人教版八年级英语上册 Unit9单元重难点知识及习题(无答案)

Unit 9 (1)
重 点 初中常见情态动词用法(一) can 的用法 表示能力、许可、可能性。 表示能力时一般译为“能、会”, 即有种能力,尤其是生来具备的能力,此时may 和must 均不可代替它。如:She can swim fast, but I can’t . 她能游得很快,但我不能。I can see with my eyes. 我用眼睛看。 表示可能、能够。 如:I can finish it in an hour. 我能在一小时后完成它。 表示许可,常在口语中。如:You can use my dictionary. 你可以用我的字典。 表示推测,意为“可能”, 常用于否定句和疑问句中, 此时can’t 译为“ 不可能”。 如:Can the news be true 这个消息会是真的吗? ---Can it be our teacher 那个人有可能是我们老师 ----No, it can’t be our teacher. He is on a visit to the Great Wall.不可能。咱们老师正在游览长城呢。 例 --- I think Miss Gao must be in the library. She said she would go there. ----- No. She __ be there, I have just been there.A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.wouldn’t根据下文“我刚去过那儿”可知,应为“ 不可能”, can’t 表示推测 A 2. could的用法  (1) can的过去式, 意为“ 能、 会” , 表示过去的能力。 如:He could write poems when he was 10. 他十岁时就会写诗。 (2) could 在疑问句中, 表示委婉的语气, 此时 could 没有过去式的意思。 如:Could you do me a favour 你能帮我个忙吗?Could I use your pen 我能用一下你的钢笔吗 --Yes, you can. 可以。 may的用法 (1)表示请求、许可, 比can 正式, 如:May I borrow your bike 我可以借你的自行车吗?You may go home now. 现在你可以回家了。 例----_______ I borrow your MP3 -----Sure . Here you are.、A. May B.Should C.Must D. Would【解析】 在此处表示请求,意为“ 做……可以吗”。答案 A 表示推测,谈论可能性,意为“ 可能, 或许”,一般用于肯定句中。 如:It may rain tomorrow . 明天可能会下雨。 She may be at home. 她可能在家呢. (3) may的过去式为might ,表示推测时。可能性低于may 。 如:He is away from school. He might be sick.他离开学校了, 可能是他生病了。
难点 --Can you come to my party 你能来我的聚会吗?
--Sure, I'd love to. 当然,我很愿意。(掌握肯定回答,这点经常考)
2. --Can you go to the movies 你能去看电影吗?
--I'm sorry.I have to help my mom. 对不起,我必须帮我妈妈。(先拒绝,再说明理由)
3. --Can she go to the baseball game 她能去棒球赛吗?
 --No, she can't.She has to study for a test. 不能,她不得不为考试学习。 【句型应用】如何对别人的邀请说愿意或表示拒绝,并学会如何讲清原因。
  Sure! I'd love to. 或说:Sure! I'd like to.(重点)
  Thank you very much for your invitation. 非常感谢你的邀请,但很抱歉我不能去。
  或说:Thanks for asking. I'm sorry, I can't. 谢谢你的邀请,但是我不能去。(注意asking的形式)
  接下来我们应该陈述理由。如:我必须帮助我的妈妈。 I have to help my mom.
1 .Miss Lee t_________us English this year.
2.S_______is the seventh day of a week.
3. If you are ill, you should go to see a d_______.
4. Mike c________come here today because he is sick.
5.I’m s_______ he can come here on time.
1. What ______the twins ______(talk) about now
2. Can he ______(drive) the car alone now
3. Thanks for ________(help) me with my English.
4. What about ________(go) to the movies
5. Thanks for your_______ (invite) to visit next week.
1.---____ he swim Yes, he ____. But he ______ swim two months ago.
2.Tom said he ___ help me with my English.
3.---____ you tell me the way to the museum --Certainly.
( )1.-----Could I cross the street here
-----Of course you _____.
   A.could B.can C.are able to D.will
( )2.----Mum , _____ I play computer games
   ---Yes,, you can, but you have to finish your home work first.
   A.would B.must C.may D.need
( )3.She ____ know the answer, but I’m not sure.
   A.maybe B.may be C.may D.must
( )4.----Tom, don’t drive too fast, you ____ hit the others’ cars.
   A.must B.need C.may D.have to
( )5.Cars and buses ____ stop when the traffic lights turn red.
  A. can B.need C.may D.must
( ) 6. John___ come to see us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet.
A. may B. can C. has to D. must
( ) 7. They ___ do well in the exam.
A. can be able to B. be able to C. can able to D. are able to
( ) 8.-May I take this book out  -No, you___.
A. can't B. may not C. needn't D. aren't
( ) 9.You___ go and see a doctor at once because you're got a fever.
A. can B. must C. dare D. would
( ) 10. -Can you speak Japanese -No, I____.
A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. may not.
重 点 初中常见情态动词用法(二) 4. must的用法 (1) must 表示主观看法,意为“必须、一定”。 如:You must stay here until I come back. 在我回来之前你必须呆在这儿。 Must I hand in my homework right now 我必须现在交作业吗? (2) 其否定形式mustn’t 表示“ 一定不要 ” “千万别” “禁止, 不许”. 如:You mustn’t play with fire. 你不许玩火。You mustn’t be late. 你一定不要迟到。 (3)对must引导的疑问句,肯定回答为must, 否定回答为needn’t 或 don’t have to 如:---Must I finish my homework 我现在必须完成作业吗?---No, you needn’t. 不,你不必。 (4)must 表示有把握的推测,用于肯定句。 如:The light is on, so he must be at home now. 灯亮着, 他现在肯定在家。  5. need的用法 (1) need 表示需要、必须,主要用于否定句和疑问句中,其否定形式为needn’t , 意为“没有必要,不必”。 用need 提问时,肯定回答为 must,否定回答为 needn’t 。 如:Need I stay here any longer 我还有必要留在这儿吗?Yes, you must . 是的。-No. you needn’t . 不,你不必。 (2) need 还可以作实义动词,此时有人称、数和时态的变化, 后边多接动词不定式。 如:I need to do it right now. 我需要马上做这件事。He needs to learn more about the girl. 他需要多了解那个女孩。 6. shall 的用法 shall 表示征求对方意见(多用于第一人称),如:Shall we go out for a walk 我们出去散步好吗?7. should的用法 should 意为“应该” ,可表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等。 如:We should protect the environment. 我们应该保护环境。 8. will 的用法   will表示意愿、意志、打算,可用于多种人称。如:   I will help you if I’m free this afternoon.今天下午如果我有空,我就会帮你。 9. had better 的用法 had better 意为“最好”,没有人称的变化,后面接不带to 的不定式,其否定形式为: had better not。如:We had better go now. 我们最好现在就走。 You had better not give the book to him.你最好不要把这本书给他。
难点 1.Can you hang out with us on Monday night 【解析】hang out 表示:与某人一起闲逛 例如:We can just hang out and have a good time. 我们可以只是闲逛一下,开开心。 2.Catch you on Monday!礼拜一见! 【解析】这是英语中道别的又一种说法,相当于See you on Monday!类似的说话还有:Catch/See you later!(回头见!) 3.Let’s have a surprise party for her next Friday the 28th!我们在(本月)28号下周五为她举办一场惊喜聚会吧! 【解析】surprise party是西方国家常见的一种聚会形式,是一种旨在给人带来惊喜的聚会。聚会往往围绕一个或若干主题人物而举办,聚会的举办者事先会对主题人物保密,待其来到聚会现场之后才意外发现大家在为在自己举行派对,因而会十分惊讶和感激。还有一种surprise party并没有所谓的主题人物,而是旨在娱乐,参与者在聚会当中不断遭遇各种意外惊喜,欢乐不止。因此,surprise party可译作“惊喜聚会;意外派对”。
1.保持安静 _________________ 2.后天_________________ 3.过来_________________ 4.一整天_________________
5.为考试做准备_________________ 6.这个周末_________________
7. go to the concert_________________ 8. have a piano lesson_________________
9. baseball game_________________ 10. soccer practice_________________
1. Thanks a lot for _________(teach) us so well, Miss Green.
2. Don't open your eyes. Keep them ______(close).
3. He would like ______(have) a cup of tea.
4. Thank you for your ______( invite) to your party.
5. When ____Paul usually _________(have) his piano lesson.
6. ______you ______(go) to the concert yesterday?
7. These days I am _______(real) busy.
8. We both enjoy ______(go) to parties.
9. There are two basketball _______(match) this week.
10. Tomorrow I am going to ______(visit) the ______ (visit) from Canada.
1. Thank you for your help. Thank you for____ _____
2. I'm going to see my teacher this Sunday. I ___ _____ my teacher this Sunday.
3. I have a toothache. I must see a dentist. I have a toothache. I ____ ____ see a dentist.
4. This is a nice present. ___ _____ nice present!
5. Thank you for your invitation. Thank you for ____ me.
Lucy-L Wei Hua-W
W : Hello!May I 1______ to Lucy, please
L:This is Lucy 2______
W:Lucy, I hope you can come to my birthday party tomorrow.
L:Birthday party!Oh , that' s great!I’d 3______ to come.
Thanks a lot for 4______ me to your party. What time is it going to 5____?
W : At six tomorrow evening.6_____the way,where is Tara now
L: 7______,I don’t know. But can I 8________a message for her
W:OK. Please tell her to come to my birthday party tomorrow.
L:OK. I’11 give her thees 9_____.
W :Thank you very much.
L: It’s a 10______
重 点 初中常见情态动词用法(三)---情态动词的疑问句 1. 由 can、may、must构成的疑问句   (1)句式: Can/ May/ Must… + 主语+动词原形+….? 如:   Can you repair the car 你会修小汽车吗?   Could he be a good student 他能是名好学生吗?   May I borrow your ruler 我可以借你的尺子吗?   Must we clean the room now 我们必须现在打扫房间吗?   (2)对 may 引出的问句,可以有下列回答方式:   Yes, of course.Yes, certainly.Sure .No, you mustn’t.No, you can’t.   (3)对must引出的疑问句,回答方式为:Yes, …must.No,… needn’t/ don’t have to. 2. will, would, shall 的用法   (1) will 在一般疑问句中表示客气的“请求、劝说”。 would 是will 的过去式,语气更加客气、委婉。 如: Would you show me your picture book 你能让我看看你的画册吗?    Will you please give me a call 请给我打个电话好吗?   (2)对 will/ would you… 的回答方式有以下几种:   Yes, I will. (No, I won’t.)Sure . (I’m sorry , I can’t.)All right.Certainly. (No, thank you .)Yes, please.   例 ---Would you do me a favour and pass on my thanks to Lily   -----________.A.That’s right B.With pleasure C.It doesn’t matter D.No trouble   解析 A. 意为“对了” , B. 意为“ 乐意效劳”, C. 意为“ 没关系” D.意为“不费事”。答案 B   (3)shall引出的疑问句用于第一人称, 表示征求对方意见或客气的请求。 如:   我给你把门打开好吗?Shall I open the door for you/   其回答方式有以下几种:Yes, please. All right. No, thank you.
难点 一、I look forward to hearing from you all. 我期盼都能收到你们的来信。 【解析】 1. hear from意为“收到……的来信”,相当于get/receive a letter from sb.。如:Jack heard from his parents yesterday. =Jack received/got a letter from his parents yesterday.杰克昨天收到了他父母的信。 2.look forward to doing sth :盼望做...... 二、 look 词组辨析: 1. look after 照顾,照料 如:I love looking after the children. 我喜欢照顾孩子们。 2. look ahead 向前看 如:He looked ahead in the distance and saw a river. 他朝远处看,看见一条河。 3. look at 看... 如:Why do you look at her 你为什么总是看着她? 4.look down upon 瞧不起,蔑视 如:Her parents tell her not to look down upon countrymen. 她父母叫她不要瞧不起乡下人。 5.look forward to 期望 如:I look forward to signing the contract when we meet next week. 我期待下周见面时能签定合同。 6.look like 看起来像... 如:He did not look like a evil person. 他看起来不像一个恶人。
1. Betty is learning the piano. She goes to the piano l     on Sundays.
2. I read the c      just now(刚才). It’s October 28th today.
3. His parents like country music. They’re going to a c     this weekend.
4. The apples are very delicious. Would you like a     one
5. —Kate, I got a birthday party invitation. —Oh, from w     
1. I can’t go to play games with you. I     (must, have to)finish my homework first.
2. —Do you know with     (who, whom)Mother is talking in the garden
—Aunt Mary, I think.
3. He spends   (too many, too much)time playing football with his friends on weekends.
4. Miss Gao is our new English teacher and she is going to teach us   (lesson, class)One today.
5. This shirt is a little bit small. Can you show me    (other, another)
( )1. Before 2008 we will finish_____ the Olympic Park.
A. build B. built C. building D. to build
( )2. I'm sorry to have kept you _____ for almost two hours.
A. wait B. to wait C. waiting D. waits
( )3. -Bob speaks Chinese quite, well.
-Yes, so he does. He practices _____ Chinese every day.
A. speaking B. speak C. speaks D. spoke
( )4. -May I use your dictionary - _____
A. Never mind B. You are welcome C. It doesn't matter D. Certainly. Here you are
( )5. Jack is very funny. He always makes us_____
A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. Laughs
1. It takes me half an hour to get there.(对画线部分提问)
____ _____ does it ____ you to get there
He is studying for a math test.(对画线部分提问)
____ ____ he____ _____ ?
3. She has to do the washing every day.(改为一般疑问句)
____ she____ to do the washing every day
4. There will be a birthday party on Saturday.(对画线部分提问)
_____ _____ there ____ a birthday party
5. We have to study for the math test.(改为否定句)
We____ ____ ______ study for the math test.
重 点 初中常见情态动词用法(四) 易混点一 : can 和 be able to   两者表示能力时用法相同, 但 can 只有原形 “can” 和过去式“ could ”两种形式,在其他时态中 要用be able to 来表示。 另外 be able to 常常指经过努力, 花费了时间和劳力之后才能做到某事。如:   Jim can’t speak English. 吉姆不会说英语。   He could speak English at 5. 他五岁时 就会说英语。   We’ll be able to see him next week.下星期我们将会见到他。 易混点二 :can和may   1. can 和 may 均可用来征求意见或许可,意为“可以”, 一般可互换使用。如:   Can/ May I help you 我能帮助你吗?   2. can 和may 表示可能性时的区别:   1) 在肯定句中用 might, may, must, 不用can   2) 在疑问句中表示推测用 can,不用 might, may,must   3) 在否定句中用can’t(不可能), 不用 may, must。 如:   She may be in the classroom . 她可能在教室里。 That can’t be true. 那不可能是真的。 易混点三: may be 和maybe   may be may为情态动词,be为动词原形 句中,作谓语   maybe 副词,大概、也许,相当于perhaps 句首,作状语 He may be wrong , but I’m not sure. 也许他错了,但我也不确定。 Maybe he is wrong, but I’m not sure . 易混点四 : can’t 和 mustn’t   1. can’t 根据其基本用法可译为:   (1) 不会, 如:I can’t speak English . 我不会说英语。 (2) 不能, 如:We can’t do it now because it’s too dark. 天太黑了, 我们现在干不了。 (3) 不可能, 如:那个人不可能是咱们老师, 他年轻得多。   2. mustn’t 意为“ 禁止、不许”, 用来表达命令,表示强烈的语气。 如:    You mustn’t play football in the street. It’s too dangerous.你不可以在街上踢足球, 太危险了。  易混点五 : must 和 have to   1. must 侧重于个人意志和主观上的必要, 还可以在间接引语中表示过去的必要或业务。   2. have to 侧重于客观上的必要,可用于现在时、过去时和将来时。如:   I know I must study hard.我知道我必须努力学习。   My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the mid-night.   我弟弟病得厉害, 我只得半夜里把医生请来。   I haven’t got any money with me, so I’ll have to borrow some from my friend.   我身上没带钱,只好向朋友借点了。   He said they must work hard.   他说他们必须努力工作。
难点 Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday,December 20th.请于12月20日星期五前以书面方式回复此邀请。 【解析】1)reply in writing表示“以书面的形式进行回复”。其中reply相当于answer,但要比后者更加书面化且正式许多。此处介词in表示方式,相当于汉语“用......方式(形式)”的意思。 2)reply用作动词时,不直接跟宾语,须由介词to引入宾语的内容,构成reply to...结构。例如:Did you reply to these letters 你回复这些来信了吗?
1. She didn’t accept(接受)the      (invite)to the tea party.
2. Little Carl is a football fan(迷)and he likes watching football     (match).
3. Father often takes me to the countryside for    (weekend).
4. Thank you for     (ask)me to your party. I’ll be there on time.
5. This afternoon I have to     (babysit)my little sister.
1. Jenny asked me to come to her birthday party last week.
Jenny                her birthday party last week.
2. They have to do tennis training from Monday to Friday.
They have to do tennis training          .
Please give me a call after the meeting.
Please           after the meeting.
Thank you for inviting me. Thank you for          .
5. Mrs. Brown is free every day.
Mrs. Brown is          every day.
1. I have to________ for the math test. A. study B. studying C. learning D. studied
2. My mother is busy________ the room. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleans
3. There is a telephone call________ you,Kate. A. to B. of C. at D. for
4. You can see many good programs______ TV. A. on the B. over the C. over D. on
5. Please practice________ English. A. speak B. to speaking C. speaking D. to speak
June 1st,Sunday
Great weather today!It’s_1_.It’s also my _2_birthday.My mother decided to _3_for me,so I wrote some _4_and sent them to my good friend.I also invited a few on the phone.But Kate said she couldn’t come because she _5_visit her aunt,and John said he might come_6_later.
Ten of my friends came to my home.They_7_me nice presents.I liked the very much.The party began_8_six thirty.My friends sang the song“_9_Birthday to You”.We ate,talked and laughed happily.I feel that I am the happiest girl in the world today.I will_10_forget today.
( )1.A.Teacher’s Day B. Children’s Day C.Mother’s Day D.Father’s Day
( )2.A.fifteenth B.fifteen C.fifteenths D.the fifteenth
( )3.A.make a cake B.have a party C.sing a song D.buy a bike
( )4.A.postcards B.books C.invitations D.letters
( )5.A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.could D.had to
( )6.A.a few B.some C.a little D.so
( )7.A.took B.spent C.sold D.brought
( )8.A.for B.at C.in D.on
( )9.A.Happy B.Good C.Nice D.Great
( )10.A.always B.ever C.never D.often



上一篇:7.3 溶液浓稀的表示 同步练习(答案) 2022-2023科粤版九年级下册化学
