
一、模拟试题 16. bus  17. lunch  18. chickens  19. advised
20. clean
1-5 BCABA  6-10 BAACC  11-15 CBACA
16. modern  17. eighteen / 18  18. showers 1-5 ACBAA  6-10 CABAC  11-15 ABAAB
19. friends  20. skating  16. twenty / 20  17. rules  18. moving  19. foot
20. help
1-5 CBCCB  6-10 ACBAB  11-15 BAACB
16. pool  17. Study  18. gym  19. Asian 1-5 ACBBB  6-10 BAAAC  11-15 BCCBA
20. myself  16. green  17. April  18. shows  19. driving
20. posters
1-5 BCBCC  6-10 AAACB  11-15 BBABB
16. bus  17. library  18. fruit  19. ride 1-5 ACBAC  6-10 BBCAB  11-15 ACACB
20. lost 16. beach  17. driving  18. rest  19. nice20. bus
模拟试题(四) 模拟试题(十三)
1-5 AACBA  6-10 ACBAC  11-15 BACBA - -
16. problem  17. late  18. fight  19. notes 1 5 ABACB  6 10 BCABC  11
16. Sunday  17. Wait  18. Twenty / 20
20. parents 19. careful  20. cakes
模拟试题(五) 模拟试题(十四)
1-5 BCABB  6-10 BBACA  11-15 CACCB 1-5 BCACB  6-10 BCBBC  11-15 BCBAA
16. center / centre  17. eight / 8  18. foreign 16. colo(u)rful  17. online  18. August
19. picture  20. buy 19. photo  20. required
模拟试题(六) 模拟试题(十五)
1-5 ACCBC  6-10 ACACB  11-15 BCBCA 1-5 BACCB  6-10 BBCBA  11-15 ABAAC
16. rides  17. Sunday  18. evening 16. fifteen / 15  17. plans  18. protect  19. kind
19. outside  20. birthday 20. twice
模拟试题(七) 模拟试题(十六)
1-5 ABCBC  6-10 ABABA  11-15 BCCAB 1-5 CCBAB  6-10 AABAC  11-15 ACBBA
16. field  17. weekdays  18. chess  19. provide 16. dry  17. periods  18. Friday  19. save
20. polite 20. floors
模拟试题(八) 模拟试题(十七)
1-5 ABACA  6-10 CAACB  11-15 BAABA 1-5 CBACC  6-10 CBACA  11-15 BCCBA
16. June  17. bike  18. film  19. show 16. club  17. fifteen / 15  18. ride  19. famous
20. proud 20. interest
模拟试题(九) 模拟试题(十八)
1-5 BCCBC  6-10 CBACB  11-15 ABBAB 1-5 ACBAA  6-10 BACBA  11-15 BABCB

16. seconds  17. calm  18. table  19. room
20. fall 三、易失分题型专项训练
Passage 1 CCCCA    Passage 2 CBABC
模拟试题(十九) Passage 3 CCABC Passage 4 BCACC
1-5 BCBCC  6-10 BCCAC  11-15 CBBAC Passage 5 ACCBA Passage 6 AABBB
16. Rules  17. seven  18. lunch  19. run Passage 7 BBACC Passage 8 CBCAB
20. public Passage 9 CACBA Passage 10 ABBCBPassage 11 BAACC Passage 12 CBCAA
模拟试题(二十) Passage 13 ABCCA Passage 14 ABABC
Passage 15 CACAB
1-5 ABCBA  6-10 BCAAC  11-15 BCABB Passage 16
16. July  17. gate  18. Visit  19. short 1. trip  2. eight / 8  3. fruit  4. gifts  5. pick
20. plant Passage 17
1. raining  2. morning  3. west  4. umbrella 
模拟试题(二十一) 5. valuable
1-5 BBABB  6-10 ACBAC  11-15 CAABC Passage 18
16. doctor  17. math / maths  18. sixteen / 16 1. July  2. practise  3. help  4. singing
19. watched  20. medical 5. wonderful Passage 19
模拟试题(二十二) 1. sale  2. four / 4  3. sold  4. old  5. friends
Passage 20
1-5 CCCBB  6-10 ACABC  11-15 BCCAC 1. gym  2. two / 2  3. perform  4. invited
16. hair  17. terrible  18. nurse  19. correct 5. special
20. Germany Passage 21
( ) 1. two / 2  2. grow  3. pears  4. river  5. alone模拟试题 二十三 Passage 22
1-5 ACCAC  6-10 BCBAC  11-15 BCBAC 1. special  2. library  3. costs  4. two / 2
16. July  17. beach  18. fishing  19. novels 5. market
20. sad Passage 231. hiking  2. lunch  3. three / 3  4. order
模拟试题(二十四) 5. excited
Passage 24
1-5 ABBCB  6-10 CABAB  11-15 AABCB 1. relaxing  2. March  3. 2 / two  4. climb
16. colo(u)rful  17. history  18. Friday 5. gifts
19. library  20. Enjoy Passage 25
( ) 1. enjoy  2. crowded  3. clothes  4. snow模拟试题 二十五 5. explore
1-5 CBCCC  6-10 AABBA  11-15 BABAC Passage 26
16. local  17. three / 3  18. hall  19. Guide 1. right  2. Guess  3. Mark  4. Fifteen / 15
20. training 5. novel
Passage 27
二、中考真题 1. north  2. Sunday  3. musical  4. tables
5. thank
2021 年安徽省初中学业水平考试 Passage 28
1-5 BCAAB  6-10 CABBC  11-15 BCCBC 1. Tuesday  2. fifth / 5th  3. tidy  4. taste
16. love  17. gifts  18. hope  19. warm 5. litter
20. trust Passage 29
2020 年安徽省初中学业水平考试 1. city  2. newest  3. write  4. levels
1-5 BACCA  6-10 ABCBC  11-15 CAACB 5. website
16. school  17. sister  18. low  19. Taken Passage 30
20. myself 1. chance  2. nine / 9  3. polite  4. lesson5. shut
W: ⑨Of course not. The more people there are the more fun we will have.
M: What time shall we meet tomorrow morning
W: ⑩Is 7 o clock okay with you
M: ⑩How about half an hour later
W: No problem.
M: Remember to take all the necessary things.
W: OK I will. See you then.
Ⅲ. 短文理解
你将听到一篇短文 短文后有五个小题 请根据短文内容 在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选
项中选出一个最佳选项 短文读两遍
In Ireland people celebrate St. Patrick s Day on March 17th. Over the last few centuries
many Irish people have moved to the United States. They have brought St. Patrick s Day
with them but this holiday has changed a bit in America.
Today in America people celebrate St. Patrick s Day by wearing green. The most common
thing for this holiday is probably the shamrock. A shamrock usually has three leaves. Today many peo ̄
ple wear shamrock designs on St. Patrick s Day because people think they can bring good luck.
This day many people also enjoy going out to drink beer. They tell jokes and have a good
Ⅳ. 信息转换
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Attention boys and girls! We are going to the West Park for a trip next Saturday July 25th.
We are going to meet at the school gate at 7:00 on Saturday morning.
The bus will leave at 7:10. Please don t be late. In the morning we will visit a flower show.
There we can see many kinds of flowers and we will be free to visit different parts of the show. At
about 12:00 we will have lunch near the gate of the park. After lunch we will have a short rest
and then we ll listen to a talk on how to plant flowers. You can take pictures there if you like. We
will be back at about 3:30.
Thank you!
Ⅰ. 短对话理解
你将听到五段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出
一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍
1. M: How beautiful the paper cuttings look!
W: Yes. Paper cutting is one of the oldest traditional Chinese cultures.
2. M: Natalie which would you like some candies or chocolate
W: Neither. I just want to eat some potato chips.
3. W: You are much thinner than before Dave.
M: Really Every morning I run for half an hour.
4. W: Hi Charlie come and see my new friend Jonny.
M: Oh Lucy I know him. He is a school football star.
5. M: How many students are there in your chess club
W: There are twenty ̄four students in total but only eight of them are girls.
Ⅱ. 长对话理解
你将听到两段对话 每段对话后有几个小题 请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出
一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍
听下面一段对话 回答第 6、7 题
M: You come home so late Lisa! Where did you go after school
W: ⑥I went to Cindy s home.
M: Well why didn t you call me and tell me this
W: I m sorry. We discussed some questions about today s math homework.
M: Fine. ⑦But you should let your mother and me know next time OK
听下面一段对话 回答第 8 至 10 题
W: Who s the eldest person in your family Richard
M: My grandmother. ⑧She s ninety ̄one.
W: Wow! That s great! My grandmother is only sixty. And does your grandmother live with you
M: No ⑨she lives with her brother. They have a nice house near the park.
W: Did your grandmother have a job when she was young
M: Yes she was a photographer. She worked for a lot of famous newspapers.
W: What hobbies does she have now
M: Well lots of things ⑩but she likes computer games best.
W: I d like to meet your grandmother Richard. She sounds like a very interesting person!
Ⅲ. 短文理解
你将听到一篇短文 短文后有五个小题 请根据短文内容 在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选
项中选出一个最佳选项 短文读两遍
The Disneyland is famous to children all over the world. China s first Disneyland is in the
east of Shanghai. There is a long distance from the center. The easiest way to get there is by sub ̄
way. The Disneyland is very big. It s made up of six theme parks. Every park is special. The
tourists are happy to see these special things.
There are some interesting activities. And you will enjoy yourselves. Also there re lots
of nice gifts in the shopping area. You can choose them for your good friends. I am sure that you
will always remember your experience in the Disneyland.
Ⅳ. 信息转换
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I am Kevin Brown. I m a doctor in a famous hospital in Boston. During the first two years of
high school I found maths very difficult and I didn t get good grades. As a result I dropped out of
high school at sixteen and started working in a supermarket. One evening I watched a documen ̄
tary about Albert Einstein. According to the documentary I learnt Einstein did quite badly at school.
I began to think that Einstein could succeed and then I might have a chance too. I didn t want to
leave my job so I decided to go to a night school. Two years later I went into a famous medical
university. I ve always thought I should thank the director of the documentary.
Ⅰ. 短对话理解
你将听到五段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出
一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍
1. M: No photos here! Please turn off your camera.
W: Oh sorry. I didn t know about this. I won t do that again.
2. W: Wow the black suit and the white trousers are nice on you James.
M: Thank you but I prefer the black suit.
3. W: Have you ever tried Italian food Miller
M: Yes my parents often take me to Italian restaurants. But I prefer French food.
4. W: Clark your hair is too long. You should get it cut.
M: OK mum. But I m busy doing my homework now. I ll do it this afternoon.
5. W: Hi Steve. Are you free to have a dinner together tonight
M: I have classes until 5 p. m. But I am free after that. So let s meet at 6 p. m.
Ⅱ. 长对话理解
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一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍
听下面一段对话 回答第 6、7 题
M: Hello Lily. What s the date today
W: ⑥It s September 8th Mike. The day after tomorrow will be Teachers Day.
M: Oh I almost forgot it. What are you going to buy for your teachers
W: Maybe I will buy a bunch of flowers for my English teacher. What about you
M: I may send a box of chocolate to my Chinese teacher.
W: ⑦Eating too much chocolate is not good. Why not buy her a scarf
M: ⑦Good idea!
听下面一段对话 回答第 8 至 10 题
W: What would you like to order sir
M: I m not sure yet. Uh... How much is a bowl of tomato noodles
W: ⑧Nine yuan a bowl sir.
M: How about the rice
W: ⑧⑨We have rice with vegetables for ten yuan a bowl and rice with meat for thirteen yuan.
M: ⑨I d like a bowl of rice with vegetables.
W: OK. We also have some free drinks such as orange juice and green tea.
M: Well ⑩orange juice please.
Ⅲ. 短文理解
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项中选出一个最佳选项 短文读两遍
In England Mrs. Brown s old grandfather lived with her and her husband. Every morn ̄
ing her grandfather went for his regular walk in the park and came home at half past twelve for
his lunch. But one morning a police car stopped outside Mrs. Brown s house at twelve
o clock and two policemen helped Mr. Brown to get out of the car. One of them said to Mrs.
Brown “The forgetful old gentleman lost his way in the park and called us for help so we sent a car
to bring him home.” Mrs. Brown was very surprised and thanked the policemen. And then they left.
“But grandfather ” she asked the old man “ you have been to that park nearly every day
for twenty years. How did you lose your way there ”
The old man smiled and said “ The sunlight is too strong. I just got tired and I didn t want
to walk home. So I called the police!”
Ⅳ. 信息转换
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Different countries have different kinds of traffic punishments and some of them sound very interesting.
In Indonesia if a driver doesn t obey the traffic rules he or she will get a fine first. Then he or
she must have his or her hair cut. In Colombia if a driver doesn t obey the traffic rules he or she
has to go to a cinema to watch lots of movies about terrible traffic accidents. In the USA the driver
must work as a nurse if he or she doesn t obey the traffic rules. He or she has to look after the
wounded in the hospital. In Brazil if a driver doesn t obey the traffic rules he or she must go to play
games with children so as to correct his or her mistakes. In Germany the driver has to walk
back to his or her house if he or she doesn t obey the traffic rules. In England the driver has to pay
much money for his or her mistakes.
Ⅰ. 短对话理解
你将听到五段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出
一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍
1. W: Albert your camera looks very beautiful. Is it made in Paris
M: No it s made in New York.
2. M: Can you play the piano Sherry
W: Sorry I can t. But I m good at playing the guitar.
3. M: Peter has four English lessons every week.
W: But Alice has two more English lessons than Peter.
4. M: Excuse me. I d like to book a room for tonight.
W: With a single bed or double bed
5. M: Hi Jane! Did you take part in the community service activity last Saturday
W: No. You seem to remember wrong. I took part in the activity last Sunday.
Ⅱ. 长对话理解
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一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍
听下面一段对话 回答第 6、7 题
W: ⑥Excuse me is this the right way to the City Museum
M: I m afraid not. You have to go back and turn right at the second traffic lights. Go on about two
hundred meters and the museum is on your right beside a bank.
W: It seems a little far.
M: I think so. You can take the subway here. ⑦It s about five minutes ride.
W: Many thanks. You are so kind.
M: It s my pleasure.
听下面一段对话 回答第 8 至 10 题
W: Look! I have a new machine.
M: It looks strange. What is it used for
W: ⑧It s used for making noodles.
M: Where did you buy it
W: I bought it in the supermarket.
M: How long have you had it
W: ⑨For only a week.
M: Have you ever used it
W: Yes ⑩I have already used it three times. And the noodles are delicious.
M: That sounds good. I want to get one too.
Ⅲ. 短文理解
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项中选出一个最佳选项 短文读两遍
I spent the holiday with my grandparents in the countryside last month. They live on a big
farm. There are lots of animals fruit trees and fresh vegetables and it s really beautiful and peaceful.
When I was there my grandpa and I went to pick the apples with our neighbors. It was so much
fun. And then at the end of the day my grandma would cook a big meal and we would just sit around
eat and chat. They didn t have a TV or anything but there were a lot to do. We sat under the
moon and the night was very quiet. You know it s noisy and dirty in the city. But at the end of the
holiday to tell you the truth I felt lonely and really missed my friends. The countryside is
OK for a visit but I prefer to live in the city.
Ⅳ. 信息转换
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I m Caroline. My best memories as a kid were from the beach vacation trip once a year. Life
never seemed better than being out of school and playing on the beach all day.
My dad would take the first two weeks of July off from work and we would head up to a com ̄
fortable beach house. Each morning my two brothers and I would go fishing with our tools and
head off to the beach to see what we could catch. If any of us were lucky that morning we d bring the
fish home and Mom would cook fresh fish soup for lunch. During the afternoon we played in the water
or played beach volleyball. My parents usually sat on their beach chairs and read novels.
The trips back home from those vacations were always long and sad. Now I have three kids of
my own. I think I will start that tradition up again.
Ⅰ. 短对话理解
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一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍
1. W: I want to buy some stamps. Could you please tell me if there is a post office around here
M: Sure. There is one next to the bank. Grace I can take you there.
2. W: Who is the woman in the picture Allen
M: She is my aunt. She used to have long straight hair.
3. W: Hello John. Where are Lily and Kate
M: They are in the classroom now. Lily is reading while Kate is writing.
4. W: It s so hot dad. I want to have an ice cream.
M: Okay it is up to you.
5. M: Look at the map. The nearest post office is next to the bank.
W: No that is an old map. The nearest one is across from the school on the new map.
Ⅱ. 长对话理解
你将听到两段对话 每段对话后有几个小题 请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出
一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍
听下面一段对话 回答第 6、7 题
M: Gina it seems you look unhappy. Are you all right
W: Well you see ⑥I got another “C” in my reading. I have got it twice before.
M: Nothing serious. You can try to join a study group to improve your reading skills.
W: All right Peter. I ll have a try. But whose group should I join Jim s or Mike s
M: ⑦Jim s group is better because most of his members are good at reading.
听下面一段对话 回答第 8 至 10 题
W: Is Peter s birthday on Friday
M: No ⑧it s on Saturday. Let s get him a present today.
W: OK. How about a book
M: Good idea. ⑨He likes books about cars.
W: Or trains
M: No ⑨only cars.
W: OK. Where shall we buy one
M: There s a bookstore in town.
W: Hmm ⑩the books there are very expensive. We can buy one at the supermarket instead.
M: Yes and it s open now. Let s go there.
Ⅲ. 短文理解
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项中选出一个最佳选项 短文读两遍
Hello I m Sally. I am a nurse and I work in the hospital of our town. But I have always
been interested in art and history. When I was a young child my dream was to work in an art
museum. My dream came true last month. I found a part ̄time job in the museum of the town. I
work for two hours there every week. My job is to welcome the visitors. Last week there was
an activity called Talking Tables. Visitors sat around the tables and asked questions about the objects
in the museum. I was there to answer these questions. I learned a lot from the activity. I love my
part ̄time job. It makes me feel excited.
Ⅳ. 信息转换
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Hello boys and girls. May I have your attention please
Good news for you. In order to make our school life more colo(u)rful we have invited Adam
Brown a famous writer who is from New York City to give us a great speech about American his ̄
tory. Since you have learnt something about it in class I believe you will find it very easy. The
speech will start at three o clock this Friday afternoon in the school library. After the speech
you will enjoy an English movie about fighting against serious pollution.
Please be there on time. That s all. Thank you.
Ⅰ. 短对话理解
你将听到五段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出
一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍
1. W: It is Saturday today. The music show will be on tomorrow.
M: Yeah I can t wait.
2. M: Excuse me could you tell me the way to the Children s Hospital
W: Oh you can see a bus stop across from the bank. The No. 6 bus can take you there.
3. W: My hometown used to be small and quiet.
M: Yes but I think it is more like a modern city now.
4. W: Hello sir. Can I help you
M: Yes I d like to borrow a book on how to learn English well.
5. M: Hi Sarah. Would you like to come to our party this Saturday
W: I d love to but there will be an important English test next Monday. I have to study for it.
Ⅱ. 长对话理解
你将听到两段对话 每段对话后有几个小题 请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出
一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍
听下面一段对话 回答第 6、7 题
W: Weekend again! ⑦Let s go shopping together dear.
M: That s fine Mom. What shall we buy
W: ⑥One kilo of tomatoes two bottles of orange juice and...
M: And I ll make a shopping list.
W: Good. Let s go.
听下面一段对话 回答第 8 至 10 题
M: Hello Alice. ⑧Could you please come to my house this Saturday
W: What s up Bill
M: We had an English test last Thursday ⑨but I only got 55. I need your help.
W: Do you read English words aloud every day
M: Yes I do. But I forget most of them quickly.
W: ⑩I think making word cards may help you improve your English.
M: Sounds great.
W: I ll go to your house and tell you some more ways to learn English well.
M: Thanks a lot. ⑧See you this Saturday.
Ⅲ. 短文理解
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项中选出一个最佳选项 短文读两遍
It was early morning. I got dressed quickly. It was still autumn but colder than usual. I for ̄
got to check the weather report so I put on my jacket and went out to work.
I walked in the street. It was still dark cold and windy. At that time I knew I made a
wrong decision. I shook a little bit. Suddenly a car stopped and one of my neighbors got off it.
We greeted each other and talked about the bad weather. To my surprise he took off his coat and
handed it to me. He smiled and said “ It s too cold. Put it on.” Looking at the warm coat in my
hands I was touched and thanked him. After that he drove away. I felt warmth inside me and I
didn t shake anymore.
The world is full of kindness. Love is always there.
Ⅳ. 信息转换
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Boys and girls attention please!
Here s good news for us! Our school will invite Mark Brown an officer from the local police
station to give us a report on safety education. The report will be at three o clock on Wednesday
afternoon in the school hall. Mr. Brown will show us some examples about safety problems and
guide how we teenagers protect ourselves in different situations. Also two activities—safety
training and questions & answers are included in his report. In the end those who take part in the
activities will get a set of postcards as presents. Come and join us.
103      模拟试题(二十一)
  (时间:15 分钟  分值:20 分  得分:        )
Ⅰ. 短对话理解(共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分)
你将听到五段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出
一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍
(    )1. What are the speakers talking about
(    )2. What does Natalie want to eat
(    )3. Why does Dave get thinner
A. Because he keeps running every morning.
B. Because he practices playing basketball.
C. Because he has less food for supper now.
(    )4. Who plays football well
A. Charlie. B. Jonny. C. Lucy.
(     )5. How many boys are there in the chess club
A. 24. B. 16. C. 8.
Ⅱ. 长对话理解(共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分)
你将听到两段对话 每段对话后有几个小题 请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出
一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍
听下面一段对话 回答第 6、7 题
(    )6. What did Lisa do after school
A. She went to Cindy s home.
B. She went out with her friends.
C. She saw a film.
(     )7. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers
A. Mother and son. B. Teacher and student. C. Father and daughter.
听下面一段对话 回答第 8 至 10 题
(    )8. How old is Richard s grandmother
A. 60. B. 91. C. 96.
(     )9. Who does Richard s grandmother live with
A. Her brother. B. Her daughter. C. Her son.
(     )10. What does Richard s grandmother like doing best now
A. Taking photos.
B. Reading newspapers.
C. Playing computer games.
Ⅲ. 短文理解(共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分)
你将听到一篇短文 短文后有五个小题 请根据短文内容 在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选
项中选出一个最佳选项 短文读两遍
(    )11. Whom is the Disneyland famous to all over the world
A. Students. B. Tourists. C. Children.
(     )12. Which is the easiest way to get to the Disneyland from the center
A. By subway. B. By train. C. By air.
(     )13. How many theme parks does the Disneyland have
A. Six. B. Five. C. Four.
(     )14. What are there in the Disneyland
A. Some monkeys.
B. Some interesting activities.
C. Some famous buildings.
(     )15. Where can you buy nice gifts
A. In the hotel. B. In the big mall. C. In the shopping area.
Ⅳ. 信息转换(共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分)
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
Kevin Brown s Experiences
Now He is a 16.        in Boston.
When he was in high school He found 17.        very difficult.
When he was 18.        He left high school and started working in a supermarket.
He 19.         a documentary(纪录片) about Albert
One evening
He went into a famous 20.         university after he
Two years later
finished a night school.



