Unit6 Topic3 课时作业题 2022-2023仁爱版七年级英语下册(含答案)

Unit 6 Topic 3
Section A
( )1.A.money B. joke
( )2. A. boring B. work
( )3. A. jeep B. japan
( )4. A. love B. come
( )5. A. horse B. fork
1. 沿着这条路一直走到尽头,你就能看到这所学校。
Go up this road _______ _______ _______, and you’ll find the school.
2. 邮局就在这条街的尽头,你可以一直往前走。
The post office is _______ _______ _______ of the street. You need to go along the street.
3. 穿过这座桥,然后往右走你就会找到人民医院。
_______ _______ the bridge, and then turn right, you’ll find the People Hospital.
4. 人民公园在星光大街,请沿着这条街走,它就在你的左边。
The People Park is on the Xingguang Street. Please go along the street. It’s _______ _______ _______.
The Children Hospital is on the street. Turn right _______ _______ _______ _______, and you’ll find it.
Because there are so many bikes, cars and buses on the roads all the time, it is very important for riders(骑车人) to remember the traffic rules. Young children may not ride bikes in the streets, because there are so many cars and buses that it is dangerous. A rider should keep one hand on the handlebars(把手) at all times. You should ride on the right of the road. Like a driver of a car or a bus, you must follow all traffic signs. Everybody knows that you must not turn left or go across at a red traffic light. Usually you can turn right, but you shouldn’t ride too fast. If you want to turn or stop, you must give a sign to other riders.
1.It’s very important for riders to remember the _____ _____ .
2.It’s _____ for young children to ride bikes in the streets.
3.You should ride _____ _____ _____ of the road.
4.When you ride, you must follow all _____ _____.
5.Riders can turn _____ when the traffic lights are red.
1.D 2.D 3.S 4.S 5.S
1.to the end
2.at the end
3. Go across
4. on your 1eft
5. at the second crossing
1.traffic rules
3.on the right
4.traffic signs
Section B
1.There is an old over the river. Every day many people go across it.
2.You need to from the No.1 bus to the No.2 bus.
3.If you drive too fast, you may have an .
4.You must obey the r when you cross the street.
5.Be . Don't drive too fast. It's dangerous.
A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the zoo
B: Oh, sorry.1. I don't know.
A: Thank you all the same.
A: 2. .
C: Oh, it's very far. You need to take bus or subway.
A: 3.
C: I's about twenty kilometers away from here. 4. Then you can see it on your left.
A: 5. Thank you.
A. How far is it from here
B. You can take subway line 4.
C. I am new here.
D. Excuse me, how can I get to the zoo
E. It's kind of you.
F. Go along the street and turn left at the first crossing.
At seven Li Lei is at the bus stop. He's going to school. An old woman comes to him.
Woman:Excuse me. Where's the police station
Li Lei:You can catch the No.3 bus to Renmin Road. And then you must walk along Zhongshan Road and turn left on the second turning. The police station is next to the post office.
Woman:I don't think I can get there. I'm from the Hongxing Farm. I come here to see my son. He works in the police station. He is a policeman. I don't know the way. Can you go with me
Li Lei:OK.
Li Lei gets to school at eight ten. He's late,but he does a good thing.
( )1. Li Lei takes the old woman to the police station.21cnjy.com
( )2. Li Lei is late for school.
( )3. The police station is near Renmin Road.
( )4. The old woman's son is a policeman.
1.bridge 2. change 3. accident 4. rules 5. careful
1.C 2.D 3.A 4.F 5.E
1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F
Section C

Stop when the traffic light is red.
Love me, love my dog.
fast, have, before, when, ticket, careful, far, late, rule, speed
Mr. Black works in a bank. He begins his work at half past nine every weekday. He is a very 1 person (人). He checks his car 2 he drives to work. He drives carefully(仔细地) every day. He obeys the traffic 3 . He never drives very 4 on the street. But today he gets a ticket for 5 . He gets up 6 this morning because something is wrong with his alarm clock(闹钟). It is eight o'clock 7 he gets up. His home is very 8 from his office. It takes him an hour to go to his office by car. He 9 to drive very fast, so he gets the 10 from a policeman and he is also late for work. How unlucky (倒霉的) he is today!
In America, traffic police help keep people safe. It is their job. They direct( 管理) traffic around schools, events, and accidents. But, sometimes, people don't like police when they give them tickets for speeding. The speed limits (限速) are lower(低的) around schools, in the downtown areas of a city. Speed limits help drivers and walkers. To keep people safe, police must make sure that people follow the speed limits on streets. When people get tickets for speeding, they must pay a fine. Police hope that paying the fine will make the drivers slow( 慢的) down and obey the speed limit. So how does a police know that a driver is moving too fast Can they tell by just looking at a moving car In fact, police use a special tool(工具) to help them find drivers who are moving too fast. The tool is radar guns (雷达枪). Police put radar guns in their cars. They point the gun at passing cars and the gun shows the speed of each car.
( )1. What do traffic police do
A. Catch thief(贼). B. Watch the gate. C. Direct traffic. D. Use radar guns.
( )2. Why don't people like police sometimes
A. Because they let us obey the traffic rules. B. Because they don't let us go out.
C. Because they don't let us sell things. D. Because they give us tickets for speeding.
( )3. What's the meaning of the underlined phrase “pay a fine”
A.交罚款 B.扣分 C.坐牢 D.被教育
( )4. How do police know which car is moving too fast
A. By looking at the cars. B. By radar guns.
C. By the police's cars. D.A and B.
( )5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A. The radar guns are usually on the road.
B. The radar gun shows the speed of each car.
C. The speed limits are lower in the downtown areas of a city.
D. Police hope that paying the fine will make the drivers slow down.
How can students keep safe when they are riding on the street
Don’t play on the street
We must obey the traffic rules
1.careful 2. before 3. rules 4. fast 5. speeding 6. late 7. when 8. far. 9.has 10. ticket
1.C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.A
Section D
Mrs. Green lives in the country, and she doesn't know London very well. One day, she goes to London, but she can't find her 1 . Just then, she 2 a man near the bus stop. “I can ask him the way,” she 3 . Then she goes over to the man and asks, "Excuse me, will you please 4 me the way to King Street ” 5 the man doesn't say anything. He is 6 Cuba. He doesn't speak 7 . He comes to London for a 8 . He takes out a 9 and writes something on it. Then he 10 it to Mrs. Green, "Sorry, I can't speak English.”
( )1. A. street B. way C. room D. house
( )2. A. looks at B watches C. sees D. looks
( )3.A.thinks B. to think C. is thinking D. think
( )4.A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell
( )5.A. And B. So C. But D. Because
( )6.A.on B. from C. in D. at
( )7.A. English B. Japanese C. Chinese D. French
( )8.A. walk B. swim C. visit D. look
( )9.A. pencil B. wallet C. book D. glass
( )10.A. shows B. gives C. gets D. takes
An old man and a young man are walking in the park. The young man is behind the old man. There is a bench (长椅) in the front of the old man. The young man is very glad when he sees the bench. He wants to sit on the bench and have a short rest. He walks to the bench. He sees the old man walking up to it, too. So he begins to run. Now he is in front of the old man. The old man says, "Don't sit on the bench!" but the young man doesn't listen to him. He sits on it. He looks happy. The old man comes over to him with a sign in his hand. It says," Wet Paint".
( )1.The two men are running in the park.
( )2.The young man wants to sit on the bench.
( )3.The old man wants to sit on the bench.
( )4.In the end, there isn't any paint on the young man's trousers.
6-10 BACCA
1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F
Don’t look at our mobile phone when we are riding.
We must never break the traffic rules.
We should stop when there is a car crossing the street.



