Unit 3 单元专项复习--阅读理解 小学英语四年级下册 人教PEP版(含答案)

Unit 3 单元专项复习--阅读理解 小学英语四年级下册 人教PEP版(含答案)
Good morning, this is the weather report. It's rainy in Shijiazhuang. You must take your raincoats or umbrellas. It's cold in Shijisizhuang. Please put on your coat. It's snowy in Heilongjiang. We can make a snowman. It's sunny and warm in Kunming. You can swim outside. That's all for the weather report. Goodbye.
1.What's the weather like in Shijiazhuang ( )
A.It's sunny. B.It's windy. C.It's rainy.
2.People should take their ______ in Shijiazhuang. ( )
A.umbrellas B.sunglasses C.bags
3.It's snowy in ______. ( )
A.Heilongjiang B.Harbin C.Shijiazhuang
4.It's sunny and ______ in Kunming. ( )
A.hot B.warm C.cool
5.People can ______ outside in Kunming. ( )
A.swim B.make snowballs C.make a snowman
Hi, Mary! How are you I miss you very much. I'm in Sydney now. It is raining today. And it will be warm and sunny tomorrow. Then (然后) I can swim outside, because the water is warm. What's the weather like in Beijing Is it windy or snowy Can you make a snowman
Hi, Peter! I am fine. I miss you, too. It's winter in Beijing. It's cold and snowy. The snow is very beautiful. I can play in it and I can make a snowman. It's fun.
6.It's __________ today in Sydney. ( )
A.rainy B.sunny C.cloudy
7.Peter can __________ outside tomorrow. ( )
A.play B.swim C.make a snowman
8.Mary is in __________. ( )
A.Sydney B.Shanghai C.Beijing
9.It's __________ today in Beijing. ( )
A.hot and sunny B.cool and windy C.cold and snowy
10.Can Mary play in the snow ( )
A.Yes, she can. B.No, she can't. C.We don't know(知道).
Beijing Hainan Harbin Lhasa
22℃ 32℃ 7℃ 16℃
11.Beijing is __________ today. ( )
A.warm B.hot C.cold
12.Hainan is __________ today. ( )
A.cool B.cold C.hot
13.Harbin is __________ today. ( )
A.hot B.cold C.warm
14.Lhasa is __________ today. ( )
A.cool B.warm C.hot
Good afternoon. Here's the weather report for today. Today it is windy in Huizhou. You can fly kites. In Beijing, it is fine. It's warm and sunny. You can play football. Look at Harbin, it's cold and snowy. You can make a snowman. In Sydney, it's hot and sunny. You can swim outside. In Hong Kong, it is rainy. Don't forget to take an umbrella(雨伞).
15.It's ___________ in Huizhou. ( )
A.rainy B.windy C.cold
16.We can __________ in Beijing. ( )
A.play football B.fly kites C.make a snowman
17.It's cold and snowy in __________. ( )
A.USA B.London C.Harbin
18.In Sydney, it's __________. ( )
A.cold and snowy B.hot and sunny C.warm and sunny
19.In Hong Kong, today is rainy. People need to take _________. ( )
A.an umbrella B.a football C.a kite
□□□□□□ Hi, John! How are you I'm in New York now. It is sunny everyday. We can't play basketball outside. It's 104°F. It's too hot! Is it hot in Beijing Can you swim outside Love, Dad ___________________________ ___________________________
20.Where is the postcard (明信片) from ( )
A.Dad. B.John.
21.—Where is dad now ( )
—He's in ______.
A.New York B.Sydney
22.—What's the weather like there ( )
—It's ______.
A.snowy and cold B.sunny and hot
23.Look at the thermosphere (温度计). 104°F is about ______ °C.( )
A.forty B.fifty
24.Can dad play basketball outside ( )
A.Yes, he can. B.No, he can't.
Good morning. This is the weather report. It’s warm in Beijing today. It’s cold and snowy in Harbin. It’s cool in Lhasa. It’s hot in Hong Kong. It’s warm and sunny in Kunming. It’s hot and sunny in Qingdao. It’s cloudy in Shanghai. It’s rainy in Guiyang. Have a nice day. That’s all. Thank you.
25.The weather report is in the ________. ( )
A.afternoon B.evening C.morning
26.It’s ________ in Harbin. ( )
A.warm B.hot C.cold
27.It’s cold and snowy in ________. ( )
A.Guiyang B.Beijing C.Harbin
28.It’s hot and ________ in Qingdao. ( )
A.sunny B.warm C.cold
29.Is Shanghai cloudy today ( )
A.I don’t know. B.Yes, it is. C.No, it isn’t.
I'm Sarah. Bill and Jerry are my friends. Bill is in Harbin. Today is cold. So he can't play outside. Jerry is in Beijing. It's warm today. He can play basketball outside.
30.It's warm in Beijing today. ( )
31.Bill can't play outside today. ( )
32.It's cool.Jerry can play football outside. ( )
33.It's not cold in Harbin. ( )
34.Bill and Jerry are Sarah's friends. ( )
Dear Xiaowei,
Thanks for your present(礼物). It is very beautiful. What's the weather like in Guangzhou now Is it very cold It's now winter(冬天)in Guangzhou. But in Australia, it is summer(夏天). So it is quite hot here. The temperature is from 34C to 37C today. And it rains a lot. I have to stay at home. The weather report says it will be much hotter next week. And the typhoon(台风)is coming, too. I don't like the rainy days. What about you The winter holiday(寒假)is coming in Guangzhou. What are you going to do
Please write to me soon.
Best wishes.
35.It is winter in Guangzhou but summer in Australia. ( )
36.The temperature in Australia is from 30C to 33C today. ( )
37.It will be much hotter next week in Australia. ( )
38.The summer vacation is coming in Guangzhou. ( )
39.Sally wants Xiaowei to write a letter to her soon. ( )
It is very hot today. Amy can’t go outside. So, she stays at home with her mum. Now, it’s time for lunch. Amy wants to eat ice cream. But she can’t. Her mum says she can have some soup, vegetables and some rice. After lunch, she can eat ice cream.
40.It is very hot. ( )
41.Amy can go outside. ( )
42.Amy eats ice cream for lunch. ( )
43.Amy has some rice and vegetables. ( )
44.Amy can’t eat ice cream after lunch. ( )
Good morning. This is the world weather report. It's cold in Shanghai today. Kids can’t play outside. It's warm and snowy in New York. So children can make a snowman. It's so cool and windy in Moscow. Children can fly a kite. It's hot and sunny in Sydney. Kids can play outside.
45.Shanghai is cold today. ( )
46.New York is warm and snowy. Kids can make a snowman. ( )
47.It’s cold and rainy in Moscow. ( )
48.Children can fly a kite in Moscow. ( )
49.It’s hot and snowy in Sydney. ( )
In the UK, people often talk about the weather. People can experience (经历) different weather changes (变化) in one day. In the morning, the weather is warm. An hour later black clouds come and then it rains. In the afternoon, the sky will be clear (晴朗的). The sun will begin to shine (照耀), and it will be hot this time of the day.
In the UK, it can also be cold on a hot day, or hot on a cold day. So on a cold day sometimes you can swim, and on a hot day sometimes you should take warm clothes with you.
Some English people usually take an umbrella or raincoat with them on a sunny morning. But when you see this in the UK, you should not laugh at them.
50.People in the UK don't like talking about the weather. ( )
51.The weather changes a lot in one day. ( )
52.People in the UK sometimes can swim on a cold day. ( )
53.Some English people usually take raincoats on a cloudy morning. ( )
54.The underlined phrase “laugh at” means “嘲笑”。 ( )
Here’s the world weather. Today it’s snowy in Moscow. It’s sunny in Toronto. It’s 16°C.London is rainy. Sydney is hot and cloudy. Beijing has a nice day. It’s warm.
55.It’s cold in Moscow today. ( )
56.London and Toronto are warm. ( )
57.Sydney is hot. ( )
58.Toronto is rainy today. ( )
59.Beijing has a nice day. ( )

1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.A
6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.A
11.A 12.C 13.B 14.A
15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.A
20.A 21.A 22.B 23.A 24.B
25.C 26.C 27.C 28.A 29.B
30.T 31.T 32.F 33.F 34.T
35.T 36.F 37.T 38.F 39.T
40.T 41.F 42.F 43.T 44.F
45.T 46.T 47.F 48.T 49.F
50.F 51.T 52.T 53.F 54.T
55.F 56.F 57.T 58.F 59.T




下一篇:Unit 3 单元专项复习--补全对话与短文 小学英语五年级下册 人教PEP版(含答案)