【命题点解读与突破】-命题点2 人物活动-【一战成名】2022安徽英语中考听力复习(听力音频+听力材料及答案)

1-5 CCACC 6-10 BABBC 11-15 BACAC 16-19 AAAA
1-5 CABBC 6-10 BABCC
1-5 BCCAB 6-10 CBCBC 11-15 AACAB 16-17 BA
6-8 CBA
1-5 BBCBC 6-9 CAAB
1-5 ABACC 6-8 BCB
61(    )18. What place does the man want to find
A. A library. B. A hospital. C. A bank.
(     )19. What place did the woman visit last week
A. Xi an. B. Beijing. C. Hefei.
命题点 2  人物活动
分析近 6 年安徽听力真题可知 询问人物活动是每年的必考点 题型
涉及“短对话理解”、“长对话理解”及“短文理解” 主要在“短对话理解”
和“短文理解”中考查 每年必考 1-5 道 以 2-3 道居多 在“长对话理解”
中仅在 2018 年考查过 1 次 材料话题涉及邀请、建议、计划及日常生活中
1. carry 携带    dance 跳舞    drink 喝     eat 吃    fly 飞行
listen 听 look 看 play 玩 read 阅读 run 跑步
see 看见 sing 唱歌 smile 微笑 study 学习 swim 游泳
walk 步行 watch 观看 write 书写 talk 谈话 wait 等待
2. go boating 去划船    go camping 去野营    go climbing 去爬山
go fishing 钓鱼 go hiking 去远足 go riding 去骑马
go shopping 购物 go skating 去滑冰 go skiing 去滑雪
go swimming 去游泳 go to a / the concert 去听音乐会
go to a / the doctor 去看医生 go to bed 去睡觉
go to school 去上学 go to the movies 去看电影
go walking 去散步
3. play cards 打扑克牌 play chess 下国际象棋 play the drums 敲鼓
play the flute 吹长笛 play the guitar 弹吉他 play the piano 弹钢琴
play the violin 拉小提琴 play baseball 打棒球
play basketball 打篮球 play football / soccer 踢足球
play ping ̄pong / table tennis 打乒乓球 play tennis 打网球
play volleyball 打排球
4. do homework 做作业              do housework 做家务
give / make a speech 发表演讲      have a meeting 开会
have a picnic 去野餐              join a club 加入俱乐部
see a film 看电影                stay at home 待在家
take a break / take a rest 休息      take a photo / take photos 拍照
take exercise 做运动              wash clothes 洗衣服
8 安徽听力 题型解读与突破
分析安徽近 6 年中考真题发现 询问人物活动的设问主要是由疑问词
What 引导的特殊疑问句
What... (6 年 15 考)
What does sb. usually do... What does sb. want to do
What is one s suggestion to sb. What does sb. advise / want sb. to do
What is sb. doing
What was sb. doing...
What will sb. do...
What can sb. do...
What did sb. do...
What happened to sb. ...
What is / are sb. going to do
What do / does sb. suggest
What s sb. s advice
What do / does sb. like doing
What do / does sb. prefer to do
What can sb. do (for sb.)
What 引导的人物活动设问的考查方式与解题策略
What 引导的人物活动设问主要有 2 种考查方式:直接信息题和干扰
信息题 直接信息题可直接从听力材料中听到一个有关人物活动的动词
(短语)(即答案) 材料中没有任何干扰项 因此考生要特别注意材料中出
现的人物活动关键词(短语) 干扰信息题的听力材料中通常会出现两个
或两个以上的与提问对象相关的人物活动关键词(短语) 有干扰项 因此考
生要特别注意材料中出现的多个人物活动关键词(短语) 明确不同的人物
活动所对应的对象及其他条件 锁定与提问对象相关的人物活动 排除干扰
项 得出正确答案 (常见的人物活动关键词见“命题点词汇归纳”)
安徽听力 题型解读与突破 9
(1)直接信息题(6 年 8 考)
1. M: By the way why not come for a drink this evening My family would
be glad to meet you.
W: I d love to. Thank you.
Q: What is the man s suggestion to the woman 安徽 2019 年 20 题
2. He is now living with his uncle in Paris. He wants to learn the piano so
his parents sent him there.
Q: What is Tony doing in Paris 安徽 2018 年 22 题
3. M: Shall we go to visit our grandparents this Sunday
W: Good idea. But they will go fishing.
Q: What will the speakers grandparents do this Sunday 安徽 2017 年 10 题
4. Though I cannot stay at home for too long a time I should at least help
with the repair work.
Q: What can the speaker do to help 安徽 2017 年 24 题
5. W: Hi Mike. I called you this morning but no one answered.
M: Sorry. I was having a meeting then.
Q: What was Mike doing this morning 安徽 2016 年 11 题
6. M: Do you have any plans for the coming Spring Festival
W: Yes. I ll go back to my hometown and stay with my family.
Q: What will the woman do during the Spring Festival 安徽 2016 年 15 题
7. W: I m not surprised. Why don t you stop for a moment Let s have a cup
of tea!
M: That s a good idea. I think I will.
Q: What does the woman advise Bob to do 安徽 2016年 19题
8. After lunch there are lots of activities in the school that he
can do. Paul likes playing in the school music club.
Q: What does Paul usually do after lunch 安徽 2016年 24题
(    )1. What is Arthur doing at school
10 安徽听力 题型解读与突破
(    )2. What did Tom s sister use to like
A. Painting pictures. B. Taking pictures. C. Playing the piano.
(     )3. What will the woman do
A. Make a noise. B. Close the window. C. Open the window.
(    )4. What was the woman doing at seven o clock yesterday evening
A. Preparing for the test.
B. Checking the email.
C. Doing some exercise.
(     )5. What did Peter use to do there
A. Play sand volleyball.
B. Have a camp.
C. Go swimming.
(2)干扰信息题(6 年 7 考)
1. W: Shall we go to the cinema or go shopping this evening
M: Sorry I m too tired. I d like to stay at home.
Q: What will the man do this evening 安徽 2020 年 3 题
2. M: Shall we go to watch the football match tonight
W: I d love to but I ve got a report to finish.
Q: What will the woman do tonight 安徽 2019 年 15 题
3. M: Look! Peter is playing basketball on the playground.
W: But he usually plays football after school.
Q: What does Peter usually do after school 安徽 2018 年 10 题
4. M: It s time to sleep Julie. Don t you have a math test tomorrow
W: Oh I nearly forgot it. Thanks Dad.
Q: What does Dad want Julie to do 安徽 2018 年 11 题
5. W: I m going to make a cake for him. What about you
M: I will buy him a T ̄shirt.
Q: What will Lisa do for her father 安徽 2018 年 16 题
6. He will play a piece of piano music for them. His family will enjoy his
playing and take some photos.
Q: What will Tony do for his relatives 安徽 2018 年 25 题
安徽听力 题型解读与突破 11
7. M: I think Alan is about the right age to go to school.
W: But he is still so young and I like to stay with him at home for some
more time.
Q: What does the woman want to do 安徽 2017 年 14 题
(    )6. What s Tom doing now
(    )7. What is the man going to do this weekend
A. Have a picnic. B. Go shopping. C. Have a trip.
(     )8. What did the boy do last weekend
A. He played football.
B. He went to the bookstore.
C. He stayed at home.
(     )9. What is the man doing
A. Drawing a picture.
B. Having cheese.
C. Taking a photo.
(     )10. What does the speaker have to do these days
A. Play video games.
B. Have a sleep.
C. Do homework.
命题点 3  时间
分析近 6 年安徽听力真题可知 询问时间是每年的必考点 题型涉及
“短对话理解”、“长对话理解”及“短文理解” 此命题点在这三类题型中分
布均匀 每年必考 1-3 道 以 2-3 道居多 材料话题丰富 均为学生日常
12 安徽听力 题型解读与突破听力材料
命题点 1  地点场合
1. W: What was the matter with Kate yesterday afternoon
M: She realized that she had left her watch in the classroom when she
got home.
2. M: The school will send me to study language teaching in America.
W: What a good chance! You can t miss it.
3. W: Hi Tom! Where did you go last week
M: Oh I went to China and visited the Great Wall.
4. W: Could you drive me to the bank
M: Of course madam. Tell me how to get there.
5. W: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the nearest bank is
M: Go along the street and you will see a white building. And there is a
bank opposite the white building.
6. Daisy held a party yesterday. It was not a birthday party or a surprise party.
It was a welcome party. She stood in front of her house to welcome her
new friends.
7. M: Maria your English is good. Have you learned it in England
W: No. I studied it in Beijing.
8. W: Eric let s go to the park this weekend.
M: We ve been there several times Jane. Why not enjoy the wonderful
sunshine at the beach
9. W: I m going to Beijing Park tomorrow. Would you like to go with me
M: I d love to. But I have to go to the zoo with Alice.
10. M: Do you know where my keys are They are not on the desk as usual.
W: Are they in your handbag Oh I found them. They are under the sofa.
11. Helen lost her ID card on her way home yesterday afternoon. At first she
thought she had put her ID card in her schoolbag but she couldn t find it
for a long time. Amazingly her mother finally found it in her pocket
for her.
12. W: What are you cooking David
M: Oh I m making egg and tomato soup for my grandpa.
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13. W: Look here Tom. What amazing paintings!
M: Stop! You mustn t touch them. It s against the rules.
14. M: Excuse me madam. Could you please help me find out my flight
number on the screen
W: Of course. Let me look at your airline ticket.
15. W: May I take your order sir
M: Well I think I just need a sandwich and a glass of juice.
16. W: Hey Edward. Let s water the flowers in our garden.
M: All right. I will go with you. But I have to change my shoes first.
17. W: Excuse me could you tell me where I can buy some books
M: Walk straight down this street for 5 minutes. You will see a bookstore
next to the post office.
18. M: Excuse me where can I borrow some books on history
W: You can go to the City Library just opposite the Central Hospital.
There is a rich collection of books.
19. M: Where did you go last week I heard that you went traveling in Beijing.
W: No I went to Xi an. There are many places of interest.
命题点 2  人物活动
1. W: What is Arthur doing at school
M: He is reading a new magazine about new films and film stars.
2. W: Jim what did your sister use to like when she was a child
M: She used to like painting pictures.
3. W: What a noise! Would you mind me closing the window
M: No of course not. Go ahead.
4. M: What were you doing at seven o clock yesterday evening
W: I was checking my email at that time.
5. Last Friday was the Dragon Boat Festival. I went to the river near our city.
It s about fifteen kilometers away from the city center. I used to swim there
with my uncle.
6. W: Is Tom listening to music in his room
M: No he is reading his favorite book called Jane Eyre.
7. W: Would you like to go shopping this Saturday
M: I m afraid not. I am going to have a picnic with my parents.
54 安徽听力 题型解读与突破
8. W: Did you play football with Paul last weekend Jim
M: No. I went to the bookstore to buy some books with my parents.
9. M: I bought a new camera yesterday. Let me take a picture for you. Just
stand there. Smile! Say “cheese!”.
W: Cheese!
10. The final exam will be held next week so I have been busy preparing for it
recently. I have too much homework to do. I have no time for my
hobbies and I don t even get enough sleep.
命题点 3  时间
1. W: George who s that tall and thin boy
M: He is my new classmate Allen. He came to our class last Thursday.
2. W: I have two tickets for the concert this Saturday evening. Would you
like to go with me
M: Sorry. I happen to have a piano lesson that evening.
3. W: You study really hard recently Bob.
M: Yes. Because I will have an important English test this Friday.
4. M: Look this is the Palace Museum! It s so great.
W: Yes it s also called the Forbidden City and it was turned into a muse ̄
um in 1925.
5. Mark is my neighbor. He is a doctor and works in the biggest hospital in our
city. He works for about ten hours each day and only has time to relax on
6. M: My birthday is on October 1st. What about you Gina
W: Mine is on December 25th.
7. M: What are you going to do on the weekend Jessica
W: I m planning to go camping tonight. Tomorrow I am going to watch a
8. W: There are many kinds of animals in the new zoo. Would you like to go
there with me this Saturday
M: I d like to but I have to help my mom do housework on Saturday. Let s
go there on Sunday.
9. W: John is supposed to come here at seven thirty in the evening.
M: Yes he ll be here in fifteen minutes.
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10. M: At what time did you get to school this morning Jenny
W: Well er... at about 7:25. Ten minutes later than you.
11. M: I m so busy now that I can t answer your questions. Will you please
come back at 5 o clock
W: Sure sir. I ll be back half an hour later.
12. M: Can you tell me whether I can see Mr. Brown right now
W: I m afraid you can t. Mr. Brown is having a meeting and he will be
back in half an hour.
13. M: Hello Sherry. Are you a member in the school music club
W: Yeah I ve been in that club for 2 years.
14. When I got to Beijing three months ago I felt lonely and sad. I had no
friends to talk with and I was not used to the food here.
15. W: Do you know when Andrew came back from Hefei John
M: Yes. Today is April 12th. Actually he came back from Hefei on
April 8th.
16. W: We come early Alan. The cinema isn t open.
M: Yes it opens at nine o clock. But it s only 8:45 now.
17. I m eighteen years old. I started to learn English when I was ten years
old. My teacher was from America. He was an interesting person. I enjoyed
studying English with him.
命题点 4  物品
1. W: What will you buy your brother for his birthday Albert
M: I think a notebook is the best gift.
2. M: What do you think of the painting on the wall
W: Oh it s a valuable one drawn by a famous artist.
3. M: What do you plan to give your sister as her birthday present
W: A handbag. She likes it very much.
4. W: We really shouldn t use plastic bags you know
M: I know. I ve stopped using them since last year.
5. W: These chopsticks are really cool! Where did you buy them
M: Oh I got them in Korea last week.
6. W: Hi Tony. Are there any CDs in your bag
M: No. There are only some books. You know I like reading.
7. W: Thanksgiving Day is coming. What will you send to your family
M: Oh. I ll choose a scarf for my mother a hat for my father and a bike
for my brother.
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8. W: What can I do for you These tables and chairs are very nice.
M: Sorry I don t want them. I d like to buy a sofa. Can you show me
where the leather ones are
命题点 5  人物关系
1. M: Sorry I m late for class Miss Zhang.
W: It s OK. Come in and sit down. But don t be late again.
2. M: I have a fever and I don t want to eat anything. Is it serious doctor
W: No nothing serious. Don t worry. Take this medicine three times a day
and have a good rest.
3. W: Bob I m busy cooking now. Could you please help me take out the rub ̄
M: OK Mom. I ll do it right now.
4. W: Honey I m really proud of our son. He won first prize in the dancing
M: Really That s great. But he should work harder at English.
5. W: Excuse me sir. Could you please tell me where the bank is
M: Sorry I m new here. You can ask the traffic police over there.
命题点 6  喜好 /爱好
1. M: Did you have a good time in the zoo yesterday
W: Yes. I saw many kinds of animals there but I like the dolphins best.
2. W: Mark I have two tickets. Do you have time to see an action movie with
me tonight
M: Yes. I like action movies very much.
3. M: What kind of music do you like best Jenny
W: I like pop music best. I often listen to it to make myself relaxed.
4. W: Tom what color do you like
M: I used to like red and blue but now I like white best.
5. W: Which do you prefer Indian food or Chinese food
M: Well Indian food is my favorite. What about you
6. W: Do you like elephants and monkeys Alan
M: Yes I do. But pandas are my favorite. They are so cute.
7. W: Do you enjoy playing football or basketball Ricky
M: Neither Susan. I prefer playing tennis. It s much more exciting!
8. W: Which fruit do you like better oranges or pears
M: I like oranges better.
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9. M: I m interested in math. How do you like it
W: I think it s as boring as English. History is my favorite.
命题点 7  原因
1. W: Excuse me. Could I borrow your CD player tomorrow
M: Sorry the room is too noisy. Could you speak more loudly please
2. W: You look tired. What s the matter
M: I stayed up all night to prepare for the speech.
3. W: Is that book yours Charlie
M: No it may belong to Anne. I saw her read this book this morning.
4. M: What are you going to do Christine
W: I want to buy a pair of new shoes. Mine are too old.
5. I really like Dan Dervish because I like musicians who play different
kinds of music. I think he is a very talented musician.
6. W: Sally looks sad. I heard she lost her watch.
M: She has found it. She is sad because she got poor marks at school.
7. W: Eric can you play basketball after class with me
M: I m sorry. My mother hurt her foot yesterday. I have to look after her
after school.
8. W: Derek yesterday was Andy s 14th birthday but you didn t show up last
M: Oh I didn t go there because my little brother was ill and I had to
take care of him.
命题点 8  人物
1. W: Dad can you read the story for me
M: Sure. Once upon a time there lived three giraffes in the forest...
2. W: Colin what are you going to sell in today s yard sale
M: My mother asked me to sell my old clothes and books but I d like to
sell my toys.
3. Last week with the help of my father I made a model plane. I want to
be a scientist when I grow up. I want to invent a robot to help the old people
in the future.
4. M: Rose I heard John won first prize in English speech competition.
W: So he did. And Mike won first prize too. They got the same score.
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5. W: Excuse me Peter. May I use your dictionary
M: Sorry Sally. I have just lent it to Linda.
6. Michael runs faster than Bob. But Bruce runs faster than both of them in
the grade. So we all agree that Bruce will represent our class in the running
race at the school sports meeting.
命题点 9  交通方式
1. W: How was your flight to Beijing Victor
M: Couldn t be worse. We were kept at the airport for 3 hours.
2. W: What did you do yesterday Ted
M: I went to the museum. The subway was crowded with people.
3. W: Hurry up. We ll be late for school.
M: I m still packing my things. Please come in and wait. We can go there
by taxi.
4. M: Shall we take a taxi or drive ourselves
W: Let s leave our cars here and take the train into the city. Then we
won t have to worry about parking and it ll be cheaper.
5. W: How do you go to work every day by car or by bike
M: I used to drive to my office. But now to protect the environment I
ride a bike instead.
6. W: Let s take a walk to the shopping mall.
M: On foot You must be kidding! It s too far even by bus. Let s call a taxi
命题点 10  饮食
1. W: Excuse me. Would you like something to drink or something to eat
M: Well I d just like a cup of tea.
2. W: Did you go out for lunch
M: No I was very busy and had a sandwich in the office.
3. W: Tom I m hungry. Let s order something to eat.
M: Good idea. Some dumplings are OK. I know you like them best.
4. W: Mike what would you like to drink coffee or tea
M: I m very hungry. I want some bread and milk.
5. W: Which do you like best bread hamburgers or salad
M: I like salad better than bread and hamburgers.
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6. M: What would you like to eat beef noodles or mutton noodles
W: I prefer beef noodles to mutton noodles.
命题点 11  观点看法
1. M: Mary I hear you went to the cinema yesterday. How did you like the movie
W: Oh it was boring so I left before it was over.
2. M: I m very glad to hear that Mr. Li will teach us English.
W: Me too. He s very friendly and knowledgeable.
3. M: Hi Lisa. My mom bought me a new suit. How do you like it
W: Wow Tom you look quite handsome and it fits you perfectly.
4. W: Tom you are always so careless. Why didn t you turn off the light before
you left home
M: I m sorry mom. I remember I turned it off when I went out.
5. M: Hi Tina. What animals do you like best
W: I like tigers best because I think they are brave.
6. W: What about having a cup of tea after supper Klaus
M: No thanks. I am full now and I don t want to have anything else.
7. W: You look so happy today Tom.
M: Yes. I will go on a trip to London next week. I plan to visit Big Ben and
the British Museum.
8. Kate and Mary are twins from Australia. They gave Carrie big hugs when they
met her. Carrie was very shy and she was not used to that.
9. W: I ve been interested in cartoons since I was a child. What about you
M: Oh but I don t like them at all. Whenever I see them on TV I get bored.
10. M: Alice how do you like your school life
W: Some of my classmates feel stressed and bored but I am very happy
to learn new knowledge in school every day.
11. I m very surprised that I can win this competition. After hearing about the
good news my parents immediately congratulated me. They said they
were very proud of me.
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上一篇:【命题点解读与突破】-命题点1 地点场合-【一战成名】2022安徽英语中考听力复习(听力音频+听力材料及答案)
