题型2 信息转换-【一战成名】2022安徽英语中考听力复习(听力音频+听力材料及答案)

16. seconds  17. calm  18. table  19. room
20. fall 三、易失分题型专项训练
Passage 1 CCCCA    Passage 2 CBABC
模拟试题(十九) Passage 3 CCABC Passage 4 BCACC
1-5 BCBCC  6-10 BCCAC  11-15 CBBAC Passage 5 ACCBA Passage 6 AABBB
16. Rules  17. seven  18. lunch  19. run Passage 7 BBACC Passage 8 CBCAB
20. public Passage 9 CACBA Passage 10 ABBCBPassage 11 BAACC Passage 12 CBCAA
模拟试题(二十) Passage 13 ABCCA Passage 14 ABABC
Passage 15 CACAB
1-5 ABCBA  6-10 BCAAC  11-15 BCABB Passage 16
16. July  17. gate  18. Visit  19. short 1. trip  2. eight / 8  3. fruit  4. gifts  5. pick
20. plant Passage 17
1. raining  2. morning  3. west  4. umbrella 
模拟试题(二十一) 5. valuable
1-5 BBABB  6-10 ACBAC  11-15 CAABC Passage 18
16. doctor  17. math / maths  18. sixteen / 16 1. July  2. practise  3. help  4. singing
19. watched  20. medical 5. wonderful Passage 19
模拟试题(二十二) 1. sale  2. four / 4  3. sold  4. old  5. friends
Passage 20
1-5 CCCBB  6-10 ACABC  11-15 BCCAC 1. gym  2. two / 2  3. perform  4. invited
16. hair  17. terrible  18. nurse  19. correct 5. special
20. Germany Passage 21
( ) 1. two / 2  2. grow  3. pears  4. river  5. alone模拟试题 二十三 Passage 22
1-5 ACCAC  6-10 BCBAC  11-15 BCBAC 1. special  2. library  3. costs  4. two / 2
16. July  17. beach  18. fishing  19. novels 5. market
20. sad Passage 231. hiking  2. lunch  3. three / 3  4. order
模拟试题(二十四) 5. excited
Passage 24
1-5 ABBCB  6-10 CABAB  11-15 AABCB 1. relaxing  2. March  3. 2 / two  4. climb
16. colo(u)rful  17. history  18. Friday 5. gifts
19. library  20. Enjoy Passage 25
( ) 1. enjoy  2. crowded  3. clothes  4. snow模拟试题 二十五 5. explore
1-5 CBCCC  6-10 AABBA  11-15 BABAC Passage 26
16. local  17. three / 3  18. hall  19. Guide 1. right  2. Guess  3. Mark  4. Fifteen / 15
20. training 5. novel
Passage 27
二、中考真题 1. north  2. Sunday  3. musical  4. tables
5. thank
2021 年安徽省初中学业水平考试 Passage 28
1-5 BCAAB  6-10 CABBC  11-15 BCCBC 1. Tuesday  2. fifth / 5th  3. tidy  4. taste
16. love  17. gifts  18. hope  19. warm 5. litter
20. trust Passage 29
2020 年安徽省初中学业水平考试 1. city  2. newest  3. write  4. levels
1-5 BACCA  6-10 ABCBC  11-15 CAACB 5. website
16. school  17. sister  18. low  19. Taken Passage 30
20. myself 1. chance  2. nine / 9  3. polite  4. lesson5. shut
telephone number is 8856-2188. Our e ̄mail address is children s palace@ 126. com.
Passage 14
你将听到一篇短文 短文后有五个小题 请根据短文内容 在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选
项中选出一个最佳选项 短文读两遍
Hello boys and girls. Welcome to our Home of Volunteers. I m Jessica. Now I d like to tell you
something about the activity this Sunday. ①We are going to plant trees on Mount Huang.
②We will meet at the subway station at 7:00 in the morning. After that we will be divided
into five groups. ③We can get there by subway and then by bus. ④It will take us about two
hours to get to our destination.
You d better wear comfortable clothes and sports shoes. Remember to take an umbrella and pre ̄
pare your own lunch. If you have any questions ⑤please call me at 88409250. I hope you will have
a good time then.
Passage 15
你将听到一篇短文 短文后有五个小题 请根据短文内容 在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选
项中选出一个最佳选项 短文读两遍
Boys and girls welcome to our Science and Technology Museum. Before we start please allow
me to make a short introduction of the museum.
①It opens from 9:00 to 17:00 from Tuesdays to Sundays. It is closed on Mondays. In this
building there are four floors for exhibition. ②On the ground floor you will see Ancient Tech ̄
nology. On the first floor you can see Modern Technology. On the second floor you will see Space
Technology. ③The top floor is for Medical Technology. In this museum ④pets and food are not
allowed in. Besides smoking is not allowed in the whole museum. If you need any help
⑤please go to the information desk or call 73238299. We will try our best to provide help. Thank
题型二  信息转换
类别 1  校园活动
Passage 16
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
Hello boys and girls. Here s some information about our ①trip to Mount Huang. We ll get there
by train. It s a long trip about 4 hours. So we need to set off early. The bus will wait for us at the
school gate at ②8 o clock tomorrow morning. We ll take some water bread ③fruit and sandwiches
for lunch. And we ll climb up to the top of the mountain and then get together to have lunch on it.
After that we ll walk along the old market and you can buy some ④gifts there. Finally we ll meet at
the place where our bus stops. If you can t find us please call me. My telephone number is
13955506985. I ll ⑤pick you up. Any questions Well see you tomorrow.
Passage 17
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
Good morning everyone. Welcome to the weather report for our town. It has been ①raining for
about fifteen days. And there will be a heavy rain tonight. So if you go out be sure to take a raincoat
not an ④umbrella. Because when it rains there will be strong wind.
All the rainwater has caused rivers to rise. We must pay attention: we may have a flood tomorrow
②morning. The ③west of our town is lower. It will be in danger. People living there should move to
a higher place with all their ⑤valuable things such as the third floor or the fourth floor. We must
care about everyone s safety.
Passage 18
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
Morning everyone! Welcome to our English camp! Our English camp will start from today to
①July 13. Every morning you have to get up at 6:30 a. m. Breakfast will be offered at 7:00 a. m.
Then you will have English lessons from 7:30 a. m. to 10:00 a. m. And from 10:15 a. m. to 11:30 a. m.
you will ②practise English in groups. The English teachers Mr. Black and Miss White will give
you ③help if necessary. You will have lunch at 12:00. Afternoon activity begins at 2:30 p. m. The
two teachers will teach you some English songs. You can learn English by ④singing. You will have
dinner at 6:00 p. m. and after that you will watch some ⑤wonderful English movies. I hope you
will enjoy yourselves.
Passage 19
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
Hello boys and girls. There will be a big book ①sale in our city library on January 14th. The
sale will be from 8 a. m. to ②4 p. m. More than two hundred different kinds of books will be on sale
then. And all of them are ③sold for 30% off. What s more if you give one of your ④old books to the
library you can get any one of the new books for half price. Come and have a look with your parents
or ⑤friends. There must be one book for you. If you need more information about the book sale you
can call us at 0574-88126500.
Passage 20
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
Boys and girls may I have your attention please
Next Sunday it s the 50th birthday celebration of our school. So we re going to have a big party
in the school ①gym. The party will begin at 9 o clock next Sunday morning and last about ②two
hours. By then some students will interview the headmaster of our school some will sing and dance
and some will ③perform wonderful magic shows. We hope that all the students can come to take part
in these activities. Some foreign teachers will be ④invited to our party too. Don t forget to bring your
cameras here. I think it will be a ⑤special school party.
类别 2  假期活动
Passage 21
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
Good morning boys and girls. The May Day holiday is coming. Our class is going to have a trip
to Sunshine Farm during the holiday. The trip will last for ①two days. On the farm we re going to do
some cleaning and help clear away rubbish at first. Then we ll learn how to plant trees and ②grow
vegetables. It may be a difficult but interesting job for us. During the trip we will have a picnic and
help the farmers pick fruit such as apples and ③pears. Besides the farm work we can also enjoy
ourselves there. But for our safety we mustn t go swimming in the ④river and we should stay together.
There are few people around the farm. So nobody is allowed to leave the class group and go ⑤alone.
Wish you a happy holiday trip! That s all. Thank you!
Passage 22
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
Hello everyone. We re going on a ①special boat trip during this spring break. I hope you all
can come. The boat leaves at ten thirty so we ll meet at ten. Please don t be late because we ll leave
on time. We will meet in front of the ②library at the college. The trip usually ③costs 40 yuan for
adults but you re all students so it s only 30 yuan. It s very cheap. The boat trip takes about ④two
hours. The boat will stop at several beautiful places so please take your cameras with you if you can.
It will also stop at Xin an Village for an hour so we can take a look at the ⑤market by the river. I
think it will be a great day!
Passage 23
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
James had a busy but happy weekend. On Saturday morning James and his friends went
①hiking. They enjoyed the fresh air the birds songs and the beautiful view. Then they had ②lunch
in a new French restaurant on the way home. They spent nearly ③three hours walking back home.
When they got back home it was five o clock. He felt very tired but happy.
On Sunday it was James s grandfather s birthday. So he went to ④order a big birthday cake and
he had a big dinner party with his family. They enjoyed themselves a lot. At nine o clock James was
⑤excited to watch a wonderful NBA match. It was his favorite.
Passage 24
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
Jordan is going to Japan to spend a pleasant and ①relaxing vacation. He is going there with his
friend Tom. He s leaving on ②③March 1st and ③coming back on May Day. He thinks the weather
is usually warm when it is spring in Japan. It s the best time of a year to stay there.
He will do lots of things. He s going to visit some old friends there. He is going to go sightseeing
and ④climb Mount Fuji. He also wants to go shopping to buy some ⑤gifts for friends and family
members. He can t wait to go there.
Passage 25
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
Here are my friends plans for winter vacation. Lily would like to visit Las Vegas. I think she will
①enjoy the delicious food there. Bob wants to visit Hong Kong. Hong Kong is ②crowded but it is
very exciting to visit the Disneyland there. Jane will go to Paris for a visit. Paris is a beautiful city.
Jane plans to buy some ③clothes for her mother. Ted is going to Tibet. It s still cold there. Ted will
take photos of ancient buildings and ④snow mountains. Yunnan is a beautiful place. So Nina has
always wanted to go there on vacation. She will enjoy the natural scenery and ⑤explore the unique
folk culture there.
类别 3  事物介绍
Passage 26
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
When learning English reading can help you a lot. Let me tell you some good reading tips.
Try to read at the ①right level. Read something that you can more or less understand. If you
need to stop every three words to use a dictionary it is not a suitable one.
Try to increase your new words. When you meet new words while reading ②guess the meaning
first then ③mark them with a pen. After you finish reading look them up in a dictionary write
them down in your notebook and then remember them in your free time.
Try to read regularly. ④Fifteen minutes every day is much better than two hours every week.
You can read before you go to bed or in the morning or at lunchtime.
Read what interests you. You can choose a ⑤novel a magazine or a newspaper but remember
to choose the one you are interested in because you are going to spend time and money on it.
Passage 27
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
Lopburi is one of the oldest cities in Thailand. It is about 150 kilometers ①north of Bangkok
the capital city of Thailand. The city is also called “Monkey Town” because monkeys are very com ̄
mon all over the city. The local people love and respect monkeys. They believe monkeys can bring
them good luck so they hold a festival for monkeys every year. The Monkey Festival takes place on
the last ②Sunday of November. It begins at 10 a. m. with live ③musical performances and dances
which can quickly draw monkeys out. People put a large amount of food on long ④tables for the mon ̄
keys to eat. They want to ⑤thank monkeys for bringing tourists to the city.
Passage 28
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
Hello everyone. Here I d like to introduce the rules before we do the chemistry experiments on
①Tuesday. Please listen to me carefully.
First we must get to the lab on time. You are supposed to arrive at 3 o clock in the afternoon.
You will find it on the ②fifth floor of the lab building. Second don t bring any food or drinks into the
lab. We should keep the lab clean and ③tidy. Third when we enter the lab we need to wear special
clothes and glasses. They help protect us from being hurt. What s more don t ④taste anything in the
bottles or boxes. Please take away the waste paper or ⑤ litter after the experiments. Hope you get
ready for the experiments.
Passage 29
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
Do you have difficulty learning English London English School is one of the best language schools
in our ①city. Our classes are very interesting. We can make it very easy for you to study English.
At London English School we teach English in the ②newest ways. We will teach you how to
read ③write speak and understand English.
We offer the best English lessons to children of all ④levels and all ages. We have classes only on
weekends. Come to our school and dream in the English world. It s going to be an unforgettable experi ̄
For more information please call 234-2567 or visit our ⑤website at www.les.com.
Passage 30
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
Before we begin our first activity I d just like to talk about a few classroom rules you know to
help with your learning. OK the first one—the most important rule—when you re inside the class ̄
room you must speak English. You all have different first languages. It s a good ①chance to get more
speaking practice. The second rule is about being on time in the morning. Lessons start at ②nine
o clock so you must get there on time—before nine is even better—so we can all start studying
together. It s not really ③polite to arrive 20 minutes late. And another thing—mobile phones. You
mustn t use your mobile phones during the ④ lesson. Again it s not very polite. In fact please
⑤shut your phone off completely during the lesson.
115题型二  信息转换
分析近 6 年安徽听力真题可知 此题通常会根据不同类别的短文从不
同的角度列出重点信息 注重考查什么人(Who)、什么时候(When)、什么
等细节信息 其短文以 90-140 词之间的应用文及说明文为主 主要分为
3 类:校园活动、假期活动和事物介绍 以校园活动和事物介绍为主 具体
类别 考查年份 内容
2019 学校开放日的通知
2017 学校日的活动介绍
假期活动 2018 夏令营活动的通知
2021 介绍表达爱的几种方式
事物介绍 2020 介绍处理用过的学校用品的方法
2016 小镇今年发生的变化
分析安徽近 6 年听力真题可知 信息转换题表格内的信息对听力材料
进行了加工和提炼 表格上方的标题以名词短语的形式归纳听力材料的
核心话题 表格最左侧一列的表头根据内容通常设计为两种形式:特殊疑
问词(What Who When Where...) 单词或短语 表格中的内容简单明
了 以简短的简单句或短语为主 不全是听力材料中的原句 表格中所填
分析近 6 年真题可知 此类试题考查的单词以实词为主 具体如下:
必考点: 名词(2-4 道 2-3 道居多)
高频考点: 动词(0-2 道 0-1 道居多)、形容词(0-1 道 1 道居多)、数
词(0-1 道 1 道居多)
冷考点: 副词(2016.30)、代词(2020.20)
安徽听力 题型解读与突破 49
1. 仔细观察表格标题、左侧表头及内容 快速预测和推断短文话题、大致结
2. 浏览空格所在句 根据句子结构和语法判断所填单词的词性以及是否需
1. 听第一遍录音时:理解短文大意 比对表格中的句子与录音材料的主要
内容 记录与空格所在句相关的关键词 初步锁定答案
2. 听第二遍录音时:重点听第一遍中遗漏的信息 并核实所填答案是否
1. 检查单词的拼写是否正确
2. 注意单词首字母大写:
3. 不要轻易修改答案
真题探究(2019 安徽)
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词
每空仅填一词 短文读两遍
School Open Day
What On   26 
9:00-meet parents at the   27  gate of the school
9:15-  28  parents to visit the classroom
10:00-look at the class projects in the hall
12:00-have lunch and a break
1:30-visit the library and the new   29 
2:30-enjoy a   30 
50 安徽听力 题型解读与突破
根据表格标题“School Open Day”、左侧一列表头内容及右侧表格内容
根据左侧表头中的 When、What、Who 可知在听录音过程中 要重点关
注活动的时间、参与活动的人员及其对应的活动内容 其中 不同的参与
26. 根据左侧表头信息 When 及空格前的介词 On 可知此处应填一个跟时
27. 题干意为:九点———在学校  27  门会见家长 根据所填词前面的定
冠词 the 及其后的名词 gate 可知 此处应填形容词
28. 题干意为:九点十五———  28  家长参观教室 结合句意及题干中活
动内容的其他几栏可知此处应填动词原形 且注意此处虽位于该栏句
首 但应同其他几栏保持一致 首字母要小写
29. 题干意为:一点三十———参观图书馆和新  29  根据所填词前面的
并列连词 and 及形容词 new 可知此处应填一个跟学校内部场所有关的
30. 题干意为:二点三十———享受一个  30  根据所填词前面的不定冠
词 a 可知此处应填单数名词
Attention please boys and girls!
This Friday we will have the school open day. First let me tell you the
program for the open day. Your parents are supposed to arrive at the east
gate of the school and the teachers will meet them there at 9:00. And at 9:15
we will lead them to visit the classroom. At 10:00 they will begin looking at
our class projects in the hall. Teachers will be with your parents all the way so
they can talk about your life at school. Lunch will begin at 12:00 in the dining
hall. Your parents will eat with us. After the lunch break that is at 1:30 in
the afternoon they will visit the library and the new lab. At 2:30 they will
enjoy a wonderful show. That s the last activity of the open day.
Now I am going to give you the invitations. Please take them home to
your parents. Thank you!
安徽听力 题型解读与突破 51
1. 听第一遍录音:
26. 推断考点为时间名词:根据录音材料中第二段第一句“This Friday we
will have the school open day.”抓取关键词为 Friday
27. 推断考点为形容词:根据录音材料中第二段第三句“Your parents are
supposed to arrive at the east gate of the school and the teachers will meet
them there at 9:00.”抓取关键词为 east
28. 推断考点为动词原形:根据录音材料中第二段第四句“And at 9:15 we
will lead them to visit the classroom.”抓取关键词为 lead
29. 推断考点为地点名词:根据录音材料中第二段倒数第三句“After the
lunch break that is at 1:30 in the afternoon they will visit the library
and the new lab.”抓取关键词为 lab
30. 推断考点为单数名词:根据录音材料中第二段倒数第二句“At 2:30
they will enjoy a wonderful show.”抓取关键词为 show
2. 听第二遍录音:
26. Friday  27. east  28. lead  29. lab  30. show
1. 检查单词拼写
2. 注意单词首字母大写:
(1)句首单词首字母大写:第 28 小题虽位于该栏句首 但注意此处应与
表格中其他几栏保持一致 首字母要小写
(2)表示星期、月份等其他一些专有名词的首字母要大写:第 26 小题应
填 Friday 注意表星期的名词不论在句首还是句中首字母都应大写
3. 不要轻易修改答案
(具体针对此题型的训练见 16 开大本“易失分题型专项训练”P62)
52 安徽听力 题型解读与突破题型二  信息转换
类别 1  校园活动(2019 2017)
              Passage 16
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
Topic Here s some information about our 1.         to Mount Huang.
Time The bus will wait for us at 2.         tomorrow morning.
Food We ll take some water bread 3.         and sandwiches for lunch.
Activities We ll walk along the old market and buy some 4.         there.
If you can t find us please call me at 13955506985. I ll 5.         you
Telephone number
Passage 17
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
Warning for the Flood
Cause It has been 1.         for about fifteen days.
◆ There may be a flood tomorrow 2.         .
◆ The 3.         of our town will be in danger.
◆ Take a raincoat instead of a(n) 4.         .
Advice ◆ People should take all their 5.         things and move to a higher
Passage 18
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An English Camp
Date The English camp starts from today to 1.         13.
From 10:15 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. the students will 2.         English in
Condition Mr. Black and Miss White will give you 3.         if necessary.
Afternoon activity The students will learn English by 4.         .
Evening activity The students will watch some 5.         English movies.
Passage 19
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What A book 1.        
Where In the city library
When From 8 a. m. to 2.         p. m. on January 14th
All the new books are 3.         for 30% off.
How much You can have a new book for half price if you give a(n) 4.        
one to the library.
Come with your parents or 5.         . There must be one book for you.
Passage 20
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A Big School Party
Where In the school 1.        
It will begin at 9 o clock next Sunday morning and last about 2.        
Some students will interview the headmaster of our school some will sing
and dance and some will 3.         wonderful magic shows.
Who Some foreign teachers will be 4.         to our party too.
How It will be a 5.         school party.
类别 2  假期活动(2018)
              Passage 21
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Our May Day Holiday Trip
How long The trip will last for 1.         days.
We ll learn how to plant trees and 2.         vegetables.
We will help the farmers pick fruit such as apples and 3.         .
What to do
We mustn t go swimming in the 4.         . Nobody is allowed to leave
the class group and go 5.         .
Passage 22
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A Boat Trip During This Spring Break
We re going on a(n) 1.         boat trip during this spring break.
The boat leaves at 10:30 and we will meet at 10:00.
Where We will meet in front of the 2.         at the college.
How much The trip 3.         40 yuan for an adult but only 30 yuan for a student.
How long The boat trip takes about 4.         hour(s).
We can take photos at several beautiful places.
We can take a look at the 5.         by the river.
Passage 23
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James s Weekend
He went 1.         with his friends in the morning.
On Saturday He had 2.         in a new French restaurant.
He got home after nearly 3.         hours walk.
He went to 4.         a big birthday cake and had a big dinner party
On Sunday with his family.
He was 5.         to watch a wonderful NBA match.
Passage 24
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Jordan s Vacation Plan
Where He is going to Japan for a pleasant and 1.         vacation.
Who He will go there with his friend Tom.
He s leaving on 2.         1st and he will stay there for 3.        
He wants to visit some friends.
What He wants to go sightseeing and 4.         Mount Fuji.
He also wants to buy some 5.         .
Passage 25
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Plans for Winter Vacation
Lily She would like to visit Las Vegas and 1.         the delicious food there.
He wants to visit Hong Kong and the Disneyland there even though it is
very 2.         .
Jane She will go to Paris and she plans to buy some 3.         for her mother.
He is going to Tibet and he wants to take photos of ancient buildings and
4.         mountains.
She is going to Yunnan because she wants to enjoy the natural scenery and
5.         the unique folk culture there.
类别 3  事物介绍(2021 2020 2016)
              Passage 26
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仅填一词 短文读两遍
Good Reading Tips
Read at the 1.         level Read something you can more or less understand.
2.         the meaning while reading.
3.         the new words with a pen.
Increase your new words
Look up the new words.
Write down the new words and remember them.
4.         minutes every day is much better than 2 hours a
Read regularly
Choose a 5.         a magazine or a newspaper that inter ̄
Read what interests you
ests you.
Passage 27
你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文
The Monkey Festival
Where In Lopburi a city about 150 kilometers 1.         of Bangkok
When At 10:00 a. m. on the last 2.         of November
It begins with live 3.         performances and dances that can quickly
What draw monkeys out. They put a large amount of food on long 4.        for
monkeys to eat.
Why To 5.         monkeys for bringing tourists to the city.
Passage 28
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Rules on Chemistry Experiments
When At 3 p. m. on 1.        
Where On the 2.         floor of the lab building
Get to the lab on time
To keep the lab clean and 3.         don t eat or drink in it
What Wear special clothes and glasses
Don t 4.        anything in the bottles or boxes
Take away the waste paper or 5.        
Passage 29
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London English School
What One of the best language schools in their 1.        
They teach English in the 2.         ways.
How They teach people how to read 3.         speak and un ̄
derstand English.
To whom Children of all 4.         and all ages
When They have classes only on weekends.
To get more information Call 234-2567 or visit their 5.        
Passage 30
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Classroom Rules
All students must speak English inside the classroom.
The first rule
It s a good 1.         to get more speaking practice.
All students must be on time.
The second rule Lessons start at 2.         o clock.
It s not 3.         to arrive 20 minutes late.
All students mustn t use their mobile phones during the 4.         .
The third rule
Please 5.         your phone off completely.



