
1.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)My ___is my brother's son.
A.cousin B.niece C.nephew D.grandson
2.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)A room used for sleeping in is the _______. room C.bathroom D.bedroom
3.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)A policeman to a policewoman as a waiter to a /an _______. B.waitress C.customer D.cashier
4.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)The meals between 7: 00 and 9: 00 is breakfast, What is the meals between 19: 00and 21: 00
A.dinner B.breakfast C.lunch
5.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)I've got _______ above my eye.
A.ear B.eyebrow C.nose D.tongue
6.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)The duck quacks and the bee________.
A.miaows B.roars C.barks D.buzzes
7.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)If you want to travel by plane, you need to go to the _______.
A.train station B.airport C.bus station station
8.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)A parking lot is where you can _______. football B.park your car C.go shopping D.walk your dog
9.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Which fruit doesn't have to be peeled when we eat them
A.oranges B.apples C.bananas D.grapefruit
10.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Hopeless means having no hope, then what does homeless mean
A.have a home home C.without a home D.go home
11.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)David works in a pet clinic. He helps sick animals. What is David's job He's a__________. B.farmer C.fireman
12.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Which word is not like the others C.under D.go
13.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)The teacher writes on the _______.
A.chair B.board C.desk D.door
14.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)The period between classes when children do not study is called a________.
A.recess B.textbook C.headteacher D.PE
15.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)—Usually we put books on the shelf, then where do we put bowls and plates
A.On the armchair. B.In the fridge.
C.In the cupboard. D.In the restroom.
16.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)As write to a writer, work to a worker, teach to a teacher, cook to a _______.
A.cooker B.cook D.cooked
17.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)As feet to shoes, hands to__________.
A.socks B.fingers C.gloves D.hat
18.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Red foxes _______ for food under the snow.
A.make B.cook C.wave D.dig
19.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)—Which is NOT junk food
A.Dumplings B.Cola C.Crisps D.Fried chips
20.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)—Where do you go for help when you have a fever
A.Ice cream shop B.Shopping Mall
C.Hospital D.Pet clinic
21.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)_______ starts at 15: 00.
A.The basketball game B.The film
C.Those funny shows D.These lessons
22.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Does your sister know_________
A.he B.him C.his
23.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Betty eats a lot _______ she is still thin.
A.but C.when D.or
24.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)I have got _______ comic books on my desk.
A.any B.some C.many D.a lot of
25.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Is that ____ car
A.your father B.your father's C.your fathers D.your fathers's
26.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Can you pass me _______ scissors
A.a pair of B.a C.the
27.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)She is _______ a black jacket today.
A.wears B.wear C.wearing wearing
28.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)—What does your mother do on Sundays
—She _______. cooking B.cooks
C.cook D.does some cleaning
29.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)How many________ can you eat in fifteen minutes
A.apples B.milk C.bread D.oranges
30.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)_________ is an insect which makes honey.
A.A crocodile B.An ant C.A bee D.A dragonfly
31.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)—Are there many students in Room 201
A.There are. B.Yes, there are.
C.There aren't. D.No, there aren't.
32.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)I can't believe you come to school _______ every day.
A.on foot feet C.walking train
33.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Good _______! I hope you win!
A.chance B.hope C.wish D.luck
34.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Our Chinese lessons are _________ long.
A.many C.much D.very
35.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Give _______ a new computer please.
A.Peter C.her D.his
36.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)I know I will be in hot water when Mum and Dad get home. I just threw a ball into a house. Which picture shows the meaning of "in hot water"
A. B.
37.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Which title best matches the picture
A.The bird, the tree and me
B.Waiting for spring flowers
C.The red leaves of autumn
38.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Look at the picture. The girl standing in the middle is me. On the sofa, sit my dad, mum and younger brother. They're listening to my painting story. I'm wearing my favourite hairpin — a flower. On the shelf at the corner, you can see some books, an empty box and a toy ball. There's a family photo hanging on the wall. I love this picture.
Which picture does it describe(描述)
A. B.
39.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Coco's friend is such a big mouth and always telling others every thing. What's the meaning of "a big mouth" here
A. B.
40.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Alice: Help me choose some frames for my glasses. Which ones are good for me
Nina: I like these blue ones. They're a nice shape.
Alice: Hmm, do you like these round black ones
Nina: Oh, no. I don't think they look good. But these round pink ones are nice. Do you like them
Alice: No, I don't like pink.
Nina: Well, what about these ones They're orange, with a square shape. Alice: Oh, yes. I like those. I'm going to try them on.
Nina: They look good on you!
Which pair of glasses will Alice buy
A. B.
C. D.
41.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)What is this picture mostly about
A.A girl is holding a ball.
B.A girl is kicking a ball.
C.A girl is throwing a ball.
42.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Tania is helping her great-grandmother to use her phone. Tania's great-grandmother has white hair and she wears glasses. They are taking pictures with the phone.
Which picture shows Tania and her great-grandmother
43.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)This book is for children. There are many short stories which can make people laugh. Which book is it
A. B. C.
44.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Which emoji shows you are in a relaxed mood
A. B. C.
45.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Tina is a hairdresser. This is her image(影像)in a mirror (镜子). Can you tell me in which hand Tina is holding the scissors
A.Left hand B.Right hand C.Both hands
(2021六下·深圳竞赛)以下是如何制作一个折纸鲸鱼的步骤描述. 请将对应图片的序号与相应描述的题号匹配:
A. B. C. D. E.
46.Fold the paper in half again.    
47.Fold both sides into the center line.    
48.Fold the bottom tip of the paper to the
49.Fold your paper in half, then unfold it.    
50.Fold the top point down.    
51.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)How many continents(大陆) are there on the earth
A.Over 100. B.7. C.56. D.About 50.
52.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)How many months in a year have 29 days
D.1, but not every year but once in every 4 years.
53.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Which one is different from the others
A.Figure a. B.Figure b. C.Figure c. D.Figure d.
54.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Which number follows this series 4, 6, 9, 6, 14, 6,
A.6 B.17 C.19 D.21
55.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Pointing to a photo, a man says, "l have no brother or sister but that man's father is my father's son." Who is that man
A.His own. B.His nephew. C.His father. D.His son.
56.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)According to AZ, CX, FU, ,the question mark is _______.
57.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)—Which one of the four is least like the other three
A.Fox. B.Tiger. C.Bear. D.Snake.
58.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)This is a clock image in a mirror. Can you tell me what time it is now
A.3: 30 B.6: 20 C.8: 30 D.6: 40
(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Look at the rubbish bin below.
59.Which one can go into the green bin    
60.Which one can go into the blue bin    
61.—Which one CANNOT go into the four bins
A.Office paper. B.Egg shells. C.Plastic bottles.
D.Milk glasses. E.Cans.
62.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)What should replace the question mark _______.
A.31 B.32 C.33 D.34
63.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)You cannot turn left when you see this sign.
A. B. C. D.
64.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Who painted Sunflowers
A.Leonardo da Vinci. B.Vincent Van Gogh.
C.Lisa Simpson. D.Zhang Daqian
65.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)A restaurant used 2 onions on Tuesday, 3 onions on Wednesday, 6 onions on Thursday, 11 onions on Friday, and 18 onions on Saturday. If this pattern goes on, how many onions will the restaurant use on Sunday
A.26. B.27. C.33. D.38.
66.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Peter: _______
Andy: No, I'm OK. I can wait until the end of the meeting.
Peter: I don't think so. You can't keep your eyes open.
Andy: I guess you are right. I'll see you tomorrow.
A.Can you tell me why you're smiling all the time
B.Are you feeling better
C.Is it possible for you to wait for the end of the meeting
D.You'd better go home and take a rest.
67.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Tim: Oh! This isn't easy.
Gary: No! __ But it's fun. Come on! Keep hopping.
Tim: Hop, hop, hop!
A.Hopping is hard work. B.Hopping is great.
C.I love hopping. D.Enjoy it.
68.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Girl: Hi, Martin. You look ________. I really like what you're wearing.
Boy: Thanks! I don't usually wear a tie but it's nice to dress up sometimes.
A.sad B.tired C.great D.thirsty
69.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Tina: It's hard for me to read this book.
Mother: I'm taking you to see the optometrist(验光师). Mr Coe is the optometrist. He checks Tina's eyes. Tina has to read some letters on a chart.
Mr Coe: e and choose the frames.
Tina: I like the red frames. Can I have these
Mother: Yes, you can. They look good.
Mr Coe: Come back on Friday. You can get your glasses then.
A.Tina needs glasses. B.Tina's eyes are great.
C.Tina needs some bread. D.It's OK for her eyes.
70.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Girl: This is a big storm.
Boy: Look out of the window with me. Let's try to see lightning.
Girl: Okay.
Boy: Wow! That's a big flash of lightning. ________.
A.I love the flowers. B.Here comes the thunder!
C.It's a fine day. D.Let's go.
71.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Tim: Do you have a car
Anna: Yes, I do.
Tim: What kind of car do you have
Anna: I have a _______.
Tim: Is it new
Anna: No. It is old. But it still looks good.
72.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Girl: I love________ food, don't you
Boy: Yes, I do. What are you going to order
Girl: Oh, those little sushi rolls look nice. I think I'll have them.
A.Chinese B.Japanese C.English D.American
73.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Mother: We need some potatoes, Joe. Put potatoes on the list.
Kitty: Okay. What about carrots
Mother: No, we don't need carrots. But we do need broccoli.
Kitty: What about fruit Shall we get some
Mother: Yes. Put apples on the list. Six apples. Now we're out of cereal on the list.
Kitty: A box of breakfast cereal, Milk
Mother: OK. Let's go there and get a trolley. Where does the dialogue probably take place _______
A.In a clinic. B.In a supermarket.
C.At the hairdresser's D.In an office.
74.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)"The train is arriving at Luohu Station, please mind the gap between the train and the platform."
Usually where do you hear this _______.
A.On the metro B.At the airport
C.At school D.In a mall
75.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)"Put your seatbelt on."
Usually where can't you hear such warning (警告) _______.
A.On a taxi B.On a car
C.On a bike D.On an airplane
五、Reading Materials: 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。
Dance to the Beat
Can you dance
First, you listen to
the beat (节拍) of the music. Next, you
skip around to the beat of the music. Then you stamp your feet to the beat of
the music. Then you wave your arms to the beat of the music. Now you clap your
hands to the beat of the music. You can shake your head to the beat of the
Stop when you hear the
last beat of the music.
76.Which is the correct order of the things below according to the passage
a. You skip around to the beat of the music.
b. You hear the last beat of the music.
c. You stamp your feet and clap your hands to the beat of the music.
d. You hear the first beat of the music.
A.d c a b B.c b d a C.d a c b D.a c d b
77.When you hear the last beat of the music, you__________.
A.stop dancing B.begin to stamp your feet
C.stop waving flags D.clap your hands
78.When you clap your hands to the beat of the music, you are _______.
A.sad B.careful C.calm D.exciting
Money is funny
Mary sees her mom
spend money on groceries(生活用品). She
sees her dad spend money on new tools. That all seems funny to Mary.
Money is just green
paper, Mary thinks. Why do people give my parents groceries and tools for green
Mary takes out her big
box of crayons. She colours some paper green. She takes her green paper to the
toy store in town.
"I want to buy a
toy," Mary says." Here is some green paper. "
The lady at the store
says, "Sorry. That's not real money. It is just green paper. "
Mary asks her dad
about money. He says that money is a special(特殊的)
type of green paper. He also says you have to go to work to earn money (赚钱). That is the only green paper you can spend.
"Can I work and
earn some money " Mary asks.
"Yes," says
her dad. " Wash the car, and I will pay you. "
Mary washes the car
and gets paid six dollars. She goes back to the store and buys a toy.
Now she knows why her
mom and dad work for money.
79.Mary washes _______.
A.a toy store B.her hair C.a car
80.Mary colours paper green with________.
A.her pencil
B.some spinach and lettuce
C.a crayon
81.Money is _______.
A.made by colouring paper green.
B.found on trees in the forest.
C.special paper you have to work for.
The new principal
Macy and her family
have a great time at the school fair. There are games, cotton candy, and even a
duck tank.
The fair has prizes (奖品), and Macy wins the best prize. She gets to the principal (校长)for a day!
On Monday morning, Macy's
principal lets her sit in the principal's chair at her big desk. Macy spins (旋转) around on the chair. This is fun already.
Next, she makes her
first announcement(布告). All students can
chew gum(香口胶) in class! Macy walks around the school. She
stops in to play with the kindergarten students. She listens to a story with
the Grade I class. There are kids in the gym playing dodgeball, so she joins
their game. The morning flies by.
When it is time for
recess. Macy makes her next big announcement. She tells everyone that recess
will be an extra(额外的) ten minutes! She
can hear all the kids cheering.
In the afternoon, Macy
plays on the principal's computer. She learns how to use the photocopier(复印机). She sits at the big desk and draws pictures.
At the end of day, Macy
makes her last announcement. She is sure this one will make all the kids happy.
"Attention, students!
This is your principal, Macy. I am happy to tell you that there will be no homework
for anyone today!"
Cheering and laughter
come from the classrooms. Being the principal is so much fun!
82.Macy wins a prize at the _______. game B.park fair
83.Macy learns how to use _______.
A.a tractor B.a photocopier C.the scissors
84.—What game did Macy play in the gym
85.Put the events from the story in order, which one is right
a. Macy lets the kids chew gum.
b. Macy wins a prize.
c. Macy tells everyone there will be no homework.
d. Macy sits in the principal's chair.
A.b, d, a, c B.b, d, c, a C.d, b, a, c D.a, c, b, d
Who Flies
You look up. You see
something in the sky. Is it a bird or an airplane Even from faraway(远处), you can tell the difference. Birds are much smaller than planes.
Both birds and planes
have wings. Birds have two wings. The wings have feathers. Birds flap their
wings to fly. Most airplanes have two wings too. But unlike a bird's wings, an
airplane's wings do not flap. They are hard metal (金属).
Birds fly to get from
place to place. Airplanes carry people and goods from place to place.
Birds are living
animals, but airplanes are nonliving machines.
Airplanes and birds
are alike in some ways. They are different in some ways. Which do you like better
86.Why does an airplane fly
A.To take animals from place to place.
B.To take goods and people from place to place.
C.To take itself from place to place.
D.To make room on the ground for trucks.
87.Which of the following can fly
A.A pigeon. B.A lion. C.A mouse. D.An elephant.
88.Which of the following is true about a bird's wings
A.A bird has two wings.
B.A bird has no feathers on its wings.
C.A bird's wings can't move.
D.A bird has metal wings.
89.Airplane and birds _______.
A.both are living things. B.both have feathers.
C.both have wings that do not flap. D.both have wings.
90.What is the main idea of the passage
A.Birds fly and airplanes do not.
B.Airplanes and birds are similar (相似) but different.
C.Birds and airplanes do not have metal wings.
D.Birds are much smaller than planes.
Preparing food
Jack is hungry. He
walks to the kitchen. He gets out some eggs. He takes out some oil. He places a
skillet on the stove(炉子). Next, he turns on
the heat. He pours(倒) the oil into the skillet. He cracks
the eggs into a bowl. He stirs the eggs. Then, he pours them into the hot
skillet. He is waiting while the eggs are cooked. They are cooked for two
minutes. He hears them cooked. They pop in the oil.
Next, Jack puts the
eggs on a plate. He places the plate on the dining room table. Jack loves looking
at his eggs. They look pretty on the white plate. He sits down in the large
wooden chair. He thinks about the day ahead. He eats the eggs with a spoon. They
taste good.
He washes the plate
with dishwashing soap. Then, he washes the pan. He gets a sponge damp. Finally,
he wipes down the table. Next, Jack begins to watch TV.
91.What food is cooked
A.Pork B.Rice C.Eggs D.Fish
92.Where does Jack eat eggs
A.At the dinning room table. B.In his room.
C.In the kitchen. D.In front of the TV.
93.How long are the eggs cooked
A.2 seconds B.2 minutes. C.2 hours D.2 quarters.
94.What is the chair made of
A.Stone. B.Wood.
C.Metal. D.We don't know.
95.Jack cooked in a skillet. What is another word for skillet
A.Slow cooker. B.Oven. C.Pan. D.Microwave.
Travelling by Train
Trains are very fun
and relaxing. Train rides are sometimes short and sometimes very long. Some train
rides are 15 hours long!
Short train rides are
cheap. Long train rides are expensive. You can buy tickets at the train station.
First, look at the train schedule. Then, buy a ticket. Board the train when it
arrives. Find your seat. Your seat number is on your ticket. You can talk with
the people near you. You can eat a snack or take a nap. Riding on trains is
very comfortable. Get off the train when you arrive.
to the passage, make the following sentences in order:  96.  
Buy a ticket.
Find your seat.
Look at the train schedule.
Board the train.
Take a nap on the train, then get off when you arrive.
【解析】【分析】句意:我的眼睛上方有_______。 A:耳朵,B:眉毛 ,C:鼻子,D:舌头,眼睛上方有眉毛,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:鸭子嘎嘎和蜜蜂_______。 A:猫的叫声,B:吼叫声,C:吠叫,D:嗡嗡声,蜜蜂是嗡嗡声,故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:停车场是你可以使用_______的地方。 A:踢足球,B:停车,C:购物,D:遛你的狗,根据常识停车场可以停车。故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:老师在_______上写。 A:椅子 ,B:板,C:书桌,D:门,根据常识可知老师在黑板写,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:孩子们不学习和上课的之间的时间称为________。 A:课间休息,B:教科书,C: 中小学的校长,D:体育,根据常识可知不学习和上课的之间的时间为课间休息,故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:—通常我们会把书放在书架上,然后我们又会把碗和盘子放在哪里呢? —_______ A:在扶手椅上。B:在冰箱里。C:在橱柜里。D:在洗手间。我们会把碗和盘子放在橱柜里,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:红狐在雪下_______食物。A:制造,B:烹饪 ,C:挥动,D:挖,根据情景可知红狐在雪下挖食物,故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:—当你发烧时,你会去哪里寻求帮助? —______。A:冰淇淋店,B:购物中心,C:医院,D:宠物诊所,发烧要去医院,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:_______从15点开始。A: 篮球比赛,B:这部电影,C:那些有趣的节目 ,D:这些课程,starts为动词单三式,主语为第三人称单数,A、B为第三人称单数,故选A,B。
【解析】【分析】句意:你的姐姐知道_____吗 A:他,主格,B:他,宾格,C:他的,形容词性物主代词,D:我,宾格,know知道,动词,其后用宾格,故选B,D。
【解析】【分析】句意:我桌上放着_______的漫画书。A:任何,B:一些 ,C: 许多,D:许多,comic books为名词复数,四个选项都可以修饰名词复数,句子为肯定句,A用于否定句和疑问句,B、C、D可以用于肯定句,故选B,C,D。
【解析】【分析】句意:那是_____车?A:你的父亲,B:你的父亲的,C:你的父亲们,D:你的父亲们的,根据句意,你的父亲应该用名词单数,车是你的父亲的,表示所属关系,用名词所有格,在your father后加's,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:你能递给我____剪刀吗?scissors剪刀,复数,不能用a/an修饰,the表示特指,可以修饰scissors, a pair of scissors一把剪刀,也可以修饰scissors,故选A,C。
【解析】【分析】句意:—你妈妈星期天做什么?—她______。主语为she第三人称单数,其后动词用单三式,cooks,does都是动词单三式,故选B, D。
【解析】【分析】句意:—十五分钟内你能吃多少________?—______。A:苹果,B:牛奶,C:面包,D:橘子,How many加可数名词复数形式,A、D为可数名词复数形式,B、C为不可数名词,故选A, C。
【点评】考查可数名词,注意识记How many的用法,区分名词。
【解析】【分析】句意:—201室有很多学生吗?—_______句子为一般疑问句,用Are there提问,肯定回答:Yes, there are.否定回答No, there aren't.故选B, D。
【解析】【分析】句意:我不敢相信你每天_____来学校。on foot步行,by feet没有这种表示交通方式的表达,walking走路,走路去学校用walk to school,by train乘火车,故选A, D。
【解析】【分析】句意:祝你好运!我希望你赢!A:机会,B:希望,C:希望,D:运气,Good luck!祝你好运!固定搭配,故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:请给_____一个新电脑。give sb.sth.给某人某物,可以直接加人名,也可以加宾格,me我/her她,为宾格,his为物主代词,故选A, B, C。
【解析】【分析】句意:我知道当爸爸妈妈回家时,我会陷入困境。我刚刚把球扔进了一所房子。哪张图表示“in hot water”的意思?根据句意可知我把玻璃打碎,陷入麻烦中,不是真的在热水里,与图片A匹配,故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:它描述的是哪张照片?根据描述: I'm wearing my favourite hairpin—a flower. There's a family photo hanging on the wall. 我戴着我最喜欢的发夹——朵花。墙上挂着一张全家福照片。与图片B匹配,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:爱丽丝会买哪副眼镜?根据对话:Nina: Well, what about these ones They're orange, with a square shape. Alice: Oh, yes. I like those. I'm going to try them on.尼娜:嗯,这些怎么样?它们是橙色的,呈正方形。爱丽丝:哦,是的。我喜欢那些。我要试戴一下。可知爱丽丝喜欢橙色正方形方框的眼镜,与图片B匹配,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:这本书是给孩子们看的。有许多能让人发笑的短篇故事。是哪本书?图片A为Jokes for kids儿童笑话,B为海底世界,C为十万个为什么,与图片A匹配 ,故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:根据 AZ,CX,FU,问号是____。根据AZ,CX,FU,可知A为第一个字母,Z为倒数第一个字母,C为第三个字母,X为倒数第三个字母,F为第六个字母,U为倒数第六个字母,问号为第十个字母,J是第十个字母对应倒数第十个字母Q,故选D。
A: Office paper办公用纸
B: Egg shells.鸡蛋壳
C: Plastic bottles.塑料瓶
D: Milk glasses.牛奶瓶
E: Cans.易拉罐
【解析】【分析】句意:一家餐馆周二用了2个洋葱,周三用了3个洋葱,周四用了6个洋葱,周五用了11个洋葱,周六用了18个洋葱。这样下去,周日餐厅要用多少洋葱?根据2,3,6,11,18,排列顺序规律为2+1=3 3+3=6 6+5+11 11+7=18,就是加1.这样依次类推18+9=27,故选B。
A:在地铁上,B:在机场,C:在学校,D:在商场,根据 train列车,Luohu Station罗湖站等,可知在地铁站,故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:系上你的安全带。通常你在哪里听不到这样的警告 _______。A:在出租车上,B:在汽车上,C:在自行车上,D:在飞机上,自行车不用系安全带,故选C。
76.句意:根据文章,下列事情的正确顺序是什么?根据原文:First, you listen to the beat (节拍) of the music. Next, you skip around to the beat of the music. Then you stamp your feet to the beat of the music. Then you wave your arms to the beat of the music. Now you clap your hands to the beat of the music. You can shake your head to the beat of the music.
Stop when you hear the last beat of the music.首先,你听音乐的节拍。接下来,你跟着音乐的节拍跳来跳去。然后你随着音乐的节拍跺脚。然后你随着音乐的节拍挥动手臂。现在你跟着音乐的节拍拍手。你可以随着音乐的节拍摇头。你听到音乐的最后一拍时停下来。可知顺序为dacb,故选C。
77.句意:当你听到音乐的最后一拍时,你______根据原文:Stop when you hear the last beat of the music.你听到音乐的最后一拍时停下来。A符合题意,故选A。
79.句意:玛丽洗_____。根据原文:Mary washes the car and gets paid six dollars. 玛丽洗了车,得到六美元的报酬。可知C符合题意,故选C。
80.句意:玛丽用______把纸涂成绿色。根据原文:Mary takes out her big box of crayons. She colours some paper green.玛丽拿出她的大盒蜡笔。她把一些纸涂成绿色。可知C符合题意,故选C。
81.句意:钱是_____。根据原文:He says that money is a special(特殊的) type of green paper.他说钱是一种特殊的类型的绿纸。可知C符合题意,故选C。
82.句意:梅西在______获奖。根据原文:The fair has prizes (奖品), and Macy wins the best prize. 集市会有奖品,而梅西获得了最佳奖项。可知C符合题意,故选C。
83.句意:梅西学习如何使用______。根据原文:She learns how to use the photocopier她学会了如何使用复印机。可知B符合题意,故选B。
84.句意:梅西在健身房玩什么游戏?根据原文:There are kids in the gym playing dodgeball, so she joins their game. 体育馆里有孩子在玩躲避球,所以她加入了他们的游戏。可知A符合题意,故选A。
86.句意:飞机为什么飞?根据原文:Airplanes carry people and goods from place to place.飞机把人和货物从一个地方运送到另一个地方。可知B符合题意,故选B。
88.句意:关于鸟的翅膀,下列哪一项是正确的?根据原文:Birds have two wings. The wings have feathers. Birds flap their wings to fly. 鸟有两只翅膀。翅膀有羽毛。鸟儿拍动翅膀飞翔。可知A符合题意,故选A。
89.句意:飞机和鸟______。根据原文:Both birds and planes have wings.鸟和飞机都有翅膀。可知D符合题意,故选D。
90.句意:这篇文章的主要讲的是什么 A:鸟会飞,飞机不会。B:飞机和鸟相似但是不一样。C:鸟和飞机没有金属翅膀。D:鸟比飞机小得多。根据原文:主要讲述了鸟和飞机都能飞行但是不同,可知B符合题意,故选B。
91.句意:做的什么食物?根据原文:He gets out some eggs.他拿出一些鸡蛋。可知C符合题意,故选C。
92.句意:杰克在哪里吃鸡蛋?根据原文:He places the plate on the dining room table.他把盘子放在餐桌上。A符合题意,故选A。
93.句意:煎鸡蛋多久?根据原文:They are cooked for two minutes.他们煎了两分钟。可知B符合题意,故选B。
94.句意:椅子是什么做的?根据原文:He sits down in the large wooden chair.他在大木椅上坐下。可知B符合题意,故选B。
96.A Buy a ticket.买一张票。
B Find your seat.找到你的座位。
C Look at the train schedule.看火车时刻表。
D Board the train.登上火车。
E Take a nap on the train, then get off when you arrive.在火车上小睡一会儿,然后当你到达的时候下车。
根据原文:First, look at the train schedule. Then, buy a ticket. Board the train when it arrives. Find your seat. Your seat number is on your ticket. You can talk with the people near you. You can eat a snack or take a nap. Riding on trains is very comfortable. Get off the train when you arrive.首先,看火车时刻表。然后,买票。当火车到达时登上火车。找到你的座位。你的座位号在你的票上。你可以和你附近的人聊天。你可以吃点零食或者小睡一会儿。坐火车很舒服。当你到达的时候下车。排序为CADBE,故答案为C,A,D,B,E。
1.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)My ___is my brother's son.
A.cousin B.niece C.nephew D.grandson
2.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)A room used for sleeping in is the _______. room C.bathroom D.bedroom
3.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)A policeman to a policewoman as a waiter to a /an _______. B.waitress C.customer D.cashier
4.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)The meals between 7: 00 and 9: 00 is breakfast, What is the meals between 19: 00and 21: 00
A.dinner B.breakfast C.lunch
5.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)I've got _______ above my eye.
A.ear B.eyebrow C.nose D.tongue
【解析】【分析】句意:我的眼睛上方有_______。 A:耳朵,B:眉毛 ,C:鼻子,D:舌头,眼睛上方有眉毛,故选B。
6.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)The duck quacks and the bee________.
A.miaows B.roars C.barks D.buzzes
【解析】【分析】句意:鸭子嘎嘎和蜜蜂_______。 A:猫的叫声,B:吼叫声,C:吠叫,D:嗡嗡声,蜜蜂是嗡嗡声,故选D。
7.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)If you want to travel by plane, you need to go to the _______.
A.train station B.airport C.bus station station
8.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)A parking lot is where you can _______. football B.park your car C.go shopping D.walk your dog
【解析】【分析】句意:停车场是你可以使用_______的地方。 A:踢足球,B:停车,C:购物,D:遛你的狗,根据常识停车场可以停车。故选B。
9.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Which fruit doesn't have to be peeled when we eat them
A.oranges B.apples C.bananas D.grapefruit
10.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Hopeless means having no hope, then what does homeless mean
A.have a home home C.without a home D.go home
11.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)David works in a pet clinic. He helps sick animals. What is David's job He's a__________. B.farmer C.fireman
12.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Which word is not like the others C.under D.go
13.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)The teacher writes on the _______.
A.chair B.board C.desk D.door
【解析】【分析】句意:老师在_______上写。 A:椅子 ,B:板,C:书桌,D:门,根据常识可知老师在黑板写,故选B。
14.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)The period between classes when children do not study is called a________.
A.recess B.textbook C.headteacher D.PE
【解析】【分析】句意:孩子们不学习和上课的之间的时间称为________。 A:课间休息,B:教科书,C: 中小学的校长,D:体育,根据常识可知不学习和上课的之间的时间为课间休息,故选A。
15.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)—Usually we put books on the shelf, then where do we put bowls and plates
A.On the armchair. B.In the fridge.
C.In the cupboard. D.In the restroom.
【解析】【分析】句意:—通常我们会把书放在书架上,然后我们又会把碗和盘子放在哪里呢? —_______ A:在扶手椅上。B:在冰箱里。C:在橱柜里。D:在洗手间。我们会把碗和盘子放在橱柜里,故选C。
16.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)As write to a writer, work to a worker, teach to a teacher, cook to a _______.
A.cooker B.cook D.cooked
17.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)As feet to shoes, hands to__________.
A.socks B.fingers C.gloves D.hat
18.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Red foxes _______ for food under the snow.
A.make B.cook C.wave D.dig
【解析】【分析】句意:红狐在雪下_______食物。A:制造,B:烹饪 ,C:挥动,D:挖,根据情景可知红狐在雪下挖食物,故选D。
19.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)—Which is NOT junk food
A.Dumplings B.Cola C.Crisps D.Fried chips
20.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)—Where do you go for help when you have a fever
A.Ice cream shop B.Shopping Mall
C.Hospital D.Pet clinic
【解析】【分析】句意:—当你发烧时,你会去哪里寻求帮助? —______。A:冰淇淋店,B:购物中心,C:医院,D:宠物诊所,发烧要去医院,故选C。
21.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)_______ starts at 15: 00.
A.The basketball game B.The film
C.Those funny shows D.These lessons
【解析】【分析】句意:_______从15点开始。A: 篮球比赛,B:这部电影,C:那些有趣的节目 ,D:这些课程,starts为动词单三式,主语为第三人称单数,A、B为第三人称单数,故选A,B。
22.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Does your sister know_________
A.he B.him C.his
【解析】【分析】句意:你的姐姐知道_____吗 A:他,主格,B:他,宾格,C:他的,形容词性物主代词,D:我,宾格,know知道,动词,其后用宾格,故选B,D。
23.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Betty eats a lot _______ she is still thin.
A.but C.when D.or
24.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)I have got _______ comic books on my desk.
A.any B.some C.many D.a lot of
【解析】【分析】句意:我桌上放着_______的漫画书。A:任何,B:一些 ,C: 许多,D:许多,comic books为名词复数,四个选项都可以修饰名词复数,句子为肯定句,A用于否定句和疑问句,B、C、D可以用于肯定句,故选B,C,D。
25.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Is that ____ car
A.your father B.your father's C.your fathers D.your fathers's
【解析】【分析】句意:那是_____车?A:你的父亲,B:你的父亲的,C:你的父亲们,D:你的父亲们的,根据句意,你的父亲应该用名词单数,车是你的父亲的,表示所属关系,用名词所有格,在your father后加's,故选B。
26.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Can you pass me _______ scissors
A.a pair of B.a C.the
【解析】【分析】句意:你能递给我____剪刀吗?scissors剪刀,复数,不能用a/an修饰,the表示特指,可以修饰scissors, a pair of scissors一把剪刀,也可以修饰scissors,故选A,C。
27.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)She is _______ a black jacket today.
A.wears B.wear C.wearing wearing
28.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)—What does your mother do on Sundays
—She _______. cooking B.cooks
C.cook D.does some cleaning
【解析】【分析】句意:—你妈妈星期天做什么?—她______。主语为she第三人称单数,其后动词用单三式,cooks,does都是动词单三式,故选B, D。
29.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)How many________ can you eat in fifteen minutes
A.apples B.milk C.bread D.oranges
【解析】【分析】句意:—十五分钟内你能吃多少________?—______。A:苹果,B:牛奶,C:面包,D:橘子,How many加可数名词复数形式,A、D为可数名词复数形式,B、C为不可数名词,故选A, C。
【点评】考查可数名词,注意识记How many的用法,区分名词。
30.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)_________ is an insect which makes honey.
A.A crocodile B.An ant C.A bee D.A dragonfly
31.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)—Are there many students in Room 201
A.There are. B.Yes, there are.
C.There aren't. D.No, there aren't.
【解析】【分析】句意:—201室有很多学生吗?—_______句子为一般疑问句,用Are there提问,肯定回答:Yes, there are.否定回答No, there aren't.故选B, D。
32.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)I can't believe you come to school _______ every day.
A.on foot feet C.walking train
【解析】【分析】句意:我不敢相信你每天_____来学校。on foot步行,by feet没有这种表示交通方式的表达,walking走路,走路去学校用walk to school,by train乘火车,故选A, D。
33.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Good _______! I hope you win!
A.chance B.hope C.wish D.luck
【解析】【分析】句意:祝你好运!我希望你赢!A:机会,B:希望,C:希望,D:运气,Good luck!祝你好运!固定搭配,故选D。
34.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Our Chinese lessons are _________ long.
A.many C.much D.very
35.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Give _______ a new computer please.
A.Peter C.her D.his
【解析】【分析】句意:请给_____一个新电脑。give sb.sth.给某人某物,可以直接加人名,也可以加宾格,me我/her她,为宾格,his为物主代词,故选A, B, C。
36.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)I know I will be in hot water when Mum and Dad get home. I just threw a ball into a house. Which picture shows the meaning of "in hot water"
A. B.
【解析】【分析】句意:我知道当爸爸妈妈回家时,我会陷入困境。我刚刚把球扔进了一所房子。哪张图表示“in hot water”的意思?根据句意可知我把玻璃打碎,陷入麻烦中,不是真的在热水里,与图片A匹配,故选A。
37.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Which title best matches the picture
A.The bird, the tree and me
B.Waiting for spring flowers
C.The red leaves of autumn
38.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Look at the picture. The girl standing in the middle is me. On the sofa, sit my dad, mum and younger brother. They're listening to my painting story. I'm wearing my favourite hairpin — a flower. On the shelf at the corner, you can see some books, an empty box and a toy ball. There's a family photo hanging on the wall. I love this picture.
Which picture does it describe(描述)
A. B.
【解析】【分析】句意:它描述的是哪张照片?根据描述: I'm wearing my favourite hairpin—a flower. There's a family photo hanging on the wall. 我戴着我最喜欢的发夹——朵花。墙上挂着一张全家福照片。与图片B匹配,故选B。
39.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Coco's friend is such a big mouth and always telling others every thing. What's the meaning of "a big mouth" here
A. B.
40.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Alice: Help me choose some frames for my glasses. Which ones are good for me
Nina: I like these blue ones. They're a nice shape.
Alice: Hmm, do you like these round black ones
Nina: Oh, no. I don't think they look good. But these round pink ones are nice. Do you like them
Alice: No, I don't like pink.
Nina: Well, what about these ones They're orange, with a square shape. Alice: Oh, yes. I like those. I'm going to try them on.
Nina: They look good on you!
Which pair of glasses will Alice buy
A. B.
C. D.
【解析】【分析】句意:爱丽丝会买哪副眼镜?根据对话:Nina: Well, what about these ones They're orange, with a square shape. Alice: Oh, yes. I like those. I'm going to try them on.尼娜:嗯,这些怎么样?它们是橙色的,呈正方形。爱丽丝:哦,是的。我喜欢那些。我要试戴一下。可知爱丽丝喜欢橙色正方形方框的眼镜,与图片B匹配,故选B。
41.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)What is this picture mostly about
A.A girl is holding a ball.
B.A girl is kicking a ball.
C.A girl is throwing a ball.
42.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Tania is helping her great-grandmother to use her phone. Tania's great-grandmother has white hair and she wears glasses. They are taking pictures with the phone.
Which picture shows Tania and her great-grandmother
43.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)This book is for children. There are many short stories which can make people laugh. Which book is it
A. B. C.
【解析】【分析】句意:这本书是给孩子们看的。有许多能让人发笑的短篇故事。是哪本书?图片A为Jokes for kids儿童笑话,B为海底世界,C为十万个为什么,与图片A匹配 ,故选A。
44.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Which emoji shows you are in a relaxed mood
A. B. C.
45.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Tina is a hairdresser. This is her image(影像)in a mirror (镜子). Can you tell me in which hand Tina is holding the scissors
A.Left hand B.Right hand C.Both hands
(2021六下·深圳竞赛)以下是如何制作一个折纸鲸鱼的步骤描述. 请将对应图片的序号与相应描述的题号匹配:
A. B. C. D. E.
46.Fold the paper in half again.    
47.Fold both sides into the center line.    
48.Fold the bottom tip of the paper to the
49.Fold your paper in half, then unfold it.    
50.Fold the top point down.    
51.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)How many continents(大陆) are there on the earth
A.Over 100. B.7. C.56. D.About 50.
52.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)How many months in a year have 29 days
D.1, but not every year but once in every 4 years.
53.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Which one is different from the others
A.Figure a. B.Figure b. C.Figure c. D.Figure d.
54.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Which number follows this series 4, 6, 9, 6, 14, 6,
A.6 B.17 C.19 D.21
55.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Pointing to a photo, a man says, "l have no brother or sister but that man's father is my father's son." Who is that man
A.His own. B.His nephew. C.His father. D.His son.
56.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)According to AZ, CX, FU, ,the question mark is _______.
【解析】【分析】句意:根据 AZ,CX,FU,问号是____。根据AZ,CX,FU,可知A为第一个字母,Z为倒数第一个字母,C为第三个字母,X为倒数第三个字母,F为第六个字母,U为倒数第六个字母,问号为第十个字母,J是第十个字母对应倒数第十个字母Q,故选D。
57.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)—Which one of the four is least like the other three
A.Fox. B.Tiger. C.Bear. D.Snake.
58.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)This is a clock image in a mirror. Can you tell me what time it is now
A.3: 30 B.6: 20 C.8: 30 D.6: 40
(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Look at the rubbish bin below.
59.Which one can go into the green bin    
60.Which one can go into the blue bin    
61.—Which one CANNOT go into the four bins
A.Office paper. B.Egg shells. C.Plastic bottles.
D.Milk glasses. E.Cans.
A: Office paper办公用纸
B: Egg shells.鸡蛋壳
C: Plastic bottles.塑料瓶
D: Milk glasses.牛奶瓶
E: Cans.易拉罐
62.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)What should replace the question mark _______.
A.31 B.32 C.33 D.34
63.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)You cannot turn left when you see this sign.
A. B. C. D.
64.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Who painted Sunflowers
A.Leonardo da Vinci. B.Vincent Van Gogh.
C.Lisa Simpson. D.Zhang Daqian
65.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)A restaurant used 2 onions on Tuesday, 3 onions on Wednesday, 6 onions on Thursday, 11 onions on Friday, and 18 onions on Saturday. If this pattern goes on, how many onions will the restaurant use on Sunday
A.26. B.27. C.33. D.38.
【解析】【分析】句意:一家餐馆周二用了2个洋葱,周三用了3个洋葱,周四用了6个洋葱,周五用了11个洋葱,周六用了18个洋葱。这样下去,周日餐厅要用多少洋葱?根据2,3,6,11,18,排列顺序规律为2+1=3 3+3=6 6+5+11 11+7=18,就是加1.这样依次类推18+9=27,故选B。
66.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Peter: _______
Andy: No, I'm OK. I can wait until the end of the meeting.
Peter: I don't think so. You can't keep your eyes open.
Andy: I guess you are right. I'll see you tomorrow.
A.Can you tell me why you're smiling all the time
B.Are you feeling better
C.Is it possible for you to wait for the end of the meeting
D.You'd better go home and take a rest.
67.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Tim: Oh! This isn't easy.
Gary: No! __ But it's fun. Come on! Keep hopping.
Tim: Hop, hop, hop!
A.Hopping is hard work. B.Hopping is great.
C.I love hopping. D.Enjoy it.
68.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Girl: Hi, Martin. You look ________. I really like what you're wearing.
Boy: Thanks! I don't usually wear a tie but it's nice to dress up sometimes.
A.sad B.tired C.great D.thirsty
69.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Tina: It's hard for me to read this book.
Mother: I'm taking you to see the optometrist(验光师). Mr Coe is the optometrist. He checks Tina's eyes. Tina has to read some letters on a chart.
Mr Coe: e and choose the frames.
Tina: I like the red frames. Can I have these
Mother: Yes, you can. They look good.
Mr Coe: Come back on Friday. You can get your glasses then.
A.Tina needs glasses. B.Tina's eyes are great.
C.Tina needs some bread. D.It's OK for her eyes.
70.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Girl: This is a big storm.
Boy: Look out of the window with me. Let's try to see lightning.
Girl: Okay.
Boy: Wow! That's a big flash of lightning. ________.
A.I love the flowers. B.Here comes the thunder!
C.It's a fine day. D.Let's go.
71.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Tim: Do you have a car
Anna: Yes, I do.
Tim: What kind of car do you have
Anna: I have a _______.
Tim: Is it new
Anna: No. It is old. But it still looks good.
72.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Girl: I love________ food, don't you
Boy: Yes, I do. What are you going to order
Girl: Oh, those little sushi rolls look nice. I think I'll have them.
A.Chinese B.Japanese C.English D.American
73.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)Mother: We need some potatoes, Joe. Put potatoes on the list.
Kitty: Okay. What about carrots
Mother: No, we don't need carrots. But we do need broccoli.
Kitty: What about fruit Shall we get some
Mother: Yes. Put apples on the list. Six apples. Now we're out of cereal on the list.
Kitty: A box of breakfast cereal, Milk
Mother: OK. Let's go there and get a trolley. Where does the dialogue probably take place _______
A.In a clinic. B.In a supermarket.
C.At the hairdresser's D.In an office.
74.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)"The train is arriving at Luohu Station, please mind the gap between the train and the platform."
Usually where do you hear this _______.
A.On the metro B.At the airport
C.At school D.In a mall
A:在地铁上,B:在机场,C:在学校,D:在商场,根据 train列车,Luohu Station罗湖站等,可知在地铁站,故选A。
75.(2021六下·深圳竞赛)"Put your seatbelt on."
Usually where can't you hear such warning (警告) _______.
A.On a taxi B.On a car
C.On a bike D.On an airplane
【解析】【分析】句意:系上你的安全带。通常你在哪里听不到这样的警告 _______。A:在出租车上,B:在汽车上,C:在自行车上,D:在飞机上,自行车不用系安全带,故选C。
五、Reading Materials: 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。
Dance to the Beat
Can you dance
First, you listen to
the beat (节拍) of the music. Next, you
skip around to the beat of the music. Then you stamp your feet to the beat of
the music. Then you wave your arms to the beat of the music. Now you clap your
hands to the beat of the music. You can shake your head to the beat of the
Stop when you hear the
last beat of the music.
76.Which is the correct order of the things below according to the passage
a. You skip around to the beat of the music.
b. You hear the last beat of the music.
c. You stamp your feet and clap your hands to the beat of the music.
d. You hear the first beat of the music.
A.d c a b B.c b d a C.d a c b D.a c d b
77.When you hear the last beat of the music, you__________.
A.stop dancing B.begin to stamp your feet
C.stop waving flags D.clap your hands
78.When you clap your hands to the beat of the music, you are _______.
A.sad B.careful C.calm D.exciting
76.句意:根据文章,下列事情的正确顺序是什么?根据原文:First, you listen to the beat (节拍) of the music. Next, you skip around to the beat of the music. Then you stamp your feet to the beat of the music. Then you wave your arms to the beat of the music. Now you clap your hands to the beat of the music. You can shake your head to the beat of the music.
Stop when you hear the last beat of the music.首先,你听音乐的节拍。接下来,你跟着音乐的节拍跳来跳去。然后你随着音乐的节拍跺脚。然后你随着音乐的节拍挥动手臂。现在你跟着音乐的节拍拍手。你可以随着音乐的节拍摇头。你听到音乐的最后一拍时停下来。可知顺序为dacb,故选C。
77.句意:当你听到音乐的最后一拍时,你______根据原文:Stop when you hear the last beat of the music.你听到音乐的最后一拍时停下来。A符合题意,故选A。
Money is funny
Mary sees her mom
spend money on groceries(生活用品). She
sees her dad spend money on new tools. That all seems funny to Mary.
Money is just green
paper, Mary thinks. Why do people give my parents groceries and tools for green
Mary takes out her big
box of crayons. She colours some paper green. She takes her green paper to the
toy store in town.
"I want to buy a
toy," Mary says." Here is some green paper. "
The lady at the store
says, "Sorry. That's not real money. It is just green paper. "
Mary asks her dad
about money. He says that money is a special(特殊的)
type of green paper. He also says you have to go to work to earn money (赚钱). That is the only green paper you can spend.
"Can I work and
earn some money " Mary asks.
"Yes," says
her dad. " Wash the car, and I will pay you. "
Mary washes the car
and gets paid six dollars. She goes back to the store and buys a toy.
Now she knows why her
mom and dad work for money.
79.Mary washes _______.
A.a toy store B.her hair C.a car
80.Mary colours paper green with________.
A.her pencil
B.some spinach and lettuce
C.a crayon
81.Money is _______.
A.made by colouring paper green.
B.found on trees in the forest.
C.special paper you have to work for.
79.句意:玛丽洗_____。根据原文:Mary washes the car and gets paid six dollars. 玛丽洗了车,得到六美元的报酬。可知C符合题意,故选C。
80.句意:玛丽用______把纸涂成绿色。根据原文:Mary takes out her big box of crayons. She colours some paper green.玛丽拿出她的大盒蜡笔。她把一些纸涂成绿色。可知C符合题意,故选C。
81.句意:钱是_____。根据原文:He says that money is a special(特殊的) type of green paper.他说钱是一种特殊的类型的绿纸。可知C符合题意,故选C。
The new principal
Macy and her family
have a great time at the school fair. There are games, cotton candy, and even a
duck tank.
The fair has prizes (奖品), and Macy wins the best prize. She gets to the principal (校长)for a day!
On Monday morning, Macy's
principal lets her sit in the principal's chair at her big desk. Macy spins (旋转) around on the chair. This is fun already.
Next, she makes her
first announcement(布告). All students can
chew gum(香口胶) in class! Macy walks around the school. She
stops in to play with the kindergarten students. She listens to a story with
the Grade I class. There are kids in the gym playing dodgeball, so she joins
their game. The morning flies by.
When it is time for
recess. Macy makes her next big announcement. She tells everyone that recess
will be an extra(额外的) ten minutes! She
can hear all the kids cheering.
In the afternoon, Macy
plays on the principal's computer. She learns how to use the photocopier(复印机). She sits at the big desk and draws pictures.
At the end of day, Macy
makes her last announcement. She is sure this one will make all the kids happy.
"Attention, students!
This is your principal, Macy. I am happy to tell you that there will be no homework
for anyone today!"
Cheering and laughter
come from the classrooms. Being the principal is so much fun!
82.Macy wins a prize at the _______. game B.park fair
83.Macy learns how to use _______.
A.a tractor B.a photocopier C.the scissors
84.—What game did Macy play in the gym
85.Put the events from the story in order, which one is right
a. Macy lets the kids chew gum.
b. Macy wins a prize.
c. Macy tells everyone there will be no homework.
d. Macy sits in the principal's chair.
A.b, d, a, c B.b, d, c, a C.d, b, a, c D.a, c, b, d
82.句意:梅西在______获奖。根据原文:The fair has prizes (奖品), and Macy wins the best prize. 集市会有奖品,而梅西获得了最佳奖项。可知C符合题意,故选C。
83.句意:梅西学习如何使用______。根据原文:She learns how to use the photocopier她学会了如何使用复印机。可知B符合题意,故选B。
84.句意:梅西在健身房玩什么游戏?根据原文:There are kids in the gym playing dodgeball, so she joins their game. 体育馆里有孩子在玩躲避球,所以她加入了他们的游戏。可知A符合题意,故选A。
Who Flies
You look up. You see
something in the sky. Is it a bird or an airplane Even from faraway(远处), you can tell the difference. Birds are much smaller than planes.
Both birds and planes
have wings. Birds have two wings. The wings have feathers. Birds flap their
wings to fly. Most airplanes have two wings too. But unlike a bird's wings, an
airplane's wings do not flap. They are hard metal (金属).
Birds fly to get from
place to place. Airplanes carry people and goods from place to place.
Birds are living
animals, but airplanes are nonliving machines.
Airplanes and birds
are alike in some ways. They are different in some ways. Which do you like better
86.Why does an airplane fly
A.To take animals from place to place.
B.To take goods and people from place to place.
C.To take itself from place to place.
D.To make room on the ground for trucks.
87.Which of the following can fly
A.A pigeon. B.A lion. C.A mouse. D.An elephant.
88.Which of the following is true about a bird's wings
A.A bird has two wings.
B.A bird has no feathers on its wings.
C.A bird's wings can't move.
D.A bird has metal wings.
89.Airplane and birds _______.
A.both are living things. B.both have feathers.
C.both have wings that do not flap. D.both have wings.
90.What is the main idea of the passage
A.Birds fly and airplanes do not.
B.Airplanes and birds are similar (相似) but different.
C.Birds and airplanes do not have metal wings.
D.Birds are much smaller than planes.
86.句意:飞机为什么飞?根据原文:Airplanes carry people and goods from place to place.飞机把人和货物从一个地方运送到另一个地方。可知B符合题意,故选B。
88.句意:关于鸟的翅膀,下列哪一项是正确的?根据原文:Birds have two wings. The wings have feathers. Birds flap their wings to fly. 鸟有两只翅膀。翅膀有羽毛。鸟儿拍动翅膀飞翔。可知A符合题意,故选A。
89.句意:飞机和鸟______。根据原文:Both birds and planes have wings.鸟和飞机都有翅膀。可知D符合题意,故选D。
90.句意:这篇文章的主要讲的是什么 A:鸟会飞,飞机不会。B:飞机和鸟相似但是不一样。C:鸟和飞机没有金属翅膀。D:鸟比飞机小得多。根据原文:主要讲述了鸟和飞机都能飞行但是不同,可知B符合题意,故选B。
Preparing food
Jack is hungry. He
walks to the kitchen. He gets out some eggs. He takes out some oil. He places a
skillet on the stove(炉子). Next, he turns on
the heat. He pours(倒) the oil into the skillet. He cracks
the eggs into a bowl. He stirs the eggs. Then, he pours them into the hot
skillet. He is waiting while the eggs are cooked. They are cooked for two
minutes. He hears them cooked. They pop in the oil.
Next, Jack puts the
eggs on a plate. He places the plate on the dining room table. Jack loves looking
at his eggs. They look pretty on the white plate. He sits down in the large
wooden chair. He thinks about the day ahead. He eats the eggs with a spoon. They
taste good.
He washes the plate
with dishwashing soap. Then, he washes the pan. He gets a sponge damp. Finally,
he wipes down the table. Next, Jack begins to watch TV.
91.What food is cooked
A.Pork B.Rice C.Eggs D.Fish
92.Where does Jack eat eggs
A.At the dinning room table. B.In his room.
C.In the kitchen. D.In front of the TV.
93.How long are the eggs cooked
A.2 seconds B.2 minutes. C.2 hours D.2 quarters.
94.What is the chair made of
A.Stone. B.Wood.
C.Metal. D.We don't know.
95.Jack cooked in a skillet. What is another word for skillet
A.Slow cooker. B.Oven. C.Pan. D.Microwave.
91.句意:做的什么食物?根据原文:He gets out some eggs.他拿出一些鸡蛋。可知C符合题意,故选C。
92.句意:杰克在哪里吃鸡蛋?根据原文:He places the plate on the dining room table.他把盘子放在餐桌上。A符合题意,故选A。
93.句意:煎鸡蛋多久?根据原文:They are cooked for two minutes.他们煎了两分钟。可知B符合题意,故选B。
94.句意:椅子是什么做的?根据原文:He sits down in the large wooden chair.他在大木椅上坐下。可知B符合题意,故选B。
Travelling by Train
Trains are very fun
and relaxing. Train rides are sometimes short and sometimes very long. Some train
rides are 15 hours long!
Short train rides are
cheap. Long train rides are expensive. You can buy tickets at the train station.
First, look at the train schedule. Then, buy a ticket. Board the train when it
arrives. Find your seat. Your seat number is on your ticket. You can talk with
the people near you. You can eat a snack or take a nap. Riding on trains is
very comfortable. Get off the train when you arrive.
to the passage, make the following sentences in order:  96.  
Buy a ticket.
Find your seat.
Look at the train schedule.
Board the train.
Take a nap on the train, then get off when you arrive.
96.A Buy a ticket.买一张票。
B Find your seat.找到你的座位。
C Look at the train schedule.看火车时刻表。
D Board the train.登上火车。
E Take a nap on the train, then get off when you arrive.在火车上小睡一会儿,然后当你到达的时候下车。
根据原文:First, look at the train schedule. Then, buy a ticket. Board the train when it arrives. Find your seat. Your seat number is on your ticket. You can talk with the people near you. You can eat a snack or take a nap. Riding on trains is very comfortable. Get off the train when you arrive.首先,看火车时刻表。然后,买票。当火车到达时登上火车。找到你的座位。你的座位号在你的票上。你可以和你附近的人聊天。你可以吃点零食或者小睡一会儿。坐火车很舒服。当你到达的时候下车。排序为CADBE,故答案为C,A,D,B,E。



