【新高考1卷】高考三轮冲刺英语试题(二)(有答案有听力音频素材 无文字材料)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. What happened to the man
A. He was bitten by a horse. B. He was bitten by a dog. C. He lost his horse.
2. What does the woman mean
A. John has too few dreams.
B. John doesn’t like dreaming.
C. John doesn’t put his ideas into practice.
3. What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Go to the biology department. B. Teach herself the courses. C. Wait for his help.
4. What will the man do
A. See a doctor. B. Attend a meeting. C. Visit the woman.
5. Why should the man apologize to Sonia
A. He did her hair badly.
B. He didn’t notice her new hairstyle.
C. He made fun of her new hairstyle.
6. Why does the man want to work there
A. To go abroad.
B. To find a place to live in.
C. To earn some money and practice his English.
7. What kind of job does the man apply for
A. The manager. B. The waiter. C. The cook.
8. What is the most important requirement for an air hostess according to the man
A. Being kind. B. Being tall and beautiful. C. Being an English expert.
9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Strangers. B. Doctor and patient. C. Father and daughter.
10. What was the woman doing when she heard a noise
A. She was doing the dishes.
B. She was polishing the table.
C. She was cleaning the living room.
11. Who may the man speaker be
A. A police officer. B. The woman's husband. C. The woman's neighbor.
12. When does the conversation probably take place
A. In the early morning. B. Around noon. C. In the evening.
13. Where is the Royal Oak
A. Near the main square. B. On the airport road. C. In the countryside.
14. What does the man think of the Bridge Hotel
A. A bit far. B. Quite unusual. C. Very peaceful.
15. What is special about the Bridge Hotel
A. It's quite lovely in summer.
B. It has an indoor swimming pool.
C. It was rebuilt from a private house.
16. Which hotel will the man choose
A. The Bridge Hotel. B. The Royal Oak. C. Carlton House.
17. What does Tatyana do
A. A businesswoman. B. A teacher. C. A tutor.
18. Which of the following caused the greatest problem for Tatyana at first
A. The language. B. Her children. C. Local citizens.
19. Why did Tatyana go to Toastmasters International
A. To have fun. B. To improve her English. C. To make more friends.
20. What does the speaker mention about Tatyana in the end
A. Her way to learn English.
B. Her love for her hometown.
C. Her impression of Canadians.
第二部分: 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Amazing Kids’ Magazine is proud to announce that we will be hosting a Wild Jungle Writing Contest this fall! Send us your best jungle-themed stories using this starter: “I had no idea why they were standing there.”
This contest is open to grades K-12, with three groups of K-3, 4-8, and 9-12. Three winners from each age group will be chosen to win Amazing Kids’ prizes, along with an official certificate confirm their winning entry. All participants will receive a certificate of participation in the contest.
Submit (提交) all entries by September 30 to be considered! Email editor@amazing-kids.org for more questions about rules and specifications.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How should I format my entry
A: Stories should be written in English, with submissions of less than 1,200 words. Please submit your entry as a Microsoft Word document.
Q: How do I submit my entry
A: E-mail your submission to editor@amazing-kids.org. Each e-mail submission will receive a return message confirming that the essay was received.
Q: Is there just one prize
A: No. Nine separate prizes will be given out, with a cash value of $20 for first place, $15 for second place, and $10 for third place in each age group. Certificates of participation will also be awarded to each participant in the contest.
21.Which of the following stories suits the contest most
A.A couple lost their way in the forest.
D.A soldier saved a drowning boy.
C.A teenager caught a thief in a cave.
D..Two brothers met a bear while searching the forest.
22.A champion will receive_________.
A.a cash value of $15 B.a prize and a certificate
C.a thank-you letter D.only an official certificate
23.What type of writing is the passage
A.News B.Summary.
C..Announcement. D.Guide.
When Ryad Alsous arrived in England, he knew one thing: he wanted to keep bees. The insects had been a major part of his life in Syria, and fleeing his war-torn homeland. it was a precious certainty amid so much chaos.
As a lecturer at the University of Damascus, Ryad had built a respected reputation for his research on Syrian bees. With over 500 hives, he produced over ten tons of honey every year. Fleeing his country in 2013, he lost everything.
Yet even with all his knowledge and experience, Ryad didn't know if his dream would be possible in the UK. “I found that there is a lot of rain and the temperature isn’t very high. All the time I was thinking. How can I set up another project here ”
The wet weather wasn’t Ryad’s only challenge. The language barrier and a vastly overqualified CV made it difficult to find work. Eventually. Ryad volunteered at the Huddersfield Beekeepers' Association, but he was still without a colony of his own. Finally, Facebook brought him into contact with a woman in Manchester who was willing to donate an entire colony of rare British black bees.
“In one year. I was able to split the colony she gave me into seven. I realised that the beekeeping project could become very profitable and successful in the UK.”
Soon. Ryad found himself with 17 hives, but he wasn't finished yet. His inner teacher was itching to get out .Through City of Sanctuary, a British refugee charity, Ryad began to run beekeeping workshops for refugees and job seekers. The Buzz Project was born.
Today, the Buzz Project houses 14 hives, where Ryad shares his expertise. It has started to bear fruit. Last year, they produced-half ton of honey (around 1,000 jars). But for Ryad, the most important thing is bringing people together.
. "We have local people, job seekers and volunteers, in addition to refugees. All of them work together doing the same job. The exchange between the groups, the information and skills, helps them integrate very well and improve their language skills” he says.
24.Why did Ryad come to England
A.To keep bees. B. To do research.
C. To seek shelter. D. To run business.
25.Which factor posed a challenge to Ryad at first
A.The hot weather. B. His poor English.
C.His inadequate qualification. D. The cultural differences
26..What's the meaning of the underlined part
A.He wanted to share his beekeeping skills.
B.He decided to establish a beekeeping school.
C.He wanted to expand his business.
D.He decided to find a teaching job.
27.Which of the following can best describe Ryad's character
A. Persistent and charitable B. Ambitious and reliable.
C.Curious and responsible. D. Independent and respectably
You may have heard about Amadeus Mozart, a classical composer from the 18th century. But have you ever heard about the Mozart effect
The Mozart effect first came to be known to the public in 1993. A study published in the journal Science found that children who listened to Mozart’s music, for ten minutes showed a clear improvement in spatial (空间的) reasoning tests than those who listened to other sounds that can help people relax. Another study also examined the long-term effects of Mozart on the brains of kids. A group of 3- to 4-yeard-old kids were given music lessons for six months. After the lessons, the performance of the kids on a spatial reasoning test saw 30 percent improvement as compared to children who undertook other training or no training at all for that long.
As a result of these studies, the popularity of Mozart’s music has grown. Some schools in the US started to play Mozart to children, and it even led the southern state of Georgia to provide babies with free Mozart CDs. And the findings further showed the importance of music in the cognitive development of children.
Now we know the Mozart effect shows playing Mozart benefits brain development. But how does that happen The classical music pathways in the brain and the neural (神经的) trails we use for spatial reasoning are quite alike. When we listen to classical music or learn to play this kind of music, especially Mozart’s music, the spatial pathways in the brain are stimulated (刺激) and prepared for use. This makes the mind more active, leading to more intelligence.
As parents, you do not need to wait until your kid is in primary school to start music lessons. Most children between the age of four and five are ready to start learning the basics of music. Early intervention (干预) can help your baby grow into a smart adult, besides improving his or her academic performance and life skills.
28.What can we learn about children listening to Mozart’s music
A.They show great interest in creating music.
B.They could perform spatial tasks better.
C.They find his music difficult to understand.
D.They could hold their attention much longer.
29.The author introduces the Mozart effect mainly by ________.
A.explaining data B.stating arguments
C.providing research results D.analyzing experts’ words
30.Why is classical music beneficial to brain development
A.It makes the mind calm and clear.
B.It fixed some damage to neural trails.
C.It helps awaken some hidden memories.
D.It causes the brain’s spatial pathways to start to work.
31.What are parents advised to do to help their children be smart adults
A.Train children to form good learning habits.
B.Develop an interest in music themselves.
C.Perform music with children as much as possible.
D.Get children to start music lessons early on.
The world is getting greener. That’s according to Robert Mike. He has been mining data collected by an orbiting NASA camera that monitors green vegetation on the earth’s surface, day by day. He showed that the amount of our planet’s land surface covered by green leaves increased these years. Robert Mike was able to find what caused leaf cover to increase or decrease. In some places, change in leaf cover actually resulted from weather and climate changes. The growing season is getting longer in some temperate areas, and the rising carbon dioxide levels may be producing bigger, leafier plants.
One large area of Brazil lost plants. “I personally checked the data, and that's because of drought,” Mike says. The most unusual changes were the result of human decisions in China and India though. Both countries have been getting a lot greener.
Molly Brown, a geographer, has seen this greening up close. “These are really good examples of how policy can really come into play,” she says. Brown says the greening of India comes from a huge expansion of irrigated agriculture: Instead of having just crops when it’s raining, they also have a whole six months of cropping and greenness when it’s not raining.
This version of greening isn’t really so great for the environment though. The irrigation drains (排出) groundwater:Vegetation is wiped away at harvest time and the extra fertilizer farmers use releases greenhouse gases.
In China, though, about half of the new leaf cover that Mike detected appears to be the result of a huge reforestation effort. It’s a government-sponsored attempt to prevent terrible dust storms that resulted from earlier deforestation. “They are really doing a good job,” Brown says. “They have a large and complete program of tree growing, tree planting and tree maintenance.”
32.What did Robert Mike get from the data
A.The amount of carbon dioxide. B.The extent of global warming.
C.The conditions of weather change. D.The causes of leaf cover change.
33.What does the underlined phrase “come into play” in paragraph 3 mean
A.Make a difference. B.Come to an end. C.Play a trick. D.Lose track.
34.What is the author’s attitude towards the way of greening in India
A.Confused. B.Doubtful. C.Unconcerned. D.Supportive.
35.How did China become greener according to the text
A.By planting more trees. B.By using fertilizer to grow crops.
C.By making full use of groundwater. D.By developing irrigated agriculture.
How to improve communication while wearing a mask
Eye contact
Facial expressions are the primary way people exhibit emotion. Happiness, sadness, disgust, fear and surprise can be communicated through facial expressions alone. ____36____. Fortunately, you can regain some control over communication by working with what you have left—the eyes. If you want to increase understanding with a masked individual, you should look them in the eyes, which may be easier said than done.
Use your body
You might be surprised how much information is conveyed by the body itself. For instance, when someone is happy, they stand up straighter and lift their head. ____37____.
Learning how people use their bodies to convey emotion may help reduce the uncertainty you feel when communicating with someone in a mask. ____38____. When engaged in a conversation, you can appear more attentive by turning your body toward the individual, leaning in or nodding.
Along with the actual words, you also use volume, tone and pauses to convey your message. For instance, a lower-pitched whisper may mean sadness or insecurity, whereas a higher-pitched shout could show anger or intensity. If you feel the need to speak louder, just be aware that raising your voice can alter the message you are trying to send. Changing the tone of your voice can change the whole conversation, so instead of increasing volume, try improving enunciation (清晰的发音).
By all means, continue the proper measures to keep yourself safe, but don’t ignore your relationships as a consequence. ____40____.
A.Keep your voice down
B.The impact of your voice
C.Just like any conversation, mistakes will be made
D.But when part of the face is masked, it becomes more difficult to recognize them
E.Social distance doesn’t have to mean socially distant
F.When they are sad, they drop their head
G.Become aware of your own body language, too
第三部分: 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I wasn’t the most popular kid in my freshman year—I mostly kept myself buried in a book alone. Ashley was very ____41____ from me. She was outspoken and fashionable. So you can ____42____ how surprising when we became friends! During that summer, we ____43____ and did everything together!
I looked up to Ashley, and wanted to be all of her. I even tailored my next-year ____44____ to her interests. Later, Ashley introduced me to her group of friends. I would ____45____ them around.
One day, arriving earlier at the classroom, I overheard what they were talking about. “She’s such a(n) ____46____ ,” one girl said. “She just follows you, but doesn’t have a ____47____ of her own.” This was the first time I had felt ____48____ . My eyes began to well with tears and my hands were ____49____ . I couldn’t stay there anymore.
I ran home and told my mother. The advice she gave was so _____50_____ , “Just be yourself and people will _____51_____ you for who you are.” It sounded so profound and I decided I was going to _____52_____ myself. Over the next month, I went through a lot of _____53_____ . I bought new clothes I wanted to wear. _____54_____ I began making new friends. I never just followed the crowd.
When I look back, I think of it as the year I grew up. Despite the pain I felt, it was a _____55_____ they had given me.
41. A. free B. absent C. different D. tired
42. A. memorize B. imagine C. observe D. refuse
43. A. hung out B. turned up C. showed off D. broke down
44. A. position B. research C. admission D. schedule
45. A. follow B. compare C. guide D. settle
46. A. hero B. enemy C. actress D. loser
47. A. determination B. personality C. competition D. presentation
48. A. nervous B. desperate C. heartbroken D. touched
49. A. shaking B. fighting C. spreading D. waving
50. A. formal B. simple C. modest D. serious
51. A. select B. praise C. like D. thank
52. A. convince B. control C. discover D. forgive
53. A. changes B. adventures C. hardships D. options
54. A. Obviously B. Originally C. Regularly D. Gradually
55. A. truth B. gift C. promise D. chance
Ambassadors and counselors ____56____ eight embassies in Beijing watched the Chinese dance drama Poetic Dance: The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting, at the National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing on Aug 13 and 14. The dance drama, ____57____ first show was at the same venue a year ago and ____58____ (become) one of the most successful dance dramas in China so far, was directed by Zhou Liya and Han Zhen, both from the China Oriental Performing Arts Group. ____59____ (perform) by dancers of the Beijing-based company, the dance drama ____60____ (inspire) by the classic Chinese painting, A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains, by the artist Wang Ximeng during the Song Dynasty. It is ____61____ (universe) acknowledged to be one of ____62____ (significant) works in the history of Chinese fine art history. The 11-meter-long scroll painting is a ____63____ (fantasy) record of people’s lives and the natural scenery of that time, ____64____ (mix) realism with creative imagination. “____65____ we want to display in the two-hour-long dance drama is the beauty of the painting and China’s landscape,” the creative team said.
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
66. 假定你是李华,是你校英语辩论组的成员。你们小组计划在一个月后举行一次关于“如何看待数字产品(digital devices)”的英语辩论赛。你打算邀请你班的外教Smith先生担任评委。请你给他写封邮件,内容包括:
Dear Smith,
Yours Sincerely
Li Hua
67. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
I was moving as fast as I could, stepping cautiously from rock to rock along the uneven jetty(栈桥). Far ahead, I could see the back of my brother’s sandy hair and the bright orange of his shorts.
“Too slow, sister!” I heard Sam yell as he hopped with ease.
“ I’ll show him,” I thought, and attempted a double jump. What a mistake! My left foot came down hard between the edges of two gray rocks. scraping my ankle.” “Ouch!” I yelled. I tried to wiggle(扭动) my foot out, but my shoe was stuck. I bent closer to the rock and that’ s when I saw it: a shiny, square shaped stone the color of water, attached to a glittery gold chain. It was just lying there on the wet sand, and a few seconds later it was in my pocket.
Sam squinted(眯着眼睛看) in the sun. Could he tell I was hiding the most perfect discovery of the summer I kept turning the treasure around in my pocket, pushing each corner of the square stone into my finger. I was dizzy, but I didn’t want Sam to notice. He liked to tell everybody my business.
“Ryan saved the mini cola bottle from the carnival! It happened to be perfect for sand art!
“Ryan wasted her allowance on salt and pepper shakers from the yard sale!” They were antique little pig and cost only 50 cents.
My family calls me their “little collector. Some mean kids at school call me “trash girl”.
Sam and I walked along the main street, the small buildings giving us a break from the sun. Through the window of the candy shop, I could see tubes of colorful jelly beans. A sign on the window’s glass read LOST: Gold and blue necklace. Very special. If found, call Chrissy at 555-9924.
Chrissy had drawn a crayon version of the necklace at the bottom of the poster. The necklace looked different from the one I clutched in my pocket, I decided. Rounder, bluer. The poster appeared old and weathered. It must have been put up months ago. We continued to walk, and I noticed four more posters. Someone must have returned that necklace by now, I thought.
Paragraph 1: O nce home, I placed the neclace in my special spot for special things, lost in thought.
Paragraph 2: Fifteen minutes later, I was siting across from Chrissy in the candy shop.
1-5 ACAAC 6-10 CBACB 11-15 ABCAB 16-20 CBABC
21-23 DBC 24-27 DDAA
28-31:BCDD 32-35:DABA
41-45 CBADA 46-50 DBCAB 51-55 CCADB
41. from 42. whose 43. has become
44. Performed 45. was inspired 46. universally
47. the most significant 48. fantastic 49. mixing 50. What
Dear Smith,
I’m Li Hua, a member of our school’s English debate group. Our group plans to hold an English debate on how to view Digital Devices in one month . So I am writing to invite you to be the judge for the coming debate.
Organised by our school , the debate will be held in the school Conference Hall on May 16th, which will start at 9:00 am and last till 11:00am. Present at the debate will be 2 headmasters of the school and some English teachers and students. I believe the significance of attending the activity will be of great benefit. Not only can you promote the language ability, the ability to respond to emergencies on the spot, but also you can boost your the team spirit and exercise the psychological quality.
I would appreciate it if you could accept our invitation. Looking forward to your early reply.
Yours Sincerely
Li Hua
Once home, I placed the necklace in my special spot for special things, lost in thought. So far, there were a variety of things like mini cola bottles and shakers. I stared at the stone, so clean and polished. Could it be Chrissy’s Was it a very special necklace Should I return it to her I paced back and forth in the room anxiously, not knowing what to do. Having struggled for a long time, I finally decided to call the number on the poster and get in touch with Chrissy. I told her that I might have something that belonged to her and made an appointment with her. ( 93)
Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting across from Chrissy in the candy shop. We were drinking milkshakes and sharing an order of sweet potato fries. Looking at the blue stone in her hand with her tearful eyes, she told me that the necklace was a gift from her mom before she got sick and she was grateful to me for returning the necklace to her. “Holding onto it somehow makes things a little better.” she said. I couldn’t agree more with her. It dawned on me that I became “ a treasure girl” instead of “a trash girl” called by the mean kids at school.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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