Unit 6 单元专项复习--补全对话与短文 小学英语四年级下册 人教PEP版(含答案)

Unit 6 单元专项复习--补全对话与短文 小学英语四年级下册 人教PEP版(含答案)
W= shop assistant (售货员) L= Lucy
W: _________1_________
L: Yes. These shoes are nice. _________2_________
W: Of course. _________3_________ .
L: Size 6, please.
W: Here you are.
L: Oh, no! _________4_________ .
W: Hmm. OK. Try size 7, please.
L: They are just right. _________5_________
W: They’re $30.
L: OK, I will take them.
A.What size do you wear
B.They’re too small.
C.Can I help you
D.How much are they
E.Can I try them on
A: Sarah, how do you like this skirt
B: ___6___
C: Can I help you
A: Yes. ___7___
C: ___8___
A: Oh, that’s expensive.
B: ___9___, mum.
A: Sorry, Sarah. ___10___
A.How much is this skirt
B.It’s too expensive.
C.It’s very pretty.
D.I like it
E.It’s $89.
A: ______11______
B: Yes, I want to buy a jacket.
A: ______12______
B: Blue.
A: What about this one
B: It looks nice. ______13______
A: It’s¥499
B: Oh, that’s too expensive!
A: ______14______
B: It’s only sixty-two yuan.
B: OK. ______15______
A: Here you are.
B: Thanks.
A.How about this one
B.I’ll take it.
C.What colour
D.How much is it
E.Can I help you
A: Good morning! Welcome! ____16____
B: Yes. I want to buy a pretty skirt for my little daughter (女儿).
A: OK. ____17____
B: Sorry. My daughter likes orange.
A: How about this orange one ____18____
B: Yes, I do. ____19____
A: It’s ninety Yuan.
B: Oh. ____20____ 75 Yuan, is it
A: ____21____
A.It’s too expensive.
B.Can I help you
C.How much is it
D.That’s OK.
E.Do you like it
F.How about this red skirt
—Can I help you
—Yes. These gloves are nice. ____22____
—Of course. Here you are. Are they OK
—Yes. I like them. How much are they
—Amy. ____24____
—OK, Mum. ____25____
—No, it's not mine. It's your father's.
—They're mine.
A.Can you help me
B.They are $80.
C.Can I try them on
D.Whose socks are those
E.Is this yours
Clerk: ___27___
Feifei: Yes. This skirt is nice. ___28___
Clerk: Of course. Here you are.
Feifei: ___29___
Clerk: It’s 200 yuan.
Feifei: Oh, that’s too expensive.
Clerk: ___30___
Feifei: It’s very pretty. How much is it
Clerk: It’s 80 yuan.
Feifei: ___31___ I’ll take it.
A.Can I try it on
B.It’s very cheap.
C.Can I help you
D.How much is it
E.How do you like that skirt
—Can I help you
—Yes, ____32____
—Of course, you can. ____33____
—You look so cool.
—____34____ How much are they
—Wow, they are so cheap. ____36____
A.Here you are.
B.I'll take them.
C.They're 68 yuan.
D.Can I try this pair of sunglasses on
E.Thank you.
A: Can I help you
B: ___37___ I want to buy a jacket for my son.
A: ___38___ What colour do you want to have
B: Brown.
A: Here is a brown jacket. ___39___
B: No I don’t. It’s too small.
A: What about this one
B: It looks nice. ___40___
A: Twenty dollars.
B: Good. ___41___
A.I will take it.
B.Do you like it
C.We have jackets in all colours on sale.
D.No, thanks.
E.How much is it
F.Yes, please.
G.Yes. I do.
Shop assistant: Hello! ______42______
Mike: Yes. These shoes are nice. ______43______
Shop assistant Of course. ______44______
Mike: Oh! ______45______ Size 7, please.
Shop assistant Are they OK
Mike They’re just right. ______46______
Shop assistant: They’re 100 yuan.
Mike: ______47______
Shop assistant: Thank you. Bye.
Mike: Bye.
A.Here you are
B.How much are they
C.Can I help you
D.I’ll take them.
E.They’re too small.
F.Can I try them on
scarf cheap sunny sheep expensive sunglasses
Today is Sunday. It's warm and ____48____ . I go shopping with my friend. In the shop, all ____49____are seven yuan! They aren't very ____50____. The ____51____are cheap, too. Look, there are many toy ____52____ . I like them.
1.C 2.E 3.A 4.B 5.D
6.C 7.A 8.E 9.D 10.B
11.E 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.B
16.B 17.F 18.E 19.C 20.A 21.D
22.C 23.B 24.A 25.E 26.D
27.C 28.A 29.D 30.E 31.B
32.D 33.A 34.E 35.C 36.B
37.F 38.C 39.B 40.E 41.A
42.C 43.F 44.A 45.E 46.B 47.D
48.sunny 49.sunglasses 50.expensive 51.scarves 52.sheep



上一篇:Unit 6 单元专项复习--阅读理解 小学英语四年级下册 人教PEP版(含答案)

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