
2022-2023 学年(上)期末学业水平监测 A.are B.is C.am
( )12.The Great Wall ________ strong and long.
六年级英语试卷 A.are B.is C.be
(全卷总分:100 分 答题时间:60分钟) ( )13.Are there ________ Chinatowns in China
A.some B.any C.a
班级: 姓名: 得分: ( ) 14.—________ there a pencil in the pencil box —Yes, there ________.
一、单选题(每空 2 分,共 70 分)。 A.Is; is B.Are; is C.Is; are
( )1.Lingling and her father ________ Sanya now. ( )15.The West Lake is ________ Hangzhou.
A.is visiting B.are visiting C.visits A.at B.on C.in
( )2.I'm in Tianjin ________ my mother. ( )16.She likes _____ basketball.
A.for B.of C.with A.playB.to playing C.playing
( )3.—________ is Beijing —It’s got about twenty million people. ( )17.I can ______ basketball well.
A.How B.How bigC.How long A.playB.plays C.playing
( )4.A: Can I help you B: A cola _______ me, please. ( )18.What ________ your hobby
A.to B.at C.in D.for A.are B.is C.am
( )5.—________ is the Great Wall ( )19.This stamp has got a picture of panda _______it.
—It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long.
A.at B.on C.in
A.What B.How long C.How big
( )20._______is my hobby.
( )6.It's a picture ________ the Great Wall.
A.Reading B.readC.reads
A.to B.of C.off
( )7.—_______ is Linda —She is in the bedroom. ( )21.We eat ________at the Mid-Autumn Festival.
A What B Where C How A.dumplings B.sweets C.moon cakes. . .
( )8.Please look ________ this picture. ( )22.Can you tell me ________ English festivals
A.at B.in C.on A.about B.more in C.more about
( )9.—Where is Daming —He is ________ New York ________ his cousin ( )23.The Lantern Festival is ________ the Spring Festival.
Simon. A.at B.before C.after
A.in; and B.in; with C.on; by ( )24.We say thank you _____our food , family and friends.
( )10.Let’s ______ shopping now. A.at B.to C.for
A.went B.going C.go ( )25.---Can you speak English ---
( )11.There ______ some orange juice in the cup. A.No, I can. B.Yes, I can. C.Yes, I can't.
( )26.I can write emails ________ English. A.I will do my homework. B.I play football. C.I'm reading books.
A.in B.on C.With ( )40.当你在图书馆里大声讲话时, 图书馆管理员会对你说:________
( )27.I am going to the park ____ two days. A.Stand up! B.Be quiet! C.Stand in line!
A.at B.on C.to D.in ( )41.当你想知道怎样到达图书馆时, 你会问:________
( ) 28.Have you got a knife and fork chopsticks A.How can I get to the library B.Do you want to go to the library C.I want to
A.for B.or C.and know the library.
( )29.The baby sleeps ________ sixteen hours a day. ( )42.当你想知道四川有多大时,你应该说:
A.at B.for C.to A.How long is Sichuan B.How big is Sichuan C.How old is Sichuan
( )30.I always ride my bike to school, I _____go by bus. 三、判断句子和图片是否相符(每空 2分,共 16 分)。
A.often B.always C.never
( )31 Don't ________ the tree here! ( )43.判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:.
A.climb B.climbingC.climbed There's Chinese dancing.
( )32.How ________ member states are there in the UN ( )44.判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:
A.much B.many C.more There's a Chinatown in New York.
( )33.Do you want to ________ my photos
A ( )45.判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:.see B.saw C.look
( )34.Please stand ________ line. I want to visit the West Lake.
A.in B.on C.At ( )46.判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)一致:
( ) 35.---What ______ Lily got ---She’s got a present from Lingling. I like singing songs.
A.have B.does C.has
( )47.判断对话与图片是(T)否(F)一致:
二、情景选择(每空 2 分,共 14 分)。
( )36.“中国是一个大的国家。”用英语说: —Have you got a knife and fork or chopsticks
A.China is very big. B.China is a big country. C.How big is China —I've got a knife and fork, but I haven't got chopsticks.
( )37.我们去唐人街吧。 ( )48.判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:
A.Let's go to Chinatown. B.Let's go to Chinese shop. C.Let's go to the Huangshan
I often eat with chopsticks.
( )38.这里有很多中国商店。 ( )49.判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:
A.I have lots of Chinese shops. B.There are lots of Chinese shops.C.There are lots of Bears like to sleep in winter.
Chinese restaurants. ( )50.判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:
( )39.爸爸问你正在做什么,你可以回答: Don't turn right here!




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