Unit 6 单元专项复习--阅读理解 小学英语四年级下册 人教PEP版(含答案)

Unit 6 单元专项复习--阅读理解 小学英语四年级下册 人教PEP版(含答案)
Hi, Welcome to my shop. Many things are on sale (大减价) today. All socks and gloves are four yuan. They are very cheap. We have many pretty hats and sweaters. They are red, blue, white yellow and more. A hat is only eight yuan. A sweater is thirty yuan. Scarf is only ten yuan. We have many pretty colours for you.
1.I have a ______ shop. ( )
A.clothes B.food C.toy
2.How much are the socks and gloves ( )
A.They are 8 yuan. B.They are 4 yuan. C.They are 10 yuan.
3.How much is a hat ( )
A.It’s 4 yuan. B.It’s 8 yuan. C.It’s 10 yuan.
4.A pair of socks and a sweater are ______ yuan. ( )
A.14 B.24 C.34
5.Many things are ______ in the shop. ( )
A.expensive B.bad C.cheap
Hello, My name is Amy. It’s sunny and warm today. My parents and I go shopping. I like a pink dress very much, but it’s 180 yuan. That’s too expensive. Then I try on a yellow skirt and a white T-shirt. They are pretty and cheap. My mother buys them for me. My mother likes the blue shoes. The shoes are size 38 and they are just right for her. My mother is very happy and buys them. My father chooses (选择) a pair of (一副) sunglasses and a hat. The sunglasses are 150 yuan and the hat is 25 yuan.
6.What’s the weather like today ( )
A.It’s snowy. B.It’s cold. C.It’s sunny.
7.What colour is the dress ( )
A.Red. B.Pink. C.White.
8.What size are the shoes ( )
A.Size 36. B.Size 37. C.Size 38.
9.Does Amy’s mother like the blue shoes ( )
A.Yes, she does. B.No, she doesn’t. C.Yes, he does.
10.How much are the pair of sunglasses and the hat ( )
A.180 yuan. B.150 yuan. C.175 yuan.
Hello, boys and girls. We have many new clothes. Do you like sweaters Do you like pants What's your favourite colour We have many sweaters and pants in all colours. The sweaters are only twenty yuan. And the pants are only fifteen yuan. Do you like dresses Do you like skirts Do you like nice hats For girls, we have nice dresses at twelve yuan, skirts at ten yuan, hats at eight yuan. For boys, we have shirts at ten yuan, shorts at seven yuan, socks at three yuan. Come to our shop and have a look.
11.You're a girl. You can have ________ from this shop. (  )
A.hats and skirts B.dresses and shorts
C.shorts and socks D.sweaters and shirts
12.You're a boy. You can have ________ from this shop. (  )
A.skirts and shirts B.dresses and socks
C.shirts and shorts D.hats and shorts
13.How much are the pants (  )
A.Five yuan. B.Fifteen yuan.
C.Fifty -five yuan. D.Fifty yuan.
14.You have ten yuan. You can have ________.(  )
A.socks and shirts B.hats and sweaters
C.shorts and socks D.skirts and socks
15.This passage(短文)is ________. (  )
A.a book B.an ad(广告)
C.a story D.a novel(小说)
Assistant: Can I help you, Miss White
Miss White: Yes. I want a pair of shoes, please.
Assistant: What size
Miss White: Size nine.
Assistant: How about this pair They are black. They are good.
Miss White: How much are they
Assistant: They are 60 yuan
Miss White: Oh. They are too expensive.
Assistant: These brown shoes are cheaper. They’re 30 yuan.
Miss White. OK. I will take them.
16.Miss White wants ________. ( )
A.a shirt B.a pair of shoes C.a dress
17.The shoes are size ________. ( )
A.seven B.eight C.nine
18.The black shoes are ________yuan. ( )
A.30 B.40 C.60
19.The brown shoes are ________yuan. ( )
A.30 B.40 C.60
20.Miss White takes the ________shoes. ( )
A.black B.brown C.green
This is my clothes box. Look, the pants are blue. They are very beautiful and they are sixty-eight yuan. The shorts are yellow. They are cool and they are thirty-five yuan. They are very cheap. The sweater is green. It’s ninety-nine yuan. It’s expensive. And the dress is colourful (色彩丰富的). It’s pretty and cheap. It’s forty-five yuan.
21.What colour are the pants (  )
A.Yellow. B.Fifty-eight yuan. C.Blue.
22.The shorts are    . (  )
A.cheap B.expensive C.warm
23.How much are the shorts (  )
A.68 yuan. B.35 yuan. C.99 yuan.
24.     are (is) very expensive. (  )
A.The dress B.The shorts C.The sweater
Wong Tao: It’s warm and sunny. I can wear my new shirt.
Mike: I can wear my shorts.
Wang Tao: What a nice day! I would like some fruit.
Mike: Me too. Let’s buy some fruit.
Wang Tao: OK. Look at the pears. They are so big. I’ll take three.
Mike: There are many oranges here. They are sweet.
Wang Tao: Let’s take six.
Mike: I also want a watermelon. I like it very much.
Wang Tao: OK. We’ll take them. How much are they
Mike: Let me count. They are twenty yuan.
25.It’s ______ today. ( )
A.cold B.rainy and cool C.warm and sunny
26.Mike can wear his ______. ( )
A.shirt B.skirt C.shorts
27.They want to buy some ______. ( )
A.fruit B.vegetables C.books
28.Wang Tao wants ______ pears. ( )
A.two B.three C.eight
29.They are ______ yuan. ( )
A.20 B.12 C.26
Today is Sunday. My mother and I go shopping in a big shop. We go there by taxi. I see a pink dress. I like it very much. But it’s too expensive. So I don’t take it. My mother buys some milk and fruit. I like milk for breakfast. I also like fruit. I want to have a story-book. My mother buys it for me. Then we go home.
30.I buy a pink dress. ( )
31.We go shopping in a small shop. ( )
32.I like milk and fruit. ( )
33.It’s Saturday today. ( )
34.My mother buys a storybook for me. ( )
Dear Mum,
Thank you for the new pretty T-shirt. It fits me very well. It's hot in Shanghai. I can wear the pretty T-shirt. My umbrella is broken(坏了). I want to buy a new one. But it is three hundred yuan. It's too expensive. What's the weather like in London I miss you and Dad.
35.It's very cool in Shanghai. ( )
36.Mike wants to buy a new umbrella. ( )
37.The umbrella is not cheap. ( )
38.Mike can't wear his new T-shirt. ( )
39.Mike's mum is in London. ( )
Dear Mum,
Thank you for the new pretty T-shirt. It fits(适合)me very well. It's hot in Shanghai. I can wear the pretty T-shirt. My umbrella is broken(坏了). I want to buy a new one. But it is two hundred yuan. It's too expensive. What's the weather like in London I miss you and Dad.
40.It's very cool in Shanghai. ( )
41.Mike can't wear his new T-shirt. ( )
42.Mike wants to buy a new umbrella. ( )
43.The umbrella is not cheap. ( )
44.Mike's mum is in London. ( )
阅读短文,判断正 (T) 误 (F)。
I like shopping. I often go to Coco’s shop. The clothes in it are beautiful. The white dress is ninety yuan. The blue pants are eighty-nine yuan. The pink sweater is sixty dollars. Here is a cool hat. It’s twenty yuan. It’s so cheap. I’ll take it.
45.I often go to Coco’s shop. ( )
46.The yellow dress is 90. ( )
47.The pink sweater is $60. ( )
48.The cool hat is expensive. ( )
49.I’ll take the hat. ( )
A: Can I help you, Miss White
B: Yes. I want a pair of (一双) shoes, please.
A: What size
B: Size 9.
A: How about these shoes They are black. They are good.
B: How much are they
A: They are forty yuan.
B: OK. They're cheap. I'll take them.
50.Miss White wants a pair of socks. ( )
51.The shoes are size 9. ( )
52.The shoes are black. ( )
53.The shoes are 50 yuan. ( )
54.The shoes are too expensive. ( )
Assistant: Can I help you.
Amy: Yes. I want a pair of shoes.
Assistant: What size
Amy: Size 5.
Assistant: What about this pair Are they nice
Amy: Yes, but I don't like blue. Give me a pair of pink, please.
Assistant: OK. Here are the pink shoes. Size 5.
Amy: How much are they
Assistant: They are 35 yuan.
Amy: I'll take them.
55.Amy wants to buy a pair of shoes.( )
56.Size 5 shoes are OK for Amy.( )
57.Amy likes the pink shoes.( )
58.The shoes are too expensive.( )
59.The shoes are 35 yuan.( )
1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C
6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.C
11.A 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.B
16.B 17.C 18.C 19.A 20.B
21.C 22.A 23.B 24.C
25.C 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.A
30.F 31.F 32.T 33.F 34.T
35.F 36.T 37.T 38.F 39.T
40.F 41.F 42.T 43.T 44.T
45.T 46.F 47.T 48.F 49.T
50.F 51.T 52.T 53.F 54.F
55.T 56.T 57.T 58.F 59.T



上一篇:Unit 6 易错题检测卷-小学英语三年级下册译林版(三起)(含答案)

下一篇:Unit 6 单元专项复习--补全对话与短文 小学英语四年级下册 人教PEP版(含答案)