的狗;以及“I began to fall for him”我开始爱上他。可知,作者是在第二周和史蒂夫一起遛狗时,因为史蒂夫把水给自己的爱犬喝,作者才对史蒂夫产生好感,可得出刚开始约会时,因为不熟悉史蒂夫的品行,作者还是有所保留的。故选A。
3.句意:当我第一次和史蒂夫约会时,我得知他有一条名叫Molly的狗和一只名叫Flora的猫。A. feared“恐惧”;B. doubted“怀疑”;C. hoped“希望”;D. learned“得知”。根据空前“When I first dated Steve”当我第一次和史蒂夫约会时,和常识可知,第一次约会会得知对方相关情况,作者从而得知史蒂夫有一只狗和一只猫。故选D。
4.句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫Flora。A. unsatisfied“不满意的”;B. amused“愉快的”;C. terrified“害怕的”;D. thrilled“非常开心的”。根据空后“he was an animal lover ”他是一个动物爱好者,可知,得知史蒂夫是一个动物爱好者,多年和两只爱犬生活在一起的作者应该是感到愉快高兴。故选D。
5.句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫Flora。A. predicted“预测”;B. worried“担心”;C. regretted“后悔”;D. insisted“坚持”。根据空后“three dogs were perhaps too many, and my dogs might attack 6 ,the cat.”三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫。可知,作者认为三条狗可能太多了,且自己的狗可能会攻击史蒂夫的猫,针对这种情况,作者是担忧的。故选B。
6.句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫Flora。A. Flora“弗洛拉”;B. Chance“机会”;C. Molly“莫莉”;D. Tilly“蒂莉”。根据上文的“he had a dog, Molly, and a car, Flora .”他有一条名叫Molly的狗和一只名叫Flora的猫。可知,此处指作者担心自己的狗可能会攻击史蒂夫的猫Flora。故选A。
7.句意:第二周,我们一起遛狗。A. tied“系”;B. walked“牵着(动物)走,遛”;C. bathed“沐浴”;D. fed“喂养”。根据下文“When we paused”可知,作者和史蒂夫在一起遛狗。故选B。
8.句意:当我们停下来休息时,史蒂夫单膝跪下。A. breath“呼吸”;B. balance“平衡”;C. attention“注意力”;D. imagination“想象”。根据上文的“It was a hot day. When we paused”那是一个炎热的日子。当我们停下。可知,那天很热,遛狗的二人停下来休息一下,catch one's breath 固定短语,“休息一下、歇一口气”。 故选A。
9.句意:我也喜欢他,但这么快?A. calm“冷静的”;B. sure“确定的”;C. soon“很快的”;D real“真正的”。根据上文的“The next week”第二周;以及“Was he proposing (求婚) ”他在求婚吗?,可知,二人才认识两周,作者以为史蒂夫要向自己求婚,认为进展太快了。故选C。
10.句意:就在那一刻,我开始爱上他。A. By the way“顺便说一句”;B. In that case“那样的话”;C. By all means“务必”;D. In that moment“那一刻”。根据上文“He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs.”他把瓶子里的水倒在手里,递给我的狗;以及下文“I began to fall for him ”我开始爱上他,可知,就在史蒂夫把水给作者爱犬喝的那一刻,还有所保留的作者卸下心防,对史蒂夫产生好感。故选D。
11.句意:我们继续约会,虽然我们都没有提到未来。A. continued“继续”;B. decided“决定”;C. intended“打算”;D. pretended“假装”。根据上文的“I began to fall for him ”我开始爱上他。可知,作者对史蒂夫产生好感,可得出二人会继续约会。故选A。
12.句意:11月下旬,Tilly的腿做了一次手术。A. eye“眼睛”;B. tail“尾巴”;C. ear“耳朵”;D. leg“腿”。根据下文“I worried that Tilly 13 climbing the stairs could reopen the wound ”我担心Tilly爬楼梯会使伤口重新裂开。可知,作者担心爬楼会影响Tilly的伤口,可得出Tilly的腿做了手术。故选D。
13.句意:我一天带狗出去四次,我担心Tilly不断地爬楼梯会使伤口重新裂开。A. secretly“秘密地”;B. constantly“不断地”;C. eventually“最终”;D. unwillingly“不情愿地”。根据空前“I took the dogs out four times a day”我一天带狗出去四次。可知,作者一天带狗出去四次,可得出狗狗(包括Tilly)要不断地爬楼梯。故选B。
14.句意:然后史蒂夫离开了他的房子。A. left“离开”;B. sold“卖”;C. suggested“建议”;D. searched“搜寻”。根据下文的“We made good housemates.”我们是很好的室友。可知,二人成为室友,可得出史蒂夫离开了他的房子,和作者一起居住。故选A。
15.句意:一切都很好。A. late“晚的”;B. hard“困难的”;C. fine“好的”;D. free“自由的”。根据下文的“The three dogs formed a pack”这三条狗组成了一个团队;以及“Steve and I formed a good team”史蒂夫和我组成了一个好团队;“We made good housemates. ”我们是很好的室友。可知,狗狗相处友好,作者和史蒂夫相处也友好,可得出一切都好。故选C。
16.句意:这三条狗组成了一个团队,在训练下,尊重Flora的空间;史蒂夫和我组成了一个照顾Tilly的好团队。A. emptied“清空”;B. respected“尊重”;C. occupied“占据”;D. discovered“发现”。根据上文的“my dogs might attack 6 , the cat”我的狗可能会攻击猫;以及“The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching ”这三条狗组成了一个团队,在训练下。可知,起初作者担心自己的狗会攻击史蒂夫的猫Flora,但作者的狗和史蒂夫的狗相处友好,可得出在训练下,狗不会去攻击猫,结合动物的领地意识可知,此处指狗尊重猫的空间。故选B。
17.句意:这三条狗组成了一个团队,在训练下,尊重Flora的空间;史蒂夫和我组成了一个照顾Tilly的好团队。A. looking“看”;B. caring“照顾”;C. waiting“等待”;D. calling“打电话”。根据上文的“Tilly had an operation”Tilly做了一次手术。可知,作者的狗Tilly做过手术,史蒂夫和作者一起居住后,和作者一起照顾术后康复的Tilly。故选B。
18.句意:一年后,令我非常高兴的是,这个男人拿出一个带戒指的小盒子向我求婚。A. delight“高兴”;B. credit“信用”;C. interest“兴趣”;D. disadvantage“缺点”。根据空后“this man produced a little box with a ring and proposed to me ”这个男人拿出一个带戒指的小盒子向我求婚。可知,史蒂夫向作者求婚,作者应该是感到高兴。故选A。
19.句意:他没有跪下,我也不需要他跪下。A. beg“乞求”;B. trust“信任”;C. need“需要”;D. aid“帮助”。根据空前“He did not kneel (跪) down ”他没有跪下,和常识可知,一般求婚是要下跪的,但史蒂夫没有下跪,作者对此并不在意,因为作者不需要他下跪。故选C。
20.句意:正是给爱犬喝水的举动把我们带到一起。A. toys“玩具”;B. awards“奖励”;C. food“食物”;D. water“水”。根据上文的“He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. 10 , I began to fall for him. ”他把瓶子里的水倒在手里,递给我的狗。我开始爱上他。可知,就在史蒂夫把水给作者爱犬喝的那一刻,还有所保留的作者卸下心防,对史蒂夫产生好感,所以是“给爱犬喝水”的举动让二人走到了一起。故选D。
(2022·湖州模拟)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Today I had lunch with Cynthia. As I was waiting for her to arrive, I 21. a man saying they needed to get his 22. to pay for something. When they stepped 23. , I spoke to the staff and 24. to pay their bill. As it turned out it was just for a piece of cake and I asked them to just add it to my 25. . I handed the cashier a Smile Card, asking him to give it to the man. When the man came back with his money, he was 26. .
I thought I had done a(n) 27. deed, but there were more surprises to come. Cynthia and I were sitting enjoying our 28. when Alex, a worker at the 29. , approached us. He explained that the couple on table one had paid for our lunch, including the pie. Alex didn't understand why 30. I guessed it was just ripples spreading. My random act of 31. was zoomed up.
When leaving, I asked Cynthia to 32. a table so that we could keep the 33. of kindness going. Although they all looked 34. , she chose one. I called Alex over and said I wanted to 35. their lunch. He was beside himself with 36. , smiling from ear to ear. I don't think he had ever observed anything like this before.
In the past 7 years I've been able to 37. so much generosity and kindness in action. This could be a(n) 38. of love. Whatever the reason, it's not a coincidence that this corresponds with my 39. in activities organized by Kind Springs. Deep 40. to you, and the rest of humanity, for being my mirror.
21.A.saw B.scolded C.heard D.comforted
22.A.phone B.card C.check D.cash
23.A.up B.outside C.in D.down
24.A.offered B.agreed C.begged D.preferred
25.A.bill B.menu C.goods D.table
26.A.upset B.surprised C.scared D.relieved
27.A.good B.useless C.disturbing D.evil
28.A.breakfast B.lunch C.tea D.dinner
29.A.factory B.plant C.restaurant D.store
30.A.but B.so C.or D.though
31.A.bravery B.inspiration C.kindness D.rudeness
32.A.watch out B.pick
out C.set out D.work out
33.A.track B.road C.trip D.journey
34.A.deserving B.funny C.greedy D.starving
35.A.eat up B.pay for C.pack up D.prepare for
36.A.pity B.calmness C.joy D.frustration
37.A.receive B.show C.witness D.practise
38.A.wave B.origin C.end D.circle
39.A.adventure B.investment C.recognition D.involvement
40.A.gratitude B.devotion C.commitment D.attachment
21.句意:当我在等她的时候,我听到一个男人说他们需要他的现金来支付一些东西。A. saw“看”;B. scolded“责备”;C. heard“听到”;D. comforted“安慰”。根据空后“a man saying”一个男人在说,可知,我听到有人在说话。故选C。
22.句意:当我在等她的时候,我听到一个男人说他们需要他的现金来支付一些东西。A. phone“电话”;B. card“卡片”;C. check“支票”;D. cash“现金”。根据空后“pay for something”为某物付钱,可知,这个男人需要拿钱来支付东西。故选D。
23.句意:当他们走到外面时,我和工作人员交谈,并提出为他们买单。A. up“上”;B. outside“外面”;C. in“里面”;D. down“下面”。根据下文“When the man came back with his money, he was 6 ”当男人拿着钱回来时,他很惊讶。可知,他们出去了,然后回来的。故选B。
24.句意:当他们走到外面时,我和工作人员交谈,并提出为他们买单。A. offered“提出”;B. agreed“同意”;C. begged“乞求”;D. preferred“更喜欢”。根据下文“I handed the cashier a Smile Card, asking him to give it to the man.”我递给收银员一张微笑卡,请他把它给那个人。可知,我主动提出要帮他们支付东西。故选A。
25.句意:结果发现费用不是很多,我让他们把它加到我的账单上。A. bill“账单”;B. menu“菜单”;C. goods“货物”;D. table“桌子”。根据下文“I handed the cashier a Smile Card, asking him to give it to the man.”我递给收银员一张微笑卡,请他把它给那个人。可知,我让收银员把他们的账单加到我的账单上。故选A。
26.句意:当男人拿着钱回来时,他很惊讶。A. upset“失落的”;B. surprised“惊讶的”;C. scared“害怕的”;D. relieved“宽慰的”。根据上文“ I asked them to just add it to my 5 .”我让他们把它加到我的账单上。可知,我帮他们支付了账单,那个男人感到非常的惊讶。故选B。
27.句意:我以为我做了一件好事,但还有更多的惊喜要来。A. good“好的”;B. useless“无用的”;C. disturbing“打扰的”;D. evil“邪恶的”。根据上文,我帮他们支付了账单,我认为我做了一件好事。故选A。
28.句意:辛西娅和我正坐着享受午餐,这时餐厅的工作人员亚历克斯走过来。A. breakfast“早餐”;B. lunch“午餐”;C. tea“茶”;D. dinner“晚餐”。根据下文“He explained that the couple on table one had paid for our lunch, including the pie.”他解释说,第一张桌子上的那对夫妇为我们付了午餐的钱,包括派。可知,我们当时正在吃午餐。故选B。
29.句意:辛西娅和我正坐着享受午餐,这时餐厅的工作人员亚历克斯走过来,A. factory“工厂”;B. plant“发电厂”;C. restaurant“餐馆”;D. store“商店”。根据语境,辛西娅和我正坐着享受午餐,这时餐厅的工作人员亚历克斯走过来。可知,我们当时在餐馆里吃午餐。故选C。
30.句意:亚历克斯不明白为什么,但我猜只是善意在扩散。A. but“但是”;B. so“因此”;C. or“否则”;D. though“尽管”。根据上文“He explained that the couple on table one had paid for our lunch, including the pie.”他解释说,第一张桌子上的那对夫妇为我们付了午餐的钱,包括派。可知,有陌生人帮我们支付了午餐钱,服务员并不明白为什么,但是我知道是我之前的善举获得了回报。故选A。
31.句意:我不经意的善举被放大了。A. bravery“勇敢”;B. inspiration“激励”;C. kindness“善意”;D. rudeness“粗鲁”。根据上文,我在商店买东西的时候,帮助别人支付了账单;现在,我在吃午餐,别人也帮我支付了午餐钱。我认为是我之前的善举现在获得了回报。故选C。
32.句意:离开时,我让辛西娅挑选一桌客人,这样我们就可以继续友好的旅程。A. watch out“注意”;B. pick out“挑选”;C. set out“开始”;D. work out“解决”。根据下文“Although they all looked 14 , she chose one.”虽然他们看起来都不错,她还是选了一个。可知,我让辛西娅选一桌客人,我们来帮他们支付餐费。故选B。
33.句意:离开时,我让辛西娅挑选一桌客人,这样我们就可以继续友好的旅程。A. track“轨道”;B. road“道路”;C. trip“旅游”;D. journey“旅程,行程”。此处意指我让辛西娅挑选一桌客人,我们来帮忙支付餐费,这样也许能够让善举的旅程继续下去,让善意继续下去。故选D。
34.句意:虽然他们看起来都不错,她还是选了一个。A. deserving“值得的”;B. funny“有趣的”;C. greedy“贪婪的”;D. starving“饿的”。根据语境,此处意指我让辛西娅挑选一桌客人,我们来帮忙支付餐费。但是,每一桌客人看起来都不错,但是我们只能从中选择一个。故选A。
35.句意:我把亚历克斯叫了过来,说我想为他们付午餐钱。A. eat up“吃光”;B. pay for“支付”;C. pack up“打包”;D. prepare for“为...…准备”。根据上文“When leaving, I asked Cynthia to 12 a table so that we could keep the 13 of kindness going.”我让辛西娅挑选一张桌子,这样我们就可以继续友好的旅程。可知,我打算帮其中一桌客人支付餐费。故选B。
36.句意:他欣喜若狂,笑得合不拢嘴。A. pity“遗憾”;B. calmness“冷静”;C. joy“开心”;D. frustration“沮丧”。根据下文“I don’t think he had ever observed anything like this before.”我想他以前从未观察过这样的事情。可知,亚历克斯之前从未见过这样的事,所以感到很开心。故选C。
37.句意:在过去的7年里,我见证了如此多的慷慨和善良。A. receive“收到”;B. show“展示”;C. witness“见证”;D. practise“联系”。根据下文“Whatever the reason, it’s not a coincidence that this corresponds with my 19 in activities organized by Kind Springs.”不管是什么原因,这与我参加Kind Springs的活动并不是巧合。可知,我参加了Kind Springs 的组织,这是一个传递爱的组织,所以我见证了很多的善举。故选C。
38.句意:这可能是一个爱的循环。A. wave“波浪”;B. origin“起源”;C. end“结束”;D. circle“循环”。根据上文,我在商店里帮一位男士支付了账单,后来,我在餐馆吃饭,别人又帮我支付了餐费。我认为这就是爱和善举的循环。故选D。
39.句意:不管是什么原因,这与我参加Kind Springs的活动并不是巧合。A. adventure“冒险”;B. investment“投资”;C. recognition“识别”;D. involvement“参与”。根据空后“in activities organized by Kind Springs. ”可知我参与了一个爱心组织。故选D。
40.句意:深深感谢你和其他人,因为你们是我的镜子。A. gratitude“感激”;B. devotion“奉献”;C. commitment“投入”;D. attachment“附着,依恋”。根据上文,我的善举得到了别人的善意的回馈,我很感激这种爱的循环,也激励着我要继续将这份善意和爱传递下去。故选A。
Tooth-fairy nights were
always filled with expectation at our house. One such night, our daughter
informed us that her loose tooth had finally 41.
exciting," we told her. "Put it under your pillow 42. the tooth fairy will visit you tonight."
"Okay," our
daughter agreed, carefully guarding her newly acquired prized 43. in a loose fist.
We reminded ourselves
to check for her tooth once our 44. was over. However, when the film was over we 45. forgot.
The next morning, we
were awakened by cries of 46. from our daughter's room. "Mommy! Daddy!
Coe and see what the tooth fairy brought me!"
Astonished, my husband
and I exchanged 47. glances. Quickly, we 48. our way to our daughter's room and found her
sitting quietly on her bed, 49. out the window at a 50. . Her eyes shone with pure 51. .
As she was absorbed in
the rainbow, I 52. under her pillow to "check for any other 53. that she may have overlooked. "
"Are you sure you
felt all around when 54. your prize "I asked, and we watched as
she carefully explored underneath her pillow.
"Wow! Two
prizes!" she said, proudly waving the dollar bill she "must have
overlooked" during her first treasure 55. .
41.A.come out B.canceled out C.broken out D.passed out
42.A.for B.or C.and D.yet
43.A.secret B.possession C.award D.superpower
44.A.conversation B.game C.meeting D.movie
45.A.randomly B.scarcely C.entirely D.gradually
46.A.pain B.joy C.upset D.fright
47.A.excited B.scared C.confused D.guilty
48.A.fell B.made C.forced D.followed
49.A.staring B.leaning C.crying D.reaching
50.A.rainbow B.nest C.swallow D.cloud
51.A.shock B.sympathy C.concern D.appreciation
52.A.settled B.reached C.touched D.held
53.A.options B.rewards C.alternatives D.treasures
54.A.hoping for B.checking for C.caring for D.heading for
55.A.sale B.research C.hunt D.spot
41.句意:这样的一天晚上,我们的女儿告诉我们,她松动的牙齿终于掉了。A.come out “出来,显露,发表,结果是”;B.canceled out“取消”; C.broken out “爆发”;D.passed out“晕倒,失去知觉”。根据上文“Tooth-fairy night”和下文“Put it under your pillow”可知,是女儿松动的牙齿终于掉了。故选A。
42.句意:“把它放在你的枕头下,牙仙今晚会来看你的。”A.for“因为,当做”; B.or“或者,不然”; C.and“和 ”;D.yet“但是,然而”。结合语境和常识可知,Put it under your pillow和the tooth fairy will visit you tonight是递进关系,应使用连词and。故选C。
43.句意:“好吧,”我们的女儿同意了,小心翼翼地用松开的拳头保护着她新获得的珍贵物品。A.secret“秘密”; B.possession“个人财产,私人财物”; C.award“奖品”; D.superpower“超能力”。根据语境,女儿将她自己的牙小心翼翼的握在拳头里,她的牙齿是她自己的财物。故选B。
44.句意:我们提醒自己,一旦我们的电影结束,就检查她的牙齿。A.conversation“谈话”;B.game“游戏,比赛”; C.meeting“会议 ”;D.movie“电影”。根据下文“when the film was over”可知,此处是指作者打算电影结束后看女儿的牙齿,film是movie的词义复现。故选D。
45.句意:然而,当电影结束时,我们完全忘记了这件事。A.randomly “随便地,任意地”;B.scarcely“几乎不,简直没有”; C.entirely“全部地,完全地”; D.gradually“逐渐地”。根据空前“However”表转折可知,电影结束之后,作者将看女儿牙的事情忘得一干二净。故选C。
46.句意:第二天清晨,我们被女儿房间里的欢呼声吵醒了。A.pain“痛苦,疼痛”;B. joy“高兴,喜悦”; C.upset“失望,心烦 ”;D.fright“惊恐,惊吓”。根据下文“ Mommy! Daddy! Coe and see what the tooth fairy brought me! ”;以及“As she was absorbed in the rainbow”可知,女儿以为窗外的彩虹是牙仙女带来的礼物,应该是欢呼的叫声。故选B。
47.句意:我和丈夫惊讶地交换了一下眼神。A.excited“兴奋的 ”;B.scared “害怕的”;C.confused “困惑的”;D. guilty“内疚的”。世上没有真正的牙仙女,而作者昨晚忘了去看女儿的牙,但女儿一大早说看到了牙仙女的礼物,所以作者应该是和丈夫交换困惑的眼神。故选C。
48.句意:很快,我们来到女儿的房间,发现她静静地坐在床上,盯着窗外的彩虹。A.fell“倒,跌倒”; B.made“做,使得”; C.forced “强迫”;D.followed“跟随”。make one's way to固定搭配,“转向、向…...进发、前往某处”。故选B。
49.句意:很快,我们来到女儿的房间,发现她静静地坐在床上,盯着窗外的彩虹。A.staring“目不转睛,凝视”; B.leaning“斜靠”; C.crying “哭泣”;D.reaching“伸出,到达”。结合常识可知,彩虹在窗外,女儿应该是看向窗外。故选A。
50.句意:很快,我们来到女儿的房间,发现她静静地坐在床上,盯着窗外的彩虹。A.rainbow“彩虹”; B.nest“巢穴” ;C.swallow“燕子”; D.cloud“云”。根据下文“she was absorbed in the rainbow”可知,女儿是看着窗外的彩虹。故选A。
51.句意:她的眼睛闪烁着纯粹的欣赏。A.shock“震惊” ;B.sympathy“同情”; C.concern“涉及,关系 ”;D.appreciation“欣赏”。根据下文“she was absorbed in the rainbow”和常识可知,女儿很喜欢彩虹,所以眼睛里满是欣赏。故选D。
52.句意:当她沉浸在彩虹中时,我伸手去她的枕头下“检查她可能忽略的任何其他的宝物”。A.settled“解决,定居”; B.reached“伸出,到达”; C.touched“触摸”;D. held“握住”。根据语境可知,作者应该是伸手去枕头下寻找遗漏的宝物。故选B。
53.句意:当她沉浸在彩虹中时,我伸手去她的枕头下“检查她可能忽略的任何其他的宝物”。A.options“选择”; B.rewards“奖励,奖品 ”;C.alternatives“替代品”; D.treasures“宝藏,珍宝”。根据下文“prize”和常识可知,作者将手伸到枕头下假装摸宝物其实是在放东西。treasures是prize的词义复现。故选D。
54.句意:“你确定你找奖品的时候到处都找了吗?”A.hoping for“希望,期望”;B. checking for“检查”;C. caring for“照顾”; D.heading for“前往”。结合语境和常识可知,作者是问女儿找牙仙女的礼物时有没有检查枕头下面。故选B。
55.句意:“她一定是在她的第一次寻宝游戏中疏忽了。”A.sale“出售”; B. research “研究”;C.hunt“打猎,搜寻”; D.spot“场所”。结合语境和上文“Wow! Two prizes”可知,女儿以为窗外的彩虹和作者准备的奖品都是牙仙女给她的,所以她以为牙仙女因为疏忽多给了她一份。treasure hunt固定短语“寻宝游戏”。故选C。
car needed some mechanical work that I could not do myself. Since the garage I
had been taking my car to had 56. , my friend Dave gave me a
recommendation: D's Auto Repair.
was pleasantly surprised to discover that the owner of D's was a mechanic who
had worked on my car several years earlier. 57. he was an employee at a gas station near my
house. I knew that his work was good.
58. the paperwork for the repair
and 59. while D took a phone call from another
customer. As I sat there, I looked around the small office to keep myself 60. .
A framed newspaper article caught my attention. The headline read: "Local
Dairy Farmer Kills Whole Herd. " The article was about the 61. of a fifth-generation dairy farmer during the
polluted milk scare in Michigan several years earlier. Dairy cows were becoming
62. a disease that was affecting
the milk supply. The fifth-generation dairy farmer paid to have all of his cows
63. . It was found that out of the entire herd, only a few were
infected. Because no one could 64. that the other cows were totally 65. , he had the herd killed and buried to make consumers feel rest
assured (放心). The farmer's insurance
did not cover his 66. because the state had not issued an order for
him to get rid of the herd. Asked why he did it, the farmer replied
"Because it was the right thing to do."
asked D why he 67. the article on the wall. I thought that he
might be related to or somehow knew the farmer. He said he had never met the
man, but that the farmer was a (n) 68. to him and set a standard for
integrity, trust and honesty. He said that is how he 69. his Auto Repair business.
was now doubly 70. by both the farmer and D. The next year, on my
recommendation, my son started a nine-month mechanics apprenticeship (学徒) at D's Auto Repair.
56.A.closed B.started C.expanded D.developed
57.A.Just then B.Back
then C.In advance D.Before long
58.A.filled out B.handed
out C.held out D.took out
59.A.stared B.reflected C.worried D.waited
60.A.informed B.interested C.prepared D.occupied
61.A.plans B.feelings C.actions D.bravery
62.A.immune to B.addicted
to C.infected with D.allergic to
63.A.tested B.killed C.buried D.sold
64.A.suspect B.promise C.challenge D.question
65.A.satisfying B.beneficial C.dangerous D.safe
66.A.danger B.risk C.loss D.threat
67.A.stored B.displayed C.collected D.appreciated
68.A.inspiration B.companion C.comfort D.memory
69.A.bought B.predicted C.operated D.acquired
70.A.embarrassed B.impressed C.confused D.amused
56.句意:由于我一直送车去维修的汽车修理厂已经关闭,我的朋友戴夫给了我一个推荐:D的汽车修理厂。A. closed“关闭”;B. started“开始”;C. expanded“扩大”;D. developed“发展”。根据空后“my friend Dave gave me a recommendation: D's Auto Repair”可知,朋友推荐我去D的汽车修理厂修理汽车,可推知,我之前常去的汽车修理厂已经关闭了。故选A。
57.句意:那时候他是我家附近一家加油站的员工。A. Just then“正在那时”;B. Back then“那时候”;C. In advance“提前”;D. Before long“不久以后”。根据上文“the owner of D's was a mechanic who had worked on my car several years earlier”可知,D的店主几年前曾为我的车做过维修,可推知,我和D的店主之前见过面,那时候他是我家附近一家加油站的员工,故选B。
58.句意:当D接另一位客户的电话时,我填写了维修文件并等待着。A. filled out“填写”;B. handed out“分发”;C. held out“坚持要求”;D. took out“去除,除掉”。根据空后“the paperwork for the repair”可知,我想要维修汽车,应该是填写了维修文件,故选A。
59.句意:当D接另一位客户的电话时,我填写了维修文件并等待着。A. stared“凝视”;B. reflected“反映”;C. worried“担心”;D. waited“等待”。根据空后“D took a phone call from another customer”可知,D在接另一位客户的电话,可推知,我在一旁等待他。故选D。
60.句意:当我坐在那里时,我环顾了一下那间小办公室,让自己有事做。A. informed“通知”;B. interested“使感兴趣”;C. prepared“准备”;D. occupied“占用”。根据空前“I looked around the small office”和上文可知,D在接另一位客户的电话,我在一旁等待他,可推知,我环顾办公室是为了让自己有事做,打发无聊的等待时间,keep oneself occupied固定短语,“让某人有事做”。故选D。
61.句意:这篇文章是关于几年前密歇根州污染牛奶恐慌期间第五代奶农的行为。A. plans“计划”;B. feelings“感觉”;C. actions“行为”;D. bravery“勇气”。根据上文“Local Dairy Farmer Kills Whole Herd.”可知,这篇文章的题目是“当地奶农杀死了整个牛群”,可推知,“杀死了整个牛群”应该是五代奶农在密歇根州污染牛奶恐慌期间的行为。故选C。
62.句意:奶牛感染了一种影响牛奶供应的疾病。A. immune to“对……有免疫力”;B. addicted to“沉迷于……”;C. infected with“感染上……”;D. allergic to“对……有过敏反应”。根据上文“Local Dairy Farmer Kills Whole Herd.”和空后“a disease”可知,因为奶牛感染了一种影响牛奶供应的疾病,所以当地奶农才会杀死了整个牛群,故选C。
63.句意:这位第五代奶农花钱让所有的奶牛都接受了检验。A. tested“检验”;B. killed“杀死”;C. buried“埋葬”;D. sold“售卖”。根据下文“It was found that out of the entire herd, only a few were infected.”可知,结果发现,在整个牛群中,只有少数被感染,可推知,奶农花钱让所有的奶牛都接受了检验,才会得到这个检验结果。故选A。
64.句意:因为没有人能保证其他奶牛是完全安全的,所以他将牛群杀死并埋葬,以使消费者感到放心。A. suspect“怀疑”;B. promise“保证,承诺”;C. challenge“对……怀疑”;D. question“质询”。根据空后“he had the herd killed and buried to make consumers feel rest assured”可知,奶农为了使消费者感到放心,将牛群杀死并埋葬,可推知,因为没有人能保证其他奶牛是完全安全的,所以奶农才会这样做。故选B。
65.句意:因为没有人能保证其他奶牛是完全安全的,所以他将牛群杀死并埋葬,以使消费者感到放心。A. satisfying“令人满意的”;B. beneficial“有益的”;C. dangerous“危险的”;D. safe“安全的”。根据空后“he had the herd killed and buried to make consumers feel rest assured”可知,奶农之所以将牛群杀死并埋葬,是因为不敢保证其他奶牛是完全安全的。故选D。
66.句意:该奶农的保险不能弥补他的损失,因为州政府没有下达命令让他杀死牛群。A. danger“危险”;B. risk“风险”;C. loss“损失”;D. threat“威胁”。根据上文“he had the herd killed and buried”可知,奶农将牛群杀死并埋葬,这对他造成了经济上的损失,可推知,句中指保险不能弥补他的损失。故选C。
67.句意:我问D他为什么把这篇文章展示在墙上。A. stored“存储”;B. displayed“展示”;C. collected“收集”;D. appreciated“欣赏”。根据上文“A framed newspaper article caught my attention.”可知,这篇报纸文章是被装裱好并挂在墙上,可推知,D是把这篇文章展示在墙上。故选B。
68.句意:他说,他从未见过这个人,但这位农民给了他鼓舞,为正直、信任和诚实树立了标准。A. inspiration“鼓舞人心的人或事物”;B. companion“陪伴”;C. comfort“安慰”;D. memory“记忆”。根据空后“set a standard for integrity (正直), trust and honesty”可知,这位农民的事迹教会了D正直、信任和诚实,是D的榜样,可推知,这位农民给了D鼓舞,告诉他要正直、信任和诚实。故选A。
69.句意:他说这就是他经营汽车修理业务的方式。A. bought“买”;B. predicted“预言”;C. operated“经营”;D. acquired“获得”。根据上文“D's Auto Repair”可知,D是这家汽车修理厂的老板,可推知,汽车修理业务是由他经营的。故选C。
70.句意:现在,奶农和D都给我留下了深刻印象。A. embarrassed“使窘迫”;B. impressed“给……留下深刻印象”;C. confused“使迷惑”;D. amused“逗乐”。根据下文“The next year, on my recommendation, my son started a nine-month mechanics apprenticeship (学徒) at D's Auto Repair.”可知,我让我的儿子在D的汽车修理厂做学徒,可推知,我信任D,奶农和D的行为都给我留下了深刻印象。故选B。
Casey and John, a young
couple, had been driving from Maryland to North Carolina when their 36-hour
nightmare began. They expected the road trip to 71. five hours, but a massive
snowstorm led to ice related accidents, and the state closed a 50-mile stretch
of the 72. for safety reasons.
With traffic 73. and no clear information on
when the highway would reopen, some drivers abandoned their cars and set out on
foot. Others, like Casey and Joe, turned off the 74. to save gas and seated
themselves in their vehicles. They tried their best to stay 75. .
A cold night in hunger and
little sleep left them feeling 76. . After 21 hours of
suffering, Casey noticed a bread delivery truck among the waiting vehicles. On
a sudden inspiration, she 77. Schmidt Baking Company, the
owner of the truck. She left a 78. on the company' s customer
service line, asking if the truck driver could share the baked goods with
troubled drivers. She didn't know if they would take her request 79. , but she wanted to try.
Her idea worked. Incredibly,
Schmidt CEO Chuck 80. returned Casey's call
within 20 minutes. He asked her to hand her phone to the company truck driver,
Ron, and then directed Ron to 81. loaves of bread to the
people on the highway. Chuck said he was 82. to offer any help he could.
Casey, John and Ron were
excited to pass out the bread along the 83. highway to as many people
as possible. Among those to 84. the food were elderly
passengers and families with children. They all felt incredibly thankful for
the offering of food and some 85. after so many hours waiting
in the cold.
71.A.waste B.work C.stand D.last
72.A.waterway B.subway C.highway D.railway
73.A.stopped B.canceled C.cleared D.changed
74.A.cooker B.engine C.window D.radio
75.A.calm B.fit C.wealthy D.hungry
76.A.excited B.guilty C.tired D.embarrassed
77.A.guaranteed B.warned C.called D.joined
78.A.report B.message C.note D.card
79.A.curiously B.actually C.certainly D.seriously
80.A.respectively B.personally C.selfishly D.cautiously
81.A.hand out B.give up C.set out D.put aside
82.A.sad B.afraid C.mean D.proud
83.A.rainy B.dusty C.icy D.muddy
84.A.receive B.achieve C.adopt D.purchase
85.A.pity B.sympathy C.courage D.relief
71.句意:他们预计这次公路旅行将持续五个小时,但一场大暴风雪导致了与冰雪有关的事故,出于安全考虑,该州关闭了一条50英里长的公路。A. waste“浪费”;B. work“工作”;C. stand“站立”;D. last“持续”。根据空后“five hours”可知,此处指的是他们公路旅行预计花费的时间,即持续的时长。故选D。
72.句意:他们预计这次公路旅行将持续五个小时,但一场大暴风雪导致了与冰雪有关的事故,出于安全考虑,该州关闭了一条50英里长的公路。A. waterway“水路”;B. subway“地铁”;C. highway“高速公路”;D. railway“铁路”。根据上文“Casey and John, a young couple, had been driving from Maryland to North Carolina when their 36-hour nightmare began.”以及空前“the state closed a 50-mile stretch”可知,他们是开车旅行的,但因为暴风雪,所以为了安全考虑,政府关闭一段公路。故选C。
73.句意:由于交通停止,而且没有关于高速公路何时重新开放的明确信息,一些司机弃车步行出发。A. stopped“停止”;B. canceled“取消”;C. cleared“清除”;D. changed“改变”。根据上文的“the state closed a 50-mile stretch”可知,政府关闭了一段高速公路,因此自然是交通停止了。故选A。
74.句意:还有一些人,比如凯西和乔,为了省油关掉了引擎,自己坐进了车里。A. cooker“厨具”;B. engine“引擎”;C. window“窗户”;D. radio“收音机”。根据空前“turned off”以及空后“to save gas”可知,他们为了省油,把引擎关了。故选B。
75.句意:他们尽力保持冷静。A. calm“冷静的”;B. fit“健康的”;C. wealthy“富有的”;D. hungry“饥饿的”。根据空前“to save gas and seated themselves in their vehicles”可知,他们遇到这个问题,并没有很慌张,而是关闭引擎确保车还有油,坐在车上等待。因此可知,他们是在保持冷静。故选A。
76.句意:饥寒交迫的一夜和很少的睡眠让他们感到疲倦。A. excited“激动的”;B. guilty“内疚的”;C. tired“疲惫的”;D. embarrassed“尴尬的”。根据空前“A cold night in hunger and little sleep left them feeling”可知,他们又冷又饿,而且还没有足够的休息,因此可知,他们感到疲惫的。故选C。
77.句意:突然灵光一现,她打电话给卡车车主施密特烘焙公司。A. guaranteed“保证”;B. warned“警告”;C. called“打电话”;D. joined“参加”。根据下文“She left a 8 on the company' s customer service line, asking if the truck driver could share the baked goods with troubled drivers.”可知,她给那个公司的客服热线留言,因此她打电话给那家烘焙公司。故选C。
78.句意:她在公司的客户服务热线上留言,询问卡车司机是否可以与遇到麻烦的司机分享烘焙食品。A. report“报告”;B. message“信息”;C. note“笔记”;D. card“卡片”。根据空后“asking if the truck driver could share the baked goods with troubled drivers”可知,她询问卡车司机是否可以分享食品给那些在高速被困的司机,可推知,她在那家公司的热线电话上留言。故选B。
79.句意:她不知道他们是否会认真对待她的请求,但她想试试。A. curiously“好奇地”;B. actually“事实上”;C. certainly“肯定地”;D. seriously“认真地”。根据空前“She didn't know if they would take her request”可知,她不知道她打电话过去有没有用,也就是说她不确定别人会不会认真对待她的需求。故选D。
80.句意:令人难以置信的是,施密特的首席执行官查克在20分钟内亲自回了凯西的电话。A. respectively“各自地”;B. personally“亲自地”;C. selfishly“自私地”;D. cautiously“小心地”。根据空前“Schmidt CEO Chuck”以及空后“returned Casey' s call within 20 minutes”可知,这个公司的CEO亲自给她回了电话。故选B。
81.句意:他让她把手机递给公司的卡车司机罗恩,然后让罗恩给高速公路上的人们分发面包。A. hand out“分发”;B. give up“放弃”; C. set out“出发”;D. put aside“撇开”。根据上文“asking if the truck driver could share the baked goods with troubled drivers”可知,她留言询问卡车司机是否可以分享面包给受困的司机,可推知,CEO打电话回来是叫卡车司机分发面包给大家。故选A。
82.句意:查克说他很自豪能尽自己所能提供帮助。A. sad“伤心的”;B. afraid“害怕的”;C. mean“吝啬的”;D. proud“自豪的”。根据空后“offer any help he could”可知,给他人提供帮助,对他来说是一件让他感到自豪的事。故选D。
83.句意:凯西、约翰和罗恩兴奋地沿着结冰的高速公路把面包分给尽可能多的人。A. rainy“雨天的”;B. dusty“布满灰尘的”;C. icy“结冰的”;D. muddy“泥泞的”。根据上文“a massive snowstorm”可知,暴风雪来临,所以路面都是结冰的。故选C。
84.句意:接受食物的人中有老年乘客和有孩子的家庭。A. receive“接受”; B. achieve“实现”;C. adopt“采纳”;D. purchase“购买”。根据上文的“pass out the bread”以及空后“the food”可知,他们分发面包给人们,人们自然就是接受食物。故选A。
85.句意:在寒冷中等待了这么多小时后,他们都对提供的食物和一些安慰感到无比感激。A. pity“遗憾”;B. sympathy“同情”;C. courage“勇气”;D. relief“宽慰”。根据空前“They all felt incredibly thankful for the offering of food and”可知,被困的人们收到面包,对他们来说就是雪中送炭,这不仅是食物,更是精神上的安慰。故选D。
When I was in school, I participated in an undergraduate internship(本科实习) in a hospital. There I was largely 86. for visiting specific hospital patients.
On one particular 87. , I entered a darkened room to find an elderly man lying in the bed. I 88. thought he was sleeping, but when I moved closer to the bed, I realized that he was awake. He 89. wanted to communicate something, but I couldn't 90. what he was saying. He obviously didn't want me to leave, but I felt so 91. and uncomfortable that I left the room after several minutes.
The next time I was at the hospital, I was 92. to make follow-up visits with the same list of patients. I expected my time with that old man to be just as 93. as the last time……if he was still live.
As I arrived at the room, I noticed he was sitting up in the bed and much better. I introduced myself and explained that I had come by before, 94. I was certain he didn't remember me at all.
He 95. me immediately, saying, "I remember you. You were the angel that gave me 96. in my darkest hour!" I would have thought his memory was delirious(精神错乱的), but he then accurately 97. enough details of our first meeting to remove any 98. of his clarity. I was so amazed that, once again, I didn't know how to 99. . I did absolutely nothing to help this man... 100. showing up. I may never be able to explain it but somehow he found in me something he needed at a (n) 101. point in his life, just because I was there.
I have thought about this 102. often over the past 25 years. I has 103. the way I see life, the way I see myself, and the way I see others. It makes me want to offer whatever 104. can to others. Obviously, we can't know the impact our actions, or even just our 105. , will have on life.
86.A.suitable B.responsible C.anxious D.qualified
87.A.visit B.room C.night D.moment
88.A.immediately B.eventually C.firmly D.initially
89.A.separately B.unexpectedly C.desperately D.briefly
90.A.bring out B.figure out C.turn out D.help out
91.A.lost B.shocked C.released D.relaxed
92.A.inspired B.licensed C.assigned D.named
93.A.relaxed B.short C.long D.pour
94.A.so B.because C.but D.and
95.A.reminded B.blamed C.comforted D.corrected
96.A.direction B.hope C.greeting D.life
97.A.recited B.recollected C.remembered D.recounted
98.A.doubt B.panic C.stress D.anxiety
99.A.continue B.respond C.perform D.comment
100.A.before B.after C.with D.except
101.A.special B.unique C.critical D.original
102.A.experience B.journey C.question D.lesson
103.A.paved B.mended C.built D.shaped
104.A.materials B.instructions C.kindness D.advice
105.A.presence B.thought C.word D.choice
86.句意:我主要负责探望一些特定的住院病人。A. suitable“合适的”;B. responsible“负责的”;C. anxious“焦虑的”;D. qualified“胜任的”。根据上文“When I was in school, I participated in an undergraduate internship(本科实习) in a hospital.”可知,作者作为一名即将毕业的医学生,在医院实习,负责探查病人病情的工作。故选B。
87.句意:在我某一次查房时,我进入一个黑暗的房间发现一个老人正躺在床上。A. visit“探望”;B. room“房间”;C. night“夜晚”;D. moment“时刻”。根据上文“There I was largely   1 for visiting specific hospital patients.”可知,作者接下来要描述某次他探望病人的经历。故选A。
88.句意:我原本以为他睡着了。A. immediately“立刻”;B. eventually“最终”;C. firmly“坚定地”;D. initially“起初地”。根据下文“I realized that he was awake.”可知,这位老人并没有睡着。故选D。
89.句意:他非常想要沟通某件事情。A. separately“分别地”;B. unexpectedly“意外地”;C. desperately“极其(需要)地”;D briefly“简短地”。根据下文“He obviously didn't want me to leave,”可知,老人非常希望作者留下,和他有所交流。故选C。
90.句意:但是我不能弄清楚他的意思。A. bring out“引起”;B. figure out“弄清楚”;C. turn out“结果是”;D help out“帮助”。根据空后“but I felt so 6 and uncomfortable”可知,作者对老人的诉求无法理解。故选B。
91.句意:但是我感到特别迷茫。A. lost“迷茫的”;B. shocked“震惊的”;C. released“如释重负的”;D. relaxed“放松的”。根据空前“but I couldn't 5 what he was saying.”可知,作者对老人的要求摸不着头脑。故选A。
92.句意:我第二次去医院时,我接到任务,去追踪同一批病人的病情。A. inspired“鼓舞”;B. licensed“许可”;C. assigned“给…...分配任务”;D. named“命名”。根据上文“There I was largely 1 for visiting specific hospital patients.”可知,作者主要担任探查几位特定病人的病情的任务。故选C。
93.句意:我预料与那位老人待在一起的时间会像上次一样短暂。A. relaxed“惬意的”;B. short“短暂的”;C. long“长的”;D. pour“倾倒”。根据上文“I left the room after several minutes.”可知,第一次与那位老人相处的时间很短暂。故选B。
94.句意:我向他解释说上次我也来过,但是我很确定他根本记不得了。A. so“所以”;B. because“因为”;C. but“但是”;D. and“并且”。根据上文“I left the room after several minutes.”可知,作者认为与这位老人的第一次见面很短暂,这位老人不太可能记得自己。故选C。
95.句意:他立刻纠正我。A. reminded“提醒”;B. blamed“责备”;C. comforted“宽慰”;D. corrected“纠正”。根据空后“saying, ‘I remember you.‘”可知,这位老人并未像作者料想的那样忘记他。故选D。
96.句意:你是在我最暗淡的时刻里给我希望的天使。A. direction“方向”;B. hope“希望”;C. greeting“问候”;D. life“人生”。根据下文“but somehow he found in me something he needed at a(n)  16 point in his life,”可知,这位老人认为与作者短暂的见面,给他带来了力量和希望。故选B。
97.句意:但是他准确地重新描述我们第一次相会的细节,以证实他思维清晰。A. recited“背诵”;B. recollected“收集”;C. remembered“记得”;D. recounted“重新讲述”。根据上文“I would have thought his memory was delirious(精神错乱的),”可知,这位老人为了证实自己并非是说胡话,认真地讲述了上次见面的细节。故选D。
98.句意:但是他准确地重新描述我们第一次相会的细节,以证实他思维清晰。A. doubt“疑问”;B. panic“惊恐”;C. stress“压力”;D. anxiety“焦虑”。根据上文“I would have thought his memory was delirious(精神错乱的),”可知,这位老人努力想要解释,以消除作者的疑虑。故选A。
99.句意:我不知道怎么回答。A. continue“继续”;B. respond“回应”;C. perform“表演”;D. comment“评论”。根据上文“I was so amazed that, once again,”可知,作者很惊讶,以至于无法回应。故选B。
100.句意:除了出现在这里,我确定自己并未对他有什么帮助。A. before“在…...之前”;B. after“在…...之后”;C. with“和,带”;D. except“除了”。根据上文“I entered a darkened room to find an elderly man lying in the bed.”可知,作者除了出现在这位老人的病房里,并未做其他事情。故选D。
101.句意:但不知怎地,他在我身上发现了一个生命中重要时刻需要的力量。A. special“特殊的”;B. unique“独特的”;C. critical“重要的”;D. original“起初的”。根据上文“You were the angel that gave me 11 in my darkest hour!”可知,这位老人认为作者在自己最重要的时刻帮助了自己。故选C。
102.句意:我在这过去的25年中不断想起这段经历。A. experience“经历”;B. journey“旅行”;C. question“问题”;D. lesson“课程”。根据上文“I may never be able to explain it but somehow he found in me something he needed at a(n) 16 point in his life, just because I was there.”可知,作者无意中帮助了一位老人的这段经历,令他难以忘怀。故选A。
103.句意:我形成了自己的人生观。A. paved“铺设”;B. mended“修理”;C. built“建造”;D. shaped“形成,塑造”。根据后文“the way I see life, the way I see myself, and the way I see others.”可知,作者由此经历形成了自我的人生观和自我评价。故选D。
104.句意:这让我想要尽我所能向别人表达善意。A. materials“材料”;B. instructions“指令”;C. kindness“善意”;D. advice“建议”。根据上文“You were the angel that gave me 11  in my darkest hour!”可知,作者决定在余生主动向他人表达善意,帮助他人。故选C。
105.句意:很明显,我们并不知道我们的行为,甚至是我们的存在会对我们的生活有怎样的影响。A. presence“出现”;B. thought“想法”;C. word“词语”;D. choice“选择”。根据空前“we can't know the impact our actions,”可知,作者认为自己的行为,甚至是自我的存在,都对他人的人生有影响。故选A。
in the classroom, I felt confused.
teacher pointed at the blackboard and gave us instructions. Looking around, I watched
as my classmates 106. their heads and started writing. A wave of 107. washed over me-I couldn't read the board, for
I couldn't see clearly. It didn't 108. at primary school because my teachers always
read aloud what they were writing. But now, I was expected to read by myself.
took me to a(n) 109. .
I was diagnosed with a terrible sight problem. I was 110. blind.
despite all the difficulties, I'd amazingly 111. to reach the age of 13! As a kid living on a
farm, I was always falling over objects. I could only 112. the outlines of things and contrasts between
different shades. I was given reading 113. but they didn't help much.
114. to let my diagnosis hold me back, I continued
doing everything I loved, including milking the cows. Over the years, I've 115. lovely family holidays, but sometimes felt
like my families were being too 116. to me. So I was thrilled when I heard about a
travel company that takes those who are blind or have poor 117. Aussie adventures without families' company. 118. , I booked myself onto a trip to the 119. . It was amazing to appreciate places, such as
the beach and seaside theme parks, with 120. who were just like me. And the incredible
guides were great at 121. us
through all the way while making sure we had a fun and 122. time. Since then, I've travelled with them a
lot. While we can't see the sights like others, our 123. take us to awesome places. I don't want people
to feel sorry for me. I'm so lucky to have a wonderful family and lots of 124. .
is 125. —you don't need vision to "see" that.
106.A.raised B.lowered C.turned D.shook
107.A.regret B.passion C.panic D.courage
108.A.relate B.change C.happen D.matter
109.A.doctor B.teacher C.engineer D.architect
110.A.entirely B.frequently C.hopefully D.nearly
111.A.managed B.decided C.expected D.preferred
112.A.bring out B.turn out C.make out D.work out
113.A.classes B.glasses C.apps D.skills
114.A.Anxious B.Delighted C.Sorry D.Unwilling
115.A.launched B.enjoyed C.organized D.avoided
116.A.generous B.tolerant C.protective D.trustworthy
117.A.vision B.intelligence C.confidence D.pay
118.A.Puzzled B.Confused C.Touched D.Excited
119.A.downtown B.coast C.village D.countryside
120.A.classmates B.colleagues C.tourists D.families
121.A.supporting B.lecturing C.pushing D.persuading
122.A.easy B.short C.simple D.safe
123.A.education B.wisdom C.imagination D.confidence
124.A.adventures B.lessons C.actions D.experiments
125.A.peaceful B.precious C.plain D.permanent
106.句意:环顾四周,我看到同学们低下头开始写作。A. raised “举起”;B. lowered “降低”;C. turned “转动”;D. shook“摇晃”。根据空后" started writing"可知,上课的时候同学们低下头开始写。故选B。
107.句意:一阵恐慌席卷了我——我看不清黑板,因为我看不清楚。A. regret“遗憾”;B. passion“激情”;C. panic “恐慌”;D. courage“勇气”。根据下文"I couldn't read the board, for I couldn't see clearly. "可知,因为我看不清楚了,我不能看清黑板了,所以我感到一阵恐慌。故选C。
108.句意:这在小学并不重要,因为我的老师总是大声朗读他们写的东西。A. relate“ 联系”;B. change “变化”;C. happen “发生”;D. matter“重要”。根据空后"because my teachers always read aloud what they were writing."可知,在小学时,老师会大声读出我们正在写的东西,所以看不看黑板并不重要。故选D。
109.句意:妈妈带我去看医生。A. doctor “医生”;B. teacher “老师”;C. engineer“工程师”;D. architect “建筑师”。根据下文"I was diagnosed with a terrible sight problem. "可知我去看了医生,被诊断出严重的视力问题。故选A。
110.句意:我几乎失明了。 A. entirely “完全地”;B. frequently“ 频繁地”;C. hopefully “有希望地”;D. nearly “几乎”。根据上文"I was diagnosed with a terrible sight problem. "可知,我被诊断出严重的视力问题,我几乎失明了。故选D。
111.句意:然而,尽管困难重重,我还是奇迹般地到了13岁! A. managed“管理”;B. decided“决定”;C. expected “期望”;D. preferred “更喜欢”。根据空前"However, despite all the difficulties"可知,尽管有很多的 困难,但是我还是奇迹的长到了13岁。manage to do sth.固定短语, "设法做成某事"。故选A。
112.句意:我只能分辨出事物的轮廓和不同色调之间的对比。A. bring out“拿出”;B. turn out “结果是”;C. make out “辨认出”;D. work out“锻炼,想出”。根据空前"As a kid living on a farm, I was always falling over objects. "可知,我看不清,会被东西绊倒,由此推知只能分辨出事务的轮廓。故选C。
113.句意:有人给了我一副阅读眼镜,但没有多大帮助。A. classes “课程”;B. glasses“眼镜”;C. apps“ 应用程序”; D. skills “技能”。根据语境可知,我看不清楚东西,所以有人给了我眼镜帮助阅读。故选B。
114.句意:不愿意让我的诊断阻碍我,我继续做我喜欢的一切,包括挤奶。A. Anxious“ 焦虑的”;B. Delighted“ 高兴的”;C. Sorry “抱歉的”;D. Unwilling “不愿意的”。根据空后"I continued doing everything I loved, including milking the cows."可知,我不愿意身体上的障碍阻碍,我依然做我喜欢的一切。故选D。
115.句意:我一直享受着美好的家庭假期,但有时我觉得我的家人对我过于保护。A. launched “发射”;B. enjoyed “享受”;C. organized “组织”;D. avoided“ 避免”。根据上文"I continued doing everything I loved, including milking the cows."可知,我做我喜欢做的事情,几年来,我一直享受着家庭假期。故选B。
116.句意:我一直享受着美好的家庭假期,但有时我觉得我的家人对我过于保护。A. generous “感慨的”; B. tolerant“ 宽容的”;C. protective“ 保护的”;D. trustworthy “值得信赖的”。根据语境可知,我的眼睛看不清楚,所以我的家人会更加保护我。故选C。
117.句意:因此,当我听说一家旅游公司在没有家人陪伴的情况下带着盲人或视力差的澳大利亚人冒险时,我非常激动。A. vision “视力”;B. intelligence “智力”;C. confidence “自信”;D. pay “支付”。根据上文"who are blind"可知,这家旅游公司带着盲人或视力差的人去旅行。故选A。
118.句意:我兴奋地预订了去海边的旅行。A. Puzzled“迷惑的”;B. Confused“困惑的”;C. Touched “感动的”;D. Excited “兴奋的”。根据上文"So I was thrilled "可知,当听说一家旅游公司在没有家人陪伴的情况下带着盲人或视力差的澳大利亚人冒险时,我非常激动。所以我报名旅游的心情是激动的。故选D。
119.句意:我兴奋地预订了去海边的旅行。A. downtown “市区”;B. coast “海岸”;C. village “村庄”;D. countryside “乡下”。根据下文"such as the beach and seaside theme parks"可知,我去了预定了去海边的旅行。故选B。
120.句意:和像我一样的游客一起去欣赏海滩和海滨主题公园这样的地方真是太棒了。A. classmates “同学”;B. colleagues“ 同事”;C. tourists “游客”;D. families “家庭”。根据上文可知,我是报名了旅行团,所以是和像我一样看不见东西的游客一起。故选C。
121.句意:这些令人难以置信的导游在全程支持我们的同时,也确保了我们度过了一段快乐而安全的时光。A. supporting “支持”;B. lecturing “讲座”;C. pushing “推动”;D. persuading “劝说”。根据常识和下文"through all the way"可知,导游们一路上都帮助我们,也很好的支持我们。故选A。
122.句意:这些令人难以置信的导游在全程支持我们的同时,也确保了我们度过了一段快乐而安全的时光。A. easy “简单的”;B. short “短的”;C. simple“ 简单的”;D. safe “安全的”。根据常识可知,我们看不见,所以导游们既要我们玩的高兴,又要确保我们安全。故选D。
123.句意:虽然我们不能像其他人一样看到风景,但我们的想象力将我们带到了很棒的地方。A. education“ 教育”;B. wisdom “智慧”;C. imagination“想象力”;D. confidence“ 自信心”。根据上文"While we can't see the sights like others"可知,我们虽然看不见,但是我们有非常棒的想象力。故选C。
124.句意:我很幸运有一个美好的家庭和很多冒险。A. adventures “冒险”;B. lessons “课程”;C. actions “行动”;D. experiments“ 实验”。根据语境可知,我遇到了能让我这样看不清的人的去旅行的旅行团,所以我很幸运,我有很多的旅行和冒险。故选A。
125.句意:生活是宝贵的,你不需要用眼睛去"看到"它。A. peaceful “和平的”;B. precious “珍贵的”;C. plain“ 平的”;D. permanent “永久的”。根据语境可知,虽然我看不见,但是我依然热爱生活,认为生活是珍贵的。故选B。
(2022高三上·金华模拟)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
car slid easily into the school lane. I turned around and glanced at the back
seat as my ten-year-old daughter 126. . My daughter's words
started to spill. "Momma, Jenny 127. all the girls in the
class to attend her birthday party except for Heather and me. I 128. I was her friend too."
The air was filled with her 129. .
tears ran down my little girl's face, I felt 130. . As an introvert (内向的人),I often breathe a sigh
of 131. when I am not invited to a large social
gathering. I prefer 132. with a few friends who get me. 133. , I don't extend my preferences to my
daughter's social life. Since the age of four, rather than 134. just a few, I've invited all
of her classmates to her birthday parties, because I am 135. to the need for young girls
and boys to feel 136. .
understand that at some point all of us are excluded from something and that
this is a 137. children will eventually learn. But why does
it have to happen when they are so 138. As soon as we got
home, I hugged my still upset daughter and wiped away her tears. As I 139. her, I thought of her own
approaching birthday party. The invitation would go out to 140. of her classmates.
126.A.got off B.climbed in C.pulled up D.checked out
127.A.invited B.persuaded C.allowed D.reminded
128.A.remembered B.pretended C.thought D.admitted
129.A.sorrow B.excitement C.embarrassment D.anxiety
130.A.fearless B.hopeless C.tireless D.powerless
131.A.disappointment B.impatience C.relief D.sadness
132.A.competing B.bargaining C.connecting D.living
133.A.Instead B.However C.Therefore D.Otherwise
134.A.expecting B.choosing C.ignoring D.training
135.A.used B.addicted C.blind D.sensitive
136.A.left out B.at ease C.fulfilled D.included
137.A.lesson B.test C.skill D.quality
138.A.upset B.young C.naughty D.lonely
139.A.rescued B.entertained C.rewarded D.comforted
140.A.all B.some C.none D.few
126.句意:我转过身,瞥了一眼后座,十岁的女儿正爬进车里。A. got off“下车”;B. climbed in“爬进”;C. pulled up“拔起”;D. checked out“结账”。根据下文“My daughter's words started to spill.”我女儿开始滔滔不绝了,可知,十岁的女儿爬进了车里。故选B。
127.句意:妈妈,珍妮邀请了班里所有的女孩来参加她的生日聚会,除了希瑟和我。A. invited“邀请”;B. persuaded“说服”;C. allowed“允许”;D. reminded“提醒”。根据空后“all the girls in the class to attend her birthday party”指邀请所有女孩去参加生日派对。故选A。
128.句意:我以为我也是她的朋友。A. remembered“记得”;B. pretended“假装”;C. thought“以为,认为”;D. admitted“承认”。根据空后“I was her friend too”可知,女儿说以为自己也是她的朋友。故选C。
129.句意:空气中充满了她的悲伤。A. sorrow“悲伤”;B. excitement“激动”;C. embarrassment“尴尬”;D. anxiety“焦虑”。根据上文可知,女儿没有被邀请,感到很悲伤。故选A。
130.句意:当我的小女儿泪流满面时,我感到无能为力。A. fearless“无畏的”;B. hopeless“绝望的”;C. tireless“不知疲倦的”;D. powerless“无力的”。根据下文,作者是个内向的人,没有遇到过这种情况,所以是感到无能为力。故选D。
131.句意:作为一个内向的人,当我没有被邀请参加大型社交聚会时,我常常会松一口气。A. disappointment“失望”;B. impatience“无耐心”;C. relief“安慰”;D. sadness“悲伤”。根据空前“As an introvert (内向的人) ”可知,因为作者很内向,所以没有被邀请只感到松了一口气。故选C。
132.句意:我更喜欢和几个懂我的朋友交流。A. competing“竞争”;B. bargaining“讨价还价”;C. connecting“联系”;D. living“居住”。根据空后“with a few friends who get me”指和几个懂自己的朋友保持联系,应用connect with。故选C。
133.句意:然而,我并没有把我的喜好延伸到我女儿的社交生活上。A. Instead“相反”;B. However“然而”;C. Therefore“因此”;D. Otherwise“否则”。根据语境可知为转折关系,应用however。故选B。
134.句意:从四岁开始,我邀请了她所有的同学参加她的生日派对,而不是只选几个,因为我很清楚年轻的女孩和男孩需要有参与感。A. expecting“期待”;B. choosing“选择”;C. ignoring“忽视”;D. training“训练”。根据空后“I've invited all of her classmates to her birthday parties”我邀请了她所有的同学参加她的生日聚会,可知,作者邀请了所有人,而不是有所选择。故选B。
135.句意:从四岁开始,我邀请了她所有的同学参加她的生日派对,而不是只选几个,因为我很清楚年轻的女孩和男孩需要有参与感。A. used“用过的”;B. addicted“上瘾的”;C. blind“盲目的”;D. sensitive“敏感的”。根据空后“to the need for young girls and boys to feel”可知,作者对小男孩和小女孩希望自己能够融入他人的这一成长经历很敏感,即:很清楚年轻的女孩和男孩在成长的过程中需要有参与感,故选D。
136.句意:从四岁开始,我邀请了她所有的同学参加她的生日派对,而不是只选几个,因为我很清楚年轻的女孩和男孩需要有参与感。A. left out“忽视”;B. at ease“安逸”;C. fulfilled“实现”;D. included“包括”。根据空前“the need for young girls and boys to feel”可知,这里指女孩男孩都需要有参与感,included此处为过去分词转化而来的形容词,表示“包括在内的”。故选D。
137.句意:我明白,在某种程度上,我们所有人都会被排除在外,这是孩子们最终会学到的一个道理。A. lesson“道理,教训”;B. test“测试”;C. skill“技能”;D. quality“质量”。根据空后“children will eventually learn”可知,所有人都有被排除在外的时候,这是孩子们最终会学到的一个道理。故选A。
138.句意:但是为什么这种事发生在他们这么小的时候呢?A. upset“沮丧的”;B. young“年轻的”;C. naughty“淘气的”;D. lonely“寂寞的”。根据上文可知女儿才十岁就遭到了排挤,所以是很小的年纪。故选B。
139.句意:当我安慰她时,我想到了她自己即将到来的生日聚会。A. rescued“营救”;B. entertained“娱乐”;C. rewarded“奖赏”;D. comforted“安慰”。根据上文“As soon as we got home, I hugged my still upset daughter and wiped away her tears.”我们一到家,我就拥抱了仍然很难过的女儿,为她擦去眼泪。可知,作者安慰伤心的女儿。故选D。
140.句意:邀请会发给她所有的同学。A. all“全部”;B. some“一些”;C. none“没有人”;D. few“很少”。根据上文“I've invited all of her classmates to her birthday parties”指作者会邀请班上所有人。故选A。
Once, there was a small,
unkept and rather poor village. People had to work hard to 141. themselves. Johnny lived in a wooden hut with
his old grandma. He had dreamed to move to a big city he had never 142. before.
All of Johnny's friends had
left for a long 143. in big cities. Only Johnny, who was 144. all summer long, and couldn't even go to the
nearest city for a moment.
Johnny 145. walked into the hut and sank onto the muddy
brown sofa. "Are you okay, dear " His grandma asked. "No!"
Johnny 146. . "My friends are all
taking trips to other cities, even countries, and I'm 147. in this place!" Johnny's Grandma was 148. . 【备战2023高考英语】全国甲卷真题变式:06 完形填空·故事类
You can tell a lot about a
man by how he treats his dogs.
For many years, I enjoyed
living with my dogs, Tilly and Chance. Their 1. was nearly enough to keep my loneliness at
bay, Nearly. Last year. I started dating, but with 2. .
When I first dated Steve, I 3. he
had a dog. Molly, and a cat, Flora. While I was 4. that he was an animal lover, I 5. that three dogs were perhaps too many, and my
dogs might attack 6. ,
the cat.
The next week we 7. our dogs together. It was a hot day. When we
paused to catch our 8. ,
Steve got down on one knee. Was he proposing (求婚)
I liked him too. But so 9.
He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. 10. , I began to fall for him.
We 11. to date, though neither of us brought up the
future. And then in late November, Tilly had an operation on her 12. . I took the dogs out four times a day, and I
worried that Tilly 13. climbing the stairs could reopen the wound.
Then Steve 14. his house. All worked 15. .
The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching, 16. Flora's space; Steve and I formed a good team 17. for Tilly. We made good housemates.
A year later, much to my 18. this man produced a little box with a ring and
proposed to me. He did not kneel (跪) down, nor
did I 19. him to. That's only for giving 20. to the dogs that brought us together.
1.A.ownership B.membership C.companionship D.leadership
2.A.reservations B.expectations C.confidence D.prejudice
3.A.feared B.doubted C.hoped D.learned
4.A.unsatisfied B.amused C.terrified D.thrilled
5.A.predicted B.worried C.regretted D.insisted
6.A.Flora B.Chance C.Molly D.Tilly
7.A.tied B.walked C.bathed D.fed
8.A.breath B.balance C.attention D.imagination
9.A.calm B.sure C.soon D.realf
10.A.By the way B.In that case
C.By all means D.In that moment
11.A.continued B.decided C.intended D.pretended
12.A.eye B.tail C.ear D.leg
13.A.secretly B.constantly C.eventually D.unwillingly
14.A.left B.sold C.suggested D.searched
15.A.late B.hard C.fine D.free
16.A.emptied B.respected C.occupied D.discovered
17.A.looking B.caring C.waiting D.calling
18.A.delight B.credit C.interest D.disadvantage
19.A.beg B.trust C.need D.aid
20.A.toys B.awards C.food D.water
(2022·湖州模拟)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Today I had lunch with Cynthia. As I was waiting for her to arrive, I 21. a man saying they needed to get his 22. to pay for something. When they stepped 23. , I spoke to the staff and 24. to pay their bill. As it turned out it was just for a piece of cake and I asked them to just add it to my 25. . I handed the cashier a Smile Card, asking him to give it to the man. When the man came back with his money, he was 26. .
I thought I had done a(n) 27. deed, but there were more surprises to come. Cynthia and I were sitting enjoying our 28. when Alex, a worker at the 29. , approached us. He explained that the couple on table one had paid for our lunch, including the pie. Alex didn't understand why 30. I guessed it was just ripples spreading. My random act of 31. was zoomed up.
When leaving, I asked Cynthia to 32. a table so that we could keep the 33. of kindness going. Although they all looked 34. , she chose one. I called Alex over and said I wanted to 35. their lunch. He was beside himself with 36. , smiling from ear to ear. I don't think he had ever observed anything like this before.
In the past 7 years I've been able to 37. so much generosity and kindness in action. This could be a(n) 38. of love. Whatever the reason, it's not a coincidence that this corresponds with my 39. in activities organized by Kind Springs. Deep 40. to you, and the rest of humanity, for being my mirror.
21.A.saw B.scolded C.heard D.comforted
22.A.phone B.card C.check D.cash
23.A.up B.outside C.in D.down
24.A.offered B.agreed C.begged D.preferred
25.A.bill B.menu C.goods D.table
26.A.upset B.surprised C.scared D.relieved
27.A.good B.useless C.disturbing D.evil
28.A.breakfast B.lunch C.tea D.dinner
29.A.factory B.plant C.restaurant D.store
30.A.but B.so C.or D.though
31.A.bravery B.inspiration C.kindness D.rudeness
32.A.watch out B.pick
out C.set out D.work out
33.A.track B.road C.trip D.journey
34.A.deserving B.funny C.greedy D.starving
35.A.eat up B.pay for C.pack up D.prepare for
36.A.pity B.calmness C.joy D.frustration
37.A.receive B.show C.witness D.practise
38.A.wave B.origin C.end D.circle
39.A.adventure B.investment C.recognition D.involvement
40.A.gratitude B.devotion C.commitment D.attachment
Tooth-fairy nights were
always filled with expectation at our house. One such night, our daughter
informed us that her loose tooth had finally 41.
exciting," we told her. "Put it under your pillow 42. the tooth fairy will visit you tonight."
"Okay," our
daughter agreed, carefully guarding her newly acquired prized 43. in a loose fist.
We reminded ourselves
to check for her tooth once our 44. was over. However, when the film was over we 45. forgot.
The next morning, we
were awakened by cries of 46. from our daughter's room. "Mommy! Daddy!
Coe and see what the tooth fairy brought me!"
Astonished, my husband
and I exchanged 47. glances. Quickly, we 48. our way to our daughter's room and found her
sitting quietly on her bed, 49. out the window at a 50. . Her eyes shone with pure 51. .
As she was absorbed in
the rainbow, I 52. under her pillow to "check for any other 53. that she may have overlooked. "
"Are you sure you
felt all around when 54. your prize "I asked, and we watched as
she carefully explored underneath her pillow.
"Wow! Two
prizes!" she said, proudly waving the dollar bill she "must have
overlooked" during her first treasure 55. .
41.A.come out B.canceled out C.broken out D.passed out
42.A.for B.or C.and D.yet
43.A.secret B.possession C.award D.superpower
44.A.conversation B.game C.meeting D.movie
45.A.randomly B.scarcely C.entirely D.gradually
46.A.pain B.joy C.upset D.fright
47.A.excited B.scared C.confused D.guilty
48.A.fell B.made C.forced D.followed
49.A.staring B.leaning C.crying D.reaching
50.A.rainbow B.nest C.swallow D.cloud
51.A.shock B.sympathy C.concern D.appreciation
52.A.settled B.reached C.touched D.held
53.A.options B.rewards C.alternatives D.treasures
54.A.hoping for B.checking for C.caring for D.heading for
55.A.sale B.research C.hunt D.spot
car needed some mechanical work that I could not do myself. Since the garage I
had been taking my car to had 56. , my friend Dave gave me a
recommendation: D's Auto Repair.
was pleasantly surprised to discover that the owner of D's was a mechanic who
had worked on my car several years earlier. 57. he was an employee at a gas station near my
house. I knew that his work was good.
58. the paperwork for the repair
and 59. while D took a phone call from another
customer. As I sat there, I looked around the small office to keep myself 60. .
A framed newspaper article caught my attention. The headline read: "Local
Dairy Farmer Kills Whole Herd. " The article was about the 61. of a fifth-generation dairy farmer during the
polluted milk scare in Michigan several years earlier. Dairy cows were becoming
62. a disease that was affecting
the milk supply. The fifth-generation dairy farmer paid to have all of his cows
63. . It was found that out of the entire herd, only a few were
infected. Because no one could 64. that the other cows were totally 65. , he had the herd killed and buried to make consumers feel rest
assured (放心). The farmer's insurance
did not cover his 66. because the state had not issued an order for
him to get rid of the herd. Asked why he did it, the farmer replied
"Because it was the right thing to do."
asked D why he 67. the article on the wall. I thought that he
might be related to or somehow knew the farmer. He said he had never met the
man, but that the farmer was a (n) 68. to him and set a standard for
integrity, trust and honesty. He said that is how he 69. his Auto Repair business.
was now doubly 70. by both the farmer and D. The next year, on my
recommendation, my son started a nine-month mechanics apprenticeship (学徒) at D's Auto Repair.
56.A.closed B.started C.expanded D.developed
57.A.Just then B.Back
then C.In advance D.Before long
58.A.filled out B.handed
out C.held out D.took out
59.A.stared B.reflected C.worried D.waited
60.A.informed B.interested C.prepared D.occupied
61.A.plans B.feelings C.actions D.bravery
62.A.immune to B.addicted
to C.infected with D.allergic to
63.A.tested B.killed C.buried D.sold
64.A.suspect B.promise C.challenge D.question
65.A.satisfying B.beneficial C.dangerous D.safe
66.A.danger B.risk C.loss D.threat
67.A.stored B.displayed C.collected D.appreciated
68.A.inspiration B.companion C.comfort D.memory
69.A.bought B.predicted C.operated D.acquired
70.A.embarrassed B.impressed C.confused D.amused
Casey and John, a young
couple, had been driving from Maryland to North Carolina when their 36-hour
nightmare began. They expected the road trip to 71. five hours, but a massive
snowstorm led to ice related accidents, and the state closed a 50-mile stretch
of the 72. for safety reasons.
With traffic 73. and no clear information on
when the highway would reopen, some drivers abandoned their cars and set out on
foot. Others, like Casey and Joe, turned off the 74. to save gas and seated
themselves in their vehicles. They tried their best to stay 75. .
A cold night in hunger and
little sleep left them feeling 76. . After 21 hours of
suffering, Casey noticed a bread delivery truck among the waiting vehicles. On
a sudden inspiration, she 77. Schmidt Baking Company, the
owner of the truck. She left a 78. on the company' s customer
service line, asking if the truck driver could share the baked goods with
troubled drivers. She didn't know if they would take her request 79. , but she wanted to try.
Her idea worked. Incredibly,
Schmidt CEO Chuck 80. returned Casey's call
within 20 minutes. He asked her to hand her phone to the company truck driver,
Ron, and then directed Ron to 81. loaves of bread to the
people on the highway. Chuck said he was 82. to offer any help he could.
Casey, John and Ron were
excited to pass out the bread along the 83. highway to as many people
as possible. Among those to 84. the food were elderly
passengers and families with children. They all felt incredibly thankful for
the offering of food and some 85. after so many hours waiting
in the cold.
71.A.waste B.work C.stand D.last
72.A.waterway B.subway C.highway D.railway
73.A.stopped B.canceled C.cleared D.changed
74.A.cooker B.engine C.window D.radio
75.A.calm B.fit C.wealthy D.hungry
76.A.excited B.guilty C.tired D.embarrassed
77.A.guaranteed B.warned C.called D.joined
78.A.report B.message C.note D.card
79.A.curiously B.actually C.certainly D.seriously
80.A.respectively B.personally C.selfishly D.cautiously
81.A.hand out B.give up C.set out D.put aside
82.A.sad B.afraid C.mean D.proud
83.A.rainy B.dusty C.icy D.muddy
84.A.receive B.achieve C.adopt D.purchase
85.A.pity B.sympathy C.courage D.relief
When I was in school, I participated in an undergraduate internship(本科实习) in a hospital. There I was largely 86. for visiting specific hospital patients.
On one particular 87. , I entered a darkened room to find an elderly man lying in the bed. I 88. thought he was sleeping, but when I moved closer to the bed, I realized that he was awake. He 89. wanted to communicate something, but I couldn't 90. what he was saying. He obviously didn't want me to leave, but I felt so 91. and uncomfortable that I left the room after several minutes.
The next time I was at the hospital, I was 92. to make follow-up visits with the same list of patients. I expected my time with that old man to be just as 93. as the last time……if he was still live.
As I arrived at the room, I noticed he was sitting up in the bed and much better. I introduced myself and explained that I had come by before, 94. I was certain he didn't remember me at all.
He 95. me immediately, saying, "I remember you. You were the angel that gave me 96. in my darkest hour!" I would have thought his memory was delirious(精神错乱的), but he then accurately 97. enough details of our first meeting to remove any 98. of his clarity. I was so amazed that, once again, I didn't know how to 99. . I did absolutely nothing to help this man... 100. showing up. I may never be able to explain it but somehow he found in me something he needed at a (n) 101. point in his life, just because I was there.
I have thought about this 102. often over the past 25 years. I has 103. the way I see life, the way I see myself, and the way I see others. It makes me want to offer whatever 104. can to others. Obviously, we can't know the impact our actions, or even just our 105. , will have on life.
86.A.suitable B.responsible C.anxious D.qualified
87.A.visit B.room C.night D.moment
88.A.immediately B.eventually C.firmly D.initially
89.A.separately B.unexpectedly C.desperately D.briefly
90.A.bring out B.figure out C.turn out D.help out
91.A.lost B.shocked C.released D.relaxed
92.A.inspired B.licensed C.assigned D.named
93.A.relaxed B.short C.long D.pour
94.A.so B.because C.but D.and
95.A.reminded B.blamed C.comforted D.corrected
96.A.direction B.hope C.greeting D.life
97.A.recited B.recollected C.remembered D.recounted
98.A.doubt B.panic C.stress D.anxiety
99.A.continue B.respond C.perform D.comment
100.A.before B.after C.with D.except
101.A.special B.unique C.critical D.original
102.A.experience B.journey C.question D.lesson
103.A.paved B.mended C.built D.shaped
104.A.materials B.instructions C.kindness D.advice
105.A.presence B.thought C.word D.choice
in the classroom, I felt confused.
teacher pointed at the blackboard and gave us instructions. Looking around, I watched
as my classmates 106. their heads and started writing. A wave of 107. washed over me-I couldn't read the board, for
I couldn't see clearly. It didn't 108. at primary school because my teachers always
read aloud what they were writing. But now, I was expected to read by myself.
took me to a(n) 109. .
I was diagnosed with a terrible sight problem. I was 110. blind.
despite all the difficulties, I'd amazingly 111. to reach the age of 13! As a kid living on a
farm, I was always falling over objects. I could only 112. the outlines of things and contrasts between
different shades. I was given reading 113. but they didn't help much.
114. to let my diagnosis hold me back, I continued
doing everything I loved, including milking the cows. Over the years, I've 115. lovely family holidays, but sometimes felt
like my families were being too 116. to me. So I was thrilled when I heard about a
travel company that takes those who are blind or have poor 117. Aussie adventures without families' company. 118. , I booked myself onto a trip to the 119. . It was amazing to appreciate places, such as
the beach and seaside theme parks, with 120. who were just like me. And the incredible
guides were great at 121. us
through all the way while making sure we had a fun and 122. time. Since then, I've travelled with them a
lot. While we can't see the sights like others, our 123. take us to awesome places. I don't want people
to feel sorry for me. I'm so lucky to have a wonderful family and lots of 124. .
is 125. —you don't need vision to "see" that.
106.A.raised B.lowered C.turned D.shook
107.A.regret B.passion C.panic D.courage
108.A.relate B.change C.happen D.matter
109.A.doctor B.teacher C.engineer D.architect
110.A.entirely B.frequently C.hopefully D.nearly
111.A.managed B.decided C.expected D.preferred
112.A.bring out B.turn out C.make out D.work out
113.A.classes B.glasses C.apps D.skills
114.A.Anxious B.Delighted C.Sorry D.Unwilling
115.A.launched B.enjoyed C.organized D.avoided
116.A.generous B.tolerant C.protective D.trustworthy
117.A.vision B.intelligence C.confidence D.pay
118.A.Puzzled B.Confused C.Touched D.Excited
119.A.downtown B.coast C.village D.countryside
120.A.classmates B.colleagues C.tourists D.families
121.A.supporting B.lecturing C.pushing D.persuading
122.A.easy B.short C.simple D.safe
123.A.education B.wisdom C.imagination D.confidence
124.A.adventures B.lessons C.actions D.experiments
125.A.peaceful B.precious C.plain D.permanent
(2022高三上·金华模拟)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
car slid easily into the school lane. I turned around and glanced at the back
seat as my ten-year-old daughter 126. . My daughter's words
started to spill. "Momma, Jenny 127. all the girls in the
class to attend her birthday party except for Heather and me. I 128. I was her friend too."
The air was filled with her 129. .
tears ran down my little girl's face, I felt 130. . As an introvert (内向的人),I often breathe a sigh
of 131. when I am not invited to a large social
gathering. I prefer 132. with a few friends who get me. 133. , I don't extend my preferences to my
daughter's social life. Since the age of four, rather than 134. just a few, I've invited all
of her classmates to her birthday parties, because I am 135. to the need for young girls
and boys to feel 136. .
understand that at some point all of us are excluded from something and that
this is a 137. children will eventually learn. But why does
it have to happen when they are so 138. As soon as we got
home, I hugged my still upset daughter and wiped away her tears. As I 139. her, I thought of her own
approaching birthday party. The invitation would go out to 140. of her classmates.
126.A.got off B.climbed in C.pulled up D.checked out
127.A.invited B.persuaded C.allowed D.reminded
128.A.remembered B.pretended C.thought D.admitted
129.A.sorrow B.excitement C.embarrassment D.anxiety
130.A.fearless B.hopeless C.tireless D.powerless
131.A.disappointment B.impatience C.relief D.sadness
132.A.competing B.bargaining C.connecting D.living
133.A.Instead B.However C.Therefore D.Otherwise
134.A.expecting B.choosing C.ignoring D.training
135.A.used B.addicted C.blind D.sensitive
136.A.left out B.at ease C.fulfilled D.included
137.A.lesson B.test C.skill D.quality
138.A.upset B.young C.naughty D.lonely
139.A.rescued B.entertained C.rewarded D.comforted
140.A.all B.some C.none D.few
Once, there was a small,
unkept and rather poor village. People had to work hard to 141. themselves. Johnny lived in a wooden hut with
his old grandma. He had dreamed to move to a big city he had never 142. before.
All of Johnny's friends had
left for a long 143. in big cities. Only Johnny, who was 144. all summer long, and couldn't even go to the
nearest city for a moment.
Johnny 145. walked into the hut and sank onto the muddy
brown sofa. "Are you okay, dear " His grandma asked. "No!"
Johnny 146. . "My friends are all
taking trips to other cities, even countries, and I'm 147. in this place!" Johnny's Grandma was 148. . "Johnny," she
began. Immediately, Johnny interrupted. "I'm going to my room!" He
then bolted (冲) towards his room.
One day, Johnny 149. up. He walked outside to look at the golden
sun 150. over the horizon, standing firm against the
ocean and blue sky. Soon after, his grandma went over to stand near Johnny.
"Listen, Johnny," she 151. . "Look at the sky and
the ocean. Aren't they splendid You won't 152. them in a city, would you " Just then, a
few wolf cubs (幼崽) could be 153. at the end of the village. "See those
wolf cubs Aren't they so 154. I don't think you would
find them crawling around a big city." This made Johnny 155. how beautiful life is, and he's lucky to even
live in a village.
141.A.remind B.support C.enjoy D.behave
142.A.visited B.imagined C.described D.introduced
143.A.gathering B.treatment C.ceremony D.vacation
144.A.curious B.regretful C.bored D.amused
145.A.unhappily B.unbelievably C.unexpectedly D.unconsciously
146.A.broke down B.passed down C.pointed out D.burst out
147.A.interested B.absorbed C.stuck D.involved
148.A.disappointed B.shocked C.inspired D.ashamed
149.A.woke B.turned C.gave D.grew
150.A.landing B.wandering C.rising D.burning
151.A.recalled B.complained C.shouted D.announced
152.A.share B.draw C.find D.miss
153.A.bought B.spotted C.raised D.rejected
154.A.wonderful B.pitiful C.fierce D.respectful
155.A.remember B.imagine C.suspect D.realize
It was Christmas 1961. I was teaching in a small
town where my third graders eagerly 156. the great day of gifts
Each day all the children except one girl produced
some new wonder to be hung from the ceiling. Through it all she remained 157. , watching from afar, seemingly miles away. I wondered what had
happened to this once so 158. but now so suddenly withdrawn child. I hoped
the festivities would 159. her. But nothing did. We made cards and gifts
for everyone. As my gift to them, I made each of my students a little bag. Of
course, I knew they had each made something for me.
The day of gift-giving finally came. We oohed and
aahed over our handiwork as the presents were 160. . Through it all, she sat quietly watching. I had made a special bag
for her, red and green with white lace, hoping very much to see her 161. . She opened the package so slowly and carefully. I waited but she 162. . I had not cracked the wall of 163. she had built around herself.
After school the children left in little groups.
She lingered when I sat down to catch my breath. 164. , she came to me with outstretched hands, 165. a small white box, unwrapped
and slightly soiled, as though it had been held many times by 166. , childish hands. "For me " I asked with a weak smile. She
said nothing, but nodded. I opened it 167. . There inside, a shiny glass marble hung from a faded golden chain.
In a flash I knew — she had made it for her mother who died just three weeks
before and would never again hear her childish joys or sorrows.
She took the chain in both her hands, reached
forward, and 168. the simple clasp(扣环) at the back of my neck. I
looked down at the gift, then back at the giver. I 169. it when I whispered, "Oh,
Maria, it is so beautiful. She would have loved it." She stumbled into my
arms and we wept together. And for that brief moment I became her mother, for
she had given me the greatest gift of all: 170. .
156.A.looked B.admired C.anticipated D.spent
157.A.curious B.awkward C.bitter D.indifferent
158.A.dull B.cheerful C.moody D.unfriendly
159.A.belong to B.go with C.appeal to D.turn to
160.A.compared B.purchased C.wrapped D.exchanged
161.A.pride B.movement C.smile D.gift
162.A.turned away B.tore down C.dropped out D.gave out
163.A.isolation B.trust C.safety D.hatred
164.A.Frequently B.Unexpectedly C.Apparently D.Consequently
165.A.bearing B.collecting C.opening D.making
166.A.unwashed B.disabled C.cold D.clever
167.A.by accident B.on purpose C.with care D.by force
168.A.unlocked B.secured C.removed D.rolled
169.A.pretended B.lied C.managed D.meant
170.A.a golden chain B.joy C.patience D.herself
1.句意:它们的陪伴几乎足以让我远离孤独。A. ownership“所有权”;B. membership“会员”;C. companionship“陪伴”;D. leadership“领导”。根据上文“For many years, I enjoyed living with my dogs, Tilly and Chance. ”多年来,我喜欢和我的狗Tilly和Chance生活在一起。可知,作者多年和狗狗生活在一起,可得出狗狗陪伴着作者,让作者远离孤独。故选C。
2.句意:去年,我开始约会,但有所保留。A. reservations“保留”;B. expectations“期望”;C. confidence“信心”;D. prejudice“偏见”。根据下文“He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. ”他把瓶子里的水倒在手里,递给我的狗;以及“I began to fall for him”我开始爱上他。可知,作者是在第二周和史蒂夫一起遛狗时,因为史蒂夫把水给自己的爱犬喝,作者才对史蒂夫产生好感,可得出刚开始约会时,因为不熟悉史蒂夫的品行,作者还是有所保留的。故选A。
3.句意:当我第一次和史蒂夫约会时,我得知他有一条名叫Molly的狗和一只名叫Flora的猫。A. feared“恐惧”;B. doubted“怀疑”;C. hoped“希望”;D. learned“得知”。根据空前“When I first dated Steve”当我第一次和史蒂夫约会时,和常识可知,第一次约会会得知对方相关情况,作者从而得知史蒂夫有一只狗和一只猫。故选D。
4.句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫Flora。A. unsatisfied“不满意的”;B. amused“愉快的”;C. terrified“害怕的”;D. thrilled“非常开心的”。根据空后“he was an animal lover ”他是一个动物爱好者,可知,得知史蒂夫是一个动物爱好者,多年和两只爱犬生活在一起的作者应该是感到愉快高兴。故选D。
5.句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫Flora。A. predicted“预测”;B. worried“担心”;C. regretted“后悔”;D. insisted“坚持”。根据空后“three dogs were perhaps too many, and my dogs might attack 6 ,the cat.”三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫。可知,作者认为三条狗可能太多了,且自己的狗可能会攻击史蒂夫的猫,针对这种情况,作者是担忧的。故选B。
6.句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫Flora。A. Flora“弗洛拉”;B. Chance“机会”;C. Molly“莫莉”;D. Tilly“蒂莉”。根据上文的“he had a dog, Molly, and a car, Flora .”他有一条名叫Molly的狗和一只名叫Flora的猫。可知,此处指作者担心自己的狗可能会攻击史蒂夫的猫Flora。故选A。
7.句意:第二周,我们一起遛狗。A. tied“系”;B. walked“牵着(动物)走,遛”;C. bathed“沐浴”;D. fed“喂养”。根据下文“When we paused”可知,作者和史蒂夫在一起遛狗。故选B。
8.句意:当我们停下来休息时,史蒂夫单膝跪下。A. breath“呼吸”;B. balance“平衡”;C. attention“注意力”;D. imagination“想象”。根据上文的“It was a hot day. When we paused”那是一个炎热的日子。当我们停下。可知,那天很热,遛狗的二人停下来休息一下,catch one's breath 固定短语,“休息一下、歇一口气”。 故选A。
9.句意:我也喜欢他,但这么快?A. calm“冷静的”;B. sure“确定的”;C. soon“很快的”;D real“真正的”。根据上文的“The next week”第二周;以及“Was he proposing (求婚) ”他在求婚吗?,可知,二人才认识两周,作者以为史蒂夫要向自己求婚,认为进展太快了。故选C。
10.句意:就在那一刻,我开始爱上他。A. By the way“顺便说一句”;B. In that case“那样的话”;C. By all means“务必”;D. In that moment“那一刻”。根据上文“He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs.”他把瓶子里的水倒在手里,递给我的狗;以及下文“I began to fall for him ”我开始爱上他,可知,就在史蒂夫把水给作者爱犬喝的那一刻,还有所保留的作者卸下心防,对史蒂夫产生好感。故选D。
11.句意:我们继续约会,虽然我们都没有提到未来。A. continued“继续”;B. decided“决定”;C. intended“打算”;D. pretended“假装”。根据上文的“I began to fall for him ”我开始爱上他。可知,作者对史蒂夫产生好感,可得出二人会继续约会。故选A。
12.句意:11月下旬,Tilly的腿做了一次手术。A. eye“眼睛”;B. tail“尾巴”;C. ear“耳朵”;D. leg“腿”。根据下文“I worried that Tilly 13 climbing the stairs could reopen the wound ”我担心Tilly爬楼梯会使伤口重新裂开。可知,作者担心爬楼会影响Tilly的伤口,可得出Tilly的腿做了手术。故选D。
13.句意:我一天带狗出去四次,我担心Tilly不断地爬楼梯会使伤口重新裂开。A. secretly“秘密地”;B. constantly“不断地”;C. eventually“最终”;D. unwillingly“不情愿地”。根据空前“I took the dogs out four times a day”我一天带狗出去四次。可知,作者一天带狗出去四次,可得出狗狗(包括Tilly)要不断地爬楼梯。故选B。
14.句意:然后史蒂夫离开了他的房子。A. left“离开”;B. sold“卖”;C. suggested“建议”;D. searched“搜寻”。根据下文的“We made good housemates.”我们是很好的室友。可知,二人成为室友,可得出史蒂夫离开了他的房子,和作者一起居住。故选A。
15.句意:一切都很好。A. late“晚的”;B. hard“困难的”;C. fine“好的”;D. free“自由的”。根据下文的“The three dogs formed a pack”这三条狗组成了一个团队;以及“Steve and I formed a good team”史蒂夫和我组成了一个好团队;“We made good housemates. ”我们是很好的室友。可知,狗狗相处友好,作者和史蒂夫相处也友好,可得出一切都好。故选C。
16.句意:这三条狗组成了一个团队,在训练下,尊重Flora的空间;史蒂夫和我组成了一个照顾Tilly的好团队。A. emptied“清空”;B. respected“尊重”;C. occupied“占据”;D. discovered“发现”。根据上文的“my dogs might attack 6 , the cat”我的狗可能会攻击猫;以及“The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching ”这三条狗组成了一个团队,在训练下。可知,起初作者担心自己的狗会攻击史蒂夫的猫Flora,但作者的狗和史蒂夫的狗相处友好,可得出在训练下,狗不会去攻击猫,结合动物的领地意识可知,此处指狗尊重猫的空间。故选B。
17.句意:这三条狗组成了一个团队,在训练下,尊重Flora的空间;史蒂夫和我组成了一个照顾Tilly的好团队。A. looking“看”;B. caring“照顾”;C. waiting“等待”;D. calling“打电话”。根据上文的“Tilly had an operation”Tilly做了一次手术。可知,作者的狗Tilly做过手术,史蒂夫和作者一起居住后,和作者一起照顾术后康复的Tilly。故选B。
18.句意:一年后,令我非常高兴的是,这个男人拿出一个带戒指的小盒子向我求婚。A. delight“高兴”;B. credit“信用”;C. interest“兴趣”;D. disadvantage“缺点”。根据空后“this man produced a little box with a ring and proposed to me ”这个男人拿出一个带戒指的小盒子向我求婚。可知,史蒂夫向作者求婚,作者应该是感到高兴。故选A。
19.句意:他没有跪下,我也不需要他跪下。A. beg“乞求”;B. trust“信任”;C. need“需要”;D. aid“帮助”。根据空前“He did not kneel (跪) down ”他没有跪下,和常识可知,一般求婚是要下跪的,但史蒂夫没有下跪,作者对此并不在意,因为作者不需要他下跪。故选C。
20.句意:正是给爱犬喝水的举动把我们带到一起。A. toys“玩具”;B. awards“奖励”;C. food“食物”;D. water“水”。根据上文的“He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. 10 , I began to fall for him. ”他把瓶子里的水倒在手里,递给我的狗。我开始爱上他。可知,就在史蒂夫把水给作者爱犬喝的那一刻,还有所保留的作者卸下心防,对史蒂夫产生好感,所以是“给爱犬喝水”的举动让二人走到了一起。故选D。
21.句意:当我在等她的时候,我听到一个男人说他们需要他的现金来支付一些东西。A. saw“看”;B. scolded“责备”;C. heard“听到”;D. comforted“安慰”。根据空后“a man saying”一个男人在说,可知,我听到有人在说话。故选C。
22.句意:当我在等她的时候,我听到一个男人说他们需要他的现金来支付一些东西。A. phone“电话”;B. card“卡片”;C. check“支票”;D. cash“现金”。根据空后“pay for something”为某物付钱,可知,这个男人需要拿钱来支付东西。故选D。
23.句意:当他们走到外面时,我和工作人员交谈,并提出为他们买单。A. up“上”;B. outside“外面”;C. in“里面”;D. down“下面”。根据下文“When the man came back with his money, he was 6 ”当男人拿着钱回来时,他很惊讶。可知,他们出去了,然后回来的。故选B。
24.句意:当他们走到外面时,我和工作人员交谈,并提出为他们买单。A. offered“提出”;B. agreed“同意”;C. begged“乞求”;D. preferred“更喜欢”。根据下文“I handed the cashier a Smile Card, asking him to give it to the man.”我递给收银员一张微笑卡,请他把它给那个人。可知,我主动提出要帮他们支付东西。故选A。
25.句意:结果发现费用不是很多,我让他们把它加到我的账单上。A. bill“账单”;B. menu“菜单”;C. goods“货物”;D. table“桌子”。根据下文“I handed the cashier a Smile Card, asking him to give it to the man.”我递给收银员一张微笑卡,请他把它给那个人。可知,我让收银员把他们的账单加到我的账单上。故选A。
26.句意:当男人拿着钱回来时,他很惊讶。A. upset“失落的”;B. surprised“惊讶的”;C. scared“害怕的”;D. relieved“宽慰的”。根据上文“ I asked them to just add it to my 5 .”我让他们把它加到我的账单上。可知,我帮他们支付了账单,那个男人感到非常的惊讶。故选B。
27.句意:我以为我做了一件好事,但还有更多的惊喜要来。A. good“好的”;B. useless“无用的”;C. disturbing“打扰的”;D. evil“邪恶的”。根据上文,我帮他们支付了账单,我认为我做了一件好事。故选A。
28.句意:辛西娅和我正坐着享受午餐,这时餐厅的工作人员亚历克斯走过来。A. breakfast“早餐”;B. lunch“午餐”;C. tea“茶”;D. dinner“晚餐”。根据下文“He explained that the couple on table one had paid for our lunch, including the pie.”他解释说,第一张桌子上的那对夫妇为我们付了午餐的钱,包括派。可知,我们当时正在吃午餐。故选B。
29.句意:辛西娅和我正坐着享受午餐,这时餐厅的工作人员亚历克斯走过来,A. factory“工厂”;B. plant“发电厂”;C. restaurant“餐馆”;D. store“商店”。根据语境,辛西娅和我正坐着享受午餐,这时餐厅的工作人员亚历克斯走过来。可知,我们当时在餐馆里吃午餐。故选C。
30.句意:亚历克斯不明白为什么,但我猜只是善意在扩散。A. but“但是”;B. so“因此”;C. or“否则”;D. though“尽管”。根据上文“He explained that the couple on table one had paid for our lunch, including the pie.”他解释说,第一张桌子上的那对夫妇为我们付了午餐的钱,包括派。可知,有陌生人帮我们支付了午餐钱,服务员并不明白为什么,但是我知道是我之前的善举获得了回报。故选A。
31.句意:我不经意的善举被放大了。A. bravery“勇敢”;B. inspiration“激励”;C. kindness“善意”;D. rudeness“粗鲁”。根据上文,我在商店买东西的时候,帮助别人支付了账单;现在,我在吃午餐,别人也帮我支付了午餐钱。我认为是我之前的善举现在获得了回报。故选C。
32.句意:离开时,我让辛西娅挑选一桌客人,这样我们就可以继续友好的旅程。A. watch out“注意”;B. pick out“挑选”;C. set out“开始”;D. work out“解决”。根据下文“Although they all looked 14 , she chose one.”虽然他们看起来都不错,她还是选了一个。可知,我让辛西娅选一桌客人,我们来帮他们支付餐费。故选B。
33.句意:离开时,我让辛西娅挑选一桌客人,这样我们就可以继续友好的旅程。A. track“轨道”;B. road“道路”;C. trip“旅游”;D. journey“旅程,行程”。此处意指我让辛西娅挑选一桌客人,我们来帮忙支付餐费,这样也许能够让善举的旅程继续下去,让善意继续下去。故选D。
34.句意:虽然他们看起来都不错,她还是选了一个。A. deserving“值得的”;B. funny“有趣的”;C. greedy“贪婪的”;D. starving“饿的”。根据语境,此处意指我让辛西娅挑选一桌客人,我们来帮忙支付餐费。但是,每一桌客人看起来都不错,但是我们只能从中选择一个。故选A。
35.句意:我把亚历克斯叫了过来,说我想为他们付午餐钱。A. eat up“吃光”;B. pay for“支付”;C. pack up“打包”;D. prepare for“为...…准备”。根据上文“When leaving, I asked Cynthia to 12 a table so that we could keep the 13 of kindness going.”我让辛西娅挑选一张桌子,这样我们就可以继续友好的旅程。可知,我打算帮其中一桌客人支付餐费。故选B。
36.句意:他欣喜若狂,笑得合不拢嘴。A. pity“遗憾”;B. calmness“冷静”;C. joy“开心”;D. frustration“沮丧”。根据下文“I don’t think he had ever observed anything like this before.”我想他以前从未观察过这样的事情。可知,亚历克斯之前从未见过这样的事,所以感到很开心。故选C。
37.句意:在过去的7年里,我见证了如此多的慷慨和善良。A. receive“收到”;B. show“展示”;C. witness“见证”;D. practise“联系”。根据下文“Whatever the reason, it’s not a coincidence that this corresponds with my 19 in activities organized by Kind Springs.”不管是什么原因,这与我参加Kind Springs的活动并不是巧合。可知,我参加了Kind Springs 的组织,这是一个传递爱的组织,所以我见证了很多的善举。故选C。
38.句意:这可能是一个爱的循环。A. wave“波浪”;B. origin“起源”;C. end“结束”;D. circle“循环”。根据上文,我在商店里帮一位男士支付了账单,后来,我在餐馆吃饭,别人又帮我支付了餐费。我认为这就是爱和善举的循环。故选D。
39.句意:不管是什么原因,这与我参加Kind Springs的活动并不是巧合。A. adventure“冒险”;B. investment“投资”;C. recognition“识别”;D. involvement“参与”。根据空后“in activities organized by Kind Springs. ”可知我参与了一个爱心组织。故选D。
40.句意:深深感谢你和其他人,因为你们是我的镜子。A. gratitude“感激”;B. devotion“奉献”;C. commitment“投入”;D. attachment“附着,依恋”。根据上文,我的善举得到了别人的善意的回馈,我很感激这种爱的循环,也激励着我要继续将这份善意和爱传递下去。故选A。
41.句意:这样的一天晚上,我们的女儿告诉我们,她松动的牙齿终于掉了。A.come out “出来,显露,发表,结果是”;B.canceled out“取消”; C.broken out “爆发”;D.passed out“晕倒,失去知觉”。根据上文“Tooth-fairy night”和下文“Put it under your pillow”可知,是女儿松动的牙齿终于掉了。故选A。
42.句意:“把它放在你的枕头下,牙仙今晚会来看你的。”A.for“因为,当做”; B.or“或者,不然”; C.and“和 ”;D.yet“但是,然而”。结合语境和常识可知,Put it under your pillow和the tooth fairy will visit you tonight是递进关系,应使用连词and。故选C。
43.句意:“好吧,”我们的女儿同意了,小心翼翼地用松开的拳头保护着她新获得的珍贵物品。A.secret“秘密”; B.possession“个人财产,私人财物”; C.award“奖品”; D.superpower“超能力”。根据语境,女儿将她自己的牙小心翼翼的握在拳头里,她的牙齿是她自己的财物。故选B。
44.句意:我们提醒自己,一旦我们的电影结束,就检查她的牙齿。A.conversation“谈话”;B.game“游戏,比赛”; C.meeting“会议 ”;D.movie“电影”。根据下文“when the film was over”可知,此处是指作者打算电影结束后看女儿的牙齿,film是movie的词义复现。故选D。
45.句意:然而,当电影结束时,我们完全忘记了这件事。A.randomly “随便地,任意地”;B.scarcely“几乎不,简直没有”; C.entirely“全部地,完全地”; D.gradually“逐渐地”。根据空前“However”表转折可知,电影结束之后,作者将看女儿牙的事情忘得一干二净。故选C。
46.句意:第二天清晨,我们被女儿房间里的欢呼声吵醒了。A.pain“痛苦,疼痛”;B. joy“高兴,喜悦”; C.upset“失望,心烦 ”;D.fright“惊恐,惊吓”。根据下文“ Mommy! Daddy! Coe and see what the tooth fairy brought me! ”;以及“As she was absorbed in the rainbow”可知,女儿以为窗外的彩虹是牙仙女带来的礼物,应该是欢呼的叫声。故选B。
47.句意:我和丈夫惊讶地交换了一下眼神。A.excited“兴奋的 ”;B.scared “害怕的”;C.confused “困惑的”;D. guilty“内疚的”。世上没有真正的牙仙女,而作者昨晚忘了去看女儿的牙,但女儿一大早说看到了牙仙女的礼物,所以作者应该是和丈夫交换困惑的眼神。故选C。
48.句意:很快,我们来到女儿的房间,发现她静静地坐在床上,盯着窗外的彩虹。A.fell“倒,跌倒”; B.made“做,使得”; C.forced “强迫”;D.followed“跟随”。make one's way to固定搭配,“转向、向…...进发、前往某处”。故选B。
49.句意:很快,我们来到女儿的房间,发现她静静地坐在床上,盯着窗外的彩虹。A.staring“目不转睛,凝视”; B.leaning“斜靠”; C.crying “哭泣”;D.reaching“伸出,到达”。结合常识可知,彩虹在窗外,女儿应该是看向窗外。故选A。
50.句意:很快,我们来到女儿的房间,发现她静静地坐在床上,盯着窗外的彩虹。A.rainbow“彩虹”; B.nest“巢穴” ;C.swallow“燕子”; D.cloud“云”。根据下文“she was absorbed in the rainbow”可知,女儿是看着窗外的彩虹。故选A。
51.句意:她的眼睛闪烁着纯粹的欣赏。A.shock“震惊” ;B.sympathy“同情”; C.concern“涉及,关系 ”;D.appreciation“欣赏”。根据下文“she was absorbed in the rainbow”和常识可知,女儿很喜欢彩虹,所以眼睛里满是欣赏。故选D。
52.句意:当她沉浸在彩虹中时,我伸手去她的枕头下“检查她可能忽略的任何其他的宝物”。A.settled“解决,定居”; B.reached“伸出,到达”; C.touched“触摸”;D. held“握住”。根据语境可知,作者应该是伸手去枕头下寻找遗漏的宝物。故选B。
53.句意:当她沉浸在彩虹中时,我伸手去她的枕头下“检查她可能忽略的任何其他的宝物”。A.options“选择”; B.rewards“奖励,奖品 ”;C.alternatives“替代品”; D.treasures“宝藏,珍宝”。根据下文“prize”和常识可知,作者将手伸到枕头下假装摸宝物其实是在放东西。treasures是prize的词义复现。故选D。
54.句意:“你确定你找奖品的时候到处都找了吗?”A.hoping for“希望,期望”;B. checking for“检查”;C. caring for“照顾”; D.heading for“前往”。结合语境和常识可知,作者是问女儿找牙仙女的礼物时有没有检查枕头下面。故选B。
55.句意:“她一定是在她的第一次寻宝游戏中疏忽了。”A.sale“出售”; B. research “研究”;C.hunt“打猎,搜寻”; D.spot“场所”。结合语境和上文“Wow! Two prizes”可知,女儿以为窗外的彩虹和作者准备的奖品都是牙仙女给她的,所以她以为牙仙女因为疏忽多给了她一份。treasure hunt固定短语“寻宝游戏”。故选C。
56.句意:由于我一直送车去维修的汽车修理厂已经关闭,我的朋友戴夫给了我一个推荐:D的汽车修理厂。A. closed“关闭”;B. started“开始”;C. expanded“扩大”;D. developed“发展”。根据空后“my friend Dave gave me a recommendation: D's Auto Repair”可知,朋友推荐我去D的汽车修理厂修理汽车,可推知,我之前常去的汽车修理厂已经关闭了。故选A。
57.句意:那时候他是我家附近一家加油站的员工。A. Just then“正在那时”;B. Back then“那时候”;C. In advance“提前”;D. Before long“不久以后”。根据上文“the owner of D's was a mechanic who had worked on my car several years earlier”可知,D的店主几年前曾为我的车做过维修,可推知,我和D的店主之前见过面,那时候他是我家附近一家加油站的员工,故选B。
58.句意:当D接另一位客户的电话时,我填写了维修文件并等待着。A. filled out“填写”;B. handed out“分发”;C. held out“坚持要求”;D. took out“去除,除掉”。根据空后“the paperwork for the repair”可知,我想要维修汽车,应该是填写了维修文件,故选A。
59.句意:当D接另一位客户的电话时,我填写了维修文件并等待着。A. stared“凝视”;B. reflected“反映”;C. worried“担心”;D. waited“等待”。根据空后“D took a phone call from another customer”可知,D在接另一位客户的电话,可推知,我在一旁等待他。故选D。
60.句意:当我坐在那里时,我环顾了一下那间小办公室,让自己有事做。A. informed“通知”;B. interested“使感兴趣”;C. prepared“准备”;D. occupied“占用”。根据空前“I looked around the small office”和上文可知,D在接另一位客户的电话,我在一旁等待他,可推知,我环顾办公室是为了让自己有事做,打发无聊的等待时间,keep oneself occupied固定短语,“让某人有事做”。故选D。
61.句意:这篇文章是关于几年前密歇根州污染牛奶恐慌期间第五代奶农的行为。A. plans“计划”;B. feelings“感觉”;C. actions“行为”;D. bravery“勇气”。根据上文“Local Dairy Farmer Kills Whole Herd.”可知,这篇文章的题目是“当地奶农杀死了整个牛群”,可推知,“杀死了整个牛群”应该是五代奶农在密歇根州污染牛奶恐慌期间的行为。故选C。
62.句意:奶牛感染了一种影响牛奶供应的疾病。A. immune to“对……有免疫力”;B. addicted to“沉迷于……”;C. infected with“感染上……”;D. allergic to“对……有过敏反应”。根据上文“Local Dairy Farmer Kills Whole Herd.”和空后“a disease”可知,因为奶牛感染了一种影响牛奶供应的疾病,所以当地奶农才会杀死了整个牛群,故选C。
63.句意:这位第五代奶农花钱让所有的奶牛都接受了检验。A. tested“检验”;B. killed“杀死”;C. buried“埋葬”;D. sold“售卖”。根据下文“It was found that out of the entire herd, only a few were infected.”可知,结果发现,在整个牛群中,只有少数被感染,可推知,奶农花钱让所有的奶牛都接受了检验,才会得到这个检验结果。故选A。
64.句意:因为没有人能保证其他奶牛是完全安全的,所以他将牛群杀死并埋葬,以使消费者感到放心。A. suspect“怀疑”;B. promise“保证,承诺”;C. challenge“对……怀疑”;D. question“质询”。根据空后“he had the herd killed and buried to make consumers feel rest assured”可知,奶农为了使消费者感到放心,将牛群杀死并埋葬,可推知,因为没有人能保证其他奶牛是完全安全的,所以奶农才会这样做。故选B。
65.句意:因为没有人能保证其他奶牛是完全安全的,所以他将牛群杀死并埋葬,以使消费者感到放心。A. satisfying“令人满意的”;B. beneficial“有益的”;C. dangerous“危险的”;D. safe“安全的”。根据空后“he had the herd killed and buried to make consumers feel rest assured”可知,奶农之所以将牛群杀死并埋葬,是因为不敢保证其他奶牛是完全安全的。故选D。
66.句意:该奶农的保险不能弥补他的损失,因为州政府没有下达命令让他杀死牛群。A. danger“危险”;B. risk“风险”;C. loss“损失”;D. threat“威胁”。根据上文“he had the herd killed and buried”可知,奶农将牛群杀死并埋葬,这对他造成了经济上的损失,可推知,句中指保险不能弥补他的损失。故选C。
67.句意:我问D他为什么把这篇文章展示在墙上。A. stored“存储”;B. displayed“展示”;C. collected“收集”;D. appreciated“欣赏”。根据上文“A framed newspaper article caught my attention.”可知,这篇报纸文章是被装裱好并挂在墙上,可推知,D是把这篇文章展示在墙上。故选B。
68.句意:他说,他从未见过这个人,但这位农民给了他鼓舞,为正直、信任和诚实树立了标准。A. inspiration“鼓舞人心的人或事物”;B. companion“陪伴”;C. comfort“安慰”;D. memory“记忆”。根据空后“set a standard for integrity (正直), trust and honesty”可知,这位农民的事迹教会了D正直、信任和诚实,是D的榜样,可推知,这位农民给了D鼓舞,告诉他要正直、信任和诚实。故选A。
69.句意:他说这就是他经营汽车修理业务的方式。A. bought“买”;B. predicted“预言”;C. operated“经营”;D. acquired“获得”。根据上文“D's Auto Repair”可知,D是这家汽车修理厂的老板,可推知,汽车修理业务是由他经营的。故选C。
70.句意:现在,奶农和D都给我留下了深刻印象。A. embarrassed“使窘迫”;B. impressed“给……留下深刻印象”;C. confused“使迷惑”;D. amused“逗乐”。根据下文“The next year, on my recommendation, my son started a nine-month mechanics apprenticeship (学徒) at D's Auto Repair.”可知,我让我的儿子在D的汽车修理厂做学徒,可推知,我信任D,奶农和D的行为都给我留下了深刻印象。故选B。
71.句意:他们预计这次公路旅行将持续五个小时,但一场大暴风雪导致了与冰雪有关的事故,出于安全考虑,该州关闭了一条50英里长的公路。A. waste“浪费”;B. work“工作”;C. stand“站立”;D. last“持续”。根据空后“five hours”可知,此处指的是他们公路旅行预计花费的时间,即持续的时长。故选D。
72.句意:他们预计这次公路旅行将持续五个小时,但一场大暴风雪导致了与冰雪有关的事故,出于安全考虑,该州关闭了一条50英里长的公路。A. waterway“水路”;B. subway“地铁”;C. highway“高速公路”;D. railway“铁路”。根据上文“Casey and John, a young couple, had been driving from Maryland to North Carolina when their 36-hour nightmare began.”以及空前“the state closed a 50-mile stretch”可知,他们是开车旅行的,但因为暴风雪,所以为了安全考虑,政府关闭一段公路。故选C。
73.句意:由于交通停止,而且没有关于高速公路何时重新开放的明确信息,一些司机弃车步行出发。A. stopped“停止”;B. canceled“取消”;C. cleared“清除”;D. changed“改变”。根据上文的“the state closed a 50-mile stretch”可知,政府关闭了一段高速公路,因此自然是交通停止了。故选A。
74.句意:还有一些人,比如凯西和乔,为了省油关掉了引擎,自己坐进了车里。A. cooker“厨具”;B. engine“引擎”;C. window“窗户”;D. radio“收音机”。根据空前“turned off”以及空后“to save gas”可知,他们为了省油,把引擎关了。故选B。
75.句意:他们尽力保持冷静。A. calm“冷静的”;B. fit“健康的”;C. wealthy“富有的”;D. hungry“饥饿的”。根据空前“to save gas and seated themselves in their vehicles”可知,他们遇到这个问题,并没有很慌张,而是关闭引擎确保车还有油,坐在车上等待。因此可知,他们是在保持冷静。故选A。
76.句意:饥寒交迫的一夜和很少的睡眠让他们感到疲倦。A. excited“激动的”;B. guilty“内疚的”;C. tired“疲惫的”;D. embarrassed“尴尬的”。根据空前“A cold night in hunger and little sleep left them feeling”可知,他们又冷又饿,而且还没有足够的休息,因此可知,他们感到疲惫的。故选C。
77.句意:突然灵光一现,她打电话给卡车车主施密特烘焙公司。A. guaranteed“保证”;B. warned“警告”;C. called“打电话”;D. joined“参加”。根据下文“She left a 8 on the company' s customer service line, asking if the truck driver could share the baked goods with troubled drivers.”可知,她给那个公司的客服热线留言,因此她打电话给那家烘焙公司。故选C。
78.句意:她在公司的客户服务热线上留言,询问卡车司机是否可以与遇到麻烦的司机分享烘焙食品。A. report“报告”;B. message“信息”;C. note“笔记”;D. card“卡片”。根据空后“asking if the truck driver could share the baked goods with troubled drivers”可知,她询问卡车司机是否可以分享食品给那些在高速被困的司机,可推知,她在那家公司的热线电话上留言。故选B。
79.句意:她不知道他们是否会认真对待她的请求,但她想试试。A. curiously“好奇地”;B. actually“事实上”;C. certainly“肯定地”;D. seriously“认真地”。根据空前“She didn't know if they would take her request”可知,她不知道她打电话过去有没有用,也就是说她不确定别人会不会认真对待她的需求。故选D。
80.句意:令人难以置信的是,施密特的首席执行官查克在20分钟内亲自回了凯西的电话。A. respectively“各自地”;B. personally“亲自地”;C. selfishly“自私地”;D. cautiously“小心地”。根据空前“Schmidt CEO Chuck”以及空后“returned Casey' s call within 20 minutes”可知,这个公司的CEO亲自给她回了电话。故选B。
81.句意:他让她把手机递给公司的卡车司机罗恩,然后让罗恩给高速公路上的人们分发面包。A. hand out“分发”;B. give up“放弃”; C. set out“出发”;D. put aside“撇开”。根据上文“asking if the truck driver could share the baked goods with troubled drivers”可知,她留言询问卡车司机是否可以分享面包给受困的司机,可推知,CEO打电话回来是叫卡车司机分发面包给大家。故选A。
82.句意:查克说他很自豪能尽自己所能提供帮助。A. sad“伤心的”;B. afraid“害怕的”;C. mean“吝啬的”;D. proud“自豪的”。根据空后“offer any help he could”可知,给他人提供帮助,对他来说是一件让他感到自豪的事。故选D。
83.句意:凯西、约翰和罗恩兴奋地沿着结冰的高速公路把面包分给尽可能多的人。A. rainy“雨天的”;B. dusty“布满灰尘的”;C. icy“结冰的”;D. muddy“泥泞的”。根据上文“a massive snowstorm”可知,暴风雪来临,所以路面都是结冰的。故选C。
84.句意:接受食物的人中有老年乘客和有孩子的家庭。A. receive“接受”; B. achieve“实现”;C. adopt“采纳”;D. purchase“购买”。根据上文的“pass out the bread”以及空后“the food”可知,他们分发面包给人们,人们自然就是接受食物。故选A。
85.句意:在寒冷中等待了这么多小时后,他们都对提供的食物和一些安慰感到无比感激。A. pity“遗憾”;B. sympathy“同情”;C. courage“勇气”;D. relief“宽慰”。根据空前“They all felt incredibly thankful for the offering of food and”可知,被困的人们收到面包,对他们来说就是雪中送炭,这不仅是食物,更是精神上的安慰。故选D。
86.句意:我主要负责探望一些特定的住院病人。A. suitable“合适的”;B. responsible“负责的”;C. anxious“焦虑的”;D. qualified“胜任的”。根据上文“When I was in school, I participated in an undergraduate internship(本科实习) in a hospital.”可知,作者作为一名即将毕业的医学生,在医院实习,负责探查病人病情的工作。故选B。
87.句意:在我某一次查房时,我进入一个黑暗的房间发现一个老人正躺在床上。A. visit“探望”;B. room“房间”;C. night“夜晚”;D. moment“时刻”。根据上文“There I was largely   1 for visiting specific hospital patients.”可知,作者接下来要描述某次他探望病人的经历。故选A。
88.句意:我原本以为他睡着了。A. immediately“立刻”;B. eventually“最终”;C. firmly“坚定地”;D. initially“起初地”。根据下文“I realized that he was awake.”可知,这位老人并没有睡着。故选D。
89.句意:他非常想要沟通某件事情。A. separately“分别地”;B. unexpectedly“意外地”;C. desperately“极其(需要)地”;D briefly“简短地”。根据下文“He obviously didn't want me to leave,”可知,老人非常希望作者留下,和他有所交流。故选C。
90.句意:但是我不能弄清楚他的意思。A. bring out“引起”;B. figure out“弄清楚”;C. turn out“结果是”;D help out“帮助”。根据空后“but I felt so 6 and uncomfortable”可知,作者对老人的诉求无法理解。故选B。
91.句意:但是我感到特别迷茫。A. lost“迷茫的”;B. shocked“震惊的”;C. released“如释重负的”;D. relaxed“放松的”。根据空前“but I couldn't 5 what he was saying.”可知,作者对老人的要求摸不着头脑。故选A。
92.句意:我第二次去医院时,我接到任务,去追踪同一批病人的病情。A. inspired“鼓舞”;B. licensed“许可”;C. assigned“给…...分配任务”;D. named“命名”。根据上文“There I was largely 1 for visiting specific hospital patients.”可知,作者主要担任探查几位特定病人的病情的任务。故选C。
93.句意:我预料与那位老人待在一起的时间会像上次一样短暂。A. relaxed“惬意的”;B. short“短暂的”;C. long“长的”;D. pour“倾倒”。根据上文“I left the room after several minutes.”可知,第一次与那位老人相处的时间很短暂。故选B。
94.句意:我向他解释说上次我也来过,但是我很确定他根本记不得了。A. so“所以”;B. because“因为”;C. but“但是”;D. and“并且”。根据上文“I left the room after several minutes.”可知,作者认为与这位老人的第一次见面很短暂,这位老人不太可能记得自己。故选C。
95.句意:他立刻纠正我。A. reminded“提醒”;B. blamed“责备”;C. comforted“宽慰”;D. corrected“纠正”。根据空后“saying, ‘I remember you.‘”可知,这位老人并未像作者料想的那样忘记他。故选D。
96.句意:你是在我最暗淡的时刻里给我希望的天使。A. direction“方向”;B. hope“希望”;C. greeting“问候”;D. life“人生”。根据下文“but somehow he found in me something he needed at a(n)  16 point in his life,”可知,这位老人认为与作者短暂的见面,给他带来了力量和希望。故选B。
97.句意:但是他准确地重新描述我们第一次相会的细节,以证实他思维清晰。A. recited“背诵”;B. recollected“收集”;C. remembered“记得”;D. recounted“重新讲述”。根据上文“I would have thought his memory was delirious(精神错乱的),”可知,这位老人为了证实自己并非是说胡话,认真地讲述了上次见面的细节。故选D。
98.句意:但是他准确地重新描述我们第一次相会的细节,以证实他思维清晰。A. doubt“疑问”;B. panic“惊恐”;C. stress“压力”;D. anxiety“焦虑”。根据上文“I would have thought his memory was delirious(精神错乱的),”可知,这位老人努力想要解释,以消除作者的疑虑。故选A。
99.句意:我不知道怎么回答。A. continue“继续”;B. respond“回应”;C. perform“表演”;D. comment“评论”。根据上文“I was so amazed that, once again,”可知,作者很惊讶,以至于无法回应。故选B。
100.句意:除了出现在这里,我确定自己并未对他有什么帮助。A. before“在…...之前”;B. after“在…...之后”;C. with“和,带”;D. except“除了”。根据上文“I entered a darkened room to find an elderly man lying in the bed.”可知,作者除了出现在这位老人的病房里,并未做其他事情。故选D。
101.句意:但不知怎地,他在我身上发现了一个生命中重要时刻需要的力量。A. special“特殊的”;B. unique“独特的”;C. critical“重要的”;D. original“起初的”。根据上文“You were the angel that gave me 11 in my darkest hour!”可知,这位老人认为作者在自己最重要的时刻帮助了自己。故选C。
102.句意:我在这过去的25年中不断想起这段经历。A. experience“经历”;B. journey“旅行”;C. question“问题”;D. lesson“课程”。根据上文“I may never be able to explain it but somehow he found in me something he needed at a(n) 16 point in his life, just because I was there.”可知,作者无意中帮助了一位老人的这段经历,令他难以忘怀。故选A。
103.句意:我形成了自己的人生观。A. paved“铺设”;B. mended“修理”;C. built“建造”;D. shaped“形成,塑造”。根据后文“the way I see life, the way I see myself, and the way I see others.”可知,作者由此经历形成了自我的人生观和自我评价。故选D。
104.句意:这让我想要尽我所能向别人表达善意。A. materials“材料”;B. instructions“指令”;C. kindness“善意”;D. advice“建议”。根据上文“You were the angel that gave me 11  in my darkest hour!”可知,作者决定在余生主动向他人表达善意,帮助他人。故选C。
105.句意:很明显,我们并不知道我们的行为,甚至是我们的存在会对我们的生活有怎样的影响。A. presence“出现”;B. thought“想法”;C. word“词语”;D. choice“选择”。根据空前“we can't know the impact our actions,”可知,作者认为自己的行为,甚至是自我的存在,都对他人的人生有影响。故选A。
106.句意:环顾四周,我看到同学们低下头开始写作。A. raised “举起”;B. lowered “降低”;C. turned “转动”;D. shook“摇晃”。根据空后" started writing"可知,上课的时候同学们低下头开始写。故选B。
107.句意:一阵恐慌席卷了我——我看不清黑板,因为我看不清楚。A. regret“遗憾”;B. passion“激情”;C. panic “恐慌”;D. courage“勇气”。根据下文"I couldn't read the board, for I couldn't see clearly. "可知,因为我看不清楚了,我不能看清黑板了,所以我感到一阵恐慌。故选C。
108.句意:这在小学并不重要,因为我的老师总是大声朗读他们写的东西。A. relate“ 联系”;B. change “变化”;C. happen “发生”;D. matter“重要”。根据空后"because my teachers always read aloud what they were writing."可知,在小学时,老师会大声读出我们正在写的东西,所以看不看黑板并不重要。故选D。
109.句意:妈妈带我去看医生。A. doctor “医生”;B. teacher “老师”;C. engineer“工程师”;D. architect “建筑师”。根据下文"I was diagnosed with a terrible sight problem. "可知我去看了医生,被诊断出严重的视力问题。故选A。
110.句意:我几乎失明了。 A. entirely “完全地”;B. frequently“ 频繁地”;C. hopefully “有希望地”;D. nearly “几乎”。根据上文"I was diagnosed with a terrible sight problem. "可知,我被诊断出严重的视力问题,我几乎失明了。故选D。
111.句意:然而,尽管困难重重,我还是奇迹般地到了13岁! A. managed“管理”;B. decided“决定”;C. expected “期望”;D. preferred “更喜欢”。根据空前"However, despite all the difficulties"可知,尽管有很多的 困难,但是我还是奇迹的长到了13岁。manage to do sth.固定短语, "设法做成某事"。故选A。
112.句意:我只能分辨出事物的轮廓和不同色调之间的对比。A. bring out“拿出”;B. turn out “结果是”;C. make out “辨认出”;D. work out“锻炼,想出”。根据空前"As a kid living on a farm, I was always falling over objects. "可知,我看不清,会被东西绊倒,由此推知只能分辨出事务的轮廓。故选C。
113.句意:有人给了我一副阅读眼镜,但没有多大帮助。A. classes “课程”;B. glasses“眼镜”;C. apps“ 应用程序”; D. skills “技能”。根据语境可知,我看不清楚东西,所以有人给了我眼镜帮助阅读。故选B。
114.句意:不愿意让我的诊断阻碍我,我继续做我喜欢的一切,包括挤奶。A. Anxious“ 焦虑的”;B. Delighted“ 高兴的”;C. Sorry “抱歉的”;D. Unwilling “不愿意的”。根据空后"I continued doing everything I loved, including milking the cows."可知,我不愿意身体上的障碍阻碍,我依然做我喜欢的一切。故选D。
115.句意:我一直享受着美好的家庭假期,但有时我觉得我的家人对我过于保护。A. launched “发射”;B. enjoyed “享受”;C. organized “组织”;D. avoided“ 避免”。根据上文"I continued doing everything I loved, including milking the cows."可知,我做我喜欢做的事情,几年来,我一直享受着家庭假期。故选B。
116.句意:我一直享受着美好的家庭假期,但有时我觉得我的家人对我过于保护。A. generous “感慨的”; B. tolerant“ 宽容的”;C. protective“ 保护的”;D. trustworthy “值得信赖的”。根据语境可知,我的眼睛看不清楚,所以我的家人会更加保护我。故选C。
117.句意:因此,当我听说一家旅游公司在没有家人陪伴的情况下带着盲人或视力差的澳大利亚人冒险时,我非常激动。A. vision “视力”;B. intelligence “智力”;C. confidence “自信”;D. pay “支付”。根据上文"who are blind"可知,这家旅游公司带着盲人或视力差的人去旅行。故选A。
118.句意:我兴奋地预订了去海边的旅行。A. Puzzled“迷惑的”;B. Confused“困惑的”;C. Touched “感动的”;D. Excited “兴奋的”。根据上文"So I was thrilled "可知,当听说一家旅游公司在没有家人陪伴的情况下带着盲人或视力差的澳大利亚人冒险时,我非常激动。所以我报名旅游的心情是激动的。故选D。
119.句意:我兴奋地预订了去海边的旅行。A. downtown “市区”;B. coast “海岸”;C. village “村庄”;D. countryside “乡下”。根据下文"such as the beach and seaside theme parks"可知,我去了预定了去海边的旅行。故选B。
120.句意:和像我一样的游客一起去欣赏海滩和海滨主题公园这样的地方真是太棒了。A. classmates “同学”;B. colleagues“ 同事”;C. tourists “游客”;D. families “家庭”。根据上文可知,我是报名了旅行团,所以是和像我一样看不见东西的游客一起。故选C。
121.句意:这些令人难以置信的导游在全程支持我们的同时,也确保了我们度过了一段快乐而安全的时光。A. supporting “支持”;B. lecturing “讲座”;C. pushing “推动”;D. persuading “劝说”。根据常识和下文"through all the way"可知,导游们一路上都帮助我们,也很好的支持我们。故选A。
122.句意:这些令人难以置信的导游在全程支持我们的同时,也确保了我们度过了一段快乐而安全的时光。A. easy “简单的”;B. short “短的”;C. simple“ 简单的”;D. safe “安全的”。根据常识可知,我们看不见,所以导游们既要我们玩的高兴,又要确保我们安全。故选D。
123.句意:虽然我们不能像其他人一样看到风景,但我们的想象力将我们带到了很棒的地方。A. education“ 教育”;B. wisdom “智慧”;C. imagination“想象力”;D. confidence“ 自信心”。根据上文"While we can't see the sights like others"可知,我们虽然看不见,但是我们有非常棒的想象力。故选C。
124.句意:我很幸运有一个美好的家庭和很多冒险。A. adventures “冒险”;B. lessons “课程”;C. actions “行动”;D. experiments“ 实验”。根据语境可知,我遇到了能让我这样看不清的人的去旅行的旅行团,所以我很幸运,我有很多的旅行和冒险。故选A。
125.句意:生活是宝贵的,你不需要用眼睛去"看到"它。A. peaceful “和平的”;B. precious “珍贵的”;C. plain“ 平的”;D. permanent “永久的”。根据语境可知,虽然我看不见,但是我依然热爱生活,认为生活是珍贵的。故选B。




下一篇:人教版八年级英语上册Unit 9 Can you come to my party? Section B 1a-1f 同步练习(无答案)