
1.(2023高三下·镇江开学考)What does the man think of the actress
A.She looks perfect
B.She works hard.
C.She isn't attractive.
2.(2023高三下·镇江开学考)Why can't the speakers exercise next week
A.Because they'll go out to work.
B.Because they'll fix some pipes.
C.Because one pipe goes wrong.
3.(2023高三下·镇江开学考)What is the man going to do this weekend
A.See Jim off. B.Make a wish. C.Host a party.
4.(2023高三下·镇江开学考)How will the man pay the woman
A.10 dollars an hour. B.12 dollars an hour. C.15 dollars an hour.
5.(2023高三下·镇江开学考)What are the speakers doing
A.Listening to a lecture.
B.Listening to music.
C.Having a discussion.
二、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
6.What can we know about the computer
A.It can only be used in a fixed place.
B.It can only be ordered over the phone.
C.It comes with a fourteen day free trial.
7.What can buyers get if they pay by credit card
A.A bigger discount. B.A faster delivery. C.A lower risk.
8.What caused the flight delay
A.Some technical problems.
B.The health state of the pilot.
C.The snowy weather.
9.What can we know from the conversation
A.The woman is going to celebrate her son's birthday.
B.The speakers are going to find something to eat.
C.The speakers will not wait for this flight to Seattle.
10.How did the man learn about Martin Harris
A.From the woman. B.From the radio news. C.From the newspaper.
11.What do we know about Martin Harris
A.He saved many people in the flood.
B.He bought a small boat for the storm.
C.He gave advice to people in the flood.
12.What should you do if you are stuck in the flood
A.Find a boat for you to get to a high place.
B.Hold on to something that floats.
C.Wait for Martin Harris for help.
13.What is the most probable relationship of the two speakers
A.Teacher and student. B.Mother and son. C.Classmates.
14.What is the boy's uncle
A.A doctor. B.A nurse. C.An insurance agent.
15.Why did the boy hesitate in talking about his dream at first
A.He was afraid of being laughed at.
B.His uncle didn't want him to talk about it.
C.He was worried that it wouldn't come true.
16.Which of the following is true
A.The boy's uncle advised him to be a nurse.
B.The boy often visits his uncle's hospital.
C.The woman thinks positively of the boy's dream.
17.Why does the speaker write this letter
A.To show his thanks.
B.To show his regrets.
C.To show his good wishes.
18.Which of the following is true about the speaker
A.He likes eating beef stew and potatoes.
B.He preferred seeing snow to skating on the lake.
C.Looking at the stars in the sky was his long time wish.
19.What did the speaker dislike about the trip last week
A.The weather. B.The noise. C.The food.
20.What does the speaker and his family plan to do to welcome Monica
A.Send her some tickets.
B.Show her around his house.
C.Take her to watch basketball matches.
三、阅读理解(共15小题:每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
out our top 5 weather apps for your smart phones, which will keep you one step
ahead of nature.
Warning and Alert App This
app from the American Red Cross tracks a tornado as it approaches with
step-by-step advice about what to do before the storm hits. A siren warning
is built into the app and goes off when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration issues a tornado warning in your area.
Weather Channel App This
app includes weekly weather forecasts from more than 200 meteorologists and
lets you check what kind of weather lays ahead, complete with storm
prediction maps. The Weather Channel App also alerts users to storm warning
in the area.
Lightening Finder If the goal is to get to the storm,
rather than avoid it, this app is here to help. The Lightening Finder
color—codes the age of the lightening bolt, and estimates a safe distance
from which to watch it.
NOAA Weather Radio HD This app broadcasts radio reports
from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and gives you
around-the-clock updates on the latest weather warnings, watches, advisories,
and forecasts. Push notifications alert you to serious storm warnings in your
area even when you are not currently using the application. The app also
gives detailed four-day forecasts based on your GPS coordinates, or a chosen
Dark Sky Stay dry with Dark Sky, which offers
weather reports, including minute-by-minute rain forecasts for your exact
location. To keep its predictions as accurate as possible, this app forecasts
only one hour into the future.
21.If you want to keep track of daily weather changes, you may choose _________.
A.Lightening Finder B.The Weather Channel App
C.Tornado Warning and Alert App D.NOAA Weather Radio HD
22.Which of the following is TRUE about Dark Sky
A.It is especially suitable to predict wet days.
B.It provides more services than the others.
C.It only offers accurate prediction for your area.
D.It keeps you aware of the weather days ahead.
23.The main differences of the five apps lie in ___________.
A.user's phones. B.user's locations
C.their images D.their functions
60-year-old homeless woman named Smokie has been sleeping outside in the dirt a
few doors down from a man named Elvis Summers.
mornings, she stops by Elvis's Los Angeles apartment and asks if he has any
recyclables for her. Through these conversations, they established a
morning, Elvis saw a news article about a man in Oakland who has been making
tiny houses out of rejected material. He was inspired to put off paying a few
bills so he could buy the lumber(废旧家具) and hardware to make Smokie a brand new shelter. It took him five
days to build, and now, for the first time in ten years, Smokie has a place to
hang the sign, "Home Sweet Home."
had nowhere to really build it, so I just built it in the street outside of my
apartment," he told Good News Network. "The local LAPD cops have been
super cool, and have told me they support it — as long as we move it to a
different spot every 72 hours."
made a video showing how he did it. The materials, including two locks on the
front door and wheels for moving it around, cost him about $500.
met so many homeless people, good people," Elvis said in an email. "Since
I built Smokie's, several people asked me to make them a tiny home and it has
turned into much more than just the one house I wanted to build."
he runs an online retail store that sells EDM clothing, he decided to launch an
ambitious project to fund more shelters. He plans to get lighter and cheaper
materials — without sacrificing the strength of the house — for the next round.
Rick Sassen, the branch manager at supply company Allied Building kindly
donated the roof shingles(木瓦板) and cedar siding(雪松壁板) for Smokie's house,
final items Elvis couldn't afford on his own. Sassen has promised to work out a
deal on future building materials for the same cause.
like to offer purpose to these people in need and hire them to build the houses
with me. I've even set an appointment with LA's Mayor Eric Garcetti to try and
get his help," said Elvis. "The city owns or controls many properties
which are just sitting collecting dust and could be used, even temporarily, to
help save lives."
Elvis qualifies for a free phone through the free phone program, he's given his
device to Smokie and helps her keep it charged. She has been using it to
contact her family.
if I could just get her to stop using the radio on the phone so much, it wouldn't
always be dead and need charging so often," he said laughing.
24.Where did Elvis's inspiration to build a tiny house come from
A.A news report. B.A science book.
C.A fictional story. D.An advertisement.
25.What's the main feature of the tiny house
A.It's air-conditioned. B.It's very light.
C.It can be moved. D.It has no roof.
26.What can be inferred from the 7th paragraph
A.Elvis will get help from poor people.
B.Elvis earns his living by building houses.
C.Elvis plans to build stronger houses.
D.Elvis will help more homeless people.
27.What can be learned about the phone mentioned in the text
A.It can't be used to listen to the radio program.
B.Smokie often uses it to keep in touch with her family.
C.It belongs to Smokie and costs some money to use.
D.Elvis has no privilege to use it free at present.
fall, like clockwork, Linda Krentz of Beaverton, Oregon, felt her brain go on
strike. "I just couldn't get going in the morning," she says.
"I'd get depressed and gain 10 pounds every winter and lose them again in
the spring." Then she read about seasonal affective disorder, a form of
depression that occurs in fall and winter, and she saw the light
literally. Every morning now she turns on a specially constructed light box for
half an hour and sits in front of it to trick her brain into thinking it's
still enjoying those long summer days. It seems to work.
is not alone. Scientists estimate that 10 million Americans suffer from
seasonal depression and 25 million more develop milder versions. But
there's never been definitive proof that treatment with very bright lights
makes a difference. After all, it's hard to do a double-blind test when the
subjects can see for themselves whether or not the light is on. That's why
nobody has ever separated the real effects of light therapy from placebo (安慰剂) effects.
now, in three separate studies published last month, researchers report not
only that light therapy works better than a placebo but that treatment is
usually more effective in the early morning than in the evening. In two of
the groups, the placebo problem was resolved by telling patients they were
comparing light boxes to a new anti-depressant device that gives off negatively
charged ions (离子). The third used the timing of light therapy as the control.
does light therapy work No one really knows. "Our research suggests it has
something to do with shifting the body's internal clock," says
psychiatrist Dr. Lewey. The body is programmed to start the day with sunrise,
he explains, and this gets later as the days get shorter. But why such subtle
shifts make some people depressed and not others is a mystery.
hasn't stopped thousands of winter depressives from trying to heal themselves.
Light boxes for that purpose are available without a doctor's prescription.
That bothers psychologist Michael Terman of Columbia University. He is worried
that the boxes may be tried by patients who suffer from mental illness that
can't be treated with light. Terman has developed a questionnaire to help
determine whether expert care is needed.
any event, you should choose a reputable manufacturer. Whatever product you use
should give off only visible light, because ultraviolet light damages the eyes.
If you are photosensitive (对光敏感的), you may develop a rash. Otherwise, the main drawback is having to
sit in front of the light for 30 to 60 minutes in the morning. That's an
inconvenience many winter depressives can live with.
28.What is the probable cause of Krentz's problem
A.An unexpected gain in body weight.
B.Unexplained impairment of her nervous system.
C.Weakening of her eyesight with the setting in of winter.
D.Poor adjustment of her body clock to seasonal changes.
29.What is the CURRENT view concerning the treatment of seasonal depression with bright lights
A.There is definitive proof of its effect.
B.It serves as a kind of placebo.
C.It is considered as a relatively effective therapy.
D.It hardly produces any effects.
30.What is psychologist Michael Terman's major concern
A.Winter depressives will be addicted to using light boxes.
B.No mental patients would bother to consult psychiatrists.
C.Inferior light boxes will give off harmful ultraviolet lights.
D.Light therapy could be misused by certain mental patients.
31.Which of the following statements is TRUE
A.Winter depressives prefer light therapy in spite of its inconvenience.
B.Light therapy increases the patient's photosensitivity.
C.Eye damage is a side effect of light therapy.
D.Light boxes can be programmed to correspond to shifts in the body clock.
is hard. While high school students are at the forefront of technological and learning skills,
it's often not until they leave home that they learn everyday life skills. Some
believe that high schools should offer a common sense course in which students
are taught how to pay bills, change a tire or cook. Now, one Kentucky school is
offering an "adulting day" to teach such skills to students in their
senior year.
class at Bullitt Central High School in Shepherdsville, Ky., traded in their
algebra and literature classes for a day to learn some positive life skills,
according to Wave 3 News.
think that the idea occurred to me, originally, when I saw a Facebook post that
parents passed around saying they needed a class in high school on taxes and
cooking, " Christy Hardin, director of the BCHS Family Resource &
Youth Services Center, told Wave 3. "Our kids can get that, but they have
to choose it. And "Wednesday" was a day they could pick and choose
pieces they didn't feel like they had gotten so far."
of the community helped provide the lessons for the
students one on one, including local police who taught them how to interact
with officers during traffic stops, a speaker who explained how to decipher the
difference between homesickness and depression, and others who discussed how to use
credit cards, how to cook in a dorm room and how to change a tire.
many people on Facebook applauded the idea, with some arguing, "This should be taught in every
high school, " others wondered what became of home economics.
known as Family and Consumer Sciences, these courses teach students how to
cook, sew and budget, along with other skills. In many districts, however, the
classes are electives and students do not always choose to take them.
time this came back, it was called Home Economics, "one woman wrote. "In today's diverse make up of
families it would be a welcome addition."
shared, "We had home economics that
taught us to cook and learned how to sew. We also had business math that taught
us banking and finances. Why in the world is that not taught today I mean, a
special day called adulting to teach kids this stuff Should be a required
class credit."
32.What can we infer from the first paragraph
A.High school students are too busy to learn everyday life skills.
B.The schools in other districts have never taught everyday life skills to students.
C.High school students have all mastered technological and learning skills.
D.High school students are lacking in everyday life skills.
33.Why was BCHS brought to the attention of the public
A.Because it did everything it could to cater to the parents.
B.Because it integrated life skills into its courses.
C.Because it offered parents opportunities to instruct classes.
D.Because it allowed students to decide on their own subjects.
34.The underlined word "decipher" in paragraph 4 probably means "________".
A.determine B.define C.distinguish D.distribute
35.What are most people's attitudes towards the courses
A.Supportive B.Opposed C.Skeptical D.Indifferent
四、任务型阅读(共5小题:每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
desire to be noticed by peers is a natural tendency. Your style—the way you
dress up, the way you carry yourself, the trends you follow—plays a key role in
helping you stand out from the others. 36.   The following tips can help
⒈ Be yourself.
be a second-rate version of anybody else when you can be the first-rate version
of yourself. Nothing will help you stand out of the crowd more than your own
features because there can be only one you. Everyone has their own belief,
their own way of thinking, their own experiences that shape their styles.
However, self-doubt and fear of disapproval drive many to abandon their own
ways and follow what everyone else is doing. 37.  
⒉ Keep an open mind.
helps you see things from a different perspective, understand others, find
opportunities, and learn from others. 38.   There are several styles that
you should explore and determine which suits your own personality. Nobody knows
what fashion you are enthusiastic about. But you should be clearly aware of
your own true feelings about it.
⒊ Keep up with the recent trends.
is always changing.  39.  As society changes, so does fashion.
Changing trends reflect the changes in people's taste. Similarly, your senses
of fashion changes as you gain more experiences in life. Keeping track of the
latest fashion will help you redefine your style.
⒋ Wear your confidence
attitude towards dressing can make a significant difference on how you look.
You can wear a very beautiful dress, but if you can't carry it with confidence,
it will not look good on you. 40.  Don't
wear an uncomfortable dress just because everyone or your friend is wearing it.
Remember, it's okay to have your own style as long as you are confident with
A. Also, it tells a lot about your personality.
B. What worked yesterday may not work today.
C. Copying others will make you just another face in a
D. Having an open mind can be very helpful in defining your
E. On the other hand, even an average dress looks great on
people who wear it confidently.
F. It is not absolutely necessary to follow every new trend,
and you can enjoy the ones you like.
G. Simply following the fashion trends or wearing expensive
clothes will not help you get a distinct style.
all one's lifetime it is oneself that one spends the most time being with or
dealing with. But it is 41. oneself that one has the least
understanding of. When you are going upwards in life you tend to overestimate
yourself. It seems that everything you seek for is within your 42. .
When you are going downhill you tend to underestimate yourself.
get a thorough understanding of oneself is to gain a correct view of oneself
and be a realist-aware of both one's 43. and weaknesses. You may 44. hopefully
to the future but be sure not to 45. too
much, for ideals can never be fully realized. You may be 46. to
meet challenges but it should be clear to you 47. to
direct your efforts. That's to say, so long as you have a perfect 48. of
yourself, there won't be difficulties you can't overcome.
get a thorough understanding of oneself needs self-appreciation. Whether you
think you are a towering tree or a blade of grass, a high mountain or a small
stone, you represent a state of nature that has its own reason of 49. . If you earnestly admire yourself you'll
have a real sense of self-appreciation, which will give you confidence. 50. you gain full confidence in yourself, you'll
be enabled to fight and overcome any difficulty.
get a thorough understanding of oneself also requires doing oneself a favor
when it's needed. In time of anger, do yourself a favor by giving an outlet to
it in a quiet place so that you won't be hurt by its flames; in time of
sadness, do yourself a favor by 51. it
with your friends so as to change a gloomy mood into a cheerful one; in time of
tiredness, do yourself a favor by getting a good sleep or taking some
stimulant. Show yourself loving concern about your health and daily life. 52. you
know perfectly well when and how to do yourself a favor, you won't be confident
and ready enough to 53. the attack of illness. As you are aware, what
a person physically has is but a human body that's vulnerable when 54. to the elements. So if you fall ill, it's
up to you to take a good care of yourself.
a word, to get a thorough understanding of oneself is to get a full 55. of
one's life. Then one will find one's life full of color and flavor.
41.A.permanently B.previously C.precisely D.perfectly
42.A.reach B.budget C.development D.brain
43.A.shortages B.disadvantages C.strengths D.limitations
44.A.look up B.look back C.look forward D.look down
45.A.expect B.analyze C.inspect D.dream
46.A.honest B.comprehensive C.courageous D.delicate
47.A.what B.which C.how D.where
48.A.image B.knowledge C.system D.memory
49.A.attack B.criticism C.popularity D.existence
50.A.As much as B.As soon as C.As far as D.As well as
51.A.quarreling B.arguing C.sharing D.blaming
52.A.Unless B.Once C.Since D.If
53.A.recall B.restore C.restart D.resist
54.A.exchanged B.exposed C.experienced D.exported
55.A.mark B.control C.account D.recovery
六、语法填空(共10小题:每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
Great Wall of the ancient Qi State, the oldest 56.  (exist) Great Wall in
China, stretches across Shandong for more than 600 kilometers. It 57.  
(build) during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.
records say the Qi State built the wall here to defend itself 58.  its
enemies, as well as to stop flooding 59.  (effective)," says An Xingzhu,
who worked at the town's culture station for more than three decades. A key
task of the station is 60.  (protect) cultural relics.
the 1970s,parts of the rammed earth wall(夯土墙)were dug
out and used by farmers for their land, but since the early 1990s, the local
government 61.  (start) to take measures to protect the wall.
development and 62.  (construct) have brought many new problems and
challenges in protecting the wall. 63.  is necessary to provide a solid legal
guarantee for its conservation. To tackle the challenges, Shandong Province has
passed a regulation protecting the structure 64.  will take effect on Jan. 1.
It states that local governments will establish a dynamic conservation system
using remote sensing satellites, drones, information platforms and other
technological 65.  (mean) to monitor the Great Wall.
七、写作(共两节, 满分40分)
Dear Mike,
Li Hua
White came to the world 17 years ago, with so many birth problems in her body.
Some of her organs, bones and muscles were out of shape. No one expected her to
survive long. She did make it but with her strange body figure, everyone could
recognize her, even from a distance.
her hometown, a yearly outdoor performance was held in the school auditorium (礼堂). It had been
performed for so many years and actually had become one of the most important
events of the Christmas season for many of the town's people.
people tried out each year for it, but so many were turned away. It can only
include the most excellent people in the field.
had a beautiful singing voice. Last year she went to Mrs. Owens-her music
teacher-to ask to join in the performance. Without letting her sing, Mrs. Owens
took a glance at Emily's body and said, "Child, you are just not suitable.
Everyone would stare at you and that would make you uncomfortable. It would
make them uncomfortable, too."
singing a single note, Emily was sent back through the door of the choral (合唱的) room. Hurt and
upset, she decided never to try out again. But Mrs. Owens then retired.
year, there came a new music teacher, Mr. Butler. He heard about Emily and
suggested that she have a try.
didn't want to be rejected again, so she hesitated about it. As Emily
struggled, the door was pushed open and Mr. Butler called, "Emily, you're
next." Kind of nervous as she was, Emily did as Mr. Butler told her to.
Mr. Butler sat by the piano to keep Emily company. When Emily finished her
testing performance, she thanked Mr. Butler and knew the result would be posted
on the door of the choral room the next day.
couldn't sleep that night. She tossed and turned in bed one thousand times. She
was suffering from the feelings that she didn't fit and the great need to be
accepted. By the next morning, her stomach was even in pain due to stress.
hurried to school and anxiously glanced at the list on the door of the choral
the day for the performance came._
【答案】56.existing;57.was built;58.against/from;59.effectively;60.to protect;61.has started;62.construction;63.It;64.that/which;65.Means
66.【答案】Dear Mike,
Learning you're going to sign up for the short video competition on the theme of Amazing China, I'm writing to share my ideas with you.
If I were you, I would not hesitate to shoot a short video about China's smart agriculture. Nowadays, you can see modern farmers using cutting-edge technologies and devices for agricultural production, monitoring and management. Thanks to this, the efficiency is greatly improved and the country's grain security is guaranteed. Therefore, I'm convinced that showing the enormous changes in Chinese agriculture will hold much appeal for the viewers.
May your entry stand out in the competition!
Li Hua
1.(2023高三下·镇江开学考)What does the man think of the actress
A.She looks perfect
B.She works hard.
C.She isn't attractive.
2.(2023高三下·镇江开学考)Why can't the speakers exercise next week
A.Because they'll go out to work.
B.Because they'll fix some pipes.
C.Because one pipe goes wrong.
3.(2023高三下·镇江开学考)What is the man going to do this weekend
A.See Jim off. B.Make a wish. C.Host a party.
4.(2023高三下·镇江开学考)How will the man pay the woman
A.10 dollars an hour. B.12 dollars an hour. C.15 dollars an hour.
5.(2023高三下·镇江开学考)What are the speakers doing
A.Listening to a lecture.
B.Listening to music.
C.Having a discussion.
二、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
6.What can we know about the computer
A.It can only be used in a fixed place.
B.It can only be ordered over the phone.
C.It comes with a fourteen day free trial.
7.What can buyers get if they pay by credit card
A.A bigger discount. B.A faster delivery. C.A lower risk.
8.What caused the flight delay
A.Some technical problems.
B.The health state of the pilot.
C.The snowy weather.
9.What can we know from the conversation
A.The woman is going to celebrate her son's birthday.
B.The speakers are going to find something to eat.
C.The speakers will not wait for this flight to Seattle.
10.How did the man learn about Martin Harris
A.From the woman. B.From the radio news. C.From the newspaper.
11.What do we know about Martin Harris
A.He saved many people in the flood.
B.He bought a small boat for the storm.
C.He gave advice to people in the flood.
12.What should you do if you are stuck in the flood
A.Find a boat for you to get to a high place.
B.Hold on to something that floats.
C.Wait for Martin Harris for help.
13.What is the most probable relationship of the two speakers
A.Teacher and student. B.Mother and son. C.Classmates.
14.What is the boy's uncle
A.A doctor. B.A nurse. C.An insurance agent.
15.Why did the boy hesitate in talking about his dream at first
A.He was afraid of being laughed at.
B.His uncle didn't want him to talk about it.
C.He was worried that it wouldn't come true.
16.Which of the following is true
A.The boy's uncle advised him to be a nurse.
B.The boy often visits his uncle's hospital.
C.The woman thinks positively of the boy's dream.
17.Why does the speaker write this letter
A.To show his thanks.
B.To show his regrets.
C.To show his good wishes.
18.Which of the following is true about the speaker
A.He likes eating beef stew and potatoes.
B.He preferred seeing snow to skating on the lake.
C.Looking at the stars in the sky was his long time wish.
19.What did the speaker dislike about the trip last week
A.The weather. B.The noise. C.The food.
20.What does the speaker and his family plan to do to welcome Monica
A.Send her some tickets.
B.Show her around his house.
C.Take her to watch basketball matches.
三、阅读理解(共15小题:每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
out our top 5 weather apps for your smart phones, which will keep you one step
ahead of nature.
Warning and Alert App This
app from the American Red Cross tracks a tornado as it approaches with
step-by-step advice about what to do before the storm hits. A siren warning
is built into the app and goes off when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration issues a tornado warning in your area.
Weather Channel App This
app includes weekly weather forecasts from more than 200 meteorologists and
lets you check what kind of weather lays ahead, complete with storm
prediction maps. The Weather Channel App also alerts users to storm warning
in the area.
Lightening Finder If the goal is to get to the storm,
rather than avoid it, this app is here to help. The Lightening Finder
color—codes the age of the lightening bolt, and estimates a safe distance
from which to watch it.
NOAA Weather Radio HD This app broadcasts radio reports
from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and gives you
around-the-clock updates on the latest weather warnings, watches, advisories,
and forecasts. Push notifications alert you to serious storm warnings in your
area even when you are not currently using the application. The app also
gives detailed four-day forecasts based on your GPS coordinates, or a chosen
Dark Sky Stay dry with Dark Sky, which offers
weather reports, including minute-by-minute rain forecasts for your exact
location. To keep its predictions as accurate as possible, this app forecasts
only one hour into the future.
21.If you want to keep track of daily weather changes, you may choose _________.
A.Lightening Finder B.The Weather Channel App
C.Tornado Warning and Alert App D.NOAA Weather Radio HD
22.Which of the following is TRUE about Dark Sky
A.It is especially suitable to predict wet days.
B.It provides more services than the others.
C.It only offers accurate prediction for your area.
D.It keeps you aware of the weather days ahead.
23.The main differences of the five apps lie in ___________.
A.user's phones. B.user's locations
C.their images D.their functions
60-year-old homeless woman named Smokie has been sleeping outside in the dirt a
few doors down from a man named Elvis Summers.
mornings, she stops by Elvis's Los Angeles apartment and asks if he has any
recyclables for her. Through these conversations, they established a
morning, Elvis saw a news article about a man in Oakland who has been making
tiny houses out of rejected material. He was inspired to put off paying a few
bills so he could buy the lumber(废旧家具) and hardware to make Smokie a brand new shelter. It took him five
days to build, and now, for the first time in ten years, Smokie has a place to
hang the sign, "Home Sweet Home."
had nowhere to really build it, so I just built it in the street outside of my
apartment," he told Good News Network. "The local LAPD cops have been
super cool, and have told me they support it — as long as we move it to a
different spot every 72 hours."
made a video showing how he did it. The materials, including two locks on the
front door and wheels for moving it around, cost him about $500.
met so many homeless people, good people," Elvis said in an email. "Since
I built Smokie's, several people asked me to make them a tiny home and it has
turned into much more than just the one house I wanted to build."
he runs an online retail store that sells EDM clothing, he decided to launch an
ambitious project to fund more shelters. He plans to get lighter and cheaper
materials — without sacrificing the strength of the house — for the next round.
Rick Sassen, the branch manager at supply company Allied Building kindly
donated the roof shingles(木瓦板) and cedar siding(雪松壁板) for Smokie's house,
final items Elvis couldn't afford on his own. Sassen has promised to work out a
deal on future building materials for the same cause.
like to offer purpose to these people in need and hire them to build the houses
with me. I've even set an appointment with LA's Mayor Eric Garcetti to try and
get his help," said Elvis. "The city owns or controls many properties
which are just sitting collecting dust and could be used, even temporarily, to
help save lives."
Elvis qualifies for a free phone through the free phone program, he's given his
device to Smokie and helps her keep it charged. She has been using it to
contact her family.
if I could just get her to stop using the radio on the phone so much, it wouldn't
always be dead and need charging so often," he said laughing.
24.Where did Elvis's inspiration to build a tiny house come from
A.A news report. B.A science book.
C.A fictional story. D.An advertisement.
25.What's the main feature of the tiny house
A.It's air-conditioned. B.It's very light.
C.It can be moved. D.It has no roof.
26.What can be inferred from the 7th paragraph
A.Elvis will get help from poor people.
B.Elvis earns his living by building houses.
C.Elvis plans to build stronger houses.
D.Elvis will help more homeless people.
27.What can be learned about the phone mentioned in the text
A.It can't be used to listen to the radio program.
B.Smokie often uses it to keep in touch with her family.
C.It belongs to Smokie and costs some money to use.
D.Elvis has no privilege to use it free at present.
fall, like clockwork, Linda Krentz of Beaverton, Oregon, felt her brain go on
strike. "I just couldn't get going in the morning," she says.
"I'd get depressed and gain 10 pounds every winter and lose them again in
the spring." Then she read about seasonal affective disorder, a form of
depression that occurs in fall and winter, and she saw the light
literally. Every morning now she turns on a specially constructed light box for
half an hour and sits in front of it to trick her brain into thinking it's
still enjoying those long summer days. It seems to work.
is not alone. Scientists estimate that 10 million Americans suffer from
seasonal depression and 25 million more develop milder versions. But
there's never been definitive proof that treatment with very bright lights
makes a difference. After all, it's hard to do a double-blind test when the
subjects can see for themselves whether or not the light is on. That's why
nobody has ever separated the real effects of light therapy from placebo (安慰剂) effects.
now, in three separate studies published last month, researchers report not
only that light therapy works better than a placebo but that treatment is
usually more effective in the early morning than in the evening. In two of
the groups, the placebo problem was resolved by telling patients they were
comparing light boxes to a new anti-depressant device that gives off negatively
charged ions (离子). The third used the timing of light therapy as the control.
does light therapy work No one really knows. "Our research suggests it has
something to do with shifting the body's internal clock," says
psychiatrist Dr. Lewey. The body is programmed to start the day with sunrise,
he explains, and this gets later as the days get shorter. But why such subtle
shifts make some people depressed and not others is a mystery.
hasn't stopped thousands of winter depressives from trying to heal themselves.
Light boxes for that purpose are available without a doctor's prescription.
That bothers psychologist Michael Terman of Columbia University. He is worried
that the boxes may be tried by patients who suffer from mental illness that
can't be treated with light. Terman has developed a questionnaire to help
determine whether expert care is needed.
any event, you should choose a reputable manufacturer. Whatever product you use
should give off only visible light, because ultraviolet light damages the eyes.
If you are photosensitive (对光敏感的), you may develop a rash. Otherwise, the main drawback is having to
sit in front of the light for 30 to 60 minutes in the morning. That's an
inconvenience many winter depressives can live with.
28.What is the probable cause of Krentz's problem
A.An unexpected gain in body weight.
B.Unexplained impairment of her nervous system.
C.Weakening of her eyesight with the setting in of winter.
D.Poor adjustment of her body clock to seasonal changes.
29.What is the CURRENT view concerning the treatment of seasonal depression with bright lights
A.There is definitive proof of its effect.
B.It serves as a kind of placebo.
C.It is considered as a relatively effective therapy.
D.It hardly produces any effects.
30.What is psychologist Michael Terman's major concern
A.Winter depressives will be addicted to using light boxes.
B.No mental patients would bother to consult psychiatrists.
C.Inferior light boxes will give off harmful ultraviolet lights.
D.Light therapy could be misused by certain mental patients.
31.Which of the following statements is TRUE
A.Winter depressives prefer light therapy in spite of its inconvenience.
B.Light therapy increases the patient's photosensitivity.
C.Eye damage is a side effect of light therapy.
D.Light boxes can be programmed to correspond to shifts in the body clock.
is hard. While high school students are at the forefront of technological and learning skills,
it's often not until they leave home that they learn everyday life skills. Some
believe that high schools should offer a common sense course in which students
are taught how to pay bills, change a tire or cook. Now, one Kentucky school is
offering an "adulting day" to teach such skills to students in their
senior year.
class at Bullitt Central High School in Shepherdsville, Ky., traded in their
algebra and literature classes for a day to learn some positive life skills,
according to Wave 3 News.
think that the idea occurred to me, originally, when I saw a Facebook post that
parents passed around saying they needed a class in high school on taxes and
cooking, " Christy Hardin, director of the BCHS Family Resource &
Youth Services Center, told Wave 3. "Our kids can get that, but they have
to choose it. And "Wednesday" was a day they could pick and choose
pieces they didn't feel like they had gotten so far."
of the community helped provide the lessons for the
students one on one, including local police who taught them how to interact
with officers during traffic stops, a speaker who explained how to decipher the
difference between homesickness and depression, and others who discussed how to use
credit cards, how to cook in a dorm room and how to change a tire.
many people on Facebook applauded the idea, with some arguing, "This should be taught in every
high school, " others wondered what became of home economics.
known as Family and Consumer Sciences, these courses teach students how to
cook, sew and budget, along with other skills. In many districts, however, the
classes are electives and students do not always choose to take them.
time this came back, it was called Home Economics, "one woman wrote. "In today's diverse make up of
families it would be a welcome addition."
shared, "We had home economics that
taught us to cook and learned how to sew. We also had business math that taught
us banking and finances. Why in the world is that not taught today I mean, a
special day called adulting to teach kids this stuff Should be a required
class credit."
32.What can we infer from the first paragraph
A.High school students are too busy to learn everyday life skills.
B.The schools in other districts have never taught everyday life skills to students.
C.High school students have all mastered technological and learning skills.
D.High school students are lacking in everyday life skills.
33.Why was BCHS brought to the attention of the public
A.Because it did everything it could to cater to the parents.
B.Because it integrated life skills into its courses.
C.Because it offered parents opportunities to instruct classes.
D.Because it allowed students to decide on their own subjects.
34.The underlined word "decipher" in paragraph 4 probably means "________".
A.determine B.define C.distinguish D.distribute
35.What are most people's attitudes towards the courses
A.Supportive B.Opposed C.Skeptical D.Indifferent
四、任务型阅读(共5小题:每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
desire to be noticed by peers is a natural tendency. Your style—the way you
dress up, the way you carry yourself, the trends you follow—plays a key role in
helping you stand out from the others. 36.   The following tips can help
⒈ Be yourself.
be a second-rate version of anybody else when you can be the first-rate version
of yourself. Nothing will help you stand out of the crowd more than your own
features because there can be only one you. Everyone has their own belief,
their own way of thinking, their own experiences that shape their styles.
However, self-doubt and fear of disapproval drive many to abandon their own
ways and follow what everyone else is doing. 37.  
⒉ Keep an open mind.
helps you see things from a different perspective, understand others, find
opportunities, and learn from others. 38.   There are several styles that
you should explore and determine which suits your own personality. Nobody knows
what fashion you are enthusiastic about. But you should be clearly aware of
your own true feelings about it.
⒊ Keep up with the recent trends.
is always changing.  39.  As society changes, so does fashion.
Changing trends reflect the changes in people's taste. Similarly, your senses
of fashion changes as you gain more experiences in life. Keeping track of the
latest fashion will help you redefine your style.
⒋ Wear your confidence
attitude towards dressing can make a significant difference on how you look.
You can wear a very beautiful dress, but if you can't carry it with confidence,
it will not look good on you. 40.  Don't
wear an uncomfortable dress just because everyone or your friend is wearing it.
Remember, it's okay to have your own style as long as you are confident with
A. Also, it tells a lot about your personality.
B. What worked yesterday may not work today.
C. Copying others will make you just another face in a
D. Having an open mind can be very helpful in defining your
E. On the other hand, even an average dress looks great on
people who wear it confidently.
F. It is not absolutely necessary to follow every new trend,
and you can enjoy the ones you like.
G. Simply following the fashion trends or wearing expensive
clothes will not help you get a distinct style.
all one's lifetime it is oneself that one spends the most time being with or
dealing with. But it is 41. oneself that one has the least
understanding of. When you are going upwards in life you tend to overestimate
yourself. It seems that everything you seek for is within your 42. .
When you are going downhill you tend to underestimate yourself.
get a thorough understanding of oneself is to gain a correct view of oneself
and be a realist-aware of both one's 43. and weaknesses. You may 44. hopefully
to the future but be sure not to 45. too
much, for ideals can never be fully realized. You may be 46. to
meet challenges but it should be clear to you 47. to
direct your efforts. That's to say, so long as you have a perfect 48. of
yourself, there won't be difficulties you can't overcome.
get a thorough understanding of oneself needs self-appreciation. Whether you
think you are a towering tree or a blade of grass, a high mountain or a small
stone, you represent a state of nature that has its own reason of 49. . If you earnestly admire yourself you'll
have a real sense of self-appreciation, which will give you confidence. 50. you gain full confidence in yourself, you'll
be enabled to fight and overcome any difficulty.
get a thorough understanding of oneself also requires doing oneself a favor
when it's needed. In time of anger, do yourself a favor by giving an outlet to
it in a quiet place so that you won't be hurt by its flames; in time of
sadness, do yourself a favor by 51. it
with your friends so as to change a gloomy mood into a cheerful one; in time of
tiredness, do yourself a favor by getting a good sleep or taking some
stimulant. Show yourself loving concern about your health and daily life. 52. you
know perfectly well when and how to do yourself a favor, you won't be confident
and ready enough to 53. the attack of illness. As you are aware, what
a person physically has is but a human body that's vulnerable when 54. to the elements. So if you fall ill, it's
up to you to take a good care of yourself.
a word, to get a thorough understanding of oneself is to get a full 55. of
one's life. Then one will find one's life full of color and flavor.
41.A.permanently B.previously C.precisely D.perfectly
42.A.reach B.budget C.development D.brain
43.A.shortages B.disadvantages C.strengths D.limitations
44.A.look up B.look back C.look forward D.look down
45.A.expect B.analyze C.inspect D.dream
46.A.honest B.comprehensive C.courageous D.delicate
47.A.what B.which C.how D.where
48.A.image B.knowledge C.system D.memory
49.A.attack B.criticism C.popularity D.existence
50.A.As much as B.As soon as C.As far as D.As well as
51.A.quarreling B.arguing C.sharing D.blaming
52.A.Unless B.Once C.Since D.If
53.A.recall B.restore C.restart D.resist
54.A.exchanged B.exposed C.experienced D.exported
55.A.mark B.control C.account D.recovery
六、语法填空(共10小题:每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
Great Wall of the ancient Qi State, the oldest 56.  (exist) Great Wall in
China, stretches across Shandong for more than 600 kilometers. It 57.  
(build) during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.
records say the Qi State built the wall here to defend itself 58.  its
enemies, as well as to stop flooding 59.  (effective)," says An Xingzhu,
who worked at the town's culture station for more than three decades. A key
task of the station is 60.  (protect) cultural relics.
the 1970s,parts of the rammed earth wall(夯土墙)were dug
out and used by farmers for their land, but since the early 1990s, the local
government 61.  (start) to take measures to protect the wall.
development and 62.  (construct) have brought many new problems and
challenges in protecting the wall. 63.  is necessary to provide a solid legal
guarantee for its conservation. To tackle the challenges, Shandong Province has
passed a regulation protecting the structure 64.  will take effect on Jan. 1.
It states that local governments will establish a dynamic conservation system
using remote sensing satellites, drones, information platforms and other
technological 65.  (mean) to monitor the Great Wall.
【答案】56.existing;57.was built;58.against/from;59.effectively;60.to protect;61.has started;62.construction;63.It;64.that/which;65.Means
七、写作(共两节, 满分40分)
Dear Mike,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Mike,
Learning you're going to sign up for the short video competition on the theme of Amazing China, I'm writing to share my ideas with you.
If I were you, I would not hesitate to shoot a short video about China's smart agriculture. Nowadays, you can see modern farmers using cutting-edge technologies and devices for agricultural production, monitoring and management. Thanks to this, the efficiency is greatly improved and the country's grain security is guaranteed. Therefore, I'm convinced that showing the enormous changes in Chinese agriculture will hold much appeal for the viewers.
May your entry stand out in the competition!
Li Hua
White came to the world 17 years ago, with so many birth problems in her body.
Some of her organs, bones and muscles were out of shape. No one expected her to
survive long. She did make it but with her strange body figure, everyone could
recognize her, even from a distance.
her hometown, a yearly outdoor performance was held in the school auditorium (礼堂). It had been
performed for so many years and actually had become one of the most important
events of the Christmas season for many of the town's people.
people tried out each year for it, but so many were turned away. It can only
include the most excellent people in the field.
had a beautiful singing voice. Last year she went to Mrs. Owens-her music
teacher-to ask to join in the performance. Without letting her sing, Mrs. Owens
took a glance at Emily's body and said, "Child, you are just not suitable.
Everyone would stare at you and that would make you uncomfortable. It would
make them uncomfortable, too."
singing a single note, Emily was sent back through the door of the choral (合唱的) room. Hurt and
upset, she decided never to try out again. But Mrs. Owens then retired.
year, there came a new music teacher, Mr. Butler. He heard about Emily and
suggested that she have a try.
didn't want to be rejected again, so she hesitated about it. As Emily
struggled, the door was pushed open and Mr. Butler called, "Emily, you're
next." Kind of nervous as she was, Emily did as Mr. Butler told her to.
Mr. Butler sat by the piano to keep Emily company. When Emily finished her
testing performance, she thanked Mr. Butler and knew the result would be posted
on the door of the choral room the next day.
couldn't sleep that night. She tossed and turned in bed one thousand times. She
was suffering from the feelings that she didn't fit and the great need to be
accepted. By the next morning, her stomach was even in pain due to stress.
hurried to school and anxiously glanced at the list on the door of the choral
the day for the performance came._



