
秘密★启用前 试题类型:B
英 语
2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案用0.5mm 黑色笔迹签字笔写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
例:How much is the shirt?
A. 19.15.B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1.Who might the man be?
A.A student. B.A salesman. C.A writer.
2.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.A kind of pills. B.The woman's plan. C.Molly's condition.
3. How will the woman get back from the railway station
A.By car. B.By bus. C.By train.
4. What time does the woman think Dr. White will return
A.At about 3:00 pm. B.At about 3:10 pm. C.At about 3:50 pm.
5. What does the woman want the man to do
A.Play tennis. B.Wait for her. C.Do his homework.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.Where does the conversation take place
A.In a library. B.In a bookshop. C.In the office.
7.How many books did the man finally take away
A.One. B.Three. C.Four.
8.What ticket has the man bought
A.First class. B.Second class. C.Business class.
9.What is free on the train
A.The coffee. B.The meal. C.The snack.
10.When should the man reach the train station at the latest
A.At 8:30 am. B.At 9:00 am. C.At 9:30 am.
11.What is the man?
A.A news writer. B.A store owner. C.A company secretary.
12.What is the woman going to do first
A.Make the guest list. B.Call the guests. C.Tidy up the mess.
13.How does the man feel now
A.Confused. B.Annoyed. C.Anxious.
14.Where did the first Hard Rock Cafe open
A.In Florida. B.In London. C.In San Francisco.
15.What happened in 1982
A.The first cafe was founded.
B.The headquarters moved to Florida.
C.The Hard Rock Cafe chain was worldwide.
16. How many locations does the cafe have around the world
A.59. B.171. C.191.
17.When will the speakers probably visit the cafe
A.Tomorrow. B.This weekend. C.Next week.
18.Where is the park located
A.On the plain. B.In the desert. C.In the city centre.
19.What is the third tip about
A.Carrying plenty of water.
B.Hiking with a partner for safety.
C.Having the right clothing and shoes.
20.Which of the following is mentioned in the text
A.A cell phone. B.A compass. C.A flashlight.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分60分)
第一节 (共15个小题;每小题3分,共45分)
When you board the ferry(渡船)to Bald Head Island,you leave your car behind,along with the stress of the mainland world.Be quick to reserve your stay on the island!
·Things To Do
Walk With the Sea Turtles What is attractive: A chance to experience scores of loggerhead sea turtles returning to lay their eggs each summer. A unique adventure: A nest“boil”watch—the sand above the eggs moves as the baby turtles dig their way out.
Ride a Bike What is attractive: Either an easy ride for beginners or over 15 miles of roadway for experienced cyclists to get their fill.Bike rentals by the hour, day or week are available on the island. Do remember: Always wear a helmet,and be sure to put your bike to the right side of the road to allow trams(有轨电车)to pass.
Explore the Beaches What is attractive: 14 miles of unspoiled beaches beg you to build sandcastles, swim or just relax. Special features: South Beach-long stretches of calmer waters, perfect for spending quality time together.East Beach—ideal for surfing.
●Round-trip Ferry Tickets
$23.00 for adults
$12.00 for children ages 3-12
No charge for children ages two and younger
An additional personal safety insurance for ferry costing $2 per person is necessary for everyone on board.
21.What is a special experience about Walk With the Sea Turtles
A.Keeping the nest from boiling. B Viewing the hatching process.
C.Spending quality time together. D.Helping turtles to dig the sand.
22.What should travelers remember to do while cycling
A.Find a local instructor. B.Choose an easy roadway.
C.Buy a safe helmet. D.Pull over correctly.
23.How much would a couple with a 2-year-old child pay for ferry
A.$23. B.$46. C.$52. D.$64.
Baby deer、also known as fawns,are born with white spots on their body,especially in the first few weeks of their life when they are Incapable of moving. Basically, fawns with spots managed to survive more than fawns without spots. This gene has become dominant, and now, most fawns are born with spots.
Their mother generally hides the young babies in deep bushes, high grasslands, or under plants in the woods. The white spots on their reddish-brown body fur allow them to mix easily with the forest surroundings and don't make them to stand out, avoiding them from getting discerned easily.
More than the color, the pattern of these spots on the baby deer's body is also of more importance.This is because the majority of the animal species,particularly those living out in the wild don't have a great color vision, especially when compared to humans.The pattern of the white spots on the fawns helps them to hide among the tall grass and bushes and prevents them from easily getting spotted from a distance.The sun enter deep into the forest, through the branches and leaves of tall trees,and creates a pattern of darker and lighter zones on the forest ground, much like spots on a fawn.
Moreover,they don't bear any kind of smell during this phase of their life which further helps them in avoiding detection. Along with this, they have got a strong sense to observe the presence of hunters nearby,after which they can lower their heartbeat.This further helps them to hide and be perfectly still.
Undoubtedly,spots on the fawn's body are a method of protection to fawns. Once they survive the initial few weeks in this world, they become capable of moving around on their own and hence don't require the extra layer of safety, the white spots start to fade from their body.
24.What does the underlined word"discerned"in paragraph 2 probably mean
A.Polluted. B.Rescued. C Detected. D Revealed.
25.Why is the pattern of spots so important
A.Because it helps the defenseless fawns stay safe.
B.Because it helps wildlife improve their color sense.
C.Because it allows the sunlight to get through forest.
D.Because it prohibits fawns hiding in the bushy grass.
26.How does the passage mainly develop
A.By giving different kinds of examples.
B.By describing the changes in space order.
C.By pointing out similarities and differences.
D.By showing facts and explaining reasons.
27.Which can be a suitable title for the passage
A.When do Baby Deer Lose White Spots
B.Why do Baby Deer Have White Spots
C.How do Mother Deer Find Their Fawns
D.How do Mother Deer Protect Baby Deer
China's first domestically-developed passenger jet,C919,was delivered to China Eastern Airlines in Shanghai in late 2022.The plane,developed by the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China(COMAC),was issued a certificate of airworthiness by the country's aviation(航空)regulator,the Civil Aviation Administration of China.
Its certification signifies that China has the ability to independently develop world-class large passenger aircraft,and marks an important milestone for the country's large aircraft industry. American aerospace manufacturer(制造商)Boeing and France-based Airbus have long dominated the commercial aircraft market.The C919,as part of China's goal to develop homemade civil planes,is trying to compete with medium-range passenger planes from the two global giants.
The C919 narrow-body jet is China's first trunk jetliner developed in accordance with international standards of airworthiness and with independent intellectual property rights.It has a wingspan of nearly 36 meters,a length of about 39 meters and a tail height of around 12 meters. The single-aisle plane has 158 to 192 seats.About 60 percent of the planes in the global civil plane industry, and 80 percent of the planes on the Chinese market, belong to this category in terms of the number of seats.Its aerodynamically-designed wings made from advanced metals and composites help improve fuel efficiency while reducing noise in the cabin.Its cockpit(驾驶舱),with the latest navigation technology and the so-called“fly by wire”computer controls,makes the C919 competitive with other narrow-body jets.
Narrow-body aircraft with 150 to 200 seats have been the most widely used planes in the global civil aviation market,and the C919 was designed and developed to meet the huge market demand for this type of AC said the company is also preparing for gaining an airworthiness certificate from the European Aviation Safety Agency, aiming for the global market. And if the C919 could prove it's safe, reliable and fuel-efficient in commercial operations,and has a competitive price,it will of course be welcomed by the global market.
28.What does the C919's certification mean
A. Chinese aircraft manufacturing ha superior to American.
B.The C919 is the best-equipped commercial aircraft in the world.
C. China has the ability to develop medium-range passenger planes.
D.The C919 sets the stage for a new competition with Boeing and Airbus.
29.Which aspect of the C919 is mentioned in the text
A.Design principle. B.Length of the flight.
C.Capacity of passengers. D.Manufacturing process.
30.What is the purpose of the last paragraph
A.To draw people's special attention to the C919.
B.To prospect huge market potential of the C919.
C.To compare the C919 with other foreign planes.
D.To celebrate the C919's success of its certification.
31.What is the text?
A.A news report.B.A science review.
C.A research paper.D.An experiment report.
Math and music are two entirely different fields of study,but there is a strong relevance between them. At some point, they tend to overlap, and it is common for people good at math to be good at music.It may seem illogical to compare the two,but there are more similarities between math and music than you would imagine.
Numbers can tell us more about music. Sounds strange but it's true.Music is divided into sections that are called measures,where each measure has equal amounts of beats. This is comparable to mathematical divisions of time.Now, each piece of music will tell us how many beats there are in each measure. All the music notes have numerical connections and a number of beats. It is important to understand the value of fractions(分数)and notes to count the music correctly.
The biggest similarity between math and music in pattern. For example,music has repeating choruses while math uses patterns to explain the unknown.You can use different mathematical phenomena in music.These include geometry(几何学),signal processing,etc.In fact,research has shown that when music shows some mathematical structure,it tends to be more popular.
In addition to their shared elements,math and music can be taught using the principles of both. A student who enjoys math and music can benefit from both.For example,music cam enhance cognition and reasoning skills.For instance,Einstein listened to music when solving math problems to increase clarity. Similarly, playing music can improve cognition,as it increases communication between the two brains.
Music is a gateway to many things,and until now,you probably didn't realize that it's just as demanding, analytical, logical and scientific as math. Something as simple as learning“Mary Had a Little Lamb"on the piano is actually setting your child up for bigger and better things;maybe they'll pick up Pythagoras(毕达哥拉斯)in a flash,maybe they'll be a genius in math,perhaps they'll one day discover their own theory of relativity.
32.What does the author think about math and music
A.Math and music are deeply intertwined.
B.Music is a totally different subject from math.
C.It sounds reasonable to compare math and music.
D.People expert at math all tend to be music lovers.
33.What's mainly about the paragraph 2
A.Measure is a piece of music. B. Math helps in reading music.
C.Music sound appears strange. D.Music beats equal to math numbers.
34.What statement will the author probably agree with
A. Fatterns are common in both math and music.
B.Certain music skills are practised via choruses.
C.Music principle seems easier than mathematics.
D.Reasoning skills in math chiefly rely on music.
35.What message does the last paragraph convey
A. Musical involvement promotes to be a genius.
B.Music allows kids to combine math with piano.
C. Music offers kids potential success in mathematics.
D.Music may enhance the mathematics skills of all kids.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
In the wintertime,runners in northern climates must decide whether to continue exercising outdoors or move inside to a treadmill(跑步机).Basically,running in cold temperatures is—for most people — a safe and effective workout. Let's check the health benefits of running in cold weather below.
Running in cold weather can energize the body.By doing this,you tend to be more active. ___36___Furthermore, take notes to always have your meals before running in cold weather.Then, your food will be changed into energy for sure.
In fact, running can be great to promote the healthy heart.___37____Cold weather can promote the heart to work harder and enhance the good blood regulation in the body.Indeed,it will help to make the stronger heart muscle during the cold weather.
___38___In short,your body needs to work harder to keep warm,which will cost more calories.Running in cold weather may burn 2,000more calories per day, on average, compared to 1,000 calories in warm weather.By running more over winter, you could actually enjoy an extra benefit—weight loss.
Another benefit you can get from running in cold weather is to prevent earlier aging.You may be surprised with this one.But,this is linked with the ability of cold-weather running to reduce the tendency for the body to experience the mass of bone and muscle wasting.___39___
Interesting enough, running during cold weather can help you to lift the mood up.___40___It is surveyed that running outdoors in winter can achieve less depression. Moreover, when the weather gives you cold,in contrast,the body gets warmer during running or workout. As a result you will feel happier for sure.
A.Therefore,it is time to try this one to live young.
B.Admittedly,cold weather can help burn calories.
C.It will help to promote the energy building in the body.
D.This is linked to the food satisfaction in the cold weather.
E.But,if you run in cold weather,it will boost the benefit more.
F.The cold weather can reduce heat stress and make an easier run.
G. It is linked to the wet and the air feeling which makes you feel calm.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Though terribly shy, I had a particular happy childhood. Furthermore, I may be an only child but I was surrounded with people of my__41__in a rural fishing community where my cousins were as __42__as fish in the sea. Imagine how many cousins I have! I would not be __43__ if I claim that almost everyone in our village is a close__44__! The sweet memories of playing with my cousins are happily__45__ with beach combing,fishing,and regular family __46__.
Every morning at 6 am,we would walk__47__9 am at the beach,combing the sand and keeping our hands busy.Fishing was another. __48__I looked forward to which happened every Saturday. My Uncle Jerome would take us with him and go at the middle of the sea.He would find a good __49__in the sea,and then__50__and look for pearls(珍珠).The first time I saw a pearl in a shell,I was amazed,my mouth hung and never__ 51__for a long time! I thought it was the loveliest milky item.
My childhood gave me some of the best years of my life because I was with my family.I spent much time__52__the beach and the sea__53__bonding with my relatives.In other words,I was __54__active.I was shy with__55__ but with my cousins,I felt at home.
41.A.group 42.A.rare 43.A.comparing 44.A.colleague 45.A.filled 46.A.tricks 47 A.until 48.A.growth 49.A.rock 50.A.sink 51.A.opened 52.A.exploring 53.A.in opposition to 54.A.casually 55.A.strangers B.country B.free B.lying B.relative B.provided B.chores B.after B.enjoyment B.island B.fall B.laughed B.cleaning B.in contrast to B.socially B.elders C.love C.abundant C.scaring C.friend C.shared C.occasions C.since C.deal C.beach C.float C.closed C.observing C.in addition to C.naturally C.crowds D.age D.delight D.hesitating D.neighbor D.concerned D.trades D.during D.experiment D.spot D.dive D.ate D.washing D.in response to D.secretly D.relatives
第二节 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
Dark dining is the act of eating a meal without seeing the food that is being eaten.The basic concept is that the__56__(remove)of vision enhances the other senses and increases gastronomic (美食的)pleasure.Since 1999,__57__(specialize)dark restaurants have opened in many parts of the world.
The__58__(one)experience of dark restaurant took place in Paris and__59__(call)"Le gout du noir".This program became in 2003''Dans Le Noir ".It became the first international chain of restaurant in the dark. The first permanent restaurant was Blindekuh,in Zurich, Switzerland. It was opened in September 1999by a blind man,Jorge,who wished__60__(convey)the experience of blindness to sighted customers.Jorge says__61__idea came after guests who had dined blindfolded at his own home reported greater enjoyment of their meal through the senses of taste and smell.
The notion that a meal can be more__62__(enjoy) without sight is typically described __63__"the theory that flavors are intensified when people can't see __64__they're eating".
However, Some dark restaurants devote part of their money to charities or causes concerned with visual impairment.In Zurich,the original dark restaurant is part of this project,aimed at __65__(create)jobs for blind people.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
第二节 (满分25分)
It was a fantastic and cheery early summer day.The sun was shining brilliantly,with clouds dancing in the blue sky. The birds were singing merrily and the colourful flowers were in full bloom. There was a warm gentle breeze. Bright green leaves swung in the wind, occasionally falling to the ground,cast off from the trees they trusted.
It was a lovely morning to be outdoors, to enjoy oneself in the splendid beauty of nature. There's nothing quite as curative as being out in nature.Little Bear hated being locked at home. He wanted to go out to relieve his boredom. While his mother was busy with the daily domestic tasks,Little Bear slipped out through the backdoor.He was so eager for independence that he ignored his parents' words and raced off into the woods near his home on his own.
As he jogged along the winding path from his home,Little Bear felt like an adventurer. Soon, the stone path ended and he found himself in the forest. He had never been so far from home all by himself. As Little Bear explored the plants of different colors in the abundant green forest, the fear of being alone in the great outdoors began to wear off.He immediately began to regret his careless decision to escape from his parents.
By afternoon,the sun was burning hot.Little Bear was weak from hunger and thirst.He felt tired and hungry. He longed for his mother's cooking.He longed for his nice cosy bed.He longed to go home.Little Bear scanned the surroundings.Everything looked unfamiliar to him.He was lost! There was not a soul in sight from whom he could ask for directions.Little Bear sat on a rock, alone and depressed. Looking down, all he could see were his little paw prints imprinted in the mud.
1-5 BCABC 6-10BACBA 11-15 BACAC 16-20 CCBAB
第二部分 阅读
21-23 DBC 24-27 DACB 28-31 DCBA 32-35ABAC 36-40 CEBAG
第三部分 完形填空
41-45 ABDCB 46-50 DDCAB 51-55 ABCAC
第一部分 听力
1-5ACBBC 6-10 AACAA 11-15 BBCBC 16-20 CCBAB
第二部分 阅读
21-23 BDC 24-27 CADB 28-31 DCBA 32-35 ABAC
第三部分 完形填空
41-45 DCBBA 46-50 CABDD 51-55 CACBA
56.removal 57.specialized 58.first 59.was called 60.to convey
61.the 62.enjoyable 63.as 64.what 65.creating
第四部分 写作第一节
One possible version(仅供参考)
An idea suddenly came into Little Bear's mind.He jumped up and followed his trail of paw prints, knowing that they would lead him out of the forest.Although the walk was long and he was feeling weary,Little Bear forced himself to go on. Finally, he found himself back on the winding footpath. Little Bear knew that this meant he was close to home. He made a final rush, eager to get home quickly.
Before long,he saw his familiar wooden cottage.His mother was waiting outside with an anxious look on her face. Little Bear ran into the arms of his mother and hugged her tiglhtly. He apologized for leaving the house without permission. Overwhelmed with relief that her son had returned safe and sound, his mother did not punish him. After the dangerous experience of getting lost in the forest,Little Bear knew that he would not dare to venture out alone again.
第一部分 听力(略)
第二部分 阅读第一节
【语篇解读】本篇是应用文,主题语境为人与自然。文章介绍了位于北卡罗莱纳州海岸Bald Heal Island(秃头岛)的特色游览项目以及票价等信息。
【解析】细节理解。根据题干中Walk With the Sea Turtles定位到文章表格第一栏。文中A unique adventure:A nest “boil”watch—the sand above the eggs moves as the baby turtles dig their way out.可知,一个独特的经历是看海龟孵化的过程,故选D。
【解析】细节理解。根据题干中while cycling定位到文章表格第二栏。文中Always wear a helmet,and be sure to put your bike to the right side of the road to allow trams to pass.可知电车经过时,自行车要靠右停靠,pull over,靠边停车,故选B。
【解析】数字计算题。根据文中Bound-trip Ferry Tickets部分的信息可知,成人票价23美元,两岁及以下儿童免费,但凡是登上船的人都需要额外购买2美元保险,23*2+2*3=52,故选C。
【解析】词义猜测题。根据文章第二段中don't make them to stand out可知,它们的白色斑点可以让他们的身体更好地融入森林,不会使它们显现出来,这样就能使它们避免被发现。detect,察觉;发现,故选D。
【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段中The pattern of the white spots on the fawns helps them to hide among the tall grass and bushes and prevents them from easily getting spotted from a distance.可知,幼鹿身上白色斑点的形状有助于它们躲避危险,故选A。
【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第三段中The single-aisle plane has 158 to 192 seats.可知,是对C919载客量的具体介绍,而其他三个选项在文中并没有提及,故选C。30.B
【解析】目的意图题。根据文章最后一段的内容可知,C919类型的民用飞机应用广泛,市场需求量大,且C919 若能证明自己在商业运营中安全、可靠、省油,且价格具有竞争性,那么就会受到全球市场的欢迎,故选B。
【解析】文章类型题。从文章第一段中China's first domestically-developed passenger jet, C919, was delivered to China Eastern Airlines in Shanghai in late 2022.可知,文章开头公开介绍了一件真实存在的事件,且具体说明了事件的时间和地点,具有新闻报道的特点:真实性,准确性,可以推断出本文是一篇新闻报道,故选A。
【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句Math and music are two entirely different fields of study, but there is a strong relevance between them.可知,数学和音乐虽属不同领域,但两者之间有很强的关联性,故选A。
【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第二段中All the music notes have numerical connections and a number of beats. It is important to understand the value of fractions(分数)and notes to count the music correctly.可知,音乐中的小节和数学中的时间划分相类似,因此理解分数和音符所代表的值对准确数音乐的节拍是很有帮助的,故选B。
【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段中第一、二句The biggest similarity between math and music is pattern. For example, music has repeating choruses while math uses patterns to explain the unknown.可知,数学和音乐在模式上有很多相似之处,例如,音乐有重复的副歌,而数学用模式来解释未知的东西。由此可推测模式在数学和音乐中的应用应该是很常见的,故选A。35.C
第三部分 语言运用第一节 完形填空
【解析】考查名词。根据本句内容可知,作者的表兄弟(姐妹)都住在这里,何推知我周围都是同龄人,people of my age,与我同龄的人,故选A。
【解析】考查形容词。从后文as fish in the sea可知,表兄弟(姐妹)数量较多,abundant,充足的,大量的,故选B。
【解析】考查动词。由后文if I claim that almost everyone in our village is a close…可知,我不会是在说谎,lie,说谎,故选D。
【解析】考查动词。根据空前内容The sweet memories of playing with my cousins are happily...可知,此处表示充满。be filled with,充满,故选B。
【解析】考查名词。此处列举一系列活动与前面的回忆呼应,family occasions,家庭聚会,故选D。
【解析】考查名词。根据My Uncle Jerome would take us with him and go at the middle of the sea.可知,下文应该是他会找一个适宜的地点,spot,地点,故选A。
【解析】考查短语。和表亲们建立亲密关系和探索沙滩并不冲突,所以用in addition to比较合适,in addition to,除……以外,故选C。
第二节 语篇填空
【解析】考查数词。根据It became the first international chain of restaurant in the dark 可知,此处表第一个,应用序数词,故填first。
59.was called
【解析】考查动词。由and可知,此处call应与took place并列,做句子的谓语,且与主语之间为被动关系,故填was called。
60.to convey
【解析】考查非谓语。wish to do sth,希望做……故填to convey。
【解析】考查冠词。根据句意可知,此处的idea指文中 wished to convey the experience of blindness to sighted customers,表特指,故填the。
【解析】考查形容词。说明a meal的性质,应用形容词作表语,故填enjoyable。
第四部分 写作第一节 (略)
第二节 One possible version(仅供参考)
An idea suddenly came into Little Bear's mind. He jumped up and followed his trail of paw prints, knowing that they would lead him out of the forest.Although the walk was long and he was feeling weary,Little Bear forced himself to go on. Finally, he found himself back on the winding footpath. Little Bear knew that this meant he was close to home. He made a final rush, eager to get home quickly.
Before long,he saw his familiar wooden cottage.His mother was waiting outside with an anxious look on her face. Little Bear ran into the arms of his mother and hugged her tightly. He apologized for leaving the house without permission. Overwhelmed with relief that her son had returned safe and sound, his mother did not punish him. After the dangerous experience of getting lost in the forest,Little Bear knew that he would not dare to venture out alone again.



