Unit 1 单元专项复习--阅读理解 小学英语六年级下册 人教PEP版(含答案)

Unit 1 单元专项复习--阅读理解 小学英语六年级下册 人教PEP版(含答案)
John and Ben are brothers. John is 15. He's 1 year younger than Ben. But he's taller than Ben. John is 48 kilograms. He's 3 kilograms heavier than Ben. John likes sports. He plays sports every day. So he's stronger than Ben. John wears size 37. Ben wears size 36. They love each other.
1.John has _______brother. ( )
A.a younger B.an older
2.Ben is _______ kilograms. ( )
A.47 B.45
3.Ben is _______ than John. ( )
A.shorter B.taller
4.John’s shoes are _______ than Ben’s. ( )
A.bigger B.smaller
Name Yao Ming Sun Yang
Height (cm) 226 188
Weight (kg) 134 74
Age 42 32
Sport Playing basketball swimming
5.Sun Yang is _____ than Yao Ming. ( )
A.tall B.taller C.shorter D.short
6.Yao Ming is _____ than Sun Yang. ( )
A.smaller B.bigger C.heavier D.thinner
7.Sun Yang is _____ years _____ than Yao Ming. ( )
A.5; older B.10; younger C.5; younger D.10; older
8.Yao Ming is _____ cm than Sun Yang. ( )
A.38; taller B.38; shorter C.60; taller D.60; shorter
9.Yao Ming plays basketball _____ than Sun Yang, but Sun Yang swims _____ than Yao Ming. ( )
A.Better; fast B.good; faster C.Good; fast D.better; faster
I am a student in China now. My name is Kelly Smith. I live with my parents, two sisters and a brother in Beijing. My parents teach English in No. 6 Middle School. I study in the same school. I like my new school and the classmates. They are kind to me. They like to play with me because I look different from them. I have blue eyes and long blond hair. They often say I look like a doll. Also I speak English well, so lots of students like to talk with me to improve (提高) their English.
10.How many people are there in Kelly’s family ( )
A.three B.five C.six
11.Kelly’s parents are _______. ( )
A.doctors B.teachers C.farmers
12.Why does Kelly like her new school ( )
A.Because it is very big.
B.Because it is very beautiful.
C.Because the classmates are kind to her.
13.Why do students like to talk with Kelly ( )
A.Because Kelly is a beautiful girl.
B.Because Kelly’s English is very good.
C.Because Kelly is very interesting.
Hello! I am Ken. I am in a big zoo now. I can see many animals. Look at the giraffe. It is the tallest animal in the zoo. It is about 6 metres tall. It is much taller than the hippo (河马), but the hippo is heavier than the giraffe. The hippo is about 3 tons. Look at the elephant. It has a long nose. The elephant is big and strong. It is about 5 tons. It is about 3 metres tall. It is the biggest animal in the zoo.
14.Ken is in a big ________. (  )
A.farm B.zoo
15.The ________ is the tallest animal in the zoo. (  )
A.giraffe B.elephant
16.The hippo is about ________. (  )
A.3 tons B.5 tons
17.The elephant is about ________ tall. (  )
A.6 metres B.3 metres
18.Which is heavier, the hippo or the elephant (  )
A.The hippo. B.The elephant.
Chen Jie and Chen Lin are sisters. Chen Jie is 14. She’s 2 years younger than Chen Lin. But she’s taller than Chen Lin. Chen Jie is 46 kilograms. She’s 1 kilogram heavier than Chen Lin. Chen Jie likes sports. She does sports every day. So she’s stronger than Chen Lin. Chen Jie has short hair, but Chen Lin has long hair. They often wear the same size shoes. They wear size 16. They love each other.
19.Chen Jie has ____ sister. ( )
A.a younger B.an older C.a twin
20.Chen Lin is ____ kilograms. ( )
A.45 B.47 C.49
21.Chen Lin is ____ than Chen Jie. ( )
A.taller B.shorter C.smaller
22.Chen Lin’s hair ____ longer than Chen Jie’s. ( )
A.is B.isn’t C.are
23.Chen Jie wears size ____. ( )
A.18 B.16 C.17
Zhang Peng: Hi, Wang Ping. You look fine. How heavy are you
Wang Ping: I'm 48 kilograms. You are thinner than me, but you look taller than before. How tall are you
Zhang Peng: I'm 1.6 metres and 45 kilograms.
Wang Ping: Oh, really You are 0.05 metres taller than me. But I'm 3 kilograms heavier than you. You should eat more.
Zhang Peng: OK, I will. Thank you.
24.Zhang Peng is ________ than Wang Ping. ( )
A.taller B.shorter C.longer
25.Wang Ping is ________ than Zhang Peng. ( )
A.thinner B.heavier C.smaller
26.Wang Ping is ________ kilograms. ( )
A.42 B.48 C.45
27.Wang Ping is ________ metres tall. ( )
A.1.55 B.1.50 C.1.6
28.Zhang Peng should eat________. ( )
A.smaller B.little C.more
On the weekend
John Louise Tara
go shopping √ √ ×
play sports × √ √
watch TV √ × √
29.John and Louise go shopping on the weekend. ( )
30.John doesn't play sports on the weekend. ( )
31.Tara doesn't watch TV on the weekend. ( )
32.Tara and Louise go shopping on the weekend. ( )
(Thanksgiving Day is coming. Old MacDonald and his son come to the farm.)
Rocky: Haha! I am a strong turkey.
Ginger: I am stronger than you.
Rocky: I am big.
Ginger: I am bigger than you.
Rocky: I am tall. You see. I’m 1.02 metres.
Ginger: I’m 1.1 metres. I am taller than you.
Rocky: I am heavy. I’m 9 kilograms.
Ginger: I’m 10 kilograms. I am heavier than you.
Old MacDonald: Rocky and Ginger, which one is better (更好的)
Son: Look at Ginger. It’s stronger, bigger, taller and heavier. Ginger is my Thanksgiving dinner!
Ginger: Oh, no! I am only a thinner, smaller, shorter and less (更少) clever (聪明的) turkey!
Rocky: Haha! I am much smarter than you! Happy Thanksgiving Day!
33.Rocky and Ginger are turkeys. ( )
34.Ginger is stronger than Rocky. ( )
35.Rocky is 0.08 metres taller than Ginger. ( )
36.Ginger is thinner and smaller than Rocky. ( )
37.MacDonald and his son want to eat Ginger. ( )
Wu Binbin has a good friend. His name is Mike. He is from the USA.Wu Binbin and Mike are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Sunday and Saturday. Mike likes China and Chinese food. He likes rice cakes very much. At school they play ping-pong after class, and Wu Binbin plays better than Mike.
Wu Binbin and Mike likes making things. Now they are making a plane. They like flying planes on Sunday morning. Mike’s English is better than Wu Binbin. Wu Binbin’s Chinese is better than Mike’s. They can teach each other. (互相)
38.Wu Binbin has an American friend. ( )
39.They go to school from Monday to Friday. ( )
40.Wu Binbin plays ping-pong better than Mike. ( )
41.Wu Binbin teaches Mike English and Mike teaches Wu Binbin Chinese. ( )
42.Mike often eats rice cakes because he likes Chinese food. ( )
Mary, Jane and Lucy are good friends. Mary is shorter than Lucy. Mary is heavier than Jane. How old are they Mary is 7 years old. Jane is 12 years old and Lucy is 9 years old. They study at Qinglan Primary School. Mary likes English. Jane likes maths and Lucy likes music. They all study hard.
43.Lucy is higher than Mary. ( )
44.Jane is thinner than Mary. ( )
45.Jane is the youngest. ( )
46.Mary likes maths. ( )
47.Jane likes English. ( )
Hello! My name is Cindy. I am 12 years old. I am 1.58 metres tall. I have two new teachers this year. Mr Li is my new English teacher. He is tall and handsome (英俊的). He is 1.80 metres tall. He is taller than Mr Liu. Mr Liu is my new maths teacher. He is not tall but strong. He is 74 kilograms. He is heavier than my English teacher. He is a strict teacher. But Mr Li is kind and funny. I like his class. His class is much funnier than Mr Liu's.
48.Cindy is 1.58 metres tall. ( )
49.Cindy has two new English teachers this year. ( )
50.Mr Li is taller than Mr Liu. ( )
51.Cindy's new English teacher is heavier than her maths teacher. ( )
52.Cindy's English class is much funnier than her maths class. ( )
Name: Tom
Age: 12
Birthday: May 25th
Height: 168cm
Weight: 52kg
50-meter race: 8.7''
Name: Jane
Age: 11
Birthday: July 12th
Height: 160cm
Weight: 45kg
50-meter race: 9.4''
Name: Jack
Age: 13
Birthday: October 1st
Height: 170cm
Weight: 54kg
50-meter race: 8.2''
53.Jack is 2 years older than Jane. ( )
54.Tom’s birthday is on July 12th. ( )
55.Jane is taller than Jack. ( )
56.Tom is stronger than Jane. ( )
57.Jane runs faster than Tom and Jack. ( )
1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A
5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.D
10.C 11.B 12.C 13.B
14.B 15.A 16.A 17.B 18.B
19.B 20.A 21.B 22.A 23.B
24.A 25.B 26.B 27.A 28.C
29.T 30.T 31.F 32.F
33.T 34.T 35.F 36.F 37.T
38.T 39.T 40.T 41.F 42.T
43.T 44.T 45.F 46.F 47.F
48.T 49.F 50.T 51.F 52.T
53.T 54.F 55.F 56.T 57.F



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